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46.15% Rise Of An Omega / Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Bab 6: Chapter 6

Martin Lake House


Alex had to leave. He couldn't stay there and watch them be happy while he wallowed in jealousy. Before he knew it he had turned into a wolf and was running away from Lydia's Lake House. He had no idea where he was going as he ran through the woods, he just wanted to run.

To get Malia and her relationship with Stiles out of his head.

The faster he ran the less he thought of Malia.

He must have run for hours because when he finally stopped he had no idea where he was.

He just knew it wasn't someplace nice when he heard the growls around him. The second he smelled death and dust he knew he was in trouble.

"What do we have here?" asked a voice ahead of him, he looked up to see a strikingly beautiful woman with glowing green eyes, sharp thin fangs and purple marks on her face.

Alex growled at her and prepared himself for a fight when a hard fist slammed into the back of his head knocking him out.

Beacon Hills

Sewer System.

He woke up hours later, naked, with a massive headache and tied to a massive metal pipe. He had been tied with thick chains that prevented him from moving much at all, the tightest and thickest one around his throat, if he moved too much it would prevent him from breathing.

He looked around with a growl and while the Berserkers were out of his line of sight he could smell that they were somewhere near him.

"Where am I?" said Alex as his eyes glowed red so he could see in the almost pitch black darkness of the sewer.

That's when he saw them, the two Berserkers where standing by the back wall like two living breathing bone statues.

"I see the puppets but where is the puppet-master?" growled Alex as he glared around the sewer, he turned his head when he heard clapping coming from the his left side.

That's when she came into view.

"You must be Kate." said Alex as the Argent hunter walked up to him with a sway to her hips.

"I am, but I have to say I have no idea who you are..." said Kate as she stood in front of him. She picked up a small box and put it on the floor before stepping on it so she was looking at him eye to eye.

"...And you, I would definitely remember."said Kate as she licked her lips and looked him up and down.

And while he had had girls look at him like that before he never felt as dirty as he did now.

"Its like Agatha all over again."

Alex's eyes glowed red and his teeth turned into fangs as he surged forward and tried to bite her, unfortunately she had amazing reflexes and moved back just in time, leaving him coughing in place as he tried to catch his breath, the chain around his neck tight enough to dig into the skin.

"Oh and an Alpha to boot." said as she brought out a cattle prod and electrocuted him.

"You're quite the catch." said Kate before she put the prod just under his neck and shocked him again.

"Oh, you and me, we're going to have fun." said Kate before shocking him once more, grinning when Alex's growls and snarls slowly turned into whimpers of pain every time she put the cattle prod to a part of his body.

That night all through the sewers underneath Beacon Hills screams and whimpers of pain could be heard.

Few Day's Later.

[During Season 4 Episode 8 of Teen Wolf]

Stiles was standing guard over Scott's 'dead' body as he used his phone to call Chris Argent desperately. Just as he was starting to panic the doors to the morgue flew opened as Argents body came flying in.

"Stiles get out of here." grunted Chris Argent as he tried to stand back up. Stiles looked towards the doors to see Kate Argent standing there smiling at him. Chris managed to stand and walked over to Stiles as Kate stepped into the room.

"Get out of the way Stiles, I'm taking the body." said Kate, her eyes glowing green showing Stiles and her brother she meant business.

"Why Visual confirmation?" asked Stiles accusing her of behind the mysterious Benefactor. Kate gave him an amused smile before answering.

"Don't worry handsome, I'm not the Benefactor." said Kate as she took a few more steps towards them.

"Then what do you want with the body?" asked Chris as he stared at his sister nervously. Kate just smiled indulgently at him.

"I wish I could tell you." said Kate and before she and Stiles could blink Chris had invaded her privacy and had a gun pressed against her neck.

She just smiled, her eyes glowed bright green for a few seconds before dimming back to normal.

"I always forget you carry two." said Kate grimacing at her brother.

"Back off." said Chris angrily as he pressed the gun to her neck harder.

"You sure that your fast enough?" taunted Kate.

"I don't want to." said Chris sadly as he stared at his sister in the eyes.

"You're not going to kill me." said Kate confidently. "I'm not going to let you take his body." said Chris harshly.

"You guys obviously have some stuff to talk about so, can I get you anything, come coffee something from the bending machines?" joked Stiles trying to lighten up the situation.

"Listen to me Kate, we have a plan." said Chris trying his best to convince his sister to back off.

"And if killing Scott was part of it, I got to admit you're worse than me." said Kate smirking at her brother.

"He's telling the truth, we're trying to get to the Benefactor." said Stiles trying to help.

"And if you didn't notice you're in that list too and worth more than most." snarled Chris as he glared at his sister.

"That's why I'm here." said Kate.

"Then back off and let us do what we planned." screamed Chris, things were tense for a few seconds before she gave him a tight nod.

"Take the Berserkers and go." she stared at him for a few seconds. "Kate please we have a plan." said her brother and that seemed to convince her.

"Fine." said Kate as she took a step away and turned to leave, before she reached the door she turned back to address Stiles.

"Hey Stiles, do you know a particularly yummy Alpha werewolf named Alex?" question Kate with a smile on her face that reminded her brother and Stiles just how crazy she truly was.

Her brother looked confused wondering who Alex was but Stiles got so angry he looked like he wanted to attack Kate.

"What did you do to him?" snarled Stiles angrily, the whole group had been driving themselves crazy with worry trying to find out what happened to Alex, not knowing if he had decided to leave town or if one of the contract killers had gotten him.

"Oh I had some fun with him, some delicious pain filled fun. " said Kate as she licked her lips and grinned at the fuming Stiles, besides him Chris frowned a sick feeling in his stomach as he watched his baby sister gloat about hurting someone.

"I had my little friends drop him off at the school and who knows, if you hurry he might still be alive." laughed Kate as she turned around and left.

A high pitch snarl sounding out in the hallway as she called her Berserkers back to her.

"That bitch." said Stiles as he looked at his watch to see how long they had to revive Scott.

"We won't make it in time." said Stiles before he pulled out his phone and sent Malia a quick text, hoping that she would read it even thought they weren't on speaking terms at the moment.

Stiles- 'Alex at High School, gravely injured, needs help.'

When she didn't answer right away he decided to sent the same message to Lydia. Thankfully as Kira and Scott's mom walked into the morgue he received two replies back.

Malia- 'I'm on my way.'

Lydia- 'I'm already in the car."

Beacon Hills High School.

Entrance to the Hale Vault

"Its getting really hard to breath." thought Alex as he laid on his back next to the School sign, with a bone dagger sticking out of his stomach and covered in blood, his blood.

When Kate had grown bored with the cattle prod she proceeded to beat him within a inch of his life.

Then she had the Berserkers beat him as she counted how long it took for him to heal from different wounds.

"Next time I see her, I going to rip her throat out with my bare hands, if there's a next time." thought Alex, but considering his vision was growing dark he was sure there wouldn't be.

"I can't believe I'm going to die a virgin." thought Alex as he closed his eyes. He wanted noting more than to go to sleep but he was sure if he went to sleep he wouldn't be waking back up.

He was about to throw caution to the wind and go to sleep and when he heard two voices screaming his name.

"Alex!, ALEXANDER!." screamed both voices desperately. He was sure Malia was one of them so he just conserved his strength waiting for her to find him.

"With all this blood she should be here in no time." thought Alex and just liked that seconds later he heard Malia's voice.

"Lydia, I smell blood, lots of it." said Malia as she started running with Lydia seconds behind her. He knew the instant they saw him by the gasps of shock both let out.

Seconds later his head was lifted from the cement floor and placed on a warm and soft lap.

"Alex, can you open your eyes?" asked Malia desperately. And it took some effort but he managed to open them again.

"For you gorgeous? no problem." rasped Alex as he stared at her with a slightly unfocused gaze.

Instead of blushing like he expected her to, she smiled at him before tears started falling from her eyes. Then she touched his face with her hand and instantly he felt a little better.

"Thank god." said Lydia as she knelt by his right side and held his hand

"I called Deaton, he should be here soon." said Lydia and if Alex was just a bit more awake she would see her crying her eyes out.

"What happened?" asked Lydia when she saw him drifting of to sleep, she had to keep him awake at all cost.

"I left your... I, lake house, I left your lake." said Alex doing his best to speak in though everything was a bit hazy.

"You left the lake house then what?" asked Lydia not noticing the guilty look on Malia's face.

"I was the reason he left the party." thought Malia as she was having a hard time looking at his bruise and swollen face without feeling guilty.

"I wash running... Bersherkers. Ambushed." Alex started slurring his words a bit scaring both girls, he closed his eyes for a few seconds and Malia had to shake him to get them opened again but when they did they were unfocused and not looking at her but at the space behind her.

"What happened then?" asked Malia desperate to keep him talking. She hadn't stopped taking his pain even thought her body was starting to ache.

"She's in shewers, took me there, tortured me." said Alex in between hard breaths.

"Bersherkers hit hard." said Alex and he tried to laugh but he started coughing blood when he did.

"I'm sheepy." slurred Alex and Lydia was now crying so hard she was barely able to talk.

"Malia, I can feel it." said Lydia as he tried her hardest to hold back her tears.

"You can feel what?" asked Malia worriedly.

"I can feel the scream coming, I can feel the urge to scream." said Lydia wiping her tears with her hands.

Malia paled when she heard that, the last time Lydia had screamed Stiles told her it was to announce Allison's Death.

"No, no, no, no." said Malia as she started to freak out.

"Alex, Alex, Alexander you can't die on us, don't you dare due on us." Cried Lydia desperately as she cluched one of Alex's hands hard enough to drag blood.

"Please you can't die, we need you, I need you." said Malia as she buried her face in his chest to hear his heart beat.

"I wonder if Jon Snow becomes King of Westeros." muttered Alex talking nonsense, his eyes were completely unfocused now and he wasn't even looking at them.

"Text Deaton tell him he needs to get here now." said Malia as she shifted a bit so Alex was more comfortable in her lap.

"My mom moved to Costa Rica when I disappeared you know?" said Alex as his eyes moved towards Lydia.

"She didn't even report me missing." said Alex and Lydia didn't even know what to say to that.

"I wrote her a letter." said Alex as his head rolled down so he was looking at the floor, "It said that I was doing...doing good, and that I missed her even though she didn't miss me." said Alex, and when Malia and Lydia heard what he said their hearts broke for him.

"If you could do me a favor and send it, Its next to a big bag full of money, you guys can have that if you want." said Alex scaring them since his voice was becoming more and more hard to hear.

"That's your money, you'll need it." said Lydia quietly as she grabbed his hand to get him to look at her, which he did.

"I don't think... I don think I'll get the change to use it." said Alex with a small and weak smile.

"It was nice having a best friend, even if it was only for a little while." said Alex as his eyes left the crying Lydia, he looked at Malia and smiled again.

"It was nice getting to know all of you..." said Alex as his eyes closed. Malia instantly started freaking out since the second they did his heart stopped beating.

Luckily for them at that exact moment Deaton arrived closely followed by Chris Argent, Stiles and Scott.

They took one look at the crying girls and at the badly beaten and bloody form of Alex and instantly thought the worse.

Chris was furious that his sister had done this, to the side both Stiles and Scott looked shocked as they stood behind Malia staring at the still form of their friend.

But unlike them Deaton wasn't ready to give up. He fell to his knees next to Malia and looked at the werecoyote in the eye.

"Has Lydia screamed yet?" Malia shook her head and placed her hand over Alex's heart.

"But his heart stopped beating, he's dead." said Malia sadly as she looked down at Alex, he looked peaceful if you ignore the blood, bruises and the way his left eye was almost fully swollen shut.

"Not yet, remember he's an Alpha." said Deaton before pulling out a massive syringe from his jacket pocket.

"If this works he will struggle, we can't allow that as he might hurt himself, so I need you all to hold him down." said Deaton seriously, Malia grabbed his head, Stiles and Scott grabbed his arms and Chris moved to his feet to keep them in place.

"Here goes nothing." said Deaton before he stabbed the needle into Alex's chest, directly into his heart.

At first nothing happened and just when they were ready to give up Alex sat up with a start, taking Malia with him, his eyes flew open glowing a red so bright it was hard to look at them directly.

He opened his fanged mouth and released a roar so loud the people around him felt their bones vibrating.

After a few seconds he felt back down to the ground and on Malia's lap, his eyes still opened and still glowing red.

"Whoa, my mouth taste like coconuts." said Alex smacking his lips before he fell unconscious, only this time his heartbeat was stronger than before and his breathing had improved.

"That will give us a reprieve but we need to get him to the clinic as fast as possible." said Deaton before Scott and Chris each threw one of Alex's hands over their shoulders as they started carrying him towards Deaton's van.

"How big is this kid?" grunted Chris as he struggled with the weight of the Alpha Werewolf.

"No fat jokes." muttered Alex, his eyes still closed but apparently conscious, Lydia and Malia smiling teary smiles at hearing Alex make jokes

Scott, Stiles and Deaton also smiled relieved to see their friend soldiering on.

"And could someone for the love of god get the bone dagger out of my stomach, it hurts." whispered Alex but before Malia could comply with his wishes Deaton grabbed her hand and shook his head.

"We can't take it out now." said Deaton with an apologetic voice.

"If we do he's going to start bleeding and I don't think his body can handle that." said Deaton as he eyed the bone dagger, from the little he could see of the blade it was barbed and it would hurt when he had to take it out.

"Fine but I call dibs on it, it hurts like a bitch but it looks awesome." said Alex and that was the last they heard of him since he fell back sleep.

"Can you still feel the scream coming?" asked a still worried Malia as they all got in Deaton's van and started making their way towards Deaton's Clinic.

Lydia nodded her head staring at Alex's swollen face. "Then there's no time to waste." said Deaton as he slammed his food into the accelerator.

Deaton Animal Clinic.

Deaton worked for hours on Alex's broken body. The McCall pack waited in the waiting room alternating between looking at the doors to the exam room and looking at Lydia, silently asking if she still felt the echo of the Death Scream.

The only one allowed back there was Scott who would enter when Deaton called for him and would come out minutes later arms covered in blood and pale face.

"Deaton's doing all he can to trigger Alex's healing ability...it's not going so good." Scott said the first time he came out, he didn't say anything else and the girls were thankful for it.

Malia and Lydia were sitting together close by the door while the rest of the group.

"Can you hear anything?" asked Lydia as she turn to look at Malia. The werecoyote closed her eyes and turned her head.

"He's groaning in pain and...Deaton's cursing." said Malia worried.

Lydia shook her head before laying back on her chair. They were all exhausted, between their adventures in the hospital earlier tonight and waiting around to see if their friend would live or die had them all on edge.

Suddenly the doors to the clinic opened and Scott's mom and the Sheriff came in, Melissa carrying a bag full of medical supplies and the Sheriff with a grim look on his face.

"Mom what are you doing here?" asked Scott as he stood to hug his mother.

"I called her." said Deaton as the room to the exam room opened and for a split second they could all see Alex's mangled body laying on the exam table, blood dripping down towards the floor and his chest rising and falling weakly, bruises and gashes covering his body and his face bleeding and swollen from all the hits it had taken

"Please Melissa, there's no time to waste." said Deaton when Scott's mom and Stiles's dad froze from the shape Alex was in.

"Lead the way." said Melissa as she walked with Deaton into the room and closed the door behind them. The sheriff just walked towards his son and pulled him into a tight hug.

"What happened to that kid?" asked the sheriff after he let go of Stiles.

It was Scott that answered.

"Kate and her Berserkers." said Scott solemnly. They were all feeling guilty, they had just assume Alex had left town and because of that their friend had spend a week being Kate Argent's play thing.

The sheriff looked confused so Scott and Stiles went outside with him to, one, get some air and two catch up the man on what had been going on.

Lydia saw Malia flinched before looking at the exam room door. "What's happening?" asked Lydia worried.

"They are pulling the bone dagger from his stomach, he's begging them to stop." said Malia as she closed her eyes and covered her ear so she didn't have to hear Alex groan and cry as they pulled the barbed dagger from him.

"This is my fault." said Malia sadly when they had finally pulled the dagger and Alex had passed out again.

"What? Why? It was Kate Argent that did this." said Lydia looking confused at Malia. The werecoyote just shook her head before telling Lydia what had happened at her Lake House after Alex had helped her gain control.

"I knew he was upset and I still let him leave anyway, even after Scott told us to never go anywhere alone." said Malia as she wiped away her tears with the sleeve of her jacket

"Malia look at me..." said Lydia seriously making the Malia turn to look at her.

"This wasn't your fault, it was Kate, her and her pet monsters." said Lydia firmly as she grabbed Malia's hands and didn't let go until Malia nodded in agreement.

"...I knew you liked him." said Lydia in a whisper after a few seconds had passed. Malia looked away from her with a frown on her face.

"Shut up Lydia." muttered Malia. Lydia was about to say something else to rile up the werecoyote when a loud roar came from inside the exam room.

Malia's eyes started glowing and Lydia recognized the roar for what it was, Alex was awake and he was mad.

Seconds after the roar ended Stiles, Scott and the Sheriff ran in Scott's eyes glowing red.

"He's angry." said Scott as they all ran into the exam room to see what had happened.

Deaton and Melissa where standing close to the doors staring in awe at Alex, who was kneeling on the floor in front of them, steam coming from his wounds as they burned hot and healed rapidly.

Alex stood up straight and they could see his stomach wound, from the bone dagger, steam and close before their eyes.

When Alex looked up his eyes were burning a red so intense it hurt to look at them directly, his teeth had turned into fangs, his forehead had become ridged and the white's of his eyes had turned pitch black.

"Where is she? Where the fuck is Kate?" he was growling as he looked around the room as if Kate would suddenly appear from the shadows.

His clawed hands tensing as he prepared himself for a fight.

"She's not here Alex." said Scott as he walked forwards and tried to touch Alex's shoulder, from the flinch and the quick step back he took from Scott, they could tell he was still affected by what Kate had done to him.

"We don't know were she is, we were kinda hoping you could tell us." said Chris, speaking for the first time since they had arrived at the Clinic.

"Sewer, she kept me in a sewer, chained to a thick pipe." said Alex as he touched his neck in phantom pain, one of the tightest chains had been wrapped around his neck.

"There was someone there with her, a man." said Alex as Deaton handed him a small white scrub top he could use to cover his upper body.

Thankfully before Kate had dropped him at the school she had put a pair of sweatpants on him.

"Did you see him?" asked Scott and Alex shook his head in the negative.

"No but she talked about him, said he was helping her, her partner in crime she called him." said Alex as he put the scrub on and held his stomach, he had healed but he still sore and tender.

"You need to get some rest Alex, between the broken bones, the lacerations and your caved in chest its a miracle you're alive at all."said Deaton gravely as he grabbed Alex's arm, who managed to hold in the flinch that time, and sat him back down on the table.

"Thanks doc. " said Alex as he sat at the table and rubbed his eyes and forehead, he was exhausted.

As he was rubbing his eyes he was wrapped from both sides in a hug, he tensed up and was about to react when he caught the scent of the people on him, Lydia and Malia. It took some effort but he managed to calm down.

"I'm fine guys, I promised." whispered Alex as he felt sort of awkward, he wasn't really used to being hugged by attractive girls, let alone two.

Stiles and Scott took that as an invitation to join in on the hug.

"Yep now its weird." thought Alex as he was hugged from all sides.

"Nothing to do but make it weirder." thought Alex with a mental grin.

"This is giving me the weirdest erection ever." said Alex from under all the people hugging him causing everyone, even the adults to laugh.

"So, what did I miss while being the werejaguar's punching bag?...also werejaguar? Really?" asked Alex curious, and apparently he head missed a lot, as the pack caught him up the adults moved back tot he waiting room to give them their privacy.

"Wait so Gared was a contract killer?" asked Alex shocked, who knew kids younger than him could become contract killers.

"I was tutoring him in Biology." said Alex remembering Gared owed him twenty dollars for the tutor job.

They also told him about the Deadpool, and the chemist.

"Shit so I missed the SAT's, damn it, all that wasted time studying." said Alex making fond smiles appeared of the members of the McCall pack, trust Alex to focus on that then on the mad scientist that tried to kill them with a engineered virus.

"Hey, how much am I worth?" asked Alex surprisingly eager. It was Stiles that answered him.

"Five million." said Stiles only to smile when Alex's face fell, unfortunately it wasn't for the reasons he thought.

"Only five? The what the hell?!, Scott's worth twenty, I'm an Alpha too you know!" said Alex with a pout at the slight from the Benefactor.

"Lydia's worth six." said Stiles causing Alex to grunt in disbelief.

"Six!, I'm way cooler than her," said Alex poking on the side only to get swatted by the Banshee in question.

"We also found out I'm Peter Hale's daughter." said Malia looking at Alex carefully to measure his reaction.

Alex just frowned at her for a few seconds before speaking.

"And Peter Hale is?" asked Alex having no clue who the man was.

"Is he famous?, I don't watch reality TV." said Alex shocking all of them, they were sure they had told him about how their supernatural lives started.

"No, he's the psychotic ex-Alpha that bit Scott, turned Lydia into a Banshee and killed a bunch of people." said Stiles vehemently as he spoke about the oldest Hale, Malia frowned at Stiles before looking back to see Alex's reaction.

He just shrugged before responding.

"Awesome, so you're now part of the Hale family, that must be cool, being part of an ancient Werewolf family...my family comes from Puerto Rico." said Alex disappointed he didn't have a cool family history like Malia did.

As usual his answer boggled everyone's mind.

"You don't care that my father's a crazed serial killer." asked Malia as he stared at him with wonder in her eyes.

"Why would I care that's he's your dad, I don't want to be besties with the man but he didn't do shit to me." said Alex as he yawned.

"But he's a killer." said Stiles angry that Alex wasn't taking it seriously, Alex just looked at Stiles before making his eyes glow.

"So am I Stiles, I didn't get these eyes by asking nicely." said Alex before he shrugged and stood from the table.

"Now, I'm tired and I need a ride to my abandoned building, who wants the honor." said a grinning Alex as he stretched his arms before wincing from the pain in his stomach.

"Don't think so buster, you're staying with me." said Lydia as she grabbed his arm and started pulling him out of the exam room, the rest of the pack close behind.

"Buster? What are you seventy." grunted Alex as she dragged him out of the clinic, he waved at the adults good bye as they left.

"Shut up." said Lydia as he forced him into her car before getting in on the drivers side, Malia quickly got into the backseat.

"Yes ma'am, hey can we at least stop by the building so I can get my stuff." asked Alex worried that someone had gotten and left with all his things.

"You mean your money and the letter to your mom?" asked Malia from the backseat with a small smile on her face. Alex made a sort of choking noise before he turned his head to look at Malia with wide eyes.

"How do you know that?" asked Alex stunned.

"You told us, asked us to mail the letter if you well...that, and told us we could keep the money." said Malia awkwardly refusing to say the word 'die'.

Alex winced as he shook his head, he sort of remembered that.

"I didn't say anything else embarrassing did I?" asked Alex looking at Lydia and she could understand what he really meant.

"I didn't profess my love for anyone did I?"

"Well, you complained about not being able to find out if Jon Snow ends up winning the Iron Throne." said Lydia silently reassuring him he hadn't said anything to Malia, Alex sighed in relief before looking at Lydia with a fond smile.

"It would suck to die not knowing how Game of Thrones ends." said Alex missing the winces on Lydia and Malia.

"Which by the way...he won't, Daenerys will be the one sitting on the Iron Throne." said Lydia with a grin on her face as she glanced at him. Alex just looked at her like she was crazy.

"As if, R+L= J woman, Jon's the future king." said Alex as he crossed his arms and glared at her.

"That's just a theory, plus Dany has dragons." said Lydia sticking her tongue out at him. Alex gave her a mock offended look before answering.

In the backseat Malia was amused by their banter even though she had no idea what they were talking about.

"Well Jon has a direwolf which is better." said Alex sticking his own tongue out at her.

"You're biased cause you can turn into a humongous wolf." said Lydia as she turned a corner street.

"Am not." said Alex like a small child crossing his arms and pouting at her.

"Guys...what's Game of Thrones?" asked Malia and Alex and Lydia were so shocked Lydia had to stop the car so they could both turned in their seats to look at Malia.

"Please tell me you're kidding." said Alex as he looked at her in wonder.

"No, I have no idea what you're talking about." said Malia worried she had missed something important.

"Lydia." said Alex without breaking eye contact with Malia.

"Yes, I know what you're going to say." said Lydia before Alex and her looked at each other and nodded their heads at the same time.

"Game of Thrones marathon." both said together as they turned around and Lydia started driving again.

After a quick stop at the abandoned building, Alex had been staying in, to grab his stuff, Alex, Lydia and Malia left for the Banshee's home to have a ten hour long GOT marathon

next chapter
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