William's ass massages improve and worsen the situation. Someone needs to look out for you, sweetie. One thing is clear: no one can put their faith in you to handle this on your alone.
I tighten my grip on the blanket and bite down firmly on my lower lip. I won't even ask him to touch me, god forbid. But I just can't resist stepping back from my original position a little bit. An unspoken query.
He laughs ominously and reveals his true self. Regard yourself. You're dying to have me stick my fingers in you, but you can't bring yourself to ask. In other words, you're doing a fantastic job of demonstrating my case.
I mutter, "Right now, I am terribly upset with you."
“I bet.” The arc of his thumb goes from the small of my back to the spot where I had the plug in my hair the day before. The guy keeps going around and around me. There will be another day of plugging for you.