/ Video Games / Star Mahou Effect
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Tanya finally winds up in mass effect after having dealt with Being X. Starkiller's spn too ends up in mass effect after his own sacrifice to stop the empire.This is something like that. I have no idea what I am going to write.
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Tulis ulasangood story and great character choices. I got to know each of them simultaneously, and they both worked well together. I'm really glad to have found this story. I can't wait for the next chapter.
Really enjoy the story. Hope the author doesn’t drop it interesting and well thought out blend between mass affect Star Wars and magic from Tanya the evil.
Penulis phantompain
This story has excellent potential and i hope that it doesn't get dropped or go on hiatus. This is also the first time i have seen someone mix in star wars stuff gradually. Also i thought that bringing in the force and magic into mass effect would ruing the story but if they are barely if ever used then that is fine, because if it is only rarely then they can be passed off as biotics and advanced tech (with holograms to make it seem like magic circles).