Just as the hoodlums were about to grab the middle aged woman, a ten year old kid suddenly appeared in front of the women and said with his hand spread "Stop! You can't touch my mother"
Ammused, Sia leaned against the wall and watched the brave little boy.
On the other hand, the moment the fatty saw the little kid, his eyes started to sparkle brightly.
"Wait! step back" ordered the fatty when he saw his men were about to make a move.
Stepping forward, he looked at the little boy with tender cheeks and almost drooled.
Looking down at the little boy, the old fatty smiled and asked "Little boy, what's your name?"
Not answering, the little boy squeezed his lips and stared at the fatty with vigilance
"Haha, looks like you have quite a temper huh? but that's fine, I like it"
Still remaining quiet with his hand spread, protecting his mother behind the little guy looked at the fatty as if he was a lion ready to eat kill a rabbit.
"Hmm, what do you want?"
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