"Don't patronize me, Spencer Li. Tell me what you came for." Ririna's patience was running thin. The longer Spencer Li and his group stayed, the more Skyler would be prone to danger and Ririna felt like a tigress being cornered by an enemy but was waiting for a chance to pounce so her cub could escape safely.
Without her husband's assistance, she could only rely on Evan and Erica to make sure Skyler would escape if things got worse. Even if she ended up dead today, as long as they would be able to save Sky, her only regret was that she wouldn't be able to see both of her children growing up and wouldn't be able to stay by her husband's side.
What did the Bureau want from her if they didn't want her head? Looking at Spencer Li's grinning face, Ririna tried to mentally list down all the possible logical explanations for all of this.
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