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100% Seasons Harmony / Chapter 15: CHAPTER 15

Bab 15: CHAPTER 15

I had just realised today was a free day. With nothing to do and a free schedule, so I decided to do some gardening. I was about to head inside the castle to look for Clarity to see if I could join her. As I entered the castle I wasn't paying attention and someone shouted out of nowhere.

I look up and see spring on the stairs. She's running towards me with a huge smile plastered on her face. "April!"

"You look happy." I mentioned.

"Do you have a second?"

"Yes. What do you need?"

"Well we're working out what to do for the coronation day. Tables, seats, decorations. Oh we're even in the middle of creating the new crowns." Spring exclaimed.

"Sounds fun, do you need my help for anything?"

"We won't need you for the coronation preparations, so you don't worry about it. I just want to talk and spend time together."

Would you like to head to the garden and take a walk?"

"Sure, why not." I followed Spring to the back garden and we turned and began to walk along the path.

"So how's it going? With your new mission?" Spring asked. "Pretty good I guess, I mean we only just started since today was our first day, but so far there's been no suspicion. Other than some people questioning how we are this strong."

"Keep it up, but make sure not to come off extremely strong, it could result in a rumor."

"I understand, we'll make sure to be careful. So about your coronation, I bet you're excited to wear your special gown along with your beautiful new crown." I stated.

Spring nodded her head, with a big smile. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy she's getting her big day. Though it makes me jealous, thinking about her new crown. I would love a bigger power up. Not that I hate my princess one, just that the queen's crown is much more powerful.

"It's exciting to think about for sure, but I'm so used to my regular one." Spring sighed. "Well you can get used to your Queen crown." I giggled.

Spring and I continued to walk around our beautiful garden full of flowers and were enjoying our time together.

I looked up into the sky and waited for the bright glare into my eyes, but it never happened.

I waited and waited but then felt a weird feeling on my nose. It felt cold. I took a look at my surroundings and saw white flakes falling from the sky. "That's snow isn't it?"

"Why is there snow in Spring?" I questioned turning to Spring. "This can't be good."

We made our way back through our backyard and into the castle yelling for mom and dad, warning everyone in the castle to not go outside. "What do we do about the people in the village?" I questioned.

"I'll inform the people, you get a hold of mom and dad and figure out what's going on." Spring answered, going out the door.

That is why she is going to be Queen. She's such a great leader.

I looked for my parents and found them in their room looking a bit chilled. "Mom, Dad, what's going on outside, it's snowing in Spring!" I exclaimed.

"We saw that honey and we just came back from talking with the council." Mom said.

"Each kingdom has switched. We don't know how this has happened but the colder seasons have switched to warmer and we have gotten colder weather." explained Dad.

"Let me see my friends if we get together we can work this out." I suggested. "No April, it's getting colder by the minute, we need to evacuate, go help your sister."

I followed orders and left, but not before I grabbed something. I quickly and quietly made my way into my room and grabbed what I needed and left.

I checked houses and informed them of what to do and met up with my sister in the middle. "Where do we go?"

"Apparently Winter is now Spring temperature so I went there." Said Ray, flying down from the sky. "Hey Ray, glad you're here." I greeted.

"Thanks, I'll go help Autumn's citizens evacuate, they're having troubles." "I'll join you." I suggested.

I transformed and flew alongside Ray and went to visit Autumn. Over here the temperature feels like Summer. Ray dropped early into the village but I kept flying forward to the castle.

I must get to Autumn, I need to know how he's doing.

I dropped on the front steps of the castle and went up to find Autumn. I called his name and realised that he would be burning up and would struggle to talk. I ran through every corridor, and since I knew the place well I was swift in checking rooms.

I finally found Autumn at the end of the hall near the bathroom slouched on the wall. I held him and brought him outside in the garden. I grabbed a towel on the way out so I wetted it in the fountain and put it on Autumn's head.

My powers don't allow me to do any cold spells but I made a breeze as cold as I could towards Autumn. "How are you feeling?"

"Thanks for the save April."

"Of course. All of the seasons changed temperature, and now we're all evacuating to different places. I want to get Winter and Summer and see how they are doing. You think you're good to fly?"

Autumn gave me a nod and we went outside and took to the sky watching while everyone was moving to the gate.

"It looks like a mess down there." Autumn exclaimed. "Ya, let's get to the girls so we can solve this mess before it becomes a permanent move." I said.

We flew at top speed and made our way to Summer's castle. It's cool over here. Like Autumn normally is. These weather changes are confusing me.

"Hey there's daisy!" I exclaimed. We flew down to Summer's younger sister and I hugged her tight. "How are you feeling?"

"It was chilly but I warmed myself up." She smiled. "I'm proud of you. Have you seen your sister?"

"She should be with Winter, she said she wanted to meet up with you guys." "Thank you."

I'm guessing she is going to Winter, that weather I'm guessing is going to be like Spring, Autumn and I kept flying towards Winter and we see Winter and Summer flying in the sky.

We all slowed down and took a breath as we got closer together, "Glad we're together." Autumn said. "Why is this happening?" Winter said, rattled and confused.

"We don't know anything, we just need to find a way to fix the weather changes." I answered.

We're all still young, we don't know what to do to solve this, and guessing from the reaction of our parents, they don't have a clue either.

Reading books, getting knowledge and clues is probably going to be our best option.

"We should all get information from our libraries, but it'd be risky because of the change of temperature."

"Just which castles? Whatever weather works for us I suppose." Autumn suggested.

"It would work, but we wouldn't know how the books are organized." I explained. It would be a hard task especially with the small amount of time before everything might be too hard to fix.

"We'll split up into two, it'll be quicker and easier to search for what we need," said Winter.

Summer and I teamed up and went to Summer's castle. The temperature felt like the Autumn kingdom, so I'd be able to last longer here, since Spring and Autumn have similar weather.

For Summer I wasn't too worried because the temperature isn't horrible for her to manage.

We made our way into her castle and found the library with ease. We began to search for what we thought could help and didn't find anything on why the weird change in weather happened.

"Nothing is showing anything about this weird circumstance." Summer stated.

I came over to a different section of the library that was blocked off by a door. It was locked though so I couldn't get in. "Summer come over here."

"Oh this is the restricted section, most of the books in here are for only my parents to see."

Right, we had one back in our castle as well. My sister got access to that room a month ago since she's becoming queen. I'd love to know the amount of cool new info I'd learn about in rooms like these.

"Can you open it? It could have something we could use to fix this, before each season gets out of control."

"It isn't a key to open it, so it has to be something only my parents know about."

We don't have time for this and it's a simple door, they can replace it, "I'd say we break it." I angled myself straight in the middle and punched the hinges off and watched it fall backwards.

"That works too."

We entered slowly not knowing what could be in here, and was filled with amazement. It looks so ancient, like information from before even my great grandparents were king and queen.

We searched the bookshelves with excitement and checked the books. We found information that is quite interesting but had nothing to do with our situation.

"Hey I found something!" Summer said with happiness.

I hurried my way over to see what she was looking at and couldn't believe my eyes. A lasso that controls and moves the sun? Unbelievable.

"This couldn't be real right?" I said with disbelief. "Is this the thing that made the sun move?

"Once the sun took over Winter and Autumn the cold weather had to be moved. The cold weather doesn't disappear since it's a part of this world, so instead it just moves, and in this case into where Summer and Spring are."

We tried to think where this item could be but never saw it in my life. "Do you think it's in your castle Summer?"

"It'd be more strategic to not have the item in the same spot as the information of it, it'd be easy for them to go grab it, especially if they were able to get access to this room."

The lasso wouldn't be in the Winter and Autumn seasons because since this was an old weapon, back in the old days the warm and cold kingdoms didn't trust each other until me and my friends parents became rulers.

"So would this mean it's in my castle?"

It would actually make a lot more sense. During that one attack during the party he distracted everyone in the castle, and since the lasso is a secret, there wouldn't be a bunch of guards watching the entrance.

They had to have some kind of security to keep people out though, but considering everyone was busy fighting we didn't get notified.

Guessing the person who took it didn't put it back to where they found it, we'll just hope we can find clues at my castle to where it went.

"I think the other's should be done, let's go meet up with them."

As we were about to walk out of the castle, Summer stopped and held herself. "I'm getting colder, we need to hurry."

We hurried out of the kingdom and stopped at the gate to gain our breath, but I was surprised by a call from my sister.

I answered it and was startled by my sister talking in a quick tone, "April where are you? Come home, the family needs you now."

"Why what's going on?" I replied.

"We're under attack, you must return home, we need your strength."

I'm sure they could handle this on their own, plus me and my friends were going to solve this mystery. Spring is there, and if they need to, they'll wear their crown for a power boost.

"Spring you can take care of it, I'm in the middle of something, me and the group are gonna fix this mess."

"You don't understand April, we need you, you're stronger than you know."

She's saying this again, at this time? Now isn't the time to try to make me feel better about myself.

"You don't need me, use your crowns if you need to, I'll be there once I can and I'll see that you guys are in one piece." I responded in confidence.

"It's a lie-" Spring said but I hung up before I could hear the rest of her words. I was confused and I felt bad about cutting her off but I didn't think more about it since more important things were happening.

I transformed with Summer for our wings, and we flew back into the middle and contacted Winter and Autumn to meet up with us.

We were talking about what we found out but nothing about why the switch happened, only things we could possibly use to fix this.

"We have a lead on some lasso that could move the sun, so we can move the sun into the warm kingdoms again, and the cold will automatically move." Summer stated.

"We figured we'd find it in my castle since they distracted us and would have grabbed the lasso during the party two days go."

We all understood what we needed to do, and we went as fast as we could towards my home. As we approached the place we found an unfamiliar being flying in the sky.

He looked tall, he had his arms crossed and was looking down to the ground. I checked to see what he was looking at and was paused by the look of frozen city instead of my warm blossoming village.

I was upset by the sight of my kingdom losing its beauty. My castle was frozen, I couldn't see all the memories I've had, it looks so different. I really looked down at the ground and was at a loss for words. I was out of breath, nothing came out.

Still and cold, two of the worst words you could say in the same sentence, describing a warm fairy. What did I do? I thought that I wasn't.

In an attempt to express my feelings "Mom! Dad! Spring!" I screamed, frightened.

I hurried down to my family and realised they've been fighting in the cold for too long that their wings froze and they got hurt very badly.

I'm guessing that man up in the sky was to blame for their pain and I got angry. I held Spring and began to heal her as much as possible so that she would last long enough for us to get her to the warm side, but it seems she wasn't hopeful.

"It's too late April, just let me talk."

"Don't talk, you can't waste your energy. Summer, take my parents out of the kingdom and get help."

Summer rushed to my parents and carried them in a vine bed and took them away. I was about to do the same to my sister but she held my hand hard. Her grip was difficult to let go off so I did as she asked.

"Your power is greater than mine. We switched mine and your score on the evaluation when you were old enough for us to tell you."

Her words stunned me. Why would my family do that? It's not a big deal I'm stronger but I'd know my importance. "We saw how much you looked up to me as a kid, we didn't want to ruin that for you as a kid."

"I would still look up to your personality." I said.

"That doesn't matter now, all you need to know is that you need that strength because you're going to be the next Queen."

What did she just say? For that to happen she would have to not be able to become Queen and in this case, her death.

She can't die! She's my sister and I need her to help me. I still want to make memories with her, listen to her time as Queen and me visiting her after taking care of people in other kingdoms.

Watch her children become the next rulers while I'm teaching them how to be safe and maybe heal.

We won't have walks in our garden anymore. I will miss her way too much. I started to cry at that moment.

"You can't be serious, you're the one who's supposed to be the next queen, not me! Your way better suited." I said angrily

"You're such a bright girl April, I know you can do it. Remember everything I taught you then you'll be just fine." Spring coughed blood keeping herself going.

I pulled her to my chest and held her as tight as I could as it's our last hug I'll ever give her. "Be the best queen Spring has ever seen. Better than I could ever be." With her last breath she gave me her last mission for me.

I yelled and screamed for Spring, I don't want her to leave me. I don't even know if Mom and Dad are alright.

My senses slowly came back to me and I'm aware of my surroundings again. I hear my friends grunting in pain and so I look up towards the sky.

They're flying trying to kill that one guy I saw earlier. Where's Summer, did she come back yet?

I stop looking around and pay attention to the fight. I started hearing "April!" Coming from Autumn in the sky and I see Winter falling from the sky. I dropped Spring gently and I quickly made my way to Winter and caught her.

Her conscience swiftly came back so she started flying on her own. I whipped my tears off my face and got serious. "What's happening? Who is this guy?"

"He's the one with the lasso, which means he's the reason for the seasons switching. He's so strong, I don't get his power level. If your family couldn't beat him, how are we supposed to?" Winter questioned.

This is not what I expected to happen to us. I can't let him off the hook, we need that lasso to save the kingdoms and I want revenge for my family.

I've grown angry at this man, even though I don't know him well, he's the cause of my pain so he should be hurt as well. I wanted to see him in pain. I was so mad that I felt like I could kill the guy, even though it seems it won't be an easy task.

"Stall for me." I insisted.

I flew backwards watching my friends engage in combat with the guy and I held out my hands. Winter was holding her sword out trying hard to clash it with our enemy. While Autumn was powering up his sword.

It looks like it'll send a large wave of power like a large slash that can cut through anything, hopefully that'll do some damage.

I remembered I grabbed my crown, something helpful before evacuating and decided to summon it from my necklace.

Cupped in my hands my crown appeared so I started getting nervous, I haven't worn this in a while. I have my other crown I use for royal appearance purposes but this one is to enhance my powers.

My crown fits perfectly on my head and I feel the rush of power in my body. My necklace started to shine bright and I was ready to go. I flew quicker than normal and punched the guy in the face, dodging Autumn's sword attack.

I grabbed him by the collar and threw him to the ground. "Sun Spiral!" I yelled and aimed my ray at the sudden hole that I made.

I sped down to the ground and was about to punch him again but he wasn't there. I stopped my wings before I was able to bump into the ground and I looked for where the man went and my eyes wandered to the sky.

Once again he's in the sky with his hands crossed. Man this guy triggers me. "Who are you! Why have you done this!" I screamed, letting some of my anger out.

"To teach a lesson, I bet you've never had to witness or feel the feeling of living in the wrong season."

I was confused. "I go to different seasons all the time." I stated. Was this guy alright? Maybe my punch in the head got him made him a little dumb.

"Not to the point where you can't protect yourself anymore and you're left and abandoned by your teammates to freeze!" He yelled back at me. I was startled by his words. So this is a personal revenge.

"Who would do that?" Autumn asked.

"Soon to be king Ray!" Excuse me! Is he accusing him of killing someone? Now I'm really mad, he's done so much to everyone in my family, this is now personal to me.

"He left my daughter in Winter during a mission and she died from the cold, and he's going to be the king. I want everyone to know what it feels like to live in the wrong season."

"Who even are you?" Winter wondered. "Kai Addler."

Addler, why did that name sound familiar? Maybe one of my patients? Didn't really matter right now, we needed to stop him and get that lasso.

"Give us the lasso now, then you won't be hurt too badly." Autumn said confidently.

I tried kicking him once more, but instead only pushed him away towards Winter. Winter tried trapping him with a lot of icicles but he melted them away easily.

I used some spells "Pollen dance!" against him and was somewhat successful at times but he hit me just as hard back.

I was getting tired of this back and forth, we're not getting anywhere, but at the distraction of my thoughts, I was knocked hard in the head and was pushed into the ground and lost my senses.

No stay awake April, stay awake.

next chapter
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