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15.38% Reborn as a Yamanaka Genius / Chapter 3: Character Creation

Bab 3: Character Creation

I was speechless. I had played my fair share of video games—Overwatch, League, Genshin, you name it—and the odds of pulling an item that doesn't even have a ranking? Impossible

But now? I had pulled an item so broken that it didn't even have a rank. And not just any broken item—this was the Limit Breaker. Limitless potential. Do you realize how broken that is in the Naruto world? Hell, in any world. From learning new skills to physical development, everything. I was about to become unstoppable. 

A laugh bubbled up inside me. I was picturing it already—me, towering above the battlefield, hurling jutsu left and right while everyone cowered in fear. The Naruto world had started out with cool, strategic jutsu—stuff you could only pull off with finesse and control. But by the time we hit Shippuden, all that subtlety went right out the window. 

Naruto? Spawning thousands of shadow clones.

Obito? Untouchable, like some glitch in the Matrix.

Hashirama? Growing entire forests that could suck the chakra out of you.

Orochimaru? Coming back from the dead every time someone so much as sneezed in his direction.

And let's not forget Madara—towering over everyone with a Susanoo that made Godzilla look like a toddler's toy. 

The Naruto world had turned into an arms race, with each new character somehow more OP than the last. The jutsu I thought were cool in the beginning? Practically obsolete by the end. 

But now I literally had Limitless Potential. Who cares if Madara has a 100-meter-tall Susanoo? I'll outgrow that in no time. All I need is a bit of prep time and some training—and soon, I'd be the one they'd all be running from. 

A new message blinked into view, snapping me out of my maniacal daydreams. 

[Loot boxes have now been distributed. Moving to Birthplace and Timeline selection.]

I straightened up, clearing my throat. Ever since I arrived in this Rebirth Bureau, I'd been a bit... loose, to say the least. I was always a reserved person, but somehow, gaining the chance to reincarnate, even in a dream, made me more… exaggerated. But it was time to get serious. I needed to plan my next move carefully.

[Please select the timeline you'd like to be reincarnated.]

Four options popped up in front of me:

[1. Before the time of the Hidden Leaf Village]

[2. Pre-Naruto]

[3. Naruto]

[4. Post-Naruto

I immediately ruled out the "Post-Naruto" option. Boruto? No, thank you. That train wreck should've ended with Shippuden. And "Before the time of the Hidden Leaf Village"? I'd probably end up fighting Kagyua or something. Hard pass. 

That left two choices: the "Naruto" or the "Pre-Naruto" era. Suppose I chose the "Naruto" era. In that case, I'd be dropping into the thick of the action, with the main plot kicking off almost immediately. But I wanted time—time to build myself up, to become a powerhouse before the story really began. I wasn't looking for a side character role. I wanted to be the next Flee on Sight shinobi. I wanted to make waves. 

"Pre-Naruto," I said, my voice steady.

[Pre-Naruto timeline selected. Randomly generating specific year to be born between Year XXX and Year XXX.]

"Wait! Huh?" I blurted out. 

[The specific year you reincarnate is randomized between set dates for each timeline. We have found that it increases immersion when some options are randomized.]

Randomized, my ass. What kind of system forces you into a random year? This wasn't the casino, damn it. I wanted to be a shinobi, not roll dice for my birth year.

But before I could protest further, the universe around me shifted. The planet beneath me zoomed into focus, and red flags sprouted from the earth across its surface like some kind of cosmic game of Risk. My eyes honed in on a flag perched over a desolate desert landscape, and a new message popped up. 

[Land of Wind - Sunagakure aka Hidden Sand Village]

[Known for wind release and deadly sand-based jutsu. Puppet mastery is also popular here. Might get sand in places it shouldn't be…] 

I grimaced. Sand. In all the places, it shouldn't be. No, thank you. I kept scanning.

[Land of Earth - Iwagakure aka Hidden Stone Village]

[Earth release specialists. Expect tough, defense-oriented jutsu and explosive techniques. Try not to get too stoned!] 


[Land of Frost - Shimogakure aka Hidden Frost Village]

[Home of ice release. Frosty environment means ice-based jutsu are common. Don't forget your coat!]

Cool, but no thanks. I wasn't a fan of constantly freezing my balls off.

[Land of Water - Kirigakure aka Hidden Mist Village]

[Water release masters with a focus on stealth and swordsmanship. Legendary for its "Bloody Mist." Hope you like your battles foggy and wet!]

I wasn't against Kirigakure, but the whole "bloody mist" thing was a little... unnerving. Plus, I wasn't keen on getting ambushed in a fog bank every ten minutes.

[Land of Lightning - Kumogakure aka Hidden Cloud Village]

[Lightning release and taijutsu experts. Known for speed and power. Shocking speed, electrifying personalities—what's not to love?]

Great pun, system. Really.

Finally, I came to the one flag that mattered:

[Land of Fire - Konohagakure aka Hidden Leaf Village]

[Balanced village with a variety of jutsu. Home to powerful clans and fire release. Keep an eye out for creepy old men who like to whisper sweet nothings!]

I didn't even need to think about it. The other villages were cool and all, but I was a die-hard Hidden Leaf Village fan from the start. Sure, there'd be treachery, betrayal, and probably a whole lot of schemes happening in the background, but I already knew which old freaks to watch out for. Plus, Konoha was home to some of the most important people in the entire story. If I wanted to be at the heart of the action, Konoha was the place to be.

"I choose the Land of Fire, Hidden Leaf Village."

[Are you sure? Once selected, you will be unable to change your decision.]

"I'm sure," I said without hesitation.

[Land of Fire, Hidden Leaf Village selected. Now, moving to Clan Selection.]

The universe jolted again, and before I knew it, I was hovering above Konoha, floating in the sky like some kind of demigod. It was beautiful—just like I remembered it from the anime. 

A new system message appeared, snapping me out of my awe.

[Please select your desired Clan to be reborn in.]

A list of clans appeared before me, and I skimmed over them, my heart pounding with excitement:

[1. Aburame Clan]

[2. Akimichi Clan]

[3. Fūma Clan]

[4. Hatake Clan]

[5. Hōki Family]

[6. Hyūga Clan]

[7. Inuzuka Clan]

[8. Izuno Clan]

[9. Kohaku Clan]

[10. Kurama Clan]

[11. Lee Clan]

[12. Nara Clan]

[13. Onikuma Clan]

[14. Sarutobi Clan]

[15. Senju Clan]

[16. Shimura Clan]

[17. Uchiha Clan]

[18. Uzumaki Clan]

[19. Yamanaka Clan]

[20. Orphan]

[21. Clanless]

Oh… wow. That was a lot more options than I expected. I knew the big ones—Uchiha, Senju, Hyūga—but some of these clans? I'd barely even heard of them. Hōki? Fūma? Who were they again?

I stared at the list for a moment, realizing that I now had something I never thought I'd have: choices. Back when I first considered reincarnation, I thought I'd be limited to the most obvious picks. But now, with Limit Breaker, I had the chance to reshape my entire outlook. The potential was mind-blowing.

Initially, I had my sights set on a handful of clans—the ones with the obvious advantages. Nara for their intelligence, Hatake for their swordsmanship, Senju for Wood Release and their insane chakra reserves, Uzumaki for their sealing techniques, Hyūga for the Tenseigan, Uchiha for the Sharingan... but now? Now my options felt... limitless.

With Limit Breaker, I could push any ability to its full potential, even ones that had been underutilized in the anime. Any clan's skills could be enhanced. I could break boundaries no one else even considered.

But that didn't mean every option was viable. There were too many risks with certain clans—risks I wasn't willing to take.

"Before I select the clan," I asked the system, "will I be able to choose my specific family?"

[No. Family selection will be randomized due to the randomized timeline.]

I sighed. Of course, they wouldn't let me game the system that easily. If I could pick my family, it would defeat the purpose of the time randomization. That meant some clans were immediately out of the running.

The Hyūga, for instance. If I ended up in the branch family with the Caged Bird Seal on my forehead, I'd be stuck as a glorified servant. The Uchiha? Yeah, they had one of the best dojutsu in the game, but the whole clan was a walking target. No thanks.

That left me with Nara, Hatake, Senju, Uzumaki, and Yamanaka.

I crossed off the Hatake clan. The rest of the options just had too many advantages that outweighed swordsmanship. As cool as Kakashi was, it didn't seem worth it in the long run. Besides, I didn't need to be the greatest swordsman—I had Limit Breaker. I could master other techniques that were more versatile.

After what felt like at least thirty minutes of serious deliberation—possibly longer—I finally narrowed my choices down to one.


Why? Simple. The brain.

I'd spent most of my previous life as a neurosurgeon, and I understood better than anyone the power of the mind. Everything we experience—pleasure, pain, fear, control—it all originates in the brain. The Yamanaka Clan had access to jutsu that targeted the mind directly, and in my opinion, they were criminally underutilized in the anime. They had the potential to be some of the most powerful shinobi in the world, but that potential was barely tapped into.

Take genjutsu, for example. In the anime, genjutsu targeted an opponent's chakra pathways, tricking their senses into experiencing illusions. But what if you skipped the chakra pathways entirely and went straight to the brain? You could make someone feel like they were drowning, burning, or experiencing excruciating pain with just a thought. 

You could trigger fear responses, manipulate memories, or even shut down the entire nervous system.

It was an ability with nearly limitless possibilities, especially with Limit Breaker. If I wanted to compete with top-tier powerhouses like Madara, Nagato, or Kaguya, I needed a way to challenge them on an intellectual level, not just brute strength. And with the Yamanaka clan's affinity for Yin chakra and mind-based jutsu, I could do just that.

"I select the Yamanaka clan." 

[Are you sure? After selection, you will be unable to change your decision.]

"I'm sure."

There it was. The decision I'd made after hours—no, decades—of internal debate. All those years as a neurosurgeon had taught me that everything starts and ends with the mind. Now, I had the chance to unlock its full potential, to break boundaries even the anime never explored. It felt like the right choice.

[Yamanaka clan selected. Now moving to Character Class selection.]

Another screen appeared, this time displaying a variety of classes. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. It really did feel like I was customizing a character in a video game.


[Strong and resilient, with a natural talent for close combat. Warriors quickly pick up fighting styles, excel with hand-held weapons, and have an innate sense for refining and creating fighting styles. They possess a keen instinct for identifying weaknesses in opponents and have a sixth sense in battle.]


[Quick and agile, with a natural affinity for speed and dexterity. Rogues are ambidextrous, excel with throwing weapons, and have sharp perception. They are naturally attuned to stealth, have a resistance to poisons, and are innate sensors. They also have a knack for parkour and deception.]


[Highly attuned to energy of all forms, with excellent control and larger-than-average reserves. Mages have a natural talent for refining and creating all forms of jutsu, paired with a sharp intellect and strong strategic thinking abilities.]

I didn't need to deliberate long. "Mage" was the obvious choice for the build I had in mind. Chakra mastery, jutsu creation, and strategic thinking were all key components of my plan. Plus, with Limit Breaker, I should be able to refine every single jutsu to its highest possible form.

"This is basically a video game," I muttered, half amused by the seamless interface.

[Videogames from the tutorial were mirrored after this system. We believed it would be easier for people to understand if they were familiar with it.]

Well, that explains it, I thought.

"I choose the Mage class," I said aloud.

[Are you sure? Once the selection is made—]

"Yes, yes, I'm sure," I interrupted. Time to get on with it.

[Mage class selected. Now, moving to the last section: Character Design.]

Before I had time to process the next step, I was instantly teleported into a completely white room. The sudden shift made my head spin for a second. I blinked a few times to adjust, and then, noticed the mannequin standing in the center. It was about my height—or rather, my current height. The mannequin itself was featureless, like one of those store dummies, but I could tell it was meant to represent the starting point for my new body.

A screen popped up in front of me, filled with tabs: Body Type, Face, Eyes, Hair, all the way to Voice, Body Markings, and... Oh. Ahem, well... there were a lot of options. Let's just say the system didn't hold back on customization.

I spent what felt like hours tweaking every detail, making sure I built the ideal version of myself. Everything had to be perfect. I wanted to make sure this body was what I'd always dreamed of—tall, athletic, and, let's face it, handsome as hell. I figured if I was getting a second shot at life, why not go all out?

First, I set my height to 6'3". A huge jump from my previous life's 5'7". And yes, let's just say, other areas adjusted accordingly as well. No point in leaving anything to chance, right? My hair was a soft linen color, curly but styled, and my eyes—gray, sharp and piercing. I gave myself an athletic build, muscles defined but not overly bulky. I was aiming for Michelangelo's David meets peak ninja physique. You know, the kind of guy people would do a double-take for as they passed by. My future self was sculpted to perfection, the kind of person you'd envy from across the room.

After tweaking every last detail, I stood back to admire my handiwork. The mannequin had transformed into a version of myself I hardly recognized—like the reflection of someone who was ready to dominate the world.

"Alright," I said, nodding in approval. "I'm all done. Let's get this show on the road."

[Character design complete. All selections finalized.]

I felt a little rush of excitement as the screen confirmed my choices. The system began rolling through the final steps at a rapid pace.

[Synchronizing new attributes with life system…]

[Memory retention activated: All past life memories will be fully retained…]

[Finalizing loot box allocation: Apollo's Talent in Art, Music, and Poetry, Jōichirō Yukihira's Culinary Package, Limit Breaker Injection…]

[Randomized time period selected: Year 54 of Konohagakure's establishment…]

[Applying character class: Mage…]

[Preparing for world integration: Naruto World, Konoha Village, Yamanaka Clan…]

[Randomized parent selection: Father - Inoichi Yamanaka, Mother - Aika Yamanaka…]

I blinked. Wait—Inoichi Yamanaka? I was going to be Ino's older sibling? Inoichi was one of the most important figures in the Yamanaka Clan, a genius in his own right. Talk about being born with a silver spoon in my mouth.

[Adjusting body parameters for infant rebirth. Administering Limit Breaker now…]

Oh. Right. I was about to become a baby again. There was something weird about designing yourself to look like a god, only to have all that effort reduced to infant size.

I braced myself as the final message appeared.

[Initialization sequence starting. Best of luck in your next life.]

And then, everything went black.


[A/N] Hooked yet?

next chapter
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