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93.1% Private Dump / Chapter 27: 6 prongs

Bab 27: 6 prongs

Pronging Down The Forky Trail 

Awkwardness, and small undertone of simmering anger, filled the Cullen's living room. When Charlie arrived, Bella barely had time to blink before Felix had cleared away the television and other game show paraphernalia. As Charlie reached the door, Felix was opening it and welcoming the man while the rest of the Cullens settled the living room in super speed. By the time Charlie sat down on the couch, the room resembled its former glory, minus the dumbstruck Bella in the middle.

"Sorry to intrude like this Doctor," Charlie apologized, his gaze never leaving Bella.

"It's quite alright Charlie, I knew you would be by soon," Carlisle answered. He knew, realistically that when Felix showed up in their home with some grand scheme, that it would not end well for his eldest son and his girlfriend. When Felix kicked Alice out of the house and cryptically told her that she still had a mission to complete, that it really wasn't going to end well. But… then Felix pitched his game idea, including a very excited Rosalie and Emmett, and Carlisle didn't have the heart to object. Things between him and his two children had been strained since Rosalie's outburst about his preferable treatment of Edward. He wanted to fix that and if this game would help mend the fence, he was going to participate -he did, and loved it. It was fun to see the answers, to watch people get hit with paintballs, and more importantly see his children playing together.

"We seem to be meeting a lot like this… and I don't know if it's because of my daughter or your son, or something else, but these children just don't know how to follow rules and stay away from each other," Charlie stated bluntly. "I'll tell you right now that I won't stand for this anymore. Bella, if you step one more toe out of line I will have you shipped right to military school." 

"Military school?" Bella finally came back to herself.

"Well it's better than sending you back to your mother's. At least there you might learn to respect the rules set down, and show what you can do and accomplish on your own, without the need for a boyfriend. You're a smart girl Bella, which is why I don't understand your need to be so dependent on Edward. I don't know who you are, Bella, all I see in my mind is the sweet little girl I raised and then it jumps to this…" Charlie gestured towards his daughter. "Who is this person that's living in my home? All I know about you is that you're dating Edward, you love Edward, you want to be with Edward. I know more about Edward than I do you. I rather know that I put a young woman in the United States Military Academy where she will learn drill, dress, and deportment, then to continue sharing my home with a weak and ignorant girl with no ambition."

Charlie stood up quickly and marched towards the door. "You know what; I'll give you a choice. You can come with me now and promise to obey my rules while accepting your punishment gracefully or you can stay here. Stay here as long as you like but if you step on single foot into my house, you will be off to military school. I don't care about late admissions, or extra fees because I will find a way to send you right then and there. So make your choice."

Carlisle watched the entire scene in surprise. He knew Charlie was getting fed up with Bella's constant disregard to his rules, but he didn't think he would go this far. But maybe it would be for the best. He knew without a doubt that Bella would choose to stay here, which would break Charlie's heart, but if Bella were ever to become a vampire she needed to sever that connection anyway.

Charlie opened the door and looked back, his eyes stern and focused. "What will it be?"

Bella bit her lip and shuffled foot to foot, looking as if she were contemplating the decision which only hardened Charlie's face. "I know that hesitance isn't about whether to come home or not, it's about how you will tell me you are staying. I know I leave a lot to be desired in the father department, but I didn't think I was so bad that you wouldn't even show a shred of sadness over our situation. Goodbye Isabella."

The Volturi were cruel murdering creatures that thrived in despair and bloodshed, Carlisle knew this to be a fact, but the moment Charlie walked out that door and Harry rushed to the officer and offered him a sincere hug of comfort, Carlisle couldn't help but think that they weren't so bad. He could only watch as a heartbroken father was led to the back of his own car and helped inside, while a Volturi guard sat next to him in comfort. He watched as Demetri stopped scheming and gloating for a moment to give the man a pat on the shoulder and then climb behind the wheel to take the broken man home. Those two, whose only goal had been to mercilessly torture a human girl, where doing more for Charlie than the Cullens ever could, and that was like a punch to the gut.

The Cullens always acted and talked about how they were better than the Volturi morally and culturally. They told themselves that by feeding on animals they were better than those monsters hidden under Italy that feasted on tourists. But were they really? They had torn a young girl away from her lonely father and didn't even care. They ripped the Swan family apart for their selfish desires, and not quickly like the Volturi did when they simply killed people, no… they dragged it out over months, watching as Charlie was hurt more and more and yet they encouraged Bella. Were they really better than the Volturi in any way?

Looking at his family, Carlisle couldn't help as another truth sunk in. Maybe it wasn't his family that was in the wrong but simply him, Edward and Bella. Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper were all standing in various spots glaring at the couple in question, all looking disapproving to their actions. Esme, his dear sweet heart, was off to the side looking confused and worried. He was the head of this family and he hadn't stopped Bella from sneaking off to see Edward, he didn't stop Edward from going over to Bella's every night, he didn't discourage them when Charlie talked to him last… He hadn't done anything except give Bella hope that one day she would be a vampire, and wasn't that the main issue here?

Bella wanted to be a vampire, and when Carlisle allowed his family to discuss it democratically, he unknowingly told Bella that it was possible. What human on this earth, would think that school and friends, and even their families, were more important than becoming a vampire? Every human was born with curiosity. It was what the Volturi preyed on. The tourist wanted to experience something new, something they couldn't see in their original home towns, so when a pretty woman or handsome man steers them towards Italy's catacombs they are intrigued. Their curiosity perks its head up and tells them to explore the catacombs, to learn its secrets. Once they pay the tour fee, they are signing their death certificate and that's what Carlisle did to Bella and Charlie. The moment he allowed Bella to sit in on the meeting about her mortality, he signed the death certificate on her Father/Daughter relationship.

 "I think we need to have a family meeting about this… can someone call Alice?" Carlisle asked as he rubbed his eyes. He needed to set things right, to redeem himself in some way because as it stood, he didn't feel like he had any right to lead this coven if he was so blinded to the world around him. First with Rosalie… then Edward and Bella… now innocents were getting hurt.

"A meeting about what? Bella moving in with us? I don't think anyone would object, right…" Edward looked around the room, waiting for his family to support his statement, but no support was coming.

"Edward, I think we need to have a family meeting about this." Carlisle was firm on this. They would talk as a family, and if no solution was found, he would make the decision and lay down the law. "I'm sorry Bella, but would you mind leaving us for a while. You can go walk in the forest, or go into town to get something to eat. This is a discussion just for the family."

Bella spluttered while Edward was quick to argue that Bella was just as part of the family as any of them were, but Carlisle wasn't going to argue about this. "No," He stated firmly and looked Edward straight in the eye. "I said it was just for the family and Bella needs to leave. She can borrow your car to go get food, and then when we are all done talking, you can call her and ask her to come back."

"You know…" Felix integrated himself into the conversation, bringing awareness back to his presence, "Bella left quite the mess back at the reserve. I bet there's a certain little wolf that would just love to have a long and meaningful conversation with her about knife wounds on the back. Bella, when you plunged that sharpened piece of metal into your friends back, was it to the left of right? Or did you aim for the centre so you didn't seem biased to either side… but knowing you… you probably kept away from his heart so you could drag it all out instead of ending it with one fell swoop right? I mean if eddy boys leaves again you will need your pet wolf there to comfort you…"

Carlisle sent the guard a glare. He didn't appreciate his input. "Felix, if you wouldn't mind-"

Felix grinned as he cut Carlisle off. "Oh I don't mind at all. I think I will go and buy a couple pounds of honey garlic wings, some boxes of greasy fries, and a 24 of beer. That should help Charlie tonight as he sits at home, thinking about his daughter that abandoned him, listening as a new piece of his human heart breaks off every minute that Bella doesn't go rushing back inside with an apology. Should be more fun than this place."

"Felix…" Carlisle ground out. "Just go, please."

Felix gave one last cocky little grin and wave before he was out the door and gone from their sight. Seeing him leave though, only put more pressure on Carlisle shoulders as the fact that their choices tonight could mean that Bella was turned, or she died. If the Volturi learned that they didn't plan to turn her, they would kill her for knowing their secret. But if they did, would Carlisle's family ever be right again? Her mere presence split them down the middle, would her inclusion do worse?

"Someone call Alice, and Bella, please leave. You can stay here tonight, but tomorrow and the day after…"

"Carlisle!" Edward protested.

"Edward be quiet! I have tolerated your behaviour long enough. It stops here. Do you even know what your actions have done? You brought a human into our home. You made us move away when you got scared. You went to the Volturi to die and brought their eyes down on this whole family. You brought them here to Forks, interfering with our lives, and you have ripped a family apart because of your selfishness. I'm sorry Edward, but from this point forward all major decisions will be discussed as a family."

"I'll call Alice," Jasper offered before he left the room to make the call elsewhere.

"We'll go set the table or something…" Emmett said. Grabbing Rosalie's hand he started to pull her into the other room.

"What are we going to set?" Rosalie whispered harshly.

"I don't know…I just wanted to leave the room, I couldn't keep staring at Edward and Bella without laughing at them."

"Emmett, this is a serious moment!"

"Then maybe they should change!"

Carlisle sighed and tuned the two out. He would talk to them later. Looking at his eldest and his human girlfriend, Carlisle let out another sigh. "Maybe you two should change first…"


Jacob was having a terrible day.

It started out well enough. He woke up and ate a big hearty breakfast with his dad, he worked in his garage for a few hours, had lunch with the pack, and then Bella called and said she was coming. That made him happier than anything else, because he missed Bella. Just seeing her face made everything seem lighter.

But then things went downhill. Bella had brought two leeches with her, and not just any two, no; she brought the two that had given the pack diarrhea. At least with the Cullens they never provoked the pact, preferring to live in their part of town. But the two new ones weren't following the treaty, and stepped on their reserve for a second time. Sam and the others had been around, ready to attack once Charlie was gone. They wouldn't dare expose their secrets to the police officer.

Jacob thought that would be the worst of it, but he was wrong. The big leech dared to make fun of them, and then the little one mocked them by removing his shirt. But the worst part was that Bella had told the vampires and his pack that he had been the one to tell her about the Cullens being vampires. Now he was stuck in Sam's kitchen, while his alpha stood in front of him furious.

"Why? Just tell me why first," Sam demanded.

Jacob looked away and stayed silent. He knew he was in the wrong but he stood by his choice. He never told her outright, merely pointed her in the right direction and gave her a large push. He stood by it though. But he knew that no matter what he said, the answer wouldn't appease Sam.

"What was going through your mind? How could you betray the pack like this?" Sam asked harshly.

Jacob's eyes narrowed at the accusation. "I never betrayed the pack!" He argued. "I did what I thought was right. Bella deserved to know what she was getting involved with!"

"If she did or not doesn't matter. The point is that you did betray us," Sam yelled. "We are descended from spirit warriors, born to protect our land and people. We created the treaty with the Cullens to ensure a more peaceful life for those on this reserve, and you deliberately went against it. You know the treaty states we cannot tell any non- native about the Cullens being vampires. You know this and you still told that girl. Is she native? Is she your wife? No! She's none of that. She has no connection to our reserve and has no reason to know. You betrayed us when you told her and broke part of the treaty.

"Do you know what this means? If the Cullens so chose, they can come on out reserve, they can feast on humans, they can kill without worrying about us, because you broke the treaty! You, Jacob Black, knowingly informed Bella Swan and broke the treaty your ancestor Ephraim Black created."

Jacob grit his teeth. "Our job is to protect, and that is what I was doing. I was protecting Bella!"

"No, you were fulfilling your own selfish desires. We all know that you love Bella, that you wish you could imprint on her, but it won't happen. Not once have the Cullens told the white's we can shift, not once have they spilled human blood. They kept their end of the treaty, and yet you shamed us by breaking our end."

"What did you expect me to do? She was hanging around a blood sucker!"

"Control yourself. I expect you to control yourself!" Sam roared.

Jacob shot the alpha a glare. "Like you're one to talk about control."

Sam's face fell immediately, all fight leaving his body. Jacob continued to glare at the bigger wolf, knowing his words cut the man deep. The sound of light footsteps walking away from the kitchen alerted Jacob to the fact that his conversation hadn't been as private as he first thought, and guilt finally started to settle in. He had only meant to hurt Sam, but if his guess was right, Emily had heard his words too.

"I think we're done here," Sam whispered. "I am going to your father to tell him about happened. Then I will call a meeting with Carlisle Cullen and apologize for your foolishness and see if I can smooth things over and keep the treaty intact. It may seem like a small thing to you, telling Bella, but a treaty is a treaty and even breaking a small part of it is a serious offense."

Jacob watched as Sam walked out of the kitchen, stopping briefly to whisper to Emily in another room. The older man had worked hard for the pact and the reserve. Doing everything he could to protect it, even when it was him alone. Was Jacob in the wrong? Was Sam right?

It didn't feel wrong telling Bella, but… Sam accused him of betraying the reserve. He never understood the importance of the reserve. It was just a shitty piece of land that his people were forced to live on when the white people took over and didn't want to see them anymore. A lot of people left the reserve when they could, not wanting to live in such poverty.

Before he shifted, Jacob always felt like he was trapped on La Push. Trapped by the tales his father told him about his ancestors Kaheleha, Taha Aki, and Taha Aki; three Chief's that put their tribe and people first. Defending what was theirs. His father always told him that the land belonged to no man. The land was the Creator's, and the Creator was letting us live on it. His ancestors fought for a place to live, but not to own.

Jacob never cared to listen, only thinking the stories as an old man's ramblings. He never believed the stories about man shifting into wolves, but then he learned of the vampires and saw one for the first time and he wondered. Maybe the tales were true. But he still never connected to the land. It was still just dirt and stone to him. Then Bella came, and he couldn't stand for the girl he used to call a friend but now loved to be near such filthy creatures such as vampires. Him telling her about vampires was breaking the treaty, but what did it matter? There were no wolves to protect them anyways.

Then he shifted, yet all he wanted was to kill the Cullens. He wanted them gone so that Bella would stop focusing on Edward and look at him. Then all this happened, and yet Jacob still couldn't bring himself to care or see things from Sam's point of view. In Sam's eyes, and probably the rest of the pack's, Jacob did wrong. But he still believed he did the right things by telling Bella. It's just that Bella didn't fully understand the implications of getting involved with vampires.

He couldn't even be mad at her for telling on him, because the only reason she betrayed him was to protect herself, and Jacob stood by that. He betrayed his pack to protect her, and she was just doing what he would have done. Protecting Bella was the most important thing, and his pack just didn't see that. In fact, they betrayed him in a way. A pack was supposed to support a fellow wolf, yet none of them supported his love for Bella. Just because he hadn't imprinted on her yet, didn't mean that they should just ignore the girl he was in love with.

Feeling righteous fury over his pack's betrayal, Jacob stood up and walked out of Sam's house. Let Sam fix the treaty and talk to the village elders, Jacob Black was going to continue his pursuit of Bella Swan!


Bad Joke Of The Day

Q: Why are vampires easily fooled?

A: Because they are born suckers


Demetri chuckled as he dropped a blanket over a passed out Charlie. The living room was a mess. Harry and Demetri had arrived home baring buckets of fried chicken, some cases of beer, and sacks of nachos and dip. Charlie had grumped to himself for a while but then Billy Black showed up. The man was right furious with his son and had requested for one of the rez boys to give him a lift to the policeman's house.

Together they were a pair of grumpy old men, both disparaging over their difficulties with their children. Jacob had apparently insulted the whole tribe and didn't show any remorse. Billy felt guilty and ashamed about his son. He had tried to raise him right, bring him up with their culture and tales but his son had gone a different route.

Charlie went on and on about how this had to be Renee's fault. If Bella had grown up with him, she would have learned to value herself and be independent. With Renee and her man-hoping ways, all Bella learned was to depend on a man. Then he went on to say that if Bella never had a daughter, she would probably learn the same lessons.

Then together, they both complained about the Cullen's. Sure some were fine, after all neither had a thing against the good doctor. But Edward, Rosalie and the hyper one all grated on their nerves. The boy was a menace. He crept outside young girls windows; he was controlling, and had no respect for authority. The blonde one was always looking down on everyone. The small hyper one was just too much to be around. She bounced from place to place and always had this knowing smirk on her face like she knew a secret.

When they finally ran themselves dry with complaints both men had fallen asleep on the couch.

"They sure had a lot to complain about," Harry commented as he put a blanket over Billy.

"You do that as you age. Caius is the same way, just walks around muttering to himself. He thinks we can't hear when he complains about us but we do."

Harry nodded his head before tilting it in thought. "Maybe he wants you to hear…" He suggested.

Demetri grinned. "Probably."

They busied themselves cleaning up the mess the two men made when Harry started floating. Feeling a smirk work its way on his face, Demetri snatched his little partner out of the air and carried him upstairs. "What's on your mind, Harry?" He asked.

Harry giggled and used both his hands to cover his mouth. "I was thinking of helping both men down there. They obviously need to punish their children…" He trailed off.

"And how would you propose we do that?"

Harry giggled again and then leaned forward to whisper into Demetri's ear. The older vampire laughed out loud at the suggestion. "I think that will be perfect."


The Fork's Women's Association met every Saturday evening at the local church. They liked to organize small events for the town, trying to keep things a little exciting. It was also nice for them to just get out and enjoy themselves with some friends, leaving their husbands at home.

Tonight they had a small misfortune. The lovely glass container they used to hold their punch had been pushed over by a sudden gust of wind in the church, smashing it to pieces. They had all loved that container; it was a beautiful piece of glasswork.

Not to be let down, they had pooled together all the change in their handbags and decided to send out a few of the more energetic women to fetch some refreshments from the nearby pharmacy. Three of them set out, and entered the store, intent on their mission when they got sidetracked by a small boy standing by the condoms.

"Oh my, what is that young one doing?" Abigail asked.

The other two turned at her exclamation and both gasped at the sight. "Well I never…" Susan let out.

"Where are his guardians?" Charlotte asked while looking around the store for another adult.

Abigail decided that it was best to steer the boy away from such an inappropriate aisle. "Excuse me, sweetie, where are your parents?" She asked as she approached.

The boy turned towards, showing her messy black hair, bright eyes, and an adorable face. He frowned slightly and his bottom lip jutted out slightly. "My mommy died…I live with my Uncle Charlie now," he told her.

"You poor dear," she sympathized. "And where is your uncle?"

"Uncle Charlie was very tired so he's sleeping on the couch. I was going to play games with Demi but then my cousin's boyfriend called and asked me to do him a favour…" He trailed off.

Abigail had a moment of enlightenment. This little boy was the newest addition to Chief Swan's house. The women were all in a tizzy at the news. Mrs. Cole from down the street had told them about the new residents and they had talked long and hard about whether they should welcome the boys with some nice home-made cakes. They decided that they would send two as representatives from the F.W.A, but every time the women approached the house something was going on to deter them.

"Are you talking about Bella's beau Edward?" She would admit she was a bit nosey… they were rumours about the two.

The boy happily nodded. "Yeah Edward called and said he needed a big favour!" The boy's voice dropped. "But he said it needed to be a secret and I couldn't tell anyone."

Abigail held a gasp in. Looking around it wasn't hard to gather what the secret was. Those two young things were sexually active! Or were about to be? But how could that Cullen boy be so crash as to send a little boy to make his purchases? If he was going to have sex than he needed to man up properly and buy the protection himself. If he couldn't do that than he needed to keep his willy to himself.

"I think that was very mean of Edward to send you out like this to run his errands. We'll take you home sweetie, and you can tell Edward to purchase such items himself," Abigail told the boy.

The boy's face fell. "But Edward said that he couldn't get them since then him and Jacob would be found out…" He explained earnestly.

Abigail couldn't believe what she was hearing. It couldn't be… "Where's Bella, dear?"

The boy scrunched up his nose in thought. "I think she went to Seattle with Alice tonight…"

Abigail stood up straight in anticipation. This was the juiciest bit of gossip to hit Forks in a long time. It was time to get this boy home so she could return to the church. She was saved however when a frazzled looking young man ran into the pharmacy and straight to them.

"Harry! I was so worried when you left the house with only a note. What prompted you to come to the pharmacy?" he asked.

Harry, the boy, ran to the man's arms and hugged him. "Edward told me to go get him condoms but not to tell anyone," he explained.

"Well Edward can go screw a cow for all I care, but you will not run any more errands for that vile boy!" The man declared.

Abigail watched the scene and seeing that it was wrapping up she slipped away and rejoined the other two. "Let's hurry ladies; you will never guess what I just learned."

When the group returned to the church, Abigail was quick to tell all the other ladies that she learned that Edward Cullen was cheating on Chief Swan's daughter with another boy no less. It wasn't hard to figure out from there that the 'Jacob', Harry spoke of was Billy Blacks son. Mrs. Cole then spoke up saying that she did see Charlie looking overly morose earlier that day and then noted that Billy had come over looking upset as well. Maybe they both found out about the affair.

More theories were brought up and when the meeting was over, all the women went home and quickly spread the news to their families and other friends. By morning the news that Edward Cullen and Jacob Black were in a gay love affair was all over town.


Bad Joke of the Day

Why can't Dracula sleep at nights?

-His work is draining!

Bon Voy-Prong 

It was a long family meeting. Not the longest, but still lengthy. They had sent the entire night, the morning, and well into the afternoon discussing everything. Finally, when Carlisle announced the final verdict, every Cullen was ready to just get out of their house. 

Alice had been anxious during the night. She told them that a vision was just on the edge of her mind, but it kept escaping. She couldn't tell if it meant anything good would happen. Edward, very bluntly pointed that it probably related to the Volturi and their brat of a vampire, which meant nothing good was to come. Rosalie had laughed and calmly replied that while nothing good happened to Edward, her and Emmett had been having a grand ole time with the little vampire. A fight ensued, and it only ended when Carlisle punched the dining table, splintering the poor furniture piece down the middle.

They took a break after that to clear the ruined table, and Edward took the time to call Bella and told her that they were still talking. His girlfriend had been a little short with him. She had been driving around Forks aimlessly in his car, bored out of her mind and tired. Scared that she would get into an accident since her fatigued state wouldn't help her response time any, Edward suggested she use the extra cash he kept store in his car to go and rent a motel room. Bella sighed and whined but complied in the end.

After that they reconvened. Only to be surprised…

"Personally I think you should just kill her," a voice spoke from the shadows.

As one, the Cullen clan turned and snarled at the corner. Felix smirked as he walked out and gave a little wave. "Ello, lovelies!"

"What are you doing here, Felix?" Carlisle snarled at the vampire.

"Oh you know, just dropping in to see how you're doing. It's an exquisite night out tonight. I heard that the charming ladies down at the Woman's Association were in a right tizzy tonight. I even heard a special event is happening tomorrow."

Carlisle sighed and massaged his forehead. "Felix, we are in a family meeting. Please leave."

"Go," Edward growled at the guard. "Your opinion is not wanted or needed here." 

Felix gave him a smirk and walked further into the room. "I was just offering some friendly advice. It would be better to just kill her and be done with it. Is she really worth it? If you change her you would be splitting up over this human girl. But if you kill her…" 

Edward growled again and was getting ready to lunge at the interloper. 

"Edward, stand down!" Carlisle snapped. "Felix-"

Felix held up his hands to ward off the vampire's next statement. "I'll be frank with you all. I'm giving you this one piece of advice in good faith. Harry likes two of you, so it's the least I can do. Kill the girl and you will be better off for it."

"You lie! You just want us to kill Bella so that we don't grow bigger than the Volturi and take down your twisted empire!" Edward yelled. 

Felix sneered at him. "Listen you ignorant child, we don't fear you. We tolerate your existence and allow you all to live simply because we need to focus our energy on more important things. You think you're so important? You think we live each and every down twiddling our thumbs and wondering if you will attack us? We don't. 

"You think Aro sent us here because that bitch's turning is actually important? It's not. We just finished stamping out a rebellion in China, exhausting our forces, and straining our resources. It took two years for us to capture and kill every last rebel. Demetri and Harry were the team leaders, they spent months out of contact, unable to feed because if they took one human life it could aggravate the situation worse and expose our existence to the world. As the earth ages the human's technology expands. One wrong step and vampires could be revealed. The humans would shudder in fear and find ways to wipe us out. That is what we do. We keep you and every other vampire on this earth safe from the humans, are efforts ensure that you can continue feeding off animals, interacting with humans, and move when you want to. 

"We are here simply because Demetri and Harry needed a vacation to unwind and relax so that the next time a vampire thinks they can overthrow us, or create a newborn army; we will be in perfect condition to fight them. Could you do what we do? No, and we know it, which is why we don't fear you. You are all nothing but cowards, running away from your true nature and feeding on animals. You had problems with one vampire, Victoria. There are seven of you and you couldn't handle her. You couldn't stop her stalking your precious human, you couldn't stop her from creating a newborn army- you couldn't do it. You needed us to solve your problem. If you couldn't handle one whiney bitch, how could you ever handle taking over Volterra? If you killed us that is what you would have to do because if you didn't, than by killing us you would have killed every other vampire out there because there would be no one to govern them. You think we're monsters, but you know nothing. So don't sit there calling me a liar, thinking I actually care whether you turn your pathetic human pet."

The Cullen's sat there stunned, utterly shocked from the guards words.

"But if you really didn't care, then why does Aro want Alice and Edward so badly?" Esme asked, being the first to find the strength.

"Simple. Having someone who can see the future would aid us in discovering rebellions before they start. It would cut our workload down significantly. Having a mind reader with us during missions would make it easy to pluck the whereabouts of rogue vampires out of the captives head, instead of bringing them back to Aro for him to read them. They would make our work easier, but they aren't necessary. We have managed this long without such gifts and will manage in the future," Felix explained.

"If you don't care about us, then why do you hate us?" Edward asked. His bravery was remarkably resilient. 

"Because your loose lips cause problems. All of you go around telling other vampires that the Volturi are evil, that we know nothing but blood-lust and how to exert our false sense of superiority. Did you think that those you told would just keep such words to themselves? No. They go around and spread it, igniting fury in other vampires that crave violence. It takes but one vampire to hear your self-righteous speech and decide that they don't want to live under such oppression. So they plot, and the scheme and they gather other weak-minded fools to them and start a rebellion. They believe they will be the revolution, ridding the word of the malicious Volturi, and instead instilling fair government. Or there are the ones that hear your words, saying things like we fear you or your size. Then get power hungry and they band together, thinking that if they gather a dozen vampires they can take us in and then the world of vampires will bend under their thumb. We hate you because you speak without thinking and we have to stamp out the fires you create."

The room was silent.

"Not so talkative now are we?" Felix jeered. "Well, glad we had this talk, but I have places to be." The Volturi member reached down and picked up a duffle bag at his feet. Without a goodbye, he was gone, leaving the Cullen's in a mass of turmoil. 

The silence was only broken when after a minute, Emmett came out of his stupor and frowned. "Wait, was that my bag he had?"

That set the family off, and suddenly they had more things to discuss besides Bella. They needed to think about who they talked to about the Volturi, whether they needed to reconsider their opinion of the organization. Carlisle had sat down and took a long time to think over his time with them and had to look past his distaste of human blood, before seeing a light. Mournfully, he had told his family about the times that the Volturi had indeed done good, and then suddenly all his memories were being looked at objectively.

Edward got frustrated with his family for concentrating on Carlisle's memories and snapped. He told them they could look back and reflect anytime but currently Bella was holed in in some rat infested motel and they needed to all agree that they would turn her so she could rightfully join the family.

Rosalie protested, Emmett agreed with her, and Jasper had shaken his head and told everyone that he wasn't sure that was the best course of action. Alice had bounced in excitement and supported Edward, while Esme had frowned and looked sadly at all her children.

Some more arguing followed, and at one point Jasper had retrieved a marker and used the blank dining room wall as a white board to write down all the pro's and con's of having Bella in the family. Insultingly, the pro column had less points than the Con column, and Edward firmly blamed that on Rosalie. The blonde had gotten into a groove and listed fault after fault, until Emmett had finally shut his wife up with a poorly timed joke. Edward was less than impressed.

Now finally, after all that time and a near 24 hours since he sent Bella away, Edward was free to see his wonderful and beautiful mate. Carlisle decided that family vacation was in order, and Bella would join them to see if she could persuade the family into accepting her completely so they could change her smoothly. If she couldn't… they would decide that later.

Taking out his phone, Edward dialed a well memorized number.

"Bella," he whispered as soon as the call connected.

"Edward! Are you finally done? Can I return to your house?" Bella asked.

"Yes, but before that I feel like I should treat you. You have been left alone for so long because we couldn't stop talking, I want to see you and have you all to myself for a while before I bring you back here."

Bella giggled over the line and the sweet melodious sound brought a smile to his face.

"I'll be there soon," he promised. Hanging up, Edward made sure to change his shirt and put on some cologne that Bella liked. Leaping out his window, He left to retrieve his one true love.

But it wasn't to be.

 As Edward dashed through the town, a few stray thoughts caught his opinion. They were about Bella, and they were mixed with sympathy, and scandal.

Hiding, Edward leaned against a building and listened as a group of women walked by.

"It's completely true. I went by the motel this morning and sure enough there was his car. Right next to it was that native boy's little fixer upper."

"An affair! I can hardly believe it. I wonder how the Cullen family will react. They really seemed to like the Swan girl but after this…"

"Condoms she said! He was standing there in the drug store and he told her he was buying condoms for Bella's boyfriend. Sending a child to do that is downright disrespectful!"

"Teenagers these days don't know how to keep it in their pants. If they can't get it from one bed they are ready to jump to the next."

Edward was shocked. How could this be… Bella was cheating on him with Jacob? No, that couldn't be right. There had to be a logical explanation for why Bella and Jacob were staying at the same motel, at the same time. There had to be a reason why these women thought Bella's boyfriend –which was him, thank you very much- was buying condoms. There had to be a logical explanation and the only one Edward could come up with was that Harry and Demetri were behind the whole thing. That had to be it.

Determined to find answers, and momentarily forgetting about Bella and all the drama from the day before, Edward switched direction and went straight to the Swan residence.

He was lucky that his targets were out on the front lawn, loading boxes into the back of Demetri's car.

"What did you do?" Edward demanded.

The pair looked bemused, but Edward didn't buy their act for a moment.

"How dare you go around and spread lies that Bella is cheating on me with Jacob!" He snarled. He advanced towards them, his steps heavy with aggression.

"Bella's cheating on you? That's a surprise," Demetri responded.

Edward focused and dove into the vampire's thoughts and stumbled back in shock when he learned that Demetri was honestly surprised by his declaration.

"You…you…" He struggled. "You mean you didn't spread the rumour that Bella was cheating on me?"

Demetri laughed and with a smug grin answered. "No. I did not spread a rumour saying that Bella was cheating on you."

"But… but… the people in town…" This wasn't right. They had to have spread the rumours. It was the only thing that made sense. Bella would never cheat on him. Those women were misled. They really didn't see Jacob and Bella together at the motel, they couldn't have. They really didn't hear about Bella's boyfriend buying condoms because if that were true, then someone else was calling themself Bella's boyfriend and that wasn't possible. Bella loved him. Bella was completely, 100% dedicated to him and him only.

Edward stomped his foot like a petulant child –of course he didn't see it like that- and refused to believe such an outrageous lie. "You had to have done this!" he whined. "It doesn't make sense otherwise."

Harry, little non-floating Harry, walked forward slowly and used both his small hands to hold one of Edward's. "We really didn't do this, but if you want to know, then maybe you should go talk to Jacob. You can read his mind and will be able to learn the truth from his thoughts."

Edward stared at the pint-sized guy for a moment before pulling his hand away. The petite vampire was right. He could just snatch the truth from Jacob's mind in a moment and have this whole thing settled. Bella would never cheat on him, and he would learn why Jacob's car was at that motel. There was a logical reason, and he would learn it.

Running away, Edward didn't bother to look back and see the twin looks of glee on the Volturi member's faces.


Harry watched as Edward left, and turned to his partner. "We better hurry up and get this thing set up, he will not be happy when he finds us next."

Demetri nodded and loaded the last box into the car. "True… but I wonder… how did the rumour twist into Bella cheating on Edward?"

Taking a moment both thought on it, but couldn't come up with a reason.

"Well let's go, we shouldn't leave Felix waiting."

Together they got into the car and drive off to their next scheme.


Bad Joke of The Day

How do vampires begin letters?

Tomb it may concern.

Stop! In the name of Prong.Jacob could honestly say that living on the reserve could indeed get worse. Before he hated that there was barely anything to do here, besides head to the beach or play in the forest. They didn't have arcades or movie theatres on La Push. They didn't have diners, or nice clothing stores. They really only had a few tobacco shops, a gas station, and some souvenir shops. Nothing exciting, but now, now that the whole pack was mad at him- life was worse. 

He liked changing into a wolf. Sure he hated it at first, thinking he was some sort of freak, but now not only could he accept that he was special, but it also gave him a sense of brotherhood he never had before. Yes, he was close to Embry and Quil, but it wasn't until they were a pack, going on hunts and connecting their thoughts that the full force of family hit him. But now he couldn't change. One of the pack members was always on guard, patrolling the border and if he changed he would hear them. He would hear them berate him, hear them think about how he shamed them, hear them think about how he threw everything away for some stupid girl that he didn't even imprint on.

So it was with great enthusiasm that when his father asked him early in the morning to run some errands for him, Jacob agreed and set off immediately. Errands meant he would drive into Forks, and get away from the overly oppressive air that clung to his house.

Things were going great and he was about to return home when his car broke down. He was driving, a bit distracted, when he hit a pot hole he would normally avoid. Hearing some bad noises happening below, Jacob was fortunate enough to be able to steer his car into the motel parking lot.

Jim, the motel manager, came out as soon as Jacob took the key from the ignition.

"What's going on here?" The man asked curiously. "I heard a crack."

Jacob didn't have a problem with the man. He was a nice guy and all, but they never really talked before.

"Not sure, I hit the pot hole," Jacob explained as he climbed out of his car. Getting down, Jacob peered under his car only to curse. His luck was shit.

"Think I cracked the axel."

"Well isn't that a damn shame…" Jim mumbled.

"I'm going to need to get my dad's truck to tow it back home. Do you mind if I leave her here until then?" Jacob asked.

Jim gave him a smile and shook his head. "Yeah it's no problem. Not like I'm busy and need the parking spot. Just take your time, young man."

Jacob smiled at the man. "Thanks. I'll be back in an hour or so."

Reaching inside the car, Jacob pulled out his dad's medication and pocketed it. It would be bad if someone decided to rob him and they took off with it. There wasn't anything else of worth in the car so he just waved to Jim and took off. At least the walk home would delay his return even more. And he had an excuse so his dad couldn't be too upset with him.


Edward ran to the motel, intent of grabbing Jacob by the throat and ripping answers from his mind. How dare that stupid feral beast lay his filthy rotten paws on Bella. Edward's mind was a mess of volatile rage and revenge plots.

When he reached the motel, the parking lot was empty except for his car. A small glimmer of hope that Jacob never was here entered his mind. Maybe the women in town were delusional. Maybe they were seeing things, and his Bella, his dear sweet lovely Bella, never cheated on him with a filthy mutt.

Seeing the motel manager, Edward approached him. He would ask this man first. "Excuse me sir," He started.

"How can I help you?" The manager asked.

"I was wondering if Jacob Black was here." Edward got straight to the point.

He could hear the man's thought on Jacob burst from his head. 'Ah Jacob… what a nice boy', 'Poor lad… at least he left with a smile on his face', 'Hopefully he'll be back soon'.

"He was, but he left about 20 minutes ago," the manager said. 'Don't know how he's going to explain the situation to his dad though. Billy should have taught him better than that…'

"I see…" Edward grounded out. "Thank you sir."

Edward pulled out his cell and dialed Bella.

"Edward!" She sounded happy.

"I'm outside right now," He stated emotionlessly.

"I'll be right out!"

The called ended, leaving Edward seething.

When Bella did appear her hair was wet from a shower. The scent of generic shampoo and conditioner hit his nose and he scrunched it up in distaste. She showered to cover the dog's scent. He couldn't smell any traces of Jacob on her clothes, but then again they didn't need clothes for what they did together. Bella was smart, she would know exactly what to do to avoid getting caught.

"Car. Now," He snapped out.

Bella looked visibly shocked and hurt, but she complied and got in on the passenger's side after returning her room key. Edward snarled and got in his car, ready to take her home and tell his family exactly what he learned. He spent hours fighting with his family to keep her and the whole time she was shacking up with Jacob Black.

Edward started the car, switched to reverse, and was about to leave when a stray thought from the manager came to him.

'What a rude boy. But what can you expect from a teenager who is cheating on his girlfriend with another man. I wonder what Jacob sees in him…'

No! No, he couldn't have been so horribly wrong! He needed to test this.

Pulling out of the parking lot recklessly, Edward narrowly avoided a car carrying two men about to pull up to the motel. He barely cast them a glance as he shifted gears and sped towards town.

Driving to the grocers, Edward handed Bella some money. "Bella, go inside and buy something to eat. We don't have any food at home," he explained.

He watched as Bella walked into the store and focused on the people hanging around outside.

'Poor dear… She probably knows her boyfriend is unfaithful and that's why she looks so miserable all the time.'

'I thought she hit the jackpot getting the Cullen boy… apparently not.'

'I wonder if she ever watches them? That would be hot.'

Edward was disgusted with their thoughts. While he thought it was Bella cheating, the whole town thought it was him. Thinking back on everything he heard, it made sense that they would be talking about him. After all, why would they think Bella was cheating when it was his car parked beside Jacob's.

Then his encounter earlier came back to him… 'I did not spread a rumour saying that Bella was cheating on you.'

Of course! Those Volturi bastards were behind this! It was one thing to imply to everyone that he was an abusive partner, but to go as far and concoct a story were he would ever willingly touch Jacob Black was absurd. He was physically repulsed but the mere sight of the boy, how could he ever touch him sexually? He couldn't even smell the boy without going into fights of violence, wanting to kill him. The whole thing would have been laughable if he wasn't so pissed off at the Volturi.


He was semi-right from the start, but they used his own words and fears against him to wiggle out of trouble and distract him. Thus making his lose faith in Bella, and act recklessly. No, he would go back there and demand retribution. He would make sure those two left his town for good.


Felix sauntered into the mall and looked around for his prey. Walking towards the more girlish shops, he spotted a group of four teenaged girls giggling over a store mannequin. He recognized one from Forks, and smirked.

Target acquired.

"Hello ladies," He said charmingly as he approached them. "What are you four up to on this fine day?"

The girls turned to him and giggled and blushed as the first spotted him- bashful school-girls, what a delight.

"If you're not busy, would you mind spending some time with me?"

The four giggled some more and nodded, all obviously too shy to speak.

"Perfect." Felix grinned.


Bad Joke of The Day

What has webbed feet, feathers, fangs and goes quack-quack?

Count Duckula

Shot Through The Prong 

The house was empty. Edward knew that Charlie was working, but Harry and Demetri were also gone. He pulled into the driveway, forcing himself to hold back from slamming the steering wheel in frustration. Bella was silent beside him, sending him confused puppy dog looks. That calmed him down a little. Looking around, hoping to see a clue as to where those filthy undead bodies of bad luck disappeared to, Edward caught sight of a piece paper sticking out of the mailbox. Looking closer he used to advanced vampire sight to see his name written neatly on the outside.

Growling, he knew this had to be a trick or something; Edward stalked up the porch steps and ripped the offensive paper from the innocent mailbox. Opening it roughly, Edward growled again as he ripped it in half. He didn't care about though because he barely restrained a bellow of frustration at what he saw. On the paper was a crudely drawn map with directions to the next town over. There was a giant arrow pointing at a building with the message 'We Are Here', and beside that was a smiley face, drawn to mock him. 

He contemplated going straight there, just running to see what they had waiting this time but he couldn't just leave his dear heart Bella in the driveway. No, instead he would complete his original mission to retrieve her, drop her off at his house and then go deal with these pests of the Volturi.

Climbing into the car he calmed himself down so he wouldn't frighten his sweet pale Forks angel.

"What's on the paper?" Bella asked.

"A trap," he responded.


"Yes, they are up to something again…"

He peeled out of the driveway, barely missing the neighbour's mailbox and took his bright-eyed beautiful mate home. He stopped briefly to explain to his family what was going on and Emmett declared he had to tag-along. Edward didn't want him to though… he was still upset with the big vampire for turning his back on the whole Bella situation. His protests didn't matter in the end since Emmett just followed him through the woods. Edward was fast, but Emmett was a hunter and didn't need to be right on his tail to know where to follow. It was annoying.

The got the building and spotted the parking lot full of cars. The voices inside were buzzing but neither of them could make out what was being said since there were so many people in inside.

"Should we go in?" Emmett asked.

Edward grumbled. "Of course, we can't wait for them to come out here."

Together they entered through the front and were greeted by Felix at a registration desk. He had a cash box, some bid cards, and a laptop to input information. Seeing them enter the Volturi guard smiled wide. "Welcome! Would you like to register for the auction?" He asked.

"What auction?" Edward growled.

Emmett didn't seem to share his attitude as the big lumbering idiot eagerly walked forward to register. "Sure!" He cried as he pulled out his wallet. "What do you need? Do you accept credit cards?"

"I just need some photo I.D and we do accept credit," Felix acted all professionally as he filled out Emmett's information in a blink of an eye. "Here's your number if you see something you like just hold it up to bid. All bids are final and you need to pay before you can remove any won items from the property."

Emmett grinned and bounced slightly in excitement but Edward wasn't buying this act. He knew there was more going on.

"You arrived just in time actually, the auction is about to start."

"Sweet!" Emmett cheered and then proceeded to drag Edward towards the show room. The nerve of the idiot!

They entered the room to find it packed full of girls, women, and some men. They were all buzzing in excitement and anxiously staring at the stage where a podium stood with a gavel waiting on top. They were whispering to their neighbours, and a group of teenage girls were giggling uncontrollably near them. Edward looked at them for a fraction longer than he normally would and discovered that they attended his school. Actually, looking around he found that there was a fair amount of Forks High School students there and some of the town's residents too.

Before he could identify more, the side door opened and out walked Harry and Demetri. Harry was dressed in a nice suit, and walked up the stage and climbed up on a box to look over the podium.

He smiled sweetly to the crowd, prompting a few coo's from the women before he started. "Welcome everyone to today's auction. A reminder that all sales are final, you need to pay before you leave, and please no fighting."

Edward saw Demetri duck back to the side entrance before wheeling something out that was covered in a black cloth. He pulled the cloth off and Edward couldn't stop the low growl that escaped. Underneath the cloth were mannequins wearing the Cullen's clothes. He could see his own favourite grey cardigan with a pair of black trousers. He spotted one of Rosalie's dress and matching heels. There was a doctor's coat with Carlisle's name sewn on the breast, a skirt and blouse from Alice, and a t-shirt and pair of boxers that looked like Emmett's.

Emmett the moron actually smiled at the sight. "Hey, those mannaquins are looking good," he whispered.

"They stole our clothes!" Edward hissed.

"First item on the block will be Emmett Cullen's shirt," Harry started. "He wore this shirt last week to school, and even has a smudge of paint on the back from when a student spilled her painting supplies in the hallway when he walked by."

Demetri pushed the Emmett mannequin forward and gestured to the clothing piece to highlight which top they would be selling, like the audience couldn't figure it out.

"Bidding will start at 10 dollars," Harry announced.

"10!" An eager fan yelled out as she flailed her bid card in the air.

"15!" another yelled, and soon the room was filled with several screams from wager teen girls bidding on Emmett's shirt. 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 dollars were quickly thrown out. Harry managed to keep track and was pointing to each bidder until one girl screeched louder than the rest. "100 dollars!"

The other bidders went silent and collectively glared at the girl.

"100… going once… going twice… and sold!" Harry banged the gavel. "Winning number is 52."

Demetri quickly wrote the winning bid and number on a sticker and stuck it on the shirt.

"That was an exciting first item but please remember that we do have many more pieces to sell today. Next we will be auctioning off Edward Cullen's cardigan. This piece of clothing is one his favourites and he can often been seen wearing it in the cooler months. We'll start the bidding at 10 dollars."

Emmett snickered when there wasn't a flurry of bidding like the one that happened for his shirt.

"10 dollars, I'm looking for 10 dollars…" Harry announced.

A single bid card went up, and Harry smiled. "10, I'm looking for 15, 15 dollars."

Another card went up and the bidding went slow before his cardigan was finally sold for 45 dollars. The whole process inspired Emmett to laugh quietly. "My fans love me more," he whispered.

Edward had enough and stalked out of the hall to confront Felix. "What is the meaning of this?" He hissed.

Felix sat back in his chair in smiled. "It's an auction of course."

"I can see that, but why are you selling our stuff?" Edward took a threatening step towards Felix, hoping to intimidate the other vampire.

 "Simple supply and demand," Felix explained.

"Supply and Demand? These people demanded our stuff?" Edward was completely flabbergasted with the whole thing.

Felix nodded. "Of course, what else would Culleners want?"

"Culleners?" What the fuck was that?

"No… Culleners sound wrong… Cullenites? Yes, I think they call themselves Cullenites."

"I don't care what they are called, who are they?" Edward demanded.

"You don't need to be so rude…" Felix lightly reprimanded him, but Edward didn't care. "Cullenmites, or whatever, are a group of people who worship you Cullens. They even have CullenChurch every Sunday, they pray to an altar of Carlisle's Loins and Rosalie's hair. They made up their own prayers, which is basically just the Lord's prayer but with injections of how fabulous Jasper's hair looks and how strong Emmett is. At one point they even believed in one great divine lord called the CullenLord, but I think even they knew that was going too far."

"That doesn't make any sense…" Edward shot back. Surely Felix was just playing with him again.

"It really doesn't, I mean anyone who has heard your story once would know that you all claim to be adopted so there is no reason to worship Carlisle's loins. They don't even work anymore."

"No not that! Why is there a religion dedicated to us?" Edward demanded.

"I couldn't say. Maybe they just like you're pretty smile? Maybe not your smile…. You don't smile a lot. You are very broody…maybe you should wear more yellow? But you know having your own religion really helped with this auction. I just had to approach a few young girls, talk about the auction, ask them not to tell anybody else, and so naturally they told everyone they knew which got back to the Cullenhards, they spread it and I think we're going to have a very profitable day." Felix trailed off.

The fact that Felix refused to act serious about the situation angered Edward more. Here he just found out that the Volturi stole his family's possessions, were selling them, and that there was apparently a cult following his family. This was a very serious in his book and the bastard in front of him just played it off as nothing and made jokes about him wearing yellow.

"Is this fun for you? Destroying lives? Driving people to the brink of insanity so that they want to kill you?" Edward asked.

"Yes," Felix answered simply. "It really is."

"Oh fuc-"

"Tsk tsk tsk," Felix cut him off. "WWECD?"

"What the hell does that mean?" Edward demanded.

"What would Edward Cullen Do? It used to be a very popular saying with the Cullenists, until all those nasty rumours about you abusing your girlfriend started. Poor thing… you looked like such a nice boy until some rude person started spreading those."

Edward was dumbfounded. "You started those rumours. You and Demetri, and Harry. You spread those lies!" Edward accused.

"We did not." Felix protested.

"You did!" Edward responded.

"Hmm… no I don't think we did." Felix countered.

"Yes you did. You lot showed up and ruined my life! People think I abused Bella, people think I'm sleeping with Jacob, people are thinking the worst about me all thanks to you and that demonic duo in there!" Edward stated as he gestured wildly towards the hall doors.

"I think I know what's bothering you," Felix started. Edward let out a groan of frustration. Felix simply refused to actually admit to anything and he knew what he was going to say next would only piss him off more. "I think you're just upset that your fan club isn't as large as Emmett's. It used to be bigger though… then something about you being gay and 110% unavailable and wow… those girls just flocked to Jasper and Emmett."

"I'm not jealous of Emmett!" Edward cried.

"I never said you were jealous… just upset. But I can understand why you would be," Felix tried for a comforting tone, but all it really did was make Edward want to strangle the other vampire.

"I've had enough of this!" Edward declared. Turning around he stalked back inside to reclaim all his family's stuff only to be met with the sight of Emmett posing for pictures and with a now autographed Emmett shirt that just sold.

"You take care of that, alright?" Emmett told the girl who looked about ready to faint. "It's one of my favourites. I got it up north about two years ago. I saw this giant grizzly and I stalked it for a bit and I passed this little town. In the gift shop was this shirt and well it seemed like fate really."

Edward looked at the shirt and sighed. The shirt was in fact a shirt Emmett got two years ago. It was a light grey with a brown bear on the front with the title 'Everything's Better Grizzly'. Rosalie hated it, Emmett loved it, and now it was in the hands of some 15 year old girl with Emmett's signature.

"What are you doing?" Edward asked.

Emmett smiled wide and walked over to slap him on the back. "Brother! You won't believe it but this girl bought my shirt for $250! It's today's record so far. Isn't that great?"

"No! No it's not great, they are selling our stuff!" Edward hissed.

Emmett laughed. "Well they are selling my stuff. So far only your cardigan has gone. Anyways it's fine, I signed a form saying they could do it."

Edward glared at his brother. "You signed a form? When?" Edward demanded.

"When we arrived. Felix had me sign it when I was registering. It's a good thing I did though, register I mean, they tried selling one of Rose's favourite pair of shoes… trust me she wouldn't have liked it for those to go."

"I don't like that any of our stuff is being sold off," Edward protested.

"It's fine Eddy boy. I mean no harm no foul right? Harry is going to attend this super school for special kids in Seattle, so they need to raise money to pay for the tuition. We're doing a good deed here."

"You are so stupid some times. Harry doesn't need money, neither does he need to go to some special school. What Harry needs, is to be torn limb from limb and set on fire!"

A loud gasp off to the side caught their attention. A group of three girls were watching them in the one in the middle was clutching Edward's beloved cardigan. The girl looked devastated for a moment before her face hardened and she stomped her foot. Brandishing the cardigan the girl glared at Edward. "Oh yeah? Well you know what Mr. Edward Cullen. This sweater needs to be torn to pieces and set on fire! How dare you say such a thing about a precious little boy like Harry?" the girl didn't bother waiting for a response, instead she stormed off with her two friends trailing behind.

Emmett whistled. "You screwed up there."

"I did not screw up!" Edward protested. "She just doesn't understand the situation, and why does her opinion matter? I'm done with this… I just can't handle any more shit today. I'm going home," Edward declared.

It was the day from Hell and it wasn't even lunch yet.

Newton's Third ProngEdward contemplated the durability of piano wire. Would the wire be able to slice a head clean off, or would it break? If he was going to seriously contemplate setting a trap to end the Volturi's reign of terror he wanted to be sure that his plan was fool proof. The last thing he needed was a botched homicide attempt to add the list of 'Things to Torment Edward With'.

He knew he couldn't take all three vampires by himself, and he really didn't expect any help from his family. They all made their opinions clear when they couldn't all just agree to turn Bella. Alice might help, and if her gift worked around the child vampire it would perfect, but it didn't and she probably wouldn't want to get on the bad side of her mate and Carlisle.

No, we would need to do this alone. Then when the Volturi came knocking over the death of three of their guard, Edward and Bella could be far away while his family was left without knowing anything incriminating and so the Volturi could blame rouge vampires. Then Edward could say he was taking Bella far away to keep her safe from the rogues, and he had the perfect escape plan. Of course, there was also the possibility that the Volturi would see Edward missing and his family trying to hide him and then punish them for killing the guards, but then they would just get the punishment they deserve for not sticking by him and his mate.

They always talked about how one day he would find his mate, and how happy they would all be for him, and they were at the start. But now they didn't seem to care for Bella at all. They kicked her out of the family meeting, they couldn't agree to turn her, they basically let the Volturi into their home and allowed them to have free reign. The Volturi wanted Bella dead and they were welcoming them. To Edward, that was a betrayal! So what if turning Bella would break the treaty in Forks? It was one little town, they could move and live anywhere. So what if Rosalie, didn't exactly like Bella, but that was the whole child bearing thing and as evidenced by Harry, children are noisy little brats. Who would want one?

It wasn't that he couldn't use his family, it was that he didn't trust his family. They would probably go running straight to the Volturi with news of his pan and ruin everything. He wouldn't tell them. Deciding to plot another day, Edward turned towards his lovely mate.

Bella was seated on the chaise lounge in his room, staring out the window to the forest beyond. He watched her as she sighed, and he couldn't help but smile. She sighed so beautifully. It was like she could express so many thoughts and emotions into one sigh. Bella was so passionate about everything she did; he couldn't understand how anyone could hate her. Her face and eyes were so expressive that sometimes he didn't need to hear her talk to understand what she needed or wanted. He couldn't imagine eternity without her.

"Should we just run away?" He asked.

Bella turned towards him, her eyes wide with shock and hope. "Run away?"

"Yes. Just leave everyone here and live happily somewhere new," he said.

"Can we?"

"Of course we can! I can take money out so that we live comfortably, we can travel until we find a vampire with enough control and compassion to turn you safely, and we can be together without people trying to tear us apart. Don't you want that?" Edward walked forward, needing to be closer to his mate. Needing to stare directly in her eyes so that he may see the never-ending love they shared staring back at him.

"Do we leave now?"

Oh his sweet Bella, trusting him so explicitly that she doesn't need any more encouraging. She's willing to leave with him without any questions. It's truly satisfying knowing that someone loves you so completely they are willing to do anything you ask of them. "Not now, but soon. I still need to plan our getaway. But first, before we leave I think we should treat the Volturi as they have treated us."

Bella's eyes grew so bright at his words that it was like the sun had descended from the sky and infected her eyes. "What will we do?"

"We ruin their reputations as they have ruined ours," Edward said with glee.

Bella threw herself at him, her deliciously dry chapped lips pressed against his, and he could feel her heat rubbing against his chest as she strained to kiss him. He hugged her close and smiled. Love was beautiful.


Harry officially announced the sale of the last item and knocked his gavel against his podium. The auction was finished and there were quite a few very happy people leaving. They hadn't sold everything they stole, some of Edwards clothes had been left, not many wanting them after patrons spread news of what they heard Edward saying. Other items had been reclaimed by Emmett, but those mostly belonged to Rosalie, and with each item he took back, the other Rosalie items went up in price. Physically seeing clothing of hers leaving the sale block had inspired her fans to bid higher on the remaining items, so that they may own at least one item of hers. Esme's items didn't sell too high or at all, but she didn't have as many fans.

Rosalie and Carlisle were the biggest sellers, and Harry was certain that the only reason Carlisle beat Emmett was because his fans were older woman with jobs and could afford to spend more on his ties than Emmett's younger fans could spend on the big bear's shirts.

With the end of the sale, Demetri went to help sort and package purchases, Felix was manning the cash, and Harry went to the door to hand everyone a box of cookies and thank them for their support. The lovely ladies at the Women's Association had baked them some delicious looking treats in order to help 'The poor dear Harry' go off to his big special school in Seattle. The entire day was a success.

But something was telling him that some trouble was brewing elsewhere… and Harry didn't like that. Walking to Demetri, Harry silently asked his partner what to do.

Demetri ruffled his hair and smiled. "Don't worry, Felix and I have a plan."


Charlie sighed heavily as he entered his home. He loved his house. He bought it as soon as he could after saving half his paycheck from the police station. He was just a young man then, working hard and hoping to one day find a nice woman, have some kids, and grow old together in a house that he purchased all on his own. He wanted a large family, and to raise all his children in his hometown. He wanted to be happy and give them everything he had and everything he didn't.

Then he met his wife. It was a whirlwind affair. He truly loved Renee. They met by chance at La Push when Renee and her friends were traveling through. She was like a bright spark against the dull beach sand and water. When she returned to see his again Charlie knew that his heart belonged to her. The whole thing had been quick and passionate and soon they were leaving the Port Angeles court house, smiling happily with their newly certified marriage certificate between them.

This house was supposed to be a symbol of how strong their love was. But then his parents were dying, Renee got pregnant and while Charlie wanted to spend as much time as he could with his new wife and soon-to-be child, he needed to take care of his parents. He thought Renee understood, that she was okay with seeing less of him as he went through the turmoil of his parents failing health. But she didn't.

Then one day she left him, taking their newborn daughter with her.

He told himself that once he knew his parents would be okay on their own he would chase after her. He would go and sweep her off her feet again and remind her why she loved him. He would convince her to come back home with him and they would be happy again.

But his parents died. When he called to tell her she didn't even offer her condolences, didn't ask him how he was, she didn't even offer to come back with Bella so that he may have some comfort. All she wanted was to work out the child support payments. That's when Charlie gave up on her. He didn't fight, he just told her how much he would pay her to take care of Bella, but he at least wanted to see his daughter once a year. Renee agreed and they mailed the divorce papers back and forth within the week.

He kept the house though. He worked hard to save the money, he fixed it up best he could in their first few months of marriage, and part of him had hope that maybe one day he would meet someone new and they could finally make this the home he once dreamed of. Only, that never happened.

But now, he had family to come home to and that was a great feeling. Even if it wasn't his own daughter he came home to every day. Walking into the living room, Charlie smiled at the young men sitting on his couch watching sports, with a little one curled up between them snoozing away. He went to his chair and sat down, grabbing the bowl of chips that was waiting on the side table.

"Whose winning?" He asked.

"No one yet, they've been pretty evenly matched all game. We just started the second half," Felix answered.

"Good, I didn't miss anything then," Charlie responded. Life was getting good.

He turned to watch the match, not noticing the glowing yellow eyes watching the house from the trees on the opposite side of the street. He didn't notice, but the three Volturi members did.


Bad Joke of the Day

Q: Why do vampires hate arguments ?

A: Because they make themselves cross !

next chapter
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