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3.44% Power is Everything || ASOIAF X HxH fic / Chapter 1: Awakening
Power is Everything || ASOIAF X HxH fic Power is Everything || ASOIAF X HxH fic original

Power is Everything || ASOIAF X HxH fic

Penulis: TheManUnderTheBed

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Awakening

(Riverlands, 276 AC)

The Riverlands stretched out before Daemon, its lush expanse cloaked in shades of emerald. The misty rain descended like a veil, its gentle touch soothing the earth and casting a hushed ambience over the land. Hidden amidst a dense thicket, Daemon assumed the mantle of a silent observer, his lithe form blending seamlessly with nature's tapestry.

As the wind whispered through the trees, caressing his cheek, he remained perfectly still. A fleeting moment of tranquillity washed over him, accompanied by the rhythmic beating of his heart, the only sound that dared to disrupt the sacred symphony of nature. His senses attuned, every fibre of his being honed to a singular purpose.

And there, just beyond the arc of his vision, a majestic deer grazed peacefully upon the verdant carpet. Its graceful movements mirrored the ebb and flow of the land, blissfully unaware of the predator lurking in the shadows. Daemon's eyes, sharp as a falcon's gaze, locked onto his quarry with unyielding focus. Time itself seemed to halt, the world narrowing to a singular point of concentration.

With the fluid grace of a seasoned archer, he slowly raised his bow, an extension of his very essence. The bowstring, pulled taut with practised precision, whispered secrets of tension and potential. His fingers danced upon the wood, finding solace in the familiar touch, as his aim aligned with the deer's unknowing silhouette.

In a breathless moment, Daemon's heart stilled. His very essence merged with the bow, his consciousness intertwining with the trajectory of the arrow. It was a dance between man and nature, a communion of purpose and instinct. And as his spirit merged with the ethereal flight of the arrow, it became an extension of his will.

The release was a seamless transition, the bowstring singing its mournful song. The arrow, a testament to the hunter's skill, arched gracefully through the air, propelled by the invisible forces of destiny. Time resumed its course as the shaft found its mark with chilling precision, piercing the deer's eye, forever silencing its innocent gaze.

With measured steps, Daemon emerged from the shelter of the bush, his eyes now gleaming with a mix of triumph and reverence. The spoils of his hunt awaited him.

Daemon was quite tall for someone who was only 13 name days, he stood at 5,10ft, a sign that he would be a tall man once he had grown up. He was quite strong as well as he was able to lift the dear and place it around his neck on his shoulders as he walked back to the cabin he shared with his uncle.

His uncle had not been well for a while, something that weighed heavily on Daemon's mind, his whole life he had been looked after by his uncle and yet now all he could do was watch as he lay in bed deteriorating as his uncle refused to go to Seaguard or Riverrun to see a Maester.

He made the 3-mile walk back to his cabin with the deer still on his shoulders, his muscles were straining and burning by the time he got there, he went around the back of the cabin and hung the deer up by the feet on a rack he had built. Using a dagger he had in his belt he lit the deer's throat and let it bleed out.

Heading to the water barrel he cleans his hands, before washing his face. He looks at his reflection for a moment. His silver hair hung loosely just above his shoulders, he had purple eyes and high cheekbones. Needless to say, he was a handsome lad, with his classic Valyrian features. His uncle had never told him who his parents were just that his mother loved him. It was sad but didn't matter very much, he just assumed he was a dragon seed not that it mattered much anyway.

He opened the door to the cabin, it was completely silent, the only sound being the crackling of the fire Daemon had left lit before he left. Near the fireplace was a large chair where an old man sat, he had grey hair with only a few patches of his original dark hair colour. His eyes were the same colour as Daemons though they looked much more tired.

"How was the hunt," The old man said in a thick gravelly voice, he didn't turn to look at Daemon he just kept staring at the flames dancing in the fireplace.

Daemon while initially surprised his uncle was up shook it off quickly "It was good, as usual"

His uncle chucked though it quickly morphed into a throaty cough "If only you put as much effort into the sword as you do the bow"

Daemon rolled his eyes as he walked over to the fire kneeling beside it and warming his hands "And what use would I have for a sword out here in the woods, with my bow I feed us and drive away the wolves"

"I'm decent enough with a blade, I beat you did I not?" Daemon continues with a smirk as he turns around to face his uncle.

His uncle grunts "Beating an old man is nothing to boast about, if this had been 30 years ago I would've beaten you in barely a moment" he growls out before he starts coughing again.

Daemon rolls his eyes again before standing up and pouring his uncle a cup of water "Now you're just a bitter old man who spends his days complaining" Daemon jokes.

His uncle cracks a small smile at that "I've always been bitter Daemon, now help me to my bed" He says as he reaches his arm out. Daemon grabs his arm helping him up.

Daemon feels concern wash over him as he helps up his uncle 'He's lost weight again' he thinks to himself as he lifts him. His uncle is a tall man but the amount he currently weighs is not healthy, Daemon suspects if he removed his tunic he'd see just skin and bones.

Daemon lays his uncle down in his bed drawing the blanket over him. It's not surprising that he's dying the man has lived a lot longer than other people, nearly a century. But it didn't hurt any less. He goes to leave but his arm is grabbed by his uncle.

Daemon sits on the edge of the bed as his uncle breathes heavily trying to talk "I don't have long left..." he struggles to breathe out.

Daemon smiles sadly at him "What're you talking about old man, you're too angry at the world to die" he says weakly.

His uncle shakes his head "My whole life I've been an angry and bitter person and because of it nearly my whole family is dead"

His uncle looks at Daemon with tears in his eyes, but it is as if he's looking right through him, not seeing him "I'm sorry Daemon! I should've let you be happy with your family in your keep! I'm sorry for pushing you" he said blubbering.

Daemon clasped his arm and patted his chest "I forgive you uncle now get some rest" he says getting a nod before he slowly drifts off to sleep.

Daemon gets up from the bed before leaving his uncle's room. Things like that had been happening more often, he'd say things that didn't make any sense and ask Daemon for forgiveness. Shaking off his thoughts Daemon finally heads back outside, he sees the deer haven't fully drained yet so he takes a seat on a log of wood and takes his dagger back out. In his spare time, he whittles wooden figures as there is not much to do in the middle of the Forest.

He'd just finished whittling a three-headed dragon when he looked up and noticed the deer was finally drained. He unhooked its feet and carried it into the shed by the rack, and then threw it on the butchering table. After skinning the dear and portioning the meat he attaches the skin to a tanning rack outside.

'Going to have to make a trip to Seaguard and sell all these skins' Daemon thought to himself as he started bringing the meat down to the pantry under the floor in the cabin.

Daemon knew his life was simple, there was a lot more to life than what he had but he was content, he had a warm cabin and a full belly and family. Though he wouldn't have the last one for very long, he wondered what he would do once his uncle was gone.

The sun hadn't quite set yet so he decided to do some training to get his uncle off his back. Grabbing a bastard sword his uncle made him use from inside the cabin. Removing his tunic-exposed Daemons chiselled body from a life of hunting and training his body, he went through various sword forms that his uncle taught him with ease. While he didn't have much to compare to he found the sword too easy to use and while his uncle would never admit it Daemon was prodigious with it.

Daemon trained until the sun set before making himself a venison stew, he made enough for his uncle to have in the morning as he fell asleep before he could properly eat. After eating he went to his room removing his clothes and drifting off to sleep. 

Daemon always had the same dreams, he dreamt of a girl with white hair and light blue eyes, he'd never met her before but it hurt when he'd wake up and know that she wasn't there with him. Like a part of himself was missing and he didn't know why.


Daemon had just finished washing in the nearby river when he arrived back at the cabin, his uncle was up and sitting on a chair they had at the entrance of the cabin. In his hands, he held a long object covered in cloth that Daemon could tell was a sword of some kind. He also had a book in his hand that he was reading.

He looks up from the book as Daemon approaches "Took you long enough boy, spend enough time getting your hair all pretty?" He grunts out.

Daemon smiles and pushes his hair behind his ears "I'm afraid that my hair is always cursed to look so silky, what're you doing outside anyway"

"Waiting for you, come and sit" he replies.

Daemon obeys and takes a seat next to his uncle enjoying the morning air "I never wanted this life for you Daemon, wasting away out here in the middle of the forest"

Daemon shrugs his shoulders "Life is life uncle, most don't get to choose what happens in theirs, and I'm content with mine"

His uncle chuckles a bit before looking at Daemon "I spent my whole life fighting for a home when I could've spent it building one, and now I have nothing to leave you... except these" he says regretfully as he looks at the book and the cloth covered object.

Daemon frowns at his uncle's words, he didn't know much about his uncle's past as he always refused to talk about it "Uncle, dwelling on what could've been is useless, you took me in and raised me, that's the greatest gift I could've asked for"

His uncle shakes his head "No Daemon... this is the greatest gift I'm going to give you" he says, making Daemon furrow his brow, suddenly the atmosphere feels heavy, he looks at his uncle and flinches, he seems to be a completely different person no longer the weak man he usually was, and yet Daemon couldn't understand why.

His uncle puts his hand on his chest and pushed. Daemon felt like he had been hit by a horse as he fell on his back gasping for air. He felt a soft warm viscous-like substance surround him which wasn't helping with his breathing "Calm yourself Daemon" he heard his uncle say as he got onto his knees.

Daemon looked up at his uncle to see that he was surrounded by a dark aura that seemed to flow and ripple around his body like a second skin "What is this... what did you do?" Daemon says as he struggles to breathe.

His uncle sits down back in his seat "This is what separates nobility from the small folk" he huffs out as he's clearly out of breath.

Daemon struggled to his feet noticing that he was covered in a similar aura however it didn't flow around his body it seemed to move away from him "What is happening to me" Daemon breathed out getting to his feet.

His uncle looked at him relief evident on his face though for what reason Daemon did not know "It will all be explained but first, you need to calm yourself, that Aura that surrounds you, you need to focus on it and stop it from drifting away from your body, or you'll eventually die"

Daemon panicked slightly at his uncle's words, his confusion was evident as he just stood there not doing anything "DAEMON!" His uncle shouted snapping the boy out of his thoughts.

Now that his uncle had his attention he lowered his voice "Focus on the aura surrounding you, feel it flowing and redirect the flow so it surrounds you" his uncle instructed.

Daemon nodded and closed his eyes, it wasn't hard to feel the aura as it surrounded his body like a second skin. It felt like a was enveloped in a warm honey-like liquid that flowed away from his body, focusing on it he found that he could direct it and instead of allowing it to drift away he made it flow around his body. His uncle nodded in approval as he saw Daemon's aura calm and enter a regulated state.

"Very good, for a moment I was worried that you would die" he grunted out with a chuckle.

Daemon looked at his uncle with disbelief "This could've killed me?"

His uncle shrugs and grunts but before he can talk he starts coughing, a lot worse than he usually does, Daemon can see blood come out his mouth making him worried, but his uncle holds his hand up stopping Daemon from helping him "I don't have much time now sit down and listen"

Daemon obeys as he takes a seat next to his uncle, his aura still flowing around him "What I've done is unlocked your aura by using my own to force your aura nodes open"

Daemon looks confused "What is Aura?" He asks

"Remember the stories I told you when you were younger of knights and lords charging into battle slaying hundreds single-handedly," his uncle asked.

Daemon raised his eyebrow but nodded "They're all true, all these magical things the nobility seem capable of are because of their aura, though small folk will believe it's because of magic or because they're descended from heroes. But the truth is everyone has an aura, however not everyone has the mental fortitude to unlock it as the real way to do so is through years of mediation. What nobles usually start as children"

"But that never happened to me, you just opened mine in only a few moments," Daemon said confusion evident in his voice.

His uncle nodded "That way is incredibly dangerous, Aura is Life so if you do not possess the mental fortitude to control it, your life will leak away and you'll die. That is why the first method is preferred as if you cannot unlock it through this method it is almost certain you won't be able to control it once your aura nodes open" he explains.

His uncle starts coughing again "Listen, boy, I wish I could explain how it all worked to you but I don't have long now... take this" he says as he hands the book and cloth-covered item to him.

Daemon looks at him questioningly "That journal belonged to your ancestor he was one of the strongest warriors and aura users since Aegon the Conqueror, it will explain aura better than I ever could" his uncle says as his breath gets heavy.

His uncle then draws his attention to the cloth-covered object "That is your heritage, it's the only thing I can leave you" his uncle says regretfully.

Daemon unwraps the cloth-bound object and it reveals a beautiful bastard sword. Its handle was black with the pommel being a deep red ruby, the cross guard ended on either side with two dragon heads and a third forming onto the blade itself. The metal was dark and Smokey and had ripples that ran up the blade.

Daemon wasn't an idiot but he was a bit ignorant when it came to most things, the only education he had was what his uncle had given him and while he knew what Valyrian steel would look like he had no idea how important this sword was in Westeros history.

His uncle however was there to illuminate him "That is Blackfyre, it was given to your namesake nearly 100 years ago and has passed down in your family"

Daemon's eyes widen "You mean..."

His uncle nods "Yes, you were not born a bastard, you are Daemon Blackfyre the last male member of House Blackfyre"

Daemon was too shocked for words, his whole life he had believed himself just to be another common man which he was content with. But to find out that he descends from one of the Targaryen's worst enemies made him speechless.

His uncle didn't care however "Listen, boy, I give you these gifts as I can't stand to see you rot away here with me, go to Riverrun, with your aura unlocked it'll entitle you to squire for a knight who can teach you how to use your aura. That journal has Daemons training methods as well, so use them wisely"

Daemon snapped out of his thoughts, placing his shock at his heritage at the back of his mind "Uncle why do you act as if you're going to die, you'll be fine" Daemon states unconvincingly.

His uncle shakes his head "I had six moons at best, but using my aura has only made my sickness worse, I won't live to see tomorrow"

Daemon tenses at his words and clenches his fists, he looks down as his eyes begin to water "Don't feel sad for me boy, I finally get to be with my family again... there is one more thing I need to tell you" his uncle states as his voice gets sleepy and he has trouble keeping his eyes open.

Daemon holds onto his uncle's hand and listens "You have a sister, a twin, you were separated at birth because you were the last male Blackfyre so you were in danger and would've placed her in danger. Get strong, strong enough to protect her, please, don't let my mistakes be the end of House Blackfyre, she is being kept safe by a friend of mine in Pentos, so you have time, so get strong and protect Serra, she's the last family you have left" he says as he squeezes Daemons hands tightly.

Daemon nods his head "I promise I'll find her and keep her safe uncle"

For the first time in Daemon's life, he saw his uncle smile broadly, a real smile that reached his eyes "Thank you... when I pass burn me as they did for my brother, I wish to be with Daemon and his family wherever they may be"

Daemon's eyes widen "Your brother? So that means you are-"

His uncle laughs "I'm surprised it took you this long to figure out... Yes, the name I once used was Aegor Bittersteel. But now I'm content with being called uncle"

His uncle starts to get tired and his eyes slowly close "Live a full life Daemon... don't waste it like I did" he says before finally falling asleep.

Daemon knew he was not going to wake from this sleep.


Daemon had just finished watching his uncle's body burn and the ashes scatter to the wind. He had stayed with his uncle the whole day and night, never moving, he stayed until he heard his uncle take his final breath.

One of his last remaining family members was gone, the only one he had left was Serra whom he had never met and was across the narrow sea. His first instincts were to take the first boat across and try to find her, but he hesitated. His uncle said he needed to become strong and perhaps he was right, he'd never gone as far as Riverrun his entire life and he barely had any coin, not a gold dragon to his name, just whatever the skins he had accumulated were worth.

He'd follow his uncle's advice and squire for someone and get stronger, he'd do whatever it takes to make it in this world.

For a while Daemon sat down and read his namesakes journal, to say it was interesting would be an understatement, it mentioned in his younger years after he was knighted he travelled to understand the secrets of Aura.

*While most believe that it is Aura's abilities that make a person strong they are wrong, if a person masters the basic aspects of aura they could become invincible. Most of the aura users in Westeros know to increase the amount of aura they have they need to practice intensifying their auras and holding it as long as they can. But what most neglect to do is meditate, while they do this to initially unlock their aura they don't realise the importance of meditation, as it helps increase the quality of your aura.*

Daemon read his ancestor's journal, it didn't surprise him why Daemon Blackfyre was feared so much, he truly was a genius when it came to fighting. Taking a deep breath Daemon focuses fully on opening his aura nodes and surrounding himself in his aura, he walked up to a nearby tree and clenched his fist before throwing a punch, his fist making a crater in the wood.

'Unreal' Daemon thought to himself as he looked at his fist, not a single mark marred his skin from the impact of his fist against the wood.

'It's no wonder knights are practically invincible when compared to the common soldier if this is just the beginning of their power' he thought as he looked at the soft rippling aura surrounding him.

Daemon headed back to the cabin and started to pack his stuff, it would take around 2 weeks to get to Riverrun, if he went slowly he could stretch that to a month. In that time he'd get familiar with the first aspect of aura which was surrounding himself with it not allowing it to flow away. He'd also need to attempt the meditation techniques in Daemon's journal.

After packing his belongings in a knapsack, he rolled together a few prepared deer skins and tied them up, he knew he'd need some coins when he arrived in Riverrun, so he hoped he'd be able to get a decent amount. The last thing he did was strip off some leather and cover the hilt of Blackfyre, it was arguably one of the most famous swords in Westeros and he didn't even want to imagine what the Tagaryens would do if they learnt he had it.

Daemon looks at his cabin, the place he'd spent his entire life for a final time. He was content to live here, he enjoyed the simple life. But perhaps life was not about being content, he'd obey his uncle's final wishes and live a life that will be full of adventure. He turns around and heads into the forest.


(Two week later)

Daemon had been travelling towards Riverrun for the past two weeks, his cabin was close to Maidenpool so it would not be too long to travel if he went down the river road when he reached the trident. But he decided to take a longer route, in the journal it was written down that Daemon would swim against the currents to train the first aspect of his Aura where you open your aura nodes and control the flow of your aura.

While it gave information on what he did, it left out the how and why he did it, it seemed as if he wanted his descendent to figure it out for themselves. Which Daemon wasn't having an easy time with it, for a week he travelled upstream towards the trident with his aura active and he'd hardly made any progress in getting towards Riverrun. The river ran fast and was deep so every time he stopped swimming he'd lose progress.

For hours and hours each day he would do this, and when he couldn't keep his aura active any longer he'd meditate on the bank of the river and use the second aspect of aura control which was keeping aura inside his body. This came naturally to him, as a hunter he was used to making his presence harder to detect, it also allowed him to recover much faster than normal.

Daemon had just dragged himself out of the river for the third time that day, he was breathing heavily as he collapsed on the bank of the river. He clenched his fists in frustration as he hit the ground, he had barely made any progress today and he wasn't even sure that he was improving in his training.

"I have to be doing something wrong," Daemon said to himself as he sat up. He closed off his aura nodes in an attempt to recover. He opened his Knapsack and took out a piece of fruit, the water from the river actually made it taste better.

Daemon sat there eating as he tried to think of how to overcome this river, his ancestor had said in his journal that he swam the entirety of the green forks in a month, something that would've sounded impossible before he knew about aura but now just seems very unlikely.

He thought about giving up and walking, what did he have to prove? But every time he looked in the direction of the road his body became heavy, he'd never thought of himself as a prideful person but he couldn't allow himself to lose without doing everything he could.

After resting for a few hours and recovering his aura Daemon stood back up "Okay... let's try something else" he said aloud with determination.

He entered the water and walked until the water touched his knees. He opened his aura nodes and allowed his aura to seep out of him, it clung to his body like a second skin. One aspect of his aura that he did improve on was maintaining it. In theory, if someone has perfect aura control they would have no leakage and they would be able to maintain it forever, but in reality, it's more complicated. Your aura is linked to your mind and body, If either is exhausted or compromised it becomes impossible to maintain perfect control and it will start leaking away.

Daemon stood there with his eyes closed and his aura enveloping his body. If he couldn't fight against the current with his strength he would just have to get stronger. He focused on increasing the amount of aura around his body, he wasn't prepared for it to flare up explosively sending ripples across the surface of the water. His aura expanded until it was a few inches away from his body. Using the first aspect of aura he brought it under control managing to keep it from dispersing.

He looked at his hands and arms, it was as if he were surrounded by a transparent cloud, it seemed to have worked though as Daemon felt a long stronger. He got to work swimming against the current, he noticed that his increase in strength allowed him to travel faster in the water, he was ecstatic that he had finally discovered a method to traverse the current of the river. However, what Daemon did not know as he had neglected to fully read the journal was that he was using the third basic application of aura. Once a person became proficient in using and controlling their aura they can intensify it and increase the amount they can use making them a lot stronger. However what Daemon didn't realise was by intensifying and increasing his aura he had reduced the time he could maintain it.

Daemon was too pleased with himself to realise the danger he was currently in. As he swam against the current of the river at a pace far faster than he was capable of before, he felt himself already getting tired despite it only being a few minutes since activating his aura.

Within another minute he could barely maintain his aura, he felt his muscles burn as he struggled to swim, he started to head towards the shore but he struggled as the currents were fast in this stretch of the river. With a scream, he pushes himself the final few metres before he gets to the river bank crawling to shore.

Daemon lay on the bank once again barely 5 minutes after he had just reentered the water. He felt a myriad of emotions, his adrenaline was still pumping through his veins at the near-death experience he just faced. If he had looked in the reflection of the water he would've noticed his eyes had changed from violet to an luminous red.

'Until I get a teacher I need to be more careful' he thinks to himself.


(Two weeks later)

Daemon had fallen into a pattern of using his intensified aura to swim down the river until he found himself getting weak and then resting on the bank of the river. While at first, he could only maintain it for a couple of minutes before he started to struggle, he found that after two weeks his time using it increased to around 15 minutes.

But even so, he couldn't help but think that something was wrong, he felt as if this wasn't what the original Daemon had in mind, even if he was improving. So he meditated on the bank of the water contemplating the problem he faced.

'Perhaps I'm looking at this the wrong way, using more power doesn't seem to be the answer' he thinks to himself as he stands up and walks into the water.

Letting his aura surround him he goes until his head is the only thing above the water. He feels the push of the current and even from a standing position it feels like he could be knocked off his feet.

He lets himself feel the water flowing over his skin he concentrates on how it interacts with his body and how his aura feels. He noticed that his aura flowed similarly to water, he also felt the resistance that his body imposed on the river. It was at this point Daemon had an idea, concentrating on his aura he attempted to mimic the flow of water around his body.

To say it was difficult would be an understatement, the water flowed around his body in multiple directions therefore he had to adjust his aura the same way. When he had finally gotten adept at the process he slowly felt the current less and less until it felt like he was in a still pond. With his aura, he pushes against the water while allowing it to flow with the current.

Pushing off his feet he starts swimming, at first, he took it slow as he had to keep adjusting the flow, but it wasn't tiring, it felt like he was swimming in a lake with no current at all. Daemon couldn't help the smile as he seemed to have figured out his namesake's secret to traversing up the river.

Daemon figured out this must've been designed by his ancestor as a way to train your flow of aura. It was a difficult task focusing on different parts of his aura and controlling which direction they flowed, all while pushing back against the current.

Daemon continued for six hours, only needing to take one break in between. He couldn't help but laugh as he lay on the bank smiling and laughing before he fell asleep right there.


(One week later)

A girl with long brown hair sat cross-legged on the bank at the trident, it was here where the red, blue and green forks flowed making one of the largest rivers in Westeros.

The girl sat still with her eyes closed, she had a pretty face with long features, her body was slim and she had small breasts. She wore a deep blue dress that seemed to clash with the leather boots she wore. She didn't even seem to notice the bottom of her dress being muddied as she looked to be concentrating.

Slowly an aura seems to form around her, at first it seems to be flowing outward and dispersing into the surrounding area but after a few seconds, it reins itself in forming a second skin around her. She opens her eyes, they are a light grey colour, almost the colour of molten silver.

She couldn't help the broad grin that appeared on her face as she managed to take the first steps to becoming an aura master.

In the male-dominated society of Westeros, women are very much placed under men in most regards, and the usage of Aura is not any different. it is up to the head of a woman's house on whether they are taught in the usage of aura, and while some do allow the basics to be taught for a woman to protect themselves from common criminals, a lot choose not to.

Lyanna Stark is one such person who

was denied the right to learn by her father. Lyanna very much disliked most of the subjects women are expected to learn and would much rather ride her horse through the wolf's wood. Her father believed that allowing her to learn aura would only make her worse and even more unladylike.

Unfortunately for him, Lyanna is one of the very rare people that are geniuses in Aura. Based on the little information she had, she was able to figure out the correct way to begin unlocking her aura nodes, it took her just a month to fully unlock her aura. However, while she was a genius in some aspects, in others she found it difficult.

She had the wolf's blood just like her older brother, she hated sitting still, she always needed to be doing something. Needless to say, this did not help her with meditation.

As her aura surrounded her she stood up a wild grin appearing on her face as approached a nearby tree throwing a few punches and cracking the wood.

'Just imagine it's fathers stupid face' Lyanna thought to herself as she intensified her punches.



"I CAN'T!"



She says shouting with each punch as she creates a deep crater in the tree. Having vented out her anger she stood back on the bank of the river her aura still surrounding her. She'd need to spy on her brother's training so she could figure out what to do next. As there had to be more to aura than just meditating.

As Lyanna Stark stood at the bank of the Trident, her aura flowing around her hand like a second skin, she was lost in her thoughts, embracing the tranquillity of the river's edge. Suddenly, the peaceful ambience was shattered by the sound of rustling foliage behind her.

Turning around, Lyanna was taken aback to find herself confronted by a group of menacing men she had never seen before. Their faces were marred with disgusting smiles and leers, sending shivers down her spine.

The man at the forefront, who introduced himself as "Little Pete," exuded a malicious air. He was short and stout, with greasy hair and a scruffy beard. His clothes were tattered and filthy, betraying his rough nature.

"Well, well, what do we have here? A pretty little lady all alone by the river. Ain't that a sight?" Little Pete sneered.

Standing next to him was a hulking figure named "Iron Mark," adorned in rough, iron-studded leather armour. The scars on his face hinted at a violent past, adding to his intimidating presence.

"Aye, she's a pretty one, no doubt. But what brings a lady like you to these parts?" Iron Mark chuckled darkly.

Beside Iron Mark, a sly and cunning man named "Serpent Jon" gazed at Lyanna with dark, serpent-like eyes. His slender build and dark green attire seemed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding foliage, giving him an eerie aura.

"Looks like she's got some tricks up her sleeve, that one. Reckon she's hiding something?" Serpent Jon remarked slyly.

Lastly, "Wildcat Will," with his feral appearance and unkempt mane of hair, completed the quartet. Dressed in animal furs and carrying a crude bow, he seemed ready for anything the wilderness might throw his way.

"Aye, she's got a certain air about her, like she thinks she's better than us," Wildcat Will said with a snarl.

Together, the four men encircled Lyanna, their leering gazes causing her heart to race.

"You shouldn't be wandering about these woods alone, sweet lady. Why don't you come with us? We'll keep you company, heh," Little Pete said, stepping closer.

"Yeah, and we'll make sure you stay safe. In our own special way," Iron Mark added, leaning in intimidatingly.

Lyanna's mind raced as she assessed the dangerous situation before her. She knew she needed to be cautious and find a way to navigate this precarious encounter with these unsavoury characters. Luckily it seemed that none of them could see her aura meaning they were just common people.

Lyanna cursed as she realised that her father was right. He had told her not to sneak off while in the Riverlands as bandits are a lot more common. But she didn't listen and had done so anyway, their camp was over an hour away so she couldn't expect any help to come in time. So Lyanna resolved herself to fight, she'd die before she let herself get taken by these cretins.

As Lyanna stood her ground, Little Pete nodding towards Iron Mark, the menacing brute lumbered over to her. The foul odour of his sweat and breath filled the air, making her stomach churn. Just as he reached out to grab her, Lyanna acted swiftly, surprising them all with her strength.

With a swift and powerful punch to Iron Mark's stomach, Lyanna managed to wind him, causing shock to ripple through the group. Despite his towering height of over 6 and a half feet, Lyanna, at around 5 feet tall, had been able to make the man stumble.

However, Iron Mark's anger flared in response to being hit by a seemingly delicate lady. He reached for his wooden club from his belt, determined to retaliate. He swung the club with brutal force, striking Lyanna hard, and she was thrown back against a tree. Though the blow hurt, she was thankful that her aura absorbed most of the impact, providing her with some protection.

Despite the pain and danger, Lyanna refused to back down. Her resolve strengthened, knowing that she had to fight for her life in this perilous situation. Lyanna prepared to face the threat with all the strength and courage she could muster.

Lyanna stood back up, her determination unwavering despite the danger she faced. Little Pete's eyes widened in recognition, realizing that Lyanna possessed an aura. He muttered under his breath, "The little bitch is an aura user."

With a swift motion, Little Pete pulled out a sharp dragon glass dagger and approached Lyanna, a wicked grin stretching across his face. He lunged at her, slashing with the dagger. Instinctively, Lyanna lifted her hand in an attempt to defend herself, relying on her aura.

However, to her shock, the dragon glass dagger cut through her aura as if it wasn't there, leaving her vulnerable to the attack.

As Lyanna gasped for air, feeling drained and weakened, she fell to her knees, her breaths coming heavily. The recent confrontation had taken a toll on her, especially as she was still relatively new to harnessing her aura, leaving her with a painfully low amount of energy.

Little Pete's sinister smile widened as he approached Lyanna, relishing the thought of capturing her and fulfilling his dark intentions. However, before he could proceed, a sudden gasp for air caught everyone's attention.

All eyes turned to the riverbank, where a striking figure emerged from the water. Daemon, shirtless and wearing only his knapsack, stood with his silver hair dripping wet from the river. His presence was magnetic, and a sense of power emanated from him.

Daemon narrowed his eyes at the group, his expression unyielding. "What's happening here?" he demanded, his voice steady and commanding.

Little Pete stepped forward, trying to maintain an air of innocence. "Oh, sir, we saw this woman here all alone, looking troubled. We were just trying to help her, you see," he said with a false smile.

Serpent Jon chimed in, his tone smooth and deceitful. "Yes, that's right. We're just good Samaritans, offering our assistance."

Wildcat Will nodded vigorously, playing his part in the ruse. "Aye, a lovely lady like her shouldn't be left alone. We're here to keep her safe."

Despite their efforts, Daemon remained unmoved, his gaze fixed on Lyanna. He could see through their deception and sensed the fear in her eyes, confirming his suspicions that something was amiss.

Daemon spoke calmly but with an edge of authority. "I see. And what is it that the lady thinks of your 'help'?" he asked, his eyes never leaving Lyanna's face.

Little Pete glanced at Lyanna, his false smile faltering for a moment. "She's just a bit scared, you know, being out here all alone," he replied, trying to deflect the question.

Daemon's stare intensified, and he spoke firmly, "I didn't ask what you think she's feeling. I asked her."

Lyanna found her voice, her fear slowly giving way to determination. "They're lying," she said, her words steady but tremulous. "They attacked me and tried to capture me."

"Shut up you stupid bitch" Little Pete says as he backhands Lyanna, though she still had a bit of aura surrounding her so it didn't cause much damage.

Seeing him do this made Daemon glare at the man before flaring his aura in preparation to attack.

The display of Daemon's aura left Lyanna in awe, marvelling at the raw power and strength he possessed. As the confrontation escalated, she watched with both admiration and a hint of fear, realizing the extent of Daemon's capabilities.

Daemon's charged aura gave him an immense boost in strength, and he wasted no time taking on Iron Mike. He deftly caught the incoming swing of the wooden club in his hand, then delivered a devastating punch that left Iron Mike crumpled on the ground, gasping for air.

Meanwhile, Serpent Jon's attempt to harm Daemon with his sword proved futile, his blade unable to pierce Daemon's protective aura. The counterattack was swift and brutal, and Jon's face met a gruesome end as Daemon's fist turned it to mush.

When Wildcat Will shot an arrow at Daemon, the aura user caught it with ease, and then used the projectile to deliver a fatal blow, ending Will's threat.

With only Little Pete remaining, fear etched across his face, he attempted one last desperate attack with the dragon glass dagger. Daemon expected his aura to shield him as it had done before, but to his surprise, the dagger penetrated his hand, causing him to grunt in pain.

The dragon glass seemed to have an unsettling effect on Daemon's aura, drawing it away from him. He felt weaker as the dagger seemed to absorb his essence. Struggling to regain his composure, he yanked the dagger out, the sensation of his aura returning to normal.

By the time he looked up, Little Pete had already fled, the fear of Daemon's power prompting him to abandon his companions and the battle.

Breathing heavily, Daemon glanced around at the aftermath of the intense encounter. Lyanna approached him, grateful for his intervention that saved her from danger.

"Thank you," she said softly, her voice full of admiration and respect for the mysterious aura user who had protected her.

Daemon looked up at her and smiled hiding the pain of his hand "I'm glad you're safe, though I'm sure you could've taken them even if I hadn't shown up"

Daemon's bright smile made Lyanna blush a bit before she raised an eyebrow at him "Are you making fun of me?" She said with a slightly narrowed gaze.

Daemon shrinks a bit under her wolf-like glare "No! Really I'm a beginner in Aura so if I could take them I'm sure you could've easily taken them if it wasn't for that weird dagger" he said with a smile as he stood up.

Lyanna's eyes widen "You're a beginner and you can do that! Who taught you? Can he teach me!" She practically shouted as she grabbed Daemon by the shoulders shaking him.

Daemon scratched the back of his head with a confused look on his face "No one taught me, I've been learning on my own"

Lyanna's eyes were wide with awe "How did you get so good!? Why were you in the river!? Is it a secret technique!? Like the Tully's!?" Lyanna asked rapid-fire questions, the wild girl was overwhelming Daemon as he stood there being shaken by her.

"I'm not sure how good I am, you're only the second aura user I've met" Daemon stated humbly as he put his knapsack down. All his belongings were drenched, which was to be expected since Daemon spent most of the month in a river. Taking out his wet tunic he put it on before swinging his knapsack back on his back.

Lyanna looks at him humourlessly "I'm only the second aura user you've met? What are you a wildling? You'd have to be living in the middle of nowhere to not run into at least a few"

Daemon smiles a bit sheepishly as he goes to the men on the ground poking them with his foot and getting a few groans in return "Perhaps we should leave, do you have somewhere I can escort you to?" He asked politely.

Lyanna nods her head before grabbing him by the hand and pulling him off "A little less than an hour away is my father's camp"

Daemon nods and allows himself to be dragged away from the scene "I don't believe I got the chance the introduce myself before. I'm Daemon Rivers" he said to her.

Lyanna turned around and smiled "Well met Daemon Rivers, I'm Lyanna Stark"

Daemon's eyes widened when he heard the word Stark, even though he was raised in the middle of the forest he was educated by his uncle, he needed to be as he made trips to Maidenpool sometimes. His uncle didn't want to take the risk that he would offend one of the nobles and end up being thrown in the cells.

Daemon smiles politely, a look Lyanna was all too familiar with "It's nice to meet you, my lady"

Lyanna frowns "Piss on that call me Lyanna, you saved my life none of this 'my lady' nonsense" she spat out.

Daemon chuckles at her demeanour he was glad he wouldn't need to tread on eggshells around her.

"What were you doing in the trident, there is a crossing a bit further up you know? You didn't need to swim" Lyanna says with a small chuckle.

Daemon raises his eyebrow at her "You know I may have been raised in the forest but I'm not an idiot, I was training" he explained.

This seemed to pique Lyanna's interest as she turns around fully her hands still entwined with his "Training!? Do you mean training your aura" she asked excitedly.

Daemon nodded his head with a smile "I do, I don't have a teacher at the moment so I'm training on my own"

Lyanna's eyes widen "Train me!?" She half asks half demands.

Daemon shakes his head "I am a beginner the only teacher I have is an old book that was left to me"

"You're a lady of a great house, don't you have a teacher already," he asks, getting a scowl from Lyanna in return.

"Father thinks that learning aura will only encourage my unladylike behaviour" she practically spits out.

Daemon chuckles, getting a glare from Lyanna "I-I only laugh 'cause of how stupid it is, but if that's the case how did you unlock your aura?"

Lyanna gives him a cocky grin "I did it by myself, I even did it quicker than my brothers did"

Daemon is awed by her accomplishment, in the journal it explained how it could take months or even years under someone's instruction to unlock your aura, the fact she did it alone was amazing.

"Still I think you should get someone more experienced than me to train you otherwise-"

"There is no one else! Who would be willing to go against my father and teach me" Lyanna blurted out

"At least teach me what you did to beat those bandits, that way I can at least protect myself if I get into trouble again" she continues as she looks at Daemon her deep silver/grey eyes burning deep into him.

Daemon finally gives up and sighs "Fine I'll show you how to do it, but I can't stay around for long I'm heading up to Riverrun" he explains.

Lyanna smiles broadly "That's perfectly fine as that's where we are headed too, you can join our party, I'm sure Father would be happy to host the person who saved me"

Daemon nods his head and they continue walking back to the Stark camp "Why are the Starks heading to Riverrun if I may ask?"

Lyanna shakes her head indicating she didn't mind "It's not all of us, just me father and my elder brother Brandon"

"Father wants to set up a betrothal between Brandon and the Tully girl I don't remember which one, and I'm here because Father thinks it'll do me well to make friends with the girls, maybe learn to embroider or something stupid like that" she continues.

Daemon snorts "I've just met you but even I can tell you'd be dreadful at embroidering"

Lyanna chuckles and playfully pushes him "I'll have you know I could be the best at embroidering if it wasn't so terribly boring, the few times I tried it I felt like throwing myself out of the Winterfell towers"

They are soon interrupted while they're walking by the trees ruffling and large footsteps. Daemon narrows his eyes as he steps in front of Lyanna, his aura had already been released and is flowing around him.

As Lyanna and Daemon turned their attention towards the source of the sound, their eyes fell upon the familiar smug face of little Pete, who had returned with a formidable companion - his big brother, aptly named Big Pete. The man towered over them at an intimidating 7 feet tall, with an ugly and unwashed appearance. But what caught their attention was the thick aura flowing around him, far more substantial than Daemon's own.

Little Pete's voice rang out, filled with arrogance as he introduced his towering brother. "This is my big brother, Big Pete," he said with a sneer. "You've caused us some trouble by injuring my men, and now we've come for payment. Hand over the girl, and maybe we'll let you go."

Big Pete spoke with a falsely polite tone, belying the menace behind his words. "You see, it's just business," he said, his eyes fixated on Lyanna with unsettling hunger. His intentions were clear, and it sent shivers down her spine.

Lyanna's resolve wavered for a moment, but she quickly steadied herself, drawing strength from Daemon's presence beside her. She knew she couldn't let herself be taken by these ruthless men.

Daemon, his aura remaining calm but vigilant, stepped slightly in front of Lyanna, shielding her from Big Pete's leering gaze. "She's not going anywhere with you," he said firmly, his voice unwavering.

Big Pete's grin widened, his eyes filled with dark intent. He swung the massive sledgehammer onto his shoulder effortlessly, a menacing display of his strength. "You're in no position to refuse," he said, his tone dark and dangerous.

As Big Pete sneered, his smug demeanour evident, he taunted Daemon, "You're just a baby aura user, ain't ya? I've had my aura unlocked for years, and I've got myself a fancy aura ability to boot!"

Daemon looked puzzled, trying to make sense of Big Pete's words. Lyanna stepped in, pressing herself against Daemon's back protectively, and explained, "Aura abilities are unique to each person. It's like a personal skill that you develop over time." Daemon's understanding dawned, and he nodded in appreciation of Lyanna's explanation.

Big Pete smirked, clearly relishing the perceived advantage he had. "You got it, pretty boy. But trust me, it won't save ya from what's coming," he sneered, cracking his knuckles in a menacing display.

With a firm grip on his Valyrian steel sword, Daemon squared his shoulders and flared his aura in response. He met Big Pete's challenge with determination in his eyes.

As the aura around them intensified, Big Pete's smirk widened, his aura surging to an intimidating level. "let's see what you've got, baby aura user," he jeered, his voice oozing with arrogance.

Lyanna's grip on Daemon's shoulder tightened, offering her silent support. "You can do this," she whispered, her voice filled with unwavering belief in him. Though she was frustrated at herself that she couldn't do anything to help him, recognising that she wouldn't last a minute against that man.

With the stage set for an intense showdown, Daemon and Big Pete faced off, their auras ablaze in a fierce display of power and determination. The forest had become a battleground of extraordinary proportions, and their clash would decide the course of this perilous encounter.

As Daemon charged forward, swinging his Valyrian steel sword with all his might, he fully expected the blade to cut through anything in its path. However, he was taken aback when Big Pete effortlessly caught the strike with the wooden shaft of his sledgehammer, shocking him.

Big Pete's laughter echoed around them as he taunted Daemon. "You don't even know any of the advanced principles," he jeered, his voice dripping with arrogance. "You're in way over your head, little man. This is going to be too easy."

The intense battle continued, each clash of their auras resonating through the air. Despite his determination, Daemon found himself on the receiving end of Big Pete's overwhelming strength and skill. The kick that hit him in the stomach sent him flying back, crashing into a tree with bone-crushing force. Grunting in pain, Daemon clutched his stomach, thankful that his aura had absorbed some of the impact, sparing him from even more severe injuries.

As he got back up, Daemon flared his aura once more, ready to face Big Pete once again. But it was clear that his opponent's aura abilities were on a different level. Every strike he attempted was met with a seemingly impenetrable defence.

With a mix of frustration and determination, Daemon charged at Big Pete, his Valyrian steel sword poised for another attack. However, even as he swung at his opponent's face, he noticed the thickening of Big Pete's aura, allowing him to block the strike effortlessly with his arm.

The sledgehammer swung towards him once more, but this time, Daemon managed to kick the handle, blocking the attack. He had to think of a different approach if he wanted to stand a chance against such a formidable opponent.

Releasing a hand from his sword, Daemon threw a powerful punch at Big Pete's face. But once again, he noticed the thickening aura just before the impact, diminishing the effect of his blow. The realization sank in that even with all his strength, Big Pete's aura seemed to neutralize much of his attacks.

He jumped backwards disengaging from the seasoned aura user 'He's manipulating his aura, with every strike he receives the area thickens with aura just before nearly nullifying the hit' Daemon concluded.

As Daemon's realization sank in, a massive, almost exhilarated smile spread across his face. Despite the dire consequences that loomed if he were to lose, he found himself enjoying the thrill of the battle. It was as if a newfound sense of exhilaration had taken over him, Little did he know he'd inherited his ancestor's love for fighting, especially those stronger than he was.

Lyanna couldn't help but be enamoured with the sight of Daemon's smile amidst the intense battle. There was something captivating about the way he embraced the excitement and danger of the situation. His aura flared once more, radiating with an intensity that mirrored his enthusiasm.

With a renewed sense of determination and a newfound sense of fun, Daemon charged at Big Pete once again. His Valyrian steel sword gleamed as he swung it with skill and precision 'I've found your weakness, it's over now' Daemon thought with a smile.

Amid the intense battle, Daemon's keen observation skills served him well. As he swung his Valyrian steel sword towards Big Pete's neck, he noticed the telltale signs of his opponent's aura thickening around his arm, blocking the attack. Thinking quickly, Daemon executed a swift and well-placed kick to Big Pete's leg, targeting a vulnerable area where his aura was less concentrated.

A resounding crunch and a pained scream from Big Pete confirmed that Daemon's strategy had worked. By distributing his aura to one area for defence, Big Pete had inadvertently left another area vulnerable. Daemon capitalized on this opening, breaking through the weakened defence with ease.

Big Pete fell to his knees, weakened and in pain, and Daemon wasted no time taking advantage of the situation. He lunged forward, aiming a punch at Big Pete's face. Anticipating the attack, Big Pete thickened his aura around his face, but Daemon's fist went straight past him, finding its mark around the back of his neck. With a knee strike to his sternum, a sickening crack followed, leaving Big Pete roaring in agony.

However, Big Pete was not one to be taken down easily. Roaring with fury, he flared his aura, slamming the ground with his sledgehammer and sending Daemon flying away with tremendous force.

As Daemon crashed to the ground, the impact sent shockwaves through his body, leaving him disoriented and momentarily breathless. But he quickly regained his focus, drawing upon the adrenaline coursing through his veins. His aura flared once more as he got back on his feet, not willing to let the setback deter him.

Lyanna's heart pounded with concern as she watched the intense battle unfold before her. She knew that she could no longer than there anymore and watch. So she tried to make herself less noticeable, little did she know she sealed off all her aura nodes making her exude no aura. Something only a real genius could do on their own. She started making her way to the other person watching the fight.

Big Pete's face contorted with fury as he sneered at Daemon, his eyes burning with malice. "You've caused me enough trouble, you little fucker," he spat, venom lacing his words. "I'm going to put an end to this right now. Watch and witness as you have the honour of falling to my aura ability, 'Impact.'"

With a chilling declaration, Big Pete raised his arms, his aura surging with raw power. The riverbank seemed to hold its breath as everyone awaited the unleashing of 'Impact,' fully aware of the danger that loomed over Daemon.

Daemon is starting to get tired, though it hasn't even been ten minutes he can feel that he doesn't have much time left. He felt stupid for assuming that being able to flare his aura for 15 minutes meant he could do it while fighting. He needed to end this quickly or at least create a distraction for Lyanna to run back to her camp.

As Daemon charged forward with his quick and daring plan to end the battle swiftly, he aimed high, intending to spin and cut one of Big Pete's legs to immobilize him. However, his determination was met with a surprising sight as Big Pete took a wide stance, raising his sledgehammer high in the sky with both hands, seemingly leaving himself defenceless.

Perplexed by the unusual stance, Daemon paused for a moment, trying to assess the situation. Before he could fully react, he heard Big Pete utter a chilling whisper, "Impact." In an instant, almost too fast for Daemon to see, the sledgehammer that was once held aloft came crashing down with tremendous force.

The ground shook, and the air filled with the resounding impact as the sledgehammer struck the earth where Daemon had been moments before. The ferocity of the attack was enough to make him realize that if he had been any closer, the consequences would have been devastating.

But he had no time to dwell on what could have been, as the force of the attack sent him hurtling backwards. The impact was so powerful that Daemon crashed into a tree, breaking through it completely. His vision blurred momentarily, and pain shot through his body as he grappled with the aftermath of the attack.

Despite the pain and exhaustion coursing through his body, Daemon refused to give up. He coughed up blood onto the forest floor, struggling to his feet. His aura flaring was no longer an option; he was limited to the most basic control, and his energy was depleted from the intense battle.

Daemon's mind raced, trying to make sense of Big Pete's ability. He couldn't understand how his opponent was able to swing his sledgehammer with such incredible speed. It was as if time had slowed down during that moment, and he couldn't afford to be caught off guard again.

In a desperate attempt to turn the tide of the battle, Daemon thought back to when he first attacked Big Pete. He recalled how his Valyrian steel sword should've cut through the wooden shaft of the sledgehammer, but it hadn't. That realization sparked an idea in his mind.

With a newfound determination, Daemon closed his eyes, focusing all his energy on his aura. He needed to find a way to counter Big Pete's 'Impact' ability and regain the upper hand.

He concentrated on his aura, extending it around his sword. It was a risky move, as doing so nearly depleted his aura defence, leaving him with only the bare minimum protection. But he knew he had to take the chance.

With a deep breath, he opened his eyes, his aura now enshrouding his Valyrian steel sword. The blade gleamed with newfound power.

Daemon knew that this was his one shot. He steadied himself, pushing through the pain and exhaustion, and focused on his opponent once more. With every ounce of his remaining strength, he prepared to strike, aiming to break through Big Pete's defences and turn the tables on him.

With a deep breath, he charged once more, his aura-infused sword leading the way. He knew that this was a make-or-break moment, and he was determined to give it his all.

The battlefield was a whirlwind of action and power as Daemon made a daring move, rushing towards Big Pete with an unexpected twist. Just as he neared his formidable opponent, Daemon pushed off the ground with incredible force, launching himself forward in an evasive manoeuvre. It was a move he had observed Big Pete execute before, and he had quickly realized that emulating his enemy's technique might be the key to gaining the upper hand.

As he soared through the air, Daemon swiftly shifted the aura around his body, concentrating all the remaining aura he had to protect his arm. He knew that Big Pete's 'Impact' ability was deadly, but he was willing to risk everything to turn the tide of the battle.

The impact was jarring as Big Pete's sledgehammer slammed down with immense force, striking Daemon's arm. The bone shattered under the crushing blow, and pain seared through his body. Yet, to his relief, Big Pete's attack went no further than his arm, thanks to the aura defence he had concentrated there. It was a calculated risk, and the price was evident in the broken limb.

Despite the excruciating pain, Daemon's resolve remained unyielding. His focus was set on one thing: ending this battle and protecting Lyanna. With his Valyrian steel sword infused with aura, he had taken advantage of the momentary opening Big Pete's attack had provided. The enhanced blade cut through Pete's aura defences like a hot knife through butter, finding its mark in Big Pete's chest.

A gasp echoed through the air as the Valyrian steel pierced Pete's chest, the blade empowered by the aura proving to be his downfall. The aura ability that had been so effective against others failed against the unique combination of Daemon's determination and natural genius.

Removing his sword from his chest he saw Big Pete fall to his knees he tried to speak but only blood came out of his mouth, sounding as if he were choking. Eventually, he collapsed to the floor and stopped moving his aura disappearing into the air around them.

Daemon looked at his fallen enemy, he felt sick. This was the first time he had taken a life, he didn't feel sorry for the man as he had chosen this life for himself but it didn't make him feel any better. The only silver lining was that Lyanna was safe.

Daemon looked around trying to find her only to see her beating the life out of Little Pete, she had her aura surrounding her and she was kicking him repeatedly in the stomach, much to Daemon's amusement.

He approached her "Lyanna we should go, I think I might end up passing out soon"

While she was giving Pete a wolf-like glare and an even more fierce grin when she looked up at Daemon her eyes softened and she immediately hugged him causing him pain.

"Shit! Shit! I'm sorry are you okay? What can I do!" She said with concern as she let go of him.

Daemon gave a tired chuckle "Let's just leave, I'm sure this one won't be a threat without his leader"

Lyanna looks doubtful at his assessment she walks to Little Pete's lower body, she stamps on his knee completely shattering it, she then does the same to the other one rendering him unable to walk "Alright we can leave now" she says simply.

Daemon gulps as he limps behind her 'Are all women this terrifying' he thought to himself as they made their way back to the Stark camp.


Lyanna and Daemon approached a camp that was currently in a frenzy, most likely because the only daughter of Lord Stark had disappeared.

Daemon can't help but laugh weakly "Someone's in trouble" he says with an infuriating smirk.

Lyanna pushes him getting a groan of pain in return "You deserved that" she says crossing her arms and turning her head away from the injured boy.

Though they are soon set upon by a contingent of guards led by a man of average height with greying hair "Lady Stark! We've been looking for you everywhere, your father told you not to run off again, especially in the Riverlands"

Though he suddenly realises that Daemon is there and narrows his eyes, he lets out his Aura allowing it to surround his body. Daemon does the same though it's pathetically weak as he had expended much of it in his fight.

"Name yourself boy! Answer what you're doing with the Lady Stark" he says as he approaches them, with other stark guards behind him.

Lyanna gets in front of Daemon glaring at the man "This 'boy' saved me from being kidnapped by a group of bandits, so I won't have you not showing him so little respect!" She practically shouted.

The man paused and stopped in his tracks before respectfully nodding his head to his Lords daughter, he then looked past her towards Daemon "I apologise for my rudeness, it has been a little hectic in camp, we recently got word that a bandit group was in the area with a Knight class aura user leading them"

Lyanna's eyes widened at his words "I was unlucky enough to run into them..." she said in a low voice.

The man's eyes widened at the implication as he finally took in the whole form of Daemon, seeing his broken and bloody arm and bruised body "These guards will take you to your father my lady, I'll take the lad to get patched up" he said with finality.

Lyanna walked off with the other men but not before giving Daemon a small smile, he gives her one back before he was gently nudged from behind "Come on lad you can stare at each other all you want after we've got that arm fixed"

Daemon found his face getting a bit hot at the implication but didn't say anything and walked with the man "I'm Martyn Cassel captain of the Stark House guard"

Daemon nods his head at him "Well met, I'm Daemon Rivers, no one of any importance" he stated

Martyn laughed heartily at his words "Now that I simply don't believe, a no one wouldn't be able to defeat a knight class aura user"

Daemon looked at him with visible confusion on his face "I apologise but I'm not very versed in an aura so I'm not sure what a knight class aura user is. I've only had mine unlocked for around a month" he stated rendering Martyn speechless.

Martyn then put a hand on his shoulder "Lad you mean to tell me you defeated a knight-class aura user only a month after having your aura unlocked..."

Daemon slowly nods "But it was a close thing, I don't think I would have been able to do it if I didn't have my sword" Daemon stated trying to remain humble.

Martyn shakes his head with a smile "A sword is only as good as the man holding it lad, remember that" he states before they head inside a tent.

While travelling they had hired the services of a healer from winter town as the Maester of Winterfell services were still needed at the keep. Daemon had been keeping all his aura nodes closed and it had done good in stopping the bleeding. The healer bandaged his arm and braced the bone putting it in a sling. Hopefully, with the use of suppressing his aura, he'd be healed within the month.

When he walked outside the healer's tent he was met by Martyn approaching him "Lord Stark wishes to see you" Daemon nodded and follows, they walk through the small camp making their way to the centre where a large tent was set up. Martyn holds his hand in front of him signalling that Daemon should enter.

When he walks inside he met with three people sitting at a table eating, at one end of the table a man with greying dark brown hair and a well-kept beard, his face was stern as he drank from a large cup. Next to him was a man who looked similar to him though a lot more handsome, he had a close-cropped beard and shoulder-length dark brown hair, he had a smirk on his face as he looked down to the final person at the table who was Lyanna, though she didn't seem happy.

The older man looks up from his food as Daemon walks in "Come join us" he simply says, Daemon follows the command as he sits in front of a seat next to Lyanna who looks relieved he's gotten his wounds looked at.

The man sits there as if he's inspecting Daemon "I am Rickard Stark, next to me is my eldest Brandon and you already know Lyanna, she tells me that you saved her from the bandits, is this true?"

Daemon nods his head in confirmation "It is"

"If I may ask... why were you out there in the middle of nowhere?" Rickard asks with a little suspicion laced in his voice.

Daemon finding no reason to lie tells him the truth "Until recently I lived in a small cabin outside of Maidenpool, I've been making my way to Riverrun"

Rickard sat there staring intensely at Daemon, Lyanna looked as if she was about to say something until Rickard held up his hand immediately silencing her much to her frustration.

Daemon taking the hint continues his story "I recently unlocked my aura so I took my uncle's advice and I'm heading towards Riverrun to become a squire" he explained.

This seemed to be enough as Rickard nodded his head the tense atmosphere seeming to disperse "If it is agreeable to you then Martyn will train you in the usage of your aura until we arrive at Riverrun, if not another reward can be given instead" he said as he went back to eating his food.

Daemon nods his head but in the corner of his eye, he can see Lyanna her fists still clenched. He turned towers Rickard "I am agreeable, but I wish to ask something in addition"

Rickard looks up from his food indicating that he should continue "I want Lyanna to train with me, I think since we are at a similar level we could help each other improve"

Rickard shakes his head "No... out of the question, the fact she unlocked her aura without my permission has already gained her punishment, I won't have her learning even more. She has no use for it"

Daemon doesn't turn his gaze away "Respectfully my Lord you're wrong... if she hadn't of had her aura unlocked she would've been taken before I arrived and your family would have one less daughter"

Rickard stands up glaring at Daemon as his aura flares up to nearly four times the size of Big Pete's, Daemon can feel the malice directed at him but he holds strong and looks the man in the eyes "Lyanna is a genius, denying her the right to use Aura is foolish" he speaks out his voice slightly trembling.

But then suddenly Brandon who was content to sit there and enjoy the show stood up his aura flaring as well, he counteracted his father's bloodlust making it easier for Daemon to breathe "I believe he's right father... Lyanna won't change she'll always sneak off on one adventure or another, I'd sleep better knowing she can protect herself"

Brandon was of a similar height to his father both standing just over 6ft so they stared at each other until Rickard released his aura and sat back down "She will join you in your training, but if for a moment she decides it's too difficult then it's over and she will have to be content with what she can do now"

Daemon nods his head, Rickard gestures for him to leave which he does so promptly finally taking a breath it felt like he had been holding since he went inside the tent. Though he doesn't have time to relax for long as Lyanna runs out of the tent hugging him tightly.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She says repeatedly as she holds him tightly.

Daemon smiles "I think your brother is the one who you should thank, he seems to have been of a similar mind to me"

Lyanna shakes her head "If you hadn't mentioned it then he never would've brought it up or supported it" She hugs him tightly again, this is what she's always wanted so the amount of gratitude she felt towards Daemon not just for saving her but for making one of her dreams come true was immense.

Lyanna then looks up at him with fire in her eyes "I hope you'll be able to keep up with me, cause soon I'll be stronger than King Aerys" she said with a wide smile.

(AN:So new fic this is my crossover between ASOIAF and Hunter x Hunter, it was quite tough writing the first chapter, but anyway on to business. So Nen won't be super accurate since I'm trying to fit it into this world, there's also some very vague stuff when it comes to nen tbh, when researching stuff on it I came to a lot of dead ends that just didn't have any information on it. Also some of the characters have been aged up.

ONE IMPORTANT QUESTION: I don't know if any of you noticed but I didn't use any of the Nen terms in this chapter. So no Ten or Ren or Zetsu. Should I keep it this way ? As to be immersive or should I use the terms in order to not confuse people.

Anyway this chapter was kind of slow but it'll pickup, I'll be going through all the major events leading up to Roberts rebellion and covering the rebellion as well. One thing I'm removing is the Hunter x Hunter super strength, like Gon being able to just push people without nen. Another thing that I'm kind of changing is ren and projecting malice, I'm not removing it but I'm making it a higher level ability as it would make common soldiers useless. I mean I know they kind of are anyway but at least they would actually fight.

This will be a harem obviously I'm just that kind of guy, even though I complain about writing he characters a lot. Also with Hatsu I want them to all be kind of original and fitting into the world so I'll take any ideas from y'all. Vows and restrictions will still be in it as I think they're cool. Im sure some of you could tell that Big Pete had some of his own.

I'll probably be posting this on my supporters page beforehand as it's harder to write and I'd like some ideas about harem members and Hatsu and shit. I'll also probably use it as a dump for my other stories rather than just letting chapters I've written gather dust.

Also think of Aerys as the Netero of this story, though without the speedo sound punch.


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