"Sadaharu-san we have to talk!" Spoke the big breasted girl as she slammed both hands on my table and glared at me as if I had kicked her puppy.
It had been almost a week now since we had dealt with professor Kuroki and Shiraha-san was still not coming to class, Kenta was also acting somewhat distant and focusing almost completely in his new girlfriend who seemed to become very demanding but Ginta himself had refused to talk to me again, from the looks of it he had also been refusing to speak with his other friends too.
"Tomoe right?" I asked the girl a little uncertainty, she was one of Ginta's distant friends and he barely spoke of her at all nowadays.
"Right now come on!'' She grabbed me by the arm and started to drag me away from the classroom. I looked around in search of help but only received a thumbs up from Kakushi-san dammit, traitors all of them!
Slamming me against a wall Tomoe smashed a hand at the side of my head and tried to seem threatening but had to stay in the tip of her toes just to keep her arm above my shoulder, I smiled so she kicked me in the shin and nodded in satisfaction when I bent down to let her sean over me.
"What did you to Setsuna-chan and Gin-san?" she demanded quivering with rage "Gin-san was speaking with you and next day They're both skipping classes and Setsuna-chan didn't come back"
"Yeah…. I don't think its my place to tell you really" I said while scratching th back of my head in frustration
"So you DO know what happened!" She said, "I knew it was your fault!"
Well, she wasn't exactly wrong, without me Ginta wouldn't have found out about the problem Shiraha would still be that asshole's plaything and everyone would have kept acting as if everything was alright until someone died or got pregnant and everything blew up in their faces… or both
"Ah, I'm not just gonna take the blame for…"
"Shut up!" she pointed a finger at my nose and glared at me stopping me every time I tried to justify myself until I just gave up "You messed this up you have two days to fix it or else!"
"Hey its not my…"
"OR ELSE!" she screamed at my face before turning around and walking away with her nose in the air, the girl wasn't playing around after all.
Looking back towards my classroom I saw half the class hanging from the door and trying to act innocent while the other half was snickering at me, as shameful it had been I had no desire to finish attending class so I just left, one of the bodyguards always hanging around the school would get my backpack.
It's not like I was scared of a high school girl half my actual age AND size but she did have it right, enough was enough It was time Ginta started acting like a guy.
Bursting into Ginta's class while the teacher was still absent I took Tomoe's example and dragged him away from the room by the arm "Come on enough messing around"
"What are you doing?" Ginta whispered angrily
"Getting this resolved once and of all" I told him "we're going to Shiraha-san's house"
"Wait what? We can't do that!"
"I'm doing it" putting his body in front of me I continued to push him forward "Why the hell are you even here in class instead of with her?"
"Fuck I'm giving her space alright" he cursed me and finally managed to stop and turn around
"So you're letting her think you're avoiding her too?" I knew I may be talking too much but I was about to force the issue and take the entire blame if it backfired "Come on man tell me the truth, does what she went through changes anything for you"
"Of course not but…" he seemed lost and frustrated "Fuck man I just don't want to force the issue now"
"Have you told her that? Come on man we're visiting her and you're gonna finally confess like we have been telling you to do for an entire year"
"i can't confess are you out of your mind!" I swear he almost punched me then "After what she just went trough the last thing she could want was for me to confess!"
"Look I'm not telling you to have sex or even kiss her, give her as much time as she wants but I'm always telling you the girl likes you" I told him and took the opportunity when he was stunned to start pushing him again "maybe if she knew you were there with her it may help"
"You really think so?" he asked and there was finally hope in his eyes
"Yeah man, just go there and tell her you'll always be there no matter what, show some support, tell her she isn't dirty or anything like that you know… be a decent human being"
I called a car and made sure we drove towards Shiraha's house pushing Ginta towards the door but refusing to go with him, instead I just stood with my back against the car and enhanced my hearing as much as I could before setting down to wait and see if he was gonna get kicked out, when I started hearing Shiraha's crying and he wasn't thrown away from the house I relaxed and decided to just walk home so I could breathe some air.
The entire ordeal may be over but it still left me with a bad taste in my mouth and my contacts still hadn't been able to find that damn Obata or Ogata despite how few black man were in Japan, not as few as 5 years ago since there were a lot of immigrants from some SS class supers clashing in Africa, but still rare nowadays.
Turning a corner I caught sign of an extremely beautiful, short haired woman trying to carry what seemed like too heavy grocery bags, she wore thin, delicate glasses, a short skirt and a normal black shirt which was big enough to allow her probably F cup breasts to fit inside, she was slightly smaller than me and seemed to be around 25 to 30 years old.
At first I wasn't going to stop my walk but… well we seemed to be going the same way and the woman was having a lot of trouble with the bags, sweat starting to accumulate on her exposed neck to the point she had to release the bags and straighten her back once pushing her large breasts against the shirt in a very interesting way.
plus she was a very Hot woman and I was a teenager.
"Hey can I help you?" I stopped by and motioned towards the bags on the ground with my head.
"Thank you young man but shouldn't you be in school right now?" the woman said but she didn't seem angry, her eyes were smiling at me so I just bent down and started gathering the bags.
"I'm kinda helping a friend with his love life so we skipped it for a day" I confessed and the woman released a chuckle.
"Ah to be young" she mused and lead the way now that she didn't have to carry any more bags, "I think my daughter must be about your age too"
"No way, you can't be older than 30 ma'am"
"Flattery will get you nowhere young man" she joked and winked at me "I'll have you know this old woman already has 3 daughters"
We turned another corner and the woman was already searching for her keys, then she started cleaning the sweat away from her neck and the top of her large breasts causing them to giggle with the same elasticity of a 15 years old, she pulled the shirt away almost letting me catch a glimpse of her nipple, I gulped and had to adjust my boxers as my cock gave a twitch, she must have caught me looking because she gave me a smirk.
"Anyways come in, you must be tired from walking in this sun"
"No thanks ma'am" I refused not wanting to impose on the woman no matter how sympathetic she seemed.
"Come on, at least let me give you some water?"
I looked at her face and saw she was still smiling brightly then I considered, I was getting thirsty and without classes I didn't have anything too urgent to do anyway "Alright thanks"
"Great, what's your name again?"
"Saionji Sadaharu Ma'am" I replied and walked inside releasing the bags at the kitchen table.
"Ah, I'm Souma Mitsuko and no more of this Ma'am with you Sadaharu-san" she told me before starting unpacking "Despite what I said it's making me feel too old"
I just smiled at her, the woman didn't seem old in any way, shape or form, instead of water the woman started brewing a cup of coffee, I didn't complain.
Sitting down at the sofa she poured a mug of coffee to both of us and smiled "It's good to see such well educated young man still exists in this city, you don't mind if I get a little more comfortable do you?"
"Not at all Souma-sama" I told her and took a sip of coffee, then almost spit it out.
Kicking her hells away she slowly lifted one of her long legs and started pulling off her black knee socks making sure I saw it all, she rolled the sock down her small feet and started again on the other leg.
Then she turned and laid both naked legs on top of my lap and released a sight "Much better right?"
I swallowed as I looked down at her pearly white legs then her face… wait a moment souma? Shit I knew that name from before, I had even paid homage to her family many times, I immediately started to get hard under her feet and she laughed "Ahem… sorry"
"Don't worry I'm flattered to see an old lady like me can still attract such a handsome man" she told me in a husky voice while both her feet's started massaging my increasingly hard member with incredible skill.
"Shit" I whispered under my breath as the woman just took of her shirt revealing she had not been wearing her bra, her breasts were full and heavy with hard pink nipples pointing upwards, her hourglass figure was natural.
Her hands traced her body cupping her full breasts briefly before running down her belly to fall on her hips drawing my eyes to her exposed g-string underwear unable to cover her pubic hair and barely hiding her entrance, then she pushed the thin piece of fabric aside and revealed the already soaked lips of her pussy, caressing around her own mold she lifted one of her hands to her mouth and liked her index and middle finger coating them with a generous amount of spit before pushing them inside herself "Hmmm… not bad"
At the same time as she started masturbating one of her feet continued to caress my hard on while the other managed to grab on the zipper of my pants and was drawing it down slowly, unable to hold back any longer I took of my own shirt before grabbing her legs and using them to push her back against the sofa.
"Oh my, did I push you a little too hard now?" She laughed my way while pulling her knees closer to her body.
I took the opportunity to grab her ass and pull down her remaining clothes, throwing them away in a hurry before getting rid of my own pants and underwear.
"you have no Idea" I told her while concentrating on my cock making it a little bigger and wider, alright a lot bigger, I had no doubt she would appreciate it, then I remember who I was about to have sex with… "Fuck do you have a condom?"
She just laughed at my frustrated face before stretching her entire body pushing her great ass against my hard cock and twisting it around until she reached the drawer on the corner table besides the sofa and pulling out a long, very long, string of large condoms before opening one up with her mouth, then she opened her knees and finally saw me.
"Oh… my that's REALLY impressive" she grabbed my cock with one hand and gave it a few pumps before looking at the condom "Is it even gonna fit?"
It did.
Grabbing both of her legs I put them on my shoulders and made sure she could see my now 26 centimeters long cock as I put its head against her entrance and started leaning down driving it inside slowly making both of us release groans of pleasure until I actually bottomed inside her body.
Fuck she couldn't be human.
leaning down on top of her I drove her ankles down on her shoulders until she was almost folded in half before I started pulling out of her warm folds "Fuck that's…hmm… good" then I started pounding her hard and fast almost as if I wanted to drive her body through the sofa completely
"Hmm… ah… ahg… harder… HARDER!" she started screaming as I fucked her, then she started playing with her own clit while pushing one of her large breasts up until she managed to bit down on her own nipples her eyes maddened with lust.
We fucked like mad as I released all my frustrations on her body, using all my anger and rage to punish her body and she screamed and squirmed with pleasure actually reaching two orgasms that made her scream with pleasure and demand I fuck her harder
Covered in sweat and panting I drove myself as deep as I could and released my seed inside the mature woman the muscles of my back taunt and her feet actually touching the sofa behind her ears, then I released her and sat back down taking my cock out of her well used hole.
Pinching the condom at the base I pulled it off my softening cock and prepared to tie it closed when the woman attacked me, jumping on top of my body and driving her tongue inside my mouth with frantic movements, we kissed like desperate lovers for almost five minutes before she pulled back holding the filled condom on her hand, putting the base in her mouth she squeezed my come out of the condom and down her own throat "Hmm… delicious"
She licked her lips and gazed at me still filled with lust, my cock twitched and started coming alive again so she pushed my back against the sofa and mounted me, a second condom already on her hand "Come on young man, you're not gonna lose to an old lady like me right?"
Grabbing my cold coffee I drained the mug down to water my throat and grabbed at her waist "No, not gonna lose"
"Good" She told me and impaled herself on my cock once again.
Three hours later I was exhausted despite the improvements I had made to my body, a stupid smile on my face as I left the souma house with messed up clothes and filled with hickeys, I had lost, there was no doubt I had lost the battle but god what a fight it was… what a fight.
"Bye Sadaharu-san" Waved Souma from her door looking well rested and her face pristine "Come back often"
Holy fuck and she wasn't even a super.
alright guys, the only original character I have used is the MC until now so I want to play a game.
if anyone can guess the name of seven mangas, animes and hentai that compose the world I'll write another 2 chapters