Once in a while, the sky made Chung Myung sad.
The sky he was looking at right now, sitting next to Hyun Jong, was no different than the one he saw when he poured harsh words on Cheon Mun and turned away from him.
Chung Myung was occasionally confused.
Even though he came back to life and worked without blinking with an intense desire to survive, he continued to hide resentment within himself. Even if he wanted to escape, the stubborn resentment clung to him at unexpected moments.
Sometimes, when he woke up as usual, dressed as usual, and went outside, there were moments when the faces he saw were so unfamiliar that he trembled.
The unfamiliar faces were so familiar, yet so unfamiliar that even his own heart was helpless.
He lives in the present but still lingers in the past, and although he lived in the past, he is alone and disconnected from reality.
Why was he brought back to life? Why did it have to be like this?
Chung Myung, who had been staring blankly at the sky, slowly opened his mouth.
"…It's not because of Mount Hua, Sect Leader."
What would Chung Myung have answered if it were Cheon Mun? Chung Myung felt like he would know that answer. But he deliberately didn't recall it.
It wasn't the right time now. It wasn't the time to follow Cheon Mun's answer. It was time to give Chung Myung's answer.
He is Mount Hua's sword. He is a blade sharper than anyone else in cutting down Mount Hua's enemies.
But... at least in this place right now, he shouldn't be Mount Hua's sword.
He is Mount Hua's disciple, Mount Hua's ancestor, a follower, and a leader. And above all, he is just a person named Chung Myung.
Chung Myung calmly continued.
"What Mount Hua should protect, the reputation Mount Hua should achieve, and the spirit Mount Hua should continue... All of that…"
"At least to me, none of it is worth more than the life of one disciple."
He did not follow the answer that Cheon Mun might have given, but tried to find an answer within himself. The Mount Hua that Chung Myung saw, and all the thoughts he had.
It was a funny thing.
The answer he arrived at was no different from what Cheon Mun would have said.
Chung Myung muttered and chuckled.
- At first, there might have been such a thing.
"At first... yes, there might have been such a thing."
- But now, everything has worn away, and only one thing is left. Do you know what that is?
"But now, I think it's okay. There's only one thing left for me."
As Hyun Jong listened to Chung Myung's calm response, he asked quietly.
"What is it?"
Chung Myung's lips parted. Just like Cheon Mun that day.
- The future.
"The disciples of Mount Hua."
At that time, he couldn't understand what Cheon Mun meant by 'the future.' But now, even Chung Myung understood. For Cheon Mun, the future was the young disciples left behind in Mount Hua. For Cheon Mun, he had to protect them at any cost, sacrificing anything.
Chung Myung closed his eyes and said.
"Sect Leader said so."
Hyun Jong's question was not much different from the doubt he had in the past.
"Is the pride we gain from upholding righteousness more important than the days those children will have to live in the future?"
- Can what you gain fill the void of what you lost?
- I don't know what meaning there is in gaining something by losing something that shouldn't be lost.
Chung Myung had said that. And... he had also said harsh words that he shouldn't have said.
- I won't be able to accept this decision until the day I die.
Yes. That's how it was.
He couldn't accept it. Because he couldn't understand it. Because the world Cheon Mun saw and the world he saw were different.
But now, he had to answer.
The answer he couldn't give to Cheon Mun that day. The answer he can give to the present him as the Plum Blossom Sword Saint.
"If it's possible."
His true feelings that he never told anyone.
"...I also want to run away, Sect Leader."
Hyun Jong stared at Chung Myung in a daze for a moment.
He had become too emotional and poured out his words, but he never imagined that such words would come out of Chung Myung's mouth.
Chung Myung, who was different from anyone else, couldn't imagine it.
"If running away could solve the problem, if it was something I could avoid by running away, I'd want to go back to Mount Hua now, without looking back. I want to shut my eyes and ears right away."
"Because it's frightening."
Chung Myung's fingertips trembled.
"I'm scared, Sect Leader. I'm too scared. Those powerful beings, and the one who will come after them someday... that future... I'm terribly scared."
"Chung Myung..."
"But what's even scarier..."
Chung Myung bit his lip.
"Is that I, without protecting anything, will have to face everyone's death, with my own eyes."
He had no idea when he would be able to escape from that nightmare.
That day everyone he tried to protect died at the hands of Heavenly Demon. The nightmare where only he survived and screamed at Heavenly Demon.
His recent nightmares have become even more terrifying.
Everyone dies at Heavenly Demon's hands when he visits Mount Hua. Hyun Jong, Hyun Young, Hyun Sang. Baek Cheon, Yoo Iseol, Yoon Jong, Jo Gol. Hye Yeon and Tang Soso.
Their lives crumbled in front of that evil. His bloodied hands couldn't protect anything.
Yes. Again.
When he woke up screaming, the air against his face was too cold until the sun rose. He trembled until the sun came up.
How could he not be scared?
He was afraid again because he worried that his dream would become reality, and he would lose everything powerlessly.
"You asked why we had to fight."
"Because there are things we have to protect."
When he closed his eyes, it seemed like Cheon Mun was smiling at him. An expression mixed with concern and a calm smile. A face that Chung Myung knew, but at the same time, didn't know.
"If it's something no one else can do, you have to do it yourself. If no one else will protect you, you have to protect yourself. It's not because it's Mount Hua."
"It's because it's me, Sect Leader."
Hyun Jong nodded. What should he say in response to this?
Chung Myung hesitated slightly before speaking.
"Not avoiding it might seem foolish. There will be times when it seems as if you're not being quick-witted and that you're being foolish. But... with time, you come to realize that the path of the seemingly foolish 'fool' is actually the quickest."
Has he changed? Well, he's not sure yet.
Chung Myung only understands now. That he has found it.
He has found a reason to fight.
When he hears the word 'Demonic Sect,' his blood still boils. But now he knows. His anger is not just about seeking revenge for the past. It's about getting angry at the fact that they are once again going to steal what he's trying to protect.
Chung Myung clenched his teeth.
"I'm still scared, and I'm afraid. Crossing that river is more terrifying than jumping into a pit of fire."
"But...it's even scarier to sit down and wait for the inevitable to come. The ending I'd face one day because I failed to do what I should've done at this moment, the regret I'd feel at that moment...It's a hundred times scarier than that."
This time, it won't be taken away like before. Never.
That's why he had to go.
Hyun Jong slowly nodded. So many things were omitted from Chung Myung's story that it felt like chasing clouds. But he could understand what Chung Myung was trying to say.
Such things weren't only conveyed through words and logic.
"It's difficult, isn't it?"
"It's truly... truly difficult."
Hyun Jong's voice was filled with deep concern.
He still didn't know well. What was right and what was wrong.
But one thing was certain: he couldn't break Chung Myung's will. And then...
Right behind, Baek Cheon's voice could be heard.
"I say I have to go. It is my will."
Hyun Jong and Chung Myung looked back at Baek Cheon. Even under their gaze, Baek Cheon remained composed.
"In that case."
He raised his determined voice.
"You can't possibly stop me from heading across the river according to my will."
Baek Cheon shrugged his shoulders.
"Won't it be arrogant to shout that you're the only one qualified to protect Mount Hua's disciples?"
"That's correct."
"That's absolutely correct."
"Well, it's up to the third-class disciples."
Hearing this, Chung Myung asked in confusion.
"...No. You guys are the youngest disciples, what..."
"You're the youngest among the young, you brat."
When Jo Gol snapped, Baek Cheon patted his shoulder twice and continued speaking.
"I understand what you mean. You're saying that if you don't rush to Gangnam right now and do something, someday they'll become an unstoppable force, covering even Shaanxi."
"Then I'm going too."
"Listen carefully to what I'm saying, you foolish kid."
Baek Cheon firmly interrupted.
"It's not just you who can't stand waiting, sucking your thumb, hoping someone will protect you from behind."
Chung Myung was momentarily silenced, his mouth sealed shut. Baek Cheon continued.
"The reason I learned the sword is because I wanted to be the one protecting, not waiting for protection."
"If you want to fight according to your will, that's fine. Who am I to stop you? Instead!"
Baek Cheon's voice resounded like a flame in Chung Myung's chest.
"I will also choose to fight according to my will."
Everyone behind Baek Cheon nodded in agreement. Yoo Iseol, Yoon Jong, Jo Gol, and Tang Soso. Even Hye Yeon, who had been staying on the sidelines during the conversation, looked at Chung Myung with a determined expression.
While staring blankly at them, Chung Myung unknowingly nodded his head.
"... These chicks are determined..."
"If you want to stop us, then try to stop us."
With a deep sigh, Chung Myung slowly rose from his seat.
Baek Cheon instinctively placed his hand on his sword. Chung Myung probably believed that he could defeat them and head across the river alone.
However, Chung Myung merely turned his head to gaze at the river.
"Let's save the rest for later."
"Because a guest has arrived."
At his words, everyone stared towards the river. In the depths of the dark night, a small boat appeared in the middle of the river. It was approaching them at a slow pace.
Chung Myung muttered to himself.
"Even though he's too annoying to be called a 'guest'... I guess we should at least listen to what he says. Let's hear it and then make a decision. Should we tear that snout of his apart, or..."
Baek Cheon's expression hardened.
Now, it was clearly visible in his eyes.
A boat floating on the dark, ink-like river, with vivid and red clothing fluttering above it. It seemed like the only vivid thing in the whole world.
"...Jang Ilso."
Baek Cheon muttered as if in pain.
Chung Myung stared at the approaching Jang Ilso with a cold gaze.