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91.15% Reborn as a Chaos God of Carnage / Chapter 331: Second Ymir War Part 2: Negotiations Between Dark Gods

Bab 331: Second Ymir War Part 2: Negotiations Between Dark Gods

(General POV)

Location the Immaterium-The Nethervoid-Castle Neo Oblivion, the Throne Room of Countless Dark

All around the throne room...Chi, Kiira, Jade, Scalpel, Cassandra, Ruu, Ragna, Crystallyl, Camilla, Scylla, Jinx and Nyo were shocked by the appearance of the minions of Tzeentch on Ymir, and them aiding their forces...all twelve Daemon Queens/Wives of Carnage turned towards their husband, who also have a very shocked and surprised expression on his face.

Soo much so that he dropped his chalice filled with Ambrossia, the succubi handmaidens worried of possible crossfire, wisely and swiftly got away from the Dark Harbinger...

As Scalpel was the one to break the silence and ask, "Darling? Are you well...?" Laharl didn't respond immediately, he instead stood up smoothly from his throne, and said, "If you'll excuse me...I need a moment alone, and to talk to the Changer."

Laharl walked passed the handmaidens, and headed towards the spiral staircase hidden from view, through a simple optical illusion of the walls, as the stairs are made very close to it, and each floor a pathway that leads to next floor, the Dark One took them to go up to the top floor, where the door to the rooftop garden was.

Everyone looked in silence as their Dark God, left and Ragna said, "I'm very intimidated...and strangely, aroused right now..." all her sisters, nodded to show they've all felt the same as her...

Location the Castle Neo Oblivion-Rooftop Garden

Walking out to the edge of the roof, he focused on his latest brother, and once the psychic link was established the Dark One spoke, "TZEENTCH!!!! WHAT THE F...!!!!!"

Location the Materium the Nord Sector, Eldar World-Ymir, Outside of Alderi Settlement Azir'Ymir/Battlefield: Carnage & Change Forces vs. Eldars

In the snow covered world, of Ymir a great and gruesome battle between the Alderi and two forces of Chaos...the two most unlikely (currently) daemons of Chaos were currently fighting together, as a Lord of Change stood beside the Carnage Champion, Jar Zera'val unleashing their Warp Sorcery on their victims.

Their scream of agony against the powers of Change and Darkness, forced the Seers of Azir'Ymir to form a psychic barrier to protect their troops, from more major losses.

But while they were protecting themselves their other forces were suffering heavy losses, knightmares, shi'lanorai, horrors, infernals and mortifinis tore through their warriors, gobos, flamers, fluxing eyes, firewisps, and more gun down, their soldiers before they could retaliate with their own counter-fire.

Things were turning worse and worse, as the battle progressed against Kala's forces.

This fuel the rage of Khaine, within her very being, but instead of containing it as she has done for soo long...perhaps it was time, to fully unleash it on her foes, for today she'll fulfill her oath to Khain, and present Zera'val's head to the Eldar God of Murder...

Meanwhile back in the Immaterium, a pair of Deities were watching...and "discussing" these recent events...

Location the Warp-The Realm of the Sorcerors, the Impossible Fortress/Study of the Architech

Tzeentch was enjoying the unexpected twist he has done to his brother's plan, and in such unsuspecting manner with this all he has to do is enjoy the show, and wait for his brother's call...speaking of which, the Architech of Fate was receiving a psychic call from the Dark Harbinger himself.

With a mischievous, shit eating grin on his eldritch face, he answer and said in a exciting sounding voice, "Yeeeesssss?" and not a moment soon, the Changer was replied with a very loud, screaming, "TZEENTCH!!!! WHAT THE F...!!!!!" it was soo loud that all his ears were ringing, as he hissed in discomfort.

Shaking off the discomfort in his "ears" and main brain, Tzeentch calmly responded to his brother, "Brother. There's no need, for yelling, let's talk like...reasonable...Gods. Shall we?" Tzeentch, heard psychically his older brother sigh, and after a short moment of silence, he responded, "Tzeentch. Why are you invading, Ymir as well?"

Tzeentch chuckled at his brother's question, as he honestly replied that he had nothing to gain for attacking Ymir...aside from earning, the Dark One's gratitude and debt.

Despite being long ways away from one another, the Trickester of All, could sense his brother's frustration and most likely head shaking from his study.

The Dark One then asked him, in a serious and in tone that portraits clear no foolishness is accepted, "Soo...what is it going to cost me, for this generous assistance brother? Also, what deal must we form soo you don't screw with our plans with Ymir, once the battle is done?" clearly, Tzeentch didn't miss the "our" in Laharl's question, but he decided to investigate this later.

Right now he was in a very beneficial position, he can negotiate and gain a great boon from his brother, for his reinforments on the Ymir invasion.

Tzeentch mentioned he wanted to use the Infinity Fountain & Void Gate again, gaining another worthy general for his forces, along with a few other things, such as more knowledge that he could have hiding, and lastly more magical power for his own.

Laharl gritted his teeth, cause regardless on how annoying Tzeentch was...especially when he negotiates in such a smug and superior manner, he was strangely reasonable with the demands...after thinking about it, he could use this moment to introduce Tzeentch to the Old World and like his weaker counterpart also he'll be drawn to Grand Cathay, like a fly to dung.

Soo the Dark One, started by sastifying Tzeentch desires for knowledge and magic.

He began telling them about the Anathema...after that discussion was over, Tzeentch was shocked to almost utter disbelief, he was about to call his eldest brother's lie...when he remembers that Laharl is the God of Oaths, him telling this knowledge counts as accepting the bargain between them, which in turn makes their oath sign and forged.

To make sure, the Changer focused his divine sights on the Earth, and he regretted doing soo as his brother explain this Anathema was basically a defilement to all matters of nature.

It was soo bright, and irritating to Tzeentch and in truth Laharl knew that Tzeentch curiosity would make him take a peak at the man that would become the Emperor of Mankind.

The Dark One, could hear it in the sound of irritation and pain flowing through the thoughts of Tzeentch, Laharl waited for Tzeentch to talk so he can continue to share his knowledge, that the Lord of All Forbidden Knowledge was oblivious towards.

Further explaining about the Anathema, and his constant failed intrusions to their "protected" domain, that he shouldn't be surprised of an uninvited "Sun" comes to his realm.

Also he told him about the two none daemonic but still Chaosworlds inside the Warp, under theirs protection and rule, and by "theirs" the Dark One meant himself, Khorne, & Nurgle, and these planets in the Immaterium are for the Chaos Giants, Titanomachy which will soon have tzeentchian corruption, worship, and tzeentchian giants...now that the Dark One, thought of it, apart from painted minis, in lore Tzeentch never had tzeentchian dedicated giants exclusively, all of them were Chaos Giants under a tzeentchian warbands control...

Enough of that inner ranting, Laharl explained while the Chaos Giants are...idiotic brutes...they're much needed muscle on his forces, which begrudgingly the Changer of Ways had to agree, as Laharl went on to tell him about the second world and race in the Warp, that worship them.

On the world of Dragon Ogres/Sharkaths called Wagner, a mountainous and constant storming world, lead by the first none-human "Daemon Prince" Kholek Suneater, whose occupied on a important mission for him and their brothers, hence him not being onworld.

Again Tzeentch interests were peaked as he asked more of these so called Daemon Princes, and the Dark One was happy to ablodge to his brother's request.

As their conversation, went on further the war Ymir intensified as Kala finally joined the battle directly slaughtering Lesser Daemons of both Carnage and Change, while she tried to strike at the Chaos Forces' leader, Jar Zera'val, a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch stood in her way...

Laharl was keeping in touch on how things progressed on the war, while also talking to Tzeentch.

Now it was time to speak about the Old World, another alternative, dimension with weaker counterpart of Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch and their future sister, Slaanesh...that's when Tzeentch, interrupted "Wait sister? Slaanesh? Who are talking about?" Laharl sighed as he has to explain to another of his brothers, about the upcoming future...he started by telling him about the rise of the Emperor...

Sometime later at the beginning of the 31-Millenium, and the fall of the Eldar, which resulted in the end in the birth of their youngest sister, the Chaos Goddess of Excess, Slaanesh.

Once again Tzeentch was shocked by what he has learned of their mortal enemy, the Anathema, the creation of Space Marines their greatest warriors and champions, as they tempted their Primarchs into the path of Chaos, and the age of withering (Lore states that the Emperor, for sometime weaken the Gods cause his "Imperial Truth" nuisance, but Slaanesh's birth stered the other Chaos Gods, back into action. So I decided to call it the Age of Withering, since GW never talks about that period that Khorne, Nurgle, and Tzeentch were being slouches.) which only stopped when the Eldars, cause the birth of Slaanesh...this was a lot more information that he expected his brother, to reveal to him, as Tzeentch pondered about this.

Laharl went back to talk about the subject, of the Old World, he explained it was feudalworld that focus on magic, sorcery, and faith with several weak Gods for them to devour and assimilate their Divinities onto themselves, several races to fight and consume their souls from humans, greenskins, elves, dwarves, undead, ogres, and much more!!

As part of the negotiations, of Tzeentch fully supports the invasion of Ymir, with no tricks or backstabs Laharl offered Tzeentch a way into the Old World to collect all that magic, spells, and magical artifacts that he claims.

He could tell from Tzeentch's silence, as he was scratching his chin in his study he was contemplating the offer, so Laharl decided to add some suggestions on the newest Elder Daemon candidates, perfect for him.

Before Tzeentch finished their negotiations, and gain much more than he originally imagined, he asked his brother for some reason on his opinion on who he should summon and turn into his latest Elder Daemons?

A bit surprised, that his brother is a bit more trusting and asking his opinion, the Dark One sitting down at the edge of his castle rooftop, started to think.

Eventually after searing his memories, he came up with two perfect candidates for Tzeentch, first being SkekSo of the Skeksis, from the Dark Crystal series and lastly, Bob Barbas of DMC with one of the most kickass boss music of such a atrocious game, and insult to the Devil May Cry series.

He began telling his younger brother of SkekSo was the first and penultimate Skeksis, a four arm avian and reptilian creatures that came from outer space and made their home on Thra, and eventually took it as their kingdom with SkekSo as Emperor.

SkekSo, being a master manipulator, a ruthless, power hungry but wise ruler to the races of Thra, using both cunning and benevolence...at the start...to form his great empire, gaining vast knowledge and power over the dark arts of the Darkening, which was cause by him and his fellow Skeksis by shattering the Crystal of Truth and resulting in the Dark Crystal.

Shortly after the Great Division, that split UrSkeks into two connected races Mystics and Skeksis, from their devastated underground home and began raiding Podling and Gelfling villages, SkekSo, hoping to win the loyalty of the panicked Gelflings, sent his ambassador SkekVar, to offer his protection.

During the discussions, SkekSo proclaimed himself Emperor and savagely beat those that opposed his claim of power, since then through the guise of "benevolence" and "progress" he expanded his power and grasp over Thra, driving many races into extinction, and after obtaining the Crystal of Truth from Aughra, he and the other Skeksis performed many experiments to obtain Immortality, as death is the greater fear for all Skeksis...aside from losing power...this lead to a obsession on gaining this eternal life, and also gaining control of the Darkening for his own, SkekSo's malice and desires along with his fears and despair overflowed, and guided his actions which resulted in the Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, timeline when they began the slaughter and draining of nearly all Gelflings, which ended in the Dark Crystal Movie that SkekSo died at the beginning of the Movie, having been corrupted and destroyed by his experiments on the Darkening.

Should Tzeentch show SkekSo these events, and actually give him control over the Darkening, the Dark Crystal, and Life Eternal he'll willingly offer himself and his Skeksis to his service in a heartbeat.

Next is Bob Barbas a demon under the service of Mundus, portraying himself as the anchor for the Raptor News Network, his main task is to smear the public image of Dante, and make him out to be an extreme terrorist threat, Bob claims that he is doing God's work besides being a demon or a Demon God as he said to Dante during their battle, he is revealed to be a boss in the form of a giant digital head, while in his human form, Bob looks like a slightly overweight, middle-aged man with a bad comb-over, he wears a crisp, dark suit, and glasses using his power over technology specific to media or in their world's case vox-feeds and holographic projections, he can use propaganda, media-control, manipulation of mass opinion, and more to insure Tzeentch's plans, and even secretly turn populace into his service and worship.

Bob portrays himself as a man faithful to his God, often using his catchphrase that he is "Just doin' God's work", but, unknown to his viewers, his God is actually the Demon king Mundus.

He uses the Raptor News Network to feed the populace with propaganda and keep them suspicious of various causes that could make them less docile, in particular The Order, in his work to villainize Dante and the Order, he not only labels them as terrorists and blames them for the acts of destruction caused by the demons, but also feeds upon moral guardian by painting Dante as a sexual deviant who willfully spreads diseases.

After Vergil and Kat reveal to Dante that Bob is actually a cruel demon warden, and his tower, a prison.

While their isn't much lore on Bob Barbas, since he was a original DMC character and not based on any demonic figure of mythology, he is the textbook definition of a tzeentchian daemon, should Tzeentch come to his salvation and offering him much more than Mundus ever could, he'll have one loyal, and devoted daemon that will be nearly impossible to kill or exorcised by the forces of the Imperium, including the Grey Knights.

Heck Barbas would also bring in several hereteks into Tzeentch's service, since aside from Vashtorr, and maybe Hashut in the future Bob Barbas would be one of the main daemonic entities these Chaos/Dark Mechanicum, will follow and in turn Tzeentch will gain greater technological aid.

Tzeentch was impressed and very thrill with the suggestions of his brother on his newest Elder Daemons, so in the end he fully accepted and provided his full support to Laharl's campaign on Ymir.

With their contract forged, Laharl cut the psychic link between them, and left Tzeentch to his scheming as he started to laugh manicly and with pure joy.

For his latest or better said oldest scheme, of the countless forming in the brains of the Scheming God, he'll only have to wait for their unquestioned victory in Ymir, to be announced and he can claim his prices...speaking to himself he said, "Much ablodge, brother. I deeply appreciate it!!!! Hahahahahhehehehehahahah!!!"

(This chapter is more to get Tzeentch caught up on things, and start forming a deeper bond and trust between him and Laharl. So once this war is settle, and can quickly hope back on the Old World and start the Kislev Wars and Ursan consumption.)

next chapter
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