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78.76% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 204: Interval Fifty-Seven: The First Knights

Bab 204: Interval Fifty-Seven: The First Knights

I don't own Star wars

Ozjin Knights was and is the greatest bounty hunter of the age. There was no question… he was the most successful, feared, and respected. He has thousands of bounties under his belt, almost uncountable, even more kills, he's absurdly rich, and even managed to retire at a ripe old age.

Bounty Hunters don't retire… they die, or they get forced to quit.

However even after he retired, he opened a restaurant chain and she had to admit… her respect for him dropped a little after that.

"Here you go hon…" cooed a beautiful and obviously sexualized green skin twi'lek, with bright golden rings around her lekku and a short crop top, her enlarged breasts stretching it to capacity as her wide hips and thick thighs did the same to her booty shorts…

Mr O.K.s Bar and Grill was little more than a subtle strip club nowadays… but the food was good at least. The ribs steamed before her eyes as she quietly thanked the girl as she smiled and walked away, swaying her hips obviously and drawing the eyes of a few other guests. She had also, of course, heard about the 'off menu' items that some of the girls sold. Not that she was interested in women…

No she had her eyes set on a much larger prize. Ozjin Knights himself. Even in his old age he was still fast, still strong, still dangerous. If she could best him, even kill him, her reputation would soar and she would be raking in the money... the problem however was that he hasn't been seen in the civilized galaxy in some time...

So currently she is settling for his son OzWIN Knights...

"Hi Ozzy…" the girls suddenly cooed sweetly as a young man entered… he was around her age, dark skinned, black hair, handsome face… good physique.

"Ladies. How is everything today?" he asked as one of the girls fawned all over him, a big assed purple togruta. He grinned and blushed rather adorably.

"Ozzy there are just too many people today!" she cried out dramatically, resting the back of her hand in 'dismay' "When are you going to hire more girls?"

"I just hired four the other day." He said as she grinned and gave him a kiss on the cheek before skipping off to work more tables, he rolled his eyes. "Do I need to do anything?" he asked the cathar hostess who was dressed remarkably more modest.

"No we're all good Ozzy." He sighed and raised his arms in the air in dismay as he turned to walk out as she grinned.

"Oh whatever shall I do! My dad's restaurants can run themselves! Alright, then I'm off. Call me if there's trouble." then opening a door to allow a collection of eager-looking teenagers in he walked out. I quickly paid my own fee, leaving a modest tip, and began walking out.

…She felt their gazes linger on her… She didn't know why they were staring, but she imagines it's because she was gigantic for a cathar… certainly, there are large cathar girls. Alu'ra Jensen the famous holo-girl was one, but not a very good example in her opinion…

She on the other hand? She was a warrior. Trained for combat, trained to hunt, and if there was anything she was remotely proud of about her abnormal body was her complete and utter dominance in the field of night stealth. She slipped out of the light of the restaurant as 'Ozzy' approached a rather magnificent speeder, a dark midnight blue that shimmered in the moonlight… he had good taste.

However his datapad buzzed and taking a quick glance around, completely missing her dark body. He answered.

"Hello there…" came a sultry voice on the other line. "This is Sheila from the Jewel of Tattooine. I'm calling to confirm your order?"

"Hello Sheila." He replied with a smile, "I'm pretty sure I ordered a cathar." He noted as she became interested in the conversation, prowling silently around his dark midnight blue speeder, subtly climbing over the back door into the rear seat, flexibly curling so that unless he shined a light into the seat to look specifically for her… he wouldn't find her.

"Yes. However I'm afraid unless other arrangements can be made our closest Cathar will most likely be delayed by an hour or… she paused, pressing a com device to her hearing organs, and frowned as 'Oh! Yes!' could be heard she flinched slightly, pulled it away and glared. "…Two hours or so." she noted sadly, "Are you sure I can't convince you to request a twi'lek? You're in luck, one of our best is currently on Spira."

"…Cathar or nothing please." He noted, somewhat disappointed as she sighed sadly.

"I will see what I can do Mr. Knights. Thank you for your patience." He hung up and tossed the datapad into the passenger's seat before getting in and driving off over the crystal clear ocean towards a private island…

…So he's ordered a Cathar from the Jewel… that's convenient… she noted to herself as a plan began to form over the drive.

"…Ab queck zenick fesi- Zong jup col im in na hiz jal…" he sang to himself as he parked his speeder on the sand, grabbing his datapad as he got out, heading to the rather expensive, but cozy bungalow as her bright yellow eyes watched him.

…She could take him out. Easily. He was much smaller than her but… he was obviously Ozjin Knight's son… she could perhaps pull some information out of him. And he apparently is expecting a Cathar… her lips twitched in a slight smile as she began stripping out of her armor, leaving only a tight shirt and pants. It wasn't exactly the sexiest thing available, but they were tight on her body and that would be more than enough.

She was proportionally a big girl… men liked that right? As she approached the bungalow she clutched to her 'girls' slightly lifting them up and down, they were big and often got in the way but at least under her armor she could strap them down. She disliked her big body, it came with a great deal of strength but her training often called for those of a smaller build, she had to work hard to succeeded…

She reached the door, well if he didn't like how big she was that wouldn't matter she would be close enough to take him out. She knocked hard on the door, and she waited for a minute as he answered and immediately looked up at her face. Eyes wide and mouth agape.

"…Holy shit…" he said as she immediately restrained herself, don't kill him ye- "You are fucking gorgeous!" he declared in joyous reverence.

She blinked… that was not a normal response for her when it came to men… most of the ones she had spent time with preferred dainty, smaller, girls… busty sure, with big soft asses yes, but more womanlike than her Amazonian physique.

"…Please tell me you're my Jewel." He said almost pleadingly as she stared at him curiously for a moment, but quickly recovered.

"Yes." She said rather silkily as he stepped away to allow her inside, she at least didn't need to duck her head. "I'm Athena." She said and immediately cursed herself, she used her real name.

"Beautiful." He said immediately, still gazing at her face, before blinking and clearing his throat, "Wait. Sorry. What was your… name… again?" he said adorably.

She smiled coyly, "Athena." She purred confidently, resting a hand on his chest and gently pushing him inside. He let her, clearly, she was HUGE.

"Beautiful." He repeated as she turned away, blushing slightly as she looked around the house. It was neat, and secured apparently. With a few mounted hunted trophies on the wall, along with actual trophies, golden and silver things, and ribbons, at least a dozen… all first place in shooting competitions. "Impressive." She said, Ozjin Knights apparently lived up to his.

"Like em?" Ozwin said confidently, standing next to her and clearly admiring her body. "Dad insisted I learn to shoot… I learned quick." She then got a good look and the winners of the trophies. Ozwin Knights was clearly engraved or written on all of them.

"…Impressive…" she repeated, just as honest as before. She recognized some of the competitions, just to apply to get into them required you to be an amazing shot.

"Well… thanks." He said, smiling goofily as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

Just BARELY did she restrain herself… normally when men touched her without permission, she wrecked them. But she quickly remembered, before she broke his arm, that she was a JEWEL. Let him touch, let him tease, once she exhausted him… and she will… then she could get looking for Ozjin.

"Wow do you work out?" he asked, feeling her muscles as she rather roughly grabbed his shoulder and led him to the nearby couch.

"Excessively…" she replied, already removing her shirt, her black bra free to breathe as he stared almost reverently at her body. She smirked as his gazed firmly locked onto her bulging breasts she tossed her shirt towards him as she began groping her tits…

She was… very briefly concerned that she wouldn't be able to pull this off. Just because she was sexy doesn't mean she could act sexy… she definitely couldn't dance... And that was a minor problem, as 'All Jewels danced'… it was like a slogan or something.

But to her surprise he didn't seem to care. He continued to gaze at her as she smiled coyly, slowly turning around and slipping her thumbs into the hem of her pants, sliding them over her big, black, furry booty as she bent forward… she briefly regretted wearing plain black underwear, she imagines something lacey or a thong would've been more appropriate, but as she glanced at him between her legs… she realized he was just mesmerized by her body… she grinned to herself, slowly rising back up as she kicked away he pants, strutting just a little showing off flexible legs as she tossed her mass of mane like black hair.

This was going to be easier than she thought… he was probably going to jerk off or something and exhaust himself… well… maybe she'll cut him a break and help him with that. At least he was cute… she grinned, leaning forward over him as she smirked at her goofily, she rested her hands on the back of the couch so he could gaze at her cleavage. With her arms… she bounced them playfully together, winking.

"So… what should we do first?" she teased as she felt his… surprisingly strong hands on her waist, slowly stroking her fur… she had to admit. She liked it.

"Well…" he said coyly, his face close to hers. "I did pay for a guaranteed satisfaction package…" he smiled as she inwardly cursed. What the fuck did that mean?

"O-oh yeah?" she said licking her lips, "And… what do you think that means?" she said playfully, hopefully, he'd think she was being coy…

"It means we can play as long as I want until I'm satisfied… or unconscious… I'm told it's usually the second one." he noted curiously, but shrugged, it wasn't that important. Having sex until unconscious sounded like a good time on its own…

She inwardly cursed again, but stood upright, tossing her hair back majestically as she purred, and he utterly stiffened. Fidgeting excitedly at the noise. She glanced at the massive holo-screen behind her, her mind working rapidly to tire him out quickly.

"I… don't suppose a… handsome guy like you has something… exciting we can put on?" she asked turning to leaning slightly against the screen, rubbing a hand on it. he blinked a little shyly.

"Like a… like a holo-girl vid?"

"MMmn…" she said silkily, walking back towards him, "Something EXACTLY like it…" she ran a hand on his chest, "Maybe your favorite?"

He gulped nervously but grinned excitedly. "Uh… hold on a second…" he then got off the couch and quickly ran down a hallway. There was a brief crash as she quickly looked around for something, ANYTHING that might help her speed this up… but before she could even consider using a large heavy statue to knock him out if necessary, he soon returned with a ultra-holo disk. Slipping it into the TV.

It barely loaded before he was back on the couch, skipping several scenes and settling on, not to her surprise. A Cathar Holo-girl. A Milky white furred girl with huge fake breasts and a large, but soft supple ass that she showed the camera, bouncing it on her hands as she laughed. "Hi boys!" she cooed, shaking her hips left to right with her jiggling backside before she turned to face the camera, resting her hands on her cheeks as she pressed her huge fake breasts together with her arms. "I'm Milky Way!" she said cheerily, as if this was an obvious fact… and sure enough in the corner a white liquid poured onto the screen and formed the word 'Milky Way' before dropping off it. She gripped and squeezed her big fake breasts, purring loudly as she moaned…

Athena recognized the name even if she wasn't exactly a holo-girl watcher… but she knew bounty hunting, and the business did have a reference to the fact that this 'Milky Way' eventually became a bounty hunter before settling down with her partner. An Aiden Firemane… how convenient.

"Is she your favorite girl?" she asked blocking his view as a big wookiee appeared on screen to the delight of Milky.

"Oh my it's so big-!" Milky cheered in an obvious tone and Athena muted the screen, she didn't need the sound… just the sight. Something to occasionally pull his attention, and maybe give her ideas if she needed them.

"Well… she's my favorite holo-girl… if a bit before my time." He admitted, gazing notedly at her as his hands began stroking her again. "… I am quickly getting a new favorite girl…" he said as she laughed.

"Cheeky…" she cooed, then getting a little inspired, she purred.

"… I love that sound…" he said, looking dazed at the rumble from her chest. "Force there is nothing more beautiful then a cathar purring… except maybe the cathar herself…" she said, smoothly.

"Very cheeky." She laughed, standing up and turning, letting him groan and look at her ass as she glanced at the holo-screen. Milky Way was kneeling before a MASSIVE wookiee cock, wrapping her big tits around it and notedly sucking, she didn't need the sound to know how much she was slurping that thing, her tongue dancing along it as a dazed look crossed her beautiful face.

…Okay… a blowjob… titjob… thing. She could do that…" she turned back around, and to Ozwin's utter delight… she removed her bra.

"Oh Force…" he hissed breathlessly as her big, supple breasts bounced free and she tossed the bra after spinning it on her finger before kneeling before him… she was so big however that even sitting up on her knees she was eye level with him.

"Now then… let's get to the good parts…" she said, cupping, squeezing, and pressing her big soft breasts together as he suddenly leaned forward and kissed her… she was surprised… but not annoyed. She purred reflexively and kissed him back, their mouths opening and letting their tongues dance together as they seemed to be trying to inhale one another, his hand brushed her long mane of black hair, pulling her deeper into his embrace.

Then she promptly remembered that HE was supposed to enjoy himself not her. She pulled away, releasing a sort of laughing purr. "Ah! Ah…" she said with a wink, "You relax." She shoved him back on the couch as he grinned, she hooked her hands around his waistline and tugged his pants away as his cock erupted out and hardened before her eyes.

…He wasn't nearly as big as the wookiee on screen… still getting a titjob from Milky by the way, but Ozwin certainly was, still a big boy. She marveled at it for half a second, his size was a pleasant surprise but she recovered quickly seconds before the Wookiee behind her shot a huge load across Milky's white furred face as she laughed happily, squeezing her breasts around his length as she opened her mouth wide to take another shot on her tongue…

But the second Athena's hand wrapped gently around his length… his attention was immediately obvious… and firmly. On her. She gave him one firm stroke and his lips were on hers again, she didn't melt into his kiss like before… but she let him. It wasn't the worst kiss in the galaxy… in fact on the small list of men she has kissed it was definitely top three…

…Admittedly his first kiss was at the top…

"You…" she said pushing him away with a playful smile as his cock hardened in her grip, "Are making this very hard…" she rolled her eyes as he opened his mouth, but she silenced him with a finger to his lips. "Yes… I heard myself say it. Let's just move on…"

He chuckled and sighed as she stroked him carefully… didn't want to accidentally yank it off… but he was already hard and ready, wrapping her breasts around him she decided it was much less of a risk to hurting him… "Damn those are nice…" he muttered softly as her breasts squeezed tightly around his length, until only the very tip protruded from her cleavage as she stroked it, her soft furry rubbing gently as he thrust up between them.

This was much easier than she thought it was going to be… men are so easy once you get their pants off. His hands firmly rested against her chest, forcing them tighter around his length as she wobbled them up and down, bouncing them on his length as he thrust his hips up between them. She chuckled to herself as his face contorted in pleasure, she felt his heartbeat through his cock as it pulsed between her chest. She slapped them down on his lap and rotated them left and right, rubbing his length between them as he clawed the couch now.

"You look like you're having a good time…" she purred playfully as he nodded.

"Y-Yeah… stop." He groaned, she merely smiled and sped up. "W-wait…" he grunted, sitting up to stop her but it was too late… beside he wouldn't be able to if he really wanted to. "Shit." His tip burst with thick white seed, erupting like a geyser and splashing all over her breasts. A small trace managed to catch onto her upper lip…

…His smell was intoxicating… she had mated before… but it was different before.

"Damn it." he cursed annoyed as she purred, he went limp between her chest as she stood up. Well she can't say she didn't expect it. She was very good at what she did… and while she didn't do this particular job professionally there was no comparison.

"Don't be to angry…" she purred, gently wiping her lips with a finger, letting it drip onto the floor. "It's happened to lesser men in less time…"

He however glanced at her and smirked, "Hey… turn around." He said, her eyebrow rose, he was already limp. It was going to take him a little while to recover more than enough- "Come on…" he said cheerfully as she sighed, she could at least humor him. She turned around just in time to see Milky Way take the big wookiee anally, slamming deep into her jiggling ass as she clawed at the sheets of the bed. Obviously screaming in rapturous orgasm… She was probably faking it.

"Bend over a little." He said, hooking his fingers on her underwear and slowly pulling it away. she bent over, hands on her knees as her underwear hit the floor… she glanced between her legs and was a little surprised and impressed to find that… he was hard again. "Mmn…" he hummed, sniffing her womanhood as he spread her big ass cheeks.

"What are-MMN?!" she bit her bottom lip as she felt his tongue pierce her folds, "Gods…" she growled quietly, still bent over as her hand gripped her knees tightly, "MMn where….. MMM!!" she shuddered as he licked her insides… it wasn't often that she was eaten out… Even less often that she felt this good. "MM! Gods!" she fell forward, panting slightly as her hands held her up, her ass still high in the air as he followed her, still licking and probing with his tongue.

"Wh-why are you ordering women?!" she shuddered with a laugh as her body quivered delightedly, "They should be lining up for this!"

"I agree!" he praised smiling, smacking her rear loudly before diving back forward and giving her quivering lower lips another lick. "Did you know you taste like vanilla? Clients must be lining up for you…" he squeezed her ass cheeks as she recovered mentally.

Right. SHE was supposed to tire HIM out. SHE was the 'Jewel'.

She suddenly stood up, "Hey! I wasn't finished with…" but she turned, giving him a sultry look as Milky Way was bodily lifted up and down on the big Wookiee's dick, arms and legs pinned in his mighty claws as she screamed in pleasure, his cock stretching her ass notedly as Athena gripped Ozwin's arms, and tossed him back onto the couch. "Wow." He said grinning as she turned back around, bending forward and shaking her ass over his throbbing member.

"I'm all warmed up…" she said, completely honest, squeezing her breasts as she wiggled her hips. "So I guess you deserve a treat…" his hands rested firmly on her waist, dragging her back as she took a deep breath… and sat down. "Ooh…" she growled as his length slipped easily into her tunnel, burying himself in her using her weight and his hips. His arms lashed around her stomach, hugging her tightly from behind as her growled into her back fur.

"Fuuuuuck…." He snarled with a laugh, "How can a girl so big be so tight! You're perfect!" she purred at his praise instinctively… it didn't help. She shuddered suddenly in both pleasure and surprise, he actually lifted her up with the force of his thrust. "Come on. Come on." He chanted as she began to moan herself… he was… not awful.

"Hah. Hah… Hahh…" she panted as she began bouncing herself upon him. The very couch shaking as they met, the ground seemingly moving…

"I love this part." He said suddenly as she was brought back to reality, her legs trembling slightly as he continued to plunge up into her.

"-ES! YES! OH FORCE! OH FORCE! INSIDE!!!" Milky squealed, her legs folded up as the wookiee held her in the air. She clung to his head with her hands as he held her ankles, his cock balls deep and pulsing in her ass as her pussy released a torrent of squirt. "Ooooooh….FORCE…" she shuddered erotically, her whole body quivering and jiggling as Athena watched in… actually fascination. The big wookiee let her legs drop, she was dangling by his cock as he quickly cupped her huge tits to support her as she purred… licking her lips for the camera as her ass drooled his seed around his length, she blew a kiss and the camera faded out as she laughed happily.

"That get's me… every time!" he suddenly grunted as she twitched, feeling his cock plunge up into her and…

She gasped… feeling his warm seed flood her insides as she found her body hungrily devouring his load, "Hrgh!!" she clutched to her breasts as she sucked in air, feeling his hands join hers, squeezing and caressing as her pussy reluctantly spasmed in pleasure… a wave of delight flooded through her briefly…

…Holy shit did she just cum?

Suddenly she was lying on the couch, one heavy leg lifted in the air as he immediately began thrusting up into her as she cooed. "O-oh shit! Already?!" she moaned as he eagerly kept thrusting, his hips smacking against her furry ass as she began to rub her clit. "Oh! Oooooh!" she shuddered as he groaned in response.

"Tight! Too tight!" he snarled, thrusting deep into her body, "Fuck… You… you're too amazing…" he praised, she felt his seed rushing up into her again… quicker than before… but just as much.

He groped her breasts as she purred, a new scene appearing on the screen as a Pantoran with big fake breasts strutted on screen. "Ugh… Uyu." He mumbled, turning it off as he stroked and pet her body. "I am not in the mood for Uyu…" he rubbed her pussy with his hand, and she continued to drool his seed she was so filled. "…Let's take a bath." He said suddenly as she blinked, then purred.

"Very well… I do need to clean up…" they got off the couch together and dripping fluids of various arousal onto the floor he led her up the hall into a bathroom. It had a huge shower and a small seat built into the tiled while. "This is pretty big…" she said, somewhat impressed.

"Yeah well… dad had multiple girls and liked his orgys…" he said grinning as he turned the water off, his hand slipped onto her ass and squeezed it playfully. "…Force its so soft… but still so firm! I love Cathars…" he praised as she chuckled… and seeing her opening.

"So this is your father's house? Where is he now?" she asked, subtly, coyly…

He pause for a minute and for a moment she through she had overplayed… but.

"…Dad's a cyborg." He said, she knew this but let him talk. "He's almost 90% metal at this point. Doctors say he's got about 20 more years in him unless he goes full droid. He's cool with that… but uh…" he took a deep breath, and she realized this was very… very personal. And she felt a little bad. "…Mom's all natural and… not in good shape." He shrugged, "…She's not going under the cyber-knife so… doctors say 3-4 years… if she takes care of herself."

"…I'm sorry…" she said legitimately honest.

He shrugged again, entering the shower. "Well. Anyway, Dad took her to some moon. I don't know where. I said my goodbyes and they call occasionally… but they want to spend their last few years together… together. So he's off the grid, my aunts are taking care of the restaurants on other planets so it's just me…"

She grinned coyly, entering the shower with him and purring as she felt his cock harden and slap against her leg. "And whatever pretty Jewel you by?"

"…You keep this up Athena…" he said smoothly, squeezing her ass cheeks as the water soaked her dark beautiful fur. "And you're the only Jewel I'm letting through that front door…"

"Cheeky…" she purred again as they kissed, she pressed him to the wall, her tongue dominating his for a moment. then she shuddered, feeling his fingers sink and spread her folds as she quivered, "Not fair…" she cooed, then she was on the wall now, his hands caressing and squeezing her breasts as his hard and eager cock pressed up against her hungry folds… she shook her hips eagerly. Ready for him to pierce her.

"Ah-AHhhh…" she quivered as he pushed slowly and deep into her body, squeezing her breasts as he lifted, rolled them around on her chest, and repeated. He reached the base of his cock, growling as she purred and, wiggling his hips as she laughed, began pounding hard into her as she was lifted slightly up the wall, toes curling on the watery floor as she moaned. Her hands on his face as he continued to play with her giant breasts

"Force you are so-UMM!!" he grunted, apparently lost for words as he rode her harder, and harder, her pussy tightening around his cock as she cried out in delight. Her hands lashed to the wall as she struggled to find some outlet, some relief, that WAS NOT hitting him!

"Force! Yes!" she gazed at him, her eyes fierce with lust and desire. "Deeper!" she growled as, amazingly, he went deeper, she went harder, she could feel her body rising up the wall as his forceful blows sunk into her body. "GODS! YES!!" she shuddered. She trembled. Her whole body spasmed as the pleasurable climax destroyed her reason and just made her submit to her lust.

"Not fair!" he growled, his lips inches from hers as she whined in pleasure. "Don't cum without me!" he hilted into her clenching folds, her tunnel stuck to his cock as if it was trying to absorb it. His seed rushed into her womb as she clutched to his head, pulling him into a deep kiss as she wrapped her legs around him…

She expected him to fall to the floor at her sudden weight but… he was surprisingly strong. His hands held her ass cheeks, supporting her weight as it forced his cock deeper into her thirsty pussy.

They were still kissing long after he filled her… his cock softening inside her tight body as she finally relax. Purring as he chuckled, he tried to pull away but she instinctively held him to her lips, desperate for more… his fingers sunk playfully into her ass flesh as he cooed into her lips… finally. FINALLY… they took a breath. Gazing hungrily into each other's eyes…

They had both fucked many other people before… but this was a REAL connection…

"…Do you want to see my room?" he asked, with a rather childish grin as her legs returned to the floor and he slipped out of her.

"…Are you going to fuck me some more?" she purred with an equally childish smile as he seemed to think about it… and wiggled his hips, as she squeaked in delight, feeling his cock harden inside her a little.

"Yeah, I think so…" he said matter-of-factly.

"Then fuck yes." She purred as he slipped from her body, then laughing he dragged her out of the shower, both still wet as he led her to a room, his obviously judging by the cathar girls posted on his wall in bikini's and swimsuit.

She laughed, almost maniacally, shoving him aside and leaping onto the bed, on all fours she lifted her ass up into the air, glancing coyly over her shoulder at him as she wiggled her ass invitingly left and right in the air. He was inside her before he could even think, he clutched to her mass of mane like black hair, pulling her roughly back once as he pushed forward, riding her hard as they roared out unrestrainedly…

They fucked like they had never before… missionary, standing, doggystyle. She had cum, and so did he, both simultaneously. Soon she was even sucking him off, desperate and hungry to get him hard again… and just when she thought he was to exhausted to play with her anymore, he was on top of her again, filling her body with load after load of unyielding human seed…

They had passed out kissing… but somehow, she awoke, sore and still exhausted, with her lying down on her belly and him balls deep in her pussy, lying on her back. It took her half a second to realize what had happened… and tried to find out just where her plan had gone off the tracks… then he woke up too… and began kissing her again.

"Hey… can I…" he groaned softly, sliding his hands beneath her purring, incredibly sore body, "Can I rent you again? like right now again? Do you have somewhere to be?"

"Force we just spent all night rutting like newlyweds…" she laughed, "…Give me a fucking minute alright?" but he just laughed, and she surrendered to his kissing…

He got off her, giving her another kiss. "Stay right there I'll make you breakfast."

"Such a gentleman…" she purred, quaking suddenly at the absence of his cock. "Fuck…" she hissed under her breath as her body demanded his return

He entered his living room and found his datapad flickering on the couch, someone was calling. He answered.

"Ah! Mister Knights! I am SO sorry you're Jewel didn't show up. I assure you someone will be over to entertain you. No charge."

His eyes narrowed for a moment. "…What do you mean?"

Sheila sighed reluctantly, brushing her lekku nervously. "Well… I'm so sorry but her party held her up and she sort of… passed out… although I'm surprised you didn't call to complain that no Jewel arrived. I assure you she will be disciplined and, if you agree. We'll send Aphrodite our best Cathar girl to entertain you free of charge." He frowned glanced over his shoulder. Then smiled at her.

"That won't be necessary… wait. Free of charge?" he caught himself, more important things to do right now. "Never mind could I call you back I have to… take care of something."

"Certainly." She said as he hung up abruptly and walked to the wall by the holo-screen. he pushed hard against it and it sunk in, revealing a collection of blasters from hand to carbines and selected one. Priming it as he walked calmly back to his room.

She heard it hiss to life and cursed as he glared at her, holding the blaster on her… "Who are you?" he said coolly, "…You're not a Jewel…" she rolled over, so her breasts and hips were on display. She was vulnerable, and sexy…

"I'm a bounty hunter." She said, squeezing her chest.

That was just enough to distract him, she was off the bed and closed in on him as the stun blast shut up into the ceiling, she had just enough time to register the stun before amazingly they were fighting all across the house, he amazingly held his own against her strength and speed…

…And then they weren't fighting at all… after fighting their way back to the living room, he had gotten on top of her. She had thrown the couch at him and he had tackled her once she was off balance. They glared angrily at each other… then he was kissing her, then she was kissing him…

Then they repeated what they did last night…

He had filled her up again and collapsed on top of her, both of them panting for breath as she purred… he sighed as it echoed in his ears. "…So… a bounty hunter?"

"…Yeah… I wanted to make a name for myself… beating your father…" she sighed, flinching as her pussy spasmed around his softening length. "Thought I could… squeeze you for information…"

He laughed, and squeezed her breasts playfully. "Sorry. The only thing you squeezed out of me is about a year of my life…"

"…Maybe a few kids…" she cooed, wiggling her hips as he laughed, his cock twitching.

"Don't! Don't… I'm still sore. And angry at you…" he began kissing her again as she melted into his lips, "And… I'm irritated that…" he kissed her, "You're not a Jewel I can rent again…" she wrapped her arms around him, rolling him over so she was on top now, still kissing him.

"Well…" she growled, purring delightedly as he grinned back. "I… am looking for a new bounty hunter partner…"

He smirked, "…No kidding?" she sat up, shaking out her mane of black hair.

"No kidding…"

He glanced at his wall of blasters, a few had been knocked down by the couch and had fired into the far wall and the holo-screen. "Well… I've have been taking a few bounties on the side… the restaurant doesn't really need me around all the time…" she pinned him beneath her body, her breast pressed against his chest as she purred seductively right in his face. "…We're still going to fuck right?"

"As soon as we're done talking…" she said immediately.

"Agreed…" he kissed her and rolled her back beneath him.

…And that's how Ozwin Knights met his special lady Athena… through porn, prostitution, and lies.

"…Who the fuck even are you?" the angry rodian growled at the aged cyborg across from him. The bar was filled with a handful of dead thugs as the aged cyborg held him dead to rights with a blaster. that he had used to kill them… if that wasn't obvious. The twi'lek bartender didn't seem concerned about the dead bodies.

"Well… duh…" Ozjin said casually, his hair completely grey and his face a hardened half-metal. "I'm OZjin fucking Knights… and when I tell you to 'keep it the fuck down'-…" the blaster primed as the rodian wilted, "-'My wife is trying to sleep!' YOU KEEP IT THE FUCK DOWN!" he then shot the raucous jukebox as it fizzled out, leaving the nervous rodian gangboss along amongst the dead and a rather board looking bartender.

"See you next week Oz?" he asked as Ozjin waved a metal hand.

"Naw… I'm visiting my boy and his girl." He grinned, showing a few metal teeth. "Didn't you hear me? she wants to have a go at me…"

End of chapter.

I know. I JUST did a Knights chapter but you know what? I was inspired. Just a little backstory anyway… besides they're going to show up in the main story, might as well dive deeper.

next chapter
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