When the students arrived at the peak of the mountain, it was almost half-past one.
Tired to death after climbing the mountain, a few students directly fell on the ground, ignoring the dirt while a few just stood there and tried to steady their breath.
Since the whole mountain was pre-booked by the school authority, there were only the students who were campaigning tonight and no outsiders were allowed.
Since the tents were already set up before their arrival, the teachers divided the students into a group of tent and alotted one tent to each.
when Sia and the other three girls walked inside their tent intentding to put their bags down, they were stupified to see their fellow tent mates.
For a minute Sia almost doubted that her teacher must have made such an arrangement purposefully.
Other than the four of them, there was this insect gang lead by Mina, miss no one beauty Rose and proud peackock Ms. Yi.
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