Unduh Aplikasi
11.95% poke fanfic fun to read / Chapter 11: 24-25

Bab 11: 24-25

24: Wrestlin' the Dragon

The frigid chill of Ice Path clung to the sides of the mountain tops as Thad and his companions left the cave system. He shielded his eyes from the brightness of the overhead sun, with only a few wispy clouds in the sky. The air felt thinner, his diaphragm having to work just a little bit harder than usual.

Despite how many would make assumptions about Thad, his body awareness was second to none. Reasons why he connected so well with his Fighting-type 'bros' and other pokemon that preferred headbutts over chirps of exaltation when it came to greetings and other forms of communication.

From the cave entrance, Blackthorn City was only about a ten-minute walk away. Carved into the mountainside either by man or Pokemon was uncertain, as the large, jagged peaks sequestered the city away from the harsher altitude winds. Warmth returned to Thad's limbs, and while he'd never admit how the cold bothered him, the extra pep in his step signaled freedom he had taken for granted. Caves of smothering darkness or intense cold weren't exactly his favorite, nor returning any time soon was a priority. Especially with that damn Santa bird.

"I believe we can rest up at the Pokemon Center, and then explore the town a bit before meeting up with Clair," Jasmine said, quickening her pace up to Thad. She craned her head upward at the jock, smiling a bit more forcefully than usual. "Let's take it easy for a bit, yes?"

Thad sighed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I guess we can get some food or something. I'm just needing to burn off some energy is all. That bird back there has my jimmies all rustled in the wrong kinda way."

Marley made a face, wrinkling her nose but said nothing as she lulled behind the two. Jasmine bobbed her head, nodding along to Thad's complaint, but smiling at his compliance. It'd not been too long ago he'd foregone the very concept of rest and fed his exercise demons immediately.

"How about this," Jasmine said, "after we check in at the center, why don't we check out the local move tutor? He's quite well renowned for having some very unique techniques." She playfully nudged him in the side with her elbow. "A good trainer always should be on the lookout for the next best move to their playbook, right?"

"Exactly!" Thad shouted, raising his hands in the air. He stopped and turned to Jasmine, and without warning, picking her up by the waist and hoisting her into the air with a manic smile painted on his face. "You're really the best mentor, knowing all the sweet little digs and whatnot. Hard to believe all that talent and smarts are in such a tiny package!"

"Mhmmm! Could you let me down though?"

Marley snickered as Thad's mouth formed an 'o' and he gently placed Jasmine back on her feet. She strained out her steel-colored sundress and ran her hands down her rusted-colored leggings underneath to unwrinkle them. Thad quickly whipped his head around to Marley, whose smirk quickly vanished as Thad's eyes locked with hers.

"I can always spread the love and give you a chance to see what it's like being tall."

"I'm good down here, thank you very much," Marley said uneasily. "While you two trot about the city, I was planning to go investigate Route 45. There's lots of interesting Pokemon there, and plenty of room for my Pokemon to relax in the sun."

"You sure you don't want to come along?" Jasmine asked.

Marley nodded. "Absolutely. I'd not dare interrupt Thad's training regiment. He needs to be focused on his match, after all. I'll be facing Clair later in the week and plan to stay a bit longer, so I'll come to spectate later to take notes."

"Makes it sound like we'll be splitting up then, eh?" Thad placed his hands on his hips, raising an eyebrow. "What's up?"

Marley waved a hand in front of her dismissively. "It's not like that. Be it as it may, I've enjoyed the travel for what I've been able to learn. I plan to reconvene with you both at the League. I just have grown rather tired of the travel and need a break and some time to train."

Jasmine walked over and hugged Marley, pulling her in tight as she made a small squeak. "Don't let us leave without a proper goodbye, okay?"

"Of course." Marley returned the hug with as much might her limbs could muster. "I'll make sure to see your match this evening as well."

"Alright, alright, let's get the mushy stuff done, and let's rock 'n roll!" Thad waved Jasmine over as he turned around toward the city. "We've got places to be and things to do. So let's get it!"

Jasmine smiled one last time at Marley as they separated, the Steel-type specialist turning around to jog after her apprentice. Her legs burned and her travel bag bounced heavily against her back as she trailed after Thad. How Thad carried his own bag along with her overly stuffed backpack with all their supplies at such a rigorous rate still baffled her, no matter how many times the man effortlessly ran around with 100+ pounds on his shoulders. Then again, his muscles certainly weren't for show.

"He's excited, and I haven't even told him about the dragons yet," Jasmine whispered to herself. "I wonder how he'll react…"

Blackthorn's gym was a building made of solid concrete located on the northern edge of town, floating on the bank of a small lake. People seemed to form a bubble around the gym as Thad and Jasmine approached as if there were an aura of danger. Jasmine even began to walk a bit more behind rather than beside Thad as the jock bulldozed his way to the front door.

"Thad, I must warn you, Clair is known for her imposing Dragon-types."

Thad stopped in his tracks; his hand inches away from the door handle into the gym. He looked over his shoulder with a single eyebrow raised. "Hol' up. Dragons. As in, dragons that breathe fire and shit? That's dope!"

"I wouldn't put it so bluntly, but yes," Jasmine said, "dragons are a fierce breed of Pokemon."

"So I could—"

Jasmine squinted her eyes and pursed her lips. "I'm not allowing you to wrestle a Dragonite or Kingra. It's dangerous."

"Bruh." Thad's shoulders slumped as he turned fully to the petite woman. "Girlie, I've already taken down a killer bee and alien hentai, so a dragon at this point is easy clap."

"Easy or not, it's plain reckless. Start to think of a strategy," Jasmine said with a hint of irritation. "Dragons are weak to ice, fairy, and dragon-type moves. None of which are really on your team."

Thad gripped the handle to the door and pulled it open. "Right, I gotcha fam." He tapped the side of his head and winked at Jasmine before passing through the threshold. "The ole gameplan is cooking right now."

Heat collided with Thad's face as he took his first steps inside the gym. Large slabs of granite made up the ground with bubbling pools of lava separating the platforms from each other. At the far end of the gym, Thad saw a large dirt arena with several divots on the surface that resemble craters. A few trainers dressed in lightweight cloth attire turned toward the new arrivals, hands instinctively moving toward their belt of Pokeballs.

"So, shall I explain it to you or…?"

"Save the explanation, I'mma just yeet on over to the battlefield." Thad squatted down and motioned for Jasmine to hop on. "I'll try and be gentle. Remember, I was a pro at the ole triple jump."

Jasmine took a deep breath in and out before clambering onto Thad's back, hooking her arms underneath his armpits. "Alright, because I could explain the puzzle to you-"

"Let's go!"

Thad pumped his arms and kept his center of gravity low as he sped past through the open floor plan of the gym. He took no notice of the gym trainers raising their hands trying to move him over or calling out to him; he was a man focused on a singular mission and had to focus on his hops.

With the grace of a Rapidash, Thad bounded to the first platform across a chasm of lava. The heat threatened to singe his leg hair as he could hear the bubbles underneath him. He landed with a skid, readjusted Jasmine by supporting her thighs with his hands, and then pumped his legs once again toward the final platform.

He landed with feline-like grace and let Jasmine slide off him as he rolled his shoulders. He offered a high five to Jasmine to which she reciprocated while trying her best to fight off a smile. She'd never admit that was fun, despite how dangerous it was. If the League knew of Thad's exploits and talents they'd have to redesign nearly every gym puzzle in the region and beyond.

A man in a striped shirt scrambled up to Thad and Jasmine; he was a thin fellow with short-cut blonde hair and sweat streaming down his face. He first looked at Thad with a steely gaze but immediately softened up and straightened his back upon recognizing Jasmine.

"Ah, it's good to see you, Miss Jasmine!" The referee called out, bowing slightly. "We'd almost thought that the man here was simply trying to evade our gym structure and try to meet Master Clair!"

"Oh, he's definitely here to see Clair and face him. I'm afraid this visit isn't for me," Jasmine said. "Not that I tend to venture this far East without good reason."

"Ah." The man clicked his tongue and looked back to Thad, reassessing the ripped jock. He raised an eyebrow and hummed under his breath for a moment before sighing heavily. "Well, if you've traveled here with an esteemed gym leader, I suppose you can be granted an audience with Master Clair. You're lucky to be meeting her as there's some open availability in her schedule right now."

Thad smirked. "Funny, I usually tell people the same about me."

The referee's face scrunched up into a forced smile, his eyes bunched up like small crescent moons. "Oh, I'm sure. Now, this way."

Jasmine and Thad followed the uptight referee past the arena grounds and toward a door at the very end of the gym, nearly blending into the wall. He pulled out a keyring and inserted it into a bulky lock. The slate wall shuddered, and the thin referee put his shoulder and full body weight into the wall, nudging it open to reveal a hidden back room.

The room was divided into a few sections, dominated by a large arena in the middle with painted lines, and off to the left and right a small bleacher area. Directly across the arena was a raised platform covered in blue carpet with red trim. One large stone chair with padding that matched the floor scheme and side table resided in the middle of the carpet, though Thad's eyes quickly took note of the blue-haired woman seating in the chair.

With her legs crossed and a book in one hand, the woman emanated a regal presence. Blue knee-high heeled boots matched a spandex-like dress in two shades of blue topped off with a black and red cape draped over her shoulders. A choker with a great pearl rested right below her chin as her piercing blue eyes scanned the contents of her book fervently.

"Ehem," The referee coughed into his fist. The woman's eyes glanced up with a slow and calculated speed that made the man wince. "Master Clair, you've visitors," he stepped aside and gestured to Thad and Jasmine, "though they've yet to voice the intention of their visit."

Clair snapped the book shut with one hand and gently placed it on her wooden side table. She folded her hands in her lap and leaned back, her narrowed eyes judging and evaluating the new arrivals.

Jasmine remained calm and reserved before her fellow gym leader, though out of the corner of her eye she couldn't help but whisper, "Thad, what are you doing?!"

None of Clair's features were lost on Thad as he eyed the gym leader up and down. From her lithe, toned figure to how she radiated control and power from her subtle body language, Thad couldn't help but stare without shame.

Clair blinked after a few moments of silence, and Jasmine elbowed Thad in the ribs and coughed loudly. Thad shivered and came to, broken from his trance.

"Uh, right. Sup, I'm Thad," Thad said, planting a hand on his chest, "and this is-"

"I know Jasmine," Clair's voice was sharp and poignant as she crossed her arms. "A better question, is why are you here… Thad was it?" Her attention swiveled to Jasmine immediately. "Is he yours? Seems more like one of Chuck's errand boys."

"He is," Jasmine replied, not cowing down to Clair's prodding. "I'm helping mentor him as a deal with Chuck, and he's been doing the gym leader challenge. I implore that you take him a bit seriously, despite." Jasmine turned to Thad, and her jaw immediately dropped. "W-what are you doing?"

Thad had already stripped off his tank top and balled it up in his hands, letting his bronze pecs and abs glisten in the fluorescent light of the arena. "Warming up and showing off the goods. You know I do better when I'm less restricted, Jazzy."

Jasmine closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Arceus above, please save me," she whispered under her breath.

Clair stared for a moment, and then a smile slowly spread across her face that made Jasmine's skin crawl. Thad proceeded to do some arm stretches as the dragon specialist rose from her custom chair and gave her cape a flourish.

"I'd be happy to entertain you in a Pokemon battle, Thad. Say, how many badges do you have?" Clair asked in a honeyed tone.

"Oh, uh," Thad began counting on his fingers, "well, if you include-hey!"

"Conference!" Jasmine shouted, pulling Thad to the side of the arena by his waistband. "Now!"

"There's easier ways to get in my pants, girlie!"

Jasmine ignored Thad's mild complaints as she got enough distance from Clair and her referee that their words wouldn't echo too loudly. She quickly retracted her hand and wiped it off on her dress, making a face all the while.

"Sheesh, Jazzy. You coulda just asked me," Thad said. "Seriously, you got some kinda wicked grip there."

Jasmine clapped her hands together and leaned her head closer to Thad, lowering her voice to a firm yet gentle tone akin to a parent. "I need you to listen right now, really good. Clair is wanting to pad her record against you. I've seen that smile before. You've gotta get into whatever state your brain needs to be in for your A-game."

"I always bring my A-game. I clap baddies, no matter if they're rocking knee-high boots that make their booty pop."

"That. That right there. Get your brain outta the gutter," Jasmine chided, pointing her index finger up and nearly bopping him on the nose. "Think. She uses Dragon-types. What Pokemon do you lead with?"


"You lead with Chad into Dynamic Punch, Ice Punch on Dragonair, and then hard switch to Dwayne to use Rock Slide to read her Gyrados switch." Jasmine took a breath to compose herself. "Please, just once stop with the jokes and innuendos for this match. She lords this over all the rest of us in Johto. Please, Thad," Jasmine grit her teeth and whispered to Thad, her lips grazing his earlobe. "Put. Her. In. Her. Place."

Thad blinked. Then blinked again, his face a vacant canvas of emotion. "Wow. That was so damn hot. You gotta bring that energy to squat training."

"Did you hear anything I actually said!?"

Thad pointed fingerguns at Jasmine and winked. "One order of the Chadman into a bossman special, then a frosty slap with a side of the Rock off the top ropes bringing down the house. You bet your sweet ass I did. Now if you'd excuse me," Thad placed his hands on Jasmine's shoulders and gently moved her to the side, "I've got someone in a leotard to humble."

Marching back toward Clair with unrivaled swagger in each step, Thad struck a pose with hands on his hips. He looked dramatically to the left with his chin tilted slightly upward, earning a curious look from Clair and the referee.

"So… you two done having a little pep talk and ready for a battle?" Clair asked, looking for a moment to where Thad's attention seemed to be: a blank wall. She shook her head and refocused on him. "What's the verdict?"

"I hope you're as good as they say," Thad said in a lofty tone. He lifted his arms, flexing his biceps, and looked Clair dead in the eyes. "Cause my strats are going to turn your brain into mush once I'm done with ya. Prepare to be flexed on."

"Umm, alright?" Clair looked toward the referee and cleared her throat. "Mind prepping the field and scoreboard?"

"Of course!"

As the blonde-haired ref dashed off toward a control panel on the far wall of the arena, a faint hum rang out through the air. Thad looked upward as he noticed a large dual-sided video screen descend from the ceiling showing names and slots for Pokemon knockouts. His head turned to see Jasmine already standing patiently on the visitor sideline, her hand hands held behind her back, Lips pursed, and eyes zeroed in on Thad and Clair.

It was game time.

"The match will be a three-on-three standard gym encounter," Clair announced. "No team preview, switches at any time are allowed, and no item usage though holdables are allowed as per League rules. Any questions?"

"Just one," Thad said. "Did that outfit come with a whip?"

"Ye-" Clair clammed up and narrowed her eyes. "I don't see how that is relevant?"

Thad held up a hand in the 'ok' sign and gave her a toothy smile. "Nice."

The lights around the arena snapped to attention, forming a spotlight on the center. Thad struck a triumphant pose at his end, running his hands across the Pokeball strapped to his belt. He plucked one out; the red color was a bit dulled on the top.

Alright big guy, it's showtime. All gas, no brakes. Thad gave the Pokeball a subtle nod before lowering it to take notice of Clair organizing her own tools, and the referee jogging out the center stage. Let's go!

"This will be a standard bout between the challenge," the referee gestured to Thad, "and our Blackthorn City gym leader, Clair. The match will be decided once three Pokemon from a respective side are unable to battle. Do I have both competitors ready?"

"I am ready, Reece," Clair said, flipping her cape over her shoulder. She bent her knees and prepped a Great Ball in her right hand. "Just say the word and once again people will see why Dragon-types are revered above all else."

"And you, challenger?"

Thad gave Jasmine a thumbs up, but the petite woman didn't notice as her eyes were fixated on Clair. He shrugged and nodded to the referee. "You got it, dude. I'm ready to throw hands."

"Then begin!" Reece sprinted to the sideline as he blew a whistle.

The timer on the screen in between the respective scores for the combatants began to tick down from sixty minutes. Thad and Clair both hurled their Pokemon into the fray, and from their respective red light came out Chad the Machoke and a large blue serpent.

"First Pokemon are Dragonair and Machoke!" Reece shouted as he worked the side panel to the overhead screen, showing their names after a few moments of typing.

Chad stretched his bulky arms and flexed, letting the few onlookers get a gander at his magnificently sculpted body, even for Machoke standards. The serpent coiled up, awaiting its master's commands as it watched the Machoke pose.

"Alright, 'nuff of the posing, we can do that in the post-interview. Get in there with a bossman special!" Thad commanded, pointing at the Dragonair. "It's a slippery-looking dude, so be careful!"

"No status, just for precaution," Clair warmly demanded from her Pokemon. "Go for a Surf and keep the distance."

As Chad charged headfirst at the Dragonair, a wave pool of water began to form underneath it. Like a buoy, Dragonair remained unfazed and regal as hundreds of gallons poured onto the arena from its pores and mouth. Chad was nearly knee-deep in water as he crossed the halfway mark of the arena.

Gonna flood the damn place just to play keep away? Hmmmm. Thad rubbed his chin and whipped out his playbook sheet, scanning its scrawled contents. Need to call an audible. Range isn't Chad's best friend. Need to close the gap soooo….aha!

Thad cupped his hands around his mouth. "Chad! Audible to the Australian open!"

Without missing a beat, Chad barked out a howl of approval before diving headfirst into a crashing wave of water. Rapids spread out across the arena and breezed past Thad and Jasmine's ankles as the tide lowered the Dragonair back to the soft dirt floor, yet Chad was nowhere to be seen.

Clair narrowed her eyes and whispered something under her breath that Thad couldn't quite decipher, but the wait was only a momentary lapse in the tide of battle as Chad erupted from the ground, delivering an uppercut to the dragon.

Only that the Dragonair flopped to the side, only allowing Chad's knuckles to grace a part of its long and slinky body. Chad threw out a few follow-up punches, but Dragonair dodges, dipped, ducked, dived, and dodged with unnatural grace. After Chad's fifth missed punch, the Dragonair's tail slammed into his ribs and sent him skidding across the arena. Chad rolled his shoulders and settled into a boxer's position as both Clair and her Pokemon warily eyed the Machoke.

"Perhaps I was too quick to judge earlier," Clair said. "Closing the distance is key with such a close-range Pokemon, but hitting my Dragonair is another matter entirely."

"Don't sweat it, girlie. We just warming up." Thad locked eyes with his mini-me. "Remember your training! Think back to how we'd train with the boss! Use to technique!"

"That attack is risky and will never hit!" Clair shouted. "Dragonair, use Dragon Pulse and then retreat!"

Chad charged ahead with his chin tucked down right into a wave of distorted energy that poured from the Dragonair's mouth. Jasmine winced on the sideline as Chad made no effort to dodge or avoid that attack, staying within the brunt of the damaging field. Clair cocked her head to the side as the Machoke forced its way through despite their skin bruising heavily and accumulating burns.

"Finish with a Slam and retreat!"

Dragonair obeyed its master's wishes without hesitation, and worked its lower half much like a whip, aiming at Chad's other side of ribs. As the sweeping attack came in, Chad dropped to one knee and caught the tail. The ref let out a gasp and Jasmine pumped a fist in the air.

"Do you know what time it is?" Thad called out, holding a hand up to his ear. He couldn't help but grin. "It's time for Submission."

What followed next was a dust devil forming in the middle of the arena and a lot of grunts and squeals. All onlookers did their best to cover their faces from the dust; Clair with her cape raised and Thad tucking his face into his elbow.

The rumbling finished off with the Dragonair soaring through the air, slamming its head into the ceiling, and then promptly plopping back to the earth with a dull thud. As the dust cleared, Chad dusted off his hands and looked over his defeated comrade with a respectful and sympathetic gaze.


Reece the referee blinked, nearly leaving his jaw open to catch flies. "Ummm, it seems Dragonair is unable to battle. Please return your Pokemon and send out your next one!"

"A warm-up, indeed," Clair murmured as she quickly recalled her 'Mon. She held the ball up and smiled. "You did well. Fret not, for your allies will avenge your loss." Clair swiftly exchanged the Great Ball for an Ultra Ball, gripping it tightly. "Be forewarned, Thad, my next Pokemon will not fall so easily to such a devastating move. Such tactics aren't easily replicable."

"Oh, don't doubt the mad gains of my boy Chad," Thad retorted. "He's bulked up for this kinda thing."

Clair shrugged and tossed out her next Pokemon, revealing a large blue seahorse with yellow scales covering its belly and a large sniper-like snout. It flayed out the two fins on its back and landed on the ground with a splash in the muddied dirt, resting on its curled tail.

Thad pursed his lips and squinted his eyes at the new arrival. "Uh, I thought you were the dragon lady, not the water trainer." He waved his playbook sheet in the air. "You want me to draw you what a dragon looks like?"

Jasmine snickered on the sideline as Clair's eyebrow twitched, and she pointed at her Kingdra. "Go ahead and lead with Yawn. We'll set up right here and now."

"Icy slap time, Chad!"

A large gust of wind bellowed out from Kingdra's nose, piercing past Chad. The Machoke stumbled for a moment but caught himself by planting his hand on the ground and launched himself into a sprint. Chad's eyelids threatened to drop as he found himself before the large seahorse, yet Clair and her partner didn't flinch at the bold maneuver.


Oily black smog poured from Kingdra's snout, obscuring a third of the arena. Thad paced back and forth trying to get a better visual angle, but it remained pitch black.

"Ya know, farting out ya mouth ain't cool," Thad said. "Anyways, Chad go ahead and—"

"Let loose with Hydro Pump!"

Clair's bold shout cut through the arena, and after a small pause, the smoke cleared to reveal Kingdra has repositioned behind Chad who was on all fours struggling to stay awake. Kingdra's body bulged from its abdomen and then a torrent of water blasted out of its face, nailing Chad and pinning him to the ground with unrelenting force.

"Push buddy! Don't give up!"

Despite Thad's encouragement, Chad was buried underneath a seemingly neverending cascade of water from the Kingdra. With the water pressure not dipping over several seconds and hot steam from the pressurized water filling the room, a crater filled with water formed in the center of the arena. Once the stream stopped, Chad was floating face up with his tongue sticking out.

"Well, ya left it all out on the field."

Thad recalled his trusted partner and looked between his available options and his playsheet. Several doodles of dragons with wings dotted the margins, none of which he'd seen yet. But that was fine. Improvisation was always Thad's favorite strategy.

"C'mon out my dude, it's time to make a splash!" Thad unfurled a Pokeball, revealing his own water companion: Keto. Thad chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. Good luck trying to drown out this dude.

Clair perked up at the Quagsire appearing on the field, not only at how it didn't match the trainer but also the sheer size of the Pokemon. "Quite the unorthodox choice. Here I was expecting a Hitmontop or a Steel-type of Jasmine's recommendation."

"I'm more than just a one-trick pony," Chad said. "Now, Keto go an give 'em hell!"

Keto opened his mouth and promptly flopped onto his belly. He opened his mouth and let loose a flood of brownish water that swept through the arena in pulses. Clair's Kingdra managed to hop into the air and blast a ring of clear water beneath it to act as a buffer against the muddied terrain. Its snout puffed up, prepping another blast, but this time a ray of misty cold shot out from the Kingdra's snout and screamed toward Keto.

Unaware of the impending blast, Keto's large hide absorbed the attack, managing to get the Pokemon to roll over and take note of the source of irritation. The Kingdra narrowed its eyes and let its snout bulge once more, prepping another blast for the Quagsire.

Thad shook his head and groaned. C'mon, ya gotta move! He cupped his hands around his mouth and bellowed, "Get your butt into gear, dude! No snacks for slackers!"

Keto pitched his body upward, just in time to catch another Ice Beam to his face. The pressurized line of frost managed to get the roly-poly Quagsire to double over, flipping him over his head and back onto his belly and fours. A low, guttural sound came from Keto's maw as he slid himself forward and bashed his head into the ground, managing to create tremors and knock Kingrdra off balance.

Hold his arms out to balance, Thad noticed that everyone else in the arena had lost their footing, though the earthquake tremor seemed to be directed at the Kingdra. The seahorse Pokemon rolled quickly to its side and buoyed itself onto its coiled tail like a springboard.

Clair brushed some dirt off her knees as she stood back up. "Not bad, though I doubt your Quagsire can handle overpowering my Kingdra."

"Keto! Time to get in your cardio! Full speed ahead, dude! For the protein!"

Motivated by the prospect of the almighty snack, Keto dove headfirst toward Clair's Kingdra, riding on his stomach like a toboggan. A few errant Ice Beams breezed past Keto as he slipped past with surprising grace, his own mouth bulging with stored water. Thad ducked down into a squat, tilting his head to get a better angle of the approach while Jasmine and Clair both watched with quiet and rapt attention.

"Alright, now let out your Hyper Beam!" Clair shouted.

"Ball up, dude!"

Luminous white energy poured from the Kingdra's muzzled mouth. The arena filled with blinding light for just a moment, giving way to a cleared battlefield with Keto standing upright still with a large skid mark across the arena from being pushed back by the beam. Kingdra's head dropped as the creature took the idle moment to rest from the outburst.

"All tuckered out, eh?" Thad said, taking note of the scowl etched upon Clair's face as her Kingdra breathed in and out deeply. "Told ya Keto has the chonk."

"Hyper Beam, while powerful has several drawbacks, like being rendered useless against Protect," Jasmine noted with a smile. "Now's your chance to finish it!"

Keto let out a gurgle but lumbered forward dutifully. Clair quickly pulled out Kingdra's ball and returned them to safety, giving the Quagsire pause in their waddle.

"I'm making a switch," Clair announced as she held up a normal Pokeball and released it into the air. "My final Pokemon for this bout hasn't been seen by many. Behold!"

The red light of the Pokeball gave way to a large green-bodied lizard covered in red spikes and an orange face lined with rows of sharp teeth. The creature let out a roar, shaking the foundation of the building as it stomped its feet on the ground to take a widened stance. Keto tilted his head ever so slightly to the left, more confused than threatened by the new Pokemon.

The new arrival let out another belting roar as a thin line of saliva dripped from its maw. Clair's Druddigon leaned forward onto all fours and let out a large puff of steam from its nose. Thad leaned forward too, resting his hands on his thighs as he assessed the situation.

Now that's a damn dragon!

"Keto, giving a mud bath!" Thad announced, pointing at their adversary. "Shower 'em up real good!"

"Druddigon, fly up and line up a slash. Use your mobility!"

Another puff of air came from the dragon's nostrils before they flew up into the air, kicking up dirt from the arena floor. Keto followed through with Thad's order and loosed a torrent of muddy water from its mouth, barreling down on the dragon, but it was evaded with ease as Druddigon flew with surprising grace for a large creature. Thad cursed under his breath as the creature flew out of the splash zone.

"Now Druddigon, Dragon Rush!"

Thad bit his lower lip. No idea what that is, but it sounds like a dragon tackle or some shit. He cast a glance over to Jasmine who watched with wide eyes, her hands partially covering her mouth. Jazzy looks worried. Probably shoulda asked about what a dragon move is, exactly. Guess it's time to flex and find out.

"Alright, Keto quick, turn up and give 'em a greasy chomp! Do it for the protein snack!"

Thad's order inspired a small amount of hustle in his large Quagsire, who managed to turn their head just in time to face the flying menace. Keto promptly took a glowing fist right in the face, sending Keto skidding across the arena. Thad winced as Keto wobbled around, shaking their head. They had an unaware expression spread across their face, though a purple lump was forming on the top of Keto's forehead.


"Keto, meet 'em with the frosty flipper!"

Crystals began to form around Keto's arm flippers, but Clair's Druddigon didn't let up the pressure. Peppering the dazed Quagsire with a barrage of flames to land another direct punch on the Pokemon. Keto once again flopped onto the ground, though this time the only sound following the attack was snoring.

"Challenger's Quagsire is unable to battle!" The referee announced as he X'd out Thad's second Pokemon slot on the scoreboard. "Please release your third and final Pokemon."

Thad hummed and ran his fingers across the remaining Pokeballs at his disposal. I've got Nacho, Dwayne, or King. I need something still to deal with the weird seahorse dude and to wrestle a dragon with loads of fire. His hand motioned onto his newly added Ultra Ball and then paused, moving over to a more traditional Pokeball. It's showtime, birdman.

With a quick pitch and burst of red light, Nacho struck a heroic pose with his head pointed upward and his limbs splayed out, like someone standing on the ropes ringside about to do a swan dive. Thin red bracers were attached to the Hawlucha's lower legs, sliding a bit as they spread their wings out. Thad looked back toward Jasmine who gave him a tentative nod, and then her eyes immediately returned to the battlefield.

"If you wanna fly, Clair, I got you covered," Thad said as the battle lulled for a moment for the referee to enter in their information. "I know that seahorse is a bit banged up, so I hope your dragon has the juice."

Clair smirked and planted a foot forward. "Plenty. Let's see what you've learned."

"Nacho, start it out with the Eagle strategy." Thad looked over his playbook sheet, running a finger underneath the lines of the attack chain. "Let's do that to loosen things up, eh?"

"Hawwwww!" Nacho squealed as it leaped into action, taking center stage in the arena.

Clair narrowed her eyes and gave a hand signal for her Druddigon to wait, but Nacho didn't go on the offensive. Instead, the luchador bird posed and preened in the spotlight, letting a silvery energy wash over it. Thad crossed his arms over his pecs and let out a chuckle.

"Ya got the dance done, now go ahead and get chopping!"

"Druddigon, let loose a Flamethrower!" Clair commanded with a hint of urgency in her usually steady voice. "Don't hold back!"

The Pokemon took to the skies, fluttering around each other in their respective manner; fast, direct swoops from Druddigon and graceful aerial pirouettes and glides from Nacho as they zipped past the flames that threatened to warm their feathers. Thad slid across the sideline, weaving his head around to try and get the best vantage point of the fight. He looked across the arena to Clair who stood with her hands on her hips and chin arched up. She had no sense of urgency in her stance as if this was simply another routine despite the walls earning some new scorch marks.

"Alright, drop the elbow, Nacho!"

Without missing a beat, Nacho whirled on Druddigon. A blast of fire narrowly blew right over the Hawlucha's head as he flew underneath Druddigon and quickly u-turned around the massive dragon, sliding past their tail to get behind them safely. As Druddigon looked back to blow another fireball at the Lucha-bird, Nacho dropped a flying body press right on the top of Druddigon's snout, closing their mouth.

Steam and drops of boiling saliva poured from the Dragon-type's mouth as it struggled to maintain its balance as it landed. Nacho didn't let up and quickly maneuvered itself by the dragon's hind legs and delivered a powerful low, sweeping kick. Druddigon let out a loud hiss as it landed on its belly with a thud, slashing behind it haphazardly with its forearm claws. Nacho reared back and pounced into the air, nearly blotting out the ceiling lights as their wings spread out.

"It's time, Sky Attack, baby! The anklets are off!" Thad cheered, pumping a fist in the air.

"Get up! Catch them!" Clair demanded, but the words left her lips too late.

"Dru-" Druddigon's retort was cut short as it looked behind it only to have Nacho's foot plant right in the center of its face. "-gon…"

Druddigon slid across the arena, its chest rising and falling quickly as it struggled mightly for a moment to stand back up only to slump back down. Clair quickly retrieved Druddigon back into their respective ball and held Kingrdra's ball once again. She whispered something to the Pokeball in her hand that Thad couldn't quite decipher, and then Clair's Kingdra re-materialized back on the field, resting on its blue curled tail.

"A close match it seems, though sheer force will get you far. But will it be far enough?" Clair asked. She gave Nacho a small glare and sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Kingdra, start with Rain Dance. We'll proceed from there!"

"Alright, cardio time Nacho! Let's go!"

A soft melody came from Kingdra along with some steam that leaked from their snout. Nacho took to the arena's skies, but as they did the light from the ceiling began to dim as the smoke from Clair's Kingdra began to form storm clouds that hugged the ceiling. Rain began to pour by the buckets and Thad felt a small chill from the icy water's touch against his bare skin.

"Ya know, I'm not afraid of being a little wet, and neither is any of my crew," Thad said, raising his voice above the thunderous splashing of rain. "Think that's gonna stop Nacho?"

Clair smirked. "Oh, the rain isn't for you. Now, Kingdra!"

Kingdra bounced into the air with water flecking off its sleek body. Nacho quirked his head to the side as the Kingdra was suddenly faced to face with him mid-air. Kingdra's snout puffed up and Thad made a motion for Nacho to dodge, and Nacho folded its arms in to begin falling like a droplet of rain.

Except no water or gas came from Kingdra's sniper-like mouth. Instead, the rainwater Nacho was falling with began to reverse in direction and began to pelt him as it rushed past him. Nacho flailed against the rushing torrent and fell to the soggy floor of the arena, picking himself out of the mud slowly.

So, ole horsey can control the water around it and move a bit faster when it's wet. Thad rubbed his chin, watching as the Kingdra gracefully landed back on its coiled tail. Maybe its finally time.

"Nacho! Ditch the anklets!"

Nacho chirped in approval as it quickly shimmied and kicked off the red anklets, that landed with a dense thud in a nearby puddle. A blast of ice came from Kingdra, and Nacho managed to shoulder roll to the side to dodge the beam attack. Soaked and unburdened by their training weights, Hawlucha flared out their winged arms and made a mad dash toward Kingdra.

"Let's go! Thunderpunch that dude back to the sea!" Thad had begun jogging along the sideline, windmilling his left arm to gesture to the opening. "C'mon!"

Lightning crackled between Nacho's talons, dodging around and sliding under the vast array of ice beams and heated draconic steam as Kingdra bounced backward trying to kite the nimble bird. Yet, Nacho was gaining ground, splashing up water and vaulting himself at obscure angles to narrowly avoid getting hit. Clair looked nearly ready to pull her hair out as she continued to bark orders to fire away.

Then the rain came to a stop, and the Kingdra landed once again. Their tail muscles tensed to leap backward again, but they paused an extra moment. The grace of speed and swiftness once granted by the torrential downpour had all but evaporated, and Hawlucha threatening to break the sound barrier came crashing into Kingrdra's midsection with an electrified punch.

Kingdra doubled over and landed on its side panting with arcs of electricity still flowing over its body. Nacho looked to the ref, who held their breath for a few moments before slowly motioning to Clair for them to retrieve their defeated Pokemon. Nacho flexed his wings out and looked to his swole trainer, which Thad seemed to be holding in his breath for the referee's official statement.

"...and the winner by knockout is Thad and his Hawlucha. He's the victory in this official match, three to two."

Clair's shoulders fell as she rubbed her forehead with her thumb and index finger. Jasmine let out a shrill, abrupt shout of excitement before immediately clamming up when Thad and the referee gave her a curious look. Thad welcomed back Nacho to the sideline by delivering a high five to his feathery partner.

"Nice going out there, just like we drew them up!" Thad clapped his hands together and then looked over to Jasmine. "Do we have the berry juice ready? It's the closest thing I could find to Gatorade when we were at the mart last."

Jasmine couldn't help but smile as Thad and Nacho's infectious energy seeped into the arena. A good Pokemon battle always piqued her interest, but perhaps it was the amount of investment she felt in watching Thad square off against one of the top trainers in the region and world. Sure, it wasn't Clair's penultimate team, and Thad had much more training to do, but it was an achievement few trainers could claim: to walk into the Dragon's Den their first time and leave with the Rising Badge.

"I did it Jazzy! We going to the big leagues!" Thad said, pulling Jasmine into a tight side hug. She returned the gesture with as much force she could muster against Thad's dense body. "So, we gettin' some grub after this to celebrate? I was thinking whatever passes as BBQ around these parts."

Jasmine nodded toward Clair, who was marching their way. "Perhaps finish up with Clair, and then we'll talk."

"Yes, let's get it over with." Clair gazed levelly at Thad with a mild frustration and grating respect etched in her tight-lipped expression. She held her palm out, a small blue badge resting in the center. "While I scarcely believe it, you've done your part to earn the Rising Badge, go on. Take it."

Thad held his hand out and Clair quickly deposited the badge to him, making sure not to touch or shake hands. Jasmine and Clair exchanged a pensive glance before Clair cleared her throat and looked back to Thad.

"Understand this; if we face again, our next battle will have a very different outcome. If you intend to be at World's then understand you're team will be under the full brunt of my draconic fury," Clair haughtily proclaimed. "I eagerly await until then, Thad. Send my regards to Chuck, if you see him in your travels." She turned to Jasmine and gave her a slight nod. "Jasmine."

"Clair," Jasmine replied in kind, returning the gesture.

With a flip of her cape, Clair turned and marched back across the arena. Her boots splashed in the various pools of water left behind from Keto and her Kingdra's water attacks. Thad took in a deep breath as he watched Clair walk away to deal with the referee and clean up.

"I gotta say, going through all the gyms has been pretty dope. All seven badges and whatnot—"


"—But I think I'm ready for Bruno and whatever else is out there," Thad continued.

"Um… Thad?"

"Maybe one more homie on the team and I'll be ready to rumble with the big dogs and get some answers, ya know?"


Thad jumped in his spot and looked down at Jasmine, who was now playfully glaring at him. "What?"

"I was trying to tell you." Jasmine facepalmed and let out a mirthless giggle. She separated from Thad's side, clasping her hands together and resting them on her abdomen. "You don't have all the gym badges. You're missing one. There's eight per region."

"Oh. Then who's left to get clapped?"

"The only one who might humble you," Jasmine said with a teasing tone. "Me."

Thad rubbed his chin, unable to fight off a smile. "Are you challenging me?"

"Can't beat you otherwise," Jasmine snickered. "So, you interested in trying to earn your last badge? I won't go easy on you."

Thad rolled his eyes. "Pshhh, I should be the one saying that. I've gotten a hang of this Pokemon battle thing about now. I just beat the dragon lady after all."

"Yes," Jasmine conceded, though she raised a finger. "But you forget I have one advantage over you every other gym leader was lacking." She pointed at him. "I know you."

"Aye, but do you really think you can handle all this?" Thad flexed his biceps and abs; still glistening from the downpour of rain earlier. "And don't forget, I know you too. This goes both ways. A good ole rivalry match."

"Then it's settled, but not here. Not now," Jasmine said. "I have the perfect place in mind."

"Oh? Where's that?"

Jasmine began walking toward the door, waving Thad along. "I'll tell you over food, but have you heard of a place called Mt. Silver?"

Chapter 25: Attack on a Titan

There were few things in this world Thad would trade for a good challenge. It wasn't often he managed to work up a sweat that coated his entire body, but the craggy mountaintops eastward of Blackthorn City were giving him just that. He relished the feeling of his fingers digging into the small holes in the rocks, pulling himself up higher and higher.

Besides the thrill of a kickass workout of free climbing, Thad pressed himself to keep a steady pace. Jasmine had given him a week to reach Mt. Silver; the last challenge that Johto had to offer before the Elite Four in Indigo Plateau. While she had chosen to fly ahead on her Skarmory, Thad opted to hoof it to find the last member of his team. Plus, a little team building in the mountains with his crew couldn't hurt.

Thad pulled himself up to a small clearing with a bit of effort, brushing off his hands on his compression shorts. It was mildly grassy and no larger than a tennis court, slammed up against another sheer cliff. He looked over his shoulder at the distance he'd covered and let out a low whistle.

The peaks of eastern Johto were nothing to scoff at for any intermediate or even expert climber. Jagged switchbacks with lots of sheer faces made up of crumbling clay and slate. They were old mountains that had been weathered significantly and damaged by the local wildlife that took up terraforming as a hobby. Roving herds of Geodudes, Phanpys, and the occasional Pupitar and Skarmory could be seen hugging the cliffs, hiding in alcoves, or roaming the small plateaus that bridged the rounded peaks.

Gotta be atleast four or five hundy feet right there, Thad thought. He looked up at the clear sky, squinting. And it's almost lunchtime, which means a protein break. Gotta stay hydrated too. I'm leaking like a faucet.

Thad unfurled his travel sack from his back and laid out his essentials; a huge canister of industrial protein made only from the finest Tauros meat, a large canteen of water (only in emergencies would Keto refill it), a few changes of clothes, cooking utensils, and some hygiene equipment. He reached to his belt, plucking off a Pokeball and letting out his trusted companion, Chad.

"Macho!" Chad belted as he stretched his arms out. He sniffed the air and looked at his trainer with a wry grin. "Mach!"

"Hell yeah, brother." Thad high-fived his partner. "Sorry about the delay, but I wanted to clear the unsteady bits solo. Climbing takes a bit of practice, ya know?"

Chad tilted his head and shrugged. "Cho?"

Thad rubbed his chin. "Hmmm, I suppose you wouldn't know, huh. Growing up on Karate Island and whatnot. Still, just trust me on this one. I wasn't being scouted for the Olympics for nothing."

Chad sagely nodded and took a seat beside the protein can. Thad sat across from his Pokemon and cracked open the can. He took a whiff of the curried meat paste. He grabbed his cooking pot and scooped a decent-sized chunk of the protein into the pot, and then poured water inside until it was about half full. He began to stir with a wooden spoon, evening out the consistency.

"Now, what I've got for us here is some good ole broth. Keeps us hydrated and packs some good calories," Thad said. "We just need to heat it up a bit first… which is where you come in."

Thad clamped the lid on the pot, double-checking the seal. Once assured it was air-tight, he lifted the pot and beckoned the Machoke to stand up with him. He held the pot out, the veins in his biceps bulging as he braced himself.

"You just gotta hit it with that fire punch of yours, and boom, instapot. Think you can handle it, big man?"

Chad beat his chest twice and let out a warcry. "Machoooo!"

Chad reeled back his right arm, his fist became engulfed in a soft yellow and red glow. He launched forward, smacking right into the iron pot. Thad skidded backward a few inches from the impact and in a swift motion placed the pot on the ground as he could feel the water boiling inside and the pot threaten to burn his hands.

And Jasmine said that I should pack a lighter or bring a Fire-type Pokemon. Who needs that when you got muscles? Thad mused as he wafted the sweet protein-enriched aromas toward his nose. Chad mimicked him, nodding along as Thad fished out a few collapsable bowls.

"Prolly should bring out the rest of the crew, eh?" Thad asked, to which Chad gave him a thumbs up.

Thad tossed up the rest of his Pokeballs and a litany of red light poured forth from them all. Keto flopped onto the ground belly first, unbothered by the hard, unforgiving ground. Dwayne made a small crater as he landed. Nacho zipped into the air, riding the strong air currents like a paraglider.

King landed with surprising grace on their four-pronged legs. They remained a bit distant from the makeshift camp, only bowing their head slightly toward Thad and patiently awaiting direction. He returned the gesture in kind, trying not to make too much eye contact with the compound eyes that he couldn't quite tell where they were looking.

"Grub will be up in a bit boys." Thad stirred the pot. "It may not look it, but I'm actually quite the chef," he began counting on his free hand, "If you can grill it, you can bet that ole Thad can cook it real good. Just gotta make sure that it's salted, cause when you're sweating you need to stock back up on that salty goodness."

Thad stopped stirring and set the large wooden spoon aside. He dipped his index finger into the broth. The smell was earthier than any beef he'd sampled, but not quite as gamey as an elk or deer he'd tried on occasion. A quick dab of the residue on his lips, and he savored the flavor. It was light and refreshing but had a subtle savory punch that reminded him of some slow-cooked meats from taco trips when he'd take trips to SoCal with family.

He took a deep breath and looked into the swirling tan liquid. Being stricken by sudden melancholy wasn't like him. Was it because of the lack of someone to talk to? He looked to Chad and Dwayne, both eagerly looking at the cooling broth. They understood him, but not quite like that. Some things couldn't be replaced. Not completely.

"Alright, looks like dinner's up, so let's dig in and—"

The ground shook for a moment; rocks fell from the cliffside wall to the East. Thad estimated it was about another fifty-foot climb before the next clearing. He looked up at the sky; only a few wispy clouds and Fearow dotted the sky, along with a fast-approaching olive green shadow power bombing from the clifftop.

"Chad! Save the protein!" Thad hopped to his feet, readying himself. "Look alive fellas, someone else also seems to have good taste and wants a piece of our meat, so, let's give 'em a piece of our meat… hands. Whatever, it sounded better in my head. Positions!"

Dwayne rolled in front of Thad with all four arms extended, ready to catch whatever incoming threat. Nacho quickly flew into the air and perched himself on Thad's shoulder like a luchador pirate parrot. Chad played defense, cradling the warm vat of broth like a football while Keto and King barely moved an inch, either out of unawareness or indifference.

"Alright, who wants the first crack at big, green, and mean?"

Dwayne lumbered forward, thrusting his arms out like a professional grappler. The green dinosaur let out a roar that shook the ground, but Thad and his team stood strong. Training their muscles wasn't all that they'd strived for. Mental fortitude was one of the cornerstones of a winner, and Thad didn't train wimps.

"Steady boys, Dwayne has got the first crack at 'em." Thad's voice was steady and calm. He clenched his fists, digging his fingernails into his palm. Not jumping into the fray made set his nerves ablaze, but he remained still. "A good coach has faith in his team," Thad whispered to himself. He recomposed himself and pointed at their adversary. "Alright, light up that baddie with a bit of your attitude with some magnitude!"

Dwayne belched out a thunderous cry reminiscent of a thousand woodchippers on the fritz. He launched himself into the air, unnerved by his enemy stomping toward him. He dove face-first into the ground. The impact created a ripple of energy underneath the ground, fissuring through the ground until a large spike erupted underneath the wild Pokemon, stabbing it in the side.

Thad gave an approving nod. "I'd give it a solid seven in terms of power."


"Taaaar!" The green behemoth stomped its feet on the ground, sending numerous quakes throughout the unsteady ground. Rocks from the higher mountain plateaus began to fall, forcing Chad and King to widen their stances to not fall over. "Tyrraaa!"

The ground broke apart underneath Dwayne and pulled him in with quick suction. Just as the ground had separated quickly, it seized back up, pinching the rolling boulder Pokemon inside. Thad winced as he swore that some of the flaky rocks on Dwayne's skin began to crack from the pressure.

The wild dinosaur charged forward, refusing to let up on the offensive. It was leering over Dwayne a few moments later, despite the Graveler's four arms desperate attempts to pry itself free. Thad noticed his other Pokemon were split between looking at him and Dwayne. He needed a new plan.

"Dwayne, go down instead! Dig, buddy!"

Wasting no time, Dwayne followed his trainer's orders dutifully. He burrowed into the soft ground just enough to avoid the take-down attempt from the creature. Thad smiled at his partner's quick movement. Sure, Dwayne didn't have blazing speed, but he had an iron resolve and that was invaluable in the heat of the action where a moment's hesitation could spell disaster.

"Slap up some of the dirt around you. Go for the eyes!"

Dwayne used his top arms to sling mud at the Tyranitar as it turned around, nailing it in the eyes. Its stubby arms failed to claw away at the sticky dirt as it began to wobble and flail about. Dwayne popped himself out of his hole and began to rotate in place, charging up like a bowling ball on a conveyer belt. He shot out like a cannonball, tearing up the ground as he landed square in the creature's chest.

The wild Pokemon stumbled back, and a sharp puff of air shot out of its powerful mandibles. Thad pumped a fist in the air as Chad and Nacho gave out hoots of triumph. Not to be completely outdone, the Tyranitar's arm became encased in sharp stone that formed into a sharp blade. It let out a nasty slash across Dwayne's face, forcing the Graveler to roll back to safety.

"I can respect not going down without a fight," Thad said. He gave Dwayne a thumbs up. "Hang in there buddy. The big fella still has some gas in the tank."

Dwayne slapped his body with all four arms and taunted his enemy. The bait was easily taken, as the olive-armored beast let out a vicious snarl and lumbered forward. It swung its tail around, whipping up a sandstorm. Thad covered his face, bringing his arm to prevent large clumps of dust from getting in his mouth.

The big guy can change the weather on the fly!

The Tyranitar skid across the ground and Thad noticed a faint glow begin to emanate deep within its gullet. Damn, I can't talk or I'll get a mouth full of dirt. C'mon Dwayne! Show 'em!

Dwayne braced himself as a luminous white beam erupted from the Tyranitar. Thad's ears popped and the air tasted faintly like burnt toast as the light blotted out the sun for a brief moment. Dwayne took the energy beam right in the face; Thad would have worried that on anybody else that didn't have a face as a part of their torso it may have wiped it clean off. A faint battle cry from Dwayne echoed out into the wind.

As the dust settled, Thad rubbed the sand from his eyes. The Tyranitar was huffing and puffing, half slouched over. Dwayne had been blasted clear across the plateau and into the eastern cliffside, embedded in the wall. He was conscious but clearly dazed from the attack. Thad had to hand it to the boulder; he was one sturdy fella.

The Tyranitar turned toward Thad and he swore the creature grinned at him. It returned its attention to Dwayne and charged. Thad cupped his hands around his mouth, clearing his voice.

"It's time to go out in a blaze of glory! Just like we talked about, it's boom time!" Thad looked to Chad, who was dipping a finger inside the broth. He glared at his Fighting-type exemplar who meekly removed the finger and cradled the broth once more. "Better. I don't want any dust getting in our precious meat water."

"Graveler!" Dwayne bellowed as his body began to glow. The Tyranitar tried to slow down, pumping their feet into the ground, but the sandstorm had smoothed out any potential leverage points. King even decided to take cover behind Keto while Nacho flew up into the sky, nearly disappearing from sight.

The air became still for a moment. Thad noticed the flash of light before the sound and wind-blasted him in the face. Dwayne had gone atomic, and energy exploded out from him in every direction.

A perfect spherical crater had formed with Dwayne as the epicenter. The Tyranitar had been knocked on his side, conscious but several bruised and wheezing. Its wide eyes looked around in shock as if it couldn't believe another creature could possess such power. The beast looked to Thad and gave him a subtle nod before passing out.

Thad ran over to his bag and dug out a Pokeball. Jasmine had said he needed to diversify his team, and adding an angry green armored dinosaur seemed like a perfect fit. He launched the capsule at the Pokemon, watching it wriggle twice before clicking. He scooped up the newly captured Pokemon and recalled the passed-out Dwayne back to his Pokeball as well. The round guy deserved rest after punching above his weight.

"We'll have to scavenge for some victory snacks for Dwayne later and welcome in the newbie." Thad gestured to Chad. "Bring over the broth. We need to refuel before we tackle the rest of this mountain. Whoever said we needed that goofy disk with 'rock climb' at the Pokemon center has never heard of protein and determination. Let's dig in!"

The rest of the climb through the wilderness leading up to Mt. Silver had considerably less terraforming. Not to say that a few more wayward Pokemon did get the bright idea to attack Thad and his team. It was a productive few days of climbing and battling. The training montage he'd been craving ever since leaving the ice caves.

Nacho managed to easily fend off a few Fearow and got into a hotly contested aerial contest with a Pigeot. Chad met a fellow Machoke that proved to almost equal him in strength, if not for a well-timed vital throw to earn him the dub. Even King got in on some action by hurling an Onix off of the mountain with a reversal that made Thad's inner wrestling maniac jump with joy. Not to say he didn't actually jump with joy either, because that was a given. Enthusiasm and camaraderie were mainstays in Team Beefcake, as the new Tyranitar, Titan, was quickly learning.

The post-battle conference Thad had with his new partner was rough, with the Pokemon trying to intimidate Thad with its impressive size. A creature used to bullying others around and getting what it wanted, and not without reason. Thad had only considered it because, without any polish, it was a beast in battle. Scouting talent was something that wasn't new to sports, and Thad had been around many in his prime competition days and had picked up a few things.

Still, it only took about two minutes of grumbling before Titan experienced a suplex from Thad. Bewilderment and anger flooded the armored dinosaur, but that quickly came down to a simmer after Thad delivered his fourth suplex. Titan had moxie in spades, but getting tossed around by a human that much was enough to humble the behemoth.

Atop Mt. Silver, there was a small area to camp. Thad noticed a few skid marks and the remains of a very ancient firepit with a circle of stones. Few trainers had ever graced the peaks of the chilly mountaintop, as some snow lingered around despite the summer heat. The air was thinner too, with smaller Flying-types avoiding the highest reaches.

Jazzy is probably at the base of the mountain, so we need a sure-fire way to get down safely. Thad walked up to the edge of the camp, looking down the jagged peaks. Wish I had one of those psychic spoon guys to teleport me down there. I need one of them for things like this. Time for plan B, or as I call it, plan Ski.

"Huddle up team, we ain't sticking around the mountaintop," Thad beckoned to his team. Dwayne rolled over as Nacho swooped down from the skies. Everyone else jogged over, even Titan, as hustle was always praised. "We gotta get down this gigantic slope, but I know Jazzy is waitin' on us. I don't wanna take all day, so I need to put you all in your Pokeballs." He pointed to Dwayne. "Except you, bro. You've got a special mission."


"Yup. I need you to start using Iron Defense and Rock Polish until you can't get any harder and smoother."

Dwayne shrugged with all four of his limbs but followed Thad's orders. He clenched his fists and his rocky face scrunched up as his outer carapace began to shine. Thad recalled the rest of his crew into their respective Pokeballs and began to stretch.

"So, storytime, Dwayne," Thad began, "back in Cali, where I'm from, I used to surf a lot. Now, Marley said that surfing was only for water. Some kind of hidden mechanic or whatnot. I'm calling bull though." He smiled and pointed a thumb at his chest. "Because I practiced in the dunes in SoCal too. Boogieboards work just as well on the waves as they do on the dirt."

Thad unslung his travel bag and pulled out a thin, yet strong rope out. It was commonly known as escape rope; imbued with small amounts of Psychic-type energy to help people recall back out of dangerous places. A handy tool that was a must-have for trainers lest they get trapped or stuck in a cave system.

But today it would be the opposite of safety equipment. Thad liked to live dangerously, and what better way than to efficiently travel and have a little fun in the process.

"Step near the edge bud, and then I'm going to start tying my feet to you," Thad said. "I hope it isn't offensive that I want to use you as a toboggan. Just gotta strap myself down so I don't go flying."

Dwayne shrugged and let Thad make a few loops around his arms and tie the rope. A few tugs for safety, and both giddily eyed the bumpy slope before them. Thad gave Dwayne a pat on the side and stood proudly on top of the boulder Pokemon.

"Dip forward when you're ready. I'll be keeping balance and steering your to avoid trees. Just try to not eat too much gravel."

"Grah!" Dwayne rocked himself back and forth, and after one final lunged they rolled forth. "Ler!"

The air breezed past Thad's fuzzy head of hair; it'd been a few weeks since his last haircut and his usually shaved head was beginning to grow out more than he'd liked. Still, his bangs didn't get in his eyes so he'd survive a few more days before finding someone to give him a trim. As much as he liked Chad, he'd not be giving the Machoke scissors again after their last fiasco.

His knees bent and the burn in his thighs felt liberating as the duo picked up speed down the mountain. A few Stantler watched as Thad zoomed by, munching on weeds. Even a few other Geodudes and Gravelers watched with rapt curiosity as their cousin zipped by with a half-naked human on top.

Luckily there were few trees surrounding the landscape of Mt. Silver. A few jagged peaks and sudden drops, but nothing Thad's balance and Dwayne's durability couldn't handle as they eventually rolled to a stop. The hard dirt ground had given way to grassy forests with the buzz of Bug-type pokemon and the chirping of Pidgey.

Thad untied himself from Dwayne and quickly took out a hyper potion from his bag. He unscrewed the lid and dumped the content on the rocky Pokemon. The small chips and superficial damage from their sledding adventure were quickly mended; new rock growths and protrusions replaced the old ones… except Dwayne began to glow.

"What the…" Thad looked at the hyper potion bottle, reading the content warning. He looked back at Dwayne as the light encapsulated him and took a few steps back. "If this is a prank to blow up, it ain't cool bro."

As the light reached its near blinding apex, it died down as suddenly as it had appeared. The four-armed craggy Pokemon was no more. The outer shell was now smooth and made out of pentagonal dark grey plates. His face wasn't sunken into his body but protruded in a turtle-like snout. He sported now only a pair of arms and legs, still stumpy like before but smoother all around with a few talons on the ends.

Thad slapped his knee and let out a triumphant shout. "Aye! Atta boy, you evolved into a heavy-duty ball… guy. Yeah, I'll need to workshop that. How ya feeling?"

"Golem!" Dwayne bounced in the air, landing on his feet which sunk into the soft loamy soil. "Goool!"

"Oh, I am gonna like that shout. Makes you sound like one of those amped soccer announcers," Thad said. He paused, scratching his head. "Wait, does soccer even exist here? Whatever. If it doesn't, we'll invent it. Hell, you can even be the ball if you want!"

Thad gave his newly evolved partner a fist bump. He recalled him into their Pokeball and began to snoop around the forest. Most of the wild Pokemon had cleared out from the rumbling; his very own built-in repel as it were. It wasn't until a few minutes later that a squawk from above the treeline caught his attention.

A silvery metallic bird was circling overhead, and Thad smiled. Jasmine's Skarmory probably heard the ruckus and was scouting for him. He waved to the bird, managing to catch its attention. The Skarmory squawked at him and flew to the southeast, and Thad settled into a light jog to give chase.

Past a few colonies of Paras and some Poliwags playing by a nearby pond, Thad parted his way past a few ferns that obscured Jasmine's tidy camp. He had to try and contain his laughter though as he took in the scene.

Jasmine's Steelix was one of the most menacing and physically imposing Pokemon he'd ever laid his eyes on. From its crooked maw of teeth that resembled iron stakes to the protruding metallic joints of its serpentine body, it screamed menace to all other life forms.

Yet, here it sat in the center of Jasmine's camp with a little hat on its head with its gigantic maw nestled up to a makeshift table made up of two sawhorses. A kettle and two mugs of steamy tea rested on the table as Jasmine sat across from her beloved Steel-type; one hand neatly rested on the edge of the table with the other daintily grasping the handle of her mug.

"Uh, Jazzy… are you having a tea party with your Steelix?"

Jasmine took a sip from her mug, savoring the lemony flavors for a moment. "Despite appearances, Rusty enjoys the refinement of a good tea party. Isn't that right?"

"Liiix," Rusty's wide maw rumbled.

"See?" Jasmine set her cup down and brushed off her grey sundress. She gave Thad a tight embrace and smiled. "I'm glad to see that Mt. Silver wasn't too much of a challenge for you. I knew that you'd prevail. And for such a feat, I have a reward for you. Close your eyes and hold out your hand."

"Oh?" Thad rubbed his hands together and snickered. "Well, lay it on me hot stuff. The Thad man is ready for the goods."

Thad had to restrain himself from bouncing on the back of his heels as he awaits Jasmine's reward. He felt something cold slip into his palm. It held a little bit of weight, but no more than a coin. He felt Jasmine back away and let his eyes flutter open.

"Ah, it's a badge!"

Thad held the badge up to the light. It was a simple yet sleek grey octagon. It was smooth to the touch and didn't conduct any heat from his fingers as he held it. He stuffed the badge in his pocket and held his arms out, pulling Jasmine in for another hug.

"Awe, you didn't have to. Did I really earn it by climbing a big rock? Or is it just cause you like me so much? Is there a rule against giving badges out to friends?"

Jasmine giggled and returned the tight embrace, although her hands didn't reach around Thad's back completely. "You earned it in full. I can vouch better than any gym leader for you, and traversing Mt. Silver on foot in less than a week is definitely noteworthy. Remember, we can assign badges based on merits, not just battles."

"So, wait…" Thad began counting on his fingers, "that makes… eight. I've got all the Johto ones, right?"

"Precisely," Jasmine concurred. "All that is left is the World's tournament if you wish to compete. I went ahead to Indigo Plateau to talk with Bruno and I may have dropped your name off to Lance." Jasmine and Thad separated, and she placed her hands on her hips. "Chuck is staying home this year, so he suggested you take his place."

"Yahoo! Hell yeah!" Thad made a pumping motion with his right arm and then clapped his hands together. "Yeah baby, that's what I'm talking about!"

Jasmine shook her head at the fitness maniac's antics. "Now, I'm sure you'll talk with Bruno about how you've been estranged from home and get in touch with the right experts, but we still have one last thing I'd like to do before we head off to Indigo Plateau."

"A tea party?"

"No… but we can afterward," Jasmine said, smiling. "I was thinking we have a Pokemon battle. We've traveled together for quite some time, and Marley already went on ahead. So, why not? Think you can take me on?"

"Oh, I thought you'd never ask, Jazzy. You about to get clapped, no offense. Me and the crew have been putting in some hefty work on that mountain. Might surprise you with some new tech I've learned."

"Don't get too cocky, Thad." Jasmine's eyes flashed a dangerous glint as she recalled her Steelix back to their Pokeball. "It's not often I go all out against a trainer. I'm considering you my warm-up for the World's tournament. Don't think you'll have it easy."

Thad put his hands up defensively. "Never said that. Just sayin' that I'm prepared to bring the smackdown. I've learned a lot."

"And maybe you'll learn some more after I defeat you," Jasmine said in a playful manner. "Don't forget who had to explain the difference between a Rock-type and a Ground-type to you not too long ago."

Thad placed a hand on his pec, taking a step back. "Damn, Jazzy. You have been working on your smack talk game. Nice."

"Exactly, so watch yourself," Jasmine said. "Now… care to add some stakes to our little match? A gym badge isn't on the line, but we can still make it interesting."

Thad rubbed his hands together. "Now, you are talking my langauge. How about if I win… you gotta buy me dinner at the Indigo Plateau place. Or whatever place we visit next that has a swanky restaurant."

"And if I win?"


Jasmine gestured to her tent and tea party setup. "How about you clean up the entire camp after joining me and Rusty for a tea party. To celebrate my victory. And you have to wear a funny hat."

"Dealio." Thad extended his hand, exchanging a firm handshake with Jasmine. "So, when do you want to go?"

Jasmine pointed toward the lake Thad had passed previously. A lush, wide-open grassy area hugged the southern side with no trees or wild Pokemon roaming about.

"Right over there seems perfect. We'll use every Pokemon we've got. No holds barred. A proper trainer battle that exercises all our knowledge of the sport."

Thad grinned. "Right on. Let's do this thing!"

next chapter
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