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5% Rogue of Borderlands / Chapter 2: Brick!

Bab 2: Brick!

As Kane watched the four Vault Hunters depart, he decided that it would be best to leave Fyrestone as well. Walking over to Zed, Kane asked, "If I brought you the broken down vending machine, would that be worth anything?"

Zed rubbed his chin in thought, then answered, "I could use it for parts, or if I can repair the thing it would be worth something. Lots of folks like having these things near their homes or communities for obvious reasons, so they are in quite high demand. So if you bring me the broken one, I'll pay ya $1,000 even. Sound good?"

Smiling broadly to the man, Kane shook his hand before he brought out the broken down machine. "Pay up!" He said, laughing at Zed because his eyes almost jumped out of their sockets. "H-H-How did you?!" Zed stuttered out, pointing to the machine then back to Kane.

"I'm magical, that's how!! Now money." Kane answered, not being nice about it, but not being rude either. After all, it was rude to pry into other peoples business.

Zed counted out the bills, although his eyes kept darting between the broken machine and Kane every few seconds, but Kane ignored him.

After he got his money, Kane already knew what he wanted to do next, so he teleported a few times, traveling for about 15 minutes until he was up high on some rocks, his gaze locked down below onto a bandit camp. 'This place was a lot closer in the game!' Kane thought, his annoyance clearly visible to anyone that saw him.

Taking a few deep breaths, he calmed himself. 'Where the hell are you, Bonehead?' Kane thought darkly, the barrel of his rifle going from one person to another.

It wasn't until he got to the 7th person that he noticed the man was wearing another man's skull as a helmet sort of thing, letting him know that this was Bonehead. 'I'll bet the fucker has a shield.' Kane thought as he followed Bonehead with his crosshairs.

"Fuck it." He mumbled as he took the shot, then noticed how there was a glass-like shatter around Bonehead for an instant before it vanished. Reacting as quick as he could, Bonehead tried to get into cover, but Kane teleported down into the camp and slit the man's throat.

Everyone else in the camp was too busy looking around for the shooter, that they failed to notice their boss getting his throat cut. Pocketing Bonehead's shield and SMG, Kane pulled his two pistols and began cleaning up the place.

As soon as he fired a shot into someone's skull, he would teleport somewhere else, confusing the others as he went above, behind, and to one unfortunate soul, underneath. He would have been a eunuch for the remainder of his life, while also missing his dick if Kane hadn't added an extra bullet through his left eye.

Like this, everyone else was made short work of, and surprisingly, someone had managed to hit him, cause his shield was in it's delayed charging phase. "I got careless..." He grumbled regretfully as he began to loot everyone.

Surprisingly there was another person here with a shield, it just had a super long delay before it started charging, which made it less valued than Bonehead's, whose shield was quite a bit nicer than Kane's. He decided he would take it Zed to see if he could tell him how many more times it could be depleted, then he would make the decision to swap it then.

Checking out Bonehead's SMG, Kane was curious about it. With just a glance it was plain to see the quality was far superior to the Malliwan SMG he had seen in the weapon vending machine, but he figured he didn't know all that much about guns in this world, so he would need to look into it a bit more.

Looking around the camp, Kane found what he originally came here for. Inside a silver chest, he found a key that looked far more advanced than anything he had ever seen. He also found a stack of cash, which brought his mood up a few notches.

Making his way back to Firestone, the first thing he did was go to Zed's and get the shield looked at, and after confirming it had 22 charges in it, Kane switched it for his own. Next he sold off all the weapons, and decided he should start stockpiling the ammo of each weapon that he comes across.

Going to the bounty board, he saw the little Claptrap from earlier and it informed him of some missions that were up for grabs, one of them being from Scooter to get his Nano-tech key from Bonehead.

(A.N. Changed the stuff from Digi-struck to Nano-tech.)

He went to Scooter's garage in Fyrestone and installed the missing key, allowing him to create vehicles. Although it wasn't free, which was understandable. To get a car, you had to actually pay $20,000, but you could always return the car and make 90% of your money back, so long as the car was still in the same condition as when you purchased it.

Deciding it wouldn't hurt to try, Kane brought out one of the cars he had claimed when he killed the bandits and to his great joy, the machine accepted the car, giving him $17,450. It wasn't quite 90% return, but he guessed it was because there were some scratched from crashing into Marcus' shop.

He sold another one of the cars, but decided to keep two of them just in case of an emergency. Going back to the bounty board, he confirmed the mission with Scooter, got paid a total of $1,552, then went about his way.

Instead of getting out one of his own vehicles, he decided he would try something. He teleported as high as he could into the air, then teleported again a few time until his was about 4 kilometers into the sky, then he let himself fall at an angle so he pretty much was gliding.

As he got closer to the ground, he teleported himself straight upward and let his momentum die down, then teleported until he was back on the ground. He could have just cancelled his momentum, but he wanted to test something.

"That worked better than I thought!" He shouted in victory. He went along his way, teleporting to bandit camps, killing everyone he came across, looting their corpses, then made his way to Headstone Mine. He knew Sledge had a piece to the Vault Key, and he was gonna get it.

Coming to the gateway where you cross from the Arid Badlands to the Headstone Mine, Kane was a little disappointed. In the game they had to go through hundreds of bandits to get the key to this gate, but he could just teleport right over it.

Climbing the rock wall would have been out of the question considering he could make out some well placed landmines, and picking the door would require the key. It may have been constructed of scraps, but the workmanship was surprisingly better than most things he had seen in his world.

Teleporting into the Mine, he decided he would clean the place up a bit. Going from bandit to bandit, he had completely forgone his guns for his two knives, appearing like the reaper incarnate.

After a few hours he had cleared out most of the area, and had gained quite the fortune. There was a big ass turret he got, which now rested safely inside his inventory, and he got two snipers that far outclassed the one he had previously.

He had decided he would create a small Armory, keeping the ten best of every kind of weapon, as well as all the ammo for those guns he could find. If he found something better than what he had, he would trade it out and sell the old one.

As for the turret, he would save it incase he ever decided to create a base. He managed to find a few thousand dollars off everyone he looted, but nothing that would break the bank. After another few hours, night had finally rolled around.

'I wonder what time I got here?' Kane thought as the sun finally dropped below the horizon. He was only curious because Pandora's day/night cycle was over 90 hours long, but he didn't have a clue as to how long the night lasted.

Taking the time, he made his way slowly towards the main building, the one with all the lights on inside, and to where he knew Sledge would be. That is if he didn't like to travel, after all the guy did have a safehouse in the Arid Hills, and was a well known lunatic across Pandora.

Clearing out the last few bandits around the elevator, Kane looted them before he teleported up the shaft. He didn't know if the elevator was loud and would alert Sledge, but nonetheless, he wasn't going to take any chances.

After reaching the top he went down the hallway. The further he went, the louder the screaming and cheering got. Wanting to know what was happening before he made any moves, he teleported up to the beams on the ceiling, and crept forward until he was above where all the noise was coming from.

Looking down, he wasn't all that surprised when he saw a large crowd of people watching a giant of a man rip another man apart. This was no doubt sledge using his underlings as toys, while the other underlings watched and cheered.

Sledge was taller than Brick by a few inches, but looked more like a lump than a person. There was no question the man had strength in spades, but Kane didn't think the man could move all that fast. From what Kane could see, he was also an idiot.

The guy let his underlings destroy his shield time and again, while moving as quick as he could to kill them. Kane had watched Brick move around Fyrestone, and the man may have been huge, but he didn't lose out in speed, thus a fight between these two would be in Brick's favor.

'Speaking of, I say Brick would enjoy a good fight.' Kane thought as he crept over to a window and teleported out and back towards Fyrestone. It wasn't until he got back into the Arid Badlands that he wondered if he could teleport people with him, cause if not, getting Brick would have to wait.

It took him 20 minutes to find a bandit that was hanging out by himself, at which point Kane teleported next to him and knocked him unconscious. Well, more like caved in most of his skull in with a pipe, but the guy was still breathing so it should still be the same.

Quickly lifting the man over his shoulder, Kane teleported again, and to his great joy, it worked. The guy was still breathing, although he looked as though he had seen better days, but he still considered it a victory.

He teleported a few more times with the guy, putting him in different positions, and found out he just had to be holding him off the ground, or touching the guys skin. He tried teleporting the guy while he was laying on the ground and just held onto his shirt, which resulted in a shirtless guy who was probably dead at that point.

Anyway, with his mission concluded, he teleported back to Fyrestone, and found the four Vault Hunters sleeping in some houses that Zed had given them. Surprisingly, Zed was still awake, so he decided to hang out with the guy for a bit.

When he gave Zed a bottle of wine, the man almost had a heart attack. "Do you have any idea how valuable something like this is on Pandora?!!" Zed whisper shouted to Kane, who just shook his head in the negative.

"I know people would kill ya for a few dollars here, but for this thing, people would hunt ya for it. Don't be going around showing this to people, just keep it secret. Although if you're ever feeling inclined to share with a certain doctor who doesn't have a medical license, I don't think he would mind." Zed said, hinting that he would be more than happy to keep his secret, while also wanting to share in the good stuff.

"Hahahaha, Thanks for the tip. And I'd be more than happy to share with the first person I met on this backwater planet." Kane said happily. They drank almost 3 bottles before they called it a night, Zed giving Kane a room for himself.

During his drink with Zed, Kane learned that the night cycle was just as long as the day, so he would need to wait about 45 hours before the sun came back, so when he woke up at least 10 hours later, he wasn't surprised when the Sun still wasn't up.

He was actually thankful for that, considering he had a hangover, and the Sun would have made his mood even worse. Purchasing a cup of coffee, he relaxed as he ate some potatoes, eggs, and lots of bread.

The smell from his little home must have been pretty appetizing because the door was ripped right off it's hinges as Brick stuck his head inside, his eyes locking onto the food faster than a bloodhound.

"WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?!" Brick shouted in wonder, causing Kane's head to start throbbing.

"Quiet down you big ox!!" Kane said as he massaged his temples. "If you're hungry, just ask." Kane added, when it looked like Brick would beat him for some food.

"I'm hungry!!" Brick said, his face only a few inches from Kane's. Sighing in defeat, Kane purchased 3 meals for Brick, and he hoped that would be enough to tide the man over. He also purchased a pot of coffee and about a pound of bacon, which at the rate Brick was going, wouldn't last much longer.

The two ate in silence, or at least as silent as it could be with Brick eating like a starving T-rex. "So Brick. You wanna help me beat up this hulk of a guy? He's a little big for me, but I think you could take him. Maybe." Kane said, causing Brick's eyes to light up.

"Food and fun?!! If you were a woman, you'd be the whole package!!" Brick said joyfully, all for a good fight. Kane barely had the chance to finish his food before he was scooped up by Brick, who carried him under one arm out the door.

"Which way do we go?!!" Brick shouted, all pumped up for a good fight. "Put me down you big ox!!" Kane demanded, to which Brick dropped him like a sack of potatoes.

Picking himself up off the ground, Kane dusted himself off before he walked back inside his room and put on the rest of his stuff, then met Brick back outside. "Before we go, I want you to know I have a power. I can teleport short distances, and we'll need it to get where we're going. Now I'm gonna have to touch your arm." Kane said, keeping to himself until Brick gave the all clear, otherwise he might get eaten.

Tilting his head in thought, Brick said "Okay. Let's go." Kane thought Brick was pretty easy going, so he didn't dwell on how easy Brick accepted his powers, and just touched Brick's arm before they were off.

Getting back to the Mine in the dark was a little slower than when the Sun was out, but they still made it there in no time at all. They had just gotten to the top of the elevator shaft when Kane had to pause for a few minutes.

"Oh wow, taking another person sure does take the energy out of a guy a lot faster than I thought." He said, but in response Brick just slapped him on the back. "That was awesome!! We gotta do that again!!" Brick shouted out in joy.

"*Sigh* You do know they probably heard you, right?" Kane asked, already getting an idea of what the response would be. "So?" Yup, just like he thought. "Never mind. Let's go kill these guys. I'll handle the grunts, you take the big fucker. The only thing you gotta worry about is his shotgun and his big ass hammer. I'll try and get rid of his shotgun, but the rest is up to you." Kane said, earning a maniacal grin from Brick.

"This is gonna be fun!" Brick said, his tone completely changing. Kane had to take a second glance at Brick, realizing the fun going guy was gone, and in his place was a demon who thirsted for blood. It wasn't just Brick's attitude that changed.

His eyes looked as though they changed from round to something similar of a reptilian's, but the color was all gone. His pupils were gone, while the white of his eyes had changed to completely black.

Brick also seemed to be releasing a red glow from his body, but Kane wasn't even sure Brick knew about that little tid bit. His movements were quicker, and for some reason it felt as though the building shook with every step he took. 'That's creepy, but not unexpected.' Kane thought, knowing he was called Berserker for a reason.

They both made it to the big doors after a few seconds of walking, and after clicking the switch, the doors opened and they walked inside. They were greeted with everyone from before still shouting and cheering for blood, only now Sledge was watching from the side.

When they got inside, all noise halted, and everyone turned their attention to them. Instead of letting everyone get their baring's, Kane appeared next to Sledge and stole his shotgun and hammer, throwing the latter to Brick who caught it mid- run.

Kane didn't wait for Brick, on the contrary, he began by emptying both his magazines into peoples heads, then swapped them out for his knives. Again death made himself known to the world as he ripped people apart.

Someone tried raising a pistol to fire at Brick, but Kane teleported beside him and severed his hand with one knife, while the other blade was plunged into the bandit's ear. Each time someone made to fire at either him or Brick, he would intercept them, ending their lives before they even got a shot off.

He had just finished with the last person, then turned his attention to Brick, who was running circles around Sledge.

"I SHOULDN'T BE LOOKING UP TO YOU!! YOU SHOULD BE LOOKING UP TO ME!!" Brick shouted as he swung the massive hammer at Sledges left leg, bringing the giant to his knees.

Brick then tossed the hammer aside as he rained blow after blow into Sledge. A quick jab to the throat made Sledge stumble, but it didn't last as Brick sent him flying backwards when he hit Sledge with an uppercut, square in the jaw.

In his rage, Brick ripped the horned helmet off Sledge, then stabbed one of the horns up through Sledges jaw and into his brain, ending his life. "MORE BLOOD!!" Brick shouted as he picked up the hammer and swung it with all his might towards Kane.

Kane could barely process the action when the hammer zipped past him and smashed right into the skull of someone who had been creeping up behind him. He had been so lost in Brick's fight, he had disregarded his surroundings. If it weren't for Brick, he might have been killed.

Speaking of Brick. After the guy threw his hammer, he shot off after it, then began to beat Kane's would-be killer into meat paste. Watching the hammering, while keeping a better view of his surroundings this time, Kane waited until Brick calmed down.

Watching it happen was weird, as when Brick calmed, it was like flicking a switch before his uncaring personality kicked in, and his appearance reverted back to how it was before. "That was awesome!! Killing 9 toes wasn't near as fun as this was!!" Brick said joyfully, still high off the killing.

"Glad you enjoyed it. Have a gift." Kane said as he tossed Sledge's shotgun to Brick, who after giving it a few test runs, was more than excited. "First heavenly food, then teleporting, then I got to beat people up, and now I got a hammer and a new shotgun... You're not going anywhere!" Brick said, eyeing Kane like he was the key to his paradise.

"Yeah, yeah, okay. Anyway, help me look for a chest around here. It's got a fragment of the vault key in it." Kane said, earning another excited grin from Brick. "You and I are gonna be best friends!" Brick said as he began to walk around the place.

While Kane was looking for the chest, he also helped himself to everyone's stuff, including Sledge's shield. He had just finished looting the last guy before Brick called him over into a back room.

Walking inside, he saw Brick was holding a weird alien thing, which just confirmed it was the Vault key fragment. "Awesome!! Just two more to go." Kane said as Brick handed the piece to him.

"So now what?" Brick asked curiously. "Hmmm... let's blow up the mine, then head to Krom's Canyon. Krom's got the second piece to this thing." Brick actually looked like he was going to cry from how excited he was.

"If this is a dream, I'm gonna beat you when I wake up." Brick said as he followed Kane outside. They connected some fuses on the pipeline, then went up to a platform that had a detonator.

"Some guy tried to blow this place up awhile ago, but was chased out. There's a mission at the bounty board saying whoever blows this place up gets almost $8000. So I'll blow it up, while you video it so we got some proof." Kane said, to which Brick interjected.

"How about I blow it up, and you video it." Brick passed over his own echo device, which was already recording then walked over to the detonator. "Explosive nut job." Kane mumbled as Brick blew up the pipeline.

They walked back to the entrance to the Mine, at which point, instead of going over it, Brick walked over to the door and smashed a few key points with his hammer, causing the gate to fall apart.

"It was designed to keep people out, not in." Brick said as he continued on his way like nothing happened. "Fair enough." Kane said as they crossed into the badlands. Kane then pulled out a car, to which Brick just smiled wider.

"You're not gonna ask where the car came from?" Kane asked, thinking Brick might be just a little curious. "You can teleport. Pretty much answers itself." Brick said as he climbed up into the gunner seat.

"OH, HELL YEAH!!" Brick shouted as he caressed the rocket launcher like it was his long lost baby. If Brick didn't want to dwell on the subject, then neither would Kane, so he jumped in the drivers seat and took off back to Zed's.

They did a few jobs for some kid named Shep Sanders, who paid them to turn on some fans, and get rid of some rakks. Brick was annoyed until Kane told him he would give him the biggest steak he had ever seen for a portion of his cash, at which point Brick started looking for more jobs so he could get more food.

By the time they got back to Zed's, they had earned a little under $25,000. "Hey Mordy!! Check this out!!" Brick shouted as soon as he saw Mordeccai chilling under the cover of Marcus' shop. He took off, and jumped high into the air before he brought his massive hammer down, causing a miniature crater.

"Ain't this thing awesome?!!" Brick asked excitedly as he showed Mordecai the hammer up close. "Where'd you get this thing?" Mordy asked, appreciating the big weapon. "Killed Sledge for it. We even got a piece of the vault key!" Brick said excitedly as he ushered Kane forward.

"Show'em!!" Brick said. 'Honestly, he's more excitable than a kid on Christmas morning.' Kane thought tiredly. "Kane and I are best friends!!" Brick shouted proudly, to which Mordeccai asked, "What about me?"

He didn't actually seem upset or anything, just trying to be funny. "What about you, Mordy?!" Brick answered back, looking as serious as could be. The moment ended after all three of them burst out laughing, but Kane was pretty sure Brick meant that he really was his best friend.

After talking with Brick and Mordy for a bit, Kane walked over to Zed's and told him about Sledge. "Well I'll be damned. Busted up 9 toes and beat the hell outta Sledge, you boys are makin a name for yourselves!"

Before Kane could say anything, he heard Brick shout, "Kane!! Let's eat!!" The guy did earn it, so Kane couldn't really tell him no. "Alright!! Ya big ox!" Kane said as he waved Brick on over. 'May as well let Zed in on this too.' He thought as Brick, Mordy, Lilith and Roland walked into Zed's little medical lab.

The table was as clean as could be, given where they were, so no one really complained. "Alright, I'll go get it, you folks just wait a sec." Kane said, leaving to go into his room. Brick knew all about his ability, but they both agreed to keep it between themselves unless it was absolutely necessary or when Kane didn't care anymore.

Walking inside his room, he waited for five minutes before he made all the food and drinks appear on a large tray, then went back to Zed's. When he walked in the room, everyone's jaws almost hit the floor.

"Where did you get this?!!" Lilith asked in awe. "Afraid that's confidential, but you're all more than welcome to dig in." Kane said as he set the tray on the table. Brick was faster than lightning as he grabbed the largest steak, which was about 3 times the size of the other ones.

There were potatoes, biscuits, gravy and ice cold beers. Even Bloodwing got her own steak, which got a ton of thanks from Mordecai.

"Don't thank me, thank Brick. He paid for all of this with his share of the jobs today. By the way man, you're broke now, and it's $1,000 a meal." Kane said, causing Brick to freeze mid bite. He looked to each person before he shrugged his shoulders and went back to eating. "I'll get their money later." Brick said through a mouthful of steak.

Like this, the hours passed, with Brick telling about their unbelievable feats, and about a few of the jobs they did, all the while Lilith and Roland pestered him about where he got the stuff. Mordecai just drank beer and played with his bird, while Zed was planning his next experiments.

'Even on hell hole like Pandora, I'm still livin it large.' Kane thought as he sat back in his chair, wondering if he wanted to open the vault at all.

next chapter
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