{After a few days, near an old dungeon on the Island}
It has been a few days since I started training with my father, I have been training everyday before lunch.
Right now I am going in the forest region to take in mana & enhance my mana control.
This island is isolated, our house is located near the coast in the direction of the kingdom, the kingdom appears just as a vague blurry landmass & is not visible much.
On the other side of this island is a dense big forest & there is also an old dungeon in that forest.
Father had said that one of the reasons why no one stays on this island is because of that dungeon, because it may reactivate again, but that is most likely possible after some 100years.
I had read it in the book "Basics of Mana & Elemental Arts" that the concentration of Mana is high inside the forest & even higher near a dungeon.
That's why forests are the best places to take in mana from outside. People normally avoid going near dungeons because of them being dangerous but since this one has been inactive for a long time now I think it's ok to come here.
I wanna take as much mana as I can to become stronger..., oh I am finally here, wow that's one big dungeon cave I wonder how big it is inside. But I don't plan on going in, there is enough dense mana outside.
Ok now looking at a place to sit..., there near this tree is fine. It feels really nice here, the mana is making me feel even more energized than before.I gotta take in as much as I can & keep controlling it at the same time..., ohk it's going good, it's hard to control this dense mana but I think I can do it.
*faint sounds*
"Huh ? What is this sound ?"
I should enhance my hearing..., ok let's focus on the sound now
*Increasing sound of approaching fast footsteps*
What ! What is this ?! The sound is coming from inside the dungeon, is there still a monster in there or maybe a beast has taken residence inside.
Whatever it is, it's approaching fast I gotta hide. Going on top of this tree won't be enough I gotta get further away on top of another tree..., Here should be enough.
*Increasing loud sounds of fast running footsteps*
Enhancing my vision I can somewhat see a faint figure it's becoming bigger & clearer as it's getting closer, its running out but why is it running like that ? Is it being chased ? If yes then by who ?!
It didn't take long for the answer to arrive,within in a few seconds both of them came running out, the one ahead had a big lion like figure & the one chasing it appeared to have a humanoid figure.
The big lion like beast was carrying something in its mouth, I enhanced my vision more but it wasn't needed since that big beast was coming in my direction, I gotta run but I don't know if it has seen me yet or not.
The thing it was holding in its mouth became clear. It was it's cub, the big beast kept the cub near a tree & turned around to face it's approacher.
When it had come near me though it was still a bit far away I realised just how big it was…"What the hell is that !?"
It's big! very big!! almost the size of a big truck. It's front legs are much bigger & muscular & it's front paws are bigger than the back ones also the claws are bigger.
It's face is also big but at the same time it's appearing elegant and sleak, his mane is sharp at edges & those big dagger like teeth, I think it's somewhat like a sabertooth lion.
It's back body & back legs are comparatively shorter & less muscular than it's front ones, as for its tail it's very short but furry. It has ochre colour with dark brown rock like patches, it's paws and back region of legs have white fur & it has an edgy brown mane, I have never seen such a majestic & powerful beast like this before.
It's big amber coloured eyes seems to be focused on the enemy ahead and it's sharp lynx like ears seem to be detecting any sounds that's been made around. It's powerful I can see it clearly but it's also injured quiet a lot, it seems to have had a fierce battle while protecting it's cub.
It's enemy who is holding that big sharp sword is also injured quiet a lot, it's figure is humanoid and it's wearing a dark colored full body armour but his helmet & upper armour are not there anymore almost as if they have been bitten off, I am sure it's the work of this big beast.
It's face appears to be that of an Ox it's somewhat a Minotaur like creature, it's big Horns are complimenting it's big black face. It's eyes and it's expression look very evil.
I guess all it wants is to kill that big beast and it's cub. Looking at how strong they both are I can't do anything to meddle in between them. I can only observe the fight for now, I dont want any of them to leave the forest & head towards my home, I definitely don't want that.
Seems like both of them are ready to make a move..., the big beast dashed forward and jumped on the ox head's upper body and at the same time the ox head pierced the body of the big beast with it's sword.
The sword hit the beast first & a wide evil smile spread on the ox head's face but the big beast didn't give up it put all its strength in its jaws and bit the neck of the ox head.
Both of them recieved fatal wounds and died in that position itself, with the ox head falling on the ground, it's sword pierced inside the big beast & the dagger like teeth of the big beast inside ox head's neck.
The little cub which also had been injured, came slowly limping towards its parent and started making sad sounds.
To lose one's parents in front of them like that is ofcourse something unbearable. It kept making sad sounds till exhaustion took over it and it fell unconscious.
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