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58.68% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 152: Familial Familiarity

Bab 152: Familial Familiarity

I don't own star wars

"Why are we here? I thought we were going back to Luna IV?" I asked as Nike led me on with Rattletrap and X-E. We had come to Nar Shaddaa and were heading towards Torga's holo-girl studio. Nike, arms firmly wrapped around mine and rubbing her breasts against me seemed to get rather stern in her answer.

"Well I need to give Rattletrap a treat for saving you. And you need to lighten up. So I figured surrounding both of you with beautiful, sexy ladies would make you feel better."

…Well she wouldn't exactly be wrong I guess…

"Besides with Killa and Seis running around grabbing bounties again, it might be safe for us inside." She said just as a small explosion echoed throughout Nar Shaddaa. A tall building over the horizon experienced a burst of light and now had a smoking hole alongside it. "…I really hope that wasn't them." She added a little cheerily, trying to smile away the nerves just as she pulled out her datapad.

Not a minute later as sirens could be heard in the air did Dolly appear in a tight corset and tight short-shorts that barely contained her bulging body. She bounced towards Rattletrap and immediately swept him up into her arms, spinning him happily around as he went ragdoll in her grip, grinning like an idiot. She squealed then skipped happily in a place like we had given her a new exciting toy before immediately giving Nike a one-armed hug, her other arm was tightly wrapped around a happily dazed Rattletrap. He was like a doll in her embrace.

"It's so nice to see you! And you brought Trappy back! The girls will be thrilled! Hi X-E!" she waved cheerily to her, and X-E politely waved back.

"And…" Nike began, interrupting her cheery friend, "This time Roland and I can stay and hang out. Maybe you could show us around?"

"I'd love too!" Dolly cheered, grabbing Nike's hand as Nike's other hand grabbed mine and we were dragged along like a sexy chain gang. "I'll show you two the sets! And introduce you to the girls! And some guys! And- Oh! You can meet Bella! She'll love you Nike!"

"I'm not here to audition Dolly…" Nike laughed, squeezing my hand with a soft smile, "Just hang out."

Dolly pouted sadly, "Aw… but we'd have so much fun! And they're so nice here! They'll even let you do only butt stuff. You'd be like Milky Way!" she suddenly stopped and gestured to a wall of pictures filled with actress and actors, mostly decent. A few in costumes or swimsuits…

…There she was…

I stared at the pure white cathar standing between an orange Cathar and a Pantoran, all three were smiling happily in front of a big Wookiee, and all three were in sort of fur bikinis… there was no mistaking it. It was Mama Calypso, she barely aged a day from when that picture was taken.

"See. Milky Way only did butt stuff." Dolly smiled. "But she was SO GOOD. Nobody cared. I heard, she wore everyone out on that set." She said, tapping the glass.

I rolled my eyes and smiled to myself as Dolly led us on, Rattletrap under her arm like a tiny dog. Looking quite content. Mama was insatiable. There was hardly a night when the house didn't echo with her and dad's noises. It got so bad that Mom had to put them in a soundproof room. But in the morning she was still the same, beautiful, loving Mama who could wrestle wookiees to the ground.

"…Hey Nike." I said softly, suddenly inspired as I caressed her butt. She flinched in surprise, but I kissed her neck, redirecting her attention. "Want to be my Milky Way?" she blushed, and giggled, slapping my arm. "Is that a no?" I asked as Dolly waved towards a collection number marked stage doors.

"This is where we film our scenes. Sometimes we film on location if it's nearby and safe. Like a club, but normally we just have sets designed. Usually when we're recording all of them are in use. She then waved us on until we came to a door that she promptly opened, leading to a hallway full of yet more doors. "These are dorms, some of the girls live here some don't. I have a room RIIIIIIGHT…" she pointed to the far end right by a set of stairs. "There. That's where I took Rattletrap last time he visited."

"It's surprisingly roomy." Rattletrap smiled as several doors opened and scantly clad girls stepped out. One particularly busty green Togruta was completely nude.

"Rattletrap!" a couple of them cheered happily, each running towards him as the togruta unashamedly reentered her room and returned in a slightly better-than-naked string bikini. They charged Dolly, who tossed Rattletrap towards them as he limply let himself be carried away by the gaggle of girls. Grinning cheerily as they ran to Dolly's room with X-E walking patiently right behind them.

"Don't forget! Some of you still have to shoot today!" Dolly cheered happily before grinning at us and skipping on, "Come on! We'll play with them later, I'm almost done with the tour!"

I however couldn't help but notice the cheering, giggling shrieks of the girls as they did who knows what with Rattletrap. I couldn't help but wonder what the heck he did to get them like that. Dolly however skipped along until we met another togruta, I recognized her from a picture of her with Mama: Deline D. Dolly grinned and gestured to her, she wore a tight one-piece dress with a hole in the middle to show off her cleavage. A boob window, I guess they're called.

"This is Deline!" Dolly smiled as Deline blinked curiously at her before smiling at us. "One of our top girls." She waved politely to us before looking at Dolly.

"Hey Dolly. Who are these two? New recruits?" she blinked at me, then looking me up and down, gave me a cute half-smile. Huh… guess she liked what she saw.

"No." Dolly replied sadly, "Just friends of mine. I'm showing them around!"

"Well have fun. I have to go off to tattooine. Torga wants to see me." She said, adjusting her make-up and sashaying away, "Something about a request."

"Have fun!" Dolly grinned, watching her go before taking our hands again and dragging us on. She led us to another door, which was almost ominously making grunting sounds. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was happening in there.

"Oh fuck! Force yes! Let me suck it! MMMn!!!" Dolly smiled, obviously, this was normal.

"This is the casting room." She said, gesturing to it. "Where we screen our actors. Bella says we need to make sure they're up for the task. So she usually gets our biggest guy to work with the new girls and one of our more insatiable girls to work over the new guys…"

Nike smirked at her friend. "…How often do you have to do it?"

"A lot!" Dolly grinned cheerily. "In fact, before I remembered I was meeting you today I was doing it." she then blinked curiously at the door. "…But since Deline is leaving and Uyu is only part-time now, I wonder who's in there?..." but she shrugged, "Oh well. Now let's see…" she seemed to think for a moment, adorably tapping her chin in thought. "Where too now. Oh!" she grabbed us again and dragged us away. "Prop department!"

Which basically boiled down to a lot of sex toys and costumes. Dolly held up a skimpy leopard print bikini, holding it up to Nike's body as she danced in place. "Wow you'd look amazing in this!" she smiled at me as the thought of Nike in it dominated my brain. "Right? She'd be gorgeous!"

"Dolly I'm not going mainstream!" Nike said, yanking the print top out of Dolly's hands, but watching me with a rather knowing smirk on her face. "No matter how much my captain might like me too."

"What?" I said indignantly, "I don't want you to…" I replied, still imagining her in that bikini as Dolly scampered off into what seemed to be a pile of dildos.

"Then why did you ask me to be your Milky Way?" she said smugly pressing her body against me, as I blinked for a moment, and came back with a good, rather obvious, one.

"…You do know she married my Dad right?" I asked, and suddenly she blushed. Her eyes widened in surprise… wait did she really NOT know!? She's seen the home videos!

"Did you really NOT know?!" I blinked at her in surprise and she seemed taken aback.

"Do you know how many pure white cathar there are in the galaxy?!" she hissed in an indignant reply. Adorably embarrassed as I couldn't hold back my laughter. "Oh my god. Your 'mama' is Milky way?! Circe is her daughter!?" she covered her mouth as the reveal went wild in her mind.

Well… I guess ignorance is bliss. Sure, we didn't spread it around that Mama used to be a holo-girl, but what was obvious to us apparently didn't register with everyone else. I was pretty sure Rattletrap knew, apparently, he could keep an open secret.

"What was that about Milky Way?" Dolly replied, returning with a very dangerously large rubber dildo in her hand. Smiling sweetly at us.

"She's my Mama." I replied immediately. The dildo dropped to the ground as Dolly blinked at me confused.

"…Your Mama is Milky Way?" she said a little reverently, suddenly a beautiful smile spread across her face as she leaped at me. Hugging me tightly in a dangerously warm embrace. "Oh my gosh! You're holo-vid royalty! We should tell Bella! She'd love to meet you!" she grabbed my hand tightly and dragged me away as Nike seemed to be deep in thought, instinctively following behind us.

We soon reached the casting couch room seconds before an Older, but still very beautiful red skinned twi'lek burst from the room and slammed the door behind her, breathing heavily and clutching a camera as the noise continued. "…Right. Going to need some knock out gas for them." She mumbled quietly, sighing in relief as an orgasm was heard. She then blinked as Dolly approached them, and her eyes narrowed curiously at me as her eyes went to my hair, then my eyes… then the rest of me.

"…Are these the people you abandoned me to meet?" she asked still staring at me curiously as her eyes went back to my hair.

"Yep!" Dolly smiled, jazz hands-ing towards me and Nike. "This is my friend Nike and her captain/boyfriend Roland."

The camera smashed on the floor as the woman went stiff watching me in shock as she quickly scrambled to pick it back up, recovering herself. "W-what? Pardon me what did you say?"

"This is Roland." Dolly replied completely unperturbed. "Roland something…" she blinked tapping her chin, "Actually, sorry what was your last name?"

"Firemane." I supplied as the camera crashed on the ground again.

"Son of a bitch!" hissed the woman angrily at herself but suddenly she ran a hand down her lekku in frustration before staring at me in disbelief. She took a deep, shuddering breath. And spoke very calmly. "Roland. Firemane?... Are you…" she sighed again, taking another breath. "…Are you related to a Colonel Roland?"

I blinked at her surprised, "Actually yeah. He was my grandfather. I was named after him. Did you know him?"

She stared at me, looking a little hurt as Dolly and Nike blinked curiously between us. "…Actually yes. For a mouth or two. We were quite close." She suddenly smiled, apparently at the good memory. "…In fact he held my attention exclusively for those two months." She coughed, clearing her throat as she watched me fondly. "So… what are you… why are you here?"

"We promised to let our resident pervert be entertained by a group of pretty girls." Nike interrupted, clearing her own throat to let the woman know they were still there.

She blinked at Nike. "…Rattletrap?" she said suddenly and we both nodded as she rolled her eyes. "Ah… so it was you two. Anyway…" she punched some numbers quickly into a datapad. "What can I do for you?"

"Oh right!" Dolly smiled before jazz handsing towards me again. "This is Milky Way's son Bella!" she said with a smile, "Isn't that neat?"

"Well… technically she's my-" I said but was interrupted by Bella, eyeing me curiously again as she tried to fix the camera.

"Really? Well, you must take after your father because I don't see the resemblance. Must be those Firemane genes." She replied, almost sounding proud. She wasn't wrong, but again.

"She's really just my Mama. But she raised me… my dad's family is… complicated." I replied as she led me, Nike and Dolly away from the increasingly loud casting room.

"I can believe it… did you… ever meet you grandfather?"

I shook my head, "No. He died on Kashyyyk long before I was born. But dad says my uncle Caradoc spent years with him."

"…So he was alive." She said, her voice suddenly distant. And she was quiet for a long time, opening a door and gesturing us inside. "…Caradoc you said?" she added. Turning on the lights and revealing a large double bed in the center of the room surrounded by cameras and lights. "Where can I find him?"

"Kashyyyk." I said hesitantly, "I'm sorry why are we in here?"

Bella blinked at us, "Oh… aren't you auditioning?" I coughed suddenly as Nike laughed delightedly, clutching her stomach as Dolly smiled, fidgeting in place excitedly.

"No!" I said suddenly, laughing lightly as she watched me. "No. We're just… hanging out really."

Bella crossed her arms imposingly across her chest. Watching me sternly before eyeing Nike. Who seemed smug suddenly under Bella's gaze. "Well… I assumed Milky's son would want to join the business. And as you're Roland's grandson I imagined you were just as insatiable as he was."

I coughed again as Nike giggled. "What?"

"What do you mean what?" she added proudly, "I spent two mouths as his woman. Two straight months." She said firmly, and the giggling Nike stopped and stared at her in disbelief, and not nearly as smug. "He spent a fortune on me. After the second week, I just stopped charging him. Essentially I was his mistress." She eyed Nike again before looking back at me, "…How is she?"

"She's fine?" I replied, a little confused and somewhat disturbed that my grandfather's (at the time) much younger girlfriend was giving me a sex talk. Nike glared at me. "Great! Infact she's amazing." I said immediately.

Bella stared Nike up and down, before sniffing rather tastelessly. "How's her head game?"

"Excuse me?" Nike said coldly, "Who are you to judge me?" hands on her wide hips she stared her up and down, "He's ALWAYS satisfied with me thank you very much. When was the last time you could say the same?"

"About forty years give or take." She then eyed me before adding softly, "His granddaddy, so I know how to satisfy a Firemane."

Nike snorted coldly, then grabbed me and dragged me to the bed. "On. Now." She said firmly as Dolly squealed delightedly, taking the camera from Bella only to have Bella snatch it back and place it on a nearby chair, crossing her arms and watching us intently. Nike shoved me onto the bed already pulling at my pants, and before my mind could register that we had an audience my erection slapped against her lips as she grabbed and stroked my length.

"Ah…" Nike purred, opening her mouth as her tongue lovingly lapped against my shaft, licking up my length to slurp noisily on my head. Stroking me gently as she suckled at the tip, her bright red eyes watching me devotedly as clawed at the bed. She cooed softly as she pulled her hand away, going all the way down my shaft and kissing my root as she wagged her big round ass in the air. My hands suddenly slipped into her silky black hair as her head went slowly up and down her lips stretching tightly around me and watching my face for every trace of pleasure she provided.

"Hmm. Not bad…" Bella said suddenly, Nike twitched suddenly as if forgetting we were being watched. The idea that she was just so focused on my pleasure that she HAD forgotten caused my length to twitch in her mouth, dribbles of precum leaking into her mouth as her tongue swirled around my tip. "Nice ass too." She added, eyeing Nike's rear, as it twerked slightly in response.

Watching her ass bouncing enticingly over her head, flipped my switch. My hands tightened around her head as she squeaked slightly, dropping down on my length as I grunted my release. She hummed around me as my seed flooded excitedly into her mouth, my cock twitching between her warm lips as she pulled away. a small trace dribbling down my tip as she shivered slightly.

"Well?" Bella said smugly as Nike blinked at her, "I'm waiting." She said expectantly as Nike glared.

"I'll help!" Dolly grinned suddenly caressing Nike's cheeks as she kissed her full on the lips, her tongue scrapping my cum from Nike's open mouth and eagerly gulping.

"Dolly." Bella grumbled, "That's not the point here."

"Nike doesn't like to swallow." Dolly added, pulling away and gingerly licking her lips as Nike coughed slightly, "Actually she doesn't like head either." She suddenly cooed softly, "Yummy." She added as my cock twitched back to life.

"Just like a Firemane." Bella said fondly and eyed Nike. "Well? He's not done." She said teasingly as Nike scowled and stood up, shimmying out of her pants as her big round ass twerked into view. She turned in place, before shaking her hips, using her well-practiced dance skills to shake her rear around my length. Her cheeks slapped it left and right as it fit snuggly between them. I sat up, wrapping my hand around her firm, shirt covered, breasts, her ass gyrating on my lap as Dolly and Bella watched. Squeezing her tightly I sucked at her furry neck, before sliding my hands down her wonderful muscled body to caress her inner thighs.

I slowly spread her apart as Dolly watched intently, my hands slipping under Nike as I lifted her up. Her ass clenched around my length before it slipped free, then I probed her tight little hole. "Put it in me…" she purred, hardening my length firmly against her hole as she cooed loudly at the feeling.

Then I aimed at her pussy, letting gravity do the work as I let her drop back down. "Oh!!" she cooed, feeling me stretch her as she leaned forward, my hands around her waist as I bounced her on my lap. "Mmn. MMNN!!! Roland…" she moaned, purring loudly as Dolly subconsciously rubbed her increasingly wet crotch. I pulled her against me, holding her tight as I nibbled her kitty ears, her soft furry body warm in my hands, her pussy clenching around me as she twitched. "Ahh!!!" she whimpered, shivering on my lap as Dolly bit her lower lip. Clutching at a nearby chair to keep standing.

Nike shivered in my lap, I held her close, feeling her body clench and tremble. She cooed, then purred lovingly as she came down. My hand slid down her stomach, rubbing her clit as I thrust up into her. "…My turn…" I begged softly in her ear as she began to bounce on her own.

"Yeah?" she moaned softly, bouncing her big soft ass on my lap. "You want to cum?"

"I do." I cooed, groping her breasts again.

"Cum for me…" she moaned going faster, and faster.

"Firemane men don't pull out." Bella said suddenly and, as if inspired by her words, I rolled on my back, taking her with me as I rammed up into her from behind. Her full weight on me as he squealed in delight, my cock ramming into her tight, warm pussy as she tightened around me and came. Grabbing her hips, I pulled her down my thrusting length, and fired, biting lightly into her shoulder as she shivered on top of me.

"MMMmn…" she moaned lovingly, purring softly as she rubbed her clit, my warm seed leaking from her pussy around my length as I let the last few thrust pump more cum into her. Nike collapsed onto me as I stroked her fur lovingly, feeling her pussy clench around me with every soft subtle stroke.

"Now that was quite a showing…" Bella said proudly, "You sure you don't want to work for us?"

"That was SO hot…" Dolly cooed in amazement, "Nike you're so pretty…" she praised, suddenly stroking Nike's stomach in fascination as Nike purred.

My cock hardened inside her, and she twitched slightly, laughing as Dolly and Bella suddenly backed away. "Ooh… Roland… want some more?"

"Well… if he's anything like his grandfather…" Bella said as I rolled Nike over, lifting her ass up as she lay down on the bed. I gripped those big, supple cheeks tightly in my hand as I pulled out, dripping cum onto the sheets as I pushed against her ass.

"Oh Kark…" she cooed as I pushed balls deep into her, clutching tightly into her flesh as I began stroking myself in her favorite hole. "Oh! KARK! OH!!!" she moaned with each firm thrust, slapping her bouncy ass back against me as I leaned over her, going as deep as I could. "Fuck my ass. Fuck it." she purred, clutching at the bed and toes curling behind me as I stroked her ass fur. "Oh Kark!!" she cried, clenching around me as she came.

I sped up, clutching at her fur, stroking her body. "Fuck me! Pet me fuck me!" she squealed delightedly as Dolly had an orgasm behind me. "Slap my ass!" she slammed her hips against me, wobbling her ass cheeks against me as my hands smack her big round cheeks. "Pet me hard." I grabbed her wrists and pulled, pulling her off the bed as I thrust deep inside and…

"It's so good!" she shrieked, trembling wildly before me as I pumped fresh hot cum into her ass. Together we dropped onto the bed, my arms wrapping tightly around her waist as she twitched. Gasping for air as I suckled her neck again.

"Oh… ohh!!" Dolly cooed behind us, in roughly the same position as Nike. Ass in the air and rubbing her crotch as she squeaked a silent orgasm. Bella, completely nonplus. Clapped her hands.

"Now that's a show…" she said smiling as Nike purred loudly beneath me. "I'd pay good money for that." then smiling fondly at me she added, "I did notice a bit of a family resemblance. Are you sure I can't convince you two to come on full time?"

"…We're good…" Nike groaned in satisfaction. Purring loudly as she rubbed her cheek against mine. Her soft silky fur brushed gently against me.

"…Then how about something for my personal collection?" She said smiling fondly, then added almost with a slight blush. "…And your Uncle Caradoc's number?" she added a little sheepishly.

End of Chapter

Bella'Dune meets the grandson of her sugar daddy/love interest, and no its not a mistype: Colonel Roland went MONTHS with her and she has fond memories of it. Aka, I'm setting up possible flashback returns.

This was something for fun, a little of this, a little of that, Dolly finding out that Roland is (almost) holo-girl/vid royalty. I wasn't sure if Nike was aware that Milky Way was Roland's mother (or one of them) if she did. I'll go back and fix it because this was funnier.

next chapter
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