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25.09% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 65: Girls Night Out

Bab 65: Girls Night Out

I don't own star wars.

We were ready for a night on the town. Well it was Mos Eisley but none the less we were ready! Even Baleen got herself prettied up for the occasion. Granted there wasn't actually much to do on tattooine much less Mos Eisly but we were going to make do. A night of partying, drinking and girl bonding all on Torga's credits… so we went to the best he could offer: A small club/cantina that had recently opened.

The huttese translated 'Moon of Tattooine' was a sort of PG-13 club, it didn't exactly have nude girls or backroom vip-service. But it did have a few of the brothel girls working here part-time, dancing, hosting, and living it up with guests. It was a place for a wholesome good time rather than a raunchy one. And if you wanted to really 'party' with a select girl you were perfectly free to go to the brothel later and become acquainted.

Granted we didn't have any clothes that screamed 'classy' for tattooine: But we still managed to look good. Well, Aiden would, of course, say that we looked good no mater what. He was sweet like that. But I really didn't have any clothes that didn't scream 'sexy smuggler' and Milky's clothes sort of consisted of 'fuck me now, Aiden' style and sexy short-shorts… Only Scarlet seemed prepared for a night of partying, wearing a loose blue knee-length skirt a matching top and flat-heeled knee-high boots.

So we decided to spend some credits at Torga's textile shop, 'Nar Shaddaa quality for tattooine quantity.' Shopping for clothes was something girls did together right?

"I don't know about this…" Baleen mumbled quietly to herself as Milky scrambled through the clothes selection. "I'm not really a dress kind of girl." She said as I shook my lekku absently, holding up a black strapless dress with a long slit up the side allowing her to show off some leg.

"Don't be silly Baleen you might be a big girl but that's all sexy muscle." I said, nodding as I handed her the dress. "Go put this on."

Baleen, wearing her under mesh utility belt and pants, rolled her eyes and entered the changing room as Milky scrambled happily into another. Personally, I was content with my 'sexy smuggler' my bomber jacket, tank top, and tight black slacks and boots. Scarlet stood beside me as Baleen grunted in the changing room.

"This is going to be really funny or really hot." She whispered to me, waiting intently arms crossed across her chest. However Milky came out first, her hair tied back in one long thick ponytail that left a small amount of her bangs lost covering her right eye glamorously. She posed for us in her a tight black cocktail dress that showed off an awful lot of her back. "Huh. Half right so far…" Scarlet smiled as Milky twirled as she approached.

"Well? Do I look ready for a night on the town?" she said, placing a hand on her hip and striking a pose like a professional model. "I love how this makes my butt look." She grinned, glancing in a nearby mirror at her butt.

I tapped my neck, referring to the neon pink collar she still wore. "Still got your collar on Milky."

"The collar stays…" Milky said firmly, absently watching herself flipping her hair with her hands in the full-length mirror to add some volume and to see how it looked.

I laughed quietly to myself knowing full well why it stays. "Well alright then. As usual Milky you can make anything look sexy…" she curtsied playfully to me as Baleen's changing rom door swung open and she walked out.

The dress pressed her generous chest together and it clearly showed off her well-kept waistline, and her well-muscled thighs were tastefully displayed by the high side cut on the dress, but she was still wearing her 'practical' combat boots.

"Now there's a head turner." I smiled as Baleen rolled her eyes at my praise, and having the shop deliver our clothes to the ship, (complementary with our new purchases) I led them out. "Let's go girls, the night is young."

Now I wasn't ever a native of tattooine but everyone knew it wasn't a party planet. That in itself is a boon. There were very few places to have a good time, so naturally, they were hotspots. I knew maybe a third of the girls working tonight… Kammy and Salida, a Dromund Kaas born girl and a Mirialan danced on stage as the band played, tastefully dressed in knee-length skirts, their wrists and ankles wearing bands that hung tassels that bounced with their movements.

Cy'lita, a Twi'lek girl with a droid left hand, (it had been born deformed, Torga fixed it up for her) worked the tables in a green tassel bikini that surprisingly covered a decent amount of skin as she gracefully served drinks.

Guetta, a Rodian female with a thick braid of red hair made up drinks as several multi-armed service droids prepared food for the crowds as the dance floor filled with sentients of all types.

"Table or bar?" I asked the girls lazily as we instinctively moved toward the bar.

"Yura!" Guetta said smiling as we kissed each other cheeks, "Welcome to the Moon of Tattooine." Guetta was one of the older girls, but most sentients wouldn't know it, she too wore the tassel bikini that Cy'lita wore, but in blue. "What's your poison?"

"We'll have…" I blinked at the girls, actually, I didn't really know their drink preferences, "Well I'll have a…"

"Tattooine Sunset, right?" Guetta answered as she filled up my preferred party drink.

"Bloody Amidala please." Milky grinned politely as a nearby multi-armed droid went to work.

"Tatooine Sunburn if you got it." Baleen said politely, sitting at the counter.

"Dromund Blaast." Scarlet replied, "Please." She aided quickly remembering her manners.

"I'll have the same." We jumped united in shock as a familiar voiced violet blue-skinned chiss with thick silver hair spoke, she turned and smiled at us with a knowing smile. Waving a fingerless gloved hand she crossed her legs wrapped in tight black leather, and adjusted her riding leather jacket as she grinned at us, "You girls look like you've seen a ghost…"

"Newt?" I asked, looking at her hair and skin, "You… don't look like you. How long have you been here?!" I suddenly shouted/hissed at her as everyone else took a seat.

"I've been following you since your costume change at that textile shop." She said, gesturing dismissively to the door. "Since you're having a girl's night I thought that I could spend some leisure time in this lovely establishment. And try out my new camo device… it's still got a few bugs to work out."

…Putting aside the fact that she obviously did have listening devices planted on the ship. Of which I would make sure Short-round located each one later… I was a little apprehensive of her presence. Aiden was becoming suspicious of her, and while I knew he'd never admit it I knew it hurt him to think that. Aiden was a romantic, he wanted to believe in the best of everyone he was close to. He gave people chances… some are just too stupid to take them. And Newt had her fingers deep into him, Aiden wanted to believe that she cared about him but you never could tell with Newt.

But I guess now was as good a time as any to keep an eye on her.

"I like the hair…" Milky said politely as her Bloody Amidala arrived and she began sipping slowly.

"Don't get used to it I'm just trying it out, in a matter of speaking." She grinned at us and clapped her hands, "So! What's on the menu?"

"The droid chief makes a damn good burger." Guetta said carefully adjusting her red lipstick on her snout mouth with a small handheld mirror under the counter.

"Not what I meant but maybe later…" Newt said, "I meant us. What are we doing?"

As all our drinks arrived I held mine up for a toast as we did the same, Scarlet and Newt even politely (although still a little reluctantly) clinking their glasses together as I put our bill on Torga's tab. Essentially all it really did was give us a 5% discount and we'll have to pay him back later but that was a conversation for future Yura."

"Here's to a night of drinking and dancing. Let's have some fun girls."

This. This is what we needed, soon Scarlet and Baleen were tearing it up on the dance floor as Newt mingled suspiciously with a couple of smugglers in a far corner. Kammy and Salida even managed to eventually get a slightly inebriated Scarlet on stage putting her talented dance moves to work as a few good-humored ladies on the dance floor tossed up a small amount of credits on stage at her feet. Luckily Baleen was there to keep an eye on the more handsy clientele. Yeah, this place had bouncers, but it was still nice to know that Baleen was keeping focus.

However, several drinks in Milky became… well moody. I wasn't completely sober myself but the few times I'd seen Milky drunk before she had been pretty open and fun even a little flirty. Maybe it was because she wasn't being fawned over by a group of guys, or girls, or just fawned over in general.

After enjoying myself a little I sat down next to her as Guetta handed me a drink and went somewhere into the back, probably to use the rest room. "Milky what's wrong?" I asked, "You're being kind of a dud, and that's weird…"

Milky seemed lost in her drink, staring into the liquid as if it offended her. "…Yura… I'm thinking about getting gene-treatments…" I had been drinking at the time, and promptly sprayed the remainder onto the multi-armed service droid. It seemed none plus.

"What?" I said, a little surprised at the suddenness. "O-okay…" my heart suddenly went into my stomach… and the worst part was I didn't exactly know why.

"…I've been thinking about it for a while…" she said in a whisper, "Like every time Aiden's… you know…" she fidgeted in her chair adorably, "…he has sex with me." She was being uncharacteristically shy, and I wondered how many she really had.

I watched her beautiful face contort in confusion, I needed to get back in control. "Well… have you talked with Aiden about this?" I asked nervously. Seriously what was up? Did I have indigestion?

"I just… he's…" she hesitated, scowling now. "…I know he loves me, but is he ready? Is this a good time? Should I just go for it and deal with the consequences later?" she nursed her drink carefully in her hands, "I know I'll want a baby, his baby, maybe even more but…" she stopped abruptly, taking a long drink from her glass.

"…Milky, you need to talk with Aiden about this." I said honestly, ignoring that weird feeling in my gut. But I smiled comfortingly at her and put a hand on her shoulder, "Besides he'll be happy to hear it. He'd do anything for us, you know that…"

Milky grinned at me playfully, "…I think I just needed to talk to someone about it. Get it out in the open." Then she leaned forward, and not for the first time, kissed me on the lips. Pulling away she finished her glass and downed it. "Now it you'll excuse me I think I'll go dance with Baleen and help her keep Scarlet's clothes on.

As she walked away to join Baleen on the dance floor… I promptly ran to the bathroom. Sitting in a stall I took a deep steadying breath. Wondering what was wrong with my stomach, Milky wanted Aiden's kids wasn't exactly a secret all things considered, but now that she had let out an honest, if not drunken, admission of it that seemed to rattle me…Did I want the same thing? Would it come down to her or me? Was I worrying about all of this for nothing? As the alcohol in my system fueled my nervous paranoia the door to the bathroom opened.

"Come on Guetta." hissed a raspy voice as a pair of feet walked into the bath.

"Baby I'm not supposed to." Guetta said teasingly. I could see them through the crack in the stall, watching intently as my Rhodian friend stroked the chest of a rather youthful-looking Rattataki man. "I could get in trouble doing that here… just wait till tomorrow and I'll give you All. You. Want…" she moaned slightly, but I knew where this was going. Guetta had a habit of bending a few rules.

The man groaned, but he was undeterred. "Guetta I won't be here tomorrow… come on I'll pay double.

"Oh… I do like that word. Double." She said, kneeling suddenly down and looking up at him with her large round opal eyes. Slapping the sink counter gently with her hand, "Up front sweetie."

The man scrambled in his pocket for the credits as Guetta adjusted his pants and, of course, whipped out a thick pale skinned erection. She slowly pushed her mouth down his length, he groaned loudly, echoing around the bathroom but she slapped his leg, angrily looking up at him as she quickly shut up.

I'm good… but I'm not Guetta good. Hell, she sort of taught me how to give great head. Because after all if you want a blowjob, rodians are the way to go. She slowly moved back and forth, moaning gently as her ruby red lipstick smeared his length, making it look like it was bleeding… I didn't get off on that but Rattataki were weird… I could see him throb through the door as she moved back and forth, watching his face for the signs. She pulled off with a slurp and a pop, stroking him as she smiled up, "You tell me when you're going to pop baby okay?" then promptly went back to her day job.

Absently my own legs spread, and my hand lowered as I watched… suddenly my mind went off back to the ship… and Aiden. My pussy flooded into the toilet as I covered my mouth to keep from screaming as my imaginary Aiden plowed deep into my pussy, ready to give me exactly what Milky wanted… and that made the butterflies in my stomach flitter about happily.

"Suck. Suck…" he hissed, watching his dick disappear into her tiny mouth, "Make more noise. Please."

Wow she got a rattataki to say please. I knew she was good but not that good. And on command she did make more noise, loudly slurping his length as it echoed around the bathroom, grunting as her head sped up down his length, practically begging him to release.

I was begging too… steadily stroking my pussy as I watched my friend do her work, for a moment I thought my sloppy mess could be heard but then as usual when I was this turned on my thoughts went to Aiden and I didn't care… he was like a fucking drug sometimes. Literally.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum." He hissed as he steadily moved Guetta's head down his length, "Fuck I'm cumming." Guetta moaned and sped up as he thrust his hips towards her and. "Gurggh!" she fired, her red-colored lips halting at the end of his cock as his seed rushed into her tight mouth. Her throat trembled as she steadily swallowed his load as his body began to relax. "Kark that's a good mouth." He groaned as Guetta pulled away with an audible pop. She pressed her lips hard to the bottom of his length marking him with her lipstick she left a vivid red imprint of her lips on it as she stood up.

"There you go, sweetie. Now get going I need to clean up." She said as pleasantly as she could as she turned to the mirror absently touching herself up with makeup.

The Rattataki male gripped her ass firmly, "What if I want some of this?" he asked, shaking her ass in his grip as she continued tending to her makeup. She let him get a good grip, 'sampling the goods' you might say but still she shut him down, playfully slapping away his hand after a good few seconds of his groping..

"Sorry baby but rules are rule, you're lucky I gave you head." However apparently, he wasn't taking no for an answer, pinning her against the counter, "H-hey!" she squeaked only for him to cover her mouth and quickly fiddle with her bottoms. "MMMN!!!" she screamed into his hands.

"Oh shut up I'll pay you." I hissed into her round ears, however, because he was so distracted by the thought of screwing Guetta he didn't notice me coming out of the stall behind him until he glanced in the mirror. "What the Kar-" With a right hook to rival Aiden's sister Kavilla, I cracked the side of his head hard and sent the guy to the floor, as Guetta quickly scrambled behind me. "Oh you bi-" then I slapped his face with my foot, sending him out for the count.

"Oh force Yura thank you!" Guetta mumbled nervously, trying to steady her breathing.

"I'm glad you're okay." I said, wrapping an arm around her. Then I shook her violently, "This is why you don't 'sell the goods' here!" I hissed angrily at her.

"What?" Guetta replied with a cautious shrug, "He's a regular and he pays well…"

"Well, now he's not." I noted thoughtfully leading her out of the woman's restroom. "But knock it off! This club is strictly for entertainment… Not pleasure!" I added quickly seeing the look on her face, "You need to go get the bouncers quick. That guy's a menace."

However as she ran for the front door I ran to the dance floor, finding a group of similarly dressed ratattaki, five in total, sitting in a filled-up booth, eyeing Guetta as she went for the bouncers. And there were even two trying to dance with Milky who was clearly not in the mood, politely brushing them off, at first.

…I knew it was going to turn bad really quick.

One of the group in the booth, a heavily tattooed-faced one, got up from his seat and quickly approached Guetta grabbing her wrist and speaking to her. Guetta however panicked and pointed straight at me, and said something along the lines of 'Yura kicked his ass'… I imagine. The tattooed face stared straight at me and scowled, letting Guetta go as she quickly ran out of the bar as he gestured to his group who got up and began approaching me.

Newt, who was laughing with the smugglers she was speaking to earlier suddenly looked at me. And I think she read my mind, scowling at the approaching rattataki.

"Baleen, I think I need a hand!" I said nervously, cursing Guetta as the rattataki shoved club dancers out of the way.

Baleen who was enjoying her time glared menacingly at the oncoming trouble with a humored grin. "…Oh." She looked down at her new dress, scowling slightly. "…They're going to mess up my new dress."

The 'leader' of the rattataki, tattoo face we are going to call him. Gripped my arm tightly and turned me around. "What did you do with the captain!?" he growled.

"Like you, he was too handsy." I spat almost automatically. Then everything escalated quickly; his hand rose high into the air to hit me… then Baleen's shot out in a heavy jab, slamming into his jaw. He let go and stumbled backward but before he got too far Baleen's other fist slammed into his gut and bodily lifted him from the floor and slammed him onto his back on stage with a quick turn.

The band stopped playing and everyone stared shock. Then Baleen turned to the lead bith player, "Fight music please." She said simply, and without missing a beat they started up something quick and rapid.

One of tattoo face's compatriots charged Baleen only to be dropped kicked by Scarlet diving feet first from the stage and taking him to the floor, pummeling him as she pinned him down.

The two who had been groping Milky earlier tried to help but Milky easily tossed them back behind her snarling like an angry alley cat as she dove into them. Newt shimmered out of nowhere putting another in a headlock as I quickly attacked the remainder…

Everything was pretty much a blur, I remember hitting hard and getting jumped. Bailing out the girls and I was bailed out in turn… Milky hurling the rattataki like ragdolls. Baleen screamed her fury at her ruined dress as she broke one of their legs with a heavy stomp. Scarlet delivering a fury of devastating blows in rapid succession like a piston. Newt put one in a choke hold as she hit him with a taser, (similar to Aiden's apparently, I was going to have a talk with Short-round about that one. And finally, being no slouch myself I sent one spinning into a table, shattering it beneath him.

However it wasn't all good, they tore our clothes, pulled our hair, and one even sucker punched Milky and she was not happy about the potential black eye. And Scarlet slipped on a small pool of somebody's blood, landing hard on her back. But finally, as the club turned into an all-out brawl a new participant made himself known.

"ENOUGH!" came a familiar roar as he slithered sourly into the club, "I come to see if you're having a good time and you're wrecking my club!?" Torga scowled at… I wasn't really sure who he was scowling at. But Hira-Ken, Urai's sister, held a repeating blaster on us as several other members of Torga's hired muscle aimed their weapons at us as well.

Baleen absently punched the current Rattataki she was dealing with in the jaw and noted, "To be fair they started it."

Torga's eyes narrowed on me for a moment, his lips twitched as if he was suppressing a smile. "Indeed." He said, maintaining his sour look. "Break it up." He scowled to his guards as Hira-ken gave the order and separated us. Rattataki on one side and us girls on the other, minus Newt I noticed… but I imagine she used her fancy tech to escape once Torga arrived.

"Now." His good-eye narrowed on me frowning, "What happened?"

"Guetta wouldn't put out… more than she usually would." I noted sourly, I liked Guetta but sometimes she was a stupid slut and she sold me out and ran on us. I'm loyal, not idiotic.

Torga sniffed, "Note it down for later." He said to Hira who nodded under her helmet. "And then what?"

"Then when I stopped him from taking more and told her to get the bouncers she decided to sell me out and run for it, leaving us to deal with them." I noted, jerking my thumb towards the rattataki.

"You bitch." Hissed tattoo face only for Torga to slowly turn towards him, giving him a very withering look. Tattoo face cringed…

"Silence." Torga said simply as if scolding a child. The rattataki complied, "Yura. Go home." He said finally rolling his eyes as he gently grabbed Hira's arm pulling her to the side, "…Find Guetta." He said flatly. Admittedly I was a little worried for my rodian 'friend' but at the same time… I was tired, I took a shot to the head I think at it was starting to ache. And I think the drinks were acting up.

But we strove on, Baleen carrying a rather droopy Scarlet on her back as she carried her out of the club I supported Milky as we left, leaving a group of uncertain-looking rattataki with Torga and his group. We stumbled home, or at least where our ship was docked, the adrenaline finally wearing off as our exhaustion hit us. Aiden came down from the ramp… and I knew we were home.

"You… you girls look tired…" he noted a little bluntly, I swear he was just so simple sometimes I worry. But he came down the ramp and helped walk us to our room.

"We partied… to hard…" Milky mumbled, sounding exhausted. "So much dancing… to much fighting." He got us into our beds, well I said 'bed' but they were comfortable bunks that could be folded into the walls if necessary. Regardless he had such a damn gentle touch…

"You girls got in a fight?" he had asked but Milky apparently was out the second her head hit the pillow and he assumed the same was about me. So, like a gentleman he quietly left the room, shut off the lights, and let us rest. I lay there in the dark for a moment, slowly turning over to look at the blissfully sleeping Milky… when something in my mind urged me to talk.

"Milky?" I asked hesitantly, I waited for a moment and decided that she was just too deep in slumber.

"Hmm?" she mumbled softly, apparently more awake than I thought.

"…If I told you that I wanted one with Aiden too, a baby I mean… just not yet, would we be okay?"

She was silent for a moment, then surprisingly clear but soft she said, "Of course, we would be…" she yawned rolling over in her soft comfy bunk. "We'll raise them together…" she noted practically, I inwardly chuckled. "…But I'm first." She added surprisingly dark, but it was slightly softened by her sleepy adorable laughter…

And noticing my butterflies were whisking away from my stomach, I closed my eyes… and dreamed of the future…

End of Chapter

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