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Star Wars: That One Word...Ordo

Penulis: TheRagFromTheCrag2

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Chapter I: Kellian Ordo, Jedi Master

(Jedi Temple, Jedi Temple District, Coruscant, Coruscant System, Coruscant Subsector, Corusca Subsector, Core Worlds)


Kellian Ordo was seventeen years old and the youngest Human Jedi Master in the Modern Era.

A Mandalorian born on Concord Dawn into Clan Ordo, Kellian had once been a Padawan under Mace Windu, their sharp minds and stoic natures making Partnership easy.

Since being Knighted he had trained three Padawan's to Knighthood, and one of said Padawan's had since become a Master, the Jedi High Council had promoted him in recognition of that.

Kellian was known by a title to many in the Galaxy....The Weaponmaster.

Revered among the Order for being a skilled Lightsaber Smith and combatant, there wasn't a variation of Lightsaber that Kellian hadn't trained in.

In fact he carried many a lightsaber, but his primary choice were the ones he'd first constructed as a Youngling on his gathering.

Two Curved-Hilt's with a Crescent hand guard and fitted with a Crossguard on each. The distinctions were that one of the Crossguards were vented at the traditional Angles, and the other was angled forwards like a trident.

Upon his Ascension to Knighthood and due to his exceptional skills, he was awarded an Electrum plating on his hilts because of his mastery over Forms II, III, V, and VII. Only one of the two was given the plating, however.

He wanted an option to one day craft Beskar into his Saber. In fact, he wouldn't mind making Beskar the primary material of both with an Electrum or Haysian Smelt detailing, but like all his sabers, the grip would have to be Boiled Bantha leather over a Greel Wood sheath.

Currently a Master without a Padawan, Kellian who leads the 442nd Special Ops Legion as one of the leading Generals of the War Effort was seeking a new Padawan. With his meta-knowledge he'd achieved much, earning him a stellar reputation in diplomatic and militant circles, not to mention the corporate sector. But this meta-knowledge had also proven invaluable in learning various Force-Abilities, meeting future game changers, and also selecting a new Padawan.

Kellian entered Master Tera Sinube's class and waited for Sinube to speak to him. As a youngling, Kellian had always enjoyed the aged Master's classes. And he frequently sought out Sinube for advice in his Underworld investigations, which he conducted under various criminal identities. A trend of his was using Mandalorian and Correllian names to create multiple false IDs. For instance, two of his Underworld IDs were bitter Rivals and ran two independent cartels. His Cassus Eldar identity was a Mandalorian who headed a Weapons and explosives operation but was a bitter rival to his Correllian Identity, Aarthen Atthos. As Aarthen Atthos, Kellian ran a highly successful smuggling and raider fleet. What's more is that no one ever really saw the two in public, except to pick the occasional fight.

In fact, both organizations had previously gotten into an unauthorized war, forcing Kellian to directly become involved. In what was covered by no less than ten Holonet news stations, Kellian mediated live with both men. How did he do this? With little inspiration from Dopplegänger! Basically, Dopplegänger allowed a Force user to create visual illusions to an advanced degree, but not control like puppets. In fact, Kellian used Dopplegänger to inflate his troop numbers according to separatist scouts, then send his inflated numbers against an entirely separate objective.

The clankers would go nuts and begin rerouting their entire forces and rethinking their entire strategy when all of a sudden real clones are busting down the back door to their command center. In any event, what actually happened was that Kellian was making use of two close friends and allies, the friends changed their appearances on the Holo and went through weeks of practice.

At any rate, there was a reason he was seeking out Master Sinube, often times Sinube was able to determine the most promising Initiates, and a quick Temple search saw Kellian enter the class of Gungi, Katooni, Petro, and company. No doubt his Mandalorian Armor was a little intimidating, it had been gifted to him by his Uncle, Commander Jass Ordo of the Journeyman Protectors, it was pure Beskar, and came with a Jet Pack. He didn't really need the Jet Pack mind you, but it helped in sticky situations where a Force Leap was either unwarranted, too risky, or too late. Like any good Mando, he had several backup armors.

But more likely the various Lightsabers and weapons he carried made the Younglings recognize him and thus their intimidation was mostly overshadowed by awe.

''Ah, Younglings, it seems we've got an important guest. I trust he needs no introduction, but allow me to introduce him regardless. This is Master Kellian Ordo, the Youngest Human Jedi Master in the Post-Ruusan Era, the Orders Weaponmaster, and one of our greatest Lightsaber Smiths.'' Sinube says as he bows to Kellian.

''Master Sinube exaggerates, but he is mostly correct.'' Kellan replies.

''Could I trouble you to give these Younglings an impromptu lesson? We rarely see you in the temple, and it could greatly benefit them.'' Sinube asks with a sly smile as all the Younglings look at him hopefully.

''Alright, gather around Younglings, allow me to show you a few rare Lightsaber designs and tell you why they're good. This was one of my first Lightsabers. I forged this on my Gathering. This particular lightsaber combines three different forms of Lightsaber hilt. This is also easily my favorite.'' Says Kellian.

''This Lightsaber has a Hand Guard. I eventually constructed the Guard out of a unique Durasteel alloy that also was comprised partially of Phrik and Cortosis. All three are Lightsaber Resistant, so using them as a Guard means I can potentially parry using that. This Guard is retractable, however, meaning I am able to potentially fully utilize the Curved-Hilt to full effect. Now then, can anyone tell me which of the Seven Traditional Forms of Lightsaber Combat are best suited for a Curved-Hilt?'' Kellian asks.

''Master Ordo! Form II?!'' A Human Youngling asks a little smugly.

''Petro, correct?''

''Yes, Master.'' The boy replies even more smug.

''While Form II Makashi is the traditionally best-suited form for a Curved-Hilt, it is not the only one. Can anyone else tell me which two Forms are also well-suited to a Curved-Hilt?'' Asks Kellian.

Murmurs among the Younglings break out as they debate amongst themselves.

Slowly, one raises their hand.

''Master?! What of Form V?'' The one in question Katooni.

''Form V, the two variants of Form V both have their uses with a Curved-Hilt, in fact, a Sith Lord was once heard ages past to have said Curved-Hilt Lightsabers fit better into the palm, allowing greater power without costing precision. They also altered the angle of attacks slightly, which gave him a unique dueling style. Hearing this, what do you suppose the remaining form is?'' Asks Kellian.

''Here's a hint, Master Yoda favors it.'' Says Sinube.

''Master Yoda favors everything, Sinube.'' Says Kellian with a chuckle.

''Everything? Partial to it, may I be, but everything favor, I do not.'' Master Yoda says walking into the class.

''Master, I've missed your presence, you always make me work my hardest, I've missed the challenge of finding new ways to complete your challenges.'' Says Kellian.

''Master Ordo, grave danger Master's Skywalker, Kenobi, and Koon be in, go to their aid, you must. Together with your forces, help defeat this hidden enemy.'' Says Yoda.

''I hate this war I truly do, how long until we're sending younglings to the frontlines?!'' Says Kellian sadly.

''Share your grievances does the Council, but little can do, there is.'' Yoda says.

''Speaking of which Master, please pass these to the rest of the Council, I've found them useful aids and meditation and they should be able to make greater use of them than I.'' Says Kellian.

''Pass on your gift, I shall. But go quickly now, you must.'' Yoda says.

''Master Sinube, please come see me when I return. I have a matter I'd like to discuss with you.'' Kellian informs the aged Jedi before leaving.

''Now then Younglings, a question Master Ordo posed? An answer do you have? To give him, when he returns, find it you must.'' Says Yoda as Kellian leaves, chuckling at Master Yoda.

''Seek out Madam Nu, and maybe, reward from Master Ordo you shall get. Fond of Younglings is he, fonder still of rewarding hard work, he is.'' Says Yoda as the doors close.


Exiting the classroom, Kellian places his lightsaber on his belt and takes his Helmet from one of the Clone Commandos waiting outside.

As a member of the Special Operations Brigade, Protocol demanded a Clone Commando or Arc-Trooper Escort. As he was also a Jedi Master, he was required to have Commandos.

''Contact the Redeemer, refuel, and resupply now. We're headed to assist Master's Kenobi, Koon, and Skywalker. I want every Starfighter fueled and ready before we arrive, and I want my ship readied too. Give our fighters a payload of Proton Torpedos, Concussion Missiles, and increased Power output to Engines and Weapons. Knowing Skywalker, they're in a right mess.'' Kellian orders.

''Yes sir.'' One of his clones replies.

''Lieutenant, have the Phantom Eight prepped as well, this may be the mystery Superweapon, if so it may be worth boarding it and trying to either capture it or download critical data.'' Says Kellian.


''Let's see what mess Skywalker's made.'' Says Kellian entering the turbolift.


[The Redeemer, Mobile HQ of 442nd Clone Special Ops Legion, Republic Acclamator-Class Assault Ship, Hyperspace}


The Redeemer was a modified Acclamator-Class Assault Ship. As part of the Spec Ops Brigade, The Redeemer was fitted with a lot of additions, such as a modified power plant and engines. They could carry more supplies, artillery, and ships and likewise more troops. Moreover, every trooper on the Redeemer had undergone surgery in order to enhance their lungs, hearts, kidneys, livers, and spine just like Kellian himself, though he also had their inhibitor chips secretly removed.

Because of their enhancements, the Clones were now able to process air better, as well as more easily oxygenate their blood and process and expel chemicals and toxins.

The enhancements to their spines were in order to protect them from being paralyzed and increase their chances of surviving a high-impact Crash as would be prone to happen during a landing. Actually, it was worth noting that a lot of his missions involved going in Bad-Batch Style, and that was saying something considering the Two Squads that were almost always by his side were Delta Squad and the Nulls. Kal Skirata was his right hand, the two being friends given the close bonds between Clan's Ordo and Skirata, additionally, Kal's authority was only exceeded by his own, since the old bastard's official title was Field Marshal of Special Operations.

There was a reason Kellian specifically sought out Kal, not simply because of their friendship, but with the express goal to reunify the Mandalorian Clans and reform their Warrior Culture. His Mandalorian Armor might have been given to him by his uncles, but it was Kal who told them how to get into contact with him.

Kellian would always be grateful for that, especially since it allowed him to reconnect with his mother and siblings. More importantly it gave him the opportunity to connect with his half-siblings after his mother remarried following his father's death.

Of course he never told the Council, well he told Windu and Yoda, but only because of the fact his stepfather, and brother's were high-ranking members of the Journeyman protectors. This gave the Council the chance to leverage his relationships to place a Jedi Watchman in Journeyman space, potentially forging alliances and bonds of friendship in Neutral Space.

The Jedi and the Protectors had a tenuous relationship at best, but the relationship was a workable one, and having Kal Skirata as his right hand and wearing the Traditional Mandalorian Armor certainly helped the Case of the Jedi attempting to forge bonds with the Protectors. More than that, Kellian was respected by both sides of the Mandalorian People, the Warriors and the peaceful ones.

But that was a discussion for another time, he wanted to get into contact with Skywalker and Kenobi quickly....


(POV Shift: Obi-Wan Kenobi)


Not for the first time in recent years, Obi-Wan Kenobi let out a sad sigh. The reason for this was Jedi Master Kellian Ordo.

Kenobi admired the boy for his accomplishments, but he frequently felt unnerved by the lad. He looked at Kenobi with consoling eyes at times, and when the day had come that Kenobi asked if there was an issue, Kenobi understood the weight the boy was carrying.

Ordo said he had foresaw the end of the Jedi Order, and that it would be within both their lifetimes, Obi-Wan would ensure the Order would rise again through his own death. Comforting as it was, Obi-Wan couldn't deny how sorely he wished that that sort of prophetic vision hadn't been given to one so young. It was a traumatic thing at best, and Ordo understood the boys hesitancy to trying to prevent it. In trying to prevent a prophecy one could inevitably end up causing it.

Moreover as accomplished as the boy was, he was right in that he very well could have interpreted the vision wrong. Such visions were very rarely so clear cut, and more often than not poor interpretation led to poorer results as a result of action poorly thought out.

But even so, Obi-Wan was grateful that the young Master would be helping them against the Separatist Super Weapon, his 442nd Clone Legion was a strong and capable force, it's little wonder that they're assigned to the the Special Operations Brigade, especially since many of the post-geonosis victories were because of intel gained by Ordo and the 442nd through their covert boarding operations aboard Separatist ships and in planetary command centers for intel. Having said that however, the recklessness was on par with Anakin and that was naturally concerning.

But that was hardly the point now was it?

"Master Kenobi, you ready to make the jump into Hyperspace?" Turning to face Master Ordo's holographic form, Kenobi again sighs. "Yes, let's depart, and see how big of a mess Anakin's made." Obi-Wan replies.

"Very well, we'll rendezvous at the Resolute and determine the damage Skywalker has already done." Master Ordo replies, turning to someone on his own bridge as the communications cut out as they jump into hyperspace and head out to join Skywalker, Plo, and....Ahsoka.


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