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0.48% Reborn with a Primordial Galactic (?¿?) System / Chapter 1: [Primordial Galactic (?¿?) System is now yours…]
Reborn with a Primordial Galactic (?¿?) System Reborn with a Primordial Galactic (?¿?) System original

Reborn with a Primordial Galactic (?¿?) System

Penulis: PhantomMedjay

© WebNovel

Bab 1: [Primordial Galactic (?¿?) System is now yours…]

֍ Updated, Revised, and Edited: 3/08/2022 ֍





He said, awaking once more, yet in this world it was another time, another place he had no clue of, leaving him alone and restless.

'After all these countless motherfucking lifetimes… why can't I find peace in eternity...?'

Esmond cursed his misfortune and fate that left him with an ability that forever played with his mind and soul to replay the game of rebirth.

He would be reincarnated into a new world, where Esmond continued to use the memories and knowledge from his past lives to improve the society and world of those around him.

But each time, he failed to save himself from being killed by those closest to him or those seeking his knowledge for their own greed.

What pained him more was the loss deep down in his soul with each repeated death, making the experience numbing, leaving Esmond exhausted by life itself.

He begun to enjoy the experience of death at this point, wondering who and how he would be killed during each lifetime, as a means of morbid entertainment.

'Looks like little brother didn't want to share the wealth or the fucking influence I helped establish this time round…

*Sigh* Fuck!

Even after I had an eye on the prick, he somehow got the staff of our family manor onto his side.'

His last death was because of his dear younger brother who decided to stab him to death after poisoning him through the staff of their family manor.

It was done to steal the wealth accumulated through the development of a whole new industry that established itself across the globe, turning Esmond into the father of the industry's creation.

Unfortunately, this drew the ire of his younger sibling who was constantly compared to Esmond and his achievements, making the man cruel and rather furious at his elder brother.

It led to a brutal death, yet Esmond didn't leave that world without getting in the last hit.

Taking hold of the knife on the table as he fell from the chair at the head of the dining table, Esmond stabbed his 'dear' little brother in his left eye before passing onto the next life.

Nothing hurt Esmond more than the pain of being stabbed by his own siblings, but sometimes he questioned whether they thought through their decision, considering murder was never easy to commit.

Over the countless lifetimes, Esmond found himself born into various sorts of families, who were loving and caring, but in the end, Esmond's own siblings would target him if not his relatives.

In those lifetimes where family life was rough, his siblings would be quite close, but somehow once success came, so followed death with its grip on the scythe.


'Fuck everything else, where am I now?'

Esmond turned around to find he was lying on a single bed with a blanket over him, keeping out the cold.

'These covers!' Esmond thought, close to screaming aloud as his mind tried to piece together the right words to say.

'These are my bedsheets… the very same ones from my original world…

I'm home!'

Esmond thought to himself as the wealth of memories finally pieced together the origin of the bedsheets, leading him to believe he was home from when he first was born and came to life.

'A-am I r-really home?' Esmond couldn't help but choke up as he thought of being back was rather overwhelming, since he believed it wasn't possible after travelling through countless lifetimes and worlds.

For a long time now, Esmond gave up ever seeing his parents again, yet their image became the anchor that helped hold his mind together.

The two people that gave him everything they could in life, only for him to die one day as he went to university and then fall into a loop of life and death, destroying his soul bit by bit.


He got out of bed and raced down the stairs to find his mother and father singing in the kitchen, while making breakfast, much to Esmond's joy and embarrassment.

"Smooth, just like a silk

Soft and cuddly, hug me up like a quilt

I'm a lyrical lover, no take me fi no filth

With my sexual physique, yah know me well built

Oh me, oh my, well, well, can't you tell

I'm just like a turtle crawling out of my shell

Gal, you captivate my body, put me under a spell"

It took him a moment, but Esmond realised both of them were laughing and singing Bombastic by Shaggy, which was on the radio as they were making some breakfast.

Seeing the two laughing and mucking about brought up all his past memories that were deeply cherished and held dear, aiding Esmond though countless lifetimes in dire times of emotional needs.


"Hey! Esy my boy!

What's up?!" Esmond's father, Daniel tried to act hip, crouching down weirdly and made some hand signs like some hoodlum gangster.

He immediately stopped his foolish attempts at trying to maintain his youth before Esmond, his son, and ran to the boy's side when he saw Esmond collapse on the floor weeping loudly.

"Ruby!" Daniel screamed at his wife who was in a trance singing away as she prepared some scrambled eggs.

They both dropped everything and ran to Esmond's side, holding him and showering the young man with plenty of affection, as they asked if he was ok or what was wrong.

"Honey! Tell us what's wrong please!

We can't help if you won't tell us baby!"

"Shhh leave my son alone with your pestering.

Mummy's here honey… I promise you; your dad won't take up singing anymore.

Only I shall be the Queen up in this bitch ass crib yo!"

Esmond couldn't help but laughing while choking a little as he tried to take in some air.

"S-s-s-sorry… I-I-I-I-I lost my cool…" Esmond laughed a little as he spoke making his mother and father both cry as the three were hugging one another while on the ground.

Everyone was crying heavy tears as well as laughing and prodding each other which silly jokes to make one another laugh.

The only thing that stopped them was the burning eggs coming from the kitchen stove ruby left on.


"So, what happened Esy?

Is everything ok at school?"

Daniel asked Esmond as the three of them sat around the dining table with the omelettes, scrambled eggs, sausages, and plenty of other food Ruby prepared for the three of them to enjoy after burning the last patch of eggs by mistake.

The three were now finally sitting down as a family and eating the first meal of the day, though for Esmond, he finally felt at peace to be beside his parents once more.

While to anyone that was watching from outside might see a normal family enjoying breakfast, it was much more than that for Esmond who final got to enjoy his mother's cooking after who knows how long.

Tears were building up once more but then his father's smiling face and his mother who was piling more food onto his plate held him back from spilling his guts out.

Esmond didn't know if he should recount what he experienced, but he knew his parents were some of the most open and weird people he knew ever. Period.

There was no more discussion about the topic.

Those two were so fucking crazy that at one point during their time as young parents, the duo decided to take their young son hiking up Mount Everest.

When Esmond asked to stay behind and just play the latest Grand Theft Auto video game that came out at the time, they refused and took him along, believing it would be great family time.

In the end they lived in Nepal for nearly 2 years before they returned back to the United States, where his family own a lovely home in Alaska during those days.

Daniel and Ruby loved to move around the world and travel as much as they could through their jobs and professions, though Esmond preferred to stay in one specific location.

He enjoyed travelling and experiencing new sights with his parents, but it became near impossible to keep friendships or at times form them in various new cities or nations.

Being the weirdo from weird parents, Esmond understood new languages fairly quickly so he could adapt to life rather easier than most people, especially in the smaller towns and villages they would move to where English wasn't largely spoken by anyone.

One time Esmond remembered they moved to live at the Casey Station in Antarctica, and he was stuck there as the only child for half a year.

It was at that time, Esmond pleaded to his parents for another sibling, yet they refused.

Their reasoning to having another child was that the first one was just so darling and handsome, so what was the point of another?

Plus, they didn't want a son and were rather hoping for a daughter.

But neither wanted to try for a second child while being on the move all the time, so they settled on the idea once Esmond was about to enter university.

Halfway through his 17th year, the family of three settled in Adelaide, Australia, a lovely city that wasn't like those larger ones were the populous made the place a living nightmare if something were to go horribly wrong.

Rather it was a nice city that was spread out and with many suburban towns close by to the city.

Nature played heavily, especially close to the city and through it, helping keep the city from turning into a metal jungle.

The one thing that pissed Esmond off though was the endless roadworks everywhere.


"This will sound farfetched but… I-I've experienced countless lifetimes, much different to our own and… surprisingly connected with one another… at times."

Esmond broke down the pain, agony, and loss each lifetime changed his perception on life and emotions, to the point he played with death.

He also spoke of the continual rebirth curse, and how nothing so far explained a means to break it, but Esmond believed it might have ended, since he wasn't reborn into his current world, though this wasn't specifically meant to Daniel and Ruby.

Other than that, Esmond brought up some of his past loves, and children who he was proud of, which showed in his expressions and praise of their efforts.

But pain followed, as tales of the losses and anguish brought upon by loved ones, also showed Daniel and Ruby the suffering their son went through.

Daniel sat quietly without saying anything other than eating his food.

His eyes were concentrating on Esmond, however his mouth was focused on the food.

Ruby wasn't any different, she was listening closely, while gobbling through her eggs and toast.

Esmond assumed she was still singing or at the very least humming Bombastic by Shaggy in her head.


"Son… Esmond…

How do you feel now?

Do you find to be back, or did you just awake?"

"Huh? What are you on about Dad?"

"What kind of a dipshit did I raise?" sighed Daniel, only to refill his plate with some more eggs and roasted vegetable salad.

"Honey what your father is trying to say is, how the fuck do you not know about the 101 basic bullshit you need to do when you come back from a time fucking experience!" shouted Ruby, as if her statement was common sense.

Even Daniel nodded in agreement with his wife, as he pointed his fork at Ruby.


"Your mother is right!

When did you leave us?

The first time…

You know… when you died… for the first time…"

Daniel said it without emotion, making Esmond wonder if his parents were ever this loony, but he was glad they didn't react badly and call him a monster or more.

"Ahh… January 6, 2008…"

"Well, my boy!

Today is the 7th of January 2008 and it's a bitching day!

Now you said you died on the way to school yesterday, right?

Buttttttt, you are fineeeee…" laughed Daniel, though his mind was trying to retrace all of Esmond's steps from the day before.

"Sweetie, last night when you came home, there was nothing odd about you or specifically different from what I can remember right about now." Ruby said thinking back to the night before.

Even Esmond thought back to the day before and remembered the memory of nearly being cleaned up by some bloody truck going damn fast down North Terrace in Adelaide, but at the last second Esmond dived out of the way and his day in the city continued like normal.


His parents loving nature meant the questioning went on for some time with Ruby making a complete note of all the events Esmond chose to reveal.

It was obvious to her that there would be certain topics Esmond wouldn't speak of, but she hoped with time he might open up.

Her note taking was precise and rather detailed, with Daniel helping as Esmond recounted a large part of his experience.

From medieval style worlds to futuristic galaxies and beyond, much to the surprise of both parents who found it shocking their 18-year-old son had the answer to gravity within space.

Not just that, Esmond told them that he could create an Artificial Intelligence within a week or so but based off the current technological state and ability of humanity, a more 'immature' Artificial Intelligence could only form.

As the talks went on for several hours, Daniel decided to draw up a couple glasses of Johnny Black for the three of them to enjoy, even though it was midday.

"Son, get some rest…

Take some time off and travel or play games.

Whatever you want to get back into your grove in his 'world'.

Everything you've gone through has really left some scars that will be hard to deal with, but its more about getting use to those scars and moving forward or how we go forward from there, son."

Both his parents left to do some shopping and sightseeing that day, leaving behind Esmond who asked them to leave and spend their day out and about.

He instead decided to relax and spend some time watching films he missed dearly or enjoy some video games.


While lying in his bed upstairs after taking a break from the television, Esmond thought of all his past memories and times he went through heartbreak and pain trying to find some semblance of a family like his past parents.

Now that he had them, he felt glad beyond any measure of happiness he'd ever felt over the countless lifetimes, but it finally led him to realise the main problem of it all.

'What if I'm fucked again after I die?

I don't have siblings for the first time in a long time but now what the fucking hell do I need to worry about.'

Esmond started to go through his past memories, trying to find news that might help him understand what was happening now.

Only then did he hear some heavy ringing noise in his head, making him claw at his bed in pain till it finally stopped and the sounds of an old friend came into his head.

'Esmond old friend, we meet again… unfortunately…

I'm sorry that it was your brother this time… again…'

Carter, the voice that had accompanied him through all his lifetimes and his only true friend that was considered family, came back much to Esmond's delight.

"Its fine Carter.

I'm just glad to hear your voice again, and guess what? I'm back home… and when I mean home I mean the first home, before we met."


You know the chances of this happen were, right?

We calculated it all those lifetimes back and found it to be impossible.'

"Well, I'm back bitch!

Hahaha finally I'm back!" laughed Esmond with his eyes closed while resting comfortably in his single bed.

At that very second…





[Successful Upload Complete!]







"What the fuck is happening?"

A chilling pain went straight to Esmond's body as he couldn't move anymore and all he could feel was the pain of his skin being ripped apart piece by piece with a very blunt knife but sharp enough to cause small cuts.

His organs went through the same pain and so did his bones, leaving unable to keep himself conscious any longer.





[Welcome Esmond…]

[You are the fortunate user to take on the daunting task of THE system…]

[Primordial Galactic (?¿?) System is now yours…]

[You will be tasked with taking your world into the stars and conquer all of those who have wrong you in the past and find those who are deserving of another chance at life]

[It is your chance at redeeming those that fell along the way]

[Using knowledge of the past lives, the present should fall at their knees before their new emperor that will lead them into the stars and make them formidable members that can oppose all]

[Analysing Host…]





[Name: Esmond Manston]

[Experience: 0/1000

[Body Condition: Healthy]

[Body Status: Human

[Status: Cursed

- Immortal Cursed Rebirth Soul]



[Stamina: 5]




[Wisdom: N/A]



PhantomMedjay PhantomMedjay

Updated, Revisied, and Edited: 3/08/2022

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