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39.63% POKEMON: SHADOW VEILS / Chapter 85: EPISODE 85: Advancements, Here We Go!

Bab 85: EPISODE 85: Advancements, Here We Go!

"Alright folks! It's 4:00 in the afternoon, and it's time to proceed to the Advancements! Who among these sixteen trainers shall proceed to the... SHOWDOWNS!!! Get ready to rumble!" The commentator announced as the crowd cheered louder than before. It's time for the advancements, who will triumph?

"Camellia, you're up first. Good luck out there!" Zhery cheered and motivated as the speaker called the trainers of the first match.

"Thanks everyone, I'll be doing my best!" Camellia beamed with determination and excitement.

In the advancements, trainers must use three Pokemons each, substitution is allowed! Now it's time for Camellia's match, will she proceed to the Showdowns? This is the last stage of the Knockouts, who will earn the Cerulean Plate!?

"On my right... we have Camellia!" The commentator announced as the crowd shouted her name.

"From the left... let's give it up for... Casey!" The commentator announced as the crowd shouted her name.

"This is the advancements, my opponent is strong for sure, it's time to use my Z-move!" Camellia uttered with determination while wearing her Z-ring.

"Easy peasy lemon squeezy!" Casey uttered softly as she walked towards the stage.

"Alright trainers, you know the rules! Give the crowd a good show." The referee instructed.

"Petilil, prove to them how elegant you are!" Camellia tosses Petilil's Pokeball to the air! It's Petilil's debut in Pokemon battling.

<Pet? pet....>The Pokemon got intimidated from the crowd's cheers.

"Petilil, you got this, Riolu's cheering for you!" Camellia uttered with encouragement.

<Pet! Pet!>The Pokemon's confidence has been boosted.

"Arbok, poison time!" Casey sent out a violet looking snake with glaring eyes.

"Battle Begin!"



"Arbok, use Hyper Fang!"

"Petilil, dodge then use magical leaf!"

<Pet? Peeettt!>The Pokemon got intimidated at Arbok's attack.

*Petilil was hit with Hyper Fang!*



"This is Petilil's first time battling, she doesn't know what dodge means," Glade observed from the screen.

"Petilil, it's ok... now return!"

*Camellia substitutes Petilil!*



"Alright Absol, show them the power of the dark side!" Camellia sent out her second pokemon, the maiden of disasters.

"Battle continue!"

"Arbok, now use Ice Fang!"

"Absol, use crush Claw on the ground!"

<Abbbsooolll!!!>The Pokemon caused the ground to splatter!

*Arbok's attack was canceled, it was thrown up to the sky!*

"Absol, run on the descending rocks then use crush claw on Arbok!"

*Absol runs at the descending rock and unleashed the move!*

<Arbooookkk!>The Pokemon wash pushed to the ground.



"Arbok, wrap Absol!"

*Arbok runs to Absol and squeezes her with its slithering body.*

"Oh no, Absol!"

"Arbok, now use Hyper Fang!"

*Arbok bite's Absol with its fang.*

"Use hyper fang once more!"

*Arbok repeated the attack*

"Absol use crush claw on the ground!"

"Squeeze Absol tighter than before!"

<Ab!>The Pokemon was squeezed even tighter.



"Come on Camellia, you can do this!" I cheered her on. Absol is in a tight spot, if Arbok tightened its grip, Absol is finished. When a Pokemon is being squeezed, the blood which runs through the body stops to flow, if the blood stops... The Pokemon becomes dizzy due to the lack of blood and oxygen from her brain which will cause the Pokemon to faint immediately. Camellia's a smart girl, she probably knows how to handle this.

"Absol's getting dizzy, there must be a weak spot in Arbok's slithering body." Camellia tried to observe the foe's Pokemon.

*Absol's forehead turns yellow!*

"Gotcha! Absol now use dark pu-"

"Squeeze Absol even tighter!"

<A...Absol>The Pokemon weakens as she loses oxygen in her brain.

Camellia starts to worry as she runs out for ideas. The only way for Arbok to release Absol is by hurting Arbok's tail, but I'm not sure if Camellia knows about this.


*Arbok squeezes Absol tighter than before!*

"Absol, I know you can do this... Use Dragon Claw on Arbok's tail!"

<Ab...Aaabsol>The Pokemon tried to lift her paw but failed.

"Arbok, finish this with hyper fang!"

<Arbbooook!>The Pokemon uttered fiercely.

"Absol noooo!" Camellia uttered worriedly as Absol dropped and fainted.

"Absol is unable to battle! Camellia, please choose your next Pokemon!" The referee instructed as the crowd cheered for Casey and her Arbok.

"Alright Absol, at least you tried your best. Return to your Pokeball!" Camellia returned Absol's tired body to her Pokeball.

"Petilil, I trust you... Now go!" Camellia tosses Petilil's Pokeball to the air.



"Battle continue!"

"Alright Petilil, when I say dodge, it means to move away before the attack hits you... got it?" Camellia smiled with determination.

<Petilil!>The Pokemon nodded with determination and excitement.

"You've watch Riolu battle right? Do what Riolu does, relax, listen, and follow. You can do this!" Camellia beamed with determination as Petilil glares at Arbok.

"Battle Continue!"

"Arbok use Ice Fang!"

"Petilil, dodge then use razor leaf!"

<Pet!>The Pokemon dodges the attack!

*Arbok's attack missed!*



"Petilil, now use Synthesis!"

*Petilil gained 30 Health Points!*



"Alright Arbok, squeeze Petilil!"

"I don't think so, Petilil use seed bomb!"

*Arbok's attack was canceled as a large seed hits Arbok's face!*



"Petilil now use energy ball!"

"Arbok dodge then use Hyper Fang!"

*Arbok dodged the attack in a nick of time!*



*Petilil was paralyzed!*

"Alright Petilil, now use Aromatherapy!*

*Petilil's status condition was healed! Petilil is no longer paralyzed!*

"Petilil now use razor leaf!"

*Arbok was hit with razor leaf! Critical Hit!*



"Great work Petilil! Keep it up!" Camellia smiled and complimented.

"That's it, you're up Ponyta!"

"Battle Continue!"



"Alright Ponyta now use flame charge!"

"Petilil, dodge it now!"

*Petilil was unable to dodge! Flame charge was super effective!*



"Petilil now use Synthesis!"

"I don't think so, Ponyta use flame charge once more!"

<Peeet!>The Pokemon was unable to use Synthesis right away.



"Petilil, now use seed bomb!"



"Alright Ponyta, use Flare Blitz!"

"Petilil, use razor leaf as Ponyta travels towards you!"

*Ponyta's flare blitz was canceled !*



"Ponyta circle Petilil then attack from behind with flame charge!"

<Ponnnnnn!!!!>The Pokemon hits Petilil from behind!

"Petilil is unable to battle! Camellia please send out your last Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"Thanks for everything Petilil, now take a rest!" Camellia complemented as she sends Petilil back to her Pokeball.

"Alright Eevee, it's up to you!" Camellia tosses Eevee's Pokeball with glamour.

"Battle continue!"

"Ponyta now use flare blitz!"

"Eevee use Copy Cat!"

*Eevee observes the move carefully and copied the foe's move, the moves collided!*



"Eevee now use yawn!"

<Pon...>The Pokemon felt drowsy as its speed fell down harshly.

"Ponyta now use Flare Blitz again!"

"Eevee use double edge to counter!"

*Eevee countered the attack!*



*Ponyta fell asleep!*

"Ponyta wake up now!"

"Eevee, it's time to use last resort!" Camellia uttered with determination.

Last resort is a move that requires the user to use all its available attacks first in order for the move to work.



*Ponyta received maximum damage and destruction! Critical hit*

"Ponyta is unable to battle, please send out your last Pokemon Casey!"

"Ivysaur come on out!"

"So her last Pokemon is an Ivysaur, this is the perfect opportunity!" Camellia beamed with determination as she attached her Z-Crystal, but this Z-Crystal isn't an Eevium Z, it's a Normalium Z!

"Camellia has two Z-crystals!?" Zhery queried in shock.

"I guess so, after all... she said her parents worked in the alola region." I hunched.

"Battle Continue!"

"Alright Ivysaur use solar beam!"

*Ivysaur charges for one move as it gathered energy from the sun!*

"Eevee, it's time to use a Z-move!" Camellia's Z-ring began to glow.

"Eevee, grant me my request! Together we combine as one, one heart, one mind, and soul, show them how deadly a cute fella like you can be! Use Breakneck Blitz!" Camellia uttered while doing the fancy dances that even until now I don't know what those fancy dances are called.

<EEEEEVVVVEEEE!!!>The Pokemon leaps into action as Ivysaur gets intimidated. Ivysaur's neck wasn't literally destroyed by the move.



"The battle is over, the winner of the match goes to Camellia and Eevee! Congratulations, you're now part of the Showdowns!" The referee announced as the crowd stood up and cheered her name.

"Finally! Camellia entered the Showdowns! Who will she battle next?" I beamed with excitement.

"Go Flygon!"

"Hyper beam now!"

"Shadow claw Haunter!"

"Dodge it quick!"

"Pikachu use thunderbolt!"

Many trainers passed the Advancements, will I make it to the Showdowns?

"Trainer Kalem, and Trainer Virgo... Please proceed to the battlefield!" The speaker announced.

I walked with confidence and determination. If I win this Battle Cup, mom and dad will be proud of me. It's time to put the pedal to the medal! Maximum power time!

"From the far east, I bring you Kalem from Aulburg town!" The referee announced as I slowly walked through the battlefield.

"...And from the far west, give it up for Virgo!" The referee announced as the trainer walked with arrogance.

"The rules are simple, three Pokemons, substitution is allowed!" The referee instructed.

I turned my cap around and dictated: "Let's do this Gardevoir!" I tossed Gardevoir's Pokeball to the air.

"Alright Gallade, you know what to do!" Virgo tossed his Pokemon's Pokeball to the sky. The two Pokemons glared at each other's eyes as determination filled their spirit!

"Battle Begin!"



"Gallade use Night Slash!"

"Gardevoir dodge it swiftly!"

*Gallade and Gardevoir teleported throughout the stage as Gardevoir tried to dodge the attacks!*



"Gardevoir now use Shadow Ball!"

"Toss it back with night slash!"

"Use Psychic and throw the Shadow Ball back!"

*Gardevoir and Gallade tossed the attack towards each other!*



"Gallade use Hypnosis!"

"Gardevoir, close your eyes!"

*Gallade's hypnosis didn't take effect.*



"Gallade now use Psycho cut!"

"Gardevoir use Psychic and throw Gallade across the stage!"

*Gallade's attack was canceled by Psychic!*



"Gardevoir use Psychic again!"

*Gallade was thrown to the sky with the use of Gardevoir's mind!*

"Gallade as you descend, use Night Slash!"

*Gardevoir was hit with night slash!*



"Gardevoir use magical leaf!"

"Gallade dodge it then use Psycho cut!"

"Dodge it Gardevoir!"

*Gardevoir and Gallade teleported swiftly around the stage as Gardevoir tried to dodge the attack!*

"Gardevoir now use Psybeam!"

<Gallllaaaaadeeee!>The Pokemon was hit with a powerful Psybeam attack!



"Gallade use Heal Pulse!"

"I don't think so, Gardevoir use shadow ball follow it with magical leaf and Psybeam!"

*Gallade was hit with multiple damage-dealing attacks! Critical hit!*



"Alright trainer Virgo, please send out your next Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"Come on out Rhydon!" A large bulky Pokemon lookin a Rhyno debuted at the stage. This Pokemon looked like stone and had one sharp horn at the center of its head.



"Battle Continue!"

"Gardevoir use shadow ball!"

"Rhydon dodge then use Horn drill!"

"Horn drill!? What kind of move is that?" camellia queried.

"It's a one-hit knock out attack, just like Guillotine," Glade explained.

*Gardevoir was hit with Horn drill!*



"One hit knock out!? I have to watch out for that move." I uttered with worry.

"Gardevoir, take a long rest!" I uttered and returned her to her Pokeball!

"Trainer Kalem, please send out your next Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"Alright Scyther, it's up to you!"

"Good choice, Scyther's swiftness can defeat Rhydon's Horn Drill!" Zhery beamed with excitement.

"Battle Continue!"

"Rhydon use Horn Drill!"

"Scyther double team then follow up with Sword dance!"

*Rhydon's attack missed! Scyther's evasiveness and attack rose sharply!*

"Scyther now use Brick Break!"

<RHHHYYDDDOOOONNN!!!!>The Pokemon was pushed back as Scyther hits the Pokemon's horn!



"Alright Scyther now use Sword dance!"

"Use Horn Drill again!"

"Double team then sword dance once more!"

*Horn drill missed! Scyther's attack and evasiveness rose sharply!*

"Scyther follow up with X-Scissors!"

*Scyther's X-Scissors dealt extra damage thanks to Sword dance!*



"Rhydon use Horn drill!"

"Intercept with X-Scissors!"

*The Pokemon moves collided!*

"Kalem's plan of attack is to make the match a draw!?" Glade uttered in shock as he saw the two Pokemons drop!

"Trainer Kalem and Trainer Virgo, please send out your final Pokemon!" The referee instructed.

"Riolu, I need you now!" I called Riolu to the battlefield.

"Finally, I can have a piece of this action!" Riolu stretched his arm and walked to the battlefield.

"Hitmonchan let's go!" The Pokemon with two red gloves was sent to the battlefield!

"Battle continue!"

"Hitmonchan use close combat!"

"Riolu, you know what to do!"

*Riolu bends his upper body and dodged the incoming punches!*

"Riolu now use Seismic toss!"

*Riolu grabbed the foe's foot and threw him across the battlefield!*



"Alright Riolu follow it up with Force Palm!"

"Counter with Fire Punch!"

*Riolu's force palm was canceled !*



"Follow with close combat!"

<Rio!>The Pokemon blasts off and hits the wall!

"I'm counting on you buddy!"

"Don't worry Kalem, I'm just warming up!" Riolu gasped for air and walked right back to the battlefield!

"Hitmonchan use Fire Punch!"

"Intercept with Force Palm!"

*Gloves against Palms! The moves collided, but which Pokemon will blast off!?*

"Riolu push harder!"

"Hitmonchan exceed your limits!"

<RIOO!!!>Riolu pushed Hitmonchan!

<Hitmooonnn!!>The Pokemon pushed Riolu.

*Hitmonchan blasts off!*



"You know what to do, it's Z-move time!" I beamed with determination and attached my Z-crystal! Fighting Z!

"Riolu, hands, feet, under one control, show the foe what power to behold! All-Out Pummeling, full power!" I dictated and followed the steps precisely.

"Let's do this Kalem!" Riolu beamed with determination and launched the Z-move. Hitmonchan froze in fear as the Z-move approaches it!

<Hitmonchan!!!!>The Pokemon hits the wall!

"Hitmonchan is unable to battle! The winner goes to Kalem and Riolu!" The referee announced as the crowd cheered my name.

"Kalem! Kalem! We won!" Riolu jumped and hugged me tightly.

"We're part of the showdowns Riolu! Thanks so much buddy!" I beamed with pride and hugged Riolu very tight.

"Too tight!" Riolu uttered and gasped for air.

"Oops, sorry Riolu!" I laughed and played with his chin.

"Alright folks the KNOCKOUTS are finished! It's time to proceed to the SHOWDOWNS! The Showdowns consists of three stages, quarter duels, semi duels, and the final duel. Who will receive the Cerulean Plate?

Here are your top eight victors:

*Krill VS Joshua

*Zed VS Tessa

*Faerill VS Kalem

*Camellia VS Crista

The top five tier list consists of:






Four more opponents, here we go!

next chapter
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