#Arnotville Black Market
Black market. It’s not like there is a building or an area painted black where there is a market. It’s a place where things that are deemed illegal by the government of a country turn up frequently. You won’t find it because not every shop in that market sells illegal items. Illegal items are kept in a secret stash.
Once there are words that someone is looking for, the sellers will also send out words that the items are available to buy in secret. It is indeed a very dangerous place. The more expensive an item is, the more dangerous people are involved in it. People can end up dead from a deal gone wrong.
The luxury and exquisite items market is such a place. For example, animal poachers sell contraband animal parts like hides of almost extinct animals, elephant tusks, horns of rhinos, and so on. This is just an example. Billions in local currency are lost in tax revenue because of this.