"Where the hell am I?" Asks a man as he looks around a black and red office. It's also extremely hot.
The man sits up from the ground and looks around the room. He sees various things that concern him. Thats when a man appears along with a desk. The man has red skin and slicked back, jet black hair. He's got 2 horns and a tail like the devil would look like. He's wearing a black suit and red tie.
"Welcome to hell!" The devil looking man says in a charismatic tone. "I've chosen you specifically. No special reason, just felt generous today. Basically you've died and we're about to head to heaven but I just decided to give you the chance of a life time"
The Devil makes a chair and sits behind the desk and smiles in a confident way.
The man on the ground tries to understand what he was just told. And when he thinks about how he died he can't remember it. He actually couldn't remember much for that matter.
The Devil sees the man trying to process his situation and continues. "If you agree to some terms and conditions you will be given a second chance at life. You will be given a system if you agree and sent to a new world to do as you please. I only require you to test a new system. I normally restrict or make varying demands of those I choose. But you don't need to worry about that. Now yes or no?" The Devils eyes narrow as his smile turns wicked.
"Huh?" The man catches up and thinks he understands it. "If that's the case just send me to hea-"
"Great! Glad that you decided to do this! Have fun in the apocalypse!" The Devils smile went even more wicked as sent the man away.
The man doesn't even know what happened. The next thing he knew he felt excruciating pain on his chest. He could barely move and felt that he was being carried. Which only hurt him more.
"Just a little more Colton, just a little more" A rough masculine voice said.
The man couldn't even think straight, but he understood that he had been tricked by the Devil and is in great pain. He wondered if his name was Colton now. But he couldn't even remember his old one anyway.
After a few more seconds and a lot of movement, courtesy of the man holding him, he passed out.
"Col….? Co..? …ton?... Colton? Baby can you hear me?" A soft and beautiful voice can be heard.
The man opens his eyes and sees a woman with long black hair and blue eyes. She was gorgeous. He tries to sit up but feels a so much pain after just slightly moving he just relaxes on the soft but stiff surface he was laid down on. He winces and tries to get his breathing under control but even that hurts.
"Don't move, you got attacked by a Young Deathclaw while you were out with Dad. Do you remember that?" The woman asks in a concerned voice as she checks his bandaged torso and keeps him down.
"My….name is Colton?" The man asks confused. It doesn't sound right. But it doesn't sound wrong either.
"Oh baby" The woman begins crying. It seemed that she had been holding her tears back and this was the straw that broke the camels back. She put her hand on his cheek and looked at him with tears streaming down her face. "Yes. You're Colton 'Lucky' King"
She wipes her tears away with her other hand and looks back to Colton. "Do you know who I am?" She asks with a hopeful gaze, but tears are ready to fall again. Her voice is shaky and her lips tremble and shake.
"N-no. I'm sorry" Colton doesn't want to see this nice looking beautiful lady cry, but he can't think of anything.
"That's….." a tear falls from her right eye. "….at least you're alive"
The woman seems to take a few second to compose herself. Colt looks around him and sees that he's in a room that has wooden wall that allow some daylight in.
"I'm your mom"
This draws Colton's attention and he looks at her. Her face was red but pale at the same time. It was weird due to her lightly tanned complexion and dirt that she was lightly covered in.
"You're my son, Colton Lucky King. You went with your father to get used to hunting….. But when you both returned….." She cries again for a few second before continuing. "You both were hurt. You had it worse. Dad only had scratches while you... you were nearly…"
The woman didn't seem to be able to finish what she was saying. But Colton knew what she meant. He nearly died, to a Young Deathclaw. And he knew exactly what a Deathclaw was. He felt dread as he realized he was now in the Fallout world. This is the 'apocalypse' the Devil mentioned. And he doesn't even have a system. He tried to call it in his head but it didn't work.
"But you should be better soon, ive treated you and given you a stimpack to help with the process. It'll take a little bit, but you've already stopped bleeding" She informs him. Her tears have stopped falling again but he can see that they were just waiting for a reason to fall again.
"Why can't I remember anything before being carried and now? It should have just been a torso injury. But why did that mess with my memory?" Colton felt much better already. But the pain was still there if he tried to move.
"Dad said that after... after you got….. after…" she shakes her head. "He said that you hit your head hard when you hit the ground. The Deathclaw came out of seemingly nowhere. Not even he could tell it was there until...it was too late…"
"Why would he have known it was there?" Colton was curious. Did he have spidey sense? Or was there a way to detect Deathclaws?
"He's just always been able to tell danger. I don't know how. And he never explained it. I just assumed it was that pipboy on his wrist" She explains.
Colton can't believe it. His dad had a pipboy and could apparently detect danger. Was his dad a protagonist of one of the games?
He had to find out. "Where is he?" He looks around the room but doesn't see much. It looks almost barren. And he notices that it's getting hotter as well. "Where are we?" He adds on.
"You don't need to worry. We're safe for now. But we're still a long ways away from New Vegas. But we should be able to get there within the year" His new mom says.
"Thats…." Colton feels waves of fatigue wash over him. "…..huh?"
"That's just the stimpack, get some rest baby. I'll be right here until you wake up" His mom says.
Colton can feel her hand move from his face to his hand. She holds it tightly in both of her hands as his eyes close and he slips away and falls to sleep.
———Some Time Later ———
Colton begins to wake up once again. His eyes slowly open and close.
As his eyes flutter open he sees a meta sheet above him. But it's heavily rusted. He looks around him and sees the room he was in with his mom last time.
It was even hotter now. It was bearable, but he assumes that he was used to a cooler temperature in his last life.
He can move his fingers and his toes. He doesn't feel any pain, but he doesn't want to suddenly experience it again so he moves slowly resting what does and doesn't hurt.
Minutes later he is able to move his arms freely and is able to sit up.
He looks down at the shirt that has been put on him. It was basically in rags, but it was clean.
He raised the shirt and saw a gnarly scar. There was 10 scar lines in total. They were in groups of 5 and horizontal with a little bit of diagonal. The scars looked deep and they reached from his left side to his right. They didn't hurt anymore but he shudders when he runs his fingers across them.
"What are we going to do Jack? You're hurt, Colton is still not waking up, and we're still stuck here. The NCR and Legion are getting closer" Coltons mom says in a worried almost pleading voice.
"I don't know!" A pics of a man shouts. Colton recognizes it as the one he heard when he was being carried. Was this his dad? It had to be.
"I'm sorry honey….. I-I didn't mean to raise my voice" The guy who Colton assumes to be his dad says.
Colton heard a heavy object get set down on a something creaking. It was the chair in this places kitchen.
Colton does a double take. He hasn't seen anything outside of this room, yet he knows that that sound was the chair that creaks. The one his dad likes to sit in when they first got to this location after traveling for a long, very long, time.
"This all started because of that damned Deathclaw. If Colton hadn't gotten hurt we would be safe at New Vegas, or at least closer to it. But no, because of me we're stuck here and now I can barely protect myself with one arm. I can't even hold my rifle. Hell, I can barely reload my pistol" Jack says defeatedly. "Those damn Legion bastards. Why are they even this far west. They were supposed to be to the far East of New Vegas"
"It was only a relatively small group of them. But you got them all before they could get me or our son. Even if it cost your arm, we're all still alive" Coltons mom says, not in an unsure tone. But more of a supportive one.
"Thanks. You're right….. I'd sacrifice more than just my arm to keep you two safe" It's quiet for a few seconds before he speaks again. "I'll do my best to get us to New Vegas.... or we can train Colton here" He says after some time passes.
"Why would we wait here? We need to get you to Usanagi to get a new arm! He owes you that much. And if he doesn't….. I heard his daughter is a doctor like her father as well. She's young but it would be better than nothing. They specialize in implants…. So cybernetics should also be around their area of expertise"
"We should train him because…. I don't think we can make it anymore. Not with all the obstacles along the way. You can't defend both me AND Colton. But if we get somewhere safe near here and bunker down….. we can teach Colton when he wakes up. He can use my pipboy to help as well, it's not doing any good now anyways. That way he can at least have a chance. Face it Samantha…. you and I are fucked. I'm 'disarmed' and you're not doing well physically anymore. We can teach our son how to survive until we die or until he's old enough to adventure off on his own. It's sad but at least this way we can have more time together. There might even be a place nearby that I found. There's water that isn't radiated, it's also safer than here. And depending on what's inside there might not be a need to worry about food.... What do you say?"
"I'll say that you haven't lost your terrible jokes…. And you're right. IF that place can sustain the three of us then we can stay there. Colton is already 14, in 4 years he will be able to go on his own way. And….. I probably won't be able to see his 18th birthday at this rate" Colton's mom, Samantha, says sadly at the end.
"That soon? How can you be so sure? You're the best doctor I know and you aren't even sure what you have. Not even the OSI could find out what's wrong. And those were the brightest minds of the NCR, even if their morals were questionable. They weren't completely stupid" The man asks with great worry and denial. "….Is this like your 'mother's intuition'?"
"Something like that. And maybe I am wrong? As unlikely as that is. Crazier things have happened" Samantha tries to salvage the mood and start cheering up.
Colton moves his feet off the bed and plants then on the ground. The bed was not very comfortable, but it beats the ground.
He stands up and nearly falls face first into the ground.
"How long have I been out?" He leans against the wall after catching himself. He feels extremely weak.
"Colton?!" Jack shouts.
Colton can hear heavy steps get closer to the door of his room. The door swings open and a decently large man stands there looking at him. The guy has dark black hair, not as dark as his mom, and bright turquoise eyes. His moms were more of a darker navy blue. The guy was tall, and looked built like a steroid abuser. Less than Arnold Schwarzenegger, but more practical than a body builder. Like the muscles were there to be used, not to be looked at. He had a beard that was long, more than a couple inches, and his hair went past his shoulders down his back. He was wearing a sort of combat outfit with the left sleeve loosely hanging. His arm was not there after the middle of his bicep.
Colton looks at the man and feels that he knows him. And when he sees his mom again behind his dad he gets that feeling again. It's like déjà vu.
'Am I getting the memories of Colton? But aren't I Colton? I'd rather not have a midlife crisis at 14…. So fuck it. I'm Colton'
"Dad? Mom?" Colton stands up but still has to lean on the wall.
""You're awake!"" Both parents rush into the room and wrap him in a hug. He's a little shorter than his mom. And a basically a foot shorter than his dad.
"What are you doing standing up?!" His mom asks as she tries to put his weight into her and not the wall.
"I got sick of the bed I guess?" Colton says as he feels the warmth from his parents embrace.
"Hahaha! You've still got the King humor!" Jack seems to be in much better spirits now.
Colton feels his dad move his hand from his back to his shoulder as he backs away from the hug by a step. Jack looks at his son. "You not only survived an attack from a Deathclaw, but you're also standing after weeks of not getting up! We just ran out of things to feed you, it's hard to get liquids that are nutritious out here you know?"
"Weeks?" Colton is shocked. What the hell kind of liquids was he given to survive that long?
"Yes baby, weeks. We were so worried about you" Samantha holds her son tighter, afraid he would slip away right infront of her.
"You must be hungry, right? I'll grab something for you to eat. Keep your mom company would you? Not like you have a choice, she's gonna give you a thorough checkup!" Jack says after lightly smacking Coltons shoulder twice. He turns around and walks out the door.
Colton can see his dad holding his left arm tightly as he leaves.
"Let's get you back on the bed. You can get up after I give you the all clear" Samantha told, not suggested or asked.
Colton moves back to the bed and lays down. His mom makes him take off his shirt which he is reluctant to.
"Oh Cmon. I've raised you, I've seen you naked before. I don't have to clean you up anymore either now that your awake" Samantha jokes as she opens a bag on the other side of the bed.
Colton realizes that he was out for weeks and was relatively clean. He blushes as he takes his shirt off and lays back down. His face looking away from his mother.
"You're just like you're father, you know that?" Samantha says as she begins her checkup on Colton. She asks various questions about how he's feeling and pokes and prods his body in various places.
"Alrighty. You just need to take it easy and eat to put some strength in your body. Stimpacks only rapidly accelerate your natural healing and consumes a lot of your energy. And you didn't get any proper food in weeks. I'm surprised you aren't looking like a ghoul y'know" Samantha says.
Colton can tell that she was talking like she was an NPC trying to teach the player about the game. Was she already trying to teach him about medical things?
"Dinner is ready!" Jack shouts as he suddenly appears in the door frame with two plates in his right hand. "Although, it's more like lunch time now"
On the plates were a mixture of what looks like Mac n cheese along with various mutated looking fruit and vegetables that Colton had never seen before. But he can tell what they are sort of. There's maize, barrel cactus, muttfruit, and others. He recognizes some but the others it's like he's known them for years.
'It seems old Coltons knowledge is bleeding in. Hopefully it doesn't cause more harm than the good it brings' Colton thinks to himself. This was a clear example of him having the personalities mold together. He can even feel the changes happening rapidly. Like he's actually thinking like a 14 year old. But he has the wisdom of a guy over 20.
Colton sits up and watches as Jack sits in the chair next to Samantha. Jack puts both plates on the bed. "You take one and we will take the other. You need all you can eat. And I won't take a no for an answer"
"Thanks dad" Colton grabs a plate and is about to use his fingers to eat it when he gets a flick to his right temple. "What was that for?" Colton rubs his temple that stung now. He can feel his hair is decently long, apparently it was pushed back? Or he didn't have any over his eyes at least.
"We aren't savages Colton, I have forks. Just had to put them in my pocket because I couldn't carry them" Jack says after flicking his son lightly. He takes out 2 forks and tosses one to Colton.
Colton tries to catch it but it just falls to his lap. That was a tad bit embarrassing.
Jack hands the other one to Samantha and picks up the other plate. Samantha feeds Jack and herself while Jack eats.
"Why don't you two get a room?" Colton playfully complains.
"What? Can't stand your mommy and daddy being madly in love?" Jack teases. "You'll hate this then"
Jack leans over and gives his wife a deep and passionate kiss.
"Maybe I'm the one who needs to leave the room to you two" Colton rolls his eyes.
Samantha stops the kiss and looks at her son. "Except for the fact you can't even walk properly. Now stop encouraging your father. We need to talk after we're done eating. And that goes for you too mister" She slaps Jacks knee.
"Yes ma'am" Jack says and holds the plate between them again.
Colton just quickly eats. It's not bad. But it's not that great either. He imagines it could be way worse.
15 minutes later they're done eating and they out the empty plates at the end of the bed.
Samantha and Jack look at Colton who has his legs off the bed and his feet on the wooden floor. He's facing them and sitting up straight.
Samantha is the first to speak. "Do you not remember anything still?"
Colton thinks back to a couple minutes ago when he had memories flash through his mind. 14 years worth in less than 4 minutes. He remembered a few things but most was just lost in the wind. Especially the baby memories. He only has some general knowledge.
"I think so? I recognized the food and your two. But a lot of other things are just hazy. We've been surviving while on the move for years, and that's about all I can remember. The rest is just hazy" Colton tries to describe it.
"That's better than having nothing. You did hit the ground pretty hard. And your body was in bad shape for a while there. I'm just glad you remembered some things" Jack says relieved.
"If that's all. Then that's ok. But now we have to talk about what's next" Samantha leads the conversation. "Your father says that there may be a place near here where we can stay. We aren't able to continue our trek to the Mojave. So we will be teaching you how to survive the world….again. But we will do it better and more in depth. We won't have much time so you have to do your best alright? We will have to help eachother from here on" She grabs Jacks hand with both of hers while she looks at Colton.
"I'm ready! I don't want a repeat of what happened to me. And I want to protect you two so we can go to there together" Colton says with determination.
Jack smile brightly as he turquoise eyes glisten. "That's the right attitude! You were never this motivated before! I'll teach you all I know son! You can become a super famous bounty hunter or just a stay at home badass husband and dad! But you'll be prepared no matter what you decide to be!"
3682 words
Please comment some perks. I have lots in mind. But need more. Specifically for certain milestones achieved and when he maxes a special or skill.