3rd POV
Kenta has been in the faculty office, trying to experience the life of a mathematician teacher.
"I guess teaching some immature teenagers indeed seems interesting despite their foolishness. I try to experience the new experience to see the world in a new light and expand my views and goals " Kenta muttered.
"Excuse me but is Mr.Kiyoshi There " A new student arrived at the faculty office.
"I believe the correct word you are looking for is 'professor' " Kenta told him.
"No need to call me 'professor' Mr. Kiyoshi, " The new student Kiba said, mocking Kenta.
But Kenta on the other hand is not an arrogant brute that annihilate his entire family, just because he insulted. Kenta is too calm and composed than that.
"What business do you have with me? " Kenta asked him.
"President Rias is asking you to come with me at the ORC? " Kiba answered him.
"The last time I remember, students come to teachers for help, not the other way around. Ask your Rias to come where I am. " Kenta said.
"I am afraid that can't happen. I need you to be with me right now " Kiba persisted strangely.
"You may leave now, Mr. Kiba " Kenta said ignoring Kiba's desperate attempts.
Kiba left in defeat. Kiba couldn't believe how he failed his master's order, Kiba felt like a failure.
3rd POV
Kenta is eating French fries which he purchased from Riser fried Chicken and Kenta begins sipping his tea until...
A certain red came into his office. Her name is Rias
"OI. How dare you refuse to come to my club? You dare refuse the order from a superior woman like myself....." Rias complained
"Are you courting death? Professor? " Rias said in a tone full of arrogance.
"PFFFT " Instead of being angry, Kenta just laughed.
"You haven't changed a bit, don't you...
Rias Bael.... " Kenta said.
"You have ruined it all, Daddy.
you are supposed to be angry at me " Rias said as she lunged into the arms of her father.
"Velenela spoiled you too much, How is sairaorg doing right? " Kenta asked her
"He is doing fine. But he is not as good as me " Rias said as she has begun to nuzzle inside her father's chest.
Rias is a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous body, white skin, blue eyes inherited from her father, Kenta, and a buxom figure from her mother.
Her most distinctive feature is her long, beautiful crimson hair which she also inherited from her father, that reaches down to her thighs with a single hair strand sticking out from the top. Her hair also has loose bangs covering her forehead and side bangs framing her face. Rias' height is 172 cm.
"Daddy how are babies born again...Mommy always evades the question when I ask her. " Rias asked Kenta with an innocent expression.
"They come out when a girl and a boy kiss together," Kenta said.
Then Rias tried to forcefully kiss her father so she can make a baby from him but Kenta stopped her.
"Incest...Really " Kenta said surprised by her too much affection.
"Mommy said it's more about keeping the bloodline pure, " Rias said with a mischievous smile on her face.
"You are probably the weakest out of all my children. But still strong enough to take Sairaorg. Can't say I am proud of you "Kenta said.
Despite Rias being the weakest, Kenta gave her equal treatment as he has for his children. As Kenta has decided to give them equal opportunities to succeed.
Rias is not a bad child. There is nothing wrong with her, but she is not just up to Kenta's standards. She is proud of her family's name, but she does not like being seen as Rias of the Bael Family. She likes to be Kenta's daddy girl and is more interested in his own legacy than her mother.
Everyone sees her as Rias, not as a Devil or as the Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess. Due to this and the fact that the only men who showed interest in her were interested in her due to being the Heiress of the House of Bael, Rias soured on the idea of finding a lover, until she has thought of the possibility of marrying her own father to stop that, the idea which Kenta is not very fond of.
"Hello, Sensei~ I am here for private tuition" Akeno arrived by sheer coincidence.
"Grrr~ Go away Akeno. Find some other teacher" Rias pouted while holding Kenta's arm with an embarrassed expression on her face
She thinks of her father as a special person and always gets jealous when girls are around him, becoming a totally different person when she sees him and other girls together, or when it comes to their own personal training.
"Oh! Sorry to say this. But Kiyoshi Sensei is my favorite sensei. I don't like having any other teacher than him " Akeno declared
Despite her mature stature like a woman, Rias tends to act her true age and becomes frustrated whenever girls flirt with her father. Which happens often.
"Can't you see we are having father-daughter bonding right now, Akeno? JUST LEAVE " Rias begged her
While Rias is usually calm and mature in most situations, she loses her mature aura and presence when she sees any girl (especially Akeno) flirting with or seducing Her father.
"Stop behaving like kids you are teenagers so behave like one... And not the love-sick high school girl types " Kenta told them.
Rias is competitive and hates to lose, especially after losing her first Rating Game against Sairarog as she strives to always win, whether it is in sports or Rating Games. Which proved her resolve as she succeeded to beat Sairarog in the rematch they had.
"Oh! There is a boy I have an eye on " Rias tried another tactic.
"I don't care Rias. And pretending to have a boyfriend doesn't make me feel possessive of you " Kenta said seeing through Rias's whole plan.
"Oh! Crap I got found out " Rias sighed in defeat.
"So sensei~ Private tutions~ " Akeno suggested.
"I fix the date Shimejima. No more questions asked and no answers given. " Kenta said as he left the office intending to take a short break.
I think you might like this scenario. And nothing you have excepted has happened right.
Even thought Kenta is so op. It won't be a boring story.