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88.51% Quest Maker of Soul Land / Chapter 330: Beacon of Blood

Bab 330: Beacon of Blood

Ja Yin... certainly made it clear what she wanted through an array she wished Ja Sun's assistance on. She didn't even put up a fight as she, uncharacteristically, revealed the array chart worth thirteen scrolls and seriously got down to it... and Ja Sun did not expect the challenge to end in this manner. By itself, the idea Ja Yin declared was... unique. Something that could really only be accomplished by her.

But Ja Sun found himself a little gratified only after 13 hours of working on it with Ja Yin. Oh, they weren't even close to creating what she wanted but... Ja Sun had been teaching Violet and Ja Yin in the hopes of getting inspired by them instead. Unknowing, true thirst for what Ja Yin desired made her bring this idea up. She was nowhere near knowledgable about such a level of array... and excitingly enough, Ja Sun wasn't either, which finally gave him something to busy with.

Yet, the entertainment and joy didn't only come from this budding idea of Ja Yin's alone. No... it was time to invest. While he could keep things simple with others... he felt he had enough 'dirt' on Erlong, Yuehua, and Zi Ji to have some fun. Especially Erlong and Yuehua. About time, he thought internally.

Before actually going through with anything, he first traded with Xie Xan. Since it was 'technically' a draw, Ja Sun gave the happy family a good enough discount. Since Xie Xan already had a Yin core as a spirit one, having another Yin Core from the Ghost Centipede wasn't of much use and instead, Xie Xan exchanged the Corpse of the 100000-year-old beast and its core for a Duskgold Terrorclaw Bear Core that was potent in yang for his physical core and the Raving Owl Core that was compatible with Hu Lana because of her charm-based skills that even Xiao Wu and Xiao Bei shared.

Then, as promised, the only victor of this little investment scheme got the best out of the situation. Jun'er had already gotten her spirit soul, too, and had a 100000-year-old spirit bone alongside a spirit core. Yet, it was her pregnancy that stopped her from showing her skills off, and even if Ja Sun prided over his control of spirit energy, she didn't want to take any risk. This also meant that Oscar benefited the most because Jun'er only needed a core for her spirit douluo breakthrough to form another core.

So, as the winner, Oscar gained a 75000-year-old Nine-headed Giant's Left Leg Bone and then Oscar even exchanged the corpse of Jun'er's spirit soul and the darkness core she had formed on her own without needing the beast's core to exchange for not only two cores but also another spirit bone. Ja Sun did promise them a good discount as a wedding gift, after all.

A Raging Torrent Bull Core for Oscar's physical core later down the line. A Silver Pheasant Core not for the physical but for Jun'er's mental core. And a 40000-year-old Saint Hell Tiger's Skull Bone. It was clear that with Jun'er herself having a few bones including a 100000-year-old one, most of these bones would be absorbed by Oscar to increase his offense. After all, his spirit skills were geared for support but that didn't mean he needed no attacking skills of his own.

Again, Ja Sun wasn't quick to share 100000-year-old bones much less million-year-old ones. These things are a freaking treasure even to the current him!

But now came the fun part... and Ja Sun most definitely wanted his beloved next to him so she could have some fun, too.


Ah Yin had been told about some 'stretching' exercise that Ja Sun had imparted to Bibi Dong with when the woman demanded purity before marriage and still had perverted needs and ever since then, Ah Yin had seen how easily Ja Sun would... well, stretch the tight fortress... it would be a lie if she wasn't interested in learning things beyond her usual scope of interest.

After all, she already had three cores, nine spirit rings, and a good set of spirit bones. For all intents and purposes, what was left to do was gain a higher mastery of concepts as Ja Sun relayed it to her or find a god inheritance... but because of her prior interactions with gods as a spirit beast and as a human through tribulations and the fact that a few gods wanted her lover, and the father of her future child dead, Ah Yin was considering former option more and more.

This also meant... she was absolutely free most of the time. Her idle joy quickly became turning Ja Yin into HER errand bitch and since the Golden One is always yapping about hierarchy and pumping a child... Ah Yin became superior in every manner to Ja Yin which made the Three-Eyed Golden Empyrean more than annoyed.

"I don't believe you!" Erlong hissed, quickly crossing her arms across her butt and blushing fiercely, "Why do I need to use the mental core like that... when everyone else would probably absorb it through their spirit energy?"

Ja Sun was about to begin but the world simply wasn't ready for an Ah Yin who had probably also reached the destined end of mortal cultivation and was bored out of her wits. Heck, Ah Yin was even hanging out with Hu Lana more than recommended! Gently patting her loving husband's shoulder as they sat in their very spacious living room, Ah Yin revealed a more than sincere smile, "This is a better method Ja Sun developed... I can assure you that much. Even Bibi Dong... tested it technically and loves it."

Erlong's glare sharpened at the debauched couple... that she was now a part of, "I'm not stupid!" The dark-haired woman growled, "And there's nothing you can say that will make me... put the core... there... you both are sons of bitches!"

"I... never knew my parents," Ah Yin exhaled gently with a look of deep remorse while Ja Sun this time hugged his loving wife's shoulder and had an even heartbroken expression, "Yeah... me, too. Sigh... it's alright Erlong. We'll just exchange normally."

And with that, the husband and wife looked at the future candidate with their five eyes now wide and all watery, making Erlong clench her fist and grit her jaws. For all her rage... Erlong simply couldn't deny that look...

"F-fine... but, I haven't really— ah, wait! Damn it, Ah Yin, uncoil your vines— aaaahhhh ahaha, that tickles! Fuck! Stop! Sttoppppp!"

Yuehua, who was resting in her room shivered with a sense of coldness seeping into her spine. Every room was individually soundproofed so she didn't hear Erlong's... stretching fall but she certainly felt ominous.

In fact, after proudly declaring that she was ready to move on and wished for everything before getting the beating of her life, Yuehua hadn't left her room. Too embarrassed to face him. The excitement had long dispersed as she now... actually thought about her words.

'Everything... would mean marriage... kids... oh, god... kids with him... what if my children are as crazy as him... worse, what if our daughter is as perverted as him... would anyone want to marry her... I must... prepare. Yes, everything can be avoided with proper preparation.

Should I ask Grandmaster how to raise children?... forget it. He would have something similarly crazy to offer... Maybe asking Brother Xan and Sister Lana... but... no, oh, no... all around me aren't fit for that... what should I do?'

She looked at the wall of her room in a dazed manner, freaking out about the future and having bitch paws already.

But breaking Yuehua out of her thoughts was Erlong barging into her room with a flushed expression and an odd space in her steps as she groaned and flopped on the bed face first with her clothes slightly disheveled, eliciting Yuehua to inquire awkwardly, "Uh... did you—"

"No!" Erlong snapped but her face was still planted into the mattress and as a result, her growl was quite a bit muffled. Her tone... however, grew softened, "I... just exchanged the corpse of War Dragon and his War Dragon Core for Dragon Mind Core... a mental core since Ja Sun believed it would have been harder for me to develop a mental core than my physical one."

"Then... what happened?" Yuehua questioned. Unlike others, she wasn't about to gain anything right away. First, she had to cultivate for some time and reach rank 60, a bottleneck she was absolutely close to because she was currently at rank 59.

"Nothing..." Erlong's buttocks clenched and then she let out a sharp whimper, "I just... tried a new way of absorbing the core... still am... don't mind me."

Needless to say, Yuehua was quite speechless.

Something DID happen and it would be THAT kind of thing because there weren't many things Erlong kept from her. And yet, Yuehua was drawn to the notion and queried, "Erlong... I, ehm, need to ask you something..."

"What?" Exhaling an annoyed sigh as if this was her room instead, Erlong looked up only to find Yuehua blushing deeply, "Um... do you think I will be a good mother?"

"Aren't you a virgin? Why do you care?" Erlong blurted, almost making Yuehua curse out loud... but it wouldn't do. The Phoenix was the most elegant of their team and inhaled deeply, "No... I—"

"Wait a minute..." Forgetting her own plight for a second as her backdoor squeezed a little tighter, making her shudder despite herself, Erlong's breathing turned somewhat hotter as her gaze grew invasive, "Did you and... him..."

"No!" Yuehua blushed, "I mean... we didn't say anything too... specific... I may have demanded everything... for everything..."

Erlong blinked before planting her face back into the mattress as her muffled groan echoed, "You know what... good for me. He can practice these weird things on you."

"What weird things?" Yuehua questioned quickly. It would be a lie to say she wasn't worried. But it would also be a lie to say she wasn't feeling excited after such a long time.

"Nothing... forget I said anything," Erlong denied everything, now beginning to see why Ah Yin was interested in such 'plays' because Erlong was instantly interested by the idea of the usually dignified Yuehua making weird faces like her.

'Oh... Ja Sun, Yuehua... me... and Zi Ji... maybe Ah Yin and Sister Dong... huh, not as bad as I thought. Am I becoming bad like him to think of Xiao Wu and her mother, too? Fuck! Why did I just imagine them on him and under them?! No... no, I will be on top, always... always...'

Needless to say, Ja Sun was bringing many under his divine path and glory just fine enough.

In the next few weeks, as Bibi Dong stabilized her status as the newly elected leader of the Heaven Dou Empire and discreetly removed a few troubled factors from the PREVIOUS royal clan, she also provided benefits to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan the most. The clans, strong and influential ones, were still independent of Spirit Hall but that didn't matter.

Unlike what others imagined, Bibi Dong did not focus to build the Spirit Hall as the ruler of the world, no. Instead, there were rumors that the current Supreme Leader, disappointed by every Titled Douluo including the Star Luo Emperor entered the Extreme North alone.

All spirit masters that were moved to the edge of the Extreme North's Border instantly saw the sky turn crimson and the situation lasted for three days!

Bibi Dong soon returned, in a different outfit this time, and openly claimed to all that she fought the beasts for three days and night and while she couldn't defeat them, have come to an accord with the master of the land that once, every year, ten admirable candidates can enter the depths of the Extreme North with their protectors and hunt for a beast of their choice while not a single 100000-year-old beast would attack them. Of course, if there were fools who targeted the tribes of these monstrosities themselves... then it was their luck.

The truth, however, was that Bibi Dong had to enter the depths of the Extreme North to reassure the panicking Bing Bing who somehow got the idea that Ja Sun wanted everyone from her tribe to serve him including her. Talk about a giant misunderstanding. Once Bibi Dong was done assuring that Ja Sun didn't even care that much about her... making the girl's pride hurt like a kicked puppy, Bibi Dong was offered a refreshing bath by Snow.

And when Bibi Dong came out after sleeping for three days and nights, too exhausted by all the paperwork as she kept her Crimson rings released, she found Bing Bing proclaiming that she was so beautiful that no man could ever resist her. Again, Bibi Dong didn't care... but it wasn't her concern anymore. Why would she stop prey from foolishly entering the domain of a predator? Last she checked, the way to survive in this world was to be strong or either has the backing of the strong.

Fortunately, Bibi Dong had both.

Yet, when everything was going on track. When the entire Empire celebrated her, cementing her position in not only the Heaven Dou Empire and the Spirit Hall but also now being admired by many in the Star Luo Empire... much of it was due to the spirit temples in the Star Luo Empire that had tight grips on the local discreetly forming rumors that the White Tiger Emperor cowardly took away his forces from the enemy... things shifted.

Everyone strong enough to sense it felt their hearts clench in horror. Bibi Dong's mind almost burst open when she felt the deep purple scythe in her subconscious once she had accepted the god's inheritance let out a sharp and keen noise. The scythe, for the first time in years, communicated with her— A Tribulation not by Gods, but for a God forms.

Far, on a distant island, the dull golden trident that had gotten lifeless a few months ago due to some events suddenly glimmered and shuddered.

The woman who had been kowtowing in front of the trident for months, looked equally listless but she still felt it and let her senses peer outside without moving.

In the King's Lair, the Emerald Lake rippled for a second but Ja Sun didn't need any notification as he stopped everything he was doing and disappeared, leaving Ah Yin and Bi Ji in charge all the while the Crimson Asura Sword he plundered from Tang Chen shook. The same was with the Water Dragon King Saber and the Fire Dragon King Arm Cannon in his body.

And lastly, in the very same second this sensation spread across the globe to many top spirit masters and beasts, including Di Tian, who had been observing the situation for months on an uncharted island, a beacon of blood-red light instantly reached the high heavens from a location in the deep ocean only a 100 kilometers away from him.

The clouds grew dark the next second and a very stifling sensation filled the globe.

"Of many things that could be expected... a god is born, not from an inheritance, but work of one's own sweat and blood," a deep sigh echoed within the Emerald Lake, "Ah, humanity. Its wonders never cease to amaze me."


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