So now, we are up to date... which is unfortunate, because I probably won't be able to continue this anytime soon.
The reason I started posting on Webnovel was because some jackasses stole my older stories and tried to fleece people online with the promise of 'Advanced Chapters'... but what made it worse, and the fact of the matter is I grew out of this story, and haven't writing for it in a while. It has been on Hiatus for some time. It's one of my firsts, and it shames me a little that I haven't been able to sit down and Finish Kallus's story, and I simply don't know when I could.
Real life happened, 2020 happened, losing my longtime job happened... and now I write for a living, but that doesn't give me a lot of time to write my own stuff. And my own stuff that I do write in my spare time, I write because it makes me happy and because they're easier to do than Aiden the Bounty Hunter...
It's just in a state of Limbo. On the one hand, I WANT to finish Kallus story, then after that jump several generations in the future to start anew, same story, same family, new characters... but on the other I just don't have the time to think up a huge story arc that would come after Kallus and then that grew into, I didn't know how to FINISH Kallus... not properly. I want to do it right and I've just never found the time for it.
So I thank you for reading my nonsense, I'm sorry it's still on Hiatus, I can only hope you find some joy in other stuff I posted and will post. Thank you for reading this far. The Original Author
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