"Grandpa, you must have been really hungry, huh? Wash your hands and take a seat, I'm going to get the food," Yang Xiaoxi cheerfully ran into the kitchen.
Shen Mianmian poured out the water from washing her hands, then tidied up the table.
Yang Xiaoxi brought out three bowls of hand-pulled noodles and also three plates of dishes, one with steamed minced meat, one with fried eggs, and one with scallions and tofu.
The old man nodded contentedly at the sight of the three dishes, his eyes growing even more pleased when they rested on Shen Mianmian. These dishes were clearly suitable for an elderly person.
The girl was quite thoughtful; the noodles were also cut very finely, such that even toothless elders would have no trouble eating them.
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