Mack, who had been completely quiet this entire time, had watched the two families. Although he wasn’t able to fully understand or identify with their problems, it didn’t mean he couldn’t comprehend what they were going through.
In fact, he was rather broke himself, and his trust fund was running damn near empty.
More than that, he had undergone a few changes after realizing how much he had hurt Eva. In the process, he had re-awakened his sense of empathy, which now tugged at his heart. He felt a desire to help. Especially after having experienced Eva’s unyielding declaration earlier.
She was inspiring. Both of the girls were.
He had been useless most of his life, and ruined a great many things because of that.
In the past, he found reasons to blame others for the failures he had in life. It didn’t matter how ridiculous his accusations were - what was important was that he shrugged off all accountability, and ignored the consequences.
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