Ryu walked across the room with a frown on his face.
"I don't know what to do"
"What do you mean master?"
Mia was sitting in the wooden floor following his master with her gaze.
The first thing that Ryu asked Bardun when the woke up after being unconscious for several days was to allow him to set Athela free and he agreed on the spot. Everything would have been fine if not for Ryu's distrustful nature.
Whenever things went too smoothly he started second guessing himself.
"I'm not sure if setting Athela free was the best choice. What happens if she goes to Celarent and then comes back with an army and exterminates the goblins?"
"I don't think she would do something like that you know"
"But, what if she tells everyone I sided with the goblins or something"
Distress wouldn't even begin to describe how Ryu felt right now.
"We don't need to worry about that master, after all she's in no condition to travel"
Special thanks to RedPlayzYT, Sunny_Shumail, Hawkmancody, Sean_James_2421 and Automan!