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64.7% Persona: The Phantom Masquerade. / Chapter 74: The Detective Prince(s)

Bab 74: The Detective Prince(s)

Arriving at the TV station early in the morning, the entire class was treated to a field trip that was, quite frankly, dull for the most part. The presenter droned on, covering only the most basic aspects of television broadcasting.

While most of the students struggled to maintain interest, Ren adeptly tuned out, slipping into his signature daydreaming mode. The Mementos requests were starting to pile up, so they would have to return to work soon. It would be good training for their next Palace. In fact, he could probably use this as a chance to help Takemi deal with the doctor who had ruined her reputation.

As he considered it, he should probably also ask Sojiro for the name of the guy who had previously tried to cause a stir. From what he could remember, he was Futaba's uncle, and though he hadn't come back yet, he was bound to show up again eventually.

As he thought about Futaba, he couldn't help but let out a small sigh, it had been a long time since he had given her that first push. And though he could probably guess that she was ready for that final step, she hadn't called him. Which probably meant it was time for him to check on her again.

Once he finally got out of his daydreaming, he realized that they were done. The day passed uneventfully and ended swiftly as the group seized the first opportunity to leave.

The two-day field trip was structured such that the first day was dedicated to understanding how a TV station operated, and the second promised the students a chance to witness a live show recording, complete with a "special surprise."

"God, I effin' hated that," Ryuji grumbled as they left. "I hope tomorrow's at least a bit more exciting. We're watching a live show! And they mentioned a special surprise. I swear, if it's just that lady from today yapping more about TV, I'm gonna lose it."

"For real," Ren agreed, almost reflexively.

Ann burst into laughter upon hearing him.

"For real," she echoed, imitating Ren's tone.

Shiho picked up on the joke and joined in.

"For real, bruh," she chimed, her voice tinged with humor.

"What the eff'?" Ryuji looked around, bewildered, before Ren chuckled and shook his head.

"They are making fun of us," Ren said with a chuckle. "They don't understand the bromance."

"No, I think it's cute," Ann said, her smile broadening as she hooked her arm through Ren's. "I didn't realize it until now, but you really pick up traits from those around you.

You've been saying 'for real' a lot more since you started hanging out with Ryuji. And ever since you've been spending time with me, you've started taking better care of your hair and clothes. You should've seen your style when we first met."

Shiho laughed and grabbed Ren's other arm.

"So, that's why you've been twirling your pen during our study sessions, huh? Trying to be like me?" she teased, nudging him gently.

Rolling his eyes in mock annoyance, Ren responded with a light-hearted chuckle.

"It's not like I do it on purpose."

"Are you going to start meowing too?" Mona asked, his mischievous smirk evident as he poked his head out of the bag. He had dozed off during the dull presentation and was jolted awake by the group's sudden burst of laughter.

Yawning, Mona stretched a bit before continuing,

"This is what I get for wanting to hang out with everyone. I probably would've had more fun sneaking into Madarame's house.."

As they exited the building, Mona took a deep breath of fresh air and turned to the group with a hopeful look.

"Man, I'm hungry. How about we go to that pancake place we saw on the way here?"

"The one in Dome Town? Let's hit it up tomorrow after the TV recording. After sitting through that talk, all I want to do is go home and crash," Ryuji responded, stretching his arms above his head.

— — —

The next day, the group found themselves amongst a crowd of other second-year students. All anxiously waiting for the "Surprise Guest" to arrive.

"Mr. Akechi, please, you may enter now," a producer called out. His words unleashed a torrent of excitement among the crowd, especially noticeable among the girls, though a fair number of boys also cheered enthusiastically.

Ann, Ryuji, and Shiho each wore a momentary frown upon glimpsing Akechi, swiftly masking their distaste with impassive poker faces. Ren, however, couldn't help but let a mischievous grin spread across his face as he watched Akechi make his entrance. It was a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.

For Ren, every interaction with Akechi was akin to a chess match. Yet today presented a unique opportunity: to observe without the usual risk, focusing entirely on any potential misstep from Akechi without the risk of an accidental slip-up.

"And now, for the most anticipated Meet-and-Greet of the season... Following his highly acclaimed previous appearance, we are thrilled to welcome back the illustrious high school detective, Goro Akechi!" The cute announcer declared, her enthusiasm mirrored by the crowd's roaring approval.

"Hello there." Akechi greeted, his voice smooth and his smile modest as he gave a small wave.

"It's a pleasure to have you with us again, Akechi. Your popularity is truly remarkable," the co-host added.

Akechi responded with a modest nod, his smile tinged with humility.

"Even I find it to be a surprise. It is a bit embarrassing though." he confessed, eliciting a wave of gentle laughter from the audience.

"Now, Akechi, you've been dubbed the 'Detective Prince' by your admirers. How do you feel about that title?" the bubbly host inquired.

Pausing as if in deep contemplation, Akechi finally replied.

"I'm flattered by the affection of my fans, and though I'm not sure I fully deserve such a title, it would be disrespectful to refuse it given with such fondness."

"Interesting... And if you had the chance, what would you ask the original Detective Prince for advice on?" the male host asked.

With a light chuckle, Akechi answered.

"I would seek their wisdom, undoubtedly. Their prowess in solving cases is something I deeply respect."

"Well then, perhaps you can ask her directly. Tonight, for a special segment, we're excited to introduce the first Detective Prince, Naoto Shirogane. Let's witness a historic meeting of the minds!" the host announced with a flourish. At that moment, a figure in a crisp grey suit confidently approached the stage.

Ren's eyes widened with recognition as he saw her. She was a familiar face, occasionally visiting his cafe. Her long blue hair swayed with each step she took, catching the light as she moved.

The crowd erupted in excitement at her arrival, only settling down once Naoto found her seat opposite Akechi.

Akechi stood and offered a respectful bow.

"It's truly an honor to meet you, Miss Shirogane," he said, his composure nearly flawless, though Ren noticed a brief falter when she was first announced. A telltale sign of Akechi's surprise.

"The honor is mine as well, Akechi." Naoto replied, nodding curtly.

"While we'd love to dedicate this segment entirely to exchanging insights, we do have some questions to cover," the male host interjected with a grin.

"That's right. But the most intriguing question is this: What made you reconsider your initial reluctance to join us today, Miss Shirogane? Could it be the prospect of meeting your junior that changed your mind?" the cheerful host inquired.

Naoto gave a slight nod.

"Partially," she admitted. "The other reason involves my current case. I believed appearing here could strategically aid my investigation."

"That's fascinating!" the male host exclaimed. "Is this related to the case of the Phantom Thieves?"

"Precisely. I am using this platform in hopes of reaching them," Naoto revealed, scanning the crowd with a detective's precision. She paused, her gaze intensifying upon spotting a familiar face.

The female host then turned to Akechi with a beaming smile.

"And what a coincidence, Akechi! You're here for similar reasons, aren't you?"

Akechi nodded, his usual calm demeanor intact.

"So, it seems the Phantom Thieves have captured the attention of both Detective Princes. They've certainly stirred public sentiment across Japan. If you would allow me to be blunt, what are your views on these 'justice-seeking' Phantom Thieves?" she asked.

"If they truly are heroes of Justice, I sure hope they exist." Akechi responded with a smile.

Naoto, however, shook her head slightly.

"Their existence isn't in question, I know for a fact they are real. However, I believe their approach to justice is, in my view, misguided."

"I agree," Akechi added, his smile fading to a more somber expression. "The actions of the Phantom Thieves lead me to believe that they should be tried in a court of law."

The studio audience murmured amongst themselves after hearing the detectives' strong statements.

"That's quite the assertion," the male host pressed, his voice carrying a note of challenge. "Many believe the Phantom Thieves are acting in the best interests of Japan, particularly in cases like Kaneshiro's. Given his crimes are public, you surely aren't suggesting that their actions against such a criminal are unjust?"

"It's true that Kaneshiro's offenses are egregious, but justice must follow a legal framework," Akechi responded, his tone firm. "By taking matters into their own hands, the Phantom Thieves sidestep the very laws designed to protect us. If left unchecked, who's to say how far they will go? We cannot allow them to redefine justice on their own terms."

The studio fell silent, hanging on Akechi's words. Then, Naoto spoke, her voice clear and calm.

"I believe there's been a misunderstanding of my earlier comment. When I mentioned their justice was misguided, I didn't imply they deserved to be imprisoned. Rather, I see echoes of my younger self in them. I would like to believe they have noble intentions, which is why I am here to send a straightforward message: 'You may not fully comprehend the consequences of your actions.'"

"Wow, that is quite the difference in perspective between our two detective princes," the host remarked, visibly intrigued.

Akechi's reply was cool, almost icy.

"Miss Shirogane, I'm surprised by your leniency. Considering your background, one might wonder if the Kirijo group is trying to recruit them. I believed that since we both worked with the law, we would see things similarly. I must confess disappointment that my predecessor would seem to advocate for engaging with criminals."

The tension was palpable as the hosts sensed an opportunity to feed more fuel into the fire.

"Miss Shirogane, there are public records showing that you are indeed working with the Kirijo group. Is it true that you are trying to recruit them? Or could it be that the Kirijo group is hiding something and that they are afraid the Phantom Thieves will find out?"

Naoto shook her head, dismissing the allegations firmly.

"Nothing of the sort. As I've stated, I view their actions as misguided but well-intentioned. My goal is not to recruit but to caution them against potential missteps. That is the extent of my involvement."

Seeing that they couldn't provoke a strong reaction from Naoto, the two hosts suppressed their disappointment and quickly regained their professional composure.

"I see… That is an interesting point you make." the male host commented, turning the attention toward the audience. "It would be interesting to hear what our viewers think about this."

The female host then rose from her seat, her gaze sweeping across the room until it settled on Ren. Approaching him, she posed her question with a keen interest.

"What are your thoughts on the Phantom Thieves? Do you side with Akechi's view that they should be arrested, or with Shirogane's more sympathetic stance that they are merely misguided?"

As Ren held onto the microphone, he couldn't help but curse in his mind as he saw everyone turn to him. Goro even let out a slight smirk of his own while Naoto watched him intently, her expression unreadable.

Clearing his throat, Ren began.

"I personally saw many of my fellow classmates be affected by Kaneshiro's actions. It was only brief glances into their worlds, but I could tell they were in trouble. So I am glad that the Phantom Thieves stepped in," Ren said, yet just as the host was about to take the microphone back, he added. "But I am confused. Why does Miss Shirogane think that they are misguided?"

Hearing his question, Naoto smiled slightly.

"As I mentioned earlier, I recognize in the Phantom Thieves a reflection of my younger self. Many here might recall my time with an 'investigation group' in Inaba, where we tackled a series of murder cases. Over the years, I've come to recognize some errors in my own methods back then." She began taking a moment to gather her thoughts before continuing.

"My concern is that the Phantom Thieves, in their zeal, might inadvertently cause more harm than good if they continue without considering the broader consequences of their actions."

As the host reclaimed the microphone from Ren, she pivoted towards Akechi with a pointed question.

"What do you think, Akechi? Here's a young man about your age who sympathizes with the Phantom Thieves."

Akechi responded with a light chuckle, his demeanor composed yet engaging.

"It's perfectly fine to hold differing opinions; it's through such disagreements that we truly grow," he began smoothly. "However, I must raise a concern. There's no definitive proof detailing how the Phantom Thieves prompted Kaneshiro's confession. Such abrupt changes of heart are alarming." He began, his usual smile appearing on his face as he continued.

"Consider the implications: if they can make a hardened criminal confess, might they also manipulate the innocent? What if 'normal' crimes are actually orchestrated by the Thieves to serve their purposes? In my view, the Thieves are not just a group to be understood, but a potential threat to be contained."

The interview moved forward, with the hosts attempting to stir a debate between the two detectives. Yet, both Akechi and Naoto seemed reluctant to escalate the conflict further and make a scene.

As the show concluded and the audience began to disperse, Ren noticed Akechi receiving a call and excusing himself. At that moment, Naoto approached him with a thoughtful look.

"Your name's Ren, correct? You had some conflict with Kamoshida, did you not?" she remarked, a subtle smile playing on her lips.

"Does it matter?" Ren replied, his tone light.

Laughing softly, Naoto shook her head.

"Not really, no." She paused, her gaze intensifying as she studied him. Almost as if noticing something was wrong. "You seem different from just a few days ago."

Ren met her scrutinizing look with a playful grin.

"Puberty." he joked.

Naoto chuckled, acknowledging his humor.

"Perhaps that's all it is. Anyway, I should be on my way, but I'll likely stop by Leblanc soon."

She extended her hand, which Ren shook warmly. As their hands separated, Naoto began to walk away. Ren could feel the faint, almost invisible thread that had formed between them.

Though internally, he couldn't help but frown.

'Great… now there are two of them.'

Dealing with Akechi, who clearly knew about him, was challenging enough. But now he would also have to deal with another detective prince keeping an eye on him. The worst part was that he didn't even have a clue as to why she would suspect him. From what he could think, they had covered their tracks almost perfectly.

The only other solution was that she, too, had seen them in the Metaverse. But until he confirmed this, he would be left in the dark.


Naoto Shirogane (The Star) Rank 1

(Alternative Title: "For Real? For real!" Four of the Thieves have succumbed to the power of Ryuji and have spoken the forbidden words. Mona barely lived through the crisis because he was in between dream and reality.)

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