Unduh Aplikasi

Chapter 1: My Very Own System!






Disclaimer: I do not own High School DxD or any of its characters.

Also, this will be taking a lot of inspiration (Like a shit ton sorry, not sorry) from Reincarnation Game (Book 1: Highschool DxD) by Crownborne.


- Unknown Location-

Hi my name is....I..don't know....

One moment I was in one of those gas station corner stores, then suddenly someone's demanding money and to get it fast. All the while I'm trying to stay silent and hidden near the back of the store.

I don't know why but at that very moment my Luk stat decided to give out on me. My shoes squeaked. Now at first you might think that 'oh no way will he notice that you're wrong. The cracked-out homeless druggy that was robbing the place did a full one-hundred and eighty degrees turn. He turned and we looked each other dead in the eye.

I froze. He froze. After at least what felt like an hour of just staring at each other he brought up his .357 Python Revolver, aimed it at me and fired.

I didn't really feel anything at first, just me falling backwards and colliding with the cold white tile floor.

After that though I felt it, it was an excruciating burning pain, and the horrifying feeling of hot blood leaking out of my chest and onto the floor underneath me. I lay in a pool of my own blood for what felt like hours, soon though I grew tired, and I just wanted to close my eyes and let the pain just.... flood away.

Upon my reawakening, I quickly deduced I was dead, well why? You might ask, and the reason for that is, I awoke in an endless cosmos filled with all the colors in the rainbow and some. Stars of blinding light dotted the space around me, with black holes and gas filled nebulae appearing everywhere, making me wish that whatever I was seeing right now would never go away. That I could stay trapped for an eternity.

That dream was quickly scrapped and thrown in a dumpster fire by what happened next.

[Welcome and Congratulations!]

[From the Quintillions of people throughout the known Multiverse you have been selected to receive: The Game System!]


.... hold on just a damn minute here. Are you telling me that I, a person with barely 5 friends and a barely functioning family was chosen for The Gamer System!?

'THANK YOU, LORD JESUS, FOR YOU HAVE BLESSED ME TODAY!' I attempt to yell out, but with me in what I presume is my soul form? I can't say shit.

Anyway, anyone whose read Solo Leveling or as many fanfiction stories as I've had, knows about The Gamer System. The power given to average American anime otaku, with the potential to grow to rival Gods and experience that ever so wishful harem....uhhhh...I mean chances to visit your favorite anime?

Whatever I did to deserve this even if this was by chance, I won't fuck it up, I'll live my life as a Gamer and Fuck up anyone who goes against me in the process of getting that ever so precious harem.

Now time to get started!

[You have been given Gamer System X7-098 or in simple terms the X7 beta System]

[Each Gamer is given their very own customized System]

[Your System model is based off the System from Solo Leveling]

Great! I can definitely work with that! A System similar to The Sung-Jin Woo oh yes sir, count me in baby!

Hmm if that's the case, then can I become the-

[Please select a Universe to begin in...]

[Upon completion of a Universe, a new Universe will be given to you as an option to choose from]

All right seems reasonable, though I don't really get how you could 'complete a Universe'. Maybe finishing the plot.

Hmmm something to think about for later.

[Current Universe Options:]

[Game of Thrones]


[Dragon Ball Z/Super]


[High School DxD]

Ask for a Harem and you shall Fucking receive. Both Overlord and High School DxD, what better haremverse could you ask for. Well, excpet for maybe Infinite Stratos but heyy it ain't an option yet. Yet.

Now to choose hmmm.... Albedo beats Akeno. Albedo beats Yasaka. Albedo beats everybody.... wait! Rias! Albedo does not beat Rias fucking Gremory!

[Gamer has selected:]

[High School DxD]

Rias has been my number one ever since I watched High School DxD all the back when I was 16 years old, even my 19-year-old dead self could never forget Rias Gremory. Beautiful Crimson hair. Bluish green colored eyes, and those big...that big personality, yep definitely that one.

Though to be honest a little love and trust with her, I think will bring her along way. I mean she was only really bitchy because Issei didn't want to see her advances on him as advances after what happened with the whole Raynare bullshit. It'd be like getting friend zoned and no one wants that.

[Gamer must now select origin in the Universe...]

Origin? Is that like who I am...?


[Main Protagonist]

[Main Antagonist]

[Supporting Protagonist]

[Supporting Antagonist]


Okay. That makes sense. Hmmmmm...yep definitely Issei I am going to turn that motherfucker from a zero to an eleven real quick. Especially if I get the same daily quests Sung-Jin Woo did.

Also, Supporting Protagonist? For real Kiba? I mean cause ain't no way am I becoming a girl! No offense to all the girls out there in the Universe. Well, I guess Multiverse now huh? Weird.

I guess Kiba could be cool in his own right but compared with Ddraig The Red Dragon Emperor and perverted Issei. Ain't no way in hell.

Though it will be hard going from goofy dumbass Issei, into something decent without anyone noticing and pointing out the major change. I'm sure I'll figure something out.

[Gamer has selected:]

[Main Protagonist]

Ddraig here I come!

[Gamer has selected Main Protagonist]

[Due to Gamers choice of Main Protagonist, race, age, height, name, as well as other bodily features have been prechosen and are not allowed to be changed]

Honestly, I expected that. Does not mean I am not a little disappointed though.

[Gamer's body has finished forming]

After looking at Issei's physique, it's not that bad considering that is going to be my base start state.

[Gamer's name has been prechosen]

[Gamer must now choose story time period]

Woah!? Wait...what? I can choose the time periods of when I want to enter Issei's body umm...ok that's epic.

Now where at which point in the story will I enter...?

[Time periods available:]

[Season 1]

[Season 2]

Well, that's fucking perfect.

If I can enter Season 1 possibly when Issei first enters as a second year, I'll be able to shift my personality slowly overtime, or claim something happened to me over summer break, and the most important thing...

Awaken Ddraig and level the hell up!

[Gamer has selected:]

[Season 1]

What!? There's no option for when!? That's not cool!

Damn it! No, I got this even if I don't get the time I need to level up and awaken Ddraig before cannon starts to get going, I'll persevere. I'm a God Damn Gamer!

[Please review final choices....]


[Review Complete!]

[Entering Universe High School DxD...]

Let's Go....


-Unknown Location-

I woke up startled and grasping for anything that might come and fill my currently suffocating lungs.

After sucking in as much air as possible, I finally had the common sense to look around and observe my surroundings. It was not what I was expecting at all. Instead of a pervert's bedroom, or the beautiful public park with a fountain residing in the middle for all passersby to admire.

I awoke in a pitch-black void. Great!

As I was about to speak out and ask where I was. I was interrupted by a voice I knew well, and a voice that sounded like it was more annoyed by what was happening than angry.

(WHO.....ARE...YOU!) boomed the voice, from what seemed to be every direction.

Truthfully, I didn't really know how to answer this?

'Fuck it!'

"Issei Hyoudou!" I yelled out into the void.

Then from within the pitch-black void, two gigantic shining emerald-colored eyes. Opened? Couldn't tell but they were there.

(WRONG!) The voice boomed again, but now I could hear and tell that the voice originated from where those two eyes were located.

Suddenly, the void was whisked away by endless fire, of all different colors. Orange, red, yellow. Then I saw it. The Red Dragon Emperor in the flesh. On one hand I was giddy with excitement, by seeing my number 1# dragon of all time, (sorry Drogon) and being scared shitless by not only his size but what seemed to me, his presence, or aura as some might call it.

'HOLY SHIT!' I screamed in my mind. I thought Ddraig was big sure, I mean he is called The Red Dragon Emperor but my God he's huge. Standing at 54.8 meters tall (179.79 feet) and 327.2 meters (1073.5 feet) long, with a wingspan of 89.1 meters (292.3 feet). Ddraig was a fucking beast! Wait...not beast. Dragon.

(I WILL ASK AGAIN, BOY! WHO ARE YOU!) This time I knew I had to comply.

"I do not remember my name. Sir?" I wasn't lying, and what do you refer to a dragon as?

(Hmmm...I see, well boy my name is Ddraig, The Red Dragon Emperor of Domination!) I could tell he was proud of that title. Seeing how he puffed out his chest, and made his voice quieter, but firm at the same time.

"As of now my name, is Issei Hyoudou!" I exclaim. I might as well get used to saying and receiving my name being called so it won't get weird later on.

(Well, Issei Hyoudou we don't have much more time here, but I do have another question for you.)

"What's that Ddraig?" I ask.

(Where do you come from?)

At that I froze. How could he know, I'm sure there is no wa-. Wait he can read my memories, can't he?

"Why don't you look through my memories and find out yourself, I mean uh...I'm sure you don't need me to answer that. Right?" I did not mean for that to come out as snotty as it felt. Damn I do not want to piss him off.

(Wha---HAHAHAHAHA! Never have my hosts been that forward with me, even when I told them to be!)

'Huh' I thought.

(To answer your question. I could, but even if I have the title of Domination, it does not mean I want to dominate your mental space.)


(Also, I want to know if I can trust you enough to use my power. I've had enough of my past wielders using my powers to destroy the weak and noncapable.)

"Isn't that the defintion of Domination though?"

(Not to me. Domination to me is crushing your foe beneath your feet, and an equal foe to be sure. Not the abuse and slaughter of the weak and defenseless.)

"Okay...I... kind of get it. To answer your question, I come from another Universe? Multiverse? Something like that." I answer. There's no point lying to a massive fire breathing dragon when he can search through both mine and Issei's memories.


(I also sensed an unknown power within you, what is it?)

"AH...I probably should have mentioned that. It's the reason for me to be able to come here in the first place. It's called the Gamer System."


"Quick rundown of what happened was, The Gamer System Reincarnated me after I died, into the body of Issei Hyoudou with a Gamer System that allows me to become stronger by gaining levels and skills. Similar to online MMORPG's."

(Like Final Fantasy XIV?)|14|

'How the fuck does he know about Final Fantasy XIV?'

"Yes, like Final Fantasy XIV."

(Is there a level cap?)

"I don't know hold on."


[Yes, Gamer?]

'Is there a level cap of sorts?'

[Yes, there is, but it is determined upon what your race is.]

[Race Levels:]

Human (Normal): Level 1 - 100

Human (Non-Longinus Class Sacred Gear User): Level 1 - 250

Human (Longinus Class Sacred Gear User): Level 1 - 500

Yōkai: Level 1 - 500

Fallen Angel: Level 1 - 500

Angel: Level 1 - 500

Devil: Level 1 -500

God: Level 200 - 900

Dragon: Level 1 - 999

"Yes, there is a level cap."






"Oh..shit my bad! Your level cap is dependent on your race."

(What's the level cap for you?)

"Since I'm both a Longinus class sacred gear user, as well as being a Devil my level is capped at 500."

(That's not the highest, is it?)

"Sigh...No, it's not even close."

(What is the highest?)

This is gonna boost his already massive draconic ego but oh well.

"The race that can achieve the highest level possible are Dragons with their level being capped at 999."




"Ddraig, you there?"



'Stupid fucking dragon, and his god damn pride.' I thought to myself.

*A Few Minutes Later*

'Damn Dragon!'

"Are you done!?" I yelled.

(hahaha....that's the longest and hardest laugh I've had in a millennium! Yeah, kid I'm done.)

(Though you should know that there is a way for me to turn you into a sort of proto-drake in a sense.)

"What do you mean?"

(Next time, you're about to wake up and you haven't manifested the boosted gear yet, it's still in its twice critical form. Unlock it and we'll talk.)

"Uhh..damn it alright. Thanks, Ddraig."

(No problem kid, you will be my wielder and host from now on. It's good we get along.)

"You're right, see you next time, Ddraig!"

(See you next time, kid.)

After that everything turned back to how it was before Ddraig appeared, and then everything turned white.

As I was now staring up at the ceiling inside of Issei Hyoudou or now my bedroom.

I thought 'This is where the fun begins!'


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Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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  • Kualitas penulisan
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  • Desain Karakter
  • Latar Belakang Dunia

Skor total 0.0

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