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12.85% Star Wars: Sex Stories / Chapter 8: Star Wars the old republic saga, rise of a new empire: Chapter 1 - The Emperor's Wrath

Bab 8: Star Wars the old republic saga, rise of a new empire: Chapter 1 - The Emperor's Wrath

Today Delilah Wrath was after a high priority target of the empire; Darth Malgus, the false emperor, she had been personally summoned by the dark council along with three others: the newest Dark Council member Darth Nox, the best imperial agent Cipher Nine, and the most recent Grand Champion of the Great Hunt. They were all assigned to to kill the pretender. After a long flight to Ilum and fighting their way through the station they confronted Darth Malgus and killed him, after escaping and recieving their rewards they all parted ways. Delilah decided to head back to Dromund Kaas. With a another long flight back back she decided to take a nice long hot shower, her crew not to bother her after a hard mission. Stripping herself of her armor and stepping inside the fresher she turned on the hot water, letting it casscade down he long and thick pink hair and the rest of her body, she loved the feel of the hot water on her body, letting her mind wander to back when she was made the emperor's wrath. That mean she was to kill all who defied the emperors will, or who was a threat to the empire. And no one except the emperor himself could question her. She loved it, also during her apprenticeship to Darth Baras before she killed him for betraying the emperor and trying to claim he was the emperors voice she gained an apprentice, a young Jedi whom she corrupted, her name was Jaesa Willsam and since she joined Delilah her power grew even more, over time she and Jaesa had grown close to each other. Now Delilah wanted to take things further, in their talks they both wanted each other but decided to milk their desire for one another, let their feelings build until they couldnt stand it any longer, and it was now, after an hour Delilah finally got out to find her protocol droid waiting with fresh towels.

"here you are master fresh towels, do you require anything else?"

"Yes, tell Jaesa and Vette to meet me in my personal quaters."

She then wrapped the towel around her body and headed straight for the cockpit. Captain Quinn was suprised

"Captain Quinn, i am going to lock myself in my quarters, turn off the cameras and do not distub me unless we are being attacked, understood?"

"y-yes my lord, u-understood."

she exited the room and headed for her room where she found Jaesa and Vette waiting patiently. Delilah closed the door behind her.

"Hello girls, lets have some fun."

"So you wanted us my lady, may I ask -"

"I know why and yes master I'de love too."

Jaesa then went up to her master and kissed her. A long slow kiss, they were both smiling, they stripped and knew what was next.

"Shall we apprentice?"

"Yes master."

With the door closed they started to undress Vette and they were kissing her and running their hands all over her, she couldn't help but moan slightly. While Delilah laid down on the kingsize bed and spread her legs.

"Now slave eat my pussy."

Vette couldn't believe what she heard, she didn't want to but she knew she was lying to herself.

"Come on twi'lek, me and Delilah know you want to."

Jaesa said with a smirk on her face

"Fine if you won't I will."

She went straight for pussy, with her mastery of the force she skillfully sucked and licked her moist cunt, she could tell she was doing a excellent job, Delilah was moaning from how good her apprentice was eating her pussy. She knew she was about to climax, groaning and gripping the sheets she couldn't hold out anymore.

"Oh fuuuuuck I'm cumming Jaesa !"

Pulling Jaesa's head closer to her aching pussy she exploded, send her juices everywhere, covering her apprentice's face, they were both happy, Jaesa scooped some up on her finger to let her master taste her fluids.

"Very good Jaesa."

The two kissed, after they were done kissing they both looked at Vette and smiled.

"apprentice, I think it's time we teach this slave a lesson, get her shock collar."

"yes master, I agree." She said smirking

Vette didn't understand; she had been good for so long, but she knew not to question her master

"now slave eat my pussy."

Vette had done everything Delilah had asked without question, but she hesitated

"I said eat my pussy slave!" As Delilah pressed the shock control sending thousands of bolts of lightning through her naked body.

She quickly did what she was told, but still holding down the control button, she could feel the sparks on Vettes tongue inside her dripping pussy, the pain quickly turned into pleasure, she could feel her orgasm building, she couldn't hold out any longer


Delilah's juices sprayed all over Vette's face, letting her head fall back, she then saw Jaesa was also enjoying the show, she climaxed as the same time. Sending Vette away, Jaesa crawled in bed with her and the two kissed

"So master, how do you plan to become the new empress?"

Delilah wondered for a second but then she remember Jaesa had a unique version of Force sight.

"I'm not sure yet apprentice, I will know soon enough, but lets gets some sleep."

the two kissed and fell asleep.

The next day Delilah had a much clearer conscience, if she want to become the empress she would need allies, but first she need to meditate to figure out what all she would need. An hour later... She would need the grand champion of the great hunt, Cipher 9, and Darth Nox. She got dressed and headed to talk to captain Quinn.

"Captain Quinn, Contact the great hunt champion, cipher 9, and Darth Nox. Send them encrypted messages with coordinates to the deep core planet Byss."

"yes my lord right away."

after a few hours they arrived on Byss, the others arrived shortly after. They made way for a nearby temple ruins. Byss was rich in the force and the perfect place to use a base of power for the new empire.

the champion broke the silence "So you wanted to see us again, why?"

"I know why, she seeks to establish a new empire with all of us in it." Darth Nox quickly answered

"indeed, Hunter if you join me you will be well compensated and I will make you the new Mandalore and half of the new empire's army, Cipher If you join me you will be appointed as the new grand Moff of the entire imperial order, and you Darth Nox will be be the the emperor and I the empress."

"I'm in, if I get paid."

"I'll join you my lord."

"finally, I'll be known more than as just a former slave I'm in."

When the lone jedi knight who became known as The Hero of Tython personally killed the emperor the empire's foundation began to shake. Then when the Bar'sen Thor defeated all of the children of the emperor, he had no one left to spy on the republic. And when the new commander of Havoc Squad they called Meteor killed General Rakton the imperial military began collapsing. But especially when the smuggler who killed the voidwolfe and took control of the pirate fleet and took control of the galactic underworld the Sith empire truely was barely holding together. Delilah knew if she were to claim the throne she would have to take Down the emperor and destroy the republic. in the months proceeding their meeting they had established Byss as their base of operation, being the emperor's wrath Delilah could do what ever she pleased, she had millions of slaves brought in everyday. Who knew it would take so long, all the preparation, planning, figuring out when and where to strike and how they were going to set their plans in motion. But they constructed a new star forge that was not force based but could still mass produce a produce anything they needed, with the new star forge they were able to assemble an army overnight. Nearly a year later; Delilah had learned everything Nox had to offer and she taught Nox everything she knew, they were ready to launch their campaign. But in that year and Delilah hadn't once touched Jaesa, it had taken a heavy toll on the both of them, Delilahcould see it in Jaesa's eyes. Tomorrow they would launch their campaign. But tonight they would make it worth remembering. Jaesa got a holo message from Delilah to meet her aboard the ship; no one else was aboard except 2V-R8, who was piloting piloting the ship.

"Ah lady Jaesa, Mistress Delilah is awaiting you for you in her quarters."

"thank you 2V."

as Jaesa made her way to Delilah's room, she could feel herself becoming wet. As soon she got the door she could see an outline of her master. As she entered the room the two shared a long slow kiss and smiled; as they closed the door Delilah helped her apprentice strip, letting her brown hair fall slow, she could feel a wet spot, Delilah smirked. Jaesa felt her master's naked body and long flowing pink hair, without words the two fell back on the bed. Delilah started kissing her lover and with her free hand she slowly worked two fingers in and out of her tight young pussy, Jaesa couldn't help but moan while Delilah kept going.

"Ohhh uhhhh ohhhhh fuuuuuck!!!"

When she came, She came hard, as continued to shake, after a few minutes she slowly came down from her high.

"now it's my turn master."

As Delilah laid back her apprentice slowly worked her way back, she stopped short of her pussy, she grabbed Delilah's sleek lightsaber she worked it in and out, she could tell she was enjoying it. Delilah was moaning as she pulled on her rock hard nipples, she never could holdout very long when she was with Jaesa, Delilah came but she used the force to make her orgasm longer, send her juices all over Jaesa face, she the crawled up next her master so they could both taste each other.

"I could get use to this master." She'd said with a smile

"Indeed I could too. Now lets get some sleep we will need all our strength tomorrow ."

the two kissed and fell asleep holding each other.

As she did always Delilah did her morning meditation. An hour and a half later she and Jaesa were ready to head back to Byss, they needed to plan their attack.

"So now that we have the Mandalorians with us, a handful of imperial agents, as well as all of our crews combined, and a fleet larger than empire's and republic's fleet put together, we at ready to launch our assault on dromund kaas, champion you well lead the Mandalorians as ground troops, cipher nine will lead his agents with you and our combined crews should make up for the other half of the agents army; I will deal with The emperor.He has been hiding in the Dark Temple. I know this because he has touched my mind as he did with his children, Prepare the fleet, we leave now."

"We're in Imperial space now."

"Exit hyperspace, now! Deploy ground troops, 2V-R8 I'm putting you in control of the fleet, now take us down."

"Yes lady Wrath."

as she adjusted her gloves and met the others at the exit, 2V skillfully piloted the fury with great precision to the dark temple he got them to the entrance, they moved quickly, they were suprised the grounds were empty but they had to focus, they were even more surprised that the whole temple was empty, but Delilah had anticipated this she knew that there was a high possibility they might not succeed, but they took it by the reigns and dealt with it, but time and time again she had proven to do the impossible, thanks to Darth Nox recently discovered how to destroy a spirit as Exar Kun did to Freedon Nadd and Nox taught her this. All the planning and training had led to this moment. As they entered the main chamber she saw him waiting.

"So Wrath you betray me as well I anticipated this, I know your plans you are are wise and a fool."

"I never intended to hide, but you will die and I will be the new empress and Nox the new Emperor!"

"you had such promise pity you have to die."

"I killed you once on Voss i can kill you again.... Tenebrae."

"That name no longer has any meaning to me! Now you will die."

She quickly leapt and ignited her ancient lightsaber and her other lightsaber that looked like Nox's first lightsaber, as their sabers clashed the entire temple shook, the intensity and power of the force increased with each strike, he became weaker, he didn't understand why she was winning the duel but he sensed it she was using Shatterpoint and she was bending the very force to her will and couldnt hold out much longer, Delilah could sense his fear and she pressed her attack, he couldnt hold out his body was weakening from all the power all the energy, she misstepped and was caught off gaurd and the emperor sent her flying back with a wall of force lightning. She quickly recovered and continued to battle. The emperor was strong but he was no match for her, the emperor drew of all his strength and unleashed another wall of force lightning but she quickly countered and each unleashed her own wall of force lightning. The emperor was giving it his all, his energy was draining, his body was dying at an extremly accelerated rate and she pushed her wall even more until the he let go, within a split second he was gone, his very prensece was destroyed. They had won the day. Everywhere across the galaxy everyone felt it. Meanwhile on Corusant a storm brewed in the sky, lighting cracked across the planet's sky as the hero of Tython, the Bar'sen Thor, the Havoc Squad commander Meteor, and the smuggler Voidhound had been summoned by the senate and Jedi council.

"Good you have arrived, it is urgent, there has been a great disturbance in the force, i feel the emperor is no more. But now we have a new enemy, one more powerful the emeror himself." Satele said with a tremor of fear in her voice

"I felt it as well master Satele but who could be more powerful than the emperor?" The hero asked

"Im not sure but i fear you and your wife must stay on Tython and Voidhound I'm afraid you and the major with have to be apart for now for the safety of yourself and the Republic, and i fear a new war will come."

Back on Dromund Kaas Delilah Wrath and her army have taken Dromund Kaas, as she gets ready to give a speech to the citizens of Dromund Kaas Nox Joins her, as well as the campion, and Cipher.

"Citizens Of Dromund Kaas, A Year ago a lone Jedi Knight Struck down your emperor, but he survived, but the time he was away the empire started to crumble, today i and Darth Nox killed him permenantly, Now I Deliah Wrath declare my self as the new Empress and Darth Nox as the new Emperor, We will abandon dromund Kaas and head for you new home."

As the crowd cheered she felt incredible. The citizens quickly gathered what they could and were loaded on the new dreadnoughts she had built thanks to the new Star Forge. She then called the other three she had a new plan.

"I know your wondering why i summoned you. I have a new plan to destroy the republic once and for all. We need to kill the hero of Tython, the Barsen'thor, the havoc squad commander called meteor, and the smuggler they call Voidhound. Hunter I'm offering a 20 million credit bounty for the head of the voidhound and 5 million credits for each of her crews heads and after that you can have control of the galactic underworld and everything she built. Cipher you can handle Meteor. And Nox and I will kill the hero of Tython and the Bar'sen Thor, good luck and may the force be with us all."

In the weeks proceeding Delilah's assault on Dromund Kaas, the dark council showed suprising cooperation and under her and Nox's rule they quickly overwhelmed the republic, launching massive campaign's. Nox and Delilah Agreed if they were to truly take the galaxy by storm they would have to start in the outer rim and after that, the mid rim, then the inner rim, and finally The core worlds, and thanks to their newly constructed Star Forge, the imperial navy, the Mandalorians, and the sith they were unstoppable.

Deep in the new citadel in the meditation chambers of Empress Delilah Wrath:

Delilah hadn't fully explored Byss and what all it had to offer. Now that she had some time to herself she could connect better with planet, as she sat in the middle of the room bathing in the darkness, but the darkness she felt was... Different but it felt good. Even with the ultimate army and the republic quickly being pushed back to the core, they need to kill the four republic allies who had nearly destroyed the old empire but the emperor's vision was flawed. Her plan was simple push the republic back until they had to use their four Hero's and when they do Delilah and the other would take on their equals and kill them, then with them dead Delilah would swarm in on what is left the republic and exterminate them, only then would the galaxy be theirs. The others knew what to do they were ready.

"You called for me empress?" 2V said breaking the silence

"yes 2V, prepare the fleet. The final battle is at hand."

"yes empress."

within minutes the fleet was ready and already jumping into hyperspace.

Nar Shaddaa:

Voidhound made her down the streets looking around seeing what all was on sale, but she wasn't here to buy anything she was in hiding taking the advice of the grand master Jedi Satele Shan and she decided to head here, surely this new empire couldn't find her here, she missed her husband but it was for the greater good. Suddenly her holoreciever started going off it was Corso.

"Captain, can you read me? We are under attack! Zzz some bounty hunter zzz is attacking zzz hurry zzz blip."

"Corso? Corso! pick up damnit!"

She wasn't far from her hideout, she ran as quickly as she could, as soon as she got to her apartment she tried to open the door but it was jammed, she could hear blaster fire and explosions coming from inside. Finally she got the door open and was horrified to see her entire crew dead. She fell to her knees holding Corso's dead corpse

"So your the famed Voidhound, to bad you have to die." A mechanicalized voice said as she looked up to see a blaster barrel at her face.

"Nothing personal but your head is worth a lot of credits."

"Please I'll do whatever you want but please don't kill me."

He could hear the defeat in her voice. Stripping of his armor, dropping his pants and letting his cock hang and harden, he could see the tears rolling down her face as she knew what was coming.

"Suck it."

She hesitated and he punched her and knocked her to the floor, he grabbed her by her ponytail and forced her to suck his cock, she kept crying, he spasm and shot his hot load down her throat, he knocked to the floor and grabbed his vibroknife he carried in his right boot and sliced open her top and yanked her pants and panties and began to fuck her relentlessly, she couldn't believe this, she could feel his huge cock ripping through her pussy, he could see the defeat in her eyes, she knew he was about to cum, he groaned and unleashed his load inside her.

"You were amazing, I'm sorry but I have to kill you."

He fired one shot and was dead, he got dressed and gathered their heads an took her blaster and Corso's blaster as trophies.

Ord Mantel:

After Meteor killed General Rakton he took some time off, then he decided to head back to Ord Mantell and help finish off the Sepertists, he had taken the Jedi grand master's warning to go into hiding but war was his way of life, it couldnt hurt to help get Ord back on the republic's side, he missed his smuggler wife. He let his team spread out, find areas that are vital to the Sepertist and he would take the sepertist stronghold by storm. As soon as he got to the doorway his holoreciever was getting mutiple calls, first it was Jorgan

"sir are you there? Im pinned down by a sniper zzz transmission zzz being jammed zzz Ahhhh! Im hit zzz bdew blip."

"Leutenint Jorgan can you here me?"

Another one came in, it was Tanno Vik

"Major! Im under heavy fire i cant hold out much longer sir, i got shot in the leg zzz Major ? zzz Major? Zzz No! Bdew." blip

God dammit! what is happening to my squad?

He tried to contact Yuun but he wouldn't pick up

"Yuun can hear me whats happening?"

As soon as he picked up all the major heard was one blaster shot and a thud.

"Major this is M1-4X ive been badly damaged sir my power cells are leaking but i cannot abbandon my mission For the republic! " BOOM, blip

"M1-4X, are you there, can you hear me?"

"Sir this is Captain Elara Dorne, im trapped im in the stronghold now im sending you coordinates."

"Im on my way stay where you are."

by the time he got there he found her body, dead. He couldnt believe his whole squad is dead.

"She's dead, you couldnt have saved her anyway, where are my manners i am Supreme Grand Moff Nine, dont worry you'll join them soon enough."

"You want to kill me use your bare hands then."

"*sigh*, very well."

As the two dropped their weapons the major charged him, he did catch him off guard but he recovered quickly countered by tripping him, the two both locked eyes, both have had plenty of field experience in hand to hand combat, but what the major didnt know is the man he was fightng had killed a variety of people and was unpredictable, as the two continued to fight one would occasionally gain the upperhand and the other would counter, after an hour both were getting worn down but the new grand moff always had his trusty vibroknife, but he modified it and packed the handle with explosives and as soon as he stabs someone with it the blade will not come out will explode. As drew his knife he quickly stabbed him, grabbed his gun and ran a few seconds later he heard a loud boom.


Reports were pouring in all of the galaxy that was left of the republic army and Jedi had been pushed back to corusant and Tython, Master Satele felt the deaths of Voidhound and the Havoc Squad commander, and even more reports came in that corusant was being taken over. She could feel their presense getting Closer.

"Master Satele, the sith have landed what do we do?" A padawan asked

"Gather all the jedi we must defend the temple!" Satale said

As every Jedi retreated to the temple to make a last stand. But the Sith were in greater numbers, the sith acolytes made quick work of the padawans and knights, with only the council and the barsen'thor and the Hero, the acolytes were called off but Nox and Delilah only came for three people, they needed two dead and the other alive.

"You shall not pass sith!" master Kiwiks demanded

"No Bela, we cannot win, let them be, i know why you here but youl have to kill us first."

"Precisouly Grand master, Your Republic has fallen, your order is decimated give up."

"NEVER!" Master kiwiks yelled as she charges the two sith, But Delilah launched her back and made short work of the council members, but satele survived, she took a good hit to the head, she had a concussion, she couldnt get up she simply passed out. Medics rushed in to make sure she was alive or Delilah woukd exacute them right there. They gave her a Kolto pack and kept her unconciouss.

"Have her kept alive and take her back to Byss."

"yes empress, right away."

"Can you feel it Nox?"

"Yes i do they're in the forge remnant."

"You Soilder Get us transport now!"

"yes empress right away."

within seconds a transport was there.

"Take us to the forge Remnant and have troops take all the twi'lek pillgrams and put slave collars on them and have them transported back to byss."

"as you wish empress."

As a few minutes passed they reached the the forge remnant. Delilah and Nox jumped out and landed perfectly at where their two last targets were.

"Hero of Tython and Barsen'thor you order is decimated, and you republic destroyed, now you are the last of the jedi prepare to die!"

Nox and Delilah lunged at them lightsabers drawn, as soon as their blades clashed a wave of force energy sent all four of them flying back. They all recovered and dueled, they all matched each others pace. It was difficult for anyone of them to gain the upperhand, but Nox remebered how deliah had taught him Form III they both quickly changed stances and allow the two Jedi's anger and emotions do the work, the two Jedi quickly tired out and then Delilah and Nox made their move, She caught an open area on the hero and impaled him and took his lightsaber, the one he made when padawan, while Nox caught the other Jedi off guard when she saw the her husband dead, with a couple of quick flories he disarmed her and decapitaed her. It was done, the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order were destroyed once and for all. Suddenly the champion appeared from behind them and took the Barsen'thor's lightsaber off her body

"Hey Delilah, you think you can put this Violet crystal in this lightsaber?" He asked as he handed her the lightsaber and a crystal

"Of course Champion,it will take a while." She replied

"I can wait besides I've always wanted to see the construction of a lightsaber." He said

Entering the small room where the hero and Bar'sen Thor had built their first lightsabers years ago Delilah placed the lightsaber and the crystal, focusing the lightsaber disassembled and then the Krev Couer dark violet crystal placed itself in the crystal chamber and then the lightsaber reassembled and then it floated to Delilah, she activated it, it was ready and she handed to the Champion.

A few hours later they were back on Byss as they gave there speech, the crowd cheered. It is a new dark era in the galaxy and now can stop them now.

Since Delilah was now the empress she swapped out her heavy combat armor for more comfortable lighter robes like her apprentice wore. And then the thought occurred to her, she hadn't spoken or heard a peep out of Vette since she killed Darth Malgus and Captain Quinn had been unusually secretive and sneaking around, thanks to Nox training her in the ways of being an assassin and stealth. She decided to put it to use. Byss was a thriving force rich world with new cities, towers and neon lights, a thousand species all mixed together, she had him but she remained in the shadows. he entered an out of the way motel and then minutes later Vette entered the same motel. She quickly knew what was going on, but it didn't make sense they hated each other. She quickly entered, found the room they were in and used her Shatterpoint ability on the door and found the two kissing but were quickly startled.

"I should have figured this, Jaesa knew about you two for months."

"please, Delilah I-it's not what it looks like-"

"It looks like you're having an affair with my captain."

"ok it's exactly what it looks like."

"ehh I no further need for you as a slave, your free, keep the collar as wedding gift from me and Jaesa, I'm sure you'll be needing it tonight." Delilah said as she walked out of the motel with a smirk on her face leaving them in complete shock.

Delilah made her way back to the citadel she took in all that the four of them built. She decided to contact Jaesa whom she gave her the title of Darth and the name Bloodlust for a favor.

"Bloodlust, have Satele ready for interrogation when I get back."

"yes empress Wrath."

"and Jaesa have he put in the dancers uniform, I want to make this interrogation interesting."

"as you wish empress." Jaesa said trying not giggle a how much fun she would dressing her.

A few minutes passed as Delilah slowly made her way back to the citadel. No longer was she a slave to one master, she was her own master, And Jaesa and her had forged an unbreakable bond that went beyond just being master and apprentice, it was love. She finally got back to her chambers to see Satele waiting to be interagated.

"So your Satele Shan, decendant of legendary Jedi master Bastila Shan."

"Yes, i am. I know what you plan to do with and it will not work."

"If you know then what is my plan?"

"You plan to break me and train me as sith, I will never turn."

"you are somewhat correct, your will is strong but i know about your son and ex-boyfriend, ah i see i hit a nerve. Im sure you shared a bond with them both, then you must have felt them die on corusant, yes i feel your sorrow, fear, regret, and yes oh yes your anger. Let it all sink into you, let it fuel you. Now lets have some fun."

As Delilah got closer she used the force remove her top, her breast's weren't as large as Jaesa's but they were supple and firm, she could see her nipples were hardening. Satele could feel her snath becoming wet. Deliah then removed her bottoms and she could see could see her juices pouring out of her. Delilah got on her knees and started to spread her folds started to eat her pussy, Satele had never been with a women before, but her and master Kiwiks were taking things slow, keeping things well hidden, they would sneek a couple of kisses every now and then. Thinking of her pushed her over the edge she came hard but Delilah didnt stop even as her orgasm was still going she kept going too, Satele moaned as Delilah inserted two fingers into her pussy, she continued to work them in and out, while Satele was enjoying the pleasure Delilah reached out with force and could feel Satele trying to resist but she could help but enjoy it, finally she submitted Satele could feel a difference in herself but she didnt care all she wanted was to feel this good all the time, if it meant being sith she wanted it, Delilah had her but she needed to be sure she had Jaesa moniter her the whole time to truely see if she truely accepted the darkside and Satele did indeed turn, she was already showing signs, her eyes quickly turned yellow and then red within seconds. With the interrogation over she unbinded her, as she got up Delilah handed her Revan's Robes and a new constucted double-bladed lightsaber that had a curve in the hilt that resembled Aloysius Kallig's lightsaber, she put on her new robes she studied her new lightsaber, as she gripped it she felt her connection to the darkside grow, she loved it.

"Now, bow before me."

"Yes empress Wrath."

"This is my former apprentice Darth Bloodlust. She will be your master, she will train you in the ways of the darkside just as i have. Have fun Bloodlust."

Delilah made her way to the thrownroom, thinking of how well Jaesa would train her new student. She entered end took her place next to Nox. With the hunter and former cipher sitting next to them. They had done it, they had destroyed the Galactic Republic, the Jedi Order, and Sith Empire and made their own New Dark Infinite Empire.

To be continued....


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