It was a normal day at the academy, until a fun loving, blonde idiot came crashing in.
"Guys! You have got to see this!" Denki yelled as most looked up at him.
"What's up bro?" Sero asked, Kirishima and Mina flowing behind him.
"I found this cool video online! apparently a graveyard near here is supposed to be haunted." The three friends chuckled.
"I don't know if that's real man." Sero said.
"How do you know hmm?" Denki fought back.
Tokoyami was in the back of the class as he heard the friends chat. He thought for a moment, then got up and walked to the chuckling group.
"Why not just go there and see if it's haunted yourself?" Tokoyami said. At that moment he could tell Mina had an idea.
"What if the bakusquad and Tokoyami takes a one night camping trip to the graveyard?!" The boy's faces glowed with excitement, as Tokoyami just stared, secretly loving the idea. It took about three hours, but Kirishima was finally able to convince Bakugou to tag along. Sero convinced Aizawa to let them go, though they had to take radios made by momo incase of villains.
"Ready to go?" Tokoyami met the bakusquad in the main area.
"Oh yea!" Denki and Sero said in unison.
"Why is bird brain coming again?" Bakugou scoffed. Kirishima chuckled. "It's Tokoyami man, he's all about this." Bakugou rolled his eyes and the group took off. The moon was full and bright in the cloudless sky as they walked onto the graveyard grounds.
"It's already spooky." Denki said.
"Come on Denki, you'll be ok. we don't even know if this place is haunted." Kirishima reassured. Tokoyami looked around as dark shadow came to his side.
"Dark shadow you have to be careful, you know how you get in this kind of darkness." Tokoyami couldn't get the training camp out of his mind.
"Don't worry, I'll be ok." Dark shadow smiled.
The teens walked deeper and deeper into the cemetery.
"Ugh! Come on extras, we've been here for hours." Bakugou wined.
"Your just tiered since your a grandpa and go to bed at eight." Denki chuckled as Bakugou's fists clenched.
"Boy you better run." Sero smiled as Denki looked back at the angry pomeranian. Denki screamed and laughed as he ran away from the blonde chasing him. Tokoyami just shook his head as he watched the group goof off.
"Did you hear something?" Dark shadow rose above Tokoyami.
"What is it Dark shadow?" The others looked at Tokoyami concerned. Suddenly a sound floated threw the air. The sound was a high pitched scream that would be straight from a horror movie.
"Oh hell no, this is real." Denki shot up from the ground.
"Maybe we should get out of here guys." Mina said, dragging Bakugou to his feet.
"LIKE HELL IM LEAVING JUST BECAUSE OF A SCREAM!" Bakugou pulled his arm away from Mina.
"If we go right now well stop and get spicy curry tomorrow." Kirishima said, slowly walking backwards toward the exit.
"Let's get going extras." Bakugou quickly joined his friends as they left the cemetery, leaving Tokoyami behind.
"It sounds so unnatural, or it may be someone in danger." Tokoyami said, looking at Dark shadow.
"I agree, we should check it out." Dark shadow stayed by Tokoyami's side as he walked toward the sound.
I hope that people enjoy this My Hero Academia fan-fic. Please comment ideas too and I may use them
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