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83.33% Redemption - The Prince Rising / Chapter 15: More Questions Than Answers

Bab 15: More Questions Than Answers

Severus was stiffened by the embrace of the woman; he felt uncomfortable by her touch and emotion. He didn't know what to do, the only thing he did know was that he wanted to get away from her. But he was still too stunned to physically react.

As his mind started to think again, it slowly dawned on him that she was recognizing his physical appearance due to Eileen's. Or the slightly improved form of Severus Prince now. It was starting to get confusing with how little focus he had. He wasn't even sixteen yet and he's already going by a third identity.

Then his eyes widened at a realization.

If she was able to recognize him as Eric in his Severus form, then she knew more than he did about that night. About his parents. About him.

The woman pulled away slightly, keeping her hands on his shoulders, tears running down her face.

It was too much for Severus. He'd rather deal with Lily or the Marauders- Nope, this was definitely better!

"Eric!" she said once again, this time in a more controlled voice. "How- how are you here? I saw the house in flames. Your uncle said that you died in the fire."

"Wait," he removed her hands from his shoulders, surprising and saddening her. "Uncle? Do you mean Maximilian?"

She shook her head, "No, I was speaking of De- Wait!"

Without warning her eyes darkened and she pulled away, taking out her wand.

"How do I know you're not an imposter trying to get to them?!"

Severus almost used his wand to attack but he stopped himself, remaining in control.

"The short version, Eileen erased my memories, but I recently regained some of them. When I wrote to her about them, she provided memories for me to look into."

Her serious demeanor didn't change, "And where is Eileen now? Why isn't she with you?"

Severus paused, daring not to swallow or show any kind of vulnerability, "She's dead. She left vials of her memories before she passed."

Shock filled Beverly's expression, she began to tear up, slightly lowering her wand before regaining focus, "How?"

"Tobias killed her."

Choking back a sob, she shook her head, "If- if you are indeed Eric, then where is Michael? Did he survive?"

He paused, unsure how to answer, "From what I was able to find out, he's safe, but only I am aware. And for his safety, I would like to keep it that way."

The woman sighed in relief and nodded, finally lowering her wand, "At least your mother's wish was honored. Let's take this inside."

Severus kept his wand ready, "Before I make myself vulnerable to you in return, who are you?"

Beverely seemed pained by the fact that he didn't seem to remember, but she also seemed to hold an understanding for why, "My name is Melina Beverly. I was the midwife in service to your parents."

Turning away, she climbed the steps of her porch to her door and walked inside.

Severus sneered as he entered the house and found the woman setting up the small table in the living room, with cups of tea and sandwiches currently being made by magical means.

"I made your favorite," she said while taking her seat, "peanut butter and jelly."

Severus frowned, 'I loved peanut butter and jelly?'

Forcing himself to be on his best behavior, he nodded and took a seat, "Thank you."

Melina smiled as she took her tea and began to drink, "I'm sorry for earlier. I've been... a little anxious of outsiders since that night. But it is good to see you again, Eric. Or do you prefer to be called Severus for now on?"

Severus cleared his throat, "Just to be safe, call me Severus. And not to be rude but I'm here to get some answers. More specifically… about my parents."

Melina froze, sadness replacing her small smile.

"You wish to know about that night."

"And what lead up to it."

She sighed, "I guess the best way to begin is to start with me and how I know your parents."

Melina drank from her tea again before starting, "I was born to a member of a very powerful pureblood family in France in the 1940s, but I was considered illegitimate, so I was forced into adoption not long after I was born. A family here raised me, and I was allowed to go Beauxbatons, where I graduated with the degrees to open my own Healer business. Being more off the books allowed me to be more discreet, which attracted all sorts of people."

"That's how you met my parents."

Melina nodded, "Through your mother, actually. Your father came later. Your mother and aunt were clearly on the run from someone, but I never asked."

Severus betrayed no emotion or expression.

"I met your mother and aunt when they came to Spain. Eileen needed me to sterilize her… womb. I have a few ideas as to why, though she never said."

Severus was shocked by this, but he dared not to show it, "You used dark magic."

She nodded again, "Like I said, my business comes with certain benefits that others would find questionable."

Silence followed.

"Afterward, we became friends, which was one of my rules as a Healer that I broke. I always tried to keep a professional attitude with my clients. But for Eileen and Michelle, I couldn't help myself. That mother of yours was a party girl. She just lit up the room no matter where she went. And she refused to let anyone treat her badly, in any way."

Severus felt jealous about how she could recall his mother, when he didn't have any memories of his own to draw from, except for that night. The only memories he did have were Eileen's, but they weren't truly his.

"Not long after, the girls eventually met their respective husbands. Eileen wasn't around as much, having moved to London with Tobias and eventually marry him," the way she said his name wasn't lost on him. He almost smiled. "But Michelle and William had decided to stay in Spain, having fallen in love with the countryside by the sea here. I was happy about that. It meant that I could keep Michelle around."

Severus remained silent as he listened, he felt angry. He felt cheated. He felt… sad. A life he had always wanted, which he would never admit, and he couldn't even remember it. Not that it would have been possible. A life that was taken away because of one night.

"Six years went by and everything was as normal it ever was. Becoming parents changed your mother and father for the better."

Severus couldn't help but finally let his smile show.

"But that all changed ten years ago."

Severus perked up, though he hid his excitement.

"I knew that your mother and father were planning to leave the country. They told me of their plans and that they were going to have to go off-the-grid. I knew that it meant I wouldn't see them again for a long time. Or if ever."

Sadness filled her voice.

"But that night… I awoke to loud sounds in the distance, and I came out to see fire in the distance. So, I ran in the dead of night and found the house on the fire. I tried to get close, but the fire was too severe, and the house had already collapsed.

"And then… your uncle arrived."

Silence followed.

Severus' mind felt disoriented as his mouth hung open. He felt like had been hit by a boggart. He couldn't make out his surroundings, nor could he realize that wasn't able to. He tried to reason that she was talking about David, but he knew he wasn't there. There was no way. Then he remembered Eileen's memories, one in particular.

"One of Eileen's memories showed a man who was there when I was born, but it wasn't Maximilian."

"Maximilian?" Melina asked, frowning.

Severus shook his head, berating himself for not realizing that she didn't know, "Maximilian is Eileen and Michelle's brother. And as a matter of fact, Michelle wasn't my mother's birth name, it was Helena Prince."

Her mouth dropped, "Wait... they were the missing Prince children?!"

Nodding, he continued, "Helena- or Michelle ran away with Eileen not long after Maximilian fled. Their father was the one chasing after them. His abusive and controlling nature was the reason."

Melina sighed, "Yeah, that'll do it. And I'm not surprised they didn't tell me, nor do I blame them. I knew they had secrets. Especially when it came to the Connor brothers."

He saw his moment to bring it back around, "Speaking of... what about my uncle? The name that popped up in Eileen's memories was Derek."

Melina nodded, "Yes. Derek was William's older brother."

Unable to remain still, Severus rose from his seat and began to pace around.

'I have another uncle?!'

His mind was running wild, and it was affecting every part of him.

"But… if that's the case… why hadn't he ever come for me?" his heart was conflicted. He felt amazed by the discovery and the hurt by the questions that came with it.

Melina shrugged, "I don't know. He only arrived after the house had collapsed in the fire. Michelle and William were already dead. He remained by my side for a little while before heading out to find Eileen back in London. When he came back, he only told me that you and Michael were dead, and that I was to never speak of that night ever again."

Severus began to shake, tears forming as he struggled to control himself.

"Did he lie to you?" he asked.

"I don't know. If he did, it was most likely to protect all of us. But the way how he spoke, it was almost like he believed it. Maybe it was Eileen who lied to him."

"Then how come she didn't show me that Derek is my uncle in her memories?!" anger began to rise within him as he questioned just how much Eileen was trying to keep from him. If she ever even intended to tell him.

"I highly doubt that Eileen would have been able to tell you the entire story in her memories. Or maybe she wished to keep you from pursuing him by not telling you. But I do not know for sure."

Suddenly, Severus' mind began to fail him, as he grew more disorientated. His sight began to darken, and he barely felt the ground rush up to greet him, nor the pain that came with it. Before his eyes closed, he could hear Melina shouting out to him.



Darkness filled his surroundings as he struggled to regain focus. He felt powerless and disorientated as his own body refused to obey him.

Then, everything changed around him, the darkness receding as he was suddenly back in the Snape household, one that was far better looking than how it would turn out ten years later.

"You need to take him!" a woman's voice echoed from behind him.

He turned and saw a woman and a man in the shadows of the hallway.

"I'm not leaving without you!" the man touched the woman's arm. "If he's coming, then so are you t-"

"Just do it!"


He walked closer and the shroud of the darkness lifted, revealing the faces of Eileen and Maximilian.

It quickly dawned on Severus that he was witnessing the memory that Eileen accidentally showed bits and pieces of from the vials. Except now, it was from his perspective.

"Max, just take him and go!"

Maximilian's younger face softened, letting go of her shoulder.

There was a knock at the door, making the two flinch as they looked toward the door. Eileen walked over and opened it, slightly. She gasped and quickly closed it.

"Everything fine?" Max asked, worry in his voice as he reached for his wand.

Eileen turned to him and nodded, "I'll be right back. Just a neighbor." She opened the door just enough for her to leave, without showing the man behind it.

Max sighed as he turned to living room, seeing a kid on the couch, hugging a crocodile pillow tightly to his chest. Sighing, he walked on over to the boy, sitting down next to him.

Severus looked towards the door and walked on over to it, turning the knob to look outside.

"You need to leave!" growled Eileen.

"Let me take them-"

She glared at the mysterious man, "You're not listening!"

Severus tried to get a better look at him, intrigued by his white hair.

"I may not know what happened, but I know it was because of you that they are dead! William was fine being retired from… whatever it was that you two did!"

"I know and I'm sorry!" tears rolled down the man's face. "I wish… I wish I hadn't asked him…" He wiped the tears away, his face turning serious. "None of it matters now! What matters is that th-"

"They're dead, Derek!" she exclaimed.

"I know they're dead-"

"No, I mean all of them are dead!"

Derek was silent, his face softening as her words sunk in, "What?"

"I was there, Derek! I watched them kill my sister and I watched the house collapse before I could get to them!" Tears fell from her chin, her face soaked and her eyes red. "The kids are gone too!"

Derek didn't reply, he didn't even appear to hear her words.

"Go search the rubble!" she shouted. "See for yourself!"

When he refused to move, she shoved him, nearly making him fall.

"As much as I want to blame William, I know I would have done the same if my sister asked! So, no, I blame you and whatever those damn 'shadows' are! Just leave and never come back!"

Derek's face was wet with tears as he stood there, watching as she turned and walked back into the house, nearly bumping into Severus.

Severus tried to get a better look at him, but the door slammed shut as Eileen stared at him in shock.

"What- how much did you hear?!" she demanded.


Slowly, the darkness receded, and light began to fill his vision, wakening him from his slumber. Taking in his surroundings as he came to, he realized that he was lying on a couch and that it was now nighttime. It slowly came back to him that he was still at Beverly's place.

"Drink this."

He turned to the source and saw Melina, who was sitting in a chair not far from the couch. In her hand was a glass of water, with some potions mixed in. Although suspicious, he knew that if she wanted him dead or captured, he wouldn't have been on the couch. He took the water and began to drink.

"What happened?"

"You fainted on the spot. Been out for five hours."

She took the glass from him, retreating to the sink to wash it. 

"My best guess is that our conversation overwhelmed you."

Severus sighed, "It wasn't just that. I managed to unlock another memory. Not since-" he paused, his heart sinking just thinking about the Lake and what his former classmates did to him. "... It's the third time that I've managed to recover memories of own that are not Eileen's. But I can tell there's more."

Melina returned to her seat, watching him with sympathy.

"Despite the trauma that has helped you in recovering some of them, I highly doubt all of your memories will be found. Especially when they are from that of a six-year-old, and that's before she wiped your memories."

"How did you figure that?" he asked.

She shrugged, "Well, you're here trying to learn about your past, it makes logical sense what the reason would be."

She studied him over, a thought coming to mind.

"It's about to find soon. But we have enough time to go to the ground of where your childhood home once stood."

Severus stared at her from the couch, "It's nearby?"

"Yes," she was already at the door. "Come, before the storm gets here."

Sighing, he got up and followed her out of the small house. They began walking a short distance in the open field, seeing the clouds in the distance as they did. After a little while, they came over a small hill and Severus gasped, his heart sinking as he saw the field that was close to the ocean. Down at the bottom, there was a broken foundation, with wood and bricks, now covered by green and weeds. It was barely visible.

But for Severus, he felt familiar with the area, just short of being able to picture it.

Melina watched him with a sad expression before walking ahead of him. He followed after her and they came upon the ruins of the once Connor residence. Tracing his hands over the burnt wood and bricks, he couldn't believe that he was at the area that haunted his dreams. Closing his eyes, he allowed the sound of the wind and the waves washing up on the shore fill his eyes. It all felt so peaceful.

After spending a little bit of time searching around in silence, the two began to realize that the storm was drawing near, so they began their journey back to her house.

While walking back, Melina broke the silence.

"While you were asleep, I began to realize that you share physical traits to Eileen and possibly Tobias, which means that she used glamour to change your very appearance. However, she must have used the cheap stuff."


"Well, if she used the cheap glamour, then that means that reversing it should be a lot easier."

It slowly dawned on him what she was saying. He mentally berated himself for thinking about it sooner. In fact, he was very happy with her mother's quick thinking to use glamour on him. For all of his life in Spinner's End and at Hogwarts, he has always worn the face of Severus Snape. Even Lily. To reverse the effects, if possible, would gain him another advantage of looking completely different as Severus Prince. But he still needed to think things through before acting on it.

"This dream that you had earlier," Melina quickly switched the topic, "do you wish to talk about it?"

Severus turned to her, "Was I talking in my sleep?"

"Just a bit."

"Yeah, I thought so," he leaned up. "I dreamt of-."

He paused, realizing that he should keep Maximillian out of it. Despite already revealing who Maximilian was to her, he decided to keep any other knowledge about him to a minimum.

Coughing, he continued, "I dreamt of Eileen meeting Derek. She lied to him."


"That I was dead. I think he was there to take us away."

They arrived back at her home, entering just as the clouds got closer.

"So, he truly believed you were dead," she sighed as they sat down on the couch. "At least he was being genuine at the time with me about it. But… why would Eileen lie to him."

"Because she blamed him for everything. I don't know what happened, but Derek apparently got my father involved with something. Something that attracted my grandfather's attention, as well as Abraxas Malfoy."

Melina frowned, "Abraxas Malfoy? What do you mean?"

Severus frowned in return before realizing that she didn't know, so he gave her the abridged version.

"A Prince servant under Cornelius Prince told me that Cornelius ordered Helena- I mean, Michelle to be killed, and that her children were to be taken alive. My understanding is that Abraxas was there that night, with help from these dark creatures that I keep seeing in my memories. But something went wrong."

"Eric..." she shook her head. "I mean, Severus... Abraxas Malfoy was not responsible for what happened that night."

Shock pierced through Severus, his eyes widening. He was more confused than ever.

"That's not possible, not with what I've been told and seen. Wait, how do you know this?"

"Because if Malfoy was involved, Derek would have told me. I was there that night. Malfoy did indeed show up but only after it all happened."

"You saw him?"

"Only from afar."

"He didn't see you?"


Severus nodded, "What makes you think the attackers weren't working for Malfoy? Just because he showed up afterward doesn't mean he wasn't involved."

"Because Derek and William told me enough to know that they had their own enemies. Some of which who... aren't exactly from here."

This surprised Severus, who found himself at a loss for words. No matter how he looked at this, nothing made sense. It was an ever-growing puzzle that required more pieces that he didn't know existed. 

But what grabbed his attention the most was the look in Melina's eyes. Most people would have missed it, but Severus was not most people. He caught the fear that penetrated through her. A fear he was familiar with. But something told him that this was different. Something that he's never experienced before.

Melina got up and walked to a drawer, opening one of the containers to reach inside.

"I wasn't myself after the night of the fire. I even believed that Malfoy was just a hallucination, including Derek. But it was what happened not long afterward that proved to me that it was real. Because one night... I experienced something... that I can't explain."

She continued to face away from Severus as lightning echoed outside.

"I awoke in the middle of the night, unable to stay asleep. The room… it felt… off. Like someone was there, but I saw no one. Until... it came from the literal shadows of the corner of my room."

She paused.

"At first, I thought I was dreaming. I believed that there was no way that what I was seeing could be real."

Severus stood up and walked over to her. He reached out but then withdrew his hand.

"What did you see, Miss Beverly?"

She turned around to face him, her face covered in fear, her body shaking. Tears threatened to pour from her eyes. And another flash of lightning echoed across the land and the house.

"I saw… this darkness… this literal form of darkness. It wore a black cloak and a hood, with a dark mist radiating off it. But that captivated me the most was its eyes."

Fear pierced Severus' heart. He knew what was coming and he was terrified of it. Because he was beginning to remember seeing it once before.

"There were purple and blue. The most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen, but its face was indescribable. It was hidden within the hood of the cloak, only its eyes were visible."

It took everything he had not to panic as the dream he had close to two weeks ago came back to him. He could imagine the being she spoke of, just as he had in his dream.

"And… it spoke to me."

Lighting flashed again, striking somewhere far away, casting their shadows across the floor.

"What did it say?" he reluctantly asked.

Melina stared into his eyes, a clear battle from within being waged.

"It stood at the edge of my bed and said, "Tell Derek that his efforts have been in vain. Tell him to thank Taylor for making it possible for us to find the Orbs. Tell him that Convergence is coming."

Her tone was soft but frightening. Her eyes were filled with fear and dread. Her memory was like a painting, untouched by time. And Severus knew from the bottom of his heart that there no faking any of it.

Melina reached for his hand and placed a device in his palm.

"What is this?" he asked.

"It belonged to your father," she replied. "Muggle technology, though nothing I've ever seen before. He came to me the night before the fire and told me that if something were to happen to him, I was to give this to you when you were old enough. I have Michael's, but he will have to wait."

Taking it, he placed the small, round device into his pocket.

"Melina, that creature... what was it?"

She shook her head, tears forming once again, "I don't know. But your father did, as does your uncle."

"Did he ever hear about this from you?"

"Yes. He came back not long after that night, apologizing for everything and that I would never see him again. Once I told the message, he… he looked so frightened."

Severus nodded, "Do you know where he is?"

"No. I never saw him again after that."

Severus forced himself to reach out with his hand, "Thank you for your help, Miss Beverly."

Melina smiled and instead pulled him into a hug, "You're welcome here anytime, Eric. And when you find Michael, please bring him by."

Though uncomfortable from her embrace, he let it slide and allowed her to hug him. Pulling away he took his leave and exited the small cabin, closing the door just before he Appariated back to his Inn room back in town.


Sitting at the edge of the bed, Severus held onto the small device in his hand.

It was round and grey, and felt like a small stone, reminding him of the time he and Li- He shook his head, refusing to allow her back into his mind.

He felt excitement and fear at the same time, both fighting for dominance as he struggled to decide to listen to it or wait. It didn't take long for the curiosity to win in the end as he traced his fingers over it, trying to figure out how it worked or if anything was inside. He placed his thumb over it and pressed down, thinking that maybe there was a secret part to it that pressed inward. But instead, the pressure was enough to activate a blue light that traced his print and then turned green.

"Match for Eric Connor, confirmed."

Startled, he dropped the device, and it landed on the rug. Backing away, he watched a light appeared from it and a figure emerged, though not solid enough as he was about to see through it a little bit.

He studied the figure, trying to recognize him as he covered his eyes from the blinding light until it receded. Removing his hand, he gasped as he recognized the face of William Connor.

"Eric," the figure spoke, the voice matching exactly how his father sounded from his aunt's memories. "If you're receiving this message, then it means that I've failed."

His heart felt like it skipped a beat as he listened. Unable to believe that he was hearing his father's voice addressing him.

"I'm so sorry for all of this. I never wanted it to affect us… But I couldn't leave my brother to do it alone."

He began laughing, almost making Severus do the same.

"Your mother wasn't happy about it. And maybe she was right. All I can hope for is that you and Michael are safe."

Severus moved closer, reaching forward to touch the image, only for his hand to go through it. Sighing, he pulled his hand back.

"I'm making this recording for you, Eric. So that you at least understand why I can't be there for you. And believe me, i f I could have it my way, I would rather be with you, Michael, and your mother. But... I couldn't leave my brother out in the dark. Maybe one day you'll understand why I did this, even if it meant no longer getting to see you. You'll eventually learn, as I have, that sometimes you have to do things that you don't want to do for the right reasons.

Severus closed his eyes, feeling the tears building up.

"I've designed this device to hold answers to what you may want to know. But know that my responses are recorded and limited, so be sure you ask the right questions. Also, there is a self-destruct protocol once the time limit is up."

Seriously?! Severus rolled his eyes.

"It's a precaution I must take. If this was to end up in the wrong hands somehow, it would endanger you."

Although frustrated, he couldn't argue with his reasoning. That said, it did make him upset that he had one chance to ask the questions he desired to know the answers to.

"Remember this, Eric… as cliched as this may sound, 'I love you'. Out of all the gifts in my life, you are the among the few that are the best. Make sure to tell your mother that I love her. And tell her that the day we met was the best day that could have ever happened to me. William Connor, out!"

The light of his father disappeared back into the device, making Severus fall to his knees as he struggled not to lose control. He wouldn't allow himself to be such a drama queen. Not now.

Picking himself back up, he approached the device and place his thumb over it in order to reactivate it.

"Request an order," it spoke.

Swallowing, he replied, "Answer my questions."

"Accessing memory files," it declared.

The face of his father appeared before him, cutting off just at the midpoint of his neck, "Like I said before, my responses will be limited. So, ask carefully."

"What do you know about the 'shadows'? The ones with the purple, bluish eyes."

William's face changed with the recording, this time more frightened and worried.

"I've gone back and forth on whether if I should tell you anything about them. But I will answer some. If you ask the right questions."

Determination filled him, "What are they?"

William sighed, taking a moment to respond, like as if he was struggling to say anything.

"They call themselves... The Forsaken!"

next chapter
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