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63.63% Reincarnated into a hentai world / Chapter 12: Chapter 11

Bab 12: Chapter 11

Alright guys, since people don't read the author's notes I'll put it here.

I'm really, really sory for taking so long to post, for a week now I have been suferring from a strong migraine and even had to go to the doctor so I could get some heavier meds and didn't have the mind to write, plus I had to find a part time job.

It also didn't help that I was trying to squeeze a sex scece in this chapter and nothing seemed to fit or flow right.

As for the next update, I don't know when its coming, I'm NOT dropping this story but there are college to worry about and two new halloween writting contests with cash prizes I'll be trying for.

I'm almost sure I can't win then but I still have to try cuz... MONEY!

So, yeah, no sex in this chapter but next one will be heavy with it.


Twenty minutes and a change of clothes later I found Kinomi still working inside the student council room and approached the room at a steady pace.

Knocking on the door I poked my head inside "Hey Kinomi, want to walk home together?" Then I sniffed the air and frowned.

Erumi was glaring at me from behind her large glasses but I focused on her and felt my fingers starting to become claws.

Did she always smell like a non-human? I tried to remember if I had ever met the girl while one of my senses was so enhanced and relaxed a little.

I had always kept my personal senses just slightly above the average human before, not nearly enough to be able to register a difference in smells.

It could be that Erumi had always been a non-human in hiding and I had never noticed.

"Hi Saionji-san" Kinomi gave me a wide smile and started gathering her documents "I'd like that, yes"

"Sadaharu Saionji, I hear you have been skipping class" Erumi growled and pushed herself up "you better have a good reason to interrupt our work like this"

I was still suspicious so I started circling through my senses, I didn't recognize her smell but my heat vision was able to see she was a few degrees above the human normal.

Her body shape didn't change so she was humanoid and I didn't see any tail or extra appendage but her ears were far longer and sharper than a human.

I fully relaxed, since her real body had the exact same shape as the illusion she covered herself in it was unlikely she was a new infiltrator.

Well, well, well it seems our non-human discriminating school had an elf as student council president.

"Monda-san your work finished half an hour ago, I'm not interrupting anything"

"Humph, you better have a justification for missing class today" she adjusted her glasses but I swear I saw her peeking at my pants.

Wait a second… I think I read her hentai, isn't she the elf who was banished from her country for liking sex too much? Or was it for liking young boys?

Just how old was she anyway? It seems I have to put someone to watch her.

"I'll be leaving now Monda-san, thanks for the hard work" Kinomi bowed to the elf and started leaving.

"Thank you for the help Kinosaka-san I appreciate it" with a nod Erumi waved us away.

Putting an arm around Kinomi's back I kissed her feeling her body melt in my arms for a few seconds before she blushed and pushed me away.

I was almost about to turn the hallway when I heard the distinctive noise from something vibrating coming from inside the student council room.

Yep, she was definitely from a hentai.

We walked home together, Kinomi telling me about her day while I mostly listened and asked questions.

I also talked about Ginta and Kenta's new girlfriends and considered telling her about my own actions but still kept quiet for the moment, Kinomi may accept her sister's actions with father but talking about murdering people may be a little too far, I'd have to test the waters little by little.

Getting to the house Kinomi had to continue working as a maid, instructing Kanako on her duties and all that.

I offered to find her a different job now that we had sex but she refused telling me she liked working in the house and, now that I had a new maid, she wouldn't be so busy.

"What is it Saionji?" Kinomi finally asked, a hand tracing her hair and tucking a stand behind her ear.

I had been staring at her for a while now in thought and it had started to bother her it seems.

"Nothing… say Kinomi what are we exactly?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, what do you expect from me for now on?" I asked genuinely curious, we had sleepy together but I never really asked her out, were we sex friends? Dating?

Father would probably be fine with dating but he'd raise a fit if we got in a serious relationship, not that I cared.

I mean, do I even want a serious relationship? I really liked Kinomi but I don't think I want to be exclusive yet.

Laying her broom aside Kinomi thought about it for a second and sighed, almost as if she read my mind she answered "Saionji I don't expect you to be monogamous"

I lifted an eyebrow at that and she put an arm at her waist tapping her foot in exasperation "Saionji we grew up together and you didn't exactly hide your escapades, I didn't think a single night would change you"

"Guess not" I said and felt a wave of jealously wash over me "you want an open relationship then?"

"Ha, don't worry, contrary to you I have no interest in sleeping around" good, I was not sure I could keep myself from killing the dude if she did "but I have long accepted you're going to sleep with other girls, I'm not exactly happy about it but I don't mind"

Getting up I embraced her waist and drew her in, kissing her mouth, my tongue exploring hers for a few seconds before we parted trailing a string of spit between us "God, I like you"

"Get out" she beat a fist against my chest, her face completely red "You're disrupting my work get out!"

With a laugh I kissed her forehead and left feeling much lighter than before, I liked Kinomi far too much to enjoy hurting her by cheating.

In my room I checked how some of my investments were going and received a report from Osen telling me she found Misogy's office but the man had already vacated the building, taking any proof of his involvement with him.

She told me she'd try and get his trail but he seemed very professional so it was unlikely she'd get a clue.

I almost threw my phone away and my fingers dug little furrows in my desk, I really wanted to kill the bastard. Not only did he kill my targets before I could hurt them too much, he came after me personally.

I sent her the information about the super I killed in school and asked her to compile a document about the gangs in the city and their territory.

The more I thought about it the more I liked the idea of becoming the criminal leader for the city.

If I just acted as a vigilante every criminal would keep trying to fight me and, chances are, at least a few of them would fly under my radar but, if they were all working for me anyway…

Now if only I could catch the one kidnapping heroines too that would be great.

Crossing my hands against the back of my head I considered things, should I go out to hunt tonight?

Then I remembered my promise to Kenta and sighed, I really didn't feel like going.

Yeah I liked sex and the delinquent girl was very hot but, did I really want to have sex with her just to help Kenta? It felt too much like work.

In other circumstances I definitely wouldn't mind fucking her silly but going there to fuck her like it was an appointment, as if it was a job? It left a bad taste in my mouth.

"Yoh Kenta" I called him in my phone "about tonight…"

"Ah, don't worry I have everything ready" when I didn't reply he became worried "Saionji you're still coming right… right?"

"About that, I'm kind of going out with Kinomi now"

"Noooooooooooo, damnit I said you'd come, now she's gonna want me to do it ever more!"

"Heh, just say no man" I couldn't help but laugh.

"But then Aya-chan starts pouting at me and I can't resist"

"Oh noes, your girlfriend likes to have threesomes, the good kind of threesomes, what will you do" I mocked.

"Shut up" Kenta grew quiet for a few seconds then suddenly sighed "say, you still run every morning?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Since both you and Ginta bailed on me I'm gonna need to do some cardio if I want to survive"

"Snort fine, I'll pass by your house tomorrow before class so we can start running together, see you"

Turning off the call I sent a message to Ha-Jin saying I'd be going out and just jumped out the window.

Turning off the effect of the feather I felt my feet start to sink into the ground with every steep I took, my body quickly changing into a battle form, an armor of dense bone forming around me.

I changed my face until it looked more like a mask than anything else and climbed on top of a building, my claws digging into the wall with ease.

Standing at the edge of the six story building I changed my colors until I started to blend into the night and started to hunt.

By activating and deactivating the flying artifact I managed to make good time into the city, almost flying through the buildings and leaving almost no damage.

I'm pretty sure I could actually make some wings capable of flight but it would take quite some time experimenting and I just didn't feel like it right now.

Not for what was supposed to be an expensive and temporary solution.

Despite most of the city's underworld still being in hiding my improved senses saw too cases of thievery but I didn't interfere, in both cases the victim wasn't hurt and the criminal was still young.

I searched the entire downtown area and quite a few of the surroundings but there were no signs of any super, any of Misogy's goons or even a more serious crime.

Finally, four hours later, I decided I had to change my approach

Climbing on top of the tallest skyscraper I could see I stood on its edge while concentrating hard.

Creating an improved body was always easy for me, my power wanted to improve me in every way possible and it felt almost instinctive the way I incorporated new powers or improved existing ones.

In what I consider my true form and even my battle form I was improved in every way but I wasn't the best in any single aspect, it was always somewhat balanced.

I had the best possible senses without causing problems for my mobility or getting in each other way, not the best possible sense period.

Sacrificing mobility, my body's shape and my other senses I started improving my hearing, parts of my brain used for interpreting my other senses were changed and I even lost some control over my body.

My power fought me somewhat, always wanting to snap back into my original form but, after two or three minutes, I had changed enough to be unrecognizable as a human, I could also hear everything in dozens, even hundreds of blocks around me.

More than that I could process all the information I received quickly enough to use it.

Hundreds, then thousands, then hundreds of thousands of humans talking at the same time still almost overwhelmed me until I managed to filter the information somewhat.

Ignoring normal conversations I focused heavily on anyone talking about supers, Misogy, rape or the sound of fighting, even then I had to choose what to pay attention to and it took half an hour before I got the results I wanted.

There was only one problem; I found two incidents that required my attention.

Straight south I heard the sound of heavy gunfire and cries of pain, it almost seemed like a gang war had broken out and there was at least one woman involved, seeing as Mrs. Bullet was in the city it was not impossible it was her.

Southwest of that but quite a few kilometers away I could hear the sound of destruction and the roar of some kind of giant beast, there were a lot of crying and shouts of despair coming from that direction but the voices were mainly female.

Either the attack was at a female only building like a unisex school or the creature was killing all males, neither option seemed good.

Letting my power free I snapped back into my battle form and made my choice, I wouldn't have enough time to check both locations and some giant creature was both more likely to attract the attention of a super than some gangbangers, and more likely to be able to defeat said super.

More than that, I cared far more about young girls getting hurt than I did some gang war.

I still sent a message to Osen with the second location as I dashed through the city towards whatever monster was attacking.

Leaping from building to building I made sure to decrease my weight every time I was about to land so I didn't destroy anything and ran faster than a car towards my enemy, a smile creeping into my face despite myself as I thought about killing another monster.

It took me almost 10 minutes until I finally arrived at the scene of destruction, it was a suburban district with small but well maintained houses everywhere, or at least it used to be; now it looked like it had gotten hit by a missile.

There were destroyed houses everywhere and overturned or burning cars laying in the sidewalks, dead bodies filled the street and half of a man even rested on top of a roof, thrown there by whatever monster had went through them.

It quickly became obvious this wasn't the work of whoever had been kidnapping supers, they had never left so much evidence but the naked and disfigured female bodies laying around stopped me from turning around.

One of them had a cut off tentacle still inside her.

A roar of pain drew my attention back to the fight and I rushed in.

An enormous body came crashing down through the wooden house destroying most of it; it was twice the size of an elephant and probably just as heavy with dark, leathery skin.

The creature had the lower body looked like a giant slug while its upper body was that of an extremely fat and deformed man.

From its back sprouted dozens of large tentacles filled with exposed muscles and the remains of a second woman could still be seen speared through one of them, it didn't have any legs but righted itself with four obese arms before using them to drag itself forwards.

"EHE, EHEHEHE, YOU'RE MINE NOW" the demented creature said, it didn't scream but its voice was incredibly loud and caused me to wince in pain.

Fuck, it was a greater demon.

"Rhaaaaa!" a woman's voice screamed from outside of my vision.

The rage filled woman rushed the creature, she looked tiny, barely 1,60m with straight black hair that looked like it hadn't been combed for weeks, her skin was light grey and she had tattered fleshy wings at her back with a long tail growing from above her ass and ending in a sharp spike.

She was also completely naked and waving a huge sword on her hand.

The car sized blade bit deeply into the demon's hand but his flesh healed around it as the creature charged the girl, lifting her body by her sword and grabbing it with another hand before smashing her against the ground.

Then it lifted its body up revealing a giant snake like cock nearly as large as the girl herself and laughed. "EHEHEHEHEHE"

Fuck, I didn't know how I compared to a greater demon, I was pretty sure a lesser one wouldn't even give me a challenge, they were only slightly stronger than normal humans, but a greater one was a completely other beast.

How interesting, I wonder which piece of its body I should take as a trophy?

Extending my arm I let my bones grow into a huge blade, then I charged right in and cut off its cock in a single strike.

The beast released another roar and stumbled back releasing the girl, like a wild animal she hit the ground and pounced right back at the creature in all fours, faster than it could react she climbed its arm and ripped out her sword before starting to scream and stab it in the face.

Ok then.

Briefly I noticed the monster had an incredibly thick hide, to the point the girl was already having trouble stabbing at its face so I took the time it was distracted to hit it with my shoulder against its side as hard as I could, flipping the thing aside and revealing its softer belly.

Using my blade I cut it in one huge slash, opening a gash from its neck all the way to the tip of its tail and spilling its entrails all over the ground, a rotting scent spreading through the street.

Despite the wound the monster wasn't dead, it finally managed to grab the girl with a tentacle and throw her away before twisting around, its fat arms much, MUCH faster than I expected.

I tried to jump away but the creature grabbed my leg and dragged me closer before trying to bite me in half.

My bone armor held and I used my power to almost explode into bone spikes piercing his head and throat from the inside, one of my larger spikes even burst out of its forehead like a horn.

"AHHHHH!" with another scream the girl was back, she used her sword to cut at the monster neck right where my spikes had opened its skin and almost decapitated the thing.

Digging my clawed feet on the back of the creature's neck I grabbed its head and sent my own bone tipped tentacles to dig into the ground, then I pulled, my muscles bulging at the strain.

With a wet tearing noise the creature's head was ripped right off its body, I slipped out of its mouth and fell to the floor while absorbing back my tentacles.

Like a snake or a chicken the monster body continued to flail aimlessly around and the girl didn't seem inclined to stop attacking it, using her sword to cut it to pieces.

Looking at the head I saw the demon was still alive, from its fat head grew large spider-like legs, with another roar the demon tried to run away.

Turning the bones into my arm into a hammer I pounced on the thing and smashed it into the ground breaking its new legs and spilling its brains out against the asphalt.

Hundreds of small tentacles shot from the head like needles, I managed to react in time and blocked it with an arm, they pierced right through my bone armor and started twisting around my limb.

With disgust I noticed the tentacles looked like small cocks.

I retrieved almost all of the biomass on my arm leaving only a thin amount of bone and ripped it off, dropping it on top of the destroyed head.

Without a target the tentacles grew little mouths and actually consumed the bone before finally losing power and dying.

Wow, that was easier than I thought, now I just had to find a way to burn it with fire and everything was gold.

I sensed something rushing me from my back and had just enough time to dodge as a large sword smashed through my bone armor and bit deeply into my right shoulder but missing my head.

"What?" I said but the girl wasn't in a coherent mood and tried to rip my throat out with her own teeth.

Grabbing her I threw her away and, when she twisted in midair, hit the side of a house and jumped right back at me I grabbed her by the shoulder and tried to lock her arm behind her back.

The girl didn't stop, her naked body struggling under me until her arm actually broke; taking advantage of my surprise she smashed her head against my nose and tried to dig out my eyes.

"Enough!" I shouted and smashed her head against the asphalt until I felt her start losing strength.

Taking a few steps back I finally took a good look at the girl no, the woman.

She was about 20 and looked starved and exhausted, her ribs were showing and there were huge bags under her eyes, despite her strength nearly matching mine her limbs had barely any meat on them and even her lips were cracked as if she hadn't drank anything in days.

She had an innocent face that was twisted in both fear and rage as she struggled under me.

Damn she must have been much stronger than I thought if this was her power when barely alive.

"Demon" she whispered, her voice filled with hate as one of her trembling arms struggled to grab for her sword.

Well shit, I can see how she thought that, my battle form was never really kid friendly and the demon's abilities looked far too close to my biokinesis for comfort.

"No, not a demon, I'm human" I replied but, before I could explain further, her strength finally failed her and she passed out.

I sighed; kneeling over her I gently gathered her emaciated body in my arm and regrew my other one before calling Ha-Jin.

"Hello young master did you have any luck in your hunt?"

"Some, didn't find that asshole but I managed to kill a greater demon and rescue a damsel so I'd call it a good night."

"Another one?" Ha-Jin asked in amusement "Should I call for the clinic then?"

"Sure why not, they do have medical training and the equipment to restrain a super over there" I replied as I adjusted my hold so I wasn't hurting the girl's wounded wings, her tail wound itself around my arm and squeezed "Come on I need a ride, and call some of my goons so they can get rid of the demon's remains, wait no, bring it to Bai Xiaochun, maybe he can find some use for it"

Walking inside one of the destroyed houses I found a man bent over his little daughter and nodded at him trying to act like a superhero would "Hello civilian, the demon has been dealt with, please remain calm and inside your house"

"What?" he asked in utter confusion.

"Fuck it, demon is dead, police are coming, you have a blanket or shirt I can borrow?"

The father refused to abandon his little daughter but he did give me a blanked I could wrap around my new charity case.

Leaving the house through the hole in its walls I sat down on the grass and waited for Ha-Jin to arrive, I may not have found my super villain but killing a demon was still pretty satisfying.

CaptaoCav CaptaoCav

just a reminder, if you like my stile of writing I also have a danmachi and a DC fanfic I'm posting here.

dungeon delving is damn hard (danmachi) will be getting an update this week with at least 3k words.

next chapter
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