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91.89% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 238: Good and Ready

Bab 238: Good and Ready

I don't own Star was

"Kal." Oriana watched me as I got back not the ship, her eyes narrowed sternly. "Your mask is off."

"He already knew who I was." I replied, sighing. "Master Lidia knows now too." The rest of the girls and Rattletrap all gathered around as I added. "And he's offered us a job."

"Indeed! Job you have!" I jumped, and looked down in surprise at the odd. Creature. Standing beside me. Of course, my reaction was mellow compared to Lala's-

"Holy shit!"

And Nerri's

"Where did he come from?!"

He had no smell, he had no presence… he was short, and green, smaller than even Rattletrap in simple homespun Jedi robes. His ears were long, and his hair was thick but greying, his eyes were wide with curiosity and, I can't believe I'm saying this, he had a pleasant, warm smile.

"Where did you come from?!" I snapped in surprise as Oriana and Lala grabbed their blasters, but he held out his hand and they stopped, visibly struggling to draw them.

"Calm down, please." He said kindly, and the second they stopped struggling, he lowered his hand. "The temple I have…" he said with a rather gravelly voice. "Sensed your presence I have… Lidia's return, your doing…" he walked to our table and hopped onto the chair before smiling at a rather hesitant Nerri. "Tea, May I have? Or Water will do."

Nerri shifted as he smiled at her, before she went to the kitchen, retrieving a cup of cold water and handing it to him as I approached. "Who are you?" I growled, standing between him and Nerri. He eyed me over his cup, his large green eyes studying me as he took a sip.

"Master Gren, I am." He said simply, taking a deeper drink, and putting the cup down. "…See you I need." He eyed me. "A KANE. You are…" he said simply. I growled. "…Filled with anger, you are… rage. Fury. Sadness. Loneliness."

"I am not a Jedi." I replied, "I can feel those things. What do you want?"

"Kal. Do not antagonize the Jedi Master." Oriana noted, resting a hand on my arm as I calmed down. Master Gren's eyes flickered to her hand briefly before giving me his full attention once more.

"…Calming effect you have…" he said simply as she glared at him. "…Here to antagonize, I am not." He said seriously. "…Working for Master Knox… you are."

"Yes." I replied as he stared at me.

"…Searching for, is he?" he asked as I frowned. I must admit understanding him was… awkward but I got the gist.

"…Holocrons." I replied as he nodded.

"Concerning that is." He said thoughtfully, "Request may I ask?"

I turned to Oriana who studied the master, before she answered for us. "Yes."

Master Gren's eyes flickered back to her, then returned to me as if expecting me to answer. "…See them first I must…" he said seriously. "moment only for…"


"......." He stared at me, "…Changed Knox has. Wiser, stronger." He said softly, but there was a growl in his voice. "…Man I know, he no longer seems." He stared at me. "…Feel things I do." He raised his hand at me, "Study people I can…" he looked me straight in the eyes. "Mercenary. You are not." He declared as I frowned at him. "…Soldier you are." He said as I went rigid. "Loyal you can be. Devoted you wish to be… strong you are." He sipped his tea. "…Brave you are… obedient you are."

"Are you going somewhere with this?" Oriana asked suddenly irate, "Or are you just going to judge?"

"Judge I do not. Statements I make." He turned to her, "Loving you are." She blushed, "Devoted you wish to be… Conflicted." He frowned sadly at her, "You always are." I looked at her as she clenched her fists. "Talented you are… loyal you are."

"Enough." She said, "Get to the point."

"Wait do me!" Lala grinned as Gren did the same at her. "I want a turn."

"Lala!" Oriana snapped exasperatedly

"Wild you are." Master Gren began as Lala smiled, "Lonely you are. Hurt." He watched her as her smile faded. "Second best, you always feel…" she frowned. "A tool your mother made, you feel."

"…Wow that wasn't as fun as I thought it would be." Lala replied frowning, rubbing her arms in a sheepish manner.

"More than your mother's daughter you are." Master Gren suddenly said, "Talented you could be. He raised his arms apart as if to give her a hug. "Better you could become."

"I feel better now." She smiled as Master Gren turned on Nerri.

"Oh. No I'm not-"

"Lost you feel, but warm is your heart. Home is where you find yourself… warrior spirit you have. Survivor you are."

"Hey, why is hers so much better than mine?!" Lala grumbled.

"Less trauma I imagine." Oriana growled. "Master Gren. Of topic you are." She said condescendingly as Master Gren took it in stride.

"Indeed I have." He frowned at me. "Holocrons first I wish to see. Pay you I will." He hopped off the seat. "…Master Lidia, do not speak please." He began to walk away, but hesitated. "…Kallus Kane." He turned, eyeing me seriously

"A Jedi, you are not. A tool, you are not. An Animal, you are not. A weapon. You are not." He stood at the opening ramp of our ship. "Consume you, your rage need not." He smiled kindly at me. "A son you are. A lover. A friend… A Jedi, you are not…" he repeated, then turned, walking down the ramp and humming to himself.

"…That's going to be bugging me the whole flight." I replied irately as Oriana rubbed my arm.

"…Don't let it." she said, and I oddly felt contented. But moved on.

"…We're going to Cromwell territory."

"Fuck me sideways." Oriana snarled as Lala laughed.

"I think Kal is more of a doggy style. Or mating press."

"Shut up." Oriana snapped before poking me in the chest. "Keeping you away from the Cromwells is my ONE JOB! Why do you have to make it so difficult?!"

"Will be in an out." I replied, "There is no garrison anywhere near that plant it's a dead world." I said, showing them the details that Master Knox had given me. "Crete used to be a sith world but it was bombed out ages ago." Oriana, Nerri, and Lala all looked at it as I continued. "He says there's a labrynth under the surface and he wants us to grab him holocrons…"

"Holocrons?" Lala replied skeptically, "Jedi nonsense, it's better not to mess with them at all."

"He also gave us a blank check."

"What are we waiting for?" my pink skinned technical cousin replied, I could almost see the credits signs in her eyes as Oriana frowned but slowly nodded. "Oh I guess we're waiting on Lidia." She rubbed her chin, "I don't suppose she could hurry it up?"

"She probably wants to spend a little time with the Jedi." Oriana replied, brushing her hair out of her face. "I imagine they're far more appropriate company then a group of mercenaries and thugs."

"Well that's just not true." Master Lidia declared getting onto our ship with T-260 in toe, bwooo-ing unhappily. She dropped her bag of whatever she was bringing onto the floor. "Despite recent reveals and a distinct lack of trust you may have for me." She smiled. "…I am something of a black nerf among my peers."


"I am aware there are no black nerfs T2." She replied patiently as he beeped and blooped rapidly. "Well then why don't you talk to Rattletrap about it?"

"I will wrench the shit out of his motivators if he keeps talking trash about my work!" Rattletrap declared, I grabbed him, easily holding him in the air as he thrashed at the droid.

"Let it go. Let it go." I replied calmly as he growled quietly, but stopped struggling as I put him down.

"Now barring any inconvenience might we get out of here?" she asked as Rattletrap sniffed.

"Well if the droid is to be believed I need to work on my ship some more. So Nooooooo." He replied childishly as Lidia sighed slowly.

"…Then might he help you do that?" she asked politely. "Please?"

…If I knew anything about Rattletrap is that he was a sucker for a pretty face. I can relate in a way. And Master Lidia was an attractive Mirialan with a great body. It must be all the force exercise and treasure hunting.

"…Fine. Come on clunker."


"I don't care! You keep calling my ship a clunker I'm calling you a clunker!" they then disappeared into one of the many hatches in our ship as Master Lidia headed towards the elevator to her 'usual' cabin.

"Great." Mumbled Oriana, "So. Just to be clear. We're going to a dead sith world, in Cromwell territory with a Jedi looking for Holocrons after Rattletrap finishing fixing our ship with a droid he doesn't like…"

"That about sums it up." Nerri replied.

"The only thing that could possibly make this worse is that by some convenience the Cromwells send someone to said planet… or Rattletrap takes forever."

But Oriana's fears were unwarranted, we were off within two hours. Rattletraps skills at fixing ships were to his detriment enhanced by T260's droid skills.

Meanwhile. Deep in Cromwell Space in the Outer Rim.

Daemon Cromwell lounged in one of the many, MANY hottubs located in the Pleasure district of Amster IV. An Outer Rim Dwarf planet converted into essentially a tourist hotspot. Gambling, music, shows, and of course the popular Red-light district. Amster IV was once a little barren planet but after significant time and money was poured into it, it became a 'reward' planet for the Cromwell forces…

Live long enough, fight hard enough, stay loyal enough. And you get an all expenses paid trip on Cromwell dime. It was RARE sure, but it was a convincing encouragement.

Daemon however was just a regular.

A pretty pink Zeltron with long purple hair and tattoos of various birds on her back held a goblet of fine dantooinee wine in on hand, fawning over Daemon as she brought it to his lips and he drank. On his left side was a wild looking Rattataki, her large breasts swealing in the water as her pieced nipples, lips, ears and tongue gleamed in the red lights of the room. The water bubbled comfortably as he wrapped his arms around both of their waists… the Rattataki's pierced tongue sliding over his cheek as he drank.

"Gulp. Gulp. Aaahh…" he sighed, emptying the goblet. "Mind getting me a refill?" he grinned at the Zeltron, as naked, she stood up from the tub and strolled over to the wet bar, her big bountiful pink ass wobbled enticingly and drawing his gaze for longer than intended. She started pouring him his drink just as a blue twi'lek popped from the water, gasping for breath.

"Haa-haa-haa…" she gasped, mouth open as she whimpered. "S-sir please… we have nautolan girls-"

"If I wanted a Nautolan girl I would've gotten a nautolan girl. Now get your lips wrapped around my cock." he said calmly, putting his hand on her head as she whimpered.


"…Wait." He ordered the zeltron as she paused. "…Bring me my blaster too, would you?" he said kindly, but the threat was there.

The twi'lek took a breath and dove beneath the water as he sighed, the girls above water watching him nervously. "…What?" he asked politely, as if threatening to blaster a whore for not giving him oral sex underwater was common. "She's supposed to be the best cock sucker in the district. I want her to prove it."

"Daemon!" the door of his playroom was kicked open by his brother Critcher, looking furious as the Zeltron slid nervously back into the hot tub, Daemon wrapping his arms back around her waist as he drank his wine… and fondled their asses…

To be fair to the girls… if daemon's hands were occupied at least they could come up for air.

"Yes? Critcher?" he asked lazily.

"Stop fucking the alien whores!" he snarled, "…Unless your intent was to produce more half-breed Cromwells." He growled under his breath, the girls deliberately not looking at his mangled face, preferring the far more handsome Daemon… he was always the looker even before Critcher met the wrong end of an angry Kane.

"My intent is to have a good time in the company of the finest prostitutes in the Outer Rim." The girls giggled prettily, if they knew what was good for them they'd take all the backhanded compliments from the Cromwells that they could.

"For emperor's sake Daemon. Two?" the twi'lek popped from the water, took a breath, and dove quickly back down as Critcher cringed angrily and Daemon continued to smile. "THREE?!"

"Tits." He cupped the Rattataki's big breasts firmly as she moaned. "Ass." The zeltron girl wiggled enticingly. "Head." He replied, shifting and. "NNGh…" he sighed. "…If I could get the perfect woman in one package I wouldn't be here. Now why are YOU here. Spoiling my fun?" he asked as the twi'lek popped gratefully out of the water, gulping his load she opened his mouth to display her 'good job' but he waved her aside, giving his brother his full attention now that his dick was tended too. Gratefully sucking in air, she sat beside the zeltron. A little bit out of reach.

"You are needed." Snarled Critcher. "We need to reorganize patrols…"

"Where…" Daemon asked frankly, turning to the zeltron subtly as she tilted his drink to his mouth.

"District Beta." Critcher replied as Daemon groaned irately. Pulling away from his goblet so quickly the zeltron spilled his wine down his chest. He seemed unaffected but he eventually pulled the Rattaki to his chest as she began to lick the fluid sensually off.

"There is NOTHING in district beta." Daemon replied dismissively. "Dead planets and asteroid fields. A sith war has that effect."

"We should still have patrols!"

"It's right next to imperial space." Daemon replied as the Rattataki licked up his neck. "Which do indeed have patrols. All we'd be doing is giving our men excuses to slack off when they could be guarding our current lines."

"Stop… fucking the whores!" Critcher demanded as Daemon scoffed.

"Yeah. No."

"Ooh!" moaned the Rattataki as, without breaking eye contact with his brother openly fondled her as she squirmed.

"Get out of there. Before I tell Father." Critcher replied as Daemon, once again, scoffed.

"Yeah. No." he repeated and laughed. "You think father doesn't know what I get up to when I'm here? As long as I don't bring back a baby momma he doesn't give a shit." He sniffed, "Now. Brother. I will be more than happy to tell you you're wrong, many, MANY times, but you're going to have to wait… I know it's hard for you when your whining doesn't get anything done right away." Critcher looked so FURIOUSLY at his brother one might have expected him to catch fire. "But I'm going to enjoy every second with these fantastic brothel girls. So you're going to wait… unless you want to watch." He replied frankly.

The girls looked… less then comfortable with that prospect. But Critcher went over to the wet bar, took a bottle of high-priced whiskey, and furiously drank from it before stomping out and slamming the door behind him.

"Is he going to be alright?" the Twi'lek asked, but she didn't really care.

"Who gives a fuck?" Daemon replied eagerly, as he began pulling the Rattataki onto his lap. "He often likes to spoil my fun with worthless attempts to establish authority…" the rattataki moaned as his cock slipped right up her hairless pussy. "You two sluts." He declared as the Rattataki writhed on his cock, sloshing water around him as she bounced on his lap. "…Drink that. And kiss…" the zeltron poured the wine down into her mouth and tossed the goblet away with a clatter as she and the twi'lek sensually embraced lips. Wine poured from between them as they moaned and slurped their tongues around each other.

"Faster." He ordered, squeezing the rattaki's big bouncing tits as her head rolled back.

"Haa-haa-haa-hha-aah… AAAH!" she was suddenly in the air as her legs wrapped around him, he stood in the hot tub, furiously fucking up into her body as her head rolled back, tongue lolling as her big tits flopped about, "Ahaa-ah-aah-Aaah!!" she hung in the air by her tits as he held them firmly in his hands. She twitched erotically before he let go of her breasts and she fell into the hot tub with a splash.

Standing with his cock still erect he reached for the Zeltron's long purple hair and yanked her roughly from the twi'lek before pushing her forward. Her body hit the outside of the tub, her big pink ass pointed towards him as he stood on the inner seat and spread her ass cheeks.

"Aaah! AHhh!! FUCK! MY! ASS!! You're so big!" she squealed flatteringly as his hips smacked against her big pink ass. He yanked back hard on her hair, "Aagh! Aah! It! HURTS!! So good!" she squealed, whether it was true or not, didn't matter.

Daemon railed into her body with a mixture of pure contempt and uncontrolled lust. Grimacing furiously as he assfucked the poor girl until her body went slack and he smacked her pink ass so hard he left a purple handprint… and about two months-worth of cum in her guts. Getting twi'lek head didn't count, nothing quite beat hatefucking a zeltron ass.

Daemon climbed out of the hot tub, leaving the zeltron twitching helplessly as the other two girls hesitated in the waters. He went to the wet bar, poured himself another drink, and turned watching the girls for a second with his cock dangling limp between his legs. "…Eat up." He said as the twi'lek and the Rattataki glanced at each other and didn't move. He sighed, then pulled up his blaster, priming it casually. "EAT."

The twi'lek and the Rattataki buried their faces into the Zeltron as she moaned, whimpering as she squirmed and their tongues prodded and slurped various holes. Daemon put down the blaster and watched… grinning behind his glass. There was a rumor going around that an unsatisfied Daemon… Metaphorically and violently 'fired' several girls who displeased him. Whether that was true or not… well, he certainly didn't deny it… to a Cromwell not dening something didn't necessarily mean truth…

Especially for Daemon.

Regardless he got top girls, top prices, and the best of services thanks to the rumor so he wasn't complaining… unlike his brother Critcher… he'll assign patrols as he sees fit and only when he was good and ready… Speaking off…

His cock twitched eagerly back towards the girls in the hot tub as he put his empty goblet down, sliding back into the hot tub next to the Zeltron, wrapping an arm over her waist as he pushed the Rattataki into her ass. "Don't stop." He said firmly before grabbing the Twi'lek's lekku. "Suck." She whimpered, but dropped back beneath the water as he smiled contentedly, glancing at the pink ass being eaten out by the Rattataki before smacking the right cheek.

"MMNGh!" it wobbled appealingly as he lied back.

He wouldn't be good and ready for a long time.


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