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Rebirth of a Dynasty [Warhammer 40k Isekai Necron Overlord OC SI] Rebirth of a Dynasty [Warhammer 40k Isekai Necron Overlord OC SI] original

Rebirth of a Dynasty [Warhammer 40k Isekai Necron Overlord OC SI]

Penulis: VonLeporace

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Characters

Hello everyone! Goodnight! Unfortunately, a setback has arisen. I'll have to make a quick tip, but I'll be back soon. In the meantime, there will be no new chapters. So, I wrote this quick chapter to make up for it, I hope you like it.

Considering the number of characters so far, it can be difficult to tell who is who, so I decided to make a special chapter talking about the characters in the story so far.

I believe this helps the readers orient themselves and solve their doubts about a certain character, and this chapter will be updated from time to time as the story progresses.

That's it for now! Enjoy the chapter!


-Akatosahk Ulthagakh-

Necron Overlord of the dynasty of the late Mahazarek the Immortal. Ruler of the damaged and partially awakened tomb of Hidrus Quintus. He sank a ship belonging to Ork Warboss Gol D. Loota that was attacking Le Refuge Ombré, starting an unwanted conflict with the ork Warboss.

After dealing with the Warboss, Akatosahk set his sights on conquering Hidrus Quintus without bloodshed, infiltrating the governor's palace and accompanied by his loyal servants, Akatosahk planned to negotiate with Governor Mathias or control him with scarabs.

Only to discover that Mathias was a worshiper of Slaanesh, unfortunately Mathias managed to open a portal to the Warp using astropath Jacqueline Boucher as a catalyst. With no other option, Akatosahk awakened the tomb of Hidrus Quintus, successfully repelling the invasion thanks to the Necron Pylon located within the tomb. In addition, permanently eliminating the Greater Daemon of Slaanesh, the Keeper of Secrets, Malya'aishui'ie.

With that resolved, Akatosahk approached the astropath Jacqueline, who he rescued during the attack, and convinced her to be governor of Hydrus Quintus and loyal to him. Using the excuse of being Space Marines, the Necrons were able to help with the security, repairs, and improvements of Hidrus Quintus without being interrupted.

After an incident with Jacqueline where the astropath tried to kill Akatosahk because her faith conflicted with her actions, Akatosahk decided to approach the astropath and show that she is not a heretic and that he is not there to cause harm.

Now Akatosahk travels through space, trying to awaken the other Tomb Worlds in the system, unfortunately by stopping the invasion of Hidrus Quintus, the Overlord has attracted the attention of a certain Chaos God.

Titles: The Denied, Wretched Herald of the Impenetrable Eclipse, the Prognosticator Spiteful Guardian of the Cursed Distortion, the Collector of the Cryptic Labyrinth, Slayer of Orks, and Scourge of Demons.

Warlord Traits

Honorable Combatant: This warlord is a strict adherent to the ancient codes. In other words, he feels the desire to enter into honorable combat with the leader of the enemy force.


Staff of Light: A Staff of Light is a type of weapon used by high-ranking Necrons, including Overlords, Lords, and Crypteks.

An exception among Necron technology, the staff does not use the principles of Gauss Armament, instead absorbing energy from thin air to release in the form of powerful bolts of lightning

A secondary effect of the energy is a sharp decrease in the temperature around the wielder, the cold freezes the limbs of opponents, mechanical or not, which break when hit by the staff.

Modifications: its bearers to better serve them in battle can modify the Staff of Light.

1. Gauss Flayer: A full Gauss flayer built into the Staff of Light allows the Necron Overlord to fire devastating beams of energy at his enemies.

2. Gauss Flux Arc: Multi-barrel flux arc projectors are built into the Staff of Light, allowing the Necron Overlord to fire devastating beams of energy at his enemies. In other words, a Gauss machine gun, less power, higher rate of fire.

3. Sigils of Necrontyr: Adorning the hilt of the Staff of Light, these ancient sigils enable the weapon to fire powerful Gauss blasts at the enemy. Gauss shotgun.

4. War Scythe Blade/Glaive: War Scythe phase blades glide effortlessly through even the most powerful armor.

Fire Gauntlet: The Fire Gauntlet is a close-combat Necron Weapon that takes the form of an armored gauntlet whose length crackles and flows with green flames. The gauntlet's mechanisms are controlled by a series of sub-mechadermal filaments, allowing the wielder a level of control over the gauntlet as precise as over their own hand

Hyperphasic Sword: Hyperphasic Swords are blades of energy that vibrate across dimensions, allowing them to easily cut through armor and flesh to sever vital organs within. Lychguards most commonly wield them.

Shadow Ankh: A Necron protective device takes the form of a heavy amulet emblazoned with the Ankh of the Triarch. Far more than a sign of status, the Shadow Ankh contain a small but powerful null-field psychic generator, far more sophisticated than those formed by the Adeptus Mechanicus.

This is capable of nullifying the effects of powers generated by the Warp and severing the connection that Daemons and psykers have with the Immaterium through unknown arcane technologies. Shadow Ankhs are artifacts found exclusively as part of the arsenals of Necron royalty, such as Necron Overlords, Necron Lords, and Destroyer Lords.

Tesseract Labyrinths: These are cubes the size of a fist, which are capable of imprisoning beings of pure energy. A button interface is used to trigger the device's zero-point reactor, which allows them to trap targets within their chambers.

Mindshackle Scarabs: It is one of the Necrons' main methods of controlling alien races. At the wielder's command, tiny beetles burrow into the victim's mind and bypass brain functions, transforming the victim into little more than a puppet under the control of the scarab master.

Phase Shifter: A Phase Shifter can cause the wielder to flash in and out of a phase state. If attacks are not timed correctly, they will simply pass through empty air instead of hitting the Phase Shifter wielder.

Phylactery: A Phylactery is a discreet amulet that serves as a powerful self-repairing device containing small mechanical spider-like creatures that swarm over the wearer's body and repair their wounds.

Tachyon Arrow: A Tachyon Arrow is an exquisitely crafted, wrist-mounted energy launcher consisting of a sliver of inert metal. When activated, the metal transmutes into an unstoppable beam of pure green energy that can pierce the heart of a mountain.

Overview: A Necron Overlord is one of the greatest and most powerful leaders of the Necron species, and the ruler of many Tomb Worlds. More powerful than a Necron Lord, under the command of a Necron Overlord are countless legions of Necron Warriors, terrifying war machines, and a vast array of devastating weapons.

Typically equipped with a Staff of Light, Necron Overlords are brilliant strategists; able to calculate every possible outcome in the ensuing conflict and formulate strategies to ensure everything goes according to plan.

Armored enough to withstand anti-tank weaponry and strong enough to crush the life out of your enemy with ruthless efficiency. The most powerful Necron Overlords are those who ascend to the rank of phaeron, ruling an entire Necron Dynasty.

At least as tall as an armored Space Marine and wider than a Necron Warrior, the skeletons of Necron Lords and Overlords possess the strength to crush armor plates with their bare hands and can easily withstand damage that would knock down even lesser Necrons.

When a Necron Overlord goes to war, only the strongest and most cunning opponents have any hope of survival. His armored form is impervious to even tank-killing weapons and his robotic body provides the strength needed to crush bones into powder.

A Tomb World may be home to dozens, or even hundreds, of Necron nobles, but only one has the power of absolute government. For most core and fringe worlds, this individual is a Necron Lord, but Necron Overlords will rule the Necron Crown Worlds and particularly important core worlds.

A particularly powerful Overlord, known as a "phaeron", will claim and rule an entire Necron Dynasty. All Necron Lords and Overlords have royal courts made up of lesser nobles who owe them loyalty, Cryptekas in their service, and, in some cases, trusted bodyguards.

These courts are often hotbeds of intrigue that would surprise even the most conspiratorial of imperial nobles. These royal courts often accompany their overlord into battle as well.

Among the Necron nobles of a Tomb World, political infighting is common and there are always numerous schemes going on, albeit at a glacial pace by the standards of other intelligent races. Because of their android nature, all Necrons tend to have a calculating behavior and a suitor will rarely move openly against his opponent if the chance of success is outweighed by the high probability of failure.


Technomancer Cryptek, loyal servant of Akatosahk, is always trying to please his Overlord, is afraid of disappointing him, and becomes angry if anyone insults his overlord. Haratek is extremely loyal, having been by his Overlord side since before the biotransference, the Cryptek takes his work seriously, with little time for jokes or a sense of humor.

Which ends up conflicting with his Overlord's personality and quirks, but Haratek will never express his discomfort directly, preferring to remain silent or pretend to enjoy what he is doing.

However, despite this, Haratek's personality changes completely in the presence of his nephew, Imanitek, the Cryptek ends up taking on a paternal tone towards the Aprentek, this is due to Imanitek being his last living relative.

Haratek is also familiar with two other Crypteks from Akatosahk's court, Tholikan and Koratitan. Tholikan appears to have certain affection for Haratek, much to the confusion and irritation of the Cryptek, who does not understand the reason behind this.

Koratitan, on the other hand, proclaimed himself Haratek's rival, although Haratek never agreed to this. Even so, the two compete from time to time, whether to decide who can eliminate the most enemies or create the most destructive weapon.

Currently Haratek has acquired an interest in studying Daemons, his main subject being the Herald of Slaanesh, the Daemonette Lustfury.

Technomancer: These masters have the power to quickly strengthen and repair Necron units and Canoptek constructs on the battlefield.

Haratek Battle Trait

Corporeal Integration: This Cryptek incorporated elements of its own technologies with powerful results.


Rod of Night: A rare artifact that takes the form of a black metal rod about one meter long. Its surface is inlaid with silver and gold hieroglyphs, and often covered with the emblem of a Necron dynasty.

Far more than a status symbol, a Rod of Night is capable of sucking energy from technological devices as it strikes them, pulling the stolen power through the air along invisible paths and storing it to be expended at the request of the Necron wielding the weapon.

This energy can be used to manifest ranged electrical blasts similar to those of Tesla Weapons, add additional energy to the wielder's other attacks, or increase the self-repair capabilities of Necron, nearby units, or friendly vehicles.

Canoptek Cloak: A Cryptek device allows its user to quickly fly to where they are needed most. Technomancers use them.

Cryptogeometric Adjuster: It is a Necron device. Designed to trigger dizzying responses in the sensory apparatus of non-Necron life forms, this device causes nearby enemies to fire wildly as their perception of space and time is distorted.

Lightning Field: It is part of the Necron Arsenal, usable by high-ranking Necrons, including Lords and Crypteks. Emerald lightning intersects between the user and their unit, electrocuting any enemy that dares to attack them. They also appear to acquire a static field around their charged carapaces, giving it a slight blue haze.

Photonic Transsubjector: This device creates temporary hard-light hologram simulations of its user to confuse attackers and assassins.

Overview: They are masters of the scientific and technological, and in many ways a Cryptek's powers mirror those employed by psykers of other races, such as the Imperium and Eldar.

However, they differ in that instead of using a mutant mind to channel Warp energies, the Cryptek employs arcane science to harness the fundamental forces of the universe.

Although they have no official position in the political structure of a dynasty, they wield incredible influence and often serve in the courts of Necron Overlords and Necron Lords as close confidants. The powers of the Crypteks are highly sought after by the Necron Overlords, who will meet any demands made by the Crypteks in exchange for their services.

Ultimately, the only thing that keeps a Cryptek's ambition in check is another of its kind. If a retained Cryptek rises too far above its station, a Necron Overlord will attempt to replace it, luring a more tractable Cryptek away from its rival.

While no Cryptek will knowingly replace another from the same conclave, a rival from another conclave will gladly do so.

Once their services are acquired, a Cryptek's duties extend far beyond the tomb world. It is common for an Overlord to grant a Cryptek first pick of precious resources in exchange for their services in campaign.

Such a bargain serves both sides well; the resources of a tomb world are limited, and the Cryptek's trade requires it to have a ready supply of raw materials.

-Rahkikh e Thaszan-

The first Lychguards to be awakened and repaired to serve Akatosahk Ulthagakh, personally chosen and repaired by Haratek, these Necrons never leave their Overlord's side, much to the aforementioned Necron's discomfort.

There is not much to say about them, sons of Necron Nobles from the court of Akatosahk, the two were trained since childhood to have the honor of becoming Lychguards, and after the biotransference, they will hold that rank until they are eliminated beyond repair.

Rahkikh carries a Hyperphase Sword and a Dispersion Shield, while Thaszan carries a War Scythe.


War Scythe: The traditional weapon of Necron nobility and their bodyguards for eons, a War Scythe is an energy-bladed battle staff. The energy field surrounding the War Scythe allows it to cut through almost anything with ease. Heavy and clumsy, these weapons are only effective in the hands of a tireless Necron fighter.

Hyperphase Sword: A Hyperphase Sword is a sword equipped with a molecular agitator that "excites" the blade's constituent molecules, allowing it to oscillate between quantum states and cut through almost any material easily. A Hyperphasic Sword has destructive capabilities comparable to the much more rudimentary Power Weapons of the other star races.

Dispersion Shield: The force barrier projected by a Dispersion Shield can be used to ward off melee attacks or repel enemy fire, in a similar way to the Imperium's Storm Shield. However, unlike the brutal Storm Shield, the much more refined Dispersion Shield allows the Lychguard to actually deflect fire at a nearby enemy, turning their opponents' firepower against them

Overview: A Lychguard is always vigilant to protect his Necron Lord. In ancient times, the Lychguard were the guardians of the Necrontyr nobility, considered incorruptible and utterly devoted to their charges.

Now, Necron Lychguard are indeed what legend made them. They are no longer able to deviate from their master's edicts - the careful manipulation of the engram during biotransfer has caused each Lychguard to be programmed with unwavering loyalty to a particular noble, or sometimes an entire dynasty.

This, combined with the fact that they have kept most of their personality intact, makes Lychguard ideal emissaries and lieutenants in situations considered too dangerous to risk the existence of a phaeron or its actual subordinates.

Physically, the Lychguard are incredibly imposing, housed in the same heavily armored forms most commonly reserved for Necron royalty. This is mainly due to practicality - after all, what good is a bodyguard if he doesn't have enough strength and stamina to defend his master?

As with much of the Necron army, a Lychguard's weaponry is largely decreed by tradition. Most are equipped with heavy War Scythe blades taken from their patron's personal arsenal - when combined with the prodigious strength of a Lychguard, there is very little that such a blade cannot penetrate.

Phalanxes employed by more influential Overlords carry Hyperphase Swords and Dispersion Shields, trading somewhat in the way of raw power in favor of the incredible protection afforded by Dispersion Shields' interlocking force barriers.

While this squad may progress more slowly when fighting its way through an attacking force of Space Marines, the ability to withstand anything from a siege projectile to a defensive laser blast is an ample trade-off.

Regardless of weaponry, a Lychguard always favors a single dismembering attack over a barrage of smaller blows and will rely on its own stamina to keep the enemy at bay.

Unlike lesser Necrons, Lychguard takes pride in - and even relishes in - his bloody work. Indeed, for a Lychguard, anything less than a perfect attack is something to be regretted.

Some Lychguard go so far as to seek forgiveness from their liege if they land anything less than an immaculate blow. Thus, a Lychguard sometimes lies motionless in the heat of battle, its blade raised and motionless as it waits for the most auspicious moment to strike.

When that moment arrives, the Lychguard brings his blade in an unstoppable arc to sever limbs, sever heads, or cleave torsos in two.

-Jacqueline Boucher-

Astropath responsible for interplanetary communication of Hidrus Quintus, recently had visions about something hiding in Hidrus Quintus; she has also noticed differences in the Governor's personality.

Despite being, a vital part of the planet Jacqueline Boucher suffers the persecution that all other psykers suffer in the Imperium, but this persecution is reduced due to her proximity to the governor.

That is until the governor revealed himself as a worshiper of Slaanesh, after being used as a catalyst for a Daemon invasion, Jacqueline was rescued by the Overlord and placed as governor of Hidrus Quintus, now she has to deal with unprepared children of nobles wanting to cling to whatever power or inheritance their parents left, as the Overlord set out to conquer new planets and awaken tombs.

Overview: An Astropath ("astro" and "telepath") is a specially trained psychic servant of the Imperium belonging to the Adeptus Astra Telepathica. Capable of sending and receiving psychic messages across interstellar space, they form the Empire's vast communications network and are vital to keeping its widely scattered worlds connected.

They are trained in the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, where they undergo years of training and extensive indoctrination. At the end of this period, they undergo a techno-arcane ritual known as Soul Binding.

They prepare for the months by fasting and praying; then they are brought one hundred at a time in procession to the Emperor's Palace and the ritual takes place, they kneel before the Emperor and he himself reshapes their own minds.

On the one hand, Soul Binding shapes their powers, allowing them to safely interact with the Warp and transmit messages through it, and by preventing them from being contaminated by the Warp, they resist daemonic possession and powers more easily than other psykers and are even less prone to the dangers of the Warp.

On the other hand, Soul Binding is not a safe measure, so Astropaths still face the risk of succumbing to daemons. Furthermore, during the ritual they must endure several hours of agony, resulting in real trauma.

Touching the mind of the God-Emperor, himself is also a sensory experience so intense that it completely overloads his sensory organs, to the point where some of the astropaths are killed or driven mad in the process.

Those who survive are permanently blind and most of them even suffer from nerve damage, which results in loss of smell, touch or hearing.

Although blind, astropaths compensate for their sensory deficiencies with the help of their psychic abilities; they develop a kind of "near sense", which means that few of them choose to have mechanical eyes implanted.

Psychic abilities:

Although psychic powers are indeed limitless, astropaths generally develop some techniques across three main disciplines: telepathy, divination, and telekinesis.

Telepathy: It is the art of mental communication and influence and is the most important power possessed by astropaths. With telepathy, one can contact any other mind in order to provide it with information; it can be used as a mere means of communication, or as a form of domination and control.

Divination: Deals with the flow of time. With it, a psyker can recover information thanks to a complete reading of the traces that people and their actions leave in the warp. It can be used to perceive someone's personality and goals or to collect clues to be interpreted about future, present and past events. To put these powers into action, the most used means is the Emperor Tarot; Instead, some psykers indulge in more barbaric rituals, such as reading entrails or throwing bones.

Telekinesis: Makes a tool out of a mind and turns thoughts into strength. The forces produced in such a way by the psyker can be used to lift and move objects (weight, speed and precision, depending on the psyker's skills and techniques), to protect from attacks or even to cause damage.


Psychomancer Cryptek, a female Necron with the lower region of her body similar to a large robotic centipede, always in a good mood, she likes Haratek and tries to get closer to him, but no one can tell if the feelings are true or Tholikan is provoking Haratek, only Tholikan knows.

She is a curious Cryptek, but this curiosity sometimes borders on cruelty from the perspective of others, as she does experiments and things considered immoral to satiate her curiosity, not because she hates the target of her experiments, but because she simply wants to know what will happen.

She doesn't hate humans, but she finds them funny and adorable, the same way a human would look to a puppy.

Overview: Psychomancers are among the most restrained of all Crypteks due to their command over the powers of the mind. If their abilities are employed properly, the enemy's morale will be quickly destroyed moments after the battle begins, leading to their designation as "Harbingers of Despair".


Nightmare Shroud: When this small black barrel is opened, the worst terrors of a thousand ages are unleashed upon the enemies of the Cryptek, attacking their foes with phantoms of dread as potent as any mortal danger.

Veil of Darkness: With a simple wave of his skeletal hand, the Crypteka can summon a billowing sheet of almost tangible shadow, enveloping him and nearby allies before disappearing along with the shrouded Necrons. When the darkness subsides, the Cryptek and its companions disappear, only to rematerialize some distance away.


Plasmancer Cryptek, Haratek's self-proclaimed rival, even if Haratek does not recognize this rivalry, friend of Tholikan, also likes to provoke Haratek, although in a more polite way.

Obsessed with developing new technologies of warfare, Tholikan is tormented by the thought he calls "the limit". "How far can you improve something? Is there a limit, however distant, where technology can't advance any further no matter how hard you try?"

Unfortunately, in pursuit of this limit, many of his experiments and inventions end in explosions that destroy entire sections of the tomb.

Overview: Plasmancer (Harbinger of Destruction) are not subtle beings, as they choose to wield raw energy rather than bother to harness it into other forms. Thus, they are known as the "Harbingers of Destruction" as the spread of destruction is their gift to the galaxy.


Gaze of Flame - Some Plasmancers choose to implant hidden weapons within their own bodies. Many Necrons find this practice distasteful at best. Few, however, would question a Plasmancer to its face, especially when that face can hide all manner of terrifying weaponry. When in battle, the eyes of a Cryptek that has granted itself the Gaze of Flame burn with an unnatural ghostly fire, robbing an attacker of its speed and inducing great fear of the Cryptek.

Solar Pulse - Often incorporated into an Eldritch Spear, the Solar Pulse releases a considerable portion of the Spear's energy, not as a coherent beam, but as a bright flash of light like a solar flare.


Haratek's nephew, and an Aprentek, is the last family member of Haratek that still alive, the rest having died due to the disease that haunted the Necrontyrs or on the path to the biotransference. Due to this, Haratek is overprotective and keeps Imanitek close at all times to ensure nothing happens to him.

Which led to Imanitek not being very sociable with people, and focusing on his studies, trying to make his uncle proud, but in the end, he just wants to make some friends.

Overview: Aprenteks are the faithful apprentices of Crypteks. More than mere servants of their masters, Aprenteks are also conduits for their power. They and their staffs serve as nodes and focusing lenses for the Cryptek's abilities, which can even see through the Aprenteks eyes at will.


Royal Warden and Captain of the Guard of Akatosahk Ulthagakh, as he is an Immortal and Captain of the Guard he has a certain amount of conscience, opinion and free will, not to mention, of course, the best Necrodermis and Gauss Blaster that an Immortal can have.

Also, like any other immortal, he remains silent most of the time. Only expressing his opinion with his Lord's permission or when he is concerned with his Lord's safety.

Not much is known about his past, Qmet has always been in Akatosahk's court for as long as the nobles can remember. However, there are rumors that Qmet is responsible for the silent and discreet elimination of Nobles who tried to overthrow Akatosahk before their plans even had a chance to be put into execution.


Relic Gauss Blaster: The best and most powerful type of Gauss Blaster, more accurate, more destructive and with a higher fire rate than any other Gauss Blaster.

Overview: Royal Wardens are Necrons who serve directly under an Overlord and ensure that their lord's will is carried out by the dynasty's armies.

Royal Wardens have the initiative to adapt on the battlefield and can modify orders for Necron Infantry phalanxes. Although they maintain independence of thought, their command protocols still make them unquestionably loyal.


Lokhust Destroyer Lord. Leader of those afflicted by the Destroyer Virus, thus forming the Destroyer Cult of the Tomb of Hidrus Quintus. Cold, calculating and nihilistic, he only cares about the elimination of all life in the galaxy. Nevertheless, upon hearing Akatosahk's request and seeing the potential in the Overlord, Clandestor agreed to train the Overlord before he modified his body.

Overview: They are Necron Lords who have succumbed to the Cult of the Destroyer and are dominated by nihilistic hatred. Others are lords who were damaged in the Great Sleep and were placed in a Destroyer Bodies. Lokhust Lords are more machine-like than standard Necron Lords and are considered the most maniacal of their kind, without any ability to emphasize other creatures due to their cold and calculating nature.

Even the powerful Overlords find them somewhat disconcerting, believing that they have willingly embraced the machine and may turn against their own kind when the galaxy rids itself of organic life. As a result, many are outcasts in Necron society.

In combat, it is said that a Necron Lord's physical power is equal to the most powerful Overlords. Most prefer Staves of Light, War Scythes, and Void Blades. They are a chilling sight on the battlefield and fill many with dread and horror. Age mars and chips away at their once perfectly silvery forms.

To further unnerve the enemy, they direct their forces to attack in eerie silence and have glowing arcs of energy around the soulless fires that burn in their empty sockets. Lokhust Lords have improved self-repair capabilities, and if an enemy manages to harm one, they are horrified to discover how quickly he can recover.


Flayer King and leader of those afflicted by the Flayer Virus, also known as the Flayed Ones Flaying King and leader of those afflicted by the Flayer Virus, also known as the Flayed Ones. Former patriarch of the noble house of Sylphoz, Thep escaped elimination due to his power and influence at court, but was confined to the depths of the tomb.

With a playful and sometimes sarcastic personality, Thep has an oddly controlled demeanor for a Flayed One, yet he demonstrates erratic behavior from time to time.

He has a good opinion of the Overlord, as he does not treat the Flayed Ones as monsters; currently he and part of his Flayed Ones are in the depths of the ships of the Necron fleet, waiting for the moment when they will be released onto the battlefield.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Flayed Ones remain in the Tomb of Hydrus Quintuss, spying on the Necron nobles.

Overview: Flayed Ones are Necrons who have succumbed to the Flayer virus of the C'tan Llandu'gor, a process that drives them mad with a hunger for blood and flesh. They wear the skin and body parts of their opponents, spreading mass terror across enemy lines.

The Flayed Ones are hated by other Necrons, fearing their virus. Due to this, any infected Necron will be exiled or destroyed, although some of them always escape to their red pocket universe known as the Flayed Dimension to join their degenerate species. They don't care about strategy or tactics, just appearing on battlefields, attracted by the smell of blood and carnage, and will attack anything they see.

Once an opportunity for blood is detected, a Flayed One will claw open reality and emerge from its pocket dimension. That said, they are not stupid: the Flayed Ones are known to stalk prey and wait for long periods for an exposed weakness, giving them the perfect opportunity to attack.

A Nemesor will not trust the Flayed, nor will it change its tactics to accommodate their presence, as they are far from predictable and refuse to take orders. When a battle ends, the commander usually orders the destruction of the Flayed Ones, but just as before, some of them always escape back to their pocket dimension, waiting to materialize once again on the battlefield to quench their eternal thirst and hunger for blood and flesh.

The Flayed can be lured to a target via Blood Swarm Nano-scarabs.

Flayer King: These are Necron Lords who suffered least from the ravages of the Flayer Virus curse, a curse sent in retribution by a C'tan known as Llandu'gor the Flayer, with their personalities largely intact. The Flayed, as degraded and savage creatures, will gravitate toward the most powerful of their kind. When in close proximity to each other, the Flayed Ones' blood-hungry madness reaches new heights.

-Sire Aetir-

Autonomous Spirit of the Cairn Class Tomb Ship of Akatosahk, polite and generally emotionless, he manages all of the ship's systems. From the plotted routes, weapons firing, propulsion and much more.

Overview: The Autonomous Spirit is the Necron equivalent of the Imperium's Machine Spirit, only they are more advanced and powerful.

They are used in the Tomb Worlds, spaceships, combat ships, and even massive weapons. Autonomous spirits of the Tomb World control its functions and pass on the dynasty's standards of royal protocol to its new rulers during a succession

However, the awakening Spirits of the Necron Worlds can also cause the creation of Separate Worlds, where they take control of the bodies of their population, should the Necron not awaken.

Autonomous Spirits are also so advanced, that Necron spaceships barely need to have bridge crews. The Spirit can do all the movement of a ship, the firing of its weapons, and any repairs using scarabs.

While Spirits generally need their ship's Necron commander to guide them, there are exceptions however, such as a large group of Canopteks can form a mind gestalt with a ship's Spirit in order to give it direct control over the ship.

Some Autonomous Spirits are so strong, however, that they can take command of a ship on their own.

If they are dormant, the Spirits can be programmed to have security protocols in place, which are activated when someone tries to take command of them. These can be in the form of a series of riddles that the Spirits will give; that a Necron of your Dynasty would know the answers to.

While the Necrons can communicate them, the Autochthonous Spirits are considered vast, but also dumb and brutal. However, the Xenos describe the Spirits as having personality traits such as becoming short-tempered when damage is done to their ship.

Furthermore, if a ship's commander often speaks to his Spirit, then the Spirit could eventually regard the commander, and not his dynasty's Phaeron, as the true master of the ship.


VonLeporace VonLeporace

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