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19.58% Priestess of Sanguine: Skyrim Erofic / Chapter 28: Saving Sissel; Preparing for a Trade

Bab 28: Saving Sissel; Preparing for a Trade

Grok led us further north, where a dark cave lay nestled into the side of the mountain.

"Bad humans inside. Wear ragged pelts, use iron weapons. Threaten Grok Family!"

Aela nodded, gesturing towards the cave.

"Will you be able to fit inside the cave? Be able to fight?"

He nodded, gently tapping the large stone cleaver on his hip.

"Use this if needed. Sharp, small. Bad people die easy."

"Good. Jeleia and I will be behind you; I'll cover you both from afar, while you two fight up close. Sound good?"

Grok and I nodded, and I drew my axe, enjoying the familiar weight as I spun it in my hand.

Following behind the Giant, we entered the quiet cave, silently creeping inside as we searched for the bandits.

It didn't take long to reach the main cavern, where a dozen iron cages lay scattered around.

Many various races were in shackles inside; one cage housed three orc women, each glaring at their captors, while another contained six small Khajiit children, who all huddled together as far away as possible from the two dozen bandits lounging in the cave.

Two long tables sat on a raised wooden platform, and the bandits all sat before it, piles upon piles of food, gold, and weapons laying on the tables.

"Cheers lads! Once we sell these slaves off, we can live like nobles! Haha~!"


"Hey Chief, can I have a go at one of those Khajiit? Always wanted to taste one..."

The large man at the end of the table rolled his eyes, about to say something when Aela placed an arrow between his brow.

As the bandits fell silent, Grok and I charged forwards with a shout.


A woman turned towards me, only to gurgle as my axe sunk into her throat.

Coating my left fist in flames, I grabbed the arm of the man beside me as he swung his sword down, melting his flesh.

Screaming in agony, he stared at his arm in horror, only to for me to push him away with my left hand, the flames spreading quickly over his greasy body.

Glancing to the side, I watched as Grok slashed his cleaver through a mans body, easily bisecting him before punching his large fist out, pounding a woman into the ground, caving in her chest.

"Bad humans die! Threaten Grok... Bad HUMANS!"

Chuckling as I watched the Giant shout in anger, I turned to block an incoming axe swing, only for the man to collapse as an arrow sunk into his brow.

"You have to be more aware, Jeleia!"

Laughing, I lodged my axe in the next mans brow, before ducking under another's swing.

"However, I can relate because you're here, Aela~!"

The Huntress just sighed, before shooting another arrow into the crowd.

Swinging, hacking, slashing, stabbing, punching, dodging, rolling...

I was having more fun then ever before, using my axe to sever limbs and inflict lethal wounds, using my fire to burn and melt any poor soul that got too close to me, and enjoying the splashes of blood across my body as I waded through the bandits, Grok beside me.

The slaves watched on in a mixture of fear and awe, remaining as quiet as they could just in case we were hostile.

Twisting the axe in my hand, I lodged the spike into a woman's eye, wrenching the blade back out and pulling her eye with it.

Kicking her away, I flicked off the small pale orb, staring around the now silent clearing.

Panting, I turned my gaze towards myself, wondering if I had taken any damage, only to see a long gash along my left forearm, a small wound on my right side, and a few other small nicks and scrapes around my body.

Switching the flames to the golden light of Restoration, the small sphere in my hand grew and expanded, enveloping my body in a soft, warm glow.

Watching my wounds heal at a visible rate, I turned my attention to the notifications.

{One Handed: 31 -> 34}

{Light Armor: 17 -> 19}

{Destruction: 26 -> 29}

{Restoration: 19 -> 20

{Level 9 -> 10}

Increasing my health, I now had 140 HP and MP, with 110 Stamina.

I had two perk points to use, and after considering it I upgraded my Destruction to Apprentice before looking towards my Debauchery Tree.

Each 'branch' was shrouded in mist, and before I could only see {Debauchery}, however now I could see two other perks, {Novice Lust} and {Enhanced Pregnancy}

Reading the descriptions for both, I smiled a little.

{Novice Lust: Gives the user an aura of lust, making those around you easier to arouse. When sleeping with someone, you/they will produce more semen than normal, however its potency remains the same}

{Enhanced Pregnancy (1/3): Can impregnate or be impregnated other humanoids, like Giants, Draugr, Trolls, and Vampires. Additionally, increases the chances of those races becoming pregnant or getting you pregnant}

While {Novice Lust} seemed more fun, {Enhanced Pregnancy} sounded really, really nice to have, especially since...

Looking over at Grok, more specifically the two weapons he held, I wondered if I could convince him to let me have Viaka...

Shrugging, I purchased {Enhanced Pregnancy}, looking at the next tier.

{Enhanced Pregnancy (2/3): Can impregnate or be impregnated by most animals, like wolves, dogs, bears, sabercats, and more. Additionally, increases the chances of those races becoming pregnant or getting you pregnant}

I wonder what the third would be..?

"Jeleia, you okay?"

Turning to see Aela staring at me worriedly, I shook my head, gently placing a kiss on her lips as I whispered "Yes, just catching my breath... and thinking about how horny I am..."

She smirked at me, slipping her hand onto my ass as she whispered back "Well, once we get back to Whiterun I'll make sure you can't move tomorrow. Sound good?"

I nodded, already anticipating her thick cock slamming repeatedly into my womb as she filled me over and over again with her seed.

My cock hardened, however I moved towards the cages, opening each one.

The slaves stared at me with wide eyes, and I searched for the small Nord girl.

{Female Orc, 14, Level 13}

{Futa Khajiit, 12, Level 2}

{Male Imperial, 15, Level 3}

{Futa Bosmer, 20, Level 24}

{Female Nord, 13, Level 4}

Finding Sissel, I kneeled in front of the girl, making sure as I asked "Sissel, right?"

The short brunette nodded, her ocean blue eyes filled with fear as she muttered "Y-Yes..?"

"Mister Jouane asked us to come find you. Are you ready to go home?"


Her eyes started to water, and she lurched forwards, clinging to me despite the blood, bawling her eyes out.

Aela chuckled beside me, watching as I tried to comfort the young girl.

"So you're good with children... that's good to hear."

Rolling my eyes at her, I turned towards the Bosmer that stepped forwards, her light brown skin glistening in the light as she asked "A-Are we... free?"

"Aye, you're free to go. We'll take you to Rorikstead, and if you wish to travel to Whiterun, you'll also be free to join us there. However, should you wish to travel anywhere else, you're on your own."

The Bosmer nodded, before gesturing at the dead bandits.

"C-Can we arm ourselves?"

"Do you know how to use a blade? Otherwise, no. It'll do more harm to you then it'll help."

The Bosmer scooped up an axe, saying "I know my way around an axe."

An Orc stepped forwards, picking up a sword and nodding to her kinsman.

They also picked up blades, scoffing as they said "Every Orc knows how to use a blade; if you don't you're either a whore or dead."

A few other of the slaves moved forwards, picking up various swords, daggers, axes, and even a mace.

All the other weapons they didn't take, I bundled up and carried with me.

"Alright, follow me."

Aela led everyone out of the car, and as we exited Grok said "Good luck, humans. You need it. Grok go home now... Tired."

Nodding to us, he was about to leave when I stepped forwards.

"Aela, take them to Rorikstead; I want to talk to Grok for a moment."

She narrowed her eyes at me, before sighing.

"Everyone, let's go!"

Watching as the large group of people traveled down the hill, Grok stared at me as he asked "What dark human want?"

Chuckling at that, I pointed to his weapons.

"I'd like to propose a trade."


He stared down at his weapons in confusion, before returning his gaze to me as I said "Would you consider allowing me to court your daughter, Viaka, if I forged you a new cleaver and hammer?"

"You want Viaka? Ha! Sure, should you forge good weapons, let you have her. However, should weapons be bad, I take you instead. Deal?"

Glancing down at his slightly erect cock, I wondered if I should botch the weapons, before nodding at him.

"Deal. I'll have them for you tomorrow."

"Haha~ You funny human. Funner than Rorik."

Waving to me, Grok made his way towards the camp, and I walked towards Rorikstead.


"So let me get this straight... you want to trade some things with Grok, so you'll be staying for a day or so?"

I nodded, and Aela sighed.

"Fine, whatever. I want you back at Jorrvaskr by this time tomorrow, understood? Otherwise, you get no coin."

Chuckling, I gave her a kiss again, only to moan as she pulled me into her.

"Or should I threaten to chain you up in my room? To make you bear me some pups?"

Her eyes glowed a dangerous light, but...

Pressing my lips against hers again, I slid my hand over her cock, moaning "Maybe I should run away, hmm? Make you work for it~?"

Placing her hands on my ass, she squeezed me hard, making me moan again as she growled "I dare you, Jeleia. I'll chain you up somewhere no one will find you and breed you over and over again. Understand?"

"Of course I do dear~"

Rolling her eyes at me, she sighed before exiting the room.

Watching her walk away, I too exited, making my way over to Rorik.

"Sir Rorik, do you have a forge I could use?"

"Aye, that way. And thank you. Sissel means a lot to Jouane, especially after the wars. in fact..."

Checking our surroundings, Rorik whispered "Do you think you could maybe uhm... make Lemkil... take a nap?"

Grinning, I also leaned forwards, pinching my fingers together as I asked "What's in it for me?"

"I have a beautiful blue sapphire I've been holding onto..."

"Aye, that'll do. However, I want to take care of my own things first, so..."

"That's fine. Thank you, Jeleia. Really. With this, we can give that large farm to someone who deserves it, and not that drunkard."

Nodding, I made my way towards the forge, thinking up what I should make.

I could go simple, or I could go ornate...

Well, I really want Viaka, and this will be a good way of getting some levels...

Smelting the various weapons, I gained another 13 Iron and 21 Steel, and then I took the fur armors apart, getting some leather and leather strips.

Thinking about the design for the hammer, I decided to go for something simple, but with some etchings, if possible.

A giant block of steel as the head, a steel shaft, and maybe some mammoth depictions on the side...

{Mammoth Hammer: 7 Steel, 4 Iron, 2 Leather, 2 Leather Strips. (75%) Chance to succeed}

What popped up was something similar to what I had envisioned, the only difference being the size and length.

Placing the materials on the anvil, I started hammering away, folding the steel and iron together to create a large Damascus slab, before shaping the wide handle.

Finishing that, I took a smaller hammer and started chiseling some lines into the slab, creating an ornate picture of a mammoth head on the side.

Time passed slowly, but as I finished wrapping the handle in two thick leather hides, binding them with leather strips, I was staring at a hammer that was taller than me.

{Mammoth Hammer crafted!}

{Mammoth Hammer: A giant, heavy hammer meant to hit as hard as a mammoth. (15%) Chance to fling enemies; (25%) Chance to pulverize bones}

{Smithing: 26 -> 29}

I grinned at the hammer, wiping the sheen of sweat off my brow, before designing my next gift.

Since it was a cleaver, and Grok favored his hammer, this could be much simpler...

A thick blade, jagged edge, and a cross guard large enough to protect his hand.

It would be around the height of my shoulders, and wider than I was...

{Colossal Cleaver: 4 Steel, 3 Iron, 1 Leather, 1 Leather Strip. (85%) Chance to succeed}

Laying out the materials, I returned to hammering, slowly folding the metals over one another before...

They snapped.

{Colossal Cleaver failed}

Clicking my tongue, I laid out the materials again, this time gently folding the metals before lengthening it.

Hammering out the general shape, I started putting in the bevel of the edge, slowly sloping the metal downwards.

Once it reached my desired length and width, I smoothed out the blade before shaping the hilt, creating a cross guard and pommel to try and even some of the weight.

Finishing the metalwork, I wrapped the handle in leather, using the strip to secure it in place, and...

{Colossal Cleaver forged!}

{Colossal Cleaver: A heavy cleaver meant for Giants, the blade is useful as both a weapon and tool. (25%) Chance to cause severe bleeding}

{Smithing: 29 -> 31}

{Level 10 -> 11}

Smiling to myself, I panted as my vision blurred, my body quickly draining of energy.

Pulling out a stamina potion, I chugged it down, revitalizing my body.

Bringing my stamina up, I grinned as I selected {Novice Lust} as my next perk.

As I chose it, I sniffed the air, catching a faint whiff of roses around me.

Chuckling at that, I placed the two weapons in my inventory, before deciding to do one more.

Creating a long, thin blade, I made a giant fillet knife for Grok's wife, Tias.

{Smithing: 31 -> 32}

After all, I should try and please both the parents, no?

Ketsueki_Hasu Ketsueki_Hasu


next chapter
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