Mercy Hall
Light spills onto the balcony, bring with it a sliver of hope for a new future. Outside, trees sway in the wind, making the leaves warble. The first tender buds of spring open and absorb the warmth of the sun, ready for a season of growth.
Spring holds a special place in her heart because it reminds her of her mother - the woman she was and will be a century from now.
The thought of where Mercy came from, and where she now resides, still creates a sense of confusion. To live in this era with Ambrose, long before her birth, all while preparing for the birth of an offspring, her child - does her head in.
Mercy's not sure how all that works, or why, she just knows that she's here in this moment, and there's nowhere else she'd rather be.
From where she rests, propped up on pillows of various sizes, she follows the movement of the man who has captured her heart.
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