/ Fantasy / Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

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Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Fantasy 603 Bab 1.3M Dilihat
Penulis: Dere_Isaac

4.22 (71 peringkat)

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VILLAIN!? Is that what you call me? Do you know what I have been through?

Damn it! My fight is against the puppeteering strings of heaven itself.

FATE dealt me this hand, and I'll find peace in it.

Even if I have to end the world, I'll sit a king on its ruins.
I'm not a good guy. I won't even pretend that I am. But then again, who in this world can truly claim that title?
At least I know my heart. What about yours?"
Chiron lived an unfortunately miserable life as an orphan.

Just when he managed to get rich as a result of a book about a world he saw in his dreams, he was murdered.

He was even unable to enjoy his vast wealth before his death.

But Fate had other plans for him.

He was reborn in the same book he wrote as the main character.

Appearing when he was about to undergo circumcision.

But that was the least of his problems.

After all, according to his book, the main character was to die at the end, risking his life for the safety of the world.

To sacrifice one's self for the world was not his style.

But the hunt for power and immortality---Now that was his style.

However can he win when his enemy is Fate itself and the Gods that command it?...Especially with the Fate Change System he can never truly trust.
Note: The MC has no morality. Very Sick Shit happens in this book. I mean things that will make even your parents shy away.

You have been warned!!!

No Romance= (The Ancestors forbid it)

Simping= (The MC would prefer Death please)

Familiar bonds= (Family exists only for benefits.)

Stray off the part of Power= (only to go kill a nation or something and we back on track)

Note: So the first hundred chapters are endearing but very necessary. MC is at his weakest point ever.

But it's also what builds his indomitable character and fearless nature.

please be patient with it. The wait is worth it.

{I never needed to say this before, but please read at least a hundred chapters before you leave a review. Thank you}

General Audiences


  1. LxzyTheGoat
    LxzyTheGoat Berpartisipasi 10426
  2. darklord12332
    darklord12332 Berpartisipasi 10371
  3. Duke_muss
    Duke_muss Berpartisipasi 8054


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    Good novel so far. I hope the author does not change his line of reasoning during the course of the novel. In addition, for those who like a villain novel and an MC in this style, it is a great choice.

    Lihat 2 balasan

    Caught upto Ch.47// I’ve has found another peak-tier gem in its relatively early days :) Readers of evil MCs shouldn’t bother to read my review and jump straight in. Anyone on the fence should read below. Writing Quality: English is probably the author’s first language because they have a good grasp of how to manipulate it well to flesh out a great novel. System text is presented clearly. 4.8 stars. Update Stability: Medium-length chapters but 10ch/week at time of writing review so it’s pretty good. There’s little filler which lets you immerse yourself in the story as a reader though I do think the system interface is unnecessarily added here and there. 4.3 stars. Story Development: Struggle: That’s what you as the reader will see in the first few chapters. It forces him to become a demon. But our MC is not a pushover and works accordingly to prevent fate pooping on him, while doing his best to reach new heights. But don’t worry, this isn’t a novel of MC getting sh * gged every other chapter. These events are paced really well, and there is no filler. Finishing a chapter leaves you desiring to read the next one. System isn’t overbearing and it has it’s role in the story. 4.7 stars. Character Design: What can I say. This is an MC who walks the path of the great Demons. Just as Fang Yuan once had. He has wits, cunning, and a lack of morals. He uses everything in his means to his advantage and outplays his opponents. There is not much explored about other characters but this story is focused on our MC. I do think author has portrayed the antagonists as smart as well which is nice. No one likes dumbed-down opponents. And yes, MC begins from infancy, but time skips and being a transmigrator don’t make this an issue. Plus author works around it well. It’s troubling how hard this world is on the weak but that is the world of cultivation. Eagerly waiting on how MC deals with the ‘daughter’. 4.7 stars. World Building: The standout feature. It can seem quite complicated, but it all interlinks nicely and leads one to imagine a large, ripe world for the taking (Also alludes to this novel becoming a 1000 chapter masterpiece). The author has managed to organise things such that it all adds up nicely, and so far has built up the micro-environment of his clan’s area well. 4.9 stars. Is this the second coming of Reverend Insanity? This certainly has the vibe of RI, and the potential to become something as great. If you enjoy a villainous, no, a demonic MC, then read this. MC is forced to beyond redemption and slowly loses his humanity.

    Lihat 17 balasan

    The cover is from "My three beautiful wives"

    Lihat 17 balasan

    After a long testing period by yours truly. I deem this novel worthy to be on my list of Evil Protagonists. Evil MC? Check! No Harem or Romance? Check! No Friendship or Familial Bonds? Check! Interesting and fun to read? Check! This story has a cliché yet unique beginning. The author has a firm daoheart and is not willing to compromise on the MC's character. There are some parts in the story that make you question for a bit, but the author makes up for that with exciting FATE dilemmas. As long as the author never goes against his core audience and decides to compromise on the MC's lack of values. Then, I will not give up on this story for the foreseeable future.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    I was promised a story about a villain. Almost 90 chapters in and the hero has done nothing even remotely evil or villainous except kill a mouse. Waste of time to read.

    Lihat 3 balasan

    Dude, I've come this far, but you have to explain some things now. First of all, in what kind of novel is he reincarnated as a hero? Why does he know the story down to the last detail and forget about this seer? And what's with the hero who dies at the end!?!? This story (the one Mc read) is not good at all. The fact that he remembers everything might be due to his memory ability in the shop but that's another problem! You have not introduced this system very well. For example, what do the luck stat do? Is he really a lucky person right now? What is the limit of the abilities in the shop? And why doesn't it show up in the system? For example, he bought a training room or something. If I hadn't looked at past chapters, I would have almost forgotten about it. And most importantly, when did he get to the point of doing so many experiments with plants and beasts? I've never seen anyone become so knowledgeable by reading a fantasy book. I'd rather he tried to learn something. I mean, if you look at him, he has a system. He knows the plot down to the last detail. He knows the whole plot and he still fails miserably. Man, if any other Xianxia MC had some of his skills, he'd be Op in 50 chapters. But he suffers so much because of fate and that b♡♡h called seer. I'm not saying the story is bad, but it's always frustrating. And yes, I hope he tortue that s♡♡t stalker seer in the future.

    Lihat 5 balasan

    A nice novel sadly the mc progress is too slow I decided to continue till 100+ chapters hoping there would be some change but he barely gained anything . I stopped at chapter 114. not a bad novel but am not a fan of slow progress.

    Lihat 1 balasan

    Firstly, I Just want to say that this is a cultivation novel, so the bar is already low. Here is my review: Not bad but it doesnt lives up to hype. Mc survives a lot of near death experiences using his system. But that would mean he was going to die without the system and his prior knowledge. Then how did the Main character in his book survive? We are told that he is reincarnated in his own book yet he just has some general knowledge and thats about it. If this was a normal 'reborn in past' story, it would be exacly same. He acts like this isnt even his own book. He literaly has too many ways to escape the bad events yet he doesnt.

    Lihat 6 balasan

    ==Cuidado, aquellos que hablan español y traducen los capitulos por traductor de ingles a epañol, porque no se puede traducir la pagina por el sistema antipiratería(solo se puede traducir capítulos gratis), asi que si compras capitulos, y intentas traducirlos no va a funciónar.

    Lihat 0 balasan

    the concept is good but the execution is soo terribly bad . i love an evil mc or a profit oriented mc that does what ever it take to achieve his goal but forcing the plot to limit an evil mc is just bad . if you wanna make an evil mc he need to be in control of everything he need to be 1000 steps over his enemy not some mc who only react never attack . btw the story flow is so slow with one relevant chapter in every ten.

    Lihat 4 balasan

    Plot holes. Confusing backstory with things unexplained. Writing feels like it lacks planning. Mc makes poor choice in particular in how he spends his points and overall interacts with the system. Terrible name choices. And strange behavior from other characters that doesn't make much sense.

    Lihat 5 balasan

    The novel is good, but a lot of the information is nonsensical and some of the MC's actions are illogical. Chapter 160 it is unclear what he did to the Elf is a mystery in other chapters it is not described what happened. He knows a lot of forbidden techniques, but doesn't know the evil double cultivation of using women as a cauldron of cultivation.

    Lihat 2 balasan

    the novel good but I'll just say the things I don't like, even tho the mc is the author of this book, I find it weird that he seemingly has knowledge of every forbidden evil ritual everytime and cause he's the author he can also rune speak?? I have never seen a novel explain such things in detail so I personally think it's annoying. then there's this trend where mc is too forgetful, little did he know that blah blah blah, like bruhhh, he's ruthless and doesn't confirm kills? he's an overthinking manipulator and he forgot something? I swear it's annoying, don't get me started on the beef he has with anyone and everyone

    Lihat 4 balasan

    Mr. Author It takes 1k points to Heal his Dantian. But 1 million to heal his arms. What im saying is that Doesn't make sense. I've read hundreds of Cultivation Novels but Never, And I Mean NEVER!!! was it harder to fix the ARMS than the DANTIAN . Normally it only takes a Great quality Healing pills to heal physical injury from poison wounds or CURSES But if you damage Your SOUL, DANTIAN, OR SPIRIT it will take IMMORTAL HEAVEN BENDING GODLY MIRACULOUS PILL or ELIXIR to heal the dantian, soul or spirit But in this novel healing the soul dantian or spirit is 1000× times easier than healing a Arm Injury. This is the first time I've encountered such setting But you're the author after all you decide how the world common sense , reason or logic. Is there actually any reason about this ridiculous event?

    Lihat 0 balasan

    author i only have one thing to say don't Stop don't Stop the evil mc gets my readers kiss the character get my love but they will die anyway i suppose the world building is one of a kind i have never see such complex but complete and real like feeling it gives it CAN NO WILL BE A MASTERPIECE AS RI if you don't Stop what are you doing we no atleast i will support it ( i don't know about others though so give everything you have (I hope you see this )

    Lihat 3 balasan

    Updates seem to be good, but there are many silly mistakes, which shouldnt be there, like sometimes he writes something small, the next time he writes it big Mc is okay, and I like him, by why does he want to kill his little sis just for a bit of power, god, you are the author of the novel, are you that useless? Big world, rest seems fine

    Lihat 0 balasan

    "{I never needed to say this before, but please read at least a hundred chapters before you leave a review. Thank you}" - quote from the Author. Only allows you to read 40 chapters..... Yah..... kinda seems like I won't be reading this. I understand the need to be payed for your work but if your not going to even allow the "you need to read this to even understand if you will like it" then I can't say much more of it. I'm not going to pay for 60 chapters to even have a "chance" to understand it. If you don't want reviews before chapter 100 then why are you forcing people to pay for it? Also I've noticed everyone hating on people who only "read 40 chapters" like come on. Your entire pull is the evil MC but you don't get any of it till chapter 100+? It sounds like a lot of build up and might be good but as a preview of work it's fair. There is nothing going on and I will review it as such. Don't read unless your willing to pay for the "hope" it's good. I can't comment about much of this story but it's not worth the time to try unless you feel like paying for "hopes","chances", and "dreams".

    Lihat 1 balasan

    This novel is one of the best I've ever read in my life. If you want to see a novel in which the protagonist uses the power of "protagonism" or "destiny" and defeats all the bad guys, this novel is not for you. The author creates an excellent novel, where the protagonist goes through real problems and obstacles and overcomes them all with his own merit. the description of the fights and how the protagonist acts always leaves you very excited for new chapters. a really unique novel, I believe I have read very few that have this theme and this quality in all the novels I have read.

    Lihat 1 balasan

    So power is the aim of the game. Blood is the merely the medium for better things. It grips a readers heart and crushes all the boredom from their very soul. So delectable you might start having fondness for the deep red color of life. My way of saying this was an awesome book

    Lihat 1 balasan

    Well, I've read up to chapter 40. I want to ask if he actually sacrificed his sister or not because I find it illogical that he would be reincarnated and then oh, I will sacrifice my sister to gain power. I will leave the novel if he actually sacrifices her, so tell me.

    Lihat 3 balasan

    Penulis Dere_Isaac