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45.45% Re:zero the authority of Yandere / Chapter 5: Profitable emotions

Bab 5: Profitable emotions

<Huntsman village approaching>

"We are already here, men these wings are awesome, so tell me are the humans here any threat at all, well it's not as if they could kill me, but will they suffice for a good meal or at least a sufficient enough entertainment?"

<This entire village embodies arrogance, and hierarchy, so the people here are prideful due to them being the equivalent of Vikings and Amazonians, so their spirits kind of hard to break, but when they do the rewards it gives is beyond satisfactory in every category>

"Hmm I see, so tell me, Lacia how does the elf part of me work, like my emotions absorption and conversion, does it work in the same way the name implies, or do I have to follow specific guidelines and rules for it to work properly?"

<A good question, ok then take it like this, you can devour any emotions, for example, happiness, sadness, and misery, but the one that is truly nourishing to you is despair, suffering, and anguished if conditions are right you become way more powerful in a dystopia like an environment, lucky for you I have many ways to bring dystopia to this world order, it won't be long at all maybe a couple of hundred years>

"Then how do I eat emotions?"

<Anybody who is leaking any form of emotions, within ten meters of you will automatically be absorbed by your body, and it will convert it to shards so we can buy some abilities and skills>

"I see that is very interesting, so do we have any kind of shards right now?"

<Sadly to say but no we don't have any shards at the moment, but I have good news, I'm picking up a rich source of self-hate, despair, anguish, pity, misery, and anger coming from 600 meters away>

"Ha... are you serious, is that from multiple sources?"

<It is from one person, ohh what this the self hate and despair just exceeded 489%, wait now it is 650%, wow this person really and truly wants to die, all of a sudden, we can't make it exceed 1000% because that's the point of no return, with this much self-hate, this person is going to kill themselves soon and I mean it wow, 800%, 890%, 920%>

<Oh it's slowing down>

<It would seem something tamper the progress>

"Wait hold up it's going over the threshold too quickly, just where is the signal coming from, hey is that smoke I see."

<Yea the village is just up ahead, but the signal is coming from the Cabin in the woods, near the hunting grounds, probably a family of hunters, but that is also near a place called dead man drop>

"Dead man drop?"

<It's a high cliff with nothing but giant rocks spikes and a river that leads to an even bigger river, it's a place where a lot of people kill themselves>

"What's up with everyone killing themselves."

<The religion and belief in this village are very toxic, so if you're not strong, you are considered dead weight, it's is a tribal village with a mess-up culture, and belief system>

"How mess up are we talking about here?"

<Damn agh where do I even start, well it's better if you witness their way of living firsthand, it's honestly kind of fucked up if you aren't alpha in this place, then your dog food, all the betas get mistreated, how horrible well, agh how dow explain this, sigh... you know what pit it like this, I don't have any remorse for anything that breathes in this place, but it's reaks with negative emotions, so a village full of rich pawn, can suffice for our reason, as you can make them temporary livestock>

"Hey, quick question, how expensive are some of the abilities?"

<Well it depends because they range from [E] to [EX] meaning [E] is the lowest and [Ex] is the highest, there also split into categories, such as torture based, inducement base, sexual base, defensive base, offensive base, etc, there a lot of different categories, so much so, I can't list them all, but normally a [E] rank ability could cost anything between 1000+ shard to 10,000 + shards, while a [Ex] rank ability could cost somewhere from 1,000,000,000,000+ shards to 9,999,999,999,999+ shards, each ability are different and unique in there own ways, and that's just the ability shop function, I still haven't shown you our avatar creation shop, our followers and belief bank, which is PayPal or Patreon for eldritch beings or entity, and we also have many other functions, but these are the most important, that you should be aware of>

"I see you are quite the convenient tool Lacia, but my God some of those prices are insane, sigh it looks like I will have to find a way where I can absorb emotional energy constantly as well, hmm I have an idea, can pure bliss and eternal happiness birthed from the mental break, make a decent amount of shards."

<100% pure happy energy hmmm, happiness gives us the least amount of shards no matter the quality, but if it is done in a way where violence is used, we call that emotion fake happiness which is an addicting drug depending on how it was used, for example, the human body has a self-defense mechanism that allows us to feel great pleasure once the body has received too much damage, in short when the body is badly damaged, to save itself, the brain convert pain into pleasure, that's a perfect example of fake happiness, your mind believe it is good but in reality, the source is something far more negative, we also call this specific feeling, sinful emotions>

"Sinful emotions?"

<Yes emotions that are stem from mankind's sins, for example, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, sloth, melancholy, pride, and Vanity>

"Ohh... now that's a good idea using carnal sins to get rich, hahaha I just think of something amazing, yes im going to work on this right away, but first I need to invest some currency."

<Hmmm what do you have in mind master?>

"Well, let's just say I have found a way how we can siphon carnal desires and emotions from people to get rich?"

<How so?>

"Let's become an underworld criminal king, in short im about to build an organization that specializes in all types of atrocities, for example, we will have nine branches, each of them representing a sin, and under these braches will open up specific business under a carnal sin that pays in both emotions and actual currency, for example, we can open up a brothel representing Lust with trained whores, men, and female alike, and well VIP will get some otherworldly shit that will not make them go back to normal sex, or self-pleasure, the goal is to make them get addicted to our products and services you see, that way we will have a piggy bank that never goes dry, along with millions of loyal dogs that always comes back, even if they have to walk across the world."

<Ohh that's a great idea master, why didn't I think about that, let me see how I can contribute my idea as well, oh I know we can also try buying the gift-giving ability which is 156,000 shards, and also Drug creation costing 200,000 shards, which is the ability make all form of existing drugs once understood if we can get the people of this world addicted to pot, cannabis, marijuana, mushrooms, Heroin, cocaine, steroids, ecstasy, etc we can collect a vast amount of false happiness emotions, and actual currency to invest in our plans, in this case, that would fall under greed branch, yes we can train some great drug dealers in this world, and different parts of it as well, to spread or Influence and product even further>

"Your right, that's a good idea I was also thinking of opening up a thief branch under envy, an assassination branch under wrath, and illegal fighting arena and gambling stations under Pride, well for melancholy a special type of service that ranges from torture, RaP[e], kidnapping, mind-breaking, etc, we can also add and create or own products and open up a black district which the black market, a place where you can buy illegal things, even slaves."

<That is also a great idea as well, I like your way of thinking master, we have so much in common.>

"Honestly who created you, much less program you."

<Oh that would be mother Nya, or as many know her as the Nyarlathotep>

"If I remember correctly that the messengers of the outer Gods and probably the cruelest of them all?"

<Most certainly>

"So what about Satella who is she based on, if I have to guess she is Cthulhu right no, the Shub-Niggurath."

But as I said this I was shut down as Lacia said.

<Well Satella is a special case she claims to be the youngest of Azathoth children but in reality she older than even my creator, but due to her current situation that I will say nothing about, due to a geas put on me, all I will say that Satella is probably second if not third to Azathoth>

"Wait what, how is that possible, who is she based on?"

<The Magnum Tenebrosum, Aka the unnamed Darkness>

"Hmmm...., men I really should have learned more about the Lovecraft verse, I know a lot but not to the point of a professional, I never heard of that outer God before."

<There are plenty of lesser outer Gods as well, but the unnamed darkness is a nightmare even my master doesn't want to get on her bad side, it's said that Satella or the things you know as Satella embodies Azathoth darkness as a whole, but one thing for sure that girl is still is maturing her body is older than her mind, and that all I will say>

"Well, I won't interfere, much less worry about her problems I got my own shit to deal with, as a matter of fact, all I have to do right now is worry more about myself than others, and also I wa...

But before I even Had the opportunity to even say, what I wanted to say a sudden set of words and numbers pop up in front of me, which kind of shocked me.

Happiness energy sense now absorbing and converting to shards.

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

Congratulations a total of 1,000 shards have been earned.

Automatically I question what were the sudden amount of notifications that came before me like a pop-up ad.

"What the hell is this Lacia?"

<Congradulation master you absorb your first set of emotions, it came from those two love birds down there, although that man's love is one-sided, the woman is obsessed with him though>

At those words, I decided to land on one of the trees that were high up, as I camouflage in the dark environment, and gaze downwards and that's when I saw it.

"Aghh...UGHHHHH!, Oh My...Ahhhh right there, YeSssaSSS... Agggg... AhHhh... UGGH, UGH!!!"

"Damn Niko you are really tightening up extremely hard on my dick, fuck... did seeing that beta bitch getting stepped upon really turn you on...Ugh, damnnn, this shit feels way too good today."

"Aloha... you're going too fast, but It was kind of ahhh....ahhhh.... shit! shit, slow down a little, fuckkk, ok so it was hilarious but damn daddy did you really have to do the aww in like that."

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

Congratulations a total of 1,000 shards have been earned.

When I look at this I had an instant what the fuck face, I instantly question.

"What the fuck am I looking at, is this some type of horrendous NTR play, hell no, what the fuck is this Lacia why are two kids fucking under the glare of moonlight surrounded by a thick forest with animals lurking everywhere, agh I see a double suicide with a nut, well fuck people are kinky on some freaky ass shit."

<I don't know master, this was sudden>

"But my God, buff boy at the back is putting in some work what the fuck is this, two bears fucking?"

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

+100 shard earned

Congratulations a total of 1,000 shards have been earned.

"Nevermind, it's just two bears fucking, well at least I'm earning money to watch this shit."

<I think I know what happens here>

"Please Lacia enlighten me."

<Ok master pay close attention now>

"Sure no problem."

<Well first of all what you are seeing here are two Alphas fucking to celebrate, my guess is the female Alpha was probably acquainted with a cute, weak, and submissive beta male, and unfortunately for that male, an Alpha male come by and eyed his potential mate, and well let's just say when two Alpha meet the Betas get outshine, so yeah this is NTR shit, and you know what that might be master>

At the moment Lacia and I said the same thing.

"The beta is the source.

<The beta is the source>

(A/N):Ok before you bite my head off for adding NTR, I will say this, Our MC will not get NTR, he does the NTR, I don't like NTR but one thing is for sure, I want to write the consequences of NTR and what would be the end result of it, ok with that out of the way we cool, don't kill me for this, the story demands plot.

"Well hell, poor boy got his bitch taken away from him, heh...hehe now that funny, Lacia do you see why I say these thots are hopeless?"


But as I began thinking this I began to pick yet another trace of new energy.

Despair, and Fear energy sense now absorbing and converting to shards.

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

Congratulations a total of 5,000 shards have been earned.

Ha, what the hell is happening, that is when I saw and heard it.



When I look to the right A boy with a giant claw wound on his chest, and a busted eye was heading in this direction, he was at least 5'0 and was chubby, he had tan skin, a wore nothing but a loincloth made from some type of animal fur.

Around his neck was a chain with a single saber tooth around it, he wore a pair of fur boots and a small knife around his waist, he had black hair and silver eyes.

The boy seems around thirteen, and he was running with everything he had, and when I look behind him, a giant hippo creature with an alligator tooth was chasing him, its skin look as hard as iron, and it was big as a school bus, its skin was yellow with blue stripes on it.

"What the was that?"

But I didn't get an answer, this time instead, I got the shared scream of the tan skin girl and white skin boy, as they said in Panic.

"The fuck, why the hell is that beta water balloon doing here."

"Oh no... is that a greater Archaeopotamus, shit we have to run."

I look towards, the fat boy that was running and the two bears that were making love, I smile at this as I brush off the dirt off the comfiest branch take a seat, and watch this with delight, what you honestly thought I was going to save them, no they are my personal vault, I make money in watching people suffer.

So with that said I sit back and watch the show with gusto as my currency starts going up.

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

500+ shards earned

Congratulations a total of 10,000 shards have been earned.

"Tonight is a good night, well then let's see which one of you lots will survive this encounter."

<Master do you want some popcorn>

"You have popcorn?"

<One of my many features>

"What are you waiting for give me a bucket, and throw in a soda while you're at it."

<Your wish is my command master>

next chapter
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