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50% SWORD PRINCE / Chapter 10: hero enriched 2

Bab 10: hero enriched 2

" what the thieves, that has been stealing the crops of the farmers of the town " the mayor asked with earnestly waiting for my reply.

"yes sir , I have caught hold of one of them , he is lying in the bush , he is tied up , he also gave me some information about their hideout, sorry I will be needing some of your men to accompany me to the hideout" I told the king who is looking very surprised at any word that I speak.

"what , you mean you caught hold of one of them alone and you tied him down and also collects some information about their hideout, I can't believe this , looking at you , you might be a 16 years old lad, how did you do all that Alone " the mayor was very surprised.

" sir , you have to believe me I did it alone and we need to be very fast " I said to the mayor

" hmm" he was out of words he only sighed.

"sir you need to be fast " I reminded the mayor, because he was still thinking.

" ok , I will send ten of my men with you, if this turns out to be true I will reward you with a beautiful house and ten thousand gold coin, but if it turns out to be a trick , I will have you locked up " the mayor said to me.

" ok sir , but we need to act fast , and may I ask for a favor I want the army you are sending with me to do whatever I say , because if they should act on their own, the thieves will have the upper hand, so I will be leading them " I said to the mayor .

the mayor is looking at me with surprise and amazement from what I just said .

"ok young man your wish is granted " the mayor said to me , I bowed my head as a thank you.

he called one of the guard in the house , the guard came before him .

" go and get nine other men with you, you guys have a mission to accomplish now , be fast , go and call the other nine and meet me here " the mayor ordered the guard .

" yes sir " the guard bowed his head and left us there .

he returned with nine other guards armed with swords .

"all of you we have an urgent issue on ground, I hope you guys remembered the complain by this people yesterday about the thieves" the mayor said to his guards .

"yes sir , do you have any information about the thieves " one of the guard spoke up ,he is the leader of the guards in the mayor's house .

"yes I have a very relevant information about them ,but you guys are going to accompany the person who gave us the information,he said that one of them is tied down in the bush ,and he was able to get the hideout of the others" the mayor is explaining everything to his guards.

" I guess this man is the one " the leader said to the mayor pointing at the man that is standing in front of me .

" that is very very good ,he was able to get one of them ,and even collected the information about the hideout of the older " another guard spoke out .

" actually I am not the one, it is this this young man over here" the man said pointing to me .

when all the guards heard what the man said , they opened their mouth and their eyes almost plugged out.

"what "

" is this a joke or something"

" hahaha what a nice joke"

they are all saying different things out of surprise, some are laughing thinking it is a joke others are looking at me.

"the young boy you see here is actually the one " the mayor cleared their thought .

" what "

" you don't mean it "


" I also felt that he was lying but he proved himself, that he is actually the one " the mayor said .

" ok we believe, now let go " the leader spoke out .

" and one more thing, he is going to be the one to lead you guys, you guys are going to do everything he tells you to do" the mayor added , the guards were surprised that I will be the one to lead them, but they nodded a yes to the mayor.

"ok you can go now , and you I haven't gotten your name"

"my name is Lee" I answered.

" ok Lee , my guards are under your control, remember the promise, but if turns out to be a lie I hope you remember the penalty" the mayor warned.

" ok sir,we shall be on our way now "bi said.

we walked faster but we didn't want to make any noice,so the enemy will not even suspect anything.

we got to the place where I tied the other man , he was still there ,he couldn't move and the other people on his group did not come looking for him.

"hey , I brought company" I said looking at the man in my bubby trap earlier.

"you pervert,you left me here ,and you left with my Money" he haven't seen the guards I brought with me so he was still threatening me.

"what chief lui Chang " one of the guard said recognizing the man in my net .

the man saw the guards with me,and the guards were astonish seeing the type of trap I set for the man ,and they also recognized the man to be chief lui Chang .

I was right about this man earlier when he said that I should save his name , maybe he is a very rich man ,and also a chief in the town ,but he is involved in dubious act so the name prefixes chief should not be added to a thief's name .

"I think we have to remove the chief prefixes here ,if it is because of the wealth that makes you call him a chief then I will be bold to tell you that ,he is not a chief any longer he is a thief and he must be punished severely" I said to the guards looking at him with regrets.

"now untie him " I commanded the guards , they wouldn't dear to disobey me because it was a direct order from their boss , they untied him .

"two of you take him , while another stays at his back in case he tries to escape and also he will be the one to move first,he is the one leading us there" I ordered again, and they did accordingly to what I said .

he is fully guarded and there is no way on Earth ,he can escape from us .he moved slowly,the guards pushed him forward to move fast,he is the one directing us now ,so if he takes us to the wrong way I will know because he told me the exact place to find the others .

"this is the route " he said after a long walk with the guards holding him .

" ok I have an idea everyone,if we should go at once they might defeat us, so you guys will have to do as I say when we get closer " I told them an they nodded.

we continues with our normal silent pace , when we got closer chief lui Chang or rather thief lui Chang , gave a sign that we are there , Immediately I gave a hand sign for all the guards to come together,they responded and they came together,I began whispering something,while the other two remained with thief lui Chang.

" they are the same in number with us ,and also fully armed as we are ,so the plan is going to be,we will surround them ,in 4 group a 3 3 3 3 formation all of you staying at different positions ,I will be with a guard and the so called chief, when you hear my group making any sound,you will join us , and I want all of you shout the world , (drop your weapons and surrender,you are surrounded) they will think we are very many and they will surrender,once they do that attack them , giving them a bad injury on their legs so they wouldn't be able to move " I gave them a good idea and the steps to follow.

" this young boy,how do you know of all this plan that even the general of our army can't even think of it " the leader of the mayor's guard said looking at me with amazement.

" I don't know ,ok let start with the plan now " I answered the leader and also ordered the other guards to stay on their positions.

they walked through the bush silently to their various position, I waited patiently and when I felt that they have taken their various positions , I made a loud sound like that of a frog , when the other guards heard my sound they did as I have ordered them .

"drop your weapons and surrender, you are surrounded "all the group said in unison with loud voices, it was exactly as I have planned earlier , it sounds like a battalion of army.

later I heard the sound of sword ,I can also hear the sound of men crying in pain , then I sighed in relief that my planned had work perfectly.

" hey thief lui Chang, can you take us to your partners in crime " I said looking at lui Chang .

he started walking slowly with his head low to the ground in shame probably because of the new name I gave to him 'thief lui Chang' ,after a little walk through the bush,we stopped at an cleared area .

with the aide of the fire that was made at the center of the cleared area ,i can see the guard all pressing the wounded men on the floor.

"young man ,your plan worked ,you are such a brave and smart young man ,what is your next order " one of the guard said.

" I agree with you,he is very brave and wise " another guard added .

"ok my last order let take them to the mayor " I ordered they didn't nod as a reply as earlier , they saluted as a reply.

we started walking home with the thieves,they walked slowly in Shame ,the shame that they are going to face today is very plenty.

after about ninety minutes,we stopped at the same beautiful house we stopped earlier,the mayor was already waiting, I can see him seating with two beautiful girls, one was the one I saw the first time I came to the mayor's house earlier on,when the mayor saw us coming he stood up from his seat seeing me in the front of the guards with some injured me limping behind us.

the mayor couldn't bear it he thought his eyes were decieving him ,he walked closer to us ,he was speechless when he saw his eyes weren't decieving him,his daughter also stood up in surprise.

" you weren't lying at all ,you were telling the truth ,you mean you thought of all this yourself" the mayor said looking at my eyes .

" master ,this young man here has ideas more than a war strategist,he planned everything by himself from the scratch,and there was no mistakes at all ,his plans worked out perfectly" the leader of the mayor's guards commented.

the others nodded as an agreement to what their leader said.

the mayor looked at me with amusement and later his attention switched from me to another person.

".. chief lui Chang " the mayor said then I quickly remembered,it was the man who fell into my traps, then I spoke up.

"sir I think you need to remove that prefixes,he is not who the people think he is ,he is a thief and I suggest his name from today will be thief lui Chang" I said .

the other guards who were not with us laughed heartily hearing the new name,I also saw the two girls giggling, the one I saw this morning was the prettiest among them , the famous thief lui Chang looked down seeing the people laughing at him.

" I think we need to announced that name to the people" the mayor said.

" one of you blow the horn let the people come and see our respective thieves" the mayor giggled ordering a guard to blow the horn .

....pom pom pom pooom poom poom ...

I heard a very long sound,it is the sound of the horn the kind ordered his guard to blow .

Immediately the people started heading towards the mayor's house ,both the young ,the old ,the female,the males and also the animals were heading to the mayor's house ,but I am not sure that it is everyone that is heading to the palace

the mayor climbed on something,it is like a stair leading to the roof of a house but ,there was no house there ,he stood there so the people will see him properly.

" my people,I know you can remember those thieves that was stealing from our various farm land....." the mayor haven't finished his statement when the people started protesting maybe because of the anger about the thieves,the mayor used hand signs to tell the guard standing close to the horn blown earlier.

....pom pom pom pooom poom poom ...

the loud horn sounded again and the people kept quiet the mayor continues his statement.

" but a young hero in this town has acted bravely and smartly, we now have the respected thieves with us, but one of them is known to us I will be happy to present that person to you " the mayor said and gesture on the guards to bring the new chief up.

"I present to you Chief Lui Chang who have been promoted from a chief to a thief " the mayor said and the guard presented thief lui Chang to the people.

" what , chief is a thief"

" this must be a joke,the young chief"

" I knew he wasn't pure , he is flirty rich without having any business doing and always claiming that his business are not from this town "

the surprised people looking at that fmr chief, and giving different remarks .

" and also meet his fellow thieves " the mayor said gesturing to his guards to bring the other nine criminal upward , the people yelled at the thieves.

I remembered that I have something to do, I have to withdraw all the money from his account.

I went to the bank the farmer showed me earlier in the morning, there was nobody there only a lady .

"hey good day ma , I am here to withdraw all the coin in this account" I passed the bank note to the lady .

"ok here is the 3 million gold coins" she said to me as she brought three big bags of coins I can only take two , I saw a young boy running to the mayor's house, I called the boy and told him to help me with the third bag of coins , the boy agreed to help me with it .

we took it to the mayor's house crowded with people , I gave the small boy all the remaining coins I have on me , the nine silver coin the lady at the shore gave to me as my Change from the net i bought.

"thank you " the boy said happily, placing it in his pocket and running to Join the crowd.

" I guess you guys are waiting to see our hero , I will present it to you now the kind gestured to me to climb up the stairs to meet him ,I gestured on the guard to bring the bag of coins up .

i climbed up the stairs with the two guards carrying the bag of coins .

"look at him , isn't he cute "

"what I young boy "

" is this some kind of joke"

the people are giving their various remarks,I didn't bother about the Remark they are giving.

"I have something to tell them , can I speak to them " I asked the mayor, he nodded as a yes.

" good people of the town, I will emphasis more on the farmers in our means,this man you address as chief lui Chang , I was a able to collect his bank note and I have withdrawn all the money in that account, and I will be giving it to the mayor ,I collected it as a compensation for the things he has stole from you " I said to the people and I presented the bag to them .

"It all amounts to 3 million gold coins, thank you" I appreciated after my long speech .

" no he can keep the money , seeing that the thieves are gone ,we are at rest ,he can have those money as a reward for his bravery"

" he can keep it"

" give it to him as a reward"

the mayor's is looking at me with amazement , his daughters are also looking at me with amazement .

"now it is time to go to our various home, we can now harvest our crops without fear " the mayor said dismissing the crowds .

the people started leaving the place one after the other till it was only the mayor and his whole household.

"young man , you are indeed if great character, now it is time for me to fulfill my promise, the people said you can have all the 3 million coins and this is the ten thousand gold coin I promise you earlier and the house I will give it to you.

"thank you for the coin , but I won't be needing it , the men that came with me can have it , and the house that you promised, I want to give it to the leader of your guards" I said .

" ok if that is what you wish for your wish is granted" the mayor said .

" am a little bit tired , I can't take anything now , I will come back today or maybe another day to collect the coins " I said to the mayor .

" no Lee , you worked hard for that , I will order the guards to help you take it home " the mayor called two of his guard and instructed them to help me with the bag of coins .

"good bye sir, I need to have a long sleep , am really tired " I said to the mayor .

" ok noble , you can have a nice rest, thank you for your bravery and your smartness you used in saving our town from those criminals " the mayor appreciated me , I waved at him and I started heading home, the guards were following me with the bag of coins.

I stopped in front of my house , I ordered the guards to keep the bag down , I can see them , they are looking at my house .

" adding to your braveness and smartness, you are also kind , thank you for the coins you gave to us " the first guard said .

" and you also reject the house, you told the mayor to give it to , our leader , you are indeed very kind" the second guard added.

" thank you very much, please thank the mayor for me , and also greet his daughters for me " I said I didn't know what I was even talking because of the dizziness.

the two guards looked at each other and smiled.

"it seems you like one of them, that is very good to hear, but you know they are quite older than you are" the first guard said.

" well they may also have a crush on you , don't forget that you were , the town hero today , the young girls in the crowd were admiring you , when you gave your speech today " the second guard added.

" that is not a lie , I also see some of the young girls, not only young but very beautiful ones , all their attention were on you " the first guard said again .

" ok thanks, I am very tired , I need to have a long sleep , and maybe i will be able to regain my strength" I said to the guards.

" good bye , young Lee "

"good bye Lee"

the two guards waved at me , and I also wave back at them, they were discussing different things but I can't listen because of the dizziness.

I switched on the light,I dragged the three bag of money inside the house,I didn't have any space to hide them , because of the size of the room.

' I will open an account and deposit all the three million' I thought to myself , because I will not have any fear of thieves entering my house, I can't see clearly because of the sleepiness.

I rolled out the futon , I climbed up the bed slowly,and laid my body on it ,with my head at the top of the bed , waiting earnestly for a good sleep.

'today is a very good and blessed day ' I thought to myself and I closed my eyes

next chapter
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