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94.77% Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family) / Chapter 272: Chapter 272: College Experience (4)

Bab 272: Chapter 272: College Experience (4)

[General POV]

Frankie watched the movie Shark Tales with Dean Pelton as she waited for Edward to come back. However, while they were watching it, Britta and Jeff burst into the room unannounced and started to confront Frankie.

"Hey, what did your people do with Abed?" Jeff asked. Dean Pelton yelped and flinched, his entire popcorn dropped to the ground.

 "Jeffrey! Are you insane?!" Dean Pelton admonished him immediately, waiting to push Jeffrey out of the room. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move the muscular man. 

"Whoa, hold on. What seems to be the situation here?" Frankie asked casually, not intimidated at all. 

Britta appeared from behind Jeffery and accused, "I'm talking about Abed Nadir. He was admitted to the hospital, but your security wouldn't let me inside. When I came back with Jeff, he was gone!"

"Are you sure he didn't just go back to his dorm?" Dean Pelton asked as he kept his hand on Jeffrey's chest. 

"We've checked, and get your hand off me." Jeff said as he replied to the Dean. He pushed Dean's hand away...twice. Britta added, "What are you doing to him? Is the conspiracy theory true?"

"What conspiracy theory?" Frankie asked in confusion. Britta replied, "That Entertain is actually a shady corporation hiding behind the face of an entertainment agency. They even did experiments on chicken eggs. An anonymous source posted it."

Jeff was startled and asked worriedly, "What are you doing to my source of protein?"

Frankie was incredulous and slowly, she pointed her finger to the door, "Is that your friend?"

Britta grimaced, "Don't try to trick us— Wait, Abed?" As she followed the finger, she noticed Abed standing there with a hidden figure who hid his face underneath a baseball cap, both were slurping a drink.

"Sorry we're late. We stopped by 7 Eleven to get some Icee." Abed said casually after everyone was looking at him. Edward added, "We combined all the different colors into one."

Abed explained, "We wanted to see if all of our teeth would change colors like they did in cartoons, but we only got a brain freeze. Were you guys watching Shark Tales together?"

"Edward? Really? You did that?" Frankie asked with an excited expression. Edward grimaced and said, "Calm down. I was just swept up by his rhythms."

Abed said to Frankie, "He brought it up. We're good friends now. We bonded by our mutual interest in TV and movies."

Jeff and Britta were in disbelief. Edward looked to the floor and said, "Huh. He did pass out."

All of the people there looked at where he was looking, and saw Dean Pelton fainting on the ground. When he saw Edward, he gasped in shock, even suffocating himself before he passed out.

"Dean!" Britta immediately rushed to the dean. She said, "We need to get him to a hospital!"

"Or you can just let him wake up on his own. Annie did the same thing." Abed said.

"So, leave him be?" Jeff asked casually. Frankie, Edward, Abed and Jeff walked out of the room without even caring about the dean. Britta shouted, "You heartless monsters!"

Edward chuckled and asked one of the undercover security agents around him to go and help. Britta rejoined the group soon after and said egregiously to Edward, "Thank you! Was that so hard to do?!"

Before Frankie could, Abed defended Edward, "He might seem like he's callous, but he cares about people. He won't abandon the dean even if you weren't there." 

Frankie was taken aback a bit and supported Abed, "He's right."

"So, what did you guys do until you had to go to a hospital?" Britta asked with concern. 

Abed replied, "We went adventuring in a forgotten part of Greendale and suddenly found ourselves in a trap room. I inhaled some gas so he had to carry me to safety." Edward nodded as if to back Abed's words as Abed spoke to Britta.

Britta snorted and said, "If you don't want to tell me, there's no need to make stuff up."

"Abed, did you…" Jeff hinted at Abed as they met each other's eyes. Edward caught it and spoke to Jeff, "Pitch me your movie idea? Sorry, but the plot line wasn't that great."

"It's a great story! You just can't appreciate good art." Jeff replied angrily. Edward and Abed both had a deadpan look and muttered, "Seriously?"

Britta snorted and teased, "Jeff, you tried to sell him your movie rights?"

"Shut up and go read more conspiracy theories online." Jeff snapped to Britta. 

Edward chimed in, "You know there's one about me being born in a US military experiment to create the next generation of supersoldiers. That one is a great read."

Jeff asked, "Those things don't bother you?"

"Not really, no." Edward replied casually. Abed suddenly said, "Ed, if you have some time, can I bring you to meet Annie? She made me promise to tell her if I see you again."

"Is she still here?" Edward asked casually. Britta replied, "Yes. She has some late classes."

Jeff said as he wrapped his arm around Edward, "Why don't I bring you there, and we can talk about my movie idea? I have a couple if you don't like that one–" However, a security guard bigger than him grabbed his arm and twisted it.

"OWW!" Jeff shouted in pain. Edward said, "Oh sorry about that. I told them not to act unless there's physical touch. You can release him. He's fine." Edward explained to Jeff before telling the guard to be at ease.

Britta admonished Jeff, "You really thought he's an ordinary kid didn't you?"

"He was so casual, I kinda did." Jeff confessed. "Sorry about that." He apologized to Edward.

Frankie suddenly pulled Abed away from the group while everything was happening and asked Abed, "Hey, you said you became good friends with him?"

Abed replied, "Yeah. We have a similar thought process. It made us bond pretty quickly."

Frankie suddenly turned to Edward and said, "Hey Ed, I forgot my tablet, so why don't you go and meet with that pretty girl in yellow sweater, and Abed will accompany me back to the room."

Edward pointed at Frankie and said, "I feel that there's something more going on there, but I'll just pretend to be tricked."

As the group separated into two, Edward turned to Britta, "I have to ask, did you used to be an activist? More specifically, the group that broke out the animals from the laboratory testing and saved a capuchin monkey."

Britta looked proud and said, "I did! Just before I go to Greendale. I can't believe you know about it! Sometimes, it is worth fighting for a cause." She gave Jeff a smug look.

Jeff snorted and said, "Britta, what if he has some stakes in the company. Then, he can use your confession to get you arrested."

"Don't worry. I don't. But I know about that monkey. When you saved him, did you get bitten or scratched by it?" Edward asked casually. Both Britta and Jeff furrowed their eyebrows. Britta said, "I did get scratched, but only a little bit."

Jeff took a step away from Britta and said, "Why did you ask? Was the monkey diseased? Thank god nothing happened between us yet. Wait, we kissed! Damn it Britta! Did you spread a disease to me?"

Edward slurped his icee and said, "There's no disease.." Both of them breathed in relief, but widened their eyes again when Edward continued, "But, the monkey carried a chemical compound that could induce mental disorder.. It will be a slow descent to insanity for those who got bitten or scratched by it."

"WHAT?!" Britta yelled in shock after processing the information in deathly silence for a minute.

"Poor woman." Edward shook his head sympathetically to Britta, which made Jeff think that he wasn't kidding about it.

After the group's separation and making sure that Edward was out of earshot, Frankie asked Abed, "So you're bonded to Edward from your mutual interest in tv right?"

"That's an oversimplification, but yes." Abed replied. Frankie said, "Alright, I have a question, if someone– someone famous says that, the reason he couldn't move on from a girl is within the Shark Tale movie, what is he talking about?" 

Frankie was actually a bit nervous about asking Abed the question even though she had veiled it, fearing that he could manage to figure out that someone was Edward. However, she was worried for nothing.

Abed replied, "He's famous? Hmm, there's a few scenes in Shark Tales that might make him relate, but if I have to guess, it should be the scene where Angie told Oscar she loved him even before he was a nobody. Before the money and fame. In the fake lives he was living, her love was the only thing that's real. And he missed that when he was busy chasing his dream."

"Oh." Frankie was taken aback for a bit. She thought about the matter and mumbled, "So, I guess the reason he's holding on, is because she knew him before he got famous?"

Abed replied, "That depends. Were they in love before? Also, is he a fish?"

"I don't…What?" Frankie looked at Abed in confusion, trying to figure out if he was joking in that last question. 

"Thank you." Frankie said afterward. Abed replied, "You're welcome," and then walked away. Frankie muttered with exasperation, "Edward's new best friend is kinda weird."

In California, Jacob abruptly stood up from the couch, confusing his family members. His mother asked, "What's wrong honey?"

"Something's wrong. I can feel it. It's like I'm being robbed of something…" He muttered solemnly.

[Edward POV]

Jeff asked me in panic, "Can you do something? Are you sure that she's going to go insane?"

I slurped my icee and said, "I don't know. If I want to do something about it, I need to know what the chemical is."

"So do a blood test!" Jeff urged. Britta nodded with a pale face and said, "I don't want to be insane."

I thought about it for a while. The duo anxiously waited for my verdict as I was silent. Then, I replied, "Blood test won't work, so, get me the monkey. I'll study it right from the source."

"You want me to capture the monkey I had liberated?" Britta asked in disbelief. "You don't really liberate him. I guess you send him to a pet shop or something. If you really release him back to the wild, then he'll die in days."

Britta widened her eyes and said, "I did send him to a shop."

"Then? Go get him." I gestured with my eyes. Jeff said to Britta, "You should go now before the shops close. I'll stick with him so that you will know where he is."

"You just want to pitch your ideas to him!" Britta said angrily. Jeff replied, "No! I'm not that obnoxious. I know when to quit."

"Fine. I'll go now." Britta sighed before she left in a jiffy. "Now, let's get you to meet Annie. By the way, are you interested in getting a rare comic book for your comic book collection."

I replied casually, "I don't have a comic book collection. But if you want to sell some rare stuff, I know a group of nerds that may buy it. What comic is it?"

"Spiderman." Jeff replied simply. I shot him a look and said, "Issue number? Which Writer? What year?"

"I'll have to check." Jeff said. Then, both of us saw the yellow sweater girl walking towards us. "There's Annie. You talk to her. I'll be back with the comic details." He ran away to his car to get his precious asset, leaving me alone there, without even trying to introduce me to Annie.

"Well, this is awkward." I muttered in disbelief after realizing I was left alone in the hallway. Annie moved closer and closer. I stood still in the hall,trying to say something to her, but she…just walked right past me?

"Is my disguise that good?" I reacted incredulously after Annie disappeared at the end of the hallways. Then, I shrugged and said, "Oh well." I walked to my car, and then left the college grounds after Frankie returned.

"What about the girl?" Frankie asked in confusion.

"She doesn't recognize me, so I left. Don't want to embarrass myself." I replied. "Really?" Frankie asked with a surprise, "Even though she saw you in the morning?"

I nodded as I thought the entire thing was bizarre too. "I even wear the same outfit. Anyway, what's going on with the negotiation?"

"We already got a deal. Tomorrow morning, you'll be the new owner of this community college." Frankie replied with a smile.

"I know I can count on you, mother-figure." I smirked.

"You know what? I like that nickname." Frankie said teasingly. "On another topic, I've watched Shark Tales." She said suddenly, which made my heart beat a bit quicker. 

"Um, is this the right time to tell you that I didn't think you'll actually watch it this early, so I'm quite nervous right now." I said meekly. "Mind if we wait until the end of the trip to get into the convo, or like, not ever?"

Frankie smiled kindly at me before she replied, "No."

[General POV]

As Jeff went to his car, he found out that it was being towed. "WAIT! THAT'S MY HOUSE!" He shouted as he ran after the towing truck. He managed to stop the driver and begged him, "Please sir, that's my car. I was only parking there because I lost my friend and went to confront the guys I thought had him, but it was all a misunderstanding."

"Sorry man. I can't do anything about it, even if you have good intentions." The driver said while smoking. "You can get your car back from the impound lot tomorrow."

Once a tow truck has hooked up a car and started driving away, the tow company is generally required to complete the tow and take the vehicle to the designated impound lot. 

"But I'll need to pay a fine, and I don't have any money on me right now." Jeff explained.

"I feel bad for you man, but I really can't do anything." The driver shook his head apologetically. "You can grab your stuff in there if you want. I'll give you 5 minutes."

Jeff sighed and said, "Thank you." He went to his car and filled a backpack with his stuff before letting the tow truck leave. He gazed at the sight of his car leaving with despair when Annie came to find him.

"Jeff! I've been chasing after you. Did you find Abed? And is that your car being towed?" Annie asked incredulously. Jeff looked at Annie in bewilderment, "Why aren't you with him?"

"With who?" Annie asked in confusion. Jeff widened his eyes and mumbled, "No! Damn it! That was my last chance!" He rushed back into the building despite Annie calling him.

"Jeff!" Annie turned in disbelief, and then mumbled, "With who?"

Jeff searched for Edward for a while before finally giving up. He went to find Abed, knocked on Abed's dorm room and asked, "Hey, my car got towed. Can I stay here tonight?"

Abed was surprised, but he agreed to it easily, "Yeah. Cool. I've always wanted a roommate. You want the top or the bottom bunk?"

"Top." Jeff replied.

"Me too. I'll race you for it." Abed said before he ran to the bunk bed and jumped to the top bed. "I win." He said. Jeff didn't even move when he started the competition. Suddenly, Annie appeared on the dorm room door and scolded Jeff, "I swear if you run off one more time!"

Abed looked at Annie and asked, "Hey, why are you here?"

"WHY CAN'T I BE HERE?!" Annie asked in bewilderment while flailing her arms around. "Someone please give me some context!"

"Abed, you want to take this one? I feel kinda bad." Jeff said as he looked at Abed. "Sure." Abed replied. Then, he looked at Annie and said, "We met with Edward Newgate, your celebrity crush. Jeff and Britta were supposed to be bringing him to meet you. I don't know what happened next." 

Jeff realized that Abed didn't know the full story and added, "Wait. Sorry. I should explain from now on. On our way over, we found out that Britta is criminally insane, so she needs to track down a capuchin monkey so that they can make drugs to save her mind."

Annie was befuddled, "What?"

"Anyway, I told Newgate about a rare comic book I have. And he was ready to open up his wallet to buy it from me. I saw you were coming in our direction, so I just left to go and get it. I didn't know that you're going to follow me." Jeff added.

Annie froze for a while before she laughed dryly, "Ha."

"Annie?" Abed was confused.

"HA~ HA! HA HA HA HA!" Annie began to laugh madly and said, "I walked past him? Even when he's coming to meet me?! I'm like…the worst fan in the world!"

Jeff began to get worried, "Annie, by any chance, were you bitten by a monkey?"

"Please tell me the context about the monkey. I feel like there's a story I'm missing here." Abed turned to Jeff and asked.

Annie laughed madly, however, she stopped abruptly when Abed turned to her and said, "If you want, I can text him. See if he's coming here again."

Jeff and Annie looked at Abed in disbelief. Annie asked with a shaky voice, "You have his phone number?"

Jeff asked, "You exchanged numbers with him?"

"I told you. We're great friends." Abed replied casually. "Call him, tell him I got the comic!" Jeff said urgently. Abex said, "I'll just text him."

As soon as Edward and Frankie arrived at the apartment, he reacted incredulously, "You want me to do what?"

Frankie replied decisively, "Ask a girl out on a date. Even if it's just one date."

[Frankie's commentary]

"I've come to see why he was so crestfallen when that budding romance of his fell apart. In his world of fame and celebrity, he feels he can't truly connect with people anymore." Frankie commented from Edward's seaside villa living room.

"He worries that any relationships he tries to build now will always be colored by the public's perception of him, so he clings to the people who know him before his fame." Frankie added.

"I understand why he feels that way - it must be so hard to trust that anyone sees the real him, and not just the polished persona. But I worry that in shutting himself off to avoid getting hurt, he may miss out on finding the true connections he craves. If he locks himself away from the world, how will he ever meet someone who can see past the celebrity facade? That's why I'm asking him to date. So that he may open his mind about it."

[Commentary ends]

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