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52.27% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2231: MOMS NUDE PICTURES


I'm not going to tell you that my mother is one of those statuesque gorgeous mature women that teenage boys are supposed to lust after, because she's not. I've more chance of building a rocket in the back garden and flying to the moon than she has of appearing on the cover or even back page of any men's magazine or being head-hunted by some modelling agency.

She is your typical, common or garden, housewife and mother. With her slightly rounded face and mousey coloured hair cut and bobbed, I suppose she is pretty enough, but she is never going to set the world alight. Her bosom is more than ample, definitely a good handful there, unfortunately, so too is her belly, thighs and arse.

At just over five and a half feet tall, I would call her small and dumpy or rotund rather than tall, slim or svelte. But at the end of the day, she is my mother and I love her to bits. Have I ever thought of her in a sexual context? You have got to be joking, why at eighteen would I be interested in a middle-aged, thirty-eight-year-old plump woman and especially one who happens to be my mum.

Honestly! I have never thought of her like that. I have always had girlfriends, slim, firm bodied young women eager to share my bed whenever I had the need and I suppose it would have carried on like that until such time that I found someone special and decided to get married. But then and much to my astonishment, a particular Sunday evening happened.

There was nothing on the television, so I had retired to my bedroom and my laptop as I clicked through various porn sites. 'My God,' I was thinking, there were some exceptionally attractive young women out there, all too eager to display their bodies on the various pages. Clicking on pictures brought up photo-sets and on some occasions, other websites, and then suddenly I was on a webpage where each of the thumbnails was of a middle-aged woman.

Perhaps it was curiosity that made me click on that first picture. Dressed, I wouldn't have given her a second glance out in the street. But as she undressed in the sequence of pictures, there was actually something quite alluring about her body. She was mature and rounded, overweight and sagging in places, but that final shot of her laid on a bed with her legs open wide and pussy gaping suddenly caused a reaction beneath the covers.

Clicking on each thumbnail in turn, I started to admire those mature older woman as I worked my way through that first screen. Surprisingly, I found my hand had slid beneath the sheets as ever so slowly I teased my flesh. Page one finished, I moved to page two, totally engrossed now as each new non-descript elderly female increased my arousal.

Reaching the middle line of that second screen, a thumbnail on the bottom row suddenly caught my attention, strangely, that tiny picture looked very much like my mother. Clicking on it, I waited for the new page to open and then let out a startled gasp. 'Holy Fuck!'

Either mum had a twin out there that she knew nothing about, or the pictures were unmistakably her. Over a selection of ten pictures, she was disrobing as she looked coyly at the camera. I couldn't believe it as picture after picture showed her undressing and exposing her womanly bits. "Curvaceous Claire", the title read, my eyes glued to that final picture of her laid across a couch, her legs open wide as she cupped and forced her large breasts upwards.

Astonished and with my mind in a daze, I hurriedly closed the page, only to return to it seconds later, finding that I couldn't stop looking at her naked. And then it struck me, these were not pictures perhaps taken years ago by my father before their divorce. The more I studied the pictures, the more I realised that they must have been taken recently because she looked all of her years. Despite my shock, what she got up to was none of my business and I tried to ignore them as I carried on, feeling that I should not be looking at pictures of my mother in a state of undress, but I was continually drawn back to the sight of her nudity.

The thing that was really surprising me was that I was not finding the pictures of her distasteful or revolting. If anything, I was finding them arousing, my hand moving faster and faster up and down my shaft as I imagined myself sinking my cock into her cunt and fucking her. I came as a gush of semen spurted across my belly, my eyes focusing on her inviting vagina as I imagined my cock filling her with my cream.

Afterwards, I felt disgusted. Not at my mother for baring all, but at myself for having fantasied about shagging her. Slamming the laptop lid down I grabbed some tissues and cleaned the cum off my stomach, but no matter how hard I tried to forget what I had just done, my mind kept returning to it.

Opening the laptop once more, I returned to the webpage and for some unfathomable reason, downloaded each of her pictures.

"Curvaceous Claire naked" I typed into the search engine, hundreds of hits popping up on the screen. One by one I trawled through them, searching diligently for any more pictures of her. I was still searching when I heard her come up to her bedroom, for a moment imagining her undressing as I went back to scouring the webpages.

I wasn't having any luck and so changed tact, searching for amateur mature women. Honestly, it's surprising how many sites were out there as I went from one to another. Eventually, I gave up, I had college in the morning and a glance at my bedside clock told me it was late. It was a restless night, lurid dreams and images filling my head. The next day at college was no better, I couldn't concentrate and wanted the lectures over with so that I could return home and continue my search of the internet once more.

Once tea was out of the way, I immediately retired to my room, giving mum the excuse that I had some studying to do. Over the next hour and a half, I browsed one site after another, all to no avail. No matter what I typed in the enquiry box, the pictures I had come across seemed to be the only ones. And then I got lucky.

"Lucious Lisa". It was definitely her but under a different name. Bit by bit over several more hours I discovered numerous photo-sets of her displaying her charms. All of them seemed to have been photographed in a similar vein as she undressed and touched herself using either her fingers or a dildo and I surmised that perhaps they had been taken over the last couple of years, judging by her age in each group of pictures. By the end of my search, I can tell you that I had a raging boner in my pants.

And then came the icing on the cake as I came across a video clip, my eyes going wide and my mouth hanging open as I watched my mother getting fucked.

I just couldn't help myself as I quickly undressed and replayed the clip, wanking furiously as I watched mum getting shagged. Whoever the man was, the camera purposefully never caught a clear view of his face, but he certainly seemed to be pleasing her. She squealed continuously as his cock sank into her flesh while my hand ran up and down my throbbing shaft until the dam burst and a large spurt of cum covered my stomach and chest.

Cleaned up and in my pyjamas, there was no disgust this time, just a determination to find out where the pictures and clip were being hosted from and if there was more. I knew instantly that I couldn't say anything to her, how do you even start to approach something like that? 'Hi mum, I've come across pictures of you naked while I've been looking at porn sites and I've seen a clip of you getting fucked.' I think not.

Ashamedly, my thoughts had suddenly turned to the wish of having sex with her as I became infatuated with my mother's body. But how do you start that type of conversation? 'Oh, by the way, mum, would you mind if I fucked you?' As if that was ever going to happen.

Over the course of that week, I became obsessed with finding out which website the pictures had originally come from. I browsed site after site looking for clues, "Curvaceous Claire" seemed to be the latest name she was using but found other instances with the same pictures but using another name, none of which was close to her true name of "Emily".

And then, at last, I found it, a member-only site that was going to cost me to join. Filling in fictitious details, I picked a username and password and after making a payment, I was in. Perusing the site, I found several surprises, the first was that I encountered more clips of my mother either getting fucked or enjoying a lesbian experience. Another surprise was that as I went from profile to profile, I encountered at least four women from our town that I knew and that were some of my mother's acquaintances.

The greatest surprise was saved till last, just as I was about to give up for the evening. "Tessa Tease" was the name beneath a profile and a set of pictures. I seemed to stare at the screen for ages, astonished at what I had found. I knew the woman's real name which was Molly Hardman, and she was living four doors down the road from my house.

She and my mother had always been thick as thieves, either she was around at our house or my mother was at her house each day. Every Friday or Saturday night they would go out together down to the social club or out with their other friends in town. It seemed that I had known Molly almost as long as I had known my mother, she had been one of those constants in my life so far.

I saw her nearly every day and she was always dressed the same, normally a t-shirt or blouse with an old cardigan on top and usually a pair of slacks. When occasionally she wore a dress, it was always below her knees and was what I would call a "mumsy" sort of affair.

Molly looks-wise, is plain, with her ruddy complexion and lived-in face topped with curly blond hair. I guessed she was in her early to mid-forties but from her looks and the way she dressed you got the impression that she was at least ten years older than she was. Which was why I was so astonished as I looked at her pictures. Despite her looks and hidden below all those frumpy clothes was a body that would not have looked out of place on a twenty-something. She had full ripe breasts with no discernible sag, a stomach as flat as any of the girlfriends I'd had and legs that went on forever. Body-wise, she was gorgeous and a real stunner, just a shame about the face which looked a little like the backend of a cow in action. And yet, without hesitation, I knew that given the chance, I would bed her in an instant.

I couldn't help myself as before finishing for the night, I pushed my pyjama bottoms down and massaged the tight flesh of my already erect cock. I teased it while gazing at pictures of Molly naked and imagining that it was her hand wrapped around my shaft as I massaged her magnificent tits. This time I caught my cum in a tissue which saved me having to get up to clean myself off, wondering if there would ever be a chance of getting into her knickers.

I hadn't the confidence to confront either her or my mother, it was better for the moment that neither of them realised what I had found. Studying her profile page, besides the ability to leave a comment, most of which were crude, to say the least, there was also a way of leaving a private message.

Typing quickly and nervously, I just wrote, 'Have seen you on several occasions, Molly. Never realised what a fantastic body you have. Luv Randy Rick.'

"Randy Rick" was the username I had picked as a laugh and hopefully the message was just enough to perhaps pique her interest. Switching off, I turned out the light and settled down, wondering whether she would reply or if she got plenty of messages like that and just ignored them.

I checked each evening after that, usually, once I had wanked myself off to clips or pictures of my mother or especially Molly. Nearly five days had passed before I found a message in my inbox. It was short and to the point, 'Do I know you?' I didn't want to write back too quickly or show my hand to soon, so I left it a day or two before replying, 'You maybe know of me. I just wanted to say that your pictures are stunning, and you have a gorgeous figure. RR.' I hit the submit button and wondered if she would reply.

I didn't have long to wait this time, getting a return message within the hour, 'Where do you live?' It was becoming a game as I typed a brief answer, 'The same town as you!' The reply was almost immediate, 'What's your name, you seem to know mine.'

'That must remain a mystery for the moment,' I wrote, 'I don't wish to cause any embarrassment. I just wanted to say that I find your pictures highly erotic and arousing.'

There was a pause of perhaps thirty minutes which left me wondering if she was having second thoughts about our communication. 'You don't seem to have put any pictures online yet. Are you married?' The message popped through once more.

'Sorry, I'm still trying to organise some pictures as I've only just joined the site. And no, I'm not married, yet. I promise to send you one when I get some taken. It's been very nice to speak to you, perhaps we could do it again sometime. RR.'

I sent the message through and waited, but nothing more was forthcoming that evening. As I snuggled down that night, my mind was a hive of activity. I knew exactly what kind of pictures she was referring to and I was trying to work out how I could take some of myself without giving away who I was.

Quite a lot of the male photo's on the website were of middle-aged or older men and quite frequently just shots of the genital area. I wanted to get something that showed all of me but without disclosing my face. Now don't get me wrong, I'm nothing special, just a normal teenager with a normal cock. I'm not built like a donkey or anything, but I have never had any complaints in that department. Having never been a hairy person, I decided to shave my pubes off as all the male participants in the clips I watched had done the same, and it made their cocks look bigger.

When the weekend came, Saturday was a warm sunny day, so grabbing my digital camera I set off for a brief walk into the fields and countryside that surround the small town I lived in. Once there, I balanced the camera on a fence stoop, paced away from it and dropped a twig on the ground. Returning to the camera, I put it on the timer and moved back to my marker and waited for it to click.

I had to do it several times until I worked out the correct distance that would give a full body shot but still show enough detail. The spot I had picked was secluded enough, but hopefully, the background would show some of the town and the church spires so that Molly would know that I lived in the same vicinity.

The very thought of what I was about to do was arousing, my cock springing up and standing to attention as I quickly undressed, set the timer and retreated. Over the next hour, I got about a dozen shots, frequently dressing and undressing lest anyone wandered in my direction. Satisfied with what I had, I headed back towards home.

With the pictures downloaded, I ran them through a program and created a swirl over my face on each photo before uploading them to the website under my profile. The best one I saved till last. My body looked good and if I say so myself, my shaft looked bigger than I thought it would. This was the one that I sent to Molly. I knew she wouldn't reply yet because she and my mother were out in town shopping.

Saturday evening, she and my mother were out together, and I was in town with the girlfriend and some mates so did not expect a reply until maybe Sunday or at least the next week. It had been a great evening and I was home in bed, it was late but unable to sleep, I was browsing the website. Suddenly a message popped through, 'Thank you for the picture. You look youngish. How old are you?'

I typed a quick reply, 'Your welcome. And in response to your question, let's just say that I'm old enough to appreciate an attractive woman.'

Her reply came back just as quick, 'Pity I can't see your face, but the rest of you looks very interesting. By the way, I noticed the background.'

It felt that I had her hooked, enough to make a suggestion as I typed my reply, 'Thank you, glad I don't disappoint. Perhaps one day when we get to know each other better we could have a coffee?'

Her next message was short, 'Perhaps, goodnight for the moment.'

The next two weeks were quiet, I would leave brief comments against any pictures she put up, but other than that, there was no communication between us, and I was starting to think that I had shit out. I saw Molly most days, only now I found myself watching her closely each time she was around at our house. It was hard to reconcile my feelings. With both women sat in the kitchen gossiping, I felt no different about them than I had always done and there was nothing about either of them that sexually attracted me. But the minute I looked at their naked bodies, I wanted to fuck them both. I'd given up all hope of anything happening when a message popped through one evening.

'Perhaps we could get that coffee. Am I the only one that you recognised?' She had written.

Immediately I typed back, 'No. There were some others that I recognised who live locally. I have seen you and "Curvaceous Claire" out together in town. A coffee would be nice.'

Molly told me a date, a time and a place, to which I readily agreed. It was only once we had said goodnight that the implications kicked in and left me feeling scared. This wasn't someone of my own age, someone who I had plenty in common with and who I could easily impress. This was a mature woman, older than my mother, a woman who had been around the block a few times and who, from her video clips, had entertained more than a few men. Scared I suppose was the wrong word, it left me now feeling petrified.

The date and time were not a problem and the place she had suggested was easy enough, it was in the next larger town a few miles away and where I went to college. Our meet was a week away and, in that time, I lost track of the occasions that I suddenly decided to "chicken out". What would I say to her? Would she take one look at me and laugh, let's face it, at the end of the day, compared to her, I was still a schoolkid.

On the night before our mid-week meeting, I was still in two minds as to whether I could actually go through with it. Logging onto the web site, the laptop pinged to signify I had a private message. Presuming it was from Molly and that she couldn't make the rendezvous, I felt relieved as I opened it and then found my stomach lurching.

It wasn't from Molly, it was from "Curvaceous Claire", my mother, and spelt out in crude coarse language exactly what she would like to do to me and what she wanted me to do to her.

'Holy shit' I was thinking, I had forgotten about the pictures that I had submitted under my profile for other members to browse, and now I'd had a reply, from my own mother!

Please, be honest, what would you do? You want to fuck your mother and she has just told you plainly what she wants to do with you. The only trouble is, she does not know your true identity. Do you just come out and say something, do you drop hints, do you write back and tell her that you are her son? To me, it was an impossible conundrum and one that I wasn't capable of processing at that moment.

Wednesday, I only had lectures in the morning which left me with plenty of time before I met with Molly at two o'clock. I hung around college for a while before making my way to the café she had related, getting there early so that I could mingle on the opposite side of the street and watch her arrive. It was a good job I was watching intently because the woman that arrived was the Molly from the pictures and not the one that regularly visited my house.Dressed in a short bomber style tight jacket which emphasised her breasts and a skirt short enough to display her fantastic legs she had applied make-up and looked reasonably attractive. If I hadn't seen her pictures, I wouldn't at first have recognised her. Giving her time to get herself a coffee and get seated, my heart was pounding in my chest as I sauntered across the road and entered the premises.

Trying not to notice her at first, I grabbed a coffee and turned around, looking for somewhere to sit. Spotting her over in the corner, I made a beeline for her table and plonked my cup down opposite her. 'Hi, Molly, what brings you into town?' She looked startled as she recognised me instantly.

Molly stared at me, embarrassed and nervous as I saw her glance at her watch. 'What are you doing here Simon?' she asked. I prattled on about finishing my lectures and always coming here for coffee as she continually glanced at her watch and out of the window. I could feel that she would really have liked me to disappear but what could she say that would not sound suspicious.

As the time of her liaison came and went, she fidgeted in her chair, her conversation sporadic as I knew she had other things on her mind. If anything, it made me feel more confident, knowing that she was feeling just as nervous as I was. 'I had better get going,' she said at last when it became obvious to her that the person, she thought she was meeting was not turning up.

She was halfway out of her chair when I spoke, 'That's a pity, Tessa, just as I was getting to know the real you.'

Molly stopped abruptly, only half stood as her mouth dropped open and she gawped at me, the penny suddenly dropping. And then it was as though someone had kicked her legs from beneath her as she slumped back into the chair and uttered miserably, 'Oh God.'

I was trying to look serious and concerned as she sat there for several minutes, just staring in my direction until finally, she managed to find her voice. 'How did you find out? How long have you known?'

Over the next twenty minutes, I explained how I had first come across pictures of my mother, Molly looking embarrassed and her face going red as I described them. Then how I had managed to track down the website and the submissions by other women in the town including her own. 'What are you going to do?' She asked nervously.

Looking at her quizzically, I shook my head, 'I'm not going to do anything. That's not why I am here. What I wrote in our messages was perfectly true, you have a fantastic body. I just don't understand why you hide it under those frumpy clothes. And lastly, I do find you highly arousing.'

It was strange, I'd imagined her to be confident while I would be a nervous wreck, in fact, it was just the opposite. It felt that I was in charge of the proceedings while she seemed to be at a loss as to what to say or do. Perhaps it was that confidence that allowed me to say what I did.

'I'm here because I find you sexually attractive and if you ever gave me the chance, I would love to take you to bed.' There, I'd said it, the words were out as Molly just continued to sit there looking stunned.

'But... but... b.'

I interrupted before she got another word out. 'But I'm Emily's son? But I'm so young, still a kid? But why would I? I've explained why, yes I'm young, but that does not stop me finding you attractive or masturbating over your pictures.'

That final bit brought her out of her trance-like state and to something like normality. The longer we chatted, the more she relaxed as she explained that the website was for swingers and pick-ups if members so desired and where they could sell film clips and photo's if they wanted to. Molly clips were always done by her husband, 'He's more of a watcher than a performer,' she told me in confidence. 'I'm the one that normally photographs or films your mother, I don't think she was confident enough to let my hubby do it. Has anyone contacted you?' She asked me.

I nodded my head. 'Locally?' She asked. I nodded my head again. 'Someone, you know?' I just kept nodding my head to each question, a wry smile on my lips until she finally asked, 'Who?'

It was a one-word answer as I sat back and watched the astonishment on her face. 'Claire.'

She seemed to find it horrific and hilarious at the same time. 'Your mother has contacted you?' I nodded my head again before telling her the comments my mother had sent me as Molly tried to suppress her laughter.

'Oh my God, you wouldn't, would you?' she asked. I didn't answer straight away, more or less raising my eyebrows and letting my face tell her what I was thinking. 'Bloody hell, you have considered it, haven't you?' I nodded my head imperceptibly.

For whatever reason, Molly seemed to find that an irresistible turn on. 'Listen, Simon, I need to think about this, it has come as something of a shock. You do realise what you are asking?' I nodded my head, waiting for her to laugh it off and refuse my request.

'Normally, I would discuss it with Bill.' Bill was her husband. 'He is the one who does the filming and likes to watch. But on this occasion, I think I will keep your request a secret while I think about it,' she told me with a sly smile which warmed the cockles of my heart. At least it hadn't been a 'No.'

We sat for a little longer before Molly offered me a lift back in her car which allowed us to carry on talking, eventually dropping me back in town. At home, I tried to treat it as a normal day, doing the odd jobs for mum before tea and then disappearing to my room. It wasn't that I did not want to be downstairs with her, it was that I was afraid that I may let something slip. Also, with the meeting with Molly now having taken place, I was back to feeling nervous and sick again as I waited for her decision.

In the café, I'd found myself in command of the situation. But at our next meeting, if she said 'yes,' we would be back on equal footing and I began to wonder if I could satisfy her. To help distract my mind, I logged on and replied to my mother's message. Perhaps I should just have written 'Thanks, but no thanks.' Instead, I went into graphic detail as I told her what I would like to do to her, finding it thrilling and arousing to be able to use words and descriptions which I could never say to her face.

I posted the message and then allowed myself to become immersed in other sites, eventually hearing my mother come upstairs. I have never realised she had a laptop, but she must have one, because ten minutes after her door closed, my laptop pinged with a return message.

'I would love to let you do those things to me. I'm currently lying on my bed naked and thinking about you.' She had written.

Bounding from my bed, I locked the door and undressed, laying naked as I typed back, 'I am as well. I'm looking at pictures of you as I stroke my erect shaft.' My mind and body were alive with images and sensations as I typed the words, knowing they were going to my mother laying in the next room

Within seconds, back came a reply, 'My clit is so sensitive tonight, I'm rubbing it now and imagining that it's your fingers.'

I had a picture of her in the top corner of the screen, a large black dildo firmly embedded in her cunt as I replied once more. 'I'm sure it would feel nicer if it were my cock rubbing against your clit, just before I slid it into your fanny.'

I glanced at the single wall separating our bedrooms, imagining my mother on the other side of it naked and playing with herself. My cock was ridged as I slid my hand up and down its length, rubbing the pre-cum into its bulbous head and arousing myself further.

'Oh God, I would love that. I'm having to make do with my fingers at the moment. My pussy's so wet for you. I wish you were here fucking me.' It flashed up on my screen at the same time as I'm sure I heard moans of pleasure come from the room next door.

I'd forgotten all about my nervousness and Molly, as my hand flew faster up and down my shaft. If only I dared to make that short walk.

'Close your eyes and imagine it's my cock shagging you. My hands squeezing your beautiful tits as my mouth sucks on those large button nipples.' I hit the submit button to fire the message off. The house was so quiet now that I was sure I could hear moans and groans of pleasure coming from my mother's room.

'I'm nearly there,' she replied as I imagined the slopping noises as she pounded her cunt. 'You're making me cum.'

I couldn't last any longer, her picture and my imagination culminating in my cock jerking rapidly as spunk flew from its tip, spurt after spurt.

'You have made me cum all over my stomach,' I wrote. 'I wish it were your tits and fanny that it was covering and that I could rub it into you.'

There was a loud moan, suddenly cut off from my mother's room and I imagined her quivering on her bed as she climaxed, and her juices flowed.

'You made me orgasm and it felt so good. We must do this again soon. Goodnight. XX'

Why could I not pluck up the courage and go next door? It was obvious that we wanted each other. The truth was, that she did not know that it was her son that had just helped her achieve her climax and she would be horrified if she did.

Over the next two weeks, even though I saw Molly nearly every day, she treated me no differently than she had ever done. I'd had no messages from her and again I'd begun to imagine that the risk of what I'd proposed was too great. In that time, I'd had three virtual sexual encounters with my mother as we lay in our separate rooms and teased and aroused each other until we both climaxed.

Having reached the point of giving up hope of anything ever happening, I was surprised one Wednesday afternoon when with my mother out of the house, Molly popped around. 'Your mum has been telling me about her online sexual encounters with Randy Rick,' she said with a laugh. 'You are a very naughty boy.'

She smiled shyly as she began to unbutton her cardigan which had been fastened tightly up to her throat. As each button was undone, I could see flesh beneath until at last she reached the final button and opened it wide. There wasn't time for me to be nervous as I gazed at those glorious orbs of flesh, her nipples already hard and erect as she advanced on me.

My hand came up to cup one, her nipple pushing into my palm as our lips came together. At that moment, I couldn't have cared less what she looked like. The kiss was sweet, intense and exhilarating. Her breast was as full and firm as I'd imagined as I massaged the flesh and tweaked her nipple, my confidence boosted as a growl of unimaginable pleasure rose from her throat.

It had taken seconds for my shaft to expand and harden as I pushed it against her mound and belly, making it obvious what I wanted to do to her. That seemed to seal the deal as she pushed back, her hand going down as she frantically rubbed the front of my pants, scrabbling to undo the waist button and slide the zip down.

Today was the first time in years that I'd seen her wear a skirt in my house and as she pulled me towards the couch and hoisted it, I now understood why because beneath it she was knicker-less. Plonking herself down she opened her legs wide, her pussy already open and moist as I dropped my pants and shorts and knelt between her open thighs.

It took no effort at all to slide inside her fanny, Molly letting out a guttural cry as my shaft filled her passage. I was so intent on devouring her body that it mattered little to me if my mother decided to return at that moment, my focus was only on fucking and satisfying the sensual body that my cock was plunging into.

Taking it as slow as I could, I knew I had to make it last. Remembering the clips of her getting fucked, I would do myself no favours if I shot my load within seconds of being inside her.

Concentrating on pushing all thoughts and sensations from my mind, I built up a steady rhythm, my cock plunging in and out of her now wet cunt. My hands massaged her beautiful tits, my fingers twisting and rolling her nipples between them. Leaning forward, I took each one in turn into my mouth as I sucked and ran my tongue over and around her areola before nipping each teat between my teeth.

With my cock still pumping into her, her cries and groans got louder, especially as I knelt upright once more and ran my fingers over her clit. Pushing back its hood, I exposed her sensitive little bud, teasing it as I applied slight amounts of pressure and watching as her eyes went glassy and her face turned red.

Her body went taut, the veins on her neck standing proud as she stared at me with unseeing eyes and climaxed. 'Fuck... fuck... fuck me, oh yes, that's so good.'

Her body visibly shook as my cock continued to ram her pussy until at last, she asked me to pause for a minute while she recovered. If nothing else, I had accomplished the thing that I had dreaded, I had made her climax. I could relax and enjoy whatever came next, I had proved I was more than a kid.

'Take your t-shirt off, I want to see you,' Molly requested. I pulled it over my head, my shaft still buried deep inside her quim as I made it twitch several times. Nearly naked now, she gazed at my torso, her hands stroking my chest and stomach as they wandered over my body.

'Will you kiss me?' She asked.

Leaning forward, I could feel her breast pushing against my chest as our lips came together. Running my fingers through her hair, I caressed her face as our mouths ground together. The kiss was intense and arousing, my hips beginning to move once more as I fucked her ever so slowly. Molly may never be a looker, but she was every inch a woman who knew how to use her body.

Finally, I asked her to move as she joined me on the floor, and I got rid of my pants and shorts. With her hands and arms resting on the couch, I took her from behind, doggy fashion, my hands reaching around and cupping her pendulous breasts. I was surprised at the weight of them as I squashed them together before pulling at her nipples, my shaft spearing her all the while as I built her arousal once more.

I had youth on my side, but she had experience on hers as she showed me where and how to touch her so that I could elicit the greatest amount of pleasure. With both of us careering headlong towards our ultimate goal, my hips were slamming into her firm perfect buttocks as my shaft penetrated her passage, squelching noises filling the room with each thrust.

And then she was calling out as she climaxed once more, her voice rising and falling, especially as she felt my cock jerk and I filled her cunt with my hot semen. Exhausted and with tired muscles, I supported myself on outstretched arms as Molly slumped forward on the couch. The room was silent except for the sound of both of us panting. When finally, my flaccid cock slipped from her vagina, I slumped to the floor and sat next to her as she recovered.

'Give me a chance to rest and then we can fuck again,' I was thinking as she moved and joined me on the floor, our backs propped against the couch. Her head turned as she looked at me, her eyes sparkling as she continued to breathe heavily. I'd never asked a girl, but on this occasion, I suddenly felt the need to, 'I didn't disappoint did I. Did I do enough to get another chance?'

Her face went from a look of surprise and disbelief before changing to a huge grin. 'Well, well, well, you're a dark horse. You would really like to do that again?' I just nodded my head dumbly.

'Why wouldn't I?' I was thinking, she had been sensational, and I would give anything to see her undressed completely and, in a bed, where I could explore that perfect body of hers in minute detail.

Molly let out a soft laugh as she continued to look at my changing expressions, 'You really mean it, don't you?' Again, I just nodded dumbly until at last, I found my voice.

'What man wouldn't?' I asked seriously, which she seemed to find slightly comical. She never explained as we made ourselves decent and then it was time for her to leave before my mother returned.

'I promise next time that there will be a little more forethought and to get dressed up for you,' she said as our lips came together once more before she headed for her own house.

Little did either of us know, but that was the start of our affair. I don't think either of us had any intention at the beginning, it just seemed to happen. From things she told me over the next few weeks, she never said anything about our meetings to her husband and had no intention of doing so in the future. True to her word, we met frequently, and, on each occasion, Molly would dress in the same manner as she displayed in her pictures. Tight tops and short skirts, stockings and suspenders and half-cup bras and tiny panties.

She taught me much about making love to a woman, things that made my girlfriend suspicious at times as she enquired how I had become so much more adept in the bedroom. Two months in and Molly made a request one afternoon as we lay in bed together after having fucked each other brains out. 'I want you to get rid of your profile on the website.' She told me.

I hadn't added any more pictures to it, but there had been comments left and more than a couple of correspondences. 'But what about....' I'd begun to say. She interrupted before I had said the word 'Mum.' Despite my girlfriend and the frequent sex that Molly and I were having, there was still the virtual sex that took place between my mother and me regularly.

For some strange reason, it was something that I desperately wanted to happen. As wrong as it may be, the thought of making love to my mum had taken on greater urgency and was something I needed to get out of my system.

'You still want that to happen?' Molly asked. I nodded my head and tried to explain but I suppose to anyone but myself, the words did not make sense. 'Do as I ask and then leave the rest to me,' she said as I promised to close my profile.

That evening as I laid on my bed browsing the website, I heard mum come upstairs and then moments later a message popped up from her once more. 'Will you be around about eleven o'clock tonight, would love you to talk dirty to me again?' Even though earlier I had been pre-occupied with Molly, the thought of telling my mother what I fantasised about doing to her had me aroused once more

Mum worked part-time as a cleaner, and I always wondered how she managed the house and bills. The comment of Molly's about selling film clips now made sense, she had said that they did quite well out of the films and photo-sets.

One last time would not hurt I decided as I typed back, 'Already thinking about your delicious body and it's turning me on,' which was perfectly true. 'Will be around whenever you are ready, also something I need to tell you.'

I spent time downstairs with her that evening before declaring I was tired and that I was going to bed. It must have been nearly an hour later that she came upstairs as I listened to her door close and I slipped from my bed and locked my door.

My laptop pinged quietly as a message came through. Hi Rick, are you about yet?'

I typed back quickly, getting the bad news out of the way first, 'Good evening darling Claire. Unfortunately, this must be the last time for a short while as my partner is becoming suspicious and so I'm going to have to delete my profile. I completely understand if you don't want to continue tonight. Please rest assured that I am going to miss you terribly and regret that we have never managed to get together. I am deeply saddened that I have never had the chance to touch your tantalising body.'

There was a pause of several minutes as it felt like I could feel her disappointment seeping through our bedroom wall.'I quite understand Rick, you must do what is best. I will miss our little liaisons; they brightened my day each time. Say nice things to me if this is going to be our last time.' She replied.

And that is what I did, she was my mum and I loved her and so interspersed among the crudity's and the descriptions of the things I dearly wanted to do to her, I poured out my feelings for her as a person. While I vaguely heard her achieve her climax next door, I wasn't as inclined tonight to touch myself. I was going to miss this episode of my life as I wished her a goodnight, signed off and deleted my profile.

I noticed a difference in her for the next couple of days and then life went back to normal as she and Molly went about whatever they got up to when I wasn't around, and I went back to my girlfriend and my mates. As summer approached and the college term finished, my liaisons with Molly continued unabated as our relationship grew stronger.

That dreaded word slipped out one time as we fucked each other, leaving me stunned and wondering why I had uttered it. It was how I was beginning to feel about her as there was something completely satisfying and comfortable about being in her company.

It was afterwards that she commented, 'That was a nice thing to say, and just so that you know, my feelings for you are similar. But I'm happily married, and nothing can ever come of it. In ten- or fifteen years, you will still be young, and I will be an old woman. You may find that you feel completely different then.

'I am more than happy with what we have got, and I will always be here for as long as you want me. But it will never be more than that, we will never be completely together,' she finished. I felt sad but knew that what she said was, in fact, correct, no one could see what the future held.

It was the middle of my summer break and my mother had let slip that Bill, Molly's husband, would be away for a couple of days. He drove goods-vehicles for a living and normally was home each evening. But a driver had called in sick and his firm had asked him to do the run, as it was an overnight trip, the money was good, and he had agreed to do it.

I was already expecting the call from Molly, such an opportunity was too good to miss and I was looking forward to the prospect of maybe even being able to spend the entire night with her.

'Thursday, just after dinner. Can you pop round to my house?' she had asked me.

Of course, I agreed. Chances like this would be few and far between.

As far as I was aware, my mother was at work as I showered and got myself ready. She had shouted up that she had a couple of jobs to go to and I was confident that she would be away for the rest of the afternoon.

Emily sat in Molly's front room as her friend fussed about getting everything ready upstairs. It was Molly that had photographed and filmed her on many occasions, all being done in her spare bedroom which was decked out as a studio. It was a couple of days ago that she had informed her that she had arranged a meeting between "Curvaceous Claire" and "Randy Rick".

'You speak about him so much that I thought it was about time you met, and I filmed you together. I have a feeling it's going to be special.'

And so here she was feeling nervous and at the same time excited as she looked forward in anticipation at finally getting the chance to let him fuck her. She was dressed sexily, or as sexy as someone of her size could. Hold-up stockings, tiny-ish panties and a push-up bra completed her underclothes while she had chosen a skirt and a sheer white blouse to complete the outfit.

Molly was back downstairs, and they were just finishing a glass of wine when the doorbell rang, and Molly got up to answer it. She heard her friend say 'Hello' and invite the person in but could not see them until they entered the lounge.

Emily was stunned when her son entered, 'Are you looking for me Simon?' she asked immediately, feeling embarrassed even though she had done nothing wrong and hoping that the person she was expecting would be delayed. Her son was looking at her strangely and seemed to be as surprised and embarrassed as she was feeling.

They were both even more shocked and horrified as Molly spoke, 'Claire meet Rick... Rick this is Claire, but you already know that.'

There was complete silence in the room as they stared at each other, not knowing what to say. 'I'm going to disappear upstairs for a little while so that you two can talk, give me a call when you are ready,' Molly said as she left the room and closed the door.

The silence continued until his mother finally found her voice. She sounded upset, embarrassed and close to tears as she asked, 'Did you know who I was when I first messaged you.'

I nodded my head, 'Yes, I knew well before that,' as I explained how I had come across pictures of her naked.

I knew she was going to ask the question even though it was a little bit hypocritical and nonsensical. 'Why would you be looking at pictures like that?'

'Perhaps for the same reason that you decided to appear nude on a website. Who knows? It just happened.' I replied.

'All those things you described and wanted to do to me. Why?' She asked.

'What about the things that you wanted me to do to you. Was that any different?' I responded.

I couldn't argue with her answer. 'Yes! I did not realise who you were. You knew who I was, and you told me in very plain words what you wished you could do to me. Was it some kind of sick joke?'

Sitting next to her on the couch, she allowed me to hold her hand as I tried to explain everything that had taken place since all of this had begun. I explained how I found her attractive, how I found her sexually exciting. My thoughts each time as we messaged each other, knowing that she was in the next room and what she was doing.

'It was no joke mum. Ever since I came across those pictures of you, I have only ever wanted one thing and that was to make love to you. There isn't a day goes by where I do not imagine being in bed with you, touching you, having sex with you. I have dreamt about it so much recently.'

I was nearly in tears myself. I'd had no idea that Molly was going to drop a bombshell like this. I'd always hoped that it could happen, but that it would be accidentally, that mum would realise about my feelings bit by bit.

The comments and questions went back and forth, I think both of us had lost track of time and forgot that Molly was upstairs. There was still one comment or question that mum hadn't made, which surprised me because I would have thought it was the first thing she would have brought up.

Eventually, she did, as she asked, 'But why Simon, that's what I don't understand. Why do you want to go to bed with me, I'm your mum?'

I had never planned my answer because I never imagined a situation like this, the words just came on their own accord. 'No, you're not. My mother is called Emily and lives just down the road. You're called Claire, your pretty and sexy and you have a body that arouses me which is why I want to have sex with you.'

We had taken so long that Molly had got bored with waiting as she suddenly appeared in the lounge. 'What are you two waiting for?' She asked seriously as both mum and I just gazed at her.

I was ready for it to happen, though I had never planned on it being at Molly's house. I could tell that my mother was still undecided as she wrestled with her conscience.

'Look, you want him Emily and I know he wants you, what are you both waiting for. Just do it. I've got the camera set up ready.' Molly said.

Now it was my turn to feel reticent, I had never planned on it being here and I had definitely never considered being filmed. 'Can you give me a minute with your mum please Simon?' Molly asked. 'You know where the spare room is, go and wait up there for a minute.'

I did as I was told as I made my way upstairs. I'd never actually been in the spare room; Molly and I had always used one of the other rooms. The bedroom was bare except for a bed and couch at one end and a camera on a tripod and lights at the other end. I waited patiently until I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and then Molly entered the room.

'She had more questions and I've told her about us,' she said firmly. 'She will be up in a moment. Just try and act normally, the same way that you do with me and everything will be fine. Forget that I am here!'

'That's easier said than done,' I thought as I heard more footsteps coming up the stairs and then my mother entered the room. Molly placed us in front of the camera and near the bed before backing away. 'Just start whenever you are ready,' was all she said.

Mum and I stood looking at each other for what felt like an eternity until I decided that if one of us did not make a move, this was never going to happen.

Closing the distance between us, I cupped her face and ran my fingers through her hair. Moving closer still, I bent and allowed our lips to meet in that first exploratory kiss. It took her a moment to react before she began to kiss me back, the kiss growing in passion and arousal the longer it went on. She tasted sweet and my nose picked up the fragrance of her perfume, our mouths now locked together as our hands began to move over each other's bodies.

The feeling of arousal and excitement was so intense that I forgot all about Molly stood in the background. My cock was throbbing in my pants as I immediately thrust it against my mother's belly, intent on letting her know what she was doing to me as I gripped her ample buttocks and pulled her tightly against it.

Taking my hand, she placed it on her breast as she ground her mound and genitals against my erection. When at last we came up for air, nothing was going to stop what we both now knew was going to happen.

One by one she allowed me to unfasten the buttons of her blouse, her hand rubbing at the bulge in my pants as I exposed more and more of her flesh and then staring at the size of her breasts, still supported by the black bra as her bosom heaved up and down.

'Fuck,' they looked so inviting that I wanted to lose myself in them as I removed her blouse and pulled my t-shirt over my head. I watched as she reached behind her and unclasped her bra, waiting momentarily before she let it fall away. A slight smile played across her lips as she looked into my face and saw the adoration in my eyes as I pulled her tightly to me once more and felt her large naked breasts push against my bare chest.

Never before in my life had I wanted to fuck with such urgency. I kissed her again as my hand came up and I tried to cup her left breast. Hefting it in my hand, I massaged the flesh, rolling her large nipples between my fingers and thumb and feeling, rather than hearing, the growl in her throat.

We broke apart for a moment as she turned so that I could unzip her skirt. As she stepped out of it, I took the chance and divested myself of the rest of my clothing. Standing completely naked, my cock hard and erect bobbed and twitched with anticipation as I gave her a chance to look at me.

She seemed to like what she saw because seconds later she was back in my arms and at long last my wish was complete as her fingers curled around my shaft, pulling my skin tight as she gripped it. I slid my hand over her belly and downwards, past the edge of her panties and over her shaven mound until at last, I encountered her vagina.

She was different than either Molly or my girlfriend who both had protruding piss-flaps. My mother's vagina was a beautiful smooth slit which I delighted in running my finger along, eliciting cries of pleasure and arousal as her juices lubricated my digit.

It took very little pressure for it to slide inside her as I began fingering her, stooping as my mouth went to her teats to nip and suck on her hard nipples. All else was forgotten now as both of us gave in to our base instincts and the urge to fuck. Easing her towards the bed, she sat on its edge and lay back as I removed her panties and knelt between her open legs.

The heady aroma of perfume, powder and sex assailed my nostrils as my face moved closer to her vagina and I spread her lips, exposing the glistening moist pink interior. I partially heard her scream as my mouth clamped onto her cunt, her ample thighs gripping my head like a vice as my tongue penetrated her passage.

I licked, sucked, flicked and poked, my mouth and tongue devouring her vagina. Her hips bucked constantly, her body trying to roll as her arousal increased. With my hands roaming over her considerable belly, I took her clit between my lips, my tongue flicking out at it as I teased her and heard her roar as her first minor climax made her belly and tits wobble.

As I continued to gorge myself on her now wet cunt, she alternated between try to push me away and then grabbing my hair as she pulled my face tighter against her quim. My mother was extremely vocal, the coarseness of her language leaving me in no doubt that she was enjoying all that I was doing to her.

At last, I heard the words shouted at me, the pleading evident in her voice, 'Fuck me, Simon. Please, I want you to fuck me.'

I arose from the floor as she squirmed farther up the bed, her legs opening wide as she offered me her fanny. My shaft was rock hard, but at least my attention to her vagina had given me a chance to get my arousal under control. With wanton abandon, I knelt between her thighs, gazing down at her exquisite body for seconds before I pushed my cock downwards and rammed it into her.

Her upper body left the bed, her eyes staring at me as my cock filled her passage with that initial contact and then as she flopped back down, I began to fuck her.

All the weeks that we had teased each other paled into insignificance as my shaft slid in and out of her cunt. She might be mature and have been around a bit, but her vagina was still tight, her muscles gripping me each time my balls banged against her ample arse.

Never let it be said that plump women are not sexy. My mother was just as arousing as any of my girlfriends or Molly. There was something highly erotic in watching her belly wobble and her large tits bounce with each thrust of my hips.

By now I had built up a head of steam, I could tell she was drawing closer to her climax as I pounded her fanny and my hands gripped her continually moving breasts. I managed to time it to perfection as she wrapped her stocking legs around me, pulled me in deeper and howled her release, my cock jerking rapidly as I emptied my sack inside her, filling her cunt with my seed.

Slumped side by side and breathing heavily, it was only then that we both remembered about Molly. During our copulation, I vaguely remembered her moving around us with the camera but as we took pleasure from each other, I had forgotten all about her being there, so strong were my desires to have sex with my mother.

There were two things that I immediately noticed about her, first was the look of excitement in her eyes and secondly was the fact that she was naked. My arousal had been so intense that my cock was still standing erect as Molly approached the bed and joined us as she straddled my hips and lowered herself onto my cock.

I've never felt sensations like it. To have a woman bouncing on your cock whilst your mother lays next to you and watches was so thrilling and exciting it's impossible to describe. I turned my head and watched as she opened her legs and began rubbing at her clit and vagina. One of my hands massaged Molly's tits whilst the other fondled my mother's breast.

As Molly began to move up and down faster and mum inserted several fingers into her cunt as she frigged herself, I knew there was no chance of me lasting long, my body already peaking as I watched both women enjoying themselves. It was a good job Molly was already highly aroused because I came quickly as she reached her climax watching as my mother's face strained as she pushed herself over the edge and squirted her juices onto the covers.

I'll be honest, I was knackered, everything had been so extraordinary that it was going to be a while before I'd be able to perform again. At that moment all I wanted to do was sleep.

Eventually, Molly slid from me, sitting on the edge of the bed while my mother seemed to be dozing. Taking it in turns, we showered and dressed. The afternoon had passed in a flash and it was nearing tea-time as my mother and I made our way towards home. Whilst initially I had wondered about spending the night with Molly, at the moment I was content just to chill out and relax.

That evening we ate together and then settled down on the couch to watch tv, for once, I did not disappear up to my room early evening, content to spend the time with my mother. It wasn't until bedtime approached that she mentioned anything about that afternoon. It took me by surprise when she asked if I would be spending the night in her bed.

Truly, I'd never thought about it until she brought it up. Despite feeling exhausted earlier, I suddenly realised that her request had reawakened my libido. Asking her a couple of questions, I explained my request before nipping up to her bedroom and adding a program to her laptop which she told me was under her bed.

She met me on the landing looking excited as I went to my bedroom and she continued to hers, both of us closing our doors. As I had done on so many occasions, I switched my laptop on and started the program, typing a message into the box once it appeared.

'The sex with you today was fantastic, can't wait to see you naked again. Already getting a hard-on thinking about you.' I typed.

A message came back almost immediately. 'Undressing as I type, my nipples are already hard and are crying out for you to suck them. I'm going to have to touch myself soon. Missing you already.'

The messages went back and forth as we both described the things we wanted to do. Descriptions of what we were doing to ourselves heightened our arousals until her final message, which invited me to go and fuck her. Tonight, was different, tonight I made that short walk to her bedroom and joined my mother in her bed.

Laid in the middle of the mattress as she straddled my hips, my shaft buried deep inside her cunt as she rocked back and forth was the best sensation ever. It gave me the chance to do what I had continually dreamt of, and that was to just look at her naked.

Her ample thighs were on either side of my hips and her belly had a little bit of an overhang, but not enough to hide her slit and my shaft which protruded from it. Gravity and weight caused her large breasts to be dragged downwards and they swung in time with her movement.

She was never going to be a shining example of womanhood, but I didn't care. At that moment, as far as I was concerned, she was perfect. There were several things about her that I learnt that night. The first was that she loved her nipples to be touched and played with and I enjoyed it all the more as she hoisted each breast and sucked at her teats.

The next was that I never realised that my mother could be so crude. Never in my life had I heard mum use the kind of language that I would use with my mates or words that I would perhaps use with my girlfriend. I found it highly erotic as she continually spurred me onwards, her language turning the air blue.

'I love the feel of your cock inside my cunt.' I'd never heard any woman of her age use that "C" word before. 'If only I had known sooner that you wanted to shag me.' 'That's it, fuck my pussy. Does it feel good shagging your mummy's cunt?'

As I've said, it definitely increased my ardour, especially as she leant forward on outstretched arms and dangled her tits over my face, offering me her nipples to be sucked and licked.The other thing I discovered over that long night was that mum would do and try anything. Where sex was concerned, there was nothing that was out of bounds, she loved everything, especially when we had changed positions and I had slid my cock up her arse as I sodomised her. With my girlfriend, I had always pulled out at the last second, ramming my shaft back into her fanny.

But my mother wasn't having any of that. With my cock pumping furiously into her back passage, she rammed her fingers into her fanny, pummelling her wet sloppy slit as she made herself orgasm and I shot my cum up her arse.

After that night, my bed would only get occasional use, normally when my girlfriend was around, or she stayed over. Most nights were spent in my mother's bed as we made love, our little game of messaging each other beforehand a constant theme in our relationship.

And so here I am as my twenty-third birthday approaches. My affair with Molly continues even though I now work for a living and have less free time. I had been worried about that when I finished college, previously, it had been easy to find time during the week for both of us to meet up and fuck. Opportunities, when either my mum or her husband were at work were easily found, but once I was working full time myself, how was I going to manage to see her?

I needn't have worried, mum made it clear that any evening that Molly popped around she was happy for us to go upstairs and fuck, especially if we didn't mind her occasionally joining us. I tell you, there is something special about watching two mature women doing extraordinary things to each other, god knows how I haven't had a heart attack before now because those two, take plenty of pleasing.

I never tire of abusing my mother's body and even though I know she has aged, to me she is no different, God, she is a sexy bitch. I highly recommend our little game; we both find it easier to describe the things we would like to do to each other in the text as opposed to doing it face to face. It somehow seems to heighten the senses and anticipation as we send sexual messages back and forth to our separate rooms. The sex afterwards in that highly aroused state is phenomenal.

The previous girlfriend has departed, and I now have a new one in tow. There is something different about Marsha, she is so much like my mother. Not in looks or body, but in her liberal views and her approach to sex with the same anything-goes attitude. I'm beginning to wonder if one day she may like to try being filmed while we fuck.

Molly gave us the film she had made, asking if we minded if she kept a copy herself. It is something else that features heavily in both my relationship with her and my mother. It is surprising how many times it has been viewed over the years before we get down to fucking.

And so there for the moment, I will end my tale. What does the future hold, I've no idea? As far as I am concerned, it can carry on like this forever.

next chapter
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