Unduh Aplikasi
86.45% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3690: 1

Bab 3690: 1

My huge cousin/girlfriend Megan drove us to the tattoo shop, steering with only her left hand, while I held her right hand with both of mine. Meanwhile, I watched with a massive hard on while her bare right foot went back and forth from the break to the accelerator.

I was excited about getting my first tattoo, having wanted many for as long as I could remember. I was a little nervous about the possible pain, though I wasn't going to let that stop me.

"Buddy?" I said to Megan, softly and a little shaky.

"Yes?" she responded.

"How much will this hurt?"

Megan then spoke very comfortingly to me while gripping me a little with her right hand. "Buddy, don't worry about it. You're getting the weed leaf on your right hip, correct?"

"Yeah. That was your first, so I want it to be my first also."

"That's very special to me, Buddy. And don't worry, this one won't hurt that much. You have a lot of muscle there, and he won't have to stick the needle into any bones."

"That's good!"

"But some other parts of your body, it's a lot worse. The ones on my hip and arm were no big deal, but the ones on my lower back and left side hurt like fuck, but they were still worth it."

"That's good, and I love all your tattoos. Do you plan to get anymore?"

"Oh yeah, I'm just waiting until I lose some weight. I have a lot in mind, some for myself, some for both of us, and I'd like to keep going until my skin is about 75% covered."

"That would be awesome and I'd like the same thing for myself."

Suddenly, Megan paused and smiled. "I just realized something!" she said.


"You've seen me nude! I mean, I know we just showered together, but it didn't hit me until just now that I was nude from the time I woke up! I guess you took my shirt off while I was sleeping!"

"Yes, I did, and I totally fucking love all 315 pounds of your entire huge body!"

"Wow, I'm so relieved! This is the first time in my life that I'm not ashamed of my body, and that I'll feel sexy when I'm nude! And now when people make fun of me for being fat, I won't give a fucking shit anymore, because my super fucking awesome cousin/boyfriend thinks I'm hot as fuck, and that's all that matters to me! I mean, I still want to lose some weight, but it feels so wonderful to know that you'll be hot for me no matter what." I was overjoyed to have cured Megan's lifelong self-esteem problem.

A few seconds later. we came to a red light and French kissed while we were stopped, until we heard the car behind us honk, signaling that the light had turned green.

As we laughed and my eyes went back to watching her bare right foot work the pedals, I asked her "Do you always drive barefooted?!"

"Except for the rare occasions that I'm not wearing flip flops, yes! Flip flops are usually comfortable as fuck, but they get in the way of driving!" she said.

"Speaking of flip flops, did you ever look for a particular pair but not find it because it was with me?!"

"Honestly, no! I have so many fucking pairs, I wouldn't notice if one was gone!"

"Did you ever notice any of my come stains on them?!"

"No, but I'm super turned on knowing that you jacked off with them while staring at pictures of the bottom of my fucking feet! I wish so much I could've seen that! It must've been fucking adorable!"

"And it was a super turn on for me every time I saw you wear a pair that I'd jacked off with!"

At that, she parked in front of the tattoo shop and slipped her flip flops back on, we looked at each other and grinned, had a quick kiss on the lips, and went inside, holding hands with our fingers interlocked.

At the front desk was a beautiful, young Native American woman, who was barefooted and wearing only a sleeveless shirt and an elastic pair of gym shorts, displaying dozens of tattoos. She was 5'7" and 150 lbs. with very short black hair, almost dyke level, a flat chest, and an awesome pair of feet that made me particularly want to see her soles. A pair of flip flops was next to her feet.

"May I help you?" the woman asked.

"We have an appointment," Megan said.

"Megan?" the woman asked while looking on the computer.

"Yes," Megan said.

"Go on to the back room; he's waiting for you," the woman said.

We arrived in the back room and I saw Megan's tattoo artist for the first time. He was middle aged and had a shaved head with a goatee. He wore a sleeveless shirt and jeans, and both of his arms were completely tattooed.

"Meg!" he exclaimed.

"Ink Man!" she exclaimed as she walked toward him with open arms.

"Good to see you again!" he said as they hugged tightly.

"You too!" Megan said as they let go of each other.

"It was a big surprise when my girlfriend told me that you'd scheduled an appointment!"

"That's your girlfriend, out at the desk?!"


"Wow, she's beautiful!"

"I know, but thanks!"

"Are you sure she's not a little young for you?!"

"Hey, she turned 18 a couple of months ago! She's legal! That's all that matters!"

"How old are you?!"


"Did you get the honor of popping that Native American cherry?!"

"Oh yeah, a few weeks ago!"

"I bet that was sweet!"

"It sure was!"

"Well, I'm only 25, but one thing we have in common is that we're both robbing the cradle!"

"Oh yeah?!"

"Yeah!" Megan said as she walked over to me and wrapped her arms tightly around me. "He's 18, too!"

"Shit girl, I never had you pegged as a cougar!" Megan and I laughed and he then continued talking. "Have you popped HIS cherry yet?!" he asked laughing.

"Well, he gave me his virginity just yesterday!"

Then, looking at me, he asked "how was she?!"

"Absolutely super fucking amazing in every fucking way!" I enthusiastically told him.

Megan then quickly added "And he actually fucking loves that I'm huge!"

"Well, you do have an awesome rack!" Ink Man said.

"No, I mean he fucking loves that I weigh 315 fucking pounds!"

"You've always held your weight very well," he said.

"Well, thanks!" Megan said, not being convinced of his words, but nevertheless appreciating them.

"Well, like I said, it was a great surprise when my girlfriend told me that you'd scheduled an appointment! I thought I was never going to see you again!"

Suddenly turning very serious, Megan then explained "I feel bad that I haven't been here in so long, but I was locked up for the last two and a half years."

Ink Man turned very serious upon hearing that. "I'm very sorry; I had no idea."

"I got caught selling weed to an undercover cop in that alley downtown between the theater and the printing shop. As soon as he showed me his badge, I panicked and ran, but I couldn't run very fast and his partner jumped out and tackled me. My fucking parents wouldn't bail me out or hire me a lawyer, because they said weed is bad and I deserved whatever sentence I got to teach me a lesson, so I had a public defender and he got me a deal where I pled guilty and got five years, and they paroled me in half the time."

"I'm very sorry about that. I know that must've been very hard for you."

"It was. I was so fucking depressed until about three months before I was released." But then taking me back in her arms while still looking at Ink Man, she said "But it was all fucking worth it, because now I have the man of my dreams!"

"I'm happy for you, girl; you deserve it. Especially after everything you've been through," Ink Man said. Then he turned his attention to me and said "You've got a special girl there, you take care of her."

"I sure will!" I said. "She's been the woman of my dreams for four years and now that I have her, I'm never going to let her go! I'm going to serve her like the queen that she is forever!"

"And if he doesn't, he will get severely lashed!" Megan said. Everyone laughed at that, and then Megan said "Hey, I just realized I forgot to introduce you two! Buddy, Ink Man," she said while extending one hand toward each of us.

He and I said hi and slightly waved to each other, then he asked Megan "So what are you getting today?"

"Well, actually the appointment is for him! He's getting a replica of the weed leaf on my right hip!" she said.

"No problem!" he said, but added that he was required to check my ID, to make sure I was 18. I showed him my driver's license and he suddenly paused for a few seconds, seeming to be in shock and confusion. "Wait a minute," he said. "Why do you two have the same last name?"

Megan and I looked at each other in embarrassment. It hadn't occurred to us that showing an ID would give a clue that we were related. After a very uncomfortable silence of about 20 seconds that seemed much longer to Megan and me, she softly said "We're cousins, but we really are in love."

"What, are you two from Mississippi?!" Ink Man jokingly responded. Megan and I laughed in relief and then he continued "I think that's fucking hot. If you two cousins let me watch you two fuck, I'll give him the tattoo for free, and I'll even make a high quality porno movie for you two."

I instantly loved that idea - someone seeing the immense love and lust that my cousin and I have for each other, and getting a porno movie out of it. But I held back saying so, in case Megan was uncomfortable with it. But while grinning, she said "I can tell by the hard on that's popping out through Buddy's jeans that he loves that idea! And so do I!"

"Then let's go!" Ink Man said. He led us out to the lobby and said to his girlfriend, in a very serious tone, "Shannon, time to close up. These two are cousins and we're going to take them home and make a porno movie for them."

As I watched in excitement as Shannon slipped her flip flops on, she looked amazed and was speechless for a few seconds before saying "Are you fucking shitting me?!"

"Dead serious," Ink Man replied.

"Wow!" Shannon said. "This is going to be fucking hot.

"Oh yeah!" I said. "I want you and your boyfriend to see that my huge cousin and I make the perfect couple, sexually and otherwise!"

"We sure the fuck do!" Megan added.

The four of us got into Ink Man's car. He and Shannon sat in the front while Megan and I sat in the back.

A couple of minutes later, we got to Ink Man's house. He guided us into his room, where Megan and I immediately stripped nude while he and Shannon got the gear set up.

"Have you video taped a lot of couples?" Megan asked.

"Several," Ink Man answered. "We make good supplemental income that way."

"Tax free, too!" Shannon added. "But this is going to be our first incest movie!"

"And that doesn't bother you at all?" Megan asked.

"No not at all! It shows that you're open minded and not willing to let societal norms hold you back from finding your complete emotional and sexual fulfillment! I could tell from the moment you two walked into the shop that you were completely in love with each other, so why should you hold back just because you're cousins? In fact, that probably gives you two an even stronger foundation to build on, since you've known each other all your lives and have probably built a lot of trust with each other."

"Definitely!" Megan said, and I agreed. She and I already knew how real our love for each other was, but Shannon expressed it better than Megan or I ever had.

"I mean, look at me and Ink Man," Shannon said. I'm 18 and he's 45, and we're from completely different cultures, so society says we shouldn't be together, but we don't give a fucking shit about any of that, because we know we're a perfect couple, and that's all that matters, just like with you two."

Then Ink Man said "Okay, we're rolling. You two get at it."

Megan and I both knelt on the bed facing each other, wrapped our arms around each other, and began a long, deep kiss. As our tongues made slow passionate love to each other, my left hand slid down to her wide, bouncy ass and dug my fingers into her right cheek.

I gently lay her down on her back and rolled her over. I'd given her a rim job that morning, but she was asleep, and I wanted her to experience one while she was awake.

I spread her humongous cheeks as far apart as I could and lightly rolled the tip of my tongue all over her tight, puckered rosebud. And as was the case that morning, I tasted a lot if her cunt juice that had dripped down. Meanwhile, Ink Man hovered over me with the camera.

"Mmmmmm, that feels so good," she moaned. "Now I understand why lesbians like it so much!"

"How do you know lesbians like it?!" asked Shannon, beginning a long conversation between her and Megan.

As I continued the rim job, Megan responded "When I was locked up, I had a dyke cellmate for a few weeks. She told me that when she found out her asshole was so sexually sensitive, it was like discovering that she had a second cunt!"

"Is that how it feels for you?!"

"Well, I doubt I could ever come this way, but it feels so much better than I would've guessed."

"Is this the first rim job you've ever gotten?"

"Yeah! I just got released six weeks ago, and Buddy and I just became a couple yesterday!"

"Wow, that's amazing! But none of your previous lovers ever rimmed you?"

"No. I just had one previous lover and he was selfish. All he ever did was fuck my cunt, fuck my knockers, and have me give him blow jobs. We never even kissed." I was amazed and honored to know that I gave my cousin her first kiss.

"He sure was missing out, then, and I'm glad you found someone so much better!" Shannon said.

"Me too!" Megan said, then suddenly rolled over and grunted "Come on, you fucking whore, taste your cousin's cunt."

I did just that, diving between her legs, wrapping my arms around her thighs, sticking out my tongue, and going to work.

Her clit was already swollen and I licked it hard and fast all over. Megan immediately began moaning loudly. And this time, I was much more confident than when I first went down on her in the middle of the previous night.

Maybe I was improving very rapidly, maybe Megan was even more turned on because we had an audience and were making a porno movie, but whatever the case, she came very quickly this time.

"Shit!" she shouted at the top of her lungs as her body suddenly shook violently, forcing me to hold on tightly to keep her cunt in my mouth.

I kept licking her as if my life depended on it, as she moaned loudly in ecstasy and gushed out come all over my face like a faucet turned all the way up.

After coming for about two minutes straight, she sat up with her mouth hanging wide open and her eyes tightly shut, harshly grabbed me under my arm pits, and jerked me up, saying "Come on, Buddy; totally fuck the fucking shit out of your huge cousin, you fucking whore!"

She then threw herself backward, taking me with her, grabbed my hard on with her right hand, and put me inside her. But before I began the fuck, I leaned up, hooked her left leg with my right arm, and pressed her sole onto my face. I then began fucking her with medium speed but strong force while I zealously worshipped her sole.

"What the fuck?!" Ink Man said as he moved the focus of the camera from the fucking to the worshipping.

"Believe it or not, the bottom of my fucking feet is his favorite part of my body!" Megan said, sounding like she was building to another orgasm but didn't find the conversation distracting.

"Wow!" Shannon said. "What does he like about the bottom of your feet?!"

"I have no fucking idea!" Megan responded. "But I don't give a fucking shit! Whatever attracts the man of me dreams to me, I'm totally fucking cool with it! Besides, his super obsession with the bottom of my feet is so adorable! He took over 2,000 pictures of them over the years and jacked off to them! I just discovered that yesterday when I went through his computer while he was asleep, and that's when I realized that we belong together as a couple! We've always been super close, but I had never thought about him in a romantic or sexual way until I saw how he felt about me, and then I suddenly realized he's the man of my dreams!"

"Aw, that is so sweet! You two make an adorable couple!" Shannon said.

"And a fucking hot couple!" Ink Man said.

"That too!" Megan said.

Throughout the conversation of the other three people in the room, I was largely oblivious, concentrating much more on the complete euphoria that I was experiencing with the woman of my dreams, my 315 lb. stoner cousin and sole queen, Megan.

Worshipping one of her phenomenal soles, while at the same time fucking her, was extraordinary. I stared at her sole from such a short distance that I could see her foot prints and toe prints while I fanatically kissed, licked, and sucked the sole all over. As if that weren't enough, I felt the awesome sensation of her very tight cunt clasping and contracting on my rock hard fuckstick, which had been a virgin just the day before. And to top it off, knowing that this was all going to be preserved in a porno movie made the sex even more exciting.

Shannon looked and sounded more and more turned on throughout the conversation and then decided to do something about it. She stood behind Ink Man, unbuttoned his jeans, pulled his jeans and underpants down to his knees, sensually licked the fingers on her left hand, and began playing with his hard on.

Using only the fingertips of her left hand, she slowly massaged the area just under his head, while gripping his scrotum with her right hand. Ink Man continued the filming but started moaning softly. Shannon then said in ecstasy "I want them to film us after we're done filming them."

Voicing exactly what I was thinking, Megan said "We'll be glad to" while starting to sound breathless.

Suddenly, even though Shannon was only massaging Ink Man's cock - not jacking him off - he sprayed a massive shot of come onto Megan's knockers. She lightheartedly screamed, just as when I'd shot come up her nostril and tackled her onto her bed a few hours earlier

"What the fuck?!" Shannon exclaimed, clearly not expecting him to come at that time.

"Sorry," Ink Man said, apparently thinking that Megan and I would be mad at him.

But Megan could tell by the look on my face that I was turned on, as she clearly was, too. So she patted her knockers with both hands and enthusiastically said "Give me the rest of your load!"

As Ink Man focused the camera on Megan's knockers, Shannon jacked him off and he covered Megan's huge rack with several shots. Meanwhile, I increased my fucking and worshipping to maximum speed, and shot a big load inside her just a few seconds later, while having a mind blowing orgasm and loudly gasping "Buddy, Buddy, Buddy, Buddy."

As soon as my load finished, I pulled out and lay on Megan's left as she lay flat on her back and we both caught out breath. I held her very lovingly and rested my head on her left shoulder, while she opened her hands and slowly rubbed Ink Man's come into her knockers, while he filmed it.

Watching with envy, Shannon exclaimed "Shit, girl! How fucking big is that rack?!"

"46DD!" Megan answered! "It was 40DD when I got locked up, then I gained 85 pounds during the two and a half years I was in!"

"Oh fuck, what I wouldn't do to have that rack myself!"

"I'd gladly give it to you, because it's a pain in the fucking ass, and besides, my cousin/boyfriend is much more interested in the bottom of my fucking feet!"

I then placed my left hand on Megan's right hip and rolled her onto her left side. She and I gazed deeply into each other's eyes for a few seconds, then started grinning at exactly the same moment, at which time we began another long, deep, passionate kiss - this time with not only our arms but also our legs wrapped around each other. What a perfect way to end our first porno movie.My huge 315-lb. cousin/girlfriend Megan and I rolled around on the bed as our tongues made slow, passionate love to each other, our hands explored each other's bodies, my thighs squeezed her waist, and she glided her mega-luscious soles up and down my legs, while I felt Ink Man's fresh come rub from her knockers into my body. That was the first time I ever touched a man's come other than my own, and much to my surprise, the sensation actually felt good and sexy. Nothing about it bothered me at all.

As if this were a formal Hollywood shoot, I was expecting Ink Man or Shannon to say "Cut" at any second, but neither of them did. I got the impression that to film us for so long after I came, they must've been loving what they were seeing.

However, I couldn't see their reaction, because my eyes were tightly shut. I listened closely, thinking maybe I'd be able to hear them breathing in ecstasy, but any such sound was drowned out by the loud slurping noises that Megan and made during our marathon French kiss.

After a few minutes, so much saliva had oozed out, our faces started slipping and sliding all over each other, which led us to greatly increase our speed and aggressiveness.

Finally after about 15 minutes, our tongues were almost numb, but my hard on was back. Feeling it sandwiched between our bellies, Megan suddenly grabbed it tightly with her right hand and grunted a stern commandment. "Alright, you fucking 18-year old whore. I'm going to roll over into all fours and stick my two humongous ass cheeks up in the air, and when I do, jam your massive fuckstick inside me and pound the fucking shit out of your 315 lb. cousin, doggy style."

The sheer force and explicitness of Megan's words got me even much more turned on than I already was. As she rolled into position, we both noticed that Shannon was holding a joint and a lighter, while Ink Man still held the camera. "I noticed your weed tattoo, so I figured you wouldn't mind if I lit one up!" Shannon said grinning.

"Fuck no, anything that has to do w ith weed, we never fucking mind, do we, Buddy?!" Megan responded.

"Definitely not!" I said. "Megan and I were weed buddies for six years before we were fuck buddies!"

Then Shannon asked "Meg, did you ever get any while you were locked up?"

"No, and that totally drove me fucking crazy," Megan responded. "Those two and a half years were almost the only days I haven't done weed in the last 13 years! I missed weed almost as much as I missed my Buddy!"

"Aw, you two are so sweet together!" Shannon said. "But you're also kinky as fuck together! A 315 lb., 25-year old stoner just out of prison, and her skinny 18-year cousin who's obsessed with the bottom of her fucking feet, and she calls him a whore!"

"Yeah, we're probably the weirdest couple of all time, but we wouldn't have it any other way, would we, Buddy!" Megan asked laughing.

"Fuck no!" I said.

"Did you give him such a filthy mouth?!" Shannon asked.

"Oh yeah!" Megan said. "One time when I was 11 and he was four, I accidentally said 'fuck' in front of him and he repeated it, and it was just adorable! I told him he could say it as much as he wanted around me, but not to ever say it around anyone else!"

"That's cute!" Shannon said, then lit the joint. She inhaled like a pro, then handed the joint to Megan, who started inhaling but quickly coughed very hard.

"Sorry!" Megan said. "That's my first time smoking in almost three years. Since I got out, I've only eaten! I need to get my tolerance back!"

As Megan inhaled again, this time coughing only mildly, Shannon asked "How is eating? I've never tried it before."

As a now fucked up Megan handed me the joint, she said "Oh shit, it's absolutely fucking amazing! It's the best! You do have to wait a couple of hours to get totally fucked up, but once you get there, oh shit! And you stay massively fucked up for hours!"

While I started smoking, Shannon added "Wow, that sounds amazing! Could you get me and Ink Man some edibles?! We'll get you two some free tattoos in return!"

"Of course, that would be awesome!" Megan said, in what turned out to be the last words of the conversation. Throughout the conversation, I stared at her soles to stay hard, and it worked. Furthermore, now that I was fucked up, I was even hornier. Through all the edibles of the last couple of days, I'd forgotten how awesome it feels when the THC goes straight to my brain.

Right after smoking, I handed the joint to Ink Man, who started smoking as I wrapped my right arm around Megan's thighs, grabbed my fuckstick with my left hand, pulled the skin over the head, and drove myself all the way inside my cousin.

As soon as I entered her, she tilted her pelvis and gasped in pleasure. I then began fucking her both at full speed and full force. Though our mouths were very dry from all the kissing, her cunt was soaking wet.

For most of the fuck, I stared at her soles, while sporadically staring at the two mountains that are her ass cheeks, as she shook violently and the bed sounded like it was going to collapse beneath us. Ink Man largely focused the camera on the penetration, while also doing several close ups of her 46 DD knockers, which I guess were shaking up and down like gelatin, just like her ass cheeks.

Shannon held the joint the whole time and went around in a circle, smoking herself, then holding the joint for Megan, me, and Ink Man, in that order, while we smoked as well.

Only a little over 24 hours had passed since I lost my virginity, yet this was already my fifth fuck, plus I'd gotten a blow job in that time span. So finally I was able to hold my come for a long time. I still didn't feel like a pro, but I felt like my sexual skills had come a long way in a short time. And I looked forward to watching 45-year old Ink Man perform on 18-year old Shannon, figuring that I could learn a lot from him.

Within a few seconds of starting the fuck, Megan had a small orgasm, lightly shaking and gasping. Within 30 more seconds, she had another orgasm, this one a little more intense.

For the next several minutes, that pattern continued, while she also started shifting her pelvis around, looking for the precise position that would maximize her pleasure. It was obvious that she was extremely experienced. During her four years with her ex-boyfriend, they must've fucked thousands of times. And her 2.5 years of celibacy in prison clearly hadn't eroded her extraordinary skills.

Megan soon seemed to find the optimal position and angle for this fuck, and she moved her body perfectly in sync with mine. She became lost in incestuous lust, having one orgasm after another, each more intense and longer lasting than the one before.

Around her 15th orgasm, she started losing control. and her moaning switched to hysterical, ear splitting screaming. Her body became ultra tight and she scrunched her soles, locking them in place.

Finally, the climax hit. She reached the monster orgasm that she'd been building toward. She later told me that she lost her sight and lost awareness of her surroundings until this orgasm faded out.

This time, rather than one orgasm that lasted several seconds and was quickly followed by another orgasm, she now had one long, gigantic orgasm. She threw her head back and she screamed at the top of her lungs as her body shook even more violently.

I squeezed my right arm tightly on Megan's thighs to hold her in place while I continued to pound her as hard and as fast as I could. A few seconds after starting that, I felt my orgasm build up. This being my sixth in a little over 24 hours, I shot her very little come, but the euphoria was still amazing, as awesome as I'd ever felt.

After my orgasm stopped, I continued pounding Megan for several more seconds, until hers stopped as well. As soon as it did, I let go of her, she collapsed to the bed, and I lay on top of her and planted little kisses on her face, as sweat poured off of her whole body and she struggled to catch her breath.

After a few minutes, she passed out, probably from a combination of the weed and the exhaustion. I then turned to Shannon and Ink Man and said "I guess it's your turn now!"

Saying nothing, Ink Man handed me the camera while he and Shannon stripped nude and got in bed on Megan's right. As Shannon lit another joint, she got down on all fours and stuck her ass up in the air while Ink Man forcefully jammed his fuckstick up her ass, using no lubrication.

As he growled and grunted like an uncaring beast interested exclusively in his own pleasure, and not giving a fucking shit about his girlfriend's, he intermittently slapped her ass as hard as he could. Shannon passed the time by smoking weed with her left hand, holding herself up with her left elbow, and working her clit with her right middle finger.

She had several orgasms and clearly was focused on the weed and her clit while ignoring the ass fucking. Meanwhile, Ink Man was paying no attention to the pleasure that she was giving herself.

I mostly filmed from their left and made sure that the passed out Megan was in view most of the time. I also stood behind them a few times and filmed close ups of Shannon's soles. They weren't quite as luscious as Megan's but were still amazing.

After about five minutes, Ink Man began gasping and shot a load deep into Shannon's bowels. She looked relieved that it was over, apparently getting no pleasure from anal penetration. She started to pull out but he held her in place and said "Not so fast, Baby Girl; I'm not done yet."

While continuing to work her clit, Shannon now smiled for the first time since this encounter began. A few seconds later, I heard Ink Man's now soft fuckstick shoot a huge load of piss into Shannon's bowels. "Oh shit, that feels so fucking good!" she said. "The warming sensation is amazing!"

"Let's go get you cleaned up, Baby Girl," Ink Man said.

"Okay!" Shannon said. Then, turning to me, she asked "Would you and your cousin like to take a shower with us?!"

"I'd love to!" I said. Then, shaking my cousin/girlfriend's exhausted 315-lb. body, I said "Buddy? Buddy?"

At that, Megan slightly opened her eyes. Upon seeing me, she grinned and spoke, sounding very tired but equally happy. "Did I fucking pass out?!" she asked.

"Yes! But you can watch the video and see what you missed!" I said. "And now we're going to take a shower! Would you like to join us?!"

"Of course!" she said as she groggily got up. I then turned the camera off as the four of us walked to the bathroom and crowded into the shower. Megan and I washed each other completely while Shannon and Ink Man did the same.

We then got out of the shower and dried off but didn't get dressed. Instead, we all walked nude out to the fenced in backyard, where we had a cookout and went through several more joints, as we sat around the table on the porch. Ink Man passed out shortly after we finished eating, but the rest of us continued smoking.

Both Megan and I got way too fucked up to drive, so she called her parents and told them that she and I had gone out of town to a WWE event that we'd just learned about a few hours earlier, and that we were going to make a weekend trip out of it. They accepted her explanation, but reminded her that she had to be home by Sunday morning for mass. Upon her release from prison, Megan's parents set several conditions for allowing her to live with them, and one was that she attend mass with them every weekend.

Nevertheless, I was ecstatic that Megan and I would be together and away from her parents until Sunday morning. And her excuse was very believable. Megan is a lifelong die-hard fan of pro wrestling. Her room is widely decorated with wrestling memorabilia, including many autographed items and pictures of her posing with her favorite wrestlers. She has attended about 75 WWE events in person, often traveling several hundred miles to do so.

As soon as Megan mentioned WWE, Shannon lit up and then spoke as soon as Megan hung up. "Wow, you're into the WWE also?!"

"Yes!" Megan said. "You mean you are, too?!"

"Oh yeah! You want to go inside and watch tonight's episode of 'Smackdown?!' I DVRed it!"

"Wow, so did I! But I might as well watch it now instead of having to wait until I get home!" Then, turning to me, Megan said "Come on, Buddy!"

The three of us went inside and even though I'm not into the WWE, I love watching it with Megan, because she gets into it so much, cheering, booing, and shouting as if she's there. And I'd long wanted to attend a WWE event with her to see how she reacts to seeing it in person. I love Megan so much, seeing her happy makes me happy.

Megan and I sat side by side on the living room couch and I started to join them, but Megan held out her right open hand, and said in a very serious tone "Buddy, since you don't give a fucking shit about wrestling, I have other plans for you."

"What?!" I asked in confusion.

At that, she took a pillow off the couch, dropped it on the floor in front of her, and sternly commanded "Fucking worship my soles."

"Yes, Mistress Cousin," I said, as I lay down with my head on the pillow while she rested her extraordinary soles on my face. That was not only fine with me, it brought me to paradise. I had craved her soles so intensely for so long.

Throughout the show, Megan and Shannon got heavily into it, and talked about the WWE, while I worshipped Megan's soles. They passed joints back and forth between each other, while Megan placed another joint between her toes for me to smoke while worshipping her. I went through three joints in that position and passed out near the end of the show. My huge cousin/girlfriend Megan and I returned to her house on Saturday night, just a few minutes before midnight. My right hip was sore from getting my first tattoo; a replica of the marijuana leaf that Megan had in the same place. But it was worth the pain; I loved my tattoo, and looked forward to Megan and I getting several more; together and individually. I especially wanted to get a high definition tattoo of Megan's soles on the front/top of my thighs.

While I was getting the tattoo, Megan smoked weed for several hours and passed out. When it was time to go home, I got her up just long enough to walk her out to the car, and walk her into her home when we arrived. Her parents were already in bed, so I went ahead and went to bed with Megan. We both stripped nude and I spooned her as we lay on our left sides. I treasured the closeness to the only woman I'd ever been interested in. I set the alarm on my phone for 5:45, at which time I planned to go lie down on the couch. Her parents' alarm was always set for 6:00.

After a few minutes, I heard Megan's phone vibrate. I looked on the screen at it said "New message for whitebbwstoner4bbc." I was shocked and not sure what to think, so I grabbed my phone, which was lying next to Megan's, and entered whitebbwstoner4bbc into a search page. Dozens of matches came up and the first one appeared to be a personal ad. I clicked on it and immediately saw a picture of Megan with a black cock several inches into her mouth. Her eyes were closed and she was clearly in a state of pure ecstasy. And much to my amazement, the picture actually turned me on very much. I instantly got rock hard.

I could tell that the picture was taken a few years earlier, as Megan was a lot thinner in the face, and I assumed that the cock belonged to her ex-boyfriend, who I had no idea was black. I clicked on the picture to see it at full size and looked all over at it for several minutes. I looked forward to seeing it full size on my computer screen when I got home. Then I returned the picture to normal size and looked at the rest of Megan's ad. First was this questionnaire.

Name: Sugar

Age: 25

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 315 lbs.

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Educaiton: Bachelor's degree

Has kids: No

Wants kids: Yes

Smokes: No

Drinks alcohol: No

Does drugs: Yes

Tattoos: Yes, 4

Pets: None

Personality: Stoner.

Below was this paragraph:

I'm a white polyamorous BBW stoner who was just released from prison after serving almost 2.5 years of a 5 year sentence for dealing weed. I'm into dominant muscular athletic black guys, weed, Cleveland Browns and OSU football, UFC, WWE, and any kind of alternative or hard core music. I'm looking for multiple dominant muscular athletic black guys in their 20s-40s for a serious relationship. WHITE GUYS DON'T EVEN BOTHER. You must be a daily weed user like I am, and willing to start having kids within 2-3 years, especially since I want more than one. I'm a very bad and kinky girl with an extremely filthy mouth, but I'm also totally submissive, selfless, loving, romantic, and easygoing. If you like my profile, and you fit the description of what I'm looking for, message me and we'll go from there!

I was in shock and my hard on was throbbing. I had no idea that Megan was polyamorous, submissive, or into black guys. And since she was into "dominant muscular athletic black guys" and said for white guys not to even bother, I wondered why she was interested in me, as I'm a thin submissive white guy. I also wasn't aware of Megan ever going by the name "Sugar." Other than that, though, Megan's description of herself was exactly like I knew her to be.

I then sat down at her lap top, which was on, and started exploring. I found a folder titled "sex videos" and my heart instantly began racing in excitement, and even more so when I opened up the folder and saw that it contained dozens of videos. I put on the headphones and clicked on the first video.

At the beginning, Megan and a hulking black guy with dozens of tattoos were sitting on the edge of a bed. He was nude with a hard on and she was wearing a football jersey from the University of Southeastern Ohio. She was always a rabid Ohio State fan, but I knew that at the time of her arrest for dealing weed, she had been living near USO. They were passing a bong back and forth and smoking it, and she looked like she'd already been smoking for several hours. When she wasn't smoking the bong, she held his hard on and fondled it a little. I could tell that someone was holding the camera, but I had no idea who. They looked like they were in the bedroom of a middle class house. The walls were covered with posters, pictures, and drawings of athletics, rap music, weed, and the hip hop culture. Megan was barefooted and sitting crosslegged, so I could see sporadic glimpses of her soles, but clearly the person holding the camera wasn't interested in that part of her body.

At the start of the video, right after a very deep inhalation that left her with a massive euphoric grin, Megan said "Oh shit, you guys grow the best fucking shit!"

The guy responded "That's a great compliment coming from the only person I've ever met who can outsmoke us!" That made me wonder who "us" referred to.

"I've been a daily weed smoker for nine years, so I've had the best, the worst, and everything in between. You black guys have the best weed, and the best cock!"

"Well you know that they say! Once you go black, you never go back!"

"Yeah, except I've never been with a white guy! I was never attracted to them at all! I've been obsessed with black guys since I was 12, much to my parents' disapproval!"

Then the person holding the camera spoke, sounding like another black man. "What would they do if they saw you right now?!"

With a grin that was both mischievous and euphoric, Megan said "They'd totally fucking shit! And then when they saw what we're going to be doing in a few minutes, they'd totally fucking shit ten times worse!"

The camera man responded "Do they know how much of a stoner you are, Sugar?"

"No!" Megan said. "They think I've only done weed once! I got caught with it in my locker when I was 14, and I got arrested and expelled, but I never got caught with it again! They just know that I'm into black guys and that I have a filthy fucking mouth!"

"Do they hate that, too?!"

"Oh yeah, when I was growing up, they washed my fucking mouth out with soap more times than I can count!"

The guy sitting next to Megan had clearly been amused by the conversation and then responded to the last line by saying "I'm going to wash your mouth out with something else!"

"You sure the fuck are!" Megan said. "Something that I love to fill my mouth, and something that I love to swallow!"

"Oh yeah, I'm ready as fuck for it," the man gasped in ecstasy.

Then Megan set the bong down on a night stand, grabbed a pillow from the bed, dropped it on the floor between the man's legs, and knelt on the pillow, as the camera man got in position to film the act that was about to take place, from Megan's left. She then closed her eyes, and kept them closed throughout the act. She grabbed the man's shaft with her left hand and his balls with her right hand, held his cock so that it pointed straight up at the ceiling, took her tongue all the way out, and licked the entire length of his shaft upward. As she licked the area right under his spout, he gasped. Then she made a series of hundreds of licks up and down on that area in rapid succession. She clearly was already a pro by the time this video was made. The man gasped over and over and intermittently made comments such as "Oh yeah, that's a proper blow job" and "That's so good, white mama." The act was hot enough by itself, but even more so because I could tell how much Megan was into it. She was massively fucked up on weed, and giving this guy a blow job was clearly making her extremely turned on.

After the guy stopped reacting to Megan licking right under his spout, she then licked the back of his scrotum, causing him to gasp even more loudly. "Come on, Sugar, that's it; give it to me, honey." She kept on over and over and his gasping continued until finally he shouted "Oh shit, I'm going to fucking come."

Megan then immediately took his cock into her mouth and began fucking it as he had a tremendous orgasm and shot his load, while gasping loudly in orgasmic bliss. "Oh yeah, Sugar, take all my come in your mouth," he said.

When he finished coming, Megan opened her eyes and looked up at the man, slowly slid his cock out of her mouth so that her lips stayed shut the whole time, then turned to the camera and opened her mouth, revealing an extremely large load. She gave the camera man a few seconds to film it, then swallowed the whole thing, and took a deep breath while grinning. "Oh shit! That was so fucking intense!"

"Oh yeah!" the man responded.

Then the camera man said "Now it's my turn!"

"Yeah, you've been waiting patiently!" Megan said.

He then handed the camera to the man to whom Megan had just given that amazing blow job. The two men switched places, and by the time they got situated, the other man was revealed to also be young, black, muscular, and heavily tattooed. She then gave him a blow job in exactly the same way, and seemed to be into it just as much. The man also responded much the same way as the first one did. However, this one didn't come as a result of the back of his scrotum being licked. He eventually stopped reacting to that, so Megan alternately rolled her tongue slowly around the area just under his head, then slowly fucked him with her mouth, and went back and forth until he shot her a massive load of his own. And again, she opened her mouth to display the load, then swallowed it.

"Now it's my turn again!" the first man said. He gave the other man the camera as Megan climbed onto the bed and got down on all fours. The first man then slid his cock all the way inside Megan and began ferociously fucking her like an uncaring beast. When he made his first thrust, Megan closed her eyes, threw her head back, and her mouth hung open in ecstasy. The guy was clearly very experienced and hit her G spot with every thrust. Megan became short of breath and screamed several times at the top of her lungs, often with her head down on the pillow and her hair covering her face, as she tightly held the pillow with both hands. Meanwhile, the guy was holding her body in place by digging his fingers deeply into her hips, enabling him to control exactly where his cock was hitting.

Megan came several times and gushed all over him at least once. Finally, after about 10 minutes, he came inside her. As soon as she finished, Megan collapsed on her front and rested her head on the pillow as she tried to catch her breath. The second man then handed the first man the camera and knelt on the bed. "Come on, it's my turn! Get your fat ass up in the air, white mama!" Megan slowly got back in position, looking exhausted but happy. The second guy fucked her just as the first did, with similar results on both ends. Had I been home alone, I would've been jacking off the whole time, but I decided to save it for Megan, figuring that she and I would have sex again before I went home in late afternoon the next day.

After several minutes of being fucked by the second guy, Megan was no longer fully conscious. She was close to passing out, the weed and sex clearly having taken their toll. Realizing that, the guy seemed to stop concerning himself with pleasing Megan and instead just used her as a sex toy for his pleasure. He also held his load for over 10 minutes before shooting it into her. As soon as he finished, he dropped her on the bed, and the camera did a close up shot of her cunt. Lots of come was around the entrance, and some of it was oozing onto her thighs as well as the sheets. Megan could be heard breathing loudly and deeply, until the video stopped a few seconds later.

As soon as I finished watching the first video, I copied all of her files onto my laptop. I also noticed that she was logged into her e-mail, so I forwarded all of her e-mail messages to me. I looked forward to watching all of her videos and read all of her messages when I got home.

Then a lightbulb went off in my head. I did an online search for USO football. I saw some pictures of the team from past years, and indeed, the two guys in the video were on the team. Now knowing the names of those players, I typed them in, along with Megan's name, and found a series of newspaper articles and TV news clips about the marijuana dealing scandal that put her in prison. It turned out that I'd gotten only a small part of the story. Megan didn't just testify against her boyfriend, but against five guys, all USO football players - the two I'd seen in the video and three others, all of whom were also black, and I now wondered if they were having sex with Megan also.

I then got back in bed with my huge cousin/girlfriend and began spooning her again. Nothing I'd just learned about her changed my feelings about her in any way, except to make me even more excited about her. I was now confused about why she was romantically and sexually interested in me, but what I'd seen from her since Thursday afternoon left me no doubt that she was as in love with me as I was with her, so I wasn't worried about it. And I doubted that I'd ever tell her what I'd just found!

I was thinking so much about Megan and everything that had happened the last three days, I barely slept, and I was wide awake when the alarm went off at 5:45. I then went out to the living room couch and lay down for a few hours. Megan and I went to mass the morning along with her parents, then came home for lunch. As soon as we got home, Megan went to her room and changed clothes, coming out wearing nothing but a Browns jersey that went down to her knees. The four of us then ate lunch and watched the Browns game. The whole time, Megan and I sat side by side on a couch, but didn't interact with each other much, as we didn't want her parents to get any clue about the nature of our relationship. However, as she was sitting on my right, she strategically rested her bare right foot on her left thigh, so I could see the sole, and she scrunched it many times. I stared at the sole for most of the game and felt lots of pre-come oozing out.

As soon as the game ended, I said goodbye to her parents, while Megan went to her room and grabbed a photo album. She and I then walked out to my car, as I prepared to leave. She was still wearing nothing but the Browns jersey. Because she had been so fucked up throughout Saturday, and we spent most of this day with her parents, we had barely talked since Friday night. So I felt a particular need for each of us to say a lot, as we probably wouldn't see each other in person again until the day before Thanksgiving, which was about a month away.

As soon as the door to her house closed, Megan got a huge grin on her face. We then sat in the front seat of my car, held our four hands together, and I immediately asked her what the smile was about. "I guess you know!" she said.

"Know what?!" I asked, having no idea.

"I checked my computer and I know you found some articles about my arrest! So I guess you realized that I only told you a small part of the story!"

"Yeah, but please don't worry. It doesn't change my feelings about you in any way," I said very assuringly.

"I know it doesn't, Buddy! I could tell just by the way you looked at me all day! In fact, you seem like you're even more turned on by me now!"

"Yes, I am!"

"That's good! So anyway, how did you find those articles?!"

I told her about seeing the push notification, and everything that happened from there, but not that I copied all of her files to my lap top, nor forwarded all of her e-mail to me. She seemed to like it, as much as I did when I realized that she'd learned everything she did from my computer on Thursday. She went on to tell me the whole story; that she had five boyfriends simultaneously, all of whom were black and played football for USO, that they shared a house and ran the drug operation together, and that she testified against all of them as part of a plea agreement to get a light sentence. So then I asked her, in light of her ad, if she is still looking for "dominant muscular athletic black guys," and if she's still interested in polyamory.

She responded "Buddy, I was into all of those things, but when I found all that amazing shit on your computer, it completely changed my thinking. I always knew that you were the only person who fully loved and treasured me just as I am, and once I got my blinders off and I realized that us being cousins doesn't mean we can't also be boyfriend and girlfriend, I realized that you're the only one I want. Maybe you're the only white guy and the only submissive guy I'd ever be interested in, but the only thing that matters is that you're the man of my dreams. And you've unleashed a dominant side of me that I never knew I had, and I love it! I've never wanted to dominate a guy before, but now I can hardly wait to totally dominate the fucking shit out of you!"

I sat back and listened to the whole thing, feeling very emotional and equally amazed. I soaked it in for a few seconds and asked "But what about polyamory? Do you still want to have other boyfriends, too?"

"Not anymore," she replied. "It was fun for a while, but it was too complicated. And I realize that you can fulfill everything I'm looking for in a relationship. And I think it'll be a lot easier for us to raise kids together if neither of us has any other romantic partners. So what do you say we just keep it in the family?!"

"That sounds great to me!"

At that, we embraced and kissed open mouthed for a few seconds, before she grabbed the photo album and said "I want to show you a few pictures, Buddy." She first showed me one in which her arms were wrapped around my pregnant mother. Megan was smiling joyfully and holding her head against my mother's belly. "Buddy, when I first found out that your mom was pregnant, I was so happy. I didn't have any friends because I was huge. Everybody at school just thought of me as the fat girl, and I somehow knew that you were going to be the best friend I ever had. I even talked to you all the time while you were in your mom's womb."

Megan then showed a picture of her holding me when I was a newborn, and was smiling even more joyfully. "You were only about an hour old when this was taken. I was so excited, I ran up to your mom and grabbed you out of her arms. Everyone thought it was funny and adorable to see how excited I was, but they also told me to be careful, because they thought I was going to accidentally drop you!"

She then went through several more pictures of us over the years - her changing my diapers, my sitting on her lap as she read to me, her holding my hand as we crossed a street, her pushing me as I sat on a swing in a park, and many others. We then talked about some of the other things that developed in our relationship over the years, especially becoming weed buddies, and then building a romantic and sexual relationship in the last three days.

Then she closed the album and looked at me eye to eye, as we held each other tightly and closely. "Buddy," she began, "you've been so many different things to me over the years. You started off as my cousin, who was more like a combination of a son and a little brother to me. Then you became my BFF, then my weed buddy, then my whore and my boyfriend, but that's still not enough for me. I want you to be two more things."

I thought I knew what she was going to say, but I needed to hear for sure. "What?" I asked in excitement and nervousness.

She confirmed my instinct when she responded "My husband and the father of my children. Buddy, will you marry me?"

Feeling the happiest I'd ever felt, I immediately answered "Yes!"

"I love you so much, Buddy!"

"I love you, too!" At that, we had a long, deep, passionate kiss. As soon as it was over, Megan suddenly got a huge grin on her face. "What's that smile about?!" I asked.

"I just thought of something!"

"What's that?!"

"My parents always hated me being with black guys! I wonder how they're going to feel about me going from interracial to incest!"

At that be both laughed, but then I added "When and how are we going to tell our parents, and Grandma and Grandpa?"

"I don't know, but I'm not worried about it," she said. "We'll figure it out somehow."

"Yes, we will. After everything we overcame to be together, we're not going to let that stop us."

"No, we're not!"

Megan and I agreed that we would call, text, and e-mail each other many times a day. As she beautifully put it, our love is a flower, and the heavy communication would give the flower enough water and sunshine during the time apart. We also agreed that each of us would drive out to see the other, or we'd meet at an in between point, at least every two or three weeks until I graduated from high school in seven months. The day after graduation, I'd move out there, we would get married, and I'd attend a college close to her home. Megan had to continue residing in Ohio until she completed her probation, so her moving to Indiana to reside with me wouldn't be an option for a few years.

If her parents accepted our marriage, we would reside with them for at least a few months before getting our own place. Our second choice would be to move in with our grandparents, who resided nearby, if they accepted our marriage. If not, we'd simply get our own apartment together. Megan finished her bachelor's degree in business while she was in prison, so she would be able to provide for us, and any children we had.

She and I sat in the front seat of my car for about three hours - talking, kissing, and cuddling. Finally, about 8:00 PM, she told me that even though she desperately didn't want me to leave, I really needed to head home, since I had a five hour drive and had to be at school the next morning. We had a very emotional goodbye in which she broke down and wept as I held her closely and securely in my arms, but kept reminding each other that we'd see each other again next month, and would give our flower plenty of water and sunshine until then.

As she stepped out of the car and I turned the ignition, she asked me to text her as soon as I got home, so I'd know she made it safely. Of course, I told her I would. She then walked over to my door, I rolled down the window, and we had one last hug and kiss before I left.

"I love you forever, Buddy," I said.

"I love you forever, too," she said, crying.

"I'll see you in just a few weeks."

"Okay," she softly said, now being calmer but still very emotional.

Wanting to put a smile back on her face, I suddenly said in a cheerful voice "Incest rocks!"

Megan broke out laughing and said "Yeah, especially when you mix it with weed!"

Feeling much better about leaving her now that she had stopped crying, I gave her the thumbs up sign, which she immediately reciprocated. As I started driving away, she walked out onto the road and we waved to each other until my car was out of sight. drove home a much different man than I was four days earlier when I arrived at the house of my 315-lb. stoner cousin Megan. I arrived as a virgin who'd never revealed to her that I was in love with her, let alone that I had over 2,000 pictures of the bottom of her feet and regularly masturbated to them, or that I masturbated with her flip flops and wore her underpants. I left having had several intense sexual encounters with Megan, and being engaged to marry her.

About halfway home, while I was stopped at a gas station, I went to Facebook on my iPhone, and checked out Megan's page. Shortly after I left, she had posted a status update - her first Facebook activity since I arrived four days earlier. Her status read "I'm a huge girl, I'm 5'3" and 315 fucking lbs., and for the first time in my life, I'm fucking proud of it!" She had gotten dozens of "likes" and supportive comments in response.

I got home at 1:20 AM and my parents were already in bed. I stripped nude except for the pair of Megan's underpants that I was wearing, turned out the lights, got in bed, and texted Megan. "Buddy, I made it home. I'm so overwhelmed by the last four days. Thank you for making my dreams come true. Your cousin, BFF, weed buddy, whore, boyfriend, and soon to be husband, Buddy."

The next two weeks, Megan and I heavy gave our "flower" - our relationship - the water and sunshine we talked about. We sent each other literally hundreds of texts, ranging from gentle and loving to extremely kinky, with lots about weed also. We talked on the phone almost every night, usually for about two hours, when I went to bed. And though I was very tempted to, I didn't masturbate, as I was saving it for when she and I met in person again. I don't think either of my parents suspected that Megan and I were having sex, and she said she didn't think her parents suspected it either.

I also spent several hours a day watching Megan's sex videos, and I was completed awed by all of them. She was an extraordinary performer who gave 100% every time and never got enough black cock. She looked so satisfied and content whenever she had a black cock in her cunt or her mouth; as if she'd love having it there forever. Sometimes she softly moaned, sometimes she screamed at the top of her lungs, always she had a very filthy mouth, and usually she and the men in the video were smoking weed, or clearly had been smoking it in the last few minutes.

Some of her boyfriends also liked giving it to her up the ass, which she had no problem with. She must've been fucked up the ass hundreds if not thousands of times, as the cocks easily slid in and out, even when no lubrication was used. Megan didn't seem to enjoy that very much, but she was happy to please her boyfriends in any way she could. While she was being fucked up the ass, she often scrunched her butt cheeks, to the pleasure of her boyfriends.

I also saw Megan get spanked - sometimes playfully, sometimes very hard - with a wide variety of objects. I saw her gagged and bound and used as a sex toy. In one video, she started off in a small cage that she could barely fit into. One of her boyfriends unlocked the padlock, opened the door, pulled her out, and ordered her to hand him the paddle that was hanging on the wall. When she did, he tied her hands together, then tied her hands to a device that was hanging from the ceiling. He paddled her ass and thighs for 10 minutes as she screamed and squirmed, then untied her and locked her back in the cage.

And in a few videos, she preceded the sex with dancing for her boyfriend(s). I'd never seen her dance, and she was an amazingly sexy dancer. In particular, her ass shaking was phenomenal. I hoped she'd dance that way for me. And because some of the videos were several hours long, and she had dozens of them, there were still plenty that I hadn't watched by the time we saw each other again. I started to wonder if every sexual experience she ever had was video recorded.

My huge cousin/fiancé was now my favorite porno actress! I hoped I'd measure up to her ex-boyfriends sexually, but from watching the videos, I sensed that part of the reason that Megan wanted me as her husband is that none of those men seemed interested in romance and emotional intimacy from her, only sex.

Most of the e-mail messages that I forwarded to my address from hers were responses to her personal ads. Many of them were little more than pictures of a black cock. Megan apparently only responded to the ads in which the sender gave a lot of information about himself. It seemed that she was only very interested in a few of them. Her conversations with them generally gave information that I already knew about her, and I was very happy that whenever she gave information about her family, she always mentioned me, saying that I was her best friend/weed buddy, the only person who understood her, and was a big help in getting through her time in prison. Still, she seemed to be boastful about having spent time in prison, as if it cemented her status as a bad girl.

On a Sunday evening, two weeks since I returned from my last visit to Megan, she called me excitedly, saying that a WWE event was scheduled for Cincinnati the next Saturday, and that we should meet there, get married, attend the event, and spend the whole weekend together. Of course, I agreed.

As soon as school let out on Friday, I drove to a Motel 6 where Megan had made a reservation for us. As I pulled into the parking lot, I called and asked what our room number was, but she told me to pull up to the office. I did and she excitedly ran out, wearing a black T shirt with a huge marijuana leaf and the words "smoke weed" below, black jeans, and black flip flops. She also had a large new tattoo on the top of her right forearm, that went almost from her wrist to her elbow.

When she got in the car, she said "Hi Buddy!" and we immediately had a huge hug and a quick kiss on the lips.

"What's your new tattoo?!" I asked

She held the tattoo a few inches in front of my face and I saw that it was a wide assortment of daisies, in several colors. That seemed appropriate, as she'd always loved daisies. "I'll tell you all about it later," she said, "but we need to hurry so we can get married today!"

"Okay!" I said.

Megan already had the address of the courthouse programmed into her phone, and she guided me there. As we walked toward the building, holding hands with our fingers interlocked, she became very emotional. "Are you okay, Buddy?" I asked.

She stopped and turned to me, so I immediately stopped and looked at her in the eyes as we held our hands together. She was very tearful. "The last time I was in a courthouse, I was sentenced to five years in prison, I thought my life was basically over, and I was screaming and crying hysterically as the guards walked me out. Now I'm going into a courthouse to marry my Buddy!"

"And last time you were in a courthouse, it was for dealing weed, and now you're entering a courthouse wearing a weed shirt!"

She grinned, we had a quick kiss on the lips, and she said "Come on, let's go!"

We went inside and applied for a marriage license. The clerk was a woman who appeared to be in her 50s or 60s. I gave my information first, followed by Megan, at which point the clerk looked puzzled and asked "You have the same last name?"

Megan immediately responded "Yeah, we met on a Facebook group for people with that last name!"

"Oh, I see!" the clerk said, chuckling, and sounding relieved!

As soon as we got the license, Megan and I went to a judge who performed the ceremony. We spoke our vows to each other as we held our hands together and gazed deeply into each other's eyes. And instead of our real names, we addressed ourselves and each other as "Buddy" when reciting the vows. And Megan said that she took me "to be my lawfully wedded whore" instead of husband. The judge showed no sign that he noticed the word change. Throughout the ceremony, we were both very emotional but stayed composed. When the judge pronounced us husband and wife, Megan and embraced and I kissed, then she playfully squeezed my cheeks, as she'd often done since she first held me, an hour after I was born.

We then walked toward the exit with our fingers interlocked, and just a few seconds after we got outside, she stopped and turned to me, which I again immediately reciprocated, as we held our hands together. Her eyes were now filled with tears. "Buddy?" she said in a shaky voice.

"Yes, Buddy?" I responded.

"I've been wanting to tell you this for the last four days since I found out, but I decided to wait until I saw you in person and we weren't pressed for time."

"Okay," I said assuringly.

"I'm pregnant!" she said, and then immediately broke down and wept as I took her in my arms and she clung to me tightly. And while still weeping, she added "We're having a baby!"

I was overjoyed as well. I knew the timing wasn't perfect, as I still hadn't finished high school, but I knew that Megan and I would find a way to work it out.

After a couple of minutes, Megan calmed down, then let go of me and showed me her new tattoo. Her speech was still emotional, but now composed. "Buddy, you know how much I've always loved daisies, ever since I was a little girl."

"Of course," I said.

"When I was in prison, there were only three things I thought much about. Number one was of course seeing you again. Number two was of course getting fucked up on weed again. And number three was seeing and smelling some daisies again."

I was gentle but also partly humorous in my response. "Well, you've only been out of prison two months and you've gotten all three of those things! But I bet there was one other thing you thought a lot about!"

"You think so, huh?! And what might that be?!"

"Getting lots and lots of black cock again!"

"You know me so well! But hey, now I have something even better, which is my cousin/husband's cock! I didn't think I'd ever crave a white cock, but I crave the fucking shit out of yours, Buddy!"

"Just like I crave the fucking shit out of my cousin/wife's soles!"

"I'm still amazed that you took over 2,000 pictures of the bottom of my fucking feet and jacked off with my flip flops for all those years and I had no idea!"

"And I'm still amazed you thought it was hot when you found out!"

Megan responded by just grinning, blushing, and squeezing my cheeks again. Then she turned serious, while remaining lighthearted. "So Buddy, if the baby is a girl, is it okay if we name her Daisy?" she asked.

"Of course, Buddy!"

"Oh, thank you!" she said as she wrapped her arms around me, which I reciprocated. After a few seconds, she let go of me and motioned me toward my car. "Come on, let's go to dinner!"

We then went back to holding hands with our fingers interlocked as we walked to the car. She then guided us to a steakhouse that was her favorite restaurant in that area. She had often visited Cincinnati for WWE events, and Cleveland Browns games there against the Cincinnati Bengals, so she knew the city very well. Our first dinner together as husband and wife was very romantic, as we sat across from each other, and the whole time gazed into each other's eyes.

And within a few second of sitting down, she slipped off her flip flops and rested her bare feet on my lap. I started to massage them, but Megan softly said "No, not right now! I mean, I love it when you massage them, but just let me do something right now!" I answered her simply by grinning, and I was looking forward to finding out what she had in mind.

As she slowly rubbed her left sole up and down my right inner thigh, her biggest two toes on her right foot unzippered my jeans. Figuring out what she was doing, I then unbuttoned the jeans, pulled my sweatshirt a few inches below my waist, pulled my underpants down to the middle of my thighs, put my phone in video mode with lighting, and held it inside my sweatshirt to film the action. Now grinning and relishing the covering I'd given her, Megan squeezed my throbbing head, which was already oozing pre-come, with the biggest two toes on her left foot, while caressing my balls with her right foot.

She slowly scrunched her left toes and twisted my head around while gently gliding her right toes along the back of my balls. I almost immediately felt chills throughout my body and wanted to gasp out in ecstasy, but I held it all back and acted calm. Megan, however, sensed my extreme pleasure and wickedly smirked. "The more I've thought about your sole fetish these last few weeks since I discovered it, the more I think it's awesome! I never liked guys talking to my knockers!"

"So is that the part of your body that guys loved the most?!" I asked.

"Yeah, but fuck, no one's ever loved a part of my body anywhere near as much as you love the bottom of my fucking feet! I still grin from ear to ear when I think about you secretly taking 2,000 pictures of the bottom of my fucking feet, starting when you were only 14! So fucking adorable and so fucking perverted at the same time! Same with my 150 lb. cousin wearing my underpants, especially when I weigh over twice what you do!"

I then felt my orgasm start, but tried to show no reaction and instead let Megan be surprised. I exploded with a 21 day load of come and her face lit up with amazement as she gasped. As the shots of come continued, she said "Fuck, have you jacked off since the last time we were together?!"

"No!" I responded.

"No wonder your fucking load is so fucking huge! It's the biggest fucking load I've ever gotten! Except for maybe when you gave me your virginity! That was the fullest my fucking nympho cunt has ever been!"

"I bet it was our first fuck that got you pregnant!"

"Yeah, probably!" At that, I stopped coming, and Megan set her come drenched feet on top of her flip flops, which were resting on the floor. Looking down at her feet, she said "Wow, even more than I realized!"

"Yeah," I said, also looking down at her feet and filming them, "they're almost completely covered!"

"So get down there and lick them clean, my lawfully wedded whore!"

Fortunately, we were in a position where no one could see it, so I grinned, handed her my phone, and said "Film it!"

Noticing that the video was already rolling, she asked "Did you film the foot job?!"

"Of course, and now I want you to film the clean up!"

"I'll be glad to!" She pointed the phone toward her feet, and then I licked them clean. During my licking, she asked me not to swallow, and I didn't. As soon as I finished, she said "Now open your mouth wide!" I did, revealing that it was filled with my come. She filmed it from close up for several seconds, then lightheartedly commanded "Now swallow every fucking drop, you fucking whore!" which I gladly did.

So the first sexual encounter between my huge cousin and me as husband and wife was mind blowing. And it left me wondering how kinky things were going to be in our hotel room over the next two days.



As a supplement to this story, I'm including the first letters that Megan and I sent to each other while she was in prison, about 2.5 years before we got married. At the time, I was 15 and had just started my Summer vacation between 9th and 10th grade. Megan was 22 and close to finishing her college degree. Though at that time I was trying to hide my romantic and sexual interest in her, I think it comes through very strongly in retrospect. Furthermore, I think she clearly had similar feelings for me; she just wasn't aware of them yet, because we're cousins.

I wrote this letter to Megan the day I got her prison address, which was a few days after she received a five year sentence.

Dear Buddy:

I'm so sorry and heartbroken that you're in prison. I'd give anything for you to be out. I feel terrible for you, and I'm going to miss you so much. You've always been my best friend in the whole world, and you always will be. That will never change no matter how long you're in prison. I want so much to come and visit you in prison, but my parents won't drive me. I begged them several times, but they say it's too far away. But please believe that I'd come if I could. And I promise I'll write you all the time.

My parents told me that you can get out in 2 ½ years with good behavior, so please behave well every day, so you can get out and we can see each other again as soon as possible. I hope the time passes quickly for you, but even if it doesn't, I promise it'll be worth the wait when we're finally together again.

I love you with all my heart forever, Buddy, because you're my best friend and the greatest person in the world, and when I see you again, I'm going to give you the biggest hug you've ever gotten. And for now, I send you a big hug through this letter.

I'll write again soon and I'll see you again in about 2 ½ years. And until then, I'll be thinking about you every moment of every day.

Your cousin and BFF,


And here is Megan's response.

Dear Buddy:

I've been sitting in my cell for the last two hours trying to write back to you, but I haven't been able to, because I've been crying too hard to see the paper. I've finally calmed down enough to write, but I'm still overwhelmed. Ever since I got arrested, I've just been thinking about you constantly, and I was so afraid that you wouldn't want anything to do with me anymore. My fucking parents wouldn't get me a lawyer, even though they could've afforded it, because they told me I deserve to go to prison to teach me a lesson. So I just had some fucking worthless piece of shit public defender. They wrote me one letter and told me they're not going to send me another one, and they're not going to visit me, because they want me to just sit here and think about what I did, so I'll learn my lesson and not do it again when I get out. I just fucking hate them so fucking much. Grandma and Grandpa at least sent me a nice letter, but they don't understand me.

Buddy, you're the only person who's ever understood me and ever accepted me just as I am. You always loved me unconditionally even though I'm huge, even after you found out about my previous arrest, even when everyone else in the family though I was disgracing the family by living with a guy I wasn't married to. So I should've known that my being in prison wouldn't change your feelings about me either. I'm so sorry I doubted you. You proved to me once again that you're the most wonderful person in the whole world, as I knew you were the first time I held you when you were a baby.

Being locked up is the toughest thing I've ever been through. I fucking hate it so fucking much, and I'm so fucking depressed. I'm trapped in a fucking 8 X 10 cell by myself. The first day I was here, I got the fucking shit beaten out of me by a gang, so now I'm in solitary confinement for my protection. I could never get through this alone, but you and I can get through anything together, Buddy. So please keep writing me, as often as you can. And when you do write, please tell me about yourself. You didn't do that in your first letter. I know you feel sorry for me, but you're the person I love the most, and you always will be, so knowing what you're up to will always bring a big smile to my face, and I can use all the smiles I can get right now.

And also, make sure you do your best in school and get good grades, and stay out of trouble. That'll make your future so much easier.

I'll be anxiously awaiting your next letter, and I promise to respond to it right away. In fact, I'll respond to all your letters right away. I only leave my cell to take a shower, so I'll have plenty of time to write to you. In fact, all I'll be doing until I get out is writing to you and working on my degree. They're letting me take college classes from my cell, so I'll be able to get a good job when I get out.

And Buddy, when I do get out, we're going to make up for all the lost time, I promise. We're going to have lots of awesome times together. And since I doubt my parents will take me back, maybe we can be roommates together someday. There's no one who I'd rather share a home with, and besides, it would be so great to hang out with you every day instead of just a few times a year. We always have such a blast together.

I'm getting the fuck out of here as soon as I can, Buddy, and when I see you again, I'm going to give you the biggest hug you've ever gotten. I just hope we don't squeeze so hard that we hurt each other! And until then, I'll be thinking about you every moment of every day also.

Your cousin and BFF also,


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