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80.69% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 209: A Bit of TLC

Bab 209: A Bit of TLC

I don't own star wars

Nar Shadda… I feel that is self-explanatory at this point, but a little more detail regardless. Nar Shadda had many red light districts, a least one every other level not to mention the lower levels were one big red and black district.

But in one of the nicer ones, close to the top. Was a beautiful twi'lek… as most are. She had a deep violet-blue hue to her skin, and wide childbearing hips, thick thighs, and a jiggling shapely ass that wobbled in her mini-skirt, her fake but modestly sized breasts were held tightly by a tube top showing off her smooth shoulders and toned tummy. Her fishnet stocking covered leg strutted and stepped with well-practiced care as her heels clicked quietly on the street. Her bright ruby red lips stretched into a grin as she winked a few passing by Academy guys, and almost hooked one but his friend shoved him and they moved on. She sighed. Pickings were slim tonight.

Twi'leks were often in demand but she was a bit… 'thicker' than most. Dancer bodies were hired more often in this district, but it wasn't like she could pack up her things and move. Her Pimp certainly wouldn't allow it, but he was too busy grooming his most recent 'acquisitions' to care…

She turned into a nearby alley, one she took often and performed in often… she had sucked many a dick here… but she hesitated as an odd sight strolled past her at the other end.

A tall black haired, crimson skinned sith pureblood glanced casually around, he was dressed in a three-piece suit. With coat tails and a tie, like a butler for a fancy imperial noble. His hair was tied back in a ponytail, and he had a prominent horned forehead and thin tendrils on his face, almost like a beard… he seemed to be looking for something. He adjusted his thick black gloves on his hand, and his red eyes followed another collection of streetwalkers as they waved coyly to him. His lips twitched as if holding back a smile and moved on.

She followed him, her hands on the tips of her lekku as she stroked them. Guys liked it when she played with her tips, almost as much as they liked her big tits. She was hoping to get the Pureblood's attention, she could smell money off of him like Pheromones off a Zeltron…

He paused as some rough-looking Sanyassans eyed him up. She frowned and stopped following the Pureblood. The Sanyassans were part of a local gang, and they paid tribute towards one of the many many gangsters and worked as muscle. Unlike sections of Nar Shaddaa owned by the Underworld Queen Babayaga her district was run by a Weequay former pirate, she didn't know the name. The district boss changed as often as she did clothes.

But the Pureblood stopped looking around and glanced at the Sanyassans… one of them pointed at him menacingly, the Pureblood seemed unconvinced and uninterested. Then he turned and saw her… And a genuine smile twitched on his lips… apparently, he liked what he saw.

He started to approach her but the Sanyassans, three in total came between her and the Pureblood, speaking their native tongue aggressively. She didn't know it. She spoke Huttese and Basic, some Ryl but she wasn't fluent…

Amazingly however the Sith Pureblood replied to them in the same language, sounding exactly like a Sanyassan. They looked briefly confused, glancing at each other before one of them shoved the Pureblood's shoulder.

…He scowled angrily, dusted his shoulder and spoke clearly, firmly, and with the slightest hint of a Dormund Kaas accent. "Don't do that again." he said, almost like a parent scolding a child. The Sanyassans laughed and the same one tried to shove his shoulder again…

And started screaming… his hand had been turned completely around with a sickening snap, and he held his arm as his broken and dislocated wrist flopped uselessly. He knelt screaming in pain as the other two Sanyassans attacked.

Like lightning the Sith Pureblood moved fending them easily off as they crumpled to the street, groaning and whimpering in pain clutching broken or shattered limbs. He threw no punches or kicks, palms, elbows, forearms, chops and shins, is what he used to devastate the Sanyassan thugs. He adjusted his uniform, his gloves, put a professional smile on his face, stepped ON the Sanyassans and approached her.

"H-Hey baby…" she cooed as he eyed her up and down, clearly interested. "Fancy some company?" she said, she was briefly taken aback but recovered quickly. You had to as a Nar Shaddaa walker.

"I am in fact searching for some, yes. Not for me specifically." He said, his voice like velvet, he eyed her up and down as she struck a casual but sexy pose, "Hmmm… yes. You are his type." He said thoughtfully before smiling, "Please. If you are not busy…"

"If you want something quick it's 50 credits-" she began but he waved her to stop.

"You… misunderstand me my dear. I'm looking for someone to entertain my employer…" he smiled politely as if he didn't just completely wreck some thugs, "And It will be a considerable amount of time spent."

She frowned crossing her arms under her breasts, "…How much time? Cause I don't have all night." He chuckled.

"My dear, that's exactly how much time."

She waved him off, "I don't do that sort of thing. It's always more complicated than it seems." She turned but paused as he slid quickly in front of her and calmly spoke again.

"My dear… you misunderstand, How much do you earn in an evening like tonight?" she was about to do the math when he added quickly, "I'll triple it." he said as he got her interest. "My employer enjoys few things in life that doesn't involve the violent death of his enemies." He said casually in a low whisper that sent ominous chills down her spine. "He enjoys fine food, rare ale, and the company of a frisky twi'lek." He grinned adjusted his tie professionally as giving her a casual smirk. "I have acquired two of the three, money is no object. So again. I'll triple your earnings tonight… in fact, lie to me the amount, and I will still pay."

"Why me?" she asked suspiciously, "…Plenty of other girls." She noted as he nodded.

"Indeed." He said, "But I don't want to spend all evening looking for them. He likes them with a bit of meat on their bones." He said chuckling, eyeing her 'thick' body before holding out a card. "I'll leave you with this, meet me at this address if you agree. If not, I'll find another woman who would like an absurd amount of money…" he turned and began walking away as she studied the card, it was close by. "And… do dress in something similar to what you have on."

She worked the rest of the night, often fiddling with the card between Jons and barely made enough to keep her pimp off her ass. So… there was nothing else for it, after a good rest and getting herself prettied up in the same clothes she went to the address. What did she have to lose? Other than her life… she wouldn't be the first Nar Shaddaa walker to vanish. It didn't happen to often but there were weirdos out there, especially in the lower levels.

She strutted back and forth at the location, an old abandoned warehouse. It wouldn't be abandoned for long Nar Shaddaa was ever changing even if it didn't change much…

Then a limo speeder approached and pulled in front of her, the window slid down and the Pureblood's red eyes glanced at her, "Ah… good to see you my dear. Please. Come in, help yourself." She got into the speeder, there was nobody else there. The doors shut, locked, and he took off.

The inside windows were so tinted she couldn't see where she was going. But a bottle of champagne slid out of the armrest and a tiny service droid built itself before her eyes, its head buzzed and whirled before it popped the champagne bottle and poured her a glass. "Please. Relax." The Pureblood said as she took the glass and sipped, "It will not be long until we arrive…"

She tried to glance out the window but even with her face to the glass she couldn't see through, "…Kinda suspicious don't you think?"

"My master has many enemies." The Pureblood replied conversationally, "And we would like as little leaks as possible. The secret of his location is absolute…" he glanced in the mirror, his eyes flickering dangerously, "Or perhaps you welcome the fact that I would have to kill you if you spoke of its location?"

She didn't ask questions, she knew better, she downed the champagne, refilled, and downed it again. She was just doing a job, a job with a paranoid client. Not for the first time either... a few twists, and turns and about twenty minutes… the limo stilled. The service droid waved before disassembling back into the speeder, and the door opened. The Pureblood stood aside it as her heels hit the hard floor of a garage.

He shut the speeder, "Follow me please." And pressed the wall… the shape of his hand flickered on the wall and there was a loud 'ding' as the door hissed, compressed, and slid aside. She hesitated for a moment and followed him into a massive, massive entrance hall… like a fancy elaborate imperial mansion you'd see in the drama vids… except there weren't deactivated battle droids ever few steps.

He led her towards a massive, red carpet staircase and walked up them. She followed close behind him as he turned left, walked up a smaller flight, and towards a room at the end of the hall. He paused and turned towards her.

"…Now… my employer is very…" he paused for a moment, "Aged… in all likelihood you will be doing all the work." She frowned at him, if she had eyebrows one would have raised up. "Just giving you a warning. Do as he asks… entertain him, give him a good time. And all will be well." He said, turned, and opened the doors…

A low, beep, beep, beep, entered her hearing organs as a massive bed with purple sheets appeared. The room was bigger than her whole apartment, with a holo-screen as big as her wall opposite the bed. It probably could've held 8 men like its current occupant easily… the bed itself was hook up to various machines, pumping, whirling, and beeping that constant heartbeat beep.

The man in the bed, was old… his hair solid white, his face wrinkled and clutching to his skull, and a long well cared for beard rest on his thin chest on top of the purple blanket. He glanced at them, his eyes sliding towards her and lingering as a smile twitched beneath his beard. He sat up, and adjusted himself, leaning back against the headboard.

"Gaeves… did you bring me a good one?" his voice was raspy, but clear as if their very presence de-aged him. "It took you long enough."

Gaeves smiled and bowed, "Apologies Sir, I was deterred, delayed, and distracted…" the old man waved, "But I have a good feeling about this one." he gestured her forward.

She put on her game face, smiling beautifully she stepped forward, walking in such a way that her body wiggled and jiggled enticingly. The old man groaned, chuckling excitedly as he waved her closer. She crawled on the bed, her breasts swaying as she crawled catlike towards him, licking her lips as his hand slid down her body to gently caress her ass with spindly, but strong, fingers. "MMN… now you have a good feel to you…" he said huskily as she wiggled her ass against her hand, giggling girlishly as he caressed her face with his other hand. "Gaeves… I don't suppose you have something better to do?"

"As a matter of fact, I do Sir." He bowed his head, "Please. Do ring me when you need me." He smirked… and stepped out, closing the doors behind him.

"Now… what's your name beautiful?"

"Teeka…" she purred as his hand slipped from her cheek to her lekku, she cooed as he gently pet her headtails.

"Teeka…" he repeated, "You like having your lekku touched?"

"Yeah baby…" she purred, letting him pull her fleshy tip to his mouth, he kissed them tenderly as she lay close to him, letting him pet and stroke her sensitive headtails until he pulled her tip into her mouth and suckled it like a bottle. "Ah-ooh…" she moaned, writhing against him as he continued to nurse on her head tails. "Oooh baby you're getting me all bothered…" she moaned, rubbing her body with her hands as he grinned and switched lekku tips.

"Good…" he said, slurping on her head tail as she continued to moan enticingly, "I love it when twi'lek girls get off on head play…" he slobbered over her lekku as she ground her body gently against him, resting a hand on his thin chest as he stroked and gently caressed her headtails… she moaned at his attention, sliding her hand down his stomach towards his crotch. If this was all he was going to do this was going to be the easiest credits she's earned…

She paused as her hand touched something… thick. "Holy shit." She breathed as he grinned, switching Lekku again as his blanket went lower, and lower she pulled it away like unwrapping a present… "Oh force…" she breathed as a cock as big as her forearm jumped free, easily the healthiest looking thing on his body. Her eyes followed it as it throbbed and wagged in the air. "…That's big cock." She said nervously as her hand wrapped around the base, gently stroking as he moaned around her lekku tips, her body still responding positively to her sensitive lekku even while her mind was trying to do complex calculations…

But she wasn't quick enough with her math, he suckled both tips at once before sitting up on the head board, grabbing his massive dick with one hand he rested the other on the back of her head, between her lekku, pushing her towards his tip. "Its your turn to suck, beautiful…"

She didn't resist his shoving but she still hesitated, her face centimeters from his throbbing cock as her hands gently stroked it. "…I don't know if I can suck a dick this big…" she whimpered nervously, only serving to make him throb more, it excited him to hear her nervousness... he chuckled as he pushed her face against it and she inhaled his scent, her tongue gently sliding between her red lips to run against the shaft as he pushed her up to the tip, her tongue sliding along it to flickering against the bulging head.

"Just do your best…" he said firmly as she quivered, her tongue lapping around his tip as she took a few hesitant breaths, stretched her mouth as wide as it would get, then gagged as she slid him into her mouth, "Yes…" he sighed as she suckled, barely getting past the tip without dislocating her jaw.

She bobbed her head rapidly but couldn't go any deeper, to compensate, her hands rapidly rubbed, twisted and stroked his shaft. He closed his eyes, relaxing against the headboard as she serviced him, his hand moving away from her head to caress her big bouncy ass. Slipping beneath the short skirt to finger her crotch."MMMn." she moaned reflexively around his dick, bobbing faster and faster, "Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmmm…" she slurped loudly and enticingly as his cock noticeably bulged in her hands, his tip throbbing in her mouth.

"Hah…" he sighed, and that was all the verbal warning she got.

"MMNPH?!" her eyes widened as a salty stream of semen flooded past her lips, his cock rapidly pulsing in her hands as she quickly swallowed what she had before another wad stuffed her mouth. Three loads in and finally sperm broke her vacuum seal, slipping down his cock and onto her hands as she continued to swallow. She was long used to the taste, getting her filled up was a lot more manageable than taking it on the face or chest… but she didn't have the benefit of being on the street to spit it out.

"Oh force…" she gasped, pulling away from his tip as a tiny dollop oozed from his urethra. "Oh my-there was so much cum…" she coughed, spluttering out some remnant seed as he sighed contentedly.

"Hmmm…" he began caressing her ass again as his other hand pushed his cock towards her mouth again, slippery with cum and stained with her lipstick. "It's been a while since I was tended to…" he brushed his tip against her lips, "Clean me." She inwardly sighed, but if she was going to earn a speeder-load of credits she might as well do it right.

"Mwah…" she cooed as she slurped up a glob with a puckered kiss, before her tongue began to dance, lick, and scoop up traces of semen, slurping and licking him clean as he happily sighed.

"That feels good." He praised, she 'thanked' him with a firm kiss on his shaft, leaving a wet lipstick mark. "I didn't say stop." He grinned, gently pushing her back to his shaft. "Yes…" he hissed softly as she moaned. Worshipping his thick meat like a pagan alter… she slid to the base, lapping at his wrinkled balls that seemed to fill and bulge with another load, his cock hardening again in her hands as he groaned impatiently.

"…Now stop." He shifted uncomfortably and gripped a handful of her ass cheek. "…Take this off." He ordered, yanking at her skirt, "And this…" he added, hooking a finger on her tube top and tugging lightly, apparently he didn't want to strip her himself. She hesitated, glancing at his erection, and decided that taking him inside her wouldn't be as difficult as sucking him off… she crawled off the bed, and standing straight began to push her skirt down. "Slower."

She paused briefly, smiled, then slowly began to shimmy, turning around as her skirt slid over her big wide ass, "Yes." He hissed as she bent forward, her big violet ass bouncing free of her skirt as it dropped passed her fishnet stockings into a pile on the floor. She ran her hands over her smooth skin, reaching for her thong before that too fell away… she stepped out of the cramped pile, slipping from her heels as she strutted sexily, showing off her body as she grabbed her tube top and lifted it free. Her big breasts wobbled before his eyes as he gripped his cock firmly, stroking it as he stared at her, licking his lips hungrily. "I want you now." He ordered as her hands slid down her lekku, sliding over breasts, down her toned stomach to finger herself absently.

"Ooh… yes sir…" she purred, crawling back onto the bed, her breasts and ass wobbling now that her tight clothing wasn't holding it in place. She crawled over his legs, pushing his ass towards him as she felt his cock between her cheeks, she bounced it up and down, grinding her skin against his as he sighed, feeling her silky body rub against him. His hands clasped onto her ass, molding it roughly as he pushed it around his cock, his hips thrusting weakly as she cooed. And shivered, he was still bigger than anyone she'd had serviced before. "That big DICK is going inside me…" she whimpered, shaking her ass, "…Don't hurt me baby…"

His hand smacked lightly on her right cheek as she cooed, "…Get on it." he ordered as she shivered, and raised her ass, sliding up his cock until his tip pressed against her pussy. He licked his lips, grabbed her hips, and pulled her down.

"Hah! AHHH!! OH FORCE!!!" she screamed as he pushed his cock deep into her womanhood, stretching her to over capacity as her eyes rolled, her body shot up, sitting on his lap as it shivered in pain and pleasure as his cock rubbed hard against her tight tunnel walls. Her pussy wasn't made for a cock this side but he was going to make it so.

His hand smacked hard on her left cheek, it jiggled and wobbled from the blow as she yelped, and his hands lashed to her lekku and squeezed as her pussy responded by clenching and trembling around him. "Work it beautiful! Come on!" some inner sense drove her body forward, bouncing lightly on his lap as she gasped and shuddered with each clap of her ass on his lap.

"Oh fuck! Oh force! Fuck!!" she shuddered as he groaned, lying still as she worked on him, his hands flicking and stroking her lekku as she her head shook, gazing at the ceiling as she praised any sexual gods that could hear her. "You-You're going to ruin my pussy!!" she shrieked as her toes curled, she grabbed her ankles, still bouncing on his lap as he grunted.

"Noo…" he said with a laugh, "I'm just going to make it for my exclusive use… harder." He ordered, his hips vague thrusting up into her, "Harder come on… I'm more durable than I look…"

"Ah! Hah! OH! FUCK!!" she bounced wildly on his cock, one, two, three, orgasms surging through her stretched body, her hands squeezing her breasts as her tongue lolled and she gasped wildly, moaning incoherently as she cursed all the words she knew in Ryl.

"Yes. Talk dirty." He cooed, his cock pulsing excitedly in response as she gasped.

"OH GODS!!" she flew forward, curling into a ball as a massive wave of pleasure surged through her, ignoring all her pain as she pulled him upright by her lekku, he still had a firm grip. Sitting upright he leaned over her body, grunted, and pushed his hips into her. "Hah…" she sucked in air as she felt a rush of warmth flood inside her…

"Ooooh…" he shuddered and groaned as his cock drained his load into her. There was so much cum, and no room inside her, it spilled out onto his lap as he let go of her sensitive lekku and fell back gently onto the bed. "Hah…" he sighed as he watched her pussy spasm on his cock, semen dripping down from their connection. "That was worth whatever we are paying you…" his hand rested and petted her ass cheek as she cooed, her face buried in the sheets as she released a muffled scream of pleasure. "Careful beautiful…" he moaned as she slowly slid off his spent cock, "MMN…" his dick slapped limply between her trembling cheeks as she crawled away, turned around and crawled back up, shaking on her hands and knees before collapsing next to him, gasping for breath as her pussy gaped and vomited his load.

"Mmmn…" he took her lekku back into his mouth, and she shuddered.

"O-oh… you can't want more yet…" she whined as he chuckled.

"I have had enough… don't worry…" he gently suckled and nursed on her lekku, "…This relaxes me." He said politely as she fidgeted. It might relax him, but her sensitive body was already hot and bothered, and if he was done there was no easy way to scratch her urge. "Such wonderful lekku…" he praised, "Now… what is your name?" she trembled slightly as his tongue slid firmly along her silky skinned headtails.

"…Bambi." She lied.

"MMmn… Bambi." He cooed, knowingly, still molesting her lekku, "…How would you like a permanent position?"

Bambi rolled her eyes, it wouldn't be the first time some rich cock wanted to be her 'exclusive'. "I don't do that sort of thing…" she said as he shrugged.

"That is a shame…" he said, "Mmm…" he kissed her lekku, close to their connection on her head. "Push that button there for me would you?" he asked as she blinked over her shoulder, and reached for it.

"Ah…" she gasped as he continued to hold her lekku to his lips, "I-I can't reach it when you suck my lekku…" she whined teasingly as he chuckled.

"Come on now. You can humor an old man. Come on…" he teased as she cooed, her lekku sending pleasure waves down her body as she finally managed to hit the button beside the bed. "Good girl." He praised, licking her lekku hungrily and rubbing her crotch, "Good girl…"

Gaeves soon returned, looking as dapper as ever, the old man gently brushed 'Bambi's' lekku and pulled away. "I am finished Gaeves, please escort the lovely 'Bambi' back home after you… explain to her?" Gaeves bowed as she gently gathered her things and lead her out the door… they walked away from the room but, instead of going down the stairs he kept walking, towards the room on the opposite side.

"I assume my Employer offered you a position?" he asked politely as she nodded, following him.

"I… turned it down." She said, hesitantly as he grabbed the door handle and opened it."

"As is your right, its mostly to make my job finding entertainers easier, but other than the lucrative amount of credits you'd receive, you'd also be applied some protections."

"I'm not taking the job…" she said as she stood outside the dark room, not risking entering as he flicked a switch behind the door and it lit up…

She froze in place at the horror before her.

"You see… my dear. You are not the first girl we've brought home and employed." He said casually, no humor in his voice, "But many of them couldn't keep their mouths shut… and we insist on secrecy and silence…" he retrieve an ominously red stained durasteel box. "…If you mention… to ANYONE who you serviced tonight… well…" he reached into the box, and to her horror. Pulled out a pink, fleshy, severed, headtail. "…I think you understand." He tossed the headtail towards the far end of the room where a monstrous ROAR echoed, the beast liberally chained to the bloody wall snatched at the 'meat' with sharp clasping fingers and began hungrily eating.

"…Oh my god…" she stared horrified, taking a step back as he stepped out of the room, shutting the door.

"…Do we understand each other?" he asked as she stared horrified at him. Her mouth opened in a silent scream. "…Now…" he handed her a solid gold credit chip, it fell from her limp, horrified grasp as he casually bent down, picked it up, and handed it to her again politely, folding it into her fingers. "Your payment for the evening Ms. Bambi."

She shivered in horror looking down at the credit chip, and paused. "…Holy fuck." She whispered at the amount. All horror melted away as she saw not triple the price, but sextupled.

He smiled politely and lead her away, she was quite stunned, "My dear we are not in the business of feeding women, STUPID women it must be said, to a monster, we are a lucrative business empire." He said casually, "My employer is a businessmen, and enjoys the finer things in life." She blinked at him hesitantly. "…Are you sure you don't want the position?" he asked smarmily, tapping the golden credit chip. "THIS. Is a down payment…" he said, knowingly as she fidgeted. "And your regular salary, to do what you've already done, but on a less regular basis. Room and board, all expenses paid, benefits, AND a share of my employer's legitimate business."

"…You're going to pay me. THIS." She said, holding the chip, "For fucking the old man on command?"

"My employer spends a great deal of time working or sleeping… he's average sexual escapades are once or twice a week. You will still be paid this salary daily, whether you perform or not. You will be his caretaker and kept woman until you leave our employ, one way or another." He added as she remembered the severed headtail. "…All you really have to do is not speak a WORD about it when you are outside our compound."

"…That's it?"

"That's it. Simple isn't it? But you'd be surprised how many girls were unimaginatively stupid." He sighed shaking his head disappointedly, "…But if they weren't I wouldn't have gone looking for you." He added as she realized just how 'fresh' that headtail must have been."

"…Oh my god… why me?"

"…Well that's the beauty of it." he said, gesturing towards the garage. "It doesn't have to be, its all a matter of coincidence and convenience-" there was a lower buzzing sound followed by a catchy galactic pop song. "…Hmm… would you mind dressing and waiting in the limo?" he asked politely, "I have some business apparently." He left her to ponder her current and future life choices before he cleared his throat and answered his phone.

"Ahem… who are you and how did you get this number?"

"Hi! My name is Lala…" came a cheerful voice on the other end, "And this douchebag we beat up says he was delivering a crate of Rygnak Ale to you."

He frowned for a minute, and inwardly sighed, the 'two of the three things' he had gathered for his employer was reduced to 'One of three things' if Ms. 'Bambi' didn't accept the position, yet another thing he had to venture out to look for. "…And I suppose now it is triple the price?" he asked in an irritated tone.

"Nope!" Came the cheerful Lala. "It's two-thirds the original." He frowned.

"…I'm listening."

"See… we're a little strapped for credits and you've already given Tulba the money, so. You pay us two-thirds what you paid her, and do not mention how you got the crate delivered."

He stroked his chin tendrils thoughtfully, in truth the money was a meager pittance to their finances, and it was only to pay for his employer's hedonistic nature. And a crate of Rygnak Ale for that amount of money was a bargain, even if he had previously paid Tulba for it… he was still being extorted, sure, but at least that was one less thing to acquire.

"…Very well. Nar Shaddaa 34F docks in 3 days. At 8 in the morning, galactic standard time. Don't be late… or I'll shoot you when you arrive."

"…O-kay…" she said slowly, "Bye!" before hanging up.

He frowned and made his way to the garage to once again attempt to acquire the third of the three things his employer wanted.

Good food, good ale, and a Frisky twi'lek were surprisingly hard to find.

End of Chapter

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