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65.95% reincarnated in akame ga kill / Chapter 31: kill the night

Bab 31: kill the night

Chapter 31 – Kill the Night

The dark blue night sky hung over the scene. The throngs of people surrounded [Name] and the battered Kasumi. Her amber eyes glistened with tears. [Name] wiped off the copious amount of blood and snot oozing from her nose as the swelling had already begun. [Name] wiped off the strings of bloody mucus on his armored thigh from his gloves. All [Name] could see was oranges and yellows as the bright lights emanating from the homes lit up the entire area.

[Name]: Everyone BACK IN THE YOUR HOMES!

He didn't yell it. He just deepened his voice and increased the volume only slightly. After which, the people did as they were told and filed into the comfort of their own homes.

[Name] reached down and picked up the semi-conscious girl.

[Name]: I'm taking her with me.

The three boys were the only ones on the streets now. He felt the sorrow dripping off from them as he began to walk away.

Bet: Into custody?

He asked with only concern. All the confidence he'd brought earlier that day had been shaved away.

[Name]: Yes.

Viot: I'm in need of further clarification. What do you intend to do with us?

The masked [Name] looked back, the stoic face of the mask unsettled the boys. They had no way to read [Name] in any way.

[Name]: Nothing. I'm going to leave you all here. I've gotten what I came for.

[Name] walked away. After a considerable amount of distance grew between them the red-haired boy shouted.

Bet: WAIT! I was the shadow too. I-I-We switched out every now and again! She didn't do it alone!

[Name] stopped walking. He briefly considered listening to the boy.

Teg: SHUT UP! He'll take you too!

Bet: I don't care! Let him!

Viot: Think this out very carefully. The rest of the kids back home needs all three of us, particularly you.

[Name] only kept walking. Completely ignoring the boy now. They had no relevance to him. There was no point in apprehending them as they know what he's capable of.

Bet: NO! Don't pick her! Pick me! Take me!

Bet had felt an incredibly powerful elbow wind him. The attack flew deep into his gut. It was his friend Teg. He said he held his stomach as he struggled to stand. Teg had then held onto him to restrain him. The Viot had to hold him back as well. The red-haired boy still struggled to get [Name]'s attention. Tears streamed down his face as he struggled to fight against his two best friends to save another friend, that he'll never see again.

Night – Imperial Palace Conference & War Room

The imperial war room was filled with every important imperial fighter. Faide, Syura, Izou, Budo, Law, Esdeath, other corporals, captains, and other lieutenants filled the entire room as both the Prime minister and the Emperor himself sat at the head of an extremely long table.

Emperor: I wanted to start off by saying that I am very pleased with the progress that you've all made.

All: Thank you, your majesty.

Honest: Yes, both of us are pleased with the progress. We've managed to push the revolution back at Tobashi, and several other locations thanks to our fine generals and soldiers alike. The summit went well and the rival nations haven't a clue that we're on the verge of obliterating the revolution and becoming the most powerful force on this globe. However, the revolution is still quite the issue as the Nightraid is still at large and they've proven to be quite illusive as of late.

Emperor: As of now, we can only assume that they're biding their time and waiting to strike.

Honest: Therefore, since it's totally implausible for them to be hiding within the walls of the capital we suspect that they are being harbored by the smaller tribes and villages. Therefore, investigations are in order for every single village within an imperial jurisdiction. If one of them is even suspected to harbor nightraid, they are to be eradicated. If the settlement is fruitful in resources then spare them, if not level it. Everyone will be deployed before the end of the week.

After giving the order and further addressing the state of the empire, the prime minister and emperor continued to lecture and decree.

Some Time Afterwards – Imperial Palace Main Foyer Room

[Name] had made his way from the police station to finish off his police report that he'd opened that morning. He did this after he'd dropped Kasumi off in the Capitol District's main hospital. She's assured good care there and [Name] knew that since the hospital was the richest in the entire empire.

[Name] had seen Wave and Run descending from the stairs. Noticing him as well they made their way over to him.

[Name]: Hey guys what's up?

Wave: Well, nothing other than a high-profile meeting that we weren't allowed into.

He said while folding his arms. He then gestured a thumb up to the ceiling, pointing to the upper room in which the meeting had taken place in. Run sighed.

Run: [Name], excuse Wave. He's still quite upset that we weren't allowed into the meeting. The higher-ups are going to begin the final campaign of the war and only the highest ranks were allowed.

[Name]: Final campaign? Did they find Nightraid?

Run: Not to my understanding, though it may be been possible.

Wave: You would think that if they had really important info that they would let us in on it. It's just weird to me that we're at war and they just pull rank on us like this.

Run: Wave, just trust me. The Jaegers are more than capable of doing what's asked of us, regardless who we fight; even the Nightraid. We may have lost Bols and Seryu but losses are to be expected in this line of work. Sorry to cut our conversation short, but I must be going.

Run had shaken both Wave and [Name]'s hand before he'd walked past them. [Name] and Wave had decided to walk around. The two had begun to travel around the extremely large building. The conversation had brought them to a higher floor of the building.

[Name]: Wave...Can I ask you something personal?

Wave: Yeah sure.

[Name]: Do you like being a Jaeger?

Wave didn't answer right away. He instead clenched his fists. He sighed as he'd looked out of a window that held a spectacular view of the entire empire. The city seemed endless, he looked at the cities three districts and then answered.

Wave: I don't dislike it you know? But I just wish that we'd help more people. When I signed up I felt more patriotic. But now not so much. Why?

[Name]: I asked that because I feel like some crazy things are going to go down for the empire. And when they do I want to know where your head is.

Wave: Well yeah, of course, things are gonna happen-

[Name]: I mean when it comes to allegiances.

Wave's looked away from [Name] and stood silent. The gears turned in his mind.

Wave: [Name], you don't mean.

[Name]: Wave-

Wave: I don't believe you're saying this.

He said while cupping his hands in his face.

[Name]: Listen to me!

Both of their heads darted towards the opposite direction. Esdeath had appeared and with her was Colonel Normandy. [Name] and Wave quickly changed the tune of the conversation, although Wave still did seem rather bothered.

They looked at the two women walked towards them. Esdeath however, had picked up speed. She then began running and she grinned. The grin turned into a smile that stretched from ear to ear as she neared [Name]. She couldn't contain her childlike excitement.

[Name] prepared himself with a deep breath as their bodies clashed! Esdeath wrapped her arms around [Name]'s neck and she did so firmly. Her long blue hair flew into [Name]'s face. The wonderful smell of her hair rushed to the back of [Name]'s nostrils. [Name] took his arms and wrapped them around Esdeath's hardened waists.

She released her tight grasp of [Name] though not letting the hug go. She instead kept him face to face with her. Her face flushed red and her smile bright.

[Name]: Hello General.

Esdeath: Private.

Wave: General, if there isn't anything you need from me I'll be going home.

Esdeath's expression went back to her normal composure.

Esdeath: Are you okay Wave?

She asked. She somehow noticed that he was unsettled even though he'd done everything he can to make it not seem so.

Wave: Nope, everything's fine. Goodnight guys.

He said while walking away with considerable speed. Esdeath knew that something had been wrong. Maybe he felt uncomfortable while she was pampering [Name] she thought. Normandy herself had only waved at [Name] and left just the same, leaving Esdeath and [Name] alone.

[Name]: Esdeath, the case is closed. I got the shadow.

Esdeath: That's good news.

[Name]: But I need something. The shadow was actually the girl who I had living with me months ago. Can you have her pardoned and let her live here?

[Name] felt that asking something like this would be turned down immediately. Esdeath was very adamant when it comes to keeping "peace" in the empire. What incentive would she have to pardon a lawbreaker like her? She had none.

Esdeath: Consider it done.

[Name]: Oh, come on Esdeath. I really- Wait really?

He said with a perplexed look on his face.

Esdeath: Of course, anyone who's dear to you has my protection by default. So as long as they aren't committing any infractions that is.

[Name]: Thank you Esdeath. This means a lot to me.

Esdeath: Anything for you.

She said in somewhat of a seductive tone. The whole conversation she hadn't let go of him. He tried to hold her hips a little to attempt to push her off but she didn't budge.

Esdeath: Just so you know, you'll have a lot to do tomorrow. You still are a mere private so you'll have to do "private" things just to get you in the swing of things.

[Name]: That's fine. I just want to make sure that I have time to see Kasumi in the hospital tomorrow.

Esdeath: Kasumi? Yes. . . .That is the girl I met before.

[Name]: You met her? When?!

Esdeath: It was some time ago. It was before I had the idea that you were the shadow. She followed me around and wanted some of the demon extracts I had bought.

[Name]: Really? So is the demon extracting you use the same thing as the one we buy?

Esdeath: No, the extract I drank was the one of legend. These others are simply products created through artificial means.

Esdeath still held onto him. At this point, [Name] rather annoyed at her for not letting go. Her body felt amazing against his but she just wouldn't let go.

[Name]: Wow, good to know okay. I have to go!

He tried to pry her arms from around his neck. Esdeath kept him steady and leaned in and whispered into his ear.

Esdeath: Come to bed with me.

She demanded, completely disregarding anything he'd just said. [Name] blushed immediately as her words tickled his ear. He gently tried to pry her off. He then tried to find an excuse to see if that worked.

[Name]: I still didn't finish the police report-

Esdeath: Nonsense. . . . Lie with me.

She released her grasp and grabbed his arms to drag him out into the staircase hallway. Quickly attempting to drag him back to their room. He tried to grab onto numerous things to hinder her movement but to no avail. No matter what happened he was still dragged off to her quarters.

Imperial Palace Esdeath's Quarters

Esdeath had swung [Name] into the room. As he gained his footing, she'd stood firm and slammed the door behind her. Both being sealed in the room, [Name] looked at the bathroom.

[Name]: I'll go and take a shower before bed.

Esdeath: That's fine, just know that I'll be joining you.

After around a half hour of [Name] attempting to clean himself. The reason for that was because Esdeath was trying to horseplay. [Name] hated that, Esdeath always played too rough when she was happy. She'd sometimes scratch him, and bite him quite hard among other things. She always took things that one unnecessary step further. He finally returned from the fog-filled bathroom.

With only his towel on, he reached the bed intending to pretend like he was sleep. However, he looked at her diary that lied on her vanity table. Intrigued, he decided to go over and open it up and read the contents of the book as he'd done before.

The most recent page was from earlier this morning. The page had read:

"The last night was wonderful. [Name] and I had a good deal of fun while bathing and we both slept quite well. The idea sounds silly, but when it happened; I had begun to feel like he truly loved me. He was smiling and laughing. He was so cute. Recently, I felt as though our connection was faltering no matter how hard I tried to save it. Perhaps my stern approach to scold him drew him towards me. Yes, it must've been it. This is a remarkable discovery. Harshly punishing him for disobeying me seems to be one of the only ways to garner a positive result from [Name]. He was more receptive to me this morning as well, as he took kindly to cleaning up his own mess through violence if necessary. Sadly though, he still doesn't seem to trust me. He intentionally neglected to explain to me the origin of the marking on the back of his neck. I'll go and research it myself rather than ask him as he'll more than likely create some poor lie. There should be more than enough time for me to prepare for the assembly later this evening. I'll just have to push back that lobotomy I had scheduled for that prisoner to make room for the research. "

Reading this nearly froze [Name]'s blood. Esdeath knew about his life seal. Which was bound to happen and the beast must've known that. When he placed it on [Name] he probably knew Esdeath had no way of finding out of his existence at all even if [Name] told her as she'd have no way to prove it. So that's nothing to worry about.

But [Name] read this and realized that through his compliance, that Kasumi will be helped and protected. Ever since he slaughtered his own people, [Name] searched for ways to redeem himself. He never truly lived down killing his own people and family in cold blood. Raising this girl who'd lost everything and helping save this empire will be the best way he can or so he thinks. Though as he thought about this he heard the doorknob turning.

He quickly put the book back down. And jumped onto the bed. Esdeath had emerged from the hot and steaming bathroom. Her long blue hair nearly curling as she swayed it back and forth. Her eyes finally settled on [Name].

Esdeath smiled and blushed as she walked towards the bed and settled herself next to [Name] on the bed.

[Name]: Hey Esdeath?

Esdeath: Hm?

She inched closer to [Name]'s face. Their faces now centimeters apart.

[Name]: I know that we talked about this before...But why did you just start liking me and not Tatsumi?

She didn't answer but instead, her actions did. She'd grabbed [Name]'s face and kissed him. Her kiss deep, and aggressive. [Name] fell backward unable to sit up, his head landing on the soft bed. Her kiss was inexperienced yet it was filled with passion.

[Name] only saw the bed curtains above, the kiss broken. Esdeath now hovered over him her still unexposed pale and pink breasts hanging over him. Esdeath had a lustful smile on her face. Saliva dripping freely from the side of her mouth. She looked primal. Her blue eyes dilated and seemingly glowed an evil blue.

Esdeath: I was hoping that you would answer that for me.

[Name] had finally had enough. To cement the relationship between himself and Esdeath, to solidify the bond they partially shared. This must happen. He was prepared to fulfill his promise to her.

next chapter
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