Unduh Aplikasi
68.47% poke fanfic fun to read / Chapter 63: Ch. 14-Adept and Reunions

Bab 63: Ch. 14-Adept and Reunions

Leaving Suicuine is a bit of a daze. I let Angel replay the event to the rest of my family but that's about it. Even Zaela is a bit speechless. When she lets us see the mental image all the words are repeated. After she finishes I ask her why she doesn't use words in her mind if she obviously understands them and can even repeat them.

Her response makes me a bit sad but also happy for her. She knows herself. Basically there are a long list of instances where someone says something, pokémon or human, and feels something else. She learned to use her emotions to communicate before she ever had the option of talking to others as many powerful psychics are able to. By that time she decided she would never mislead with words and embraced being mute in a manner that fills me with such respect for her. She threw away words for the language of pure understanding. Empathy at its core.We spend a few more days in Cianwood. Our time schedule has dramatically improved. The Silver Conference is still so many months away. Even before Angel showed up with her ability to teleport to any city she has seen within the range of Kanto and Johto. If we didn't have her we would have finished the gym run with likely two months to spare for training. Now its twice that if not more. Its only been six months since we left home after all.So we spend a few days at the beach for Joker mostly. He doesn't go in the water but he's fascinated by the ability to simply spend a day there doing nothing. Without the need to hunt or protect or anything but fun. He also gets into a ton of trainer battles. Finally I have a pokémon who can fight lower level battles with ease. Joker's old family was made up of smaller, first stage evolutions. He was slowly making them stronger, but his long experience with them lends well to anyone who shows up to relax at the beach. Despite being my most deadly teammate he's easily pulls his punches. By the end of the three days we are there he's coaching a lot of the pokémon who lost to him. The trainers kept coming back to watch my team enjoy the surf (we're riding a bit of Zaela's sand castle event infamy) but their pokémon came to learn from the naturally talented teacher Joker proves to be."Munchlax. Speed important. Not yours. Theirs. Use it. Hard to react if surprised when countered. Seek to predict. Set up moves out of vision. Durable you are. Can adapt. Learn. Like this."Him being able to shift to their forms with Angel using mimic to show them how he wants their moves to act make some very happy trainers by the time they leave. Also, how does Angel communicate with his typing? She doesn't have miracle eye. Its because her emotions are mostly fairy and not at all psychic. Fairies are the power of emotion and dreaming reality into existence. She can't hit him with a psychic attack or invade his mind to cause damage, but his emotion is open bare to her."Greengreen. Four legs mean you are sturdy. Attempt counters with grass. Query. Metal one there. Uses grass knot to control balance. Not damage. Use to hit with headbutt. Hurt badly." The chikorita here spends quite a while with Query learning about stability which helps her with her own balance and how to wreck opponents' so she can meet them with her own attacks."Pidgeotto. Not yet strong for big attacks. Follow example. Hit and run. Double team. Ignore trainer and show that physical attacks against fighting good, but not best. Angel fought with distraction and expectations. Deny those. Weave and use air. Fighters prefer up close. Never give opponent what they want." He also indirectly shows trainers their pokémon's preferences."Kadabra. You know best what to do. Frail. Can't get caught. Not mean you can ignore it. Lots of enemies seek to disrupt your ability. Ask trainer for resistance training. Frail in body, but mind can bend body to give more. " Confidence given to his natural prey. Joker doesn't even have malice towards them. Indeed his expertise to hunt them gives more ways for improvement."Shocker. Go talk to Wattson. Ignore complaint. He offered help earlier. Forgot to be with Tru. She will understand. Advice. Learn protect. Use against ground. Easy. Expensive for trainer. Not so easy. Work on tail strength. Heard raichu can surf on tail if strong enough. Stone expensive too. Sorry for trainer." The cute pikachu here flicks her heart shaped tail with determination.Yeah, that's how he spends the days we have running about, drawing upon the family like his old pack. None really complain except Zaela but that's mostly because she's enjoying being lazy for once. The heat speaks to her. Tru and Query surf in weird ways. As in she uses my boy as a surfboard while he does his best to let the water carry him on a reflect screen. It doesn't work well but they have fun.Wattson and Aurora help Zaela build another sandcastle and battle her over it of course in an unplanned sequel to her previous spectacle. This time its my electivire on Aurora's back and playing a knight rescuing the princess (Sunny) from the evil dragon and its minion (Mars, who just falls asleep in the sand before the heroes reach him. Zaela was pissed.). Zaela dives under water for a while to act like an emerging monster. This is a thing now isn't it? Shit. This also leads to her finding a few water stones and what is very likely a lileep fossil. Plans for that.The 'wtf' looks are far and wide again despite the potential fans having seen vidoes of the first battle. I've done a 180. The expressions are so delicious. Angel sticks next to my side, enjoying how much pleasure I get out of seeing my family have fun. Pictures of her joining next time enter my mind even if the biggest feeling is she's thrilled to be here watching instead of longing from afar. I lay my head on her shoulder and fall sleep.I wake later with my body covered all the way up to my neck in sand and Zaela's barking laughs. Good times.CianwoodGreengreenDays after sensei left with his trainer, Greengreen stood in front of Meowcess, Dark Lady of the Sea and Owner (self proclaimed and sadly well deserved) of that Nice Spot to Nap.For too long has Greengreen struggled to claim the coveted perfect place to root up and turn her single leaf to the sky. For too long has the squiggly tailed glameow of Wendy the Nice but has a Butthead Partner prevailed over Greengreen's quest to the promised 'get backs'.Wiggling her behind not at all 'cutely' as her trainer said she did, the chikorita roars (still not adorably) and attacks!Dodges! Parries! Hisses and cries of pain! Not at all eye rolls and yawns!All leading up to the secret weapon. Panting, Greengreen looks at her opponent. She'll not be deceived by the casual licking of the Dark Lady's paw. Nor how none of her attacks seem to have done any damage. She has learned from her own Shadow Lord! He who can be anything!Her roots flow, pulling her vines of uh...Good evil! Justice but shadowy...Vines.They attack! Pulling the Dark Lady from her perch for just a moment! Certainly! The Shadow Lord said all you needed was a second to truly defeat an opponent. Crush their will to fight! Big Steel Face, her Lord's minion, taught her about the value of timing. And that time is now! Greengreen go!Lowering her head, she uses her strength according to her trainer.Unwavering stubbornness. Indomitable will! Headbutt! With all of her years (days) of intense (carefully guided) training to defeat evil (start her basic way of fighting) Greengreen of the True uh Forest Guardians propels herself forward to unseat her rival from the rightful place of honor!And finds herself caught in familiar arms, moving away from her despised enemy."What are you doing Greengreen? Stop bothering Mrs. Clemens glameow. You know she's retired. She doesn't have to give you lessons. Why do you think we went to see that zoroark? I know you want training but after years as a Ranger's partner, don't you think she deserves her rest?" Greengreen, stunned, only stares at her trainer in betrayal that surely makes the heavens weep, watching as Burney bows to the enemy."I'm sorry. Forgive her. She's still so young. Your patience is always appreciated. Come Greengreen. Let's go work off some of that energy. If you are good I'll get you some poffins."That does sound nice. She really likes the-wait! WAIT!Her very heart stops in shock, staring at her trainer in horror. He's been brainwashed! Not Burney! Darn you Dark Lady of the Sea! Greengreen's determination flares! She must never give into the temp...temp...Oh. That spot is nice being pet. Huh. Why is she so sleepy? Swaying in Burney's arms is nice. He gets her closer to the sun. Tomorrow.She'll save him tomorrow.Mahogany TownI think I'm very biased towards smaller, quainter places. Maybe I'll never be a city girl. Mahogany town is rather beautiful. A bit more serene than the rustic Cianwood, even if the trees there are so much prettier. Angel teleported me to Olivine after we were done with the beach. She could have gotten me straight to Mahogany as she'd visited years, a ralts with her gallade trainers. She didn't tell me why but I expect its for the same reason I'm taking my time. Well. One of the reasons.The Lake of Rage.And all that I intend there.Yeah. We could have gone there in an instant but I felt like flying with Mars. I've mostly been carried by Zaela lately so some alone time with Mars is welcome. We both enjoy silence at times so it was with great satisfaction that he carried me over mountains and forests until we came upon the town I'd be challenging Pryce in soon.But not yet. I'm not delaying the coming conflict. Rather, settling myself into what I'm sure is needed.Those gyarados will be mine. Their rage put to good use. And as a big stick.First though to find the brat. My hero. I told him to come back to Johto and to the Lake for something he wouldn't want to miss. And because we haven't seen each other in a long while. Clair is coming too. I wonder how strong she's gotten. Lance responded back saying he's bringing their traveling partner and pleaded, as much as he would allow himself, for me to beat the shit out of him in a battle.Whomever wormed their way into Lance's journey must be pretty strong to get my cousin to accept them. Because annoyance aside, my cousin wouldn't offer me a weak person to fight. I'm a bit excited. We didn't talk of a specific place to meet since neither of us had been to the Lake before but he knew I could find him by his aura fairly easy.Mars takes us around the massive Lake once even when I indicate I've found Lance, Clair and Steven of all people within moments of arriving. I think he wants to give me time to get over the shock of Steven Stone traveling with my family and to see a bit of the gyarados within the Lake. There is an Elder here. Probably that shiny one from the games. He's not quite Momma level but it makes me stand up in slight alarm. Then I focus, finding confidence in my plan, relaxing as Mars takes us towards Lance.How did Steven and Lance meet? As far as I know they never met in the anime or such but whatever. I'm quite happy to see all three of them again. Dragonite, Lance's starter, sees us first. He and a sleek looking dragonair fly upwards to greet Mars and I. I see Clair's starter hasn't decided to evolve yet."Ella! Its great to see you! Mars. Looking good. Lance won't admit it but he's missed you quite a lot. Your goal for us is still going strong.""They're obnoxious. Its get stronger this and we'll do it that. The Stone boy does well in keeping these brutes in line. It is good to see you so strong and vibrant Ella. Clair still talks of you fondly. Mars. Is Zaela still trying to get in your wings?"I feel Mars blush at this, even if no visible sign appears. He does huff out a bit of smoke at Dragonair. She elegantly slides away from it in the air and looks down her snout at my son."So some of your rude line's nature peeks through. How droll. Come. Lance and this idiot haven't realized something that I am looking forward to.""Hey! I'm not an idiot. Lance may-""Yeah I have an idea of what you might mean darling. First Clair though. The boys can wait."Down we go, Mars still giving Dragonair an annoyed look as much as it is contemplative. Their camp is small and looks like they were just getting set up so its likely we timed our arrival perfectly. Mars comes down with a low thump and Lance gapes a bit at my shiny black dragon with a hint of envy. He's seen pictures of course, but having my son right in front of him is a much different experience. Steven, prim and proper even at camp gives me a slow nod of greeting, his emotions actually fairly warm.Its Clair that glomps me when I jump lightly off Mars."You're hereyou'rehereyou-""Yes yes 'Aunt'." Its hard to remember that Clair is mom's sister, parted by twenty years as it is."Oh shut up. We haven't seen each other in person in ages. Traveling with two boys leaves me dreading the day sometimes. Its great to see you Ella." I simply smile and kiss her cheek, hugging her tightly then walk over to Lance."Oy. Idiot. You being nice? Not smearing mud in Clair's hair anymore right?" Lance was all set to hug me then grimaces and settles into a glare only family can give."You're never going to let that go are you?" A bit of amusement at himself threads into his joy at seeing me which reminds me how he's my hero. So I hug him tight. My arms tell him how I feel about him and he tucks my head under his chin. "Good to see you cousin dear.""You too. And of course I'll never let it go. She cried for three days." The swift look of shocked betrayal from Clair fills my heart with life. I'm an equal opportunity teaser.Lance's deep voice (when did this happen?) whispers in my ear. "This is the guy. If you could just destroy him a bit for me that-""Hey Steven. How is metagross? Query will be happy to see them." That's right Lance. Pull your jaw off the floor. It'll attract butterfree. "Did you get my second mega stone?"Mmm...Yesssss...So delicious Lance. Your incredulity fills my dark soul with light! Dragonair is chortling herself, tail over her mouth. Ah. That's what she meant. She knew I knew Steven. Probably my letters to Claire."Metagross is as they always are. So quite well. Thank you. It is good to see you again Ella. I do indeed have your second mega stone. It took a bit of effort but here." My eye gleams as he pulls out a small pouch and hands it over. I release Query and toss it his way. His usual hum of greeting is quieted as stares at the pouch. The metagrossite within it calls to him. That I can feel easily.He doesn't stop staring at it for hours."You know this bastard?! Since when?! He didn't say-" A sharp intake of breath. "You're the one with the dragon he's so fascinated in learning how to beat?! Zaela is a King sure bu-"I release Zaela who doesn't roar as usual, what with the lake full of danger nearby. That's for later. However, my giant' starter lets her presence flow outward. She's gotten way better at condensing her power in strikes but when she wants to make an impact, she lets it flow. My King shoves the energy into the ground which has the delightfully fun effect of making Lance shut his stupid mouth and stare. Clair's eyes are wide at how huge Zaela has become and Steven simply draws himself upwards a bit more firmly."Yeah. That's right fuckwad. You missed a lot. Hey Dragonite. Glad to see you can stand up to my energy. Wish we could fight again but I agree with my sister. Become Champion. Dragonair! Its so good to see you!"Zaela always liked the calm, intelligent dratini Clair got. They both have that sort of pride from knowing oneself and being confident in their skin. Of course Zaela is much stronger but it doesn't matter to her in that respect. Different types of situations to admire The two chat off to the side. Zaela usually descends into the earth to talk more comfortably since she's gotten so huge but Dragonair shows her respect by flying about my starter's head."Something the matter Lance? What were you going to say?" Oh its so nice to be able to fuck with him again. I don't tell him how proud I am of him. That he's my hero. At least not till tomorrow. So I'm going to take my last day without him knowing just how much I adore him to fuck with him. I'm spiteful like that. Thank you Mom."...you haven't changed a bit. Damnit. So did you give him a beat down like you did me?" The slow grin I let spread across his face just makes him sigh. "Of course you did. Someday soon we'll have that rematch dear cousin. Enjoy this while you can. Now. Why are we here?"I let out my team to join theirs after telling Lance a slightly annoyed 'later'. We've got mons meet! Lance lets out a shelgon that immediately sticks to Mars for warmth and to ask a bunch of questions about flying. Wattson and Tru head off to the side and are joined by Zaela and Dragonair a bit later to enjoy watching the clouds. Talking about all their adventures together and tease Tru about being the first of us to get a significant other.Sunny runs around Clair and doesn't leave her side the rest of the night. They were quick friends in Blackthorn. Query eventually comes out of his stupor to talk to Metagross even if his eyes don't leave the bag he holds in front of him. Turns out Steven's starter did in fact get some of Psi-Fist down in its first stage but cannot at all relate to the emotion reading required for stage two. Joker stays at my side and is a bit skittish. He's still not used to people besides me so Angel sticks with him and holds his claw anytime he looks like he's going to bolt. I offer to return him and he agrees after Angel assures him that there is no shame.Aurora starts a meal and Clair's Kingdra (I sent her a dragon scale soooo long ago) helps out in curiosity, ending up having a blast. Wattson wanders over to help them with the delicate stuff later."So you still keep your team out all the time?" Its a bit odd for trainers really. Most keep all but one or two at most within their pokéballs while traveling."I adore them. They're family. Nothing against your choices but they prefer it outside so I tend to camp outside. Only been indoors maybe twenty days at night since leaving on my journey.""Clair! Clair! Let me show you how Aurora cooks! You'll love it! She'll give us some slushies if we help her too!"While not able to really talk to anything but dragons Clair reads Sunny's emotions through the ribbons and laughs, following as my bright girl tugs her along."Its impressive to see them all fully evolved. Are...Angel, was it? And Joker new? Wattson as well. You've got a powerful group." Steven's interest is so bright that Angel pings him with amusement after asking in a series of odd images to Metagross, asking if she can talk mentally to their trainer. The image is of her, massaging Steven's scalp and making wavy lines with her head to Steven's and a questioning air. I know for a fact she could do it easier but she also radiates her version of humor about being convoluted."That's amazing. She followed you for that long? Her mental images are so very distinct." Steven gives my gardevoir a short nod and turns to converse with her once Metagross pings agreement. Its hard to deny my Angel. Pure as her intentions are. "You're the other mega that we traded for yes? How have you found the experience?"Steven earns big points for ignoring me to talk with my gardevoir. Easily keeping up with her eager wish to share about her new family.Lance just stares out at all my pokémon and how they interact with a contemplative look on his face. My hero gives me a short grin at seeing me catch him. "Everyone is much stronger eh? Guess I've got a lot of work set out for me. Mind telling me why we are here now? Gyarados obviously. But why?"Well. I might as well tell him a bit. They all deserve to know. "You all know my dream. What I haven't told you is that I already have a strong force of charizard to help with air duties. Or will soon. Gyarados sound great for water duty yes? And Steven knows where Aron and Aggron are sooooo. Plans!"Lance's eyes were steadily widening as I spoke then narrowed as he seriously considers them. "You mean to conquer them here. And help keep Mahogany safe at the same time?"Yep, my hero is going to be a great Champion. Already he's going through possibilities in his mind."Since I want to be Champion of Kanto and Johto this will look good as an achievement to showing I can protect the region. Clair too. She wants to beat your mom you know? She might look up to you but your mom is hard to get past as a dream."Don't I know it. I'm still shivering a bit at the thought of what mom's team will look like after a year of training to face me. "Steven is a happy accident. It frees up a bit of leeway in my plan. Lance..."My voice gets a bit serious even if its twinged with a hint of nervousness."Whoa. Never seen you unsure of anything before. Well. Out with it.""When you become Champion...Would you endorse my Order? Knowing what I wish for them?"My hero just throws his red hair back as he laughs loudly. It startles Sunny who gives him a pout and goes back to playing with Clair's blue hair. "I never thought you'd ask something so stupid. You've been clear about your goal before you got Zaela. That determined face hasn't changed. Lost eye or not. Of course I will support you. If there is anything clear about you Ella, its that you strive to help all you can. And I fully comprehend how dangerous your Order will be."My eye mists and I punch him in the shoulder which he returns and we wrestle until Angel glides back with Steven. He's got my head in a lock and I'm biting his side when Steven clears his throat."This is quite the bribery. The girl who had my father sweating through shirts and the dragon trainer who calls me insults as much as he breathes both acting so very childish." Oh shut it Steven. I feel how refreshing you find it."Whatever prissy boy. Did she get a promise from you not to fight again until you are Champion?" Again, Lance may say he doesn't like Steven but I can hear the respect in his voice. He's sure Steven will succeed. I wonder how many losses to wins they have between them."Indeed. I would also like to know what is going to happen tomorrow. While your team looks very strong I don't think you could take on the whole Lake of Rage. Even with our help." There isn't unwillingness in his voice. Just curiosity for my plan. And joke's on him. If we cared only about destruction we probably could. But that'd kill all my future noodle dragons."Well it will go like this…."And I tell them all about it besides one little detail.The rest of the day is catching up, letting our pokémon mingle and just enjoying each other's company. A few thing stand out."Uhm. Ella? Mind if we talk a bit over here?" I raise an eyebrow at Clair. Nowadays I've seen nothing of the shy girl of the past. She's fully along the path to becoming a figure of note in the world. Dragon Master."Of course. Sunny? Lance has never had slushies before that I know of.""WHAT?! AURORA! STOP TALKING! Lanceypants needs your help! I'm on it Mom. Sunny to the rescue!" Dragonite wisely steps out of the way as Sunny uses mega glomp attack. Then drags Lance off wrapped in her ribbons. Steven is having a Tru-translated talk with Mars that is probably insanely fascinating and likely to make us all richer. But Clair is family. I follow her a bit away."So uhm. I don't think you are..Uhm. Interested in anyone. But you always gave good advice. Er. Steven...Right."Oh hell. I mean. I have zero interest in romance right now. Even without what my age is. Some of it is my overriding goal and some of it is a promise to let myself feel it later. Rose pops into my head for a moment but its just a thought of way, way in the future. Maybe after the Order is established? Or say, I uhm, grow up."Say no more. You like him. I guess don't know how to show it?"Rapid nods."You're smart. You know that if he doesn't like you for who you are right now its not worth it right? Honestly. I'm not good at this. Talk to me about pokémon and I can list a whole lot of things but I expect the same advice is good. Let him see you. Find things that interest you both that you can share...And we're all young. Give it time? It might not be helpful, but you know you. I'm sure you'll do what's right for you."Really, this world seems to make everyone grow up so fast but Clair is only a couple years older than me. Steven and Lance are three years older than me. It might be a crush but I'll always take what she says seriously."That's mostly what I thought but...I think he's great. And a catch even if I know we're young." Smiling faintly I just hug her. I get it now. She's only had Lance and Steven to talk to for a while. No one to vent her emotions to that understand it. I only let Angel come to talk with us for the rest of the night, letting us reconnect. Not even moving to save Lance."Damnit Sunny! When did you put the ribbons in my hair! Shut up dragonite! Who the hell changed my shoelaces to purple?! Query! Damn you Query! That was my hotel! Who bought it? Wait. Why are you breaking out twister? Ella! Ella! Make them stop!"May you rest in peace Hero.The second thing that stands out is Query and I mega evolving him for the first time late that night. But the one the next day is much, much more impressive.Rage DayThere were a few goals for today. The biggest is to secure myself a new force for the Order while yes, as Lance said, take some fear and pressure away from Mahogany Town. How would I do so? Most should know by now. I haven't said it in a while! Aura bullshit. Is it going to be easy? No. But I know how to work with dragons.Second is to give Lance a gift. A big one. One I talked to Steven about after handing off a stupid amount of interesting stones Zaela found for me in our travels. As well as the lileep fossil dug up in Cianwood. I wonder if Fate had Steven be here to make Lance's gift all that much more impactful. Wasn't a cradily on Steven's team anyway? Huh. Probably overthinking it.Whatever the case, we walk up to the Lake of Rage with purpose. Tru, Sunny and Joker all wait off a bit. Tru would sink too easily in the water if pulled in, Sunny isn't ready for combat of what I expect and Joker is just frail (for now) without dig to fall back on to escape. So he's to watch after our two medics in case any of the rest get taken out. That leaves Query, Mars, Aurora, Angel, Wattson and Zaela for what I have planned.Clair and Steven start releasing their teams to surround the area, mostly to keep people away and Lance does the same with all but his starter as I advised him. Steven sends out a second metagross that's a bit smaller than his starter, an aggron, a scizor that I feel the pulse of a mega stone with (along with his starter), a frankly terrifying skarmory and a durant of all things. Interesting.Clair's team consists of dragonair, her scary strong kingdra, an altaria, an ampharos, a surprise monferno (how did she find that?) and a steelix that has Steven's influence all over it.Lance's team is about what you'd expect. A second dragonite, the aerodactyl of horrors, a charizard that snorts a hint of a warning at Mars (he ignores it), shelgon and a goodra. Really, they must have done some traveling they didn't tell me about or got super lucky. Lance's team goes to support Steven and Clair as I approach the lake. Zaela walks by my side and the rest of my chosen six behind me on either side of myself and my cousin.Wattson's grin is infectious as he nudges Mars who is adjusting his mega stone. Aurora stands behind Query and Angel who are assigned to keep her safe as things progress."Lance. This is for you." Zaela lets out a roar that shakes the water. Flashes back to Jurassic Park and a T-Rex stomping the ground to make water pulse can't compare to the challenge of my starter. She is King and that means something. I make the challenge that much more by breathing deep and hard then pulse my aura into the center of the lake. Where the elder is."Wait. What? I'm just here to help you talk right?" Oh you poor boy. I've been doing my best to keep you on the path to Champion. This is just another shove."Sure. Its not like I got you into trouble all the time or anything." Really I didn't. Probably. Maybe. Alright Lance. Don't look at me like I just lied to you."….what are you going to do Ella?" He doesn't have time to grill me more as the challenge is returned. A roar of such anger and rage washes over us. Zaela grins and lets out what can only be called a purr of contentment. The lake swishes and almost seems to boil where a massive red body bursts out to tower over us all save Zaela and Aurora. Cruel eyes stare at me as my aura continues to throw itself outwards. Blood red scales thrum with restrained power. Its not stable in the least. A hair trigger from consuming everything around it."...what do you seek Guardian? You yell challenge for battle! But your kind does not do so without cause. Speak quickly or regret your actions just as swiftly.""I come with an opportunity and a challenge. I did not lie. Nor did my sister besides me." Lance is staring at the gyarados with something akin to hunger. Steven is stoic even if his emotions radiate concern as more and more bubbles disturb the lake. Scaled behemoths rise from their home, ready to rage and destroy for their Elder, already quite eager to crush those who dare go against them. Blue plated gyarados are so numerous its almost as if we're looking at the sky shining in front of us instead of above. I, however, don't let it phase me. Admirably, Clair doesn't allow it to either."Hurry then. Or face us.""That's what I want. My team against your six strongest save you. Wait until I am finished to tell you why. This lake is huge, yes, but it can't be all that rewarding to fight against each other or destroy that around you which cannot offer a challenge. Power respects power and you don't follow those weaker than yourself. My offer is this. I seek to rebuild the guardians. Already we fly with charizard. Not in great numbers but that shall change soon enough." If I have my way, at the end of my plan for the year.The Elder just listens, not changing his expression from the slow growling rage that his kind are known for. I don't mind. I know dragons. Both him and his fellow sea monsters are all leaking a bit of interest."I would not ask you to follow or pair up with my Order unless I fought you and proved myself. That I could bring you others who are worthy. You are strongest smashing over all in your path in a rage. I would have my six face your six as they rage." Was this fucking dangerous? Yes. But I am never afraid of being bold. Never."As for you? My cousin Lance here is my hero." Turn your head that sharply again Lance and it might pop clean off. Even if the shock you feel is flattering. "He has the potential to be the greatest dragon master the world has ever known. If you face him and his starter you would find a great battle. And perhaps if you fall and become his to make stronger you will stand at the top of the world."Every pokémon knows that trained pokémon growing massively strong is just a matter of time. As opposed to elders who are very few in number. In the wild the strongest kill each other if they have the hunger to go far more often than most would expect. Especially with gyarados. They aren't fully convinced but the dragonite next to Lance is calmly patient as if I am saying nothing that strange.Lance though. Lance is deeply touched. He always thought I more or less believed that I saw him as only family. Not even a true rival yet. To hear me speak to one of the strongest pokémon he's come across as I do? Well. We'd have a big hug about it later."As my Aura as my proof I speak to you this. If you fight us and we win you will all have battle. Against strong foes for a cause. To ravage and tear evil from the world. To heal wounds with your teeth and strength. Give me this chance and I will build you into such a force that will cause such fear that despair is the happiest of emotions our enemies will experience. Give me this chance."I know I have them when one of the gyarados roars in challenge right back to me. The Rages that this place is known for is present because there is nothing here to sate their anger. When they eventually mass up and destroy the surroundings more magikarp evolve to try and stay alive and a few years later it starts over. I don't know how they all got here but the idea of going out and showing their power to others? Away from this same stupid lake? Well. They won't just give up themselves yet but having an Aura Guardian (even if I am just a trainee still in my eyes) offer them something like this? With a King Dragon next to her? A dragonite fearlessly looking at them, no hesitation or apparent doubt?Yeah I've got them. Zaela answers the roar and the elder snarls loud and long in agreement. Dragonite simply floats to hover near his partner."Six of ours to six of yours. And I shall take on this dragon master you proclaim. I hope you are in earnest about what you offer as a challenge Guardian. If not, it is time we raged across the land anyway. My second will speak for us if I am captured."The shiny red monster isn't exactly evil as much as he is savage. I've met a few gyarados trainers and all of them say the same thing. They're dragons. Fuck the typing. Proud and honest in the face of power. Admittedly they say it nicer, usually, but I get the gist.Its time to throw down.Reflect shields and light screens form from Steven's, Clair's and Lance's team save his starter. We all know how often gyarados like to hyper beam. Oh yes. The Red Elder moves back to pick six of the perhaps fifty or so gyarados that are all clambering for a chance to test their strength against the Zaela. Her nature to them is the biggest challenge. I want this. For them to focus on my King. Not that she would wish anything else.A few fights break out among the sea monsters that the Elder just casually breaks up with a massive swipe of his tail. One of the brawlers is instantly wiped out."You want me to take that on? With just Dragonite?" Lance doesn't seem too put out. More snarking at me. If anything he's boosted in confidence by the way I act. As if it was obvious that he's going to win."Yeah. Problem with it?""Nah. Just figure it'll be boring finishing my fight and having to wait for you.""Oh ho. So confident are we? Zaela and the rest of my team are nothing like you saw when you left.""So you say cousin. So you say. Trash talking aside, be careful.""You too jerkface. I've got another surprise for you if you win." Lance just blinks and grins wide. He knows my gifts tend to be huge. Clair's Kingdra getting a dragon scale from Momma for instance. Lets just say that even Zaela thinks twice of fighting something that was influenced by Momma's draconic energy. After all, she was born of it.We stop our mild trash talking as the Red Elder comes back with his chosen combatants. They are about as massive as you'd expect but aren't overly bulky as some of the swarm? School? Big giant group of gyarados are. He picked speed. Good idea."Let us begin then Guardian. I'll see if this 'master' can be worthy of my strength. At least his dragon looks fit. We shall begin in ten heartbeats. Die well."There is simple certainty in his voice. Its not a lie. We all die. But they aren't ready for us. My team gets closer as I step back and to the side out of the path of possible hyper beams. Lance does much the same as his starter shoots up into the air. Query is already moving into field commands, the energy around him feeling like a turbine powering up.The dew of the morning smells fresh. The light above is beautiful. We are about to go into a hell of a fight and my heart sings as five beats pass. My eye flashes open and I let loose my desire. Three massive bursts of light on my side of the field occur. Mars becomes green, blue flame exploding outwards as he hisses in anticipation.Angel's gown flows over and becomes more elegant as her mental presence floods the area with enough influence to make the gyarados against us pause in respect.Then there is Query. Late last night we used his new gift by ourselves. To see if it would work and find out just how it felt. There was no pause. Just as there isn't now. Instantly he became more. Query knows me the best out of any of my pokémon. Zaela can get to the heart of me quickest but Query can predict how I will react faster than even Tru when she's sensing my emotions.Query's body becomes bulkier and his four limbs point forward as levitating is back to being as easy as if he were still a beldum. Two more limbs flex behind him.While they don't look nervous, our opponents look quite a bit less sure of themselves.Red Elder just snorts and the last heart beat seems to scream in my ear.My team reacts in an instant, our planning for this fight having started the night after I thought up the idea. Mars was particularly pleased that we got Angel before we came here as he and Query drew up new additions.The first thing that happens is the Rage. Its totally going to be a multi-gyarados combo move when they are of my Order. All six slam into the lake's edge and slither at my team together, roaring outrage and pulsing with barely controlled need to see us ruined. Even in my old world emotion had a power to it in a group. Mob mentality. The caustic hate the gyarados flood the area with intimidate sucks the energy from their foes. But we're more than that.Zaela snarls and shows just how far she has come. Draconic energy overwhelms the scraping, clawing desire of the sea monster's rage, fighting it back by herself alone. King. The sand beneath the approaching titans liquifies as she uses earth power and sand tomb in an instant to slow their assault. Two move to strike her down as they slog through the power of her trap.The remaining four bring up water from the Lake in a surf that would crush my team. If they were even there. Aurora is slow. There is no getting around this. Her species is meant to tank hits and dish out amazing damage while controlling everything around them. Already her fins are charging up in what is my favorite pokémon move. Hyper Beam is cool. Blast Burn is neat.Freeze-Dry though? Beyond cool. The only move in the game that defies its own type not counting dragon of course. Wattson lets out a bark of laughter and whips his tails about like a mad, mad dance as he charges a thunder. Query starts his agility boosts and brings up his arms in preparation as the giant wave approaches. Mars just snaps his wings and flies above, no visible showing of what must be boosts already.My pokémon watch the water descend and crash upon them with a bright pink flash. The sound is incredible and the gyarados are very disappointed to see nothing there. The far one on the left is particularly upset as Aurora lands on him and her fins condense the water in his body and the flying energy about him into the coldest winter of all time. A thunder courses through him as Aurora slides down his now frozen form and Query's fists slam Return after Return after Return into him. There is nothing that can stand against this and the three remaining gyarados not trapped by my starter turn up to see Angel floating in the air, helping lower Wattson to Query. My Mega Gardevoir took all of them in one teleport, telepathy extending so none of their attacks struck each other.Aurora's fins sparkle with a thunderbolt and she hits Wattson, fueling his motor drive, then in turn channels the energy to reverse Query's polarity and shoots him like a rail-boulder at the next gyarados. The sea serpent does not appreciate this. They are down by one from Angel's teleport but rally quickly. The two not hit by speeding Mega Query dip under the water a moment and come up charging hyper beams.Zaela is roaring like mad, her claws pulsing with draconic energy as she fights off two beasts that actually are bigger than her. Every movement causes a wound on both sides. Her job is to keep them from adding to the others and stay still. It doesn't mean that she abandons her usual methods. Her sandstorm consumes them, the noises coming out of it sound like thunder. Cracks of blows cause the water to splash outwards. My starter is tossed out of the sandstorm with a passenger wrapped around her despite the cuts its receiving from her rough skin every second. A crunch savages her shoulder so the next ice fang hits harder. She howls in anger but long, long hours of training with Aurora have it less crippling and more incentive to express her displeasure.Dragon fire burns away at the gyarados' face even as her body charges a dragon rush, letting it explode point blank. The second gyarados she was fighting emerges from the sandstorm with a brutal slash mark across his face that almost took out an eye.Pulses of energy direct me back to Query who is hitting his landing pad from his rail-gun inspired Wattson shot with such power that the serpent's head back and forth as if the hand of Arceus is slapping him across the face. Aurora kicks up a blinding hail in front of the two hyper beams heading towards her and Wattson.The sound of the two beams of light creates a screaming, high pitched whine that shatters a few of the light screens that Steven's team try to maintain. I don't spare a glance back as Aurora appears behind the two gyarados that just attempted to vaporize her. She floats in the air as she flash freezes the water around the two. Echoed booms of Mega Query's bullet punches disturb the water so violently they reach her hovering, magnet risen, psychic aided levitation. Trapped for only an instant, the two recovering gyarados turn to savage Aurora as she is within range of the nearly 25' long serpents. Wattson, dropped above them in a flash of teleportation descends in a crash as the rain dance that Aurora set up above the two gyarados begins.Crashing down with a twice boosted motor drive, thunderpunchs from either arm connect both gyarados. They scream in such agony that only raises to a glass shattering roar when he tops it off with a thunder. Before he can hit the water Angel is there again, flashing him out of existence as the two both thrash in deadly flails, their health so low to make it almost certainly a one-hit knock out. They turn to release their anger on Aurora to find her already gone, dumped in Zaela's sandstorm and shoving out another freeze dry at the serpent curled around my starter.Zaela could have handled it on her own but we are built as a team more than a single one on one. Telepathy truly is a gift as Angel's energy flows over the area, preventing ally from striking ally. Aurora's freeze dry coats the gyarados around her and nothing else. The now certainly scarred spare serpent that nearly lost its eye aborts its hyper beam that would have hit both his comrade and Zaela. Instead he dances back into the sandstorm after seeing Aurora snipe from it.Where has Mars been? Above. Pulling ancient power into the air. Boosting himself. Dragon Dancing.Its not quite time, but close.Angel flashes left and right, over and below. Heal pulses hit Zaela rapid fire as she touches the gyarados fighting my starter and teleports her into the path of the one who ran into the sandstorm after my ancient dinosaur, a pixilated round of vibrated fairy energy bouncing off Query's light screens, placed just so to make the round echo. Then hit another. All where Angel moves.Angel lets loose and starts to flit about from attack to attack, the cacophony hitting everything but my team. Query trades attacks with his opponent without any care. Every piece of damage is healed in an instant. Heal Pulses. Wishes. Disables to stop another ice fang on my starter. To halt a flamethrower on Query. Wattson is teleported safe from an earhtquake, directly under a jaw, closing it with another thunder directly down like pikachu in smash bros. The five remaining gyarados lose it.All of the five are almost out. Our teamwork is swift. Zaela and Aurora dive fully into the sandstorm and twin stone edges swat their targets so hard it skips them out and across the water, crashing so hard its a surf attack without meaning to be.Wattson is so fast now that he blinks in and out of vision with crakling, booming laughter that can't be contained against the two who first sent hyper beams. He no longer needs Angel to teleport him to place himself perfectly. Query has refused to let the serpent he's been pelting with thunder punches leave, even if the crunches on his form have caused his metal body to dent and lose its luster if only for moments. His mega form lets every blow land at new angles. Psi-Fist fits it perfect. All attacks start to cause ribs to break. No punch misses. They are all criticals. Nothing can stand within his range and survive.Wattson's laughter shifts, every crackle of energy means pain. Angel never lets him hit the water so fast does she react with reflects to give him purchase to turn.Every moment of damage Angel senses vanishes instantly or is blocked in some way if possible. Reflect or Light screens pop into existence, denying the gyarados their rage. She teleports her allies just an inch away from an attack. Anything she misses she pops up next to her friend and eases the pain or boosts them.Her telepathy lets her dance through my team's destruction. Her gown is a hair's breath from Zaela's slashes. Her green hair is nearly parted by Aurora's ice beam meant to trap a tail so Zaela's next attack lands easier.Rapid thunderbolts seem to dance around her as she predicts the movements.Its amazing, but ultimately we didn't and haven't had enough time to train with Angel. Skilled as she is, she gets predictable, not used to the team fight nor her new form quite enough. We make a mistake. Don't cover her quick enough. One of Query's brains pulses a warning of such panic I can't help but gasp. The gyarados are pissed at my healer. So very angry that their power is not able to get past the frilly little thing.Hyper beams lace out to where they see her watch over my group the most, where she keeps Wattson from hitting the water displaced by all the attacks. Three of the five sent connect. She's so focused on the others she fails to read the emotions of our enemies. In the air for a split second to toss Wattson down again her eyes widen as light smotes her from the sky. The explosion hits the air like a bomb and the burning mess that is my Angel has her wings torn from her.Query abandons his opponent, not caring that he's smacked partially into the water by a weak flail, the gyarados still recovering from the hyper beam. Agony and worry radiate from my team as they seek to end things, strategy forgotten.My boy catches the newest, precious member of our team and speeds his fastest towards shore when the feeling hits me.The rage the gyarados let out in battle is amazing. Suffocating. Its what makes their intimidate ability scream that you don't fuck with them.The sky rips open in a fury that pales all others in the lake. Mars bellows out his anger past anything his line is known for. Angel has been with him every night since she arrived save for when we met Suicune. Every evening she helps him find just a little bit more in common with the rest of the family.She's drawn his lonely nature to the front and eased it into understanding, showing him how he can relate and finally, bit by bit, starts to understand how to simply talk to us.Seeing the key to the one drawback of his genius utterly destroyed, reaches down into the soul of the charizard he is and releases all that he never was. A god of fire and dragon born to rip his foes into nothingness.Query gets Angel just into my range and I recall her. She's already in stasis and I hurl her ball to Tru who has revive medicine ready. Angel pops out in her normal form, broken some but not enough for Tru to return her again into stasis to wait till we reach a Pokémon Center.Mars notices nothing of this. He's been preparing to defend major attacks of the Rage of Gyarados. If they ever went on a body slam together or if they used another surf. As well as getting ready to finish them off soon. They were on the ropes after all. Now my team is trying to get closer around Aurora and Wattson who had to quickly swim over to her as he was dropped last over water. Zaela tanks a few hits to raise a bit of rock for him to scramble ashore, Aurora doing it for herself. Query is heading back into battle.Mars doesn't care about the plan anymore for once. Each gyarados raise their head to the suddenly sunny sky in return to the challenge. Such rage that is not theirs pisses them off beyond clear thought. Mars is the same.Green glowing energy wraps him up as he howls out his need to annihilate those who hurt the first true friend he's had. Family is different. They are steady and precious but Angel is the first to ever truly touch his heart and bring it out. I watch in awe as the ground shakes from his power pulsing down around us. Dragon energy suffocates us as the ancient power boulders he gathered seem to crackle with orange light and I can't blink as he uses Draco Meteor. Stronger than Zaela's.My genius has done the impossible because of his emotion. Locked away within him by the logic that he holds so dear. Hyper beams move up to try and blunt the massive rocks pelting the battlefield.Even caught in the world of fury that he is, Mars manages to aim them true. None stand after the attack lands. Every meteor strikes on point. Each brutal impact makes my charizard let out another roar of raging satisfaction for the blood he craves.Even as they fall he flies down, claws flashing to rip and tear. It feels like forever, watching his green form smash into blue scaled bodies with massive explosions but eventually all I see is my team watching him circle the downed six to get back to me.They move to stand with me as flamethrowers cover the air above, daring any and all of the rest of the Lake to come and sate his need for more revenge. Soaring over his broken foes, Mars lets them see what one of us could do if pushed too far. The remaining monsters of rage just stand still, the true birth of the meaning of my charizard's name causing all to be quiet in the echoes of his fury. Alone he shows them what we are capable of. Of how far we will go to protect each other. The strength resonates with the beasts. That such anger can be brought from a desire to protect and avenge rather than from insult and boredom.The emotion of the moment has me conflicted. I'm proud of how he reacted and sought to end things quick but I am also a mother figure watching her son be violent to seek to kill. Or would. He's barely holding back. I know he'll be killing for me soon enough. Some of the Rockets were certainly killed because of his actions in the base. But this is different. I'm not ashamed. Just worried it will consume him if he lets this linger. And proud. That he feels something so much. Even if it is hate and anger. He's tamed the Lake almost by himself and I'm confused. What the hell is wrong with me? Its still loud.No wonder the booms haven't stopped. Caught up with the drama of our fight I failed to watch Lance and the Red Elder, though I could feel their aura's clash.My team is built on strategy and making our enemies react in ways we want. As well as coming from different angles. Terrain, teamwork and not letting others dictate, only pay catch up. Zaela is a dragon who can do that and still show the overwhelming strength of her kind.Lance is that in its purest form. Dragonite flies around at speeds that boom with a broken sound barrier, his skill with manipulating draconic energy moving him from one skilled dodge to another as the Red Elder's thunderbolts and ice beams shoot out rapid fire in a way only pokémon who actually have those types should be able to.Safeguard after light screens subtly deflect any attacks that get close only for Dragonite to send back a blizzard that Aurora could barely exceed and a thunder that is pin-point accurate despite the notorious drawback of the move, Mars still not letting the sun die down, snarling at those gyarados who still watch.The Red Elder tanks both with some obvious pain. Both dragons are covered in wounds but show no signs of slowing. One of the Red Elder's front fangs is broken painfully. Dragonite's left antenna is missing but doesn't appear to affect his flying. Lance stands nearby, closer than is safe, his famous cape whipping about him as rapidly as his hair. I can't see his eyes but the way he's looking means he's only watching the Red Elder. That he trusts his dragonite to pull through.My family is built on trickery and priority lists of tactics. Lance's Dragonite is just that tough. That impenetrable. That unstoppable. If Mars wasn't so firmly in Zaela's eyes I'd know who she'd pick as a mate.It ends in a clash I'd never want for my team. They are tough and strong but I want them to defeat an opponent with little to no injury if possible. Lance fights head on and keeps going. Through something because he can. Dragonite takes the Red Elder's hyper beam straight through, the barest form of a protect that shatters instantly. On and on Dragonite pushes into it without pausing until he's at Red Elder's face and a giga impact that matches Mars' first Draco Meteor throws the Elder to the water and parts it so swiftly we can make out the earth beneath cracking before it washes over the red scaled monster.A simple pokéball snaps out to hit the shiny gyarados. Two twitches. Three. Ding.Wading into the water Lance picks up his catch with a blank expression. His aura reads amazement and the humility of facing a titan for the first time. And winning. He joins Dragonite at the edge of the lake and rubs his starter's jaw in pride.Myself? I watch Mars land next to Angel and revert as does Query behind me. We all look over her form and sigh. She's got some broken bones and a large amount of lacerations but will be fine. Pokémon are very resilient after all. Mars radiates worry and a twinge of shame but also the burning need to become stronger. I'll wait until he comes to me to talk about it.Sunny and Tru are too busy to talk but Wattson comes over behind me with a sigh."That was close. Worth it I suppose if we see what they say. Which we should boss. I know she's important but yeah. Lets go say hi."He's right of course. I turn and Zaela walks with me as before. I missed how much damage she took in the sandstorm she made next to the lake. Slashes of giant teeth coat her body and scorch marks of possibly flamethrowers. One nasty bit is obviously from an ice beam and I resolve to figure out how to enhance them like I can Tru. Add my senses to hers. Long years are still ahead of us.One of the larger gyarados come up to us. The six we fought are slowly coming to. Living an entire life with other pissed off sea monsters probably means they have to recover quick. I worry Mars is going to attack again but his revenge is sated for now. Only concern for the still out Angel is left. It isn't romantic. Just friendship of a pure nature that I could easily get lost in admiring it."Guardian...You were right. I am the Elder now that the Red Elder was defeated. He cannot speak for us anymore as someone else's. Such is the way of being caught. We all saw. You were in no danger from the six. Five of you took them on with brutal ease. Their pride was broken. If you would have us, we would seek out this path you offer. A chance to stand as you and your kin do. Those six will be the first. Take us to what you seek to build. This place cannot hold us now. Now that we've seen what is possible. We saw a dragon born in the sky because of what your bonds built. Rage drove us far. It is time for something new."It was worth it. The years of battle and training. Suffering through days of pain. Again my faith in my dream was rewarded. I bow to the new Elder in respect and start heading back to Angel.My confusion about Mars fades. I'm always going to worry for him. Even more than Sunny. Sunny will always be innocent. Even after seeing and knowing things that happen her being is meant to strive to find joy in everything. Mars cannot have that and I grieve every time I see him show that he knows death is needed. He's my child. But also my soldier. As a mother I worry for him endlessly and don't wish him to give into his newfound rage. As a commander I am pleased by his pursuit of our cause and showing the world what we can do.I can be both. It will be hell on me but its what he needs. My own discomfort is irrelevant compared to that. I walk past the shell-shocked Clair and the deeply considering Steven to the pokéballs I bought for this occasion. Professor Oak knows to send my captures today to the newly finished Pokémon Center in the Charicific Valley. Bruno awaits to help the first of my new recruits learn the ropes. A deep river with underground caverns will be their new homes while not deployed when the Order gets off its feet.Already some of the charizard riders are helping rangers with their duties, only stating they are bored training and wish to offer aid. The true name of my order won't come into the world's attention until later. For now we help where we can.Hours later as I sit with Lance, Angel's head in my lap as she rests, I smile up at him. "You're my hero. I'm sorry I'm difficult and hard to deal with. This was for you as much as it was for me. To show you that you stand above me in some ways. That you're going to outclass me in ways I can't imagine."Lance is very quiet as he watches me, his eyes flicking to my charizard curled up behind us as close to Angel as he can get. She's tender, sore and won't be moving much for days but very much fine. Relief pours out of Mars even in rest."You're really going to do this aren't you? Save the world as best you can. Why? Why work so hard for it? You don't have to. If you wanted you'd probably never be defeated as a Champion. "I smile a bit and cup his cheek so I can lean up and kiss his cheek. "I dreamed of this. Before I was born. This was my dream. It always has been. I do it for you. For mom. Dad even. For my family. For pokémon. Why? I've loved them forever. They saved me. Why can't I give that life back to them?"Lance just stares and sighs, hugging me into his shoulder and staring up at the night's sky with me. "I'll be here to help you Ella. If I'm your hero then I should live up to it. The world won't be able to stand against me. I swear it."I believe him. My cousin is many things. Oddly funny, irritable but ever since he stopped being a jerkface he's held true to his desire to be the best. Period. Its a single minded effort that I see in myself. I'm so proud of him.I fall asleep on his shoulder, knowing my hero will protect me anytime I can't do it myself.ClairThe Lake of Rage. So many things were expected as Clair came to it. Ella first and foremost. To see her beloved cousin. Not niece. Even if true it never fit. Minus teasing of course. Ella was younger but always knew everything.From how to talk to pokémon easier to how to getting back at Lance without punishment. Clair knew that Ella would never stop caring for her. Growth on her journey taught her a lot. Helped her stand on her own but Clair never forgot Ella's warmth and spirit.Steven and Lance are great. So much diversity and talent. But they just don't get her sometimes. That she's the lesser of three Blackthorn of promise. Or at least it would feel that way without the obvious love her family has for her. She's been very blessed.Clair was always aware that Ella was strong. She spent a lot of time with Ella Mita's team. Sunshine and Query were the most friendly but now Wattson and Angel fill out the team in ways she couldn't believe. The giant Aurora as well. It really was a family and Clair resolved to spend more time with her own team. Even the Zoroark looked cool before he went back to his ball.Its hard to not feel inspired from the obvious care all of her cousin's team has for each other. Then the day of rage. Of watching her scarred, serious Ella stand up to a force all with good sense would flee from at sight.Of watching Lance stand against a pillar of such strength. Both her family. Both so much stronger than her.It was amazing. Humiliating. How far ahead had they gone through their own effort? Could she have stood with them? She knew this all before. That she wasn't at their level. Steven too. And what was this crush? Was it what she should be focusing on?No. Mars tears the sky open as a dragon should...And he isn't even one. Not all the time.Dragonite lets nothing stop him. Not even his own body and limits.How far does she have to go? That night Clair stays up late with her starter, watching the same stars Lance and Ella sit under a bit away.Would her dream of being a simple Gym Leader be enough compared to the others? Or is something new needed? How far must her dream reach to have the drive to get to what is before her?"We're going to find a way. To get there. We're so far behind dear heart. I'm no longer bashful. I'm not to be looked after. We go by ourselves next year. To Kalos. To Alola. To anywhere we have to. Next time we stand with them. Or die."Dragonair agrees. Dragons and hardship. Its about time they grew up.

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