Unduh Aplikasi
85.71% Parallel / Chapter 6: Life and Death

Bab 6: Life and Death

The Virtual world and the Real world…

What is the difference?

* ~ * ~ *


Blood, bodies…

When? When did it start?

I do not know…

How it happened?

I have no answer… It just happened…

* ~ * ~ *

"What the hell are those?!" Ernest shouted as he saw a group of monsters suddenly charging from the forest.

The monsters were big and tall. They easily are about 2 grown man's height put together. They were like werewolves with big bodies covered in armors. They had red gleaming eyes and very strong presence that I stood in shock.

I saw how they killed the party near the forest edge.

"Tsk, how could high level monsters be here?" I heard Amber mumble in low voice. "Well this event seems to be finished, I'll return to the city." She then said to the rest of the party who were shocked.

"You're going to abandon them?" Victor said with disgust in his voice.

"Abandon? What? You want me to fight those? Those monsters are called Hellhound Guards. They are around the level of 50 and above."

"But we--- we can't just abandon them…" Ernest said as he looked at what was happening.

"I'm not going to waste my experience saving NPC's! They'll re-spawn anyway." She said as she started to move towards the city.

Is it really alright? Making those NPC's as a shield? Will they really re-spawn as Amber said?


They are NPC… They are not alive… I can just run away…

These thoughts were running in my mind when I heard a shout that made me whip my head towards it. As I looked I saw one of the monsters killing another character with one chop enough to cut the person in half. I nearly vomited from the scene if it were not for the fact that after cutting the person the monster moved towards us.

The first thought that crossed my mind was to run.

This is a monster. I had no chance of winning. This was what was running on my mind this instance. It was a self preservation instinct and I totally forgot that this was just a game.

Who wouldn't? This was my first time seeing such a thing.

I was suddenly pulled from my fear induced thoughts when I heard another shout of fear. As I looked around I suddenly understood that it was not only on our side which was being attacked.

The whole Group was being attacked, no scratch that… everyone was being slaughtered.

No one can even kill one of those monsters. Aside from the werewolves, there were also packs of normal wolves attacking together with them.

Panic and chaos the best description of what is happing in this very moment.

Is this really a game? Am I really inside a game?

The realism was too real. I can hear my own heartbeat, the stench of blood so thick in the air. I can even feel the tension of my body and also the fear coursing through it.

Never in my entire life did I felt this.

"Ernest! Jean… Go and escape now… I and Amber will distract them…" I shouted as I regain my wits as I looked at the petrified Ernest and Jean.

"What the hell are you saying?" Amber shrieked as she tried to take her arms from my hold.

She is scared. It was not only me, I realized.

From how she acted before there is a big chance that she was a beta tester. She knew what kind of monsters were attacking. However seeing her fear as visible as the others I have a feeling she never saw or experience what was happening now.

I was about to answer when I saw Lark.

"Where the hell are you going Lark!" I shouted as I saw Lark charging towards the enemy… no monster.

I ran and pulled him back with a shove. Just in time to evade the weapon of the monster.

One shot and he should have died, this I felt.

Die… Death…

From my position I stood up hauling Lark to stand which the other grudgingly accepted.



I saw Amber frozen in front of the monster which was about to kill her.

Then it happened…

Victor shoved Amber out of the way and was attacked instead. He flew and with a hard 'thud' he fell few steps from my place.

My eyes were stuck on the unmoving body.

Dead… He… Victor is dead?

I walked unsteadily towards the body.

"Hey… hey," I said as I touched the body. "Victor? Hey… this is not the time to be lying down…"

I flinched as I realize that he was truly dead.

"Zeift!" I heard someone called me. "Behind you!"

I dodge another attack. An inch from my side was a sword. I stumbled back and saw the monster about to attack again when a stabbing sound made me look at the side of the monster.

"Hehehe… that's what you get you bastard!" Lark said.

"No. no…" I said as I looked at the monster whose attention was averted from me towards Lark.


My shout was swallowed by the scream Lark made as the heavy weapon of the monster connected to his body.

"Amber! Jean, Ernest run!" I shouted as different emotions swirl within me. Adrenalin pumping in my veins and heart beat thumping in my ears.

How could things turn like this in a matter of minutes? The whole field fell into chaos the moment the monsters appeared. The first casualties were the team hunting near the forest.

Now Lark and Victor were dead.

"No…" I said to myself when I saw everyone was also dead.

No… they are NPC's… They will re-spawn…

Later… Later, after this everyone will see each other and will treat this as just another experience.

It was then that I saw Amber's body surrounded by light then it disintegrated into small particles of light and disappeared.

Was this how a player die? Then those other bodies that was scattered were all NPCs?

Will the NPC's not also disintegrate into small lights and reappear in the city? Pushing these thoughts aside, I focused at the monster that caught up with me.

By luck, I successfully evaded the attack by dashing to the side. However I stumbled onto my back because of the force of the swing the monster made.

I'll die here… I thought as I stared at the monster looming over me with its big ax like weapon.

There is no escape since I am surrounded by enemies.

But – ,

I held my iron sword in front of the incoming attack to try and deflect it. As the metal connected to each other, the force of the monster's attack made me fly few paces from it.

I coughed a mouthful of blood as my body connected with the ground. The impact was strong enough to make a strong sound.

You received damage from impact.

Health points decreased by 590 points

I cracked my eyes open to see the night sky and from my field of vision my health bar was blinking in red.

Since reaching level 6, my HP increased to 600 points. However just deflecting the attack was enough to reduce my HP to 10 points.



The pain was different from the pain I felt when I fought the other monsters I encountered. Was this because of the level difference?

I slowly sat up from the ground despite the pain. I can't just sit here like a duck ready to be killed.

With another cough of blood I can't help smile as I even taste the bitter coppery tang of my blood.

Seeing the blood, I only feel a mild repulsion. My mind is clearer than just moments ago. The fear and panic that I was feeling was muted to a degree that I can think and analyze my situation.

It reminds me of what my friend during high school said. Humans really are very flexible creature since they can adopt on their environment very fast.

I righted myself, turned in a crouch, and braced myself when I noticed the iron sword in my hand broke down into pieces.

<Short Sword>

Durability: 0/120

Due to durability hitting 0, the item is destroyed.

No sword and my life is down to 10 points…

I stood up from my crouching potion as much as my shaky feet could support. I evaluate my surrounding to find out that the monsters have overrun the whole field. The huge werewolf was few paces from my location and is now walking towards me.

One more shot and I'll surely die…

Then a sudden nagging feeling of an incoming attacked assaulted me which saved me enough to dodge the tackle attack of a wolf from my blind spot.

It seems like the passive skills Alert is really useful.

Though I dodge the attack I lurched forward and plowed head-on into a dead man's body.

Gross, I thought as looked at the gore. If I were in my normal state of mind, I would have vomited on the spot. However, I was far from normal already. It seems like my feelings gone numb enough to be calm and to be actually analyze my current situation.

Since I cannot attack and I can't stay and doge attacks for long the only option in my current situation is to retreat. I was thinking of this when I became aware of the sounds near me.

Someone is fighting the monster.

I tilted my head to the side to see a shadow of someone fighting the monster.

"Hey, are you still alive?" I heard the person fighting the monster shouted towards me.


"What the hell are you doing here…" Coughing and with difficulty I said.

"Course I am here to save you…" He said as he continued to fight the monster and like a bag of potato he lifted me and run.

I lost track of time on how long he run before he stopped and sat me down to lean against the tree trunk.

We entered the forest, I thought as I looked around. There were no monsters around.

"Good to see you're fine…" I said as I closed my eyes tighter. I have no strength to move, it seems like the last of my energy already left. My body was heavy like lead and though my mind was so clear.

How strange…

"I thought I would have to lose 5 attribute points since I have not bind on the cathedral yet." I added.

Bind… As the word slipped my mouth I can't help but give a bitter laugh. Did I bind on a cathedral before this?

No… I totally forgot it as I was too exited about the hunt.

Haaa… I'm so tired. I thought as I watch Darts.

"Good to see you…"

Darts gave me a nod before he stood cautiously scanning the surrounding as he heard the sounds of movement beyond the trees.

Moments of silence passed as we stayed with bated breath when the monster finally appeared in droves.

Strong… this echoed in my head as I saw how he fought against the monster surrounding us. He is strong but I knew that if this keeps up he would surely lose and die.


I can't let Darts fight alone… I won't regret anything. I thought as I stood.

It was then when a magic circle appeared beneath us and numerous black chains shot up and held us from moving.

It happened so fast. We were being held by these black chains then suddenly a sword was impaled on Darts stomach which I can clearly see the edge pierced through to his back.

As I watch this happen, I did not even notice that the same also happened to me.

My vision started to blur and strength fled however my mind which should have been closing off was still clear.

I can't die yet… As this thoughts resound in my mind, a surge of emotions run through my body.

I thought I was dying but when a sudden burst of energy flowed in my body, my eyes snapped open and saw a bright blue light surrounding me and a pop-up window appeared before me.

Congratulations! You've learned a special skill: Limit

Limit ~ Level 1

Description: A special skill unique to race. Skill unleash when certain prerequisite for activation is met. When conditions are met the character receives unlimited power of Mana.

- Character receives Mana protection +N to Defense

- Character receives Power of Mana +N to Attack and Magic Power

- All other stats + N

Info: Increase in Attributes and Stats vary according to the conditions met.

Limit Skill Open for Activation

Conditions for Pattern B are met

<Pattern B>

Effect: All attributes and Stats increase by 250 points.

Duration: 20 seconds

Side effect: For 15 minuets all attributes and stats will decrease by 50% after the duration of usage. Health and Mana will decrease to 1%.

Would you like to activate?

<Yes> <No>


I don't care what happens after… I'll kill every one of these monsters!

After activating the Limit Skill everything was a blur. Series of pop-up windows kept appearing but I ignored everything and continued to attack with all my power.

* ~ * ~ *

Reijir stood from his spot on a leveled area of the plain as he supervised the training of Group 2 when the alarm of the city rung throughout the area which alerted every guard.

"Sir Reijir!" A solder run towards him.

"What is happening?" He said as he waited for the report from the soldier.

"Monsters… A large number of monsters appeared at the Silent Forest area." The soldier said as he caught his breath.

"Large number?"

"Yes sir…"

"Give me a status report on the situation of the Group assigned there." He said as he started to walk and give a signal towards Rohyr.

"There are no report regarding the Group sir… there – there is a possibility that the Group had been annihilated…"

"None sense! How could you just jump to conclusion?" Reijir said with anger evident in his voice. "Alert every group to go back inside the village. Tell the other city guards and the army to be ready to be deploy for rescue."

"Yes sir…"

'Darts… hold the fort for a while longer.' He thought as he started to give orders to the other officers.

* ~ * ~ *

"Remember, you are marked by me…"

I moaned as I opened my eyes. I raised my head as I scanned my surroundings. I seemed to be lying on a bed which is surrounded by white curtain.

From beyond the curtain I can see silhouette moving.

"How is he?" I heard one of the person said in a low voice. Their voice was lowered to a degree of a whisper but enough for me to hear.

"He's still unconscious. It is best to let him rest."

Hospital. I was in a hospital or something similar in this world.

I groan louder as I tried to sit up.

The curtain was drawn moments later and there was Reijir and another which who gave me an impression that he was like a doctor since he was wearing a white coat.

"Hey" I said but I paused and made a frown as I felt my throat was dry and my voice was unfamiliar to my ears.

"Here… this will help." The man who looked like a doctor said as he gave me a cup of water that I gladly accepted and drank. "How are you?"

"Aside from my dry throat, I feel tired but I think I'm alright." I answered as I saw my health and mana bar completely full.

"Do you know why you're here?" The doctor asked.

I sighed to myself as I wracked my brain, trying to remember what had happened. Then as moment past, all in a flash it came to me. The pieces of what happened started to fall into place. The hunt, the monsters and what happened after Darts and I run into the woods.

However there seemed to be something else just at the tip of my mind that continuously nagged at me to remember. Try as I can, I can't remember it.

"What happened?!" I said as I sat stiffly

"A lot happened. But your health is the priority now. You need to rest and I will tell you what happened later." Reijir who was oddly quiet until now finally spoke.

"I'm fine… I might be tired but I am fit enough to know what happened." I said in annoyance. Taking a deep breath I slid out of bed and stood up besides it to prove my point.

"I understand…" He said with a huff of defeat which made me smile. "Can you walk then? I still have to go to Darts room so I'll tell it to you as we walk." He moved his head which meant for me to follow him.

"Be sure to let him get enough rest." The doctor said behind our retreating backs which Reijir raised his hand as if to signal that he heard his advice.

"Who is he?" I asked as I looked back to see the man walked towards the opposite direction.

"He is the head Sliv here in this facility." After answering my query silence descended between us.

Sliv… I think that is what they call doctors or healers here in this world, though I want to ask some more about this, I decided to keep my mouth shut as I followed him.

As we moved, I tried to review my memories.

I remember the hunt, when the monsters suddenly appeared… the slaughter then the death of my party members.

"What happened to the monsters?" I finally said as I got tired of the silence. "Is everyone alright?"

"Everyone…" Reijir started but paused and a deep and heavy sigh escaped his lips.

"Everyone what? Did the others re-spawn? Everyone in my party was killed by those monsters… I want to meet with them later after we talk." I tattle as Reijir seemed to be thrown into a deep thought.

I was about to continue talking when Reijir suddenly stopped from walking which caused be to bump behind the other man.

"Wah?" I can't help saying as he turned around to face me.

"Everyone's dead Zeift… everyone…" He said as he looked directly in my eyes.

"Of course they died… but they'll re-spawn back in the city right." I said with certainty.

Putting both his hands on my shoulders he shook his head and with a serious face repeated what he said.

"They're dead Zeift…"

I looked at him blankly. I don't understand what he was trying to say.

"You are the only one who we saw alive when we arrived."

"Me? It can't be…"

"Yes… you are the only survivor during the incident..." He said as he seemed to become wary.

"Actually we can say that there are three survivors in this incident."

"I don't understand…"

"The first survivor is you Zeift… you are the only one alive that we found in the area who is walking right now." He turned his back and continued to walk once more. I stood still as I watch his retreating back before I pulled myself together to follow.

As I walked besides him he continued to speak.

"The second survivor is a Dythr like you. She did died during the attack but she revived at the cathedral after her death on field."

"She… Amber?"

"Yes." He nodded. "She said that you were in her party."

"Yes… She was."

"And the last one is Darts…" He said as he stopped in front of a room and opened it.

As we entered the room, I felt there were other people inside however my eyes seemed to be glued at the figure lying down the bed.

It was Darts.

I walked towards the feet of the bed and looked at him closely. He was nothing like I remember him. He is pale and so… different.

I noticed a magic circle was drawn around the bed where he was lying down.

With a frown I started to remember further.

Yes… I also remember when Darts arrived to save me. Then – then… when we run towards to the forest.

I suddenly stood still as I remember another detail.

"The chain and the sword…" I said to myself.

"What's the problem?" Reijir asked.

"Darts…" I said and looked at Reijir. "How is Darts? I remember… We were attacked and then… and then a magic circle appeared beneath us and black chains shot out immobilizing us… after that I saw the sword…"

"He is fine… I think…" Another voice said.

At right side of the bed was a chair and there sitting on it was Alex.


"Hey, good to see you're up and about." He said with an expression I can't seem to decipher.

"Thanks…" I answered. "But I don't understand… you seemed unsure if his fine or not."

"Luckily he's not dead… That's the good news." Roy said.

I didn't notice him earlier since he was standing besides the window which was at the corner of the room.

In addition to Roy and Alex, Thriz the man who have a scar which I met at the bar as well was present inside the room.

"And the bad news?"

"This is the bad news…" Alex said as he stood and removed the blanket covering Darts body. After removing the blanket he started to unfasten the buttons of Darts' shirt which revealed seal which was drawn on his chest. The seal was very intricate and was drawn with a black ink which was very apparent on the pale skin of the unconscious man.

Upon seeing the seal, the memories that I felt I was missing suddenly poured down on me like water that escaped from a dam.

I felt like I was being drowned by the flood of memories that was being held by my subconscious before the image of the seal released it.

"...you are marked by me…"

I remembered the words that seemed to echo in my mind before I woke minutes before. I did not understand it at that time when I firest woke up but now I knew what it means.

* ~ * ~ *

1 hour earlier…

With a dull sound I fell on my knees. I can hear the strong beating of my heart as I gasp for air. I felt like I run up a mountain and back as I try to regain my breathing.

The skill is so strong that gave me the power I needed to kill every last one of the enemies that surrounded us. While the skill was activated, all my attributes and stats were all very high. Aside from my HP became full instead of only 10 health points, the numerical value became '????' instead of 600 which was the total numerical value of my HP.

Despite the surge of power that I received from the skill, after using it for only 20 seconds it disappeared and only left me with decreased stats and 1 HP. It was good that I was able to annihilate the enemies but if we stay here with my and Darts condition, it will be an instant kill.

The best course of action will be to take Darts to a safe place and wait for rescue to come.

It was quite, or should have been if not for the sound of clapping that I can hear. I am certainly not hallucinating about it.

Other than the items which were left behind by the monsters I killed, Darts and I should be the only ones left on the clearing.

I raised my head to be greeted by the sight another person, though I am not sure if it a monster since the figure was covered by a black robe with a hood which covered his face, stood besides the prone body of Darts.

The hooded person was clapping which made me unsure of what to do. Was he a friend or a foe?

"Interesting…" The hooded man said as he stopped clapping. "You were able to kill so many in only 20 seconds."

I did not answer and continued to look at him. If this person is an enemy then we will surely die with him not doing anything but lifting a finger.

"You're strong, however…" the man paused as his hood tilted to the side and his hands reached under the hood. It was like he was thinking by the pose he made. "You'll not be even a challenge if we fight together."

"You… you're an enemy…"

"Indeed I am…" He said while his voice sounding happy. "I am everything and I am nothing… I am your enemy but for now I am the one who will save you…"

"Save me?"

"Yes… indeed you are a Dythr, you can revive after death but there are many ways on how to die. The slow and painful way surely will be the one you are going to get." He said as he spread his arms wide and from behind him numerous red gleam can be seen shining in the darkness of the forest.

As if I'll let you torture me… I thought. I have 1 HP left so I can easily kill myself.

"Suicide…Hmmm…" He said as if he read my mind. "Of course, there is that option as well. But I can't guarantee that it will be the same for this poor fellow." He added as he stepped on Darts' back.

"So in this case, will you save your friend here…" He said as he tilted his head towards Darts prone body.

"What do you want…"

"Indeed, indeed… what do I want?" He said with a sing-sung voice.

Before I can speak he suddenly appeared so close in front of me. Arms stretched and gloved hands touching my chest.

"I want you to become stronger…" He said in a whisper that gave me shivers. His voice was cold and I can't help but feel like he saw me as a toy that was very interesting. "In your current situation, I can just kill you so easily which won't be fun."

A window popped up but I was unable to even read it as I shouted.

"Aaaaaaaaaa!" A sudden pain I have never experience assaulted my senses. The pain was coming from my chest where the fingertip of the person was touching.

"Don't worry, it's painful but it won't kill you." He said as fascination seemed to drip from his voice as he watches me in pain.

Squinting my eyes, which closed because of pain, open and I saw that the health bar.

Shit… How can I feel this level of pain but my health never dropped?

As the pain settled, my body fell down the cold and hard earth.

"I have given you a seal…" The voice said.

Since I can't move and even speak I stayed silent as I continue to focus my hazy mind.

"The seal I have given you will be like a count down. I'll give you 1 year to become stronger. If within that time frame your power is not deemed to be strong enough by the seal it will disappear and nothing will happen to you, but your friend will die in the most painful and slow death there is."

My hazy mind registered his words as if it is a lifeline. It seems like he was going to hold Darts hostage for this game he was playing.

1 year… Can I become stronger… strong enough to defeat this demon in such a short amount of time?

"I'll put a seal on your friend as well. His will be different; the seal will stay on him until we fight. If you are deemed weak by your seal and it disappears the seal on his will activate and kill him slow and painful." He said slowly as if making sure each word sinks in my mind. "If, only if, you defeat me the seal will disappear and he will live. Do you understand?" He continued.

"Yes…" I answered though it was very difficult to speak.

"Do not disappoint me… and remember you are marked by me… " His last words resound in my mind as I seemed to fall down an endless darkness as my consciousness faded.

"Don't forget…My name is…."

* ~ * ~ *

I staggered as memories flooded my mind. Thankfully Reijir was beside me to keep me from falling down.

"Nyvre" I said as I caught my breath.

"Nyvre?" Reijir asked as he moved me to a chair to sit.

"I remember now…" I said as I sat at the chair.

After regaining my bearing I started to tell them what happened when we encountered Nyvre at the forest.

"He seems to be very strong…" Alex said as he looked at the seal on Darts' chest.

"But why will he challenge you? I mean… there are countless powerful warriors out there." Thriz said with genuine confusion in his face.

"My point exactly…" I agreed to his sentiment. "It is true that I have killed all that monsters within 20 seconds but this skill that I got is still new and it is a skill that can not be activated by my will."

"You can't discount the fact that maybe because you are a Dythr that is why he took notice of you." Roy pointed out.

I grimaced as he mentioned it. Indeed the man knew that I was a drifter.

"But there are other drifters stronger than me…" I can't help but mumble.

"Then you can say that it just so happens that you caught his eyes while fighting." Reijir said.

"Hey, why do I feel like you just said in a more complicated way that I was unlucky that's why I landed myself in this situation."

"Be it because of bad luck or a planned one, the fact remains that Darts life is now in your hands." Alex said with a serious face.

"How about we kill him now so he won't suffer?" I suggested.

Everyone looked at me with a 'look' that made me uncomfortable. "What?"

"Are you saying that you don't care if he dies?" Roy said in a low voice.

"No, I mean… if he dies he will respawn back here in the city right?"

"Respawn? What do you mean?" Reijir said.

"Eh… um… respawn means… they'll be back here in the city…" I said trying to explain what I mean. Scratching my head, I tilted it to the side as I thought of a better way to explain.

"Are you saying that he will revive?" Roy said.

"Yes!" I said as Roy got what I was thinking on explaining. "Yes, revive. They'll revive here in the city."

Reijir's hands squished my shoulder which made me look at the man standing behind my chair. "Do you remember when I said everyone is dead aside from three survivors?"

I nodded my head.

"I mean it when I said that. Dead… they are dead… gone, they won't come back."

"I don't understand…"

I looked at Alex as he walking towards me and stopped few paces in front of me.

"In simple terms, they won't revive Zeift…"

I stared in his eyes for a while longer before averting my gaze. I started to get the real meaning of what Reijir said when we were walking down the hallway towards this room, however I was denying this.

To accept it means to accept the truth that many were killed during the battle.

To accept that Lark, Jean, Ernest and Victor died.

NPC's were the people who lived in the game. It was these NPC's that make the game closer to reality. Usually NPC's do not die and respawn back if killed.

If all NPC's die then how will this world continue if everyone died. Of course, there is an exception, and the exception is if this world was similar to the real world to a degree that people in this world also give birth.

If death and birth really exist in this world, doesn't it mean that they, the NPC's, are alive? Furthermore, if I accept the idea that this NPC's are alive… then it means there is a life hanging in the balance in my very hands.

Darts life can continue or end and it all depends on my decision and actions.

Suddenly before I could stop it, a laugh bubbled up from the bottom of my stomach.

This is a game… How could I think about life and death so seriously? Even in the real world this things were subjects that I rarely thought so seriously. Isn't it easier to think of this as a game? I'll do what I can to finish the quest and if I can't do it I don't have to think about the consequence so deeply.

As my laughter ceased and my eyes looked at the expression of the people inside the room, I started to feel cornered and confused. Each and every one of them wore a face that screamed their seriousness of the situation. For them life and death was no laughing manner.

"I… I need to think…" I said as I finally averted my eyes from their gaze. "I need some time to clear my head."

"You can come back after cooling your head…" Reijir said. "… and we will continue our discussion."

"Thanks…" I said as I stood and hurriedly left the room.

Finally out of the room I started to take one deep breath after another as I calmed my nerves. It was suffocating inside the room. The seriousness of the conversation and the pressure of the quest seemed to weight down on me.

How ridiculous… For a game to brought me down this low. I thought as I looked at the room number.

"257…" I whispered as I memorize the room number. I can't go and roam around when I don't even know the room I should go back to.

With a satisfied nod as I ingrained the place into my memory I started to walk without real destination in mind.

A good walk to get my mind straight is exactly what I need.

* ~ * ~ *

As I continued to roam around the place I started to learn that the place was just like a hospital as I suspected when I woke up but it is called Shirin here in this world. There were also some notable differences that can be seen.

For one was the use of artifacts instead of equipment in surgery and the like. They also use medicine but most of those were herbs and other items that are made my alchemist. Magic seals were also used but they don't usually relay on it. There is a limit in using magic as a medicine and for surgical purposes.

As I continued to roam around the place I saw the doctor that I saw with Reijir when I woke up. He seemed to be arguing with a child around the age of 5.

"No!!!!" The child shouted indignantly as she tried to remove the hands holding her.

I was about to move away and disappear before they saw me when my eye and that of the little girl's connected.

The kid has a copper colored hair, white skin and deep blue eyes that seemed to be the same with summer day sky without any clouds. She had her hair pigtailed by red ribbons that matched her red and white dress. All in all she was cute, the effect of her pout and frown only added to the effect.

The doctor who seemed to be busy holding the child noticed that the child's attention was caught by something else hence he looked up and saw me.

"Oh… Zeift! What a pleasant surprise…" He said as he saw me. "Do you remember me?"

"Er… Sorry, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself to you a while ago."

"Non, Non… there is nothing to say sorry about." He said and smiled warmly. "Reijir already filled it up in your behalf when you were unconscious."

"Well I hope he did it without ruining my reputation…" I said with a small laugh. Well, there was really no reputation to speak of anyway, I silently added on my mind.

The man laughed at this. As I looked at him closely he has the atmosphere of a very intelligent and very respectable professional. He had short black hair and black eyes that can be seen through his eyeglasses.

"No need to worry, young Zeift… He did a good job describing you, though he did mention your fainting tendency."

"That was what I was afraid off…" I said as I trailed off.

"Don't worry… he did it since we should know any health related information when they brought you here before." He said as he shook is head though he was smiling. "Privacy of our patients is one of our priorities."

"Then I'll be holding you on that then…" I said jokingly which he answered with an amused smile.

"You can count on me, Oh! I forgot… My name is Lute… I am the head Sliv here."

"Yes and my name is Zeift." I said to formally introduce myself. I held out my hand to his when suddenly the girl that was being held by Lute finally manages to free herself.

She was about to run past me when I caught her hand.

"Let go of me!" She shrieked so loudly that I nearly let go of her hands so that I can cover my ears.

"Sorry about this…" Lute said as he took hold of the girl's hands again. "This is Shirl."

"Hi kid, what are you doing up so early." I said as I looked at the child as she struggled to escape from Lute's hands.

"Her mother will give birth today though we are not quite sure if it would be this morning or this evening."

"Give birth?"

"Yes… though her mother has a very weak constitution and there is a high possibility of danger while giving birth."

"I see…" Possibility of danger… I don't like the sound of that. I thought as I was beginning to think of a reason to get out of the area before something I am not quite ready to do happen.

"Usually, giving birth is hard because the use of magic is not used since Mana is very potent that it harms the baby when used in labor." He continued as he looked at the child who was still pouting with pity. "We usually have no problem regarding these things since artifacts can be used however her mother has a really weak constitution that increased the chances of danger."

I was about to tell him that I need to go back when the child shouted in anger. "Mama will be alright! That is because Shirl will bring mama the Maia flower."

"Maia?" Before I can stop myself from asking I have blurted my question out.

"Maia is a flower that received the holy light of Lemuria. Since it Lemuria is known as the moon that protects, this flower is usually bought to those who are to give birth as a sign of protection and good luck." Lute explained and pulled the child which was still trying to fight.

"So if I get this situation right, she wanted to go out and get this Maia flower?" I said as I gave a deep sigh. Just a while ago I was so torn about responsibilities and whatnot but now I find myself wanting to help the child.

This is a simple quest… it has nothing to do about life and death. Though the child's mother has a very complicated condition and Shirl wanted to get this Maia flower it was really not a factor that will affect the life of the mother. In whole this is about the child's way of supporting the mother. If this is the quest I can certainly help even a little.

Crouching in front of the child looked at her eyes. "I heard from Lute here that you want to get this flower but I can see why he can't let you go out now." I said as I continued to look at her. "Since you can't go out because it's still early in the morning, I'll go look for the flowers for you… Is that ok?"

The girl looked at me with her eyes full of surprise.

"Really? You will get Maia for Shirl?" She said as hope began to brighten her eyes.


"Thank you!" She finally said as she jumped me with a bear hug after Lute released her.

"Since I'll be the one to look for your flower, I want you to wait for me here ok? No going out… got it?"

"Yes! Shirl will stay here and wait for… ummm…" Shirl said but seemed to stop when she didn't know how to call me.

"Zeift… My name is Zeift."

"I'll wait for you here then Zeift~tyr…" She said again as she nodded her head to show that she will do as I bid her.

"Good." I said with a smile as I ruffled her hair which made her squeak. "So where can I get this flowers?" directing my question to Lute.

"There is a flower shop at the central square. They should have some of those flowers there, though I am not sure if they are open since it is still early."

With a sound, the quest window appeared before me.

Quest Alert!

<Flower of Luck>

Description: Shirl's mother is about to give birth and the child wanted to give her mother Maia for good luck.

Quest Type: Unique

Quest Rank: E

Quest Parameter:

- Stumble upon the event of Shirl's escape

- Trusted by Lute

Quest Reward:

- Increase familiarity with Shirl, Shirl's mother and Lute

- ???

"Ok, got it!" I said as I stood up and left the two who stood and watch me leave.

* ~ * ~ *

It as been an hour since I arrived at the flower shop located at the central square but so far I have no luck in finding the flower.

I purposely woke up the small family living at the second floor of the flower shop just to get it but it all ended up into nothing. The young woman working at the flower shop said that the flowers are already out of stock.

According to the woman the flower was not only used as a good luck charm for those giving birth but also as a medical plant. That was why their stocks where already been purchased.

As she explained she suggested looking for other flower shops inside the city. She recommended another shop where I also found out they don't have any Maia.

The one hour that I have roamed the whole city waking up everyone just to buy the flower did not do any good. I don't know why but I seemed to feel like someone was making me run around since every shop the others recommended turned out they also don't have the flower.

And one this is now the last shop that this city has. I thought as I looked at the small building in font of me.

It was already near dawn that is why the shop keeper was already outside and arranging the flowers that they will sell.

"Excuse me…" I said as I walked towards the blue haired lady which oddly reminded me of Jean.

"Yes…" The girl said as her eyes moved from the flower to me.

"I… actually I'm looking for a flower named Maia."

"Maia…" She said as she titled her head to the side. "I'm sorry but we don't have any stock of Maia now."

"What!" I said with a frustrated shout. "Oh, sorry… I'm not really angry with you… It's just that I have been running around the city waking up everyone just to get my hands on this damn flower."

"I see… may I know why you want this flower sir?"

Losing my hope fast I started to tell about Shirl's story just in case the blue haired woman can do something about this.

"Hmmm… I see why she wanted it then." She said as she looked thoughtful. "How about this… I have one potted Maia here but it is not for sale because it is something that was left for me by a client to look after while the owner travels from another city."

Nodding my head as I continued to listen she continued.

"Ceraphy is a city which is a week's travel from there to here. So what I can do if you agree is that I will give you this flower for now and you can give it back after her mother gives birth."

"It's ok… I can bring it back, or if it is not possible I will change it… but for now I want to give Shirl this flower."

"... ok, I'll trust you then. My name is Lara. What's your name?" She said as she walked inside the shop while I followed her.

"It's Zeift…"

When she entered another room she signaled me to wait for her however I can still hear her voice from the other room. "Zeift it is then…"

After 5 minutes she came back out with a flower pot which has a beautiful white flower that resembles a water lily. It was also glowing like the glow of the full white moon during the night.

"Wow, so this is Maia…" I said as she handed me the flower pot.

"Yep… It's so beautiful right." She said as she happily showed told me about the flower. She really seemed to like flowers and knows a lot.

"Thank you with this… Shirl will be happy."

"No problem… but remember what we talked about ok?"

"Yes, after this I'll talk with Shirl about it." I said as I waved and with a dash I left the area.

* ~ * ~ *

At the hospital, as I arrived I was greeted by an anxious nurse or who is called as Syl in this world.

As the syl saw me he came hurriedly. It seems like the Maia was like the sign he was waiting for.

"Are you Zeift~tyr?"

"Yes I am…"

"Please follow me… Vaz Fyrin, mother of Shirl~tyr has started to go into labor." He showed me the way towards the operating room.

5 minutes of fast paced walk, we finally arrived at the operating room where Shirl's mother was.

As I opened the room I saw Shirl and Lute watching from the glass which separates the viewing room and the operating room. Inside the operating room was a woman who was also beautiful but was so pale that her color was nearly similar with the white flower that I brought.

"Shirl…" I called out to the crying child. As she hears her name and saw me she removed her death grip on Lute and launches herself to me. "It's ok, it's ok…" I said as I soothed the child. "Here I have the flower. I'm sure it will protect your mother."

As I said this I walked near the glass and placed the flower just in front of her mother. "I'm sure she will survive this…" I said once more as I consoled the child.

"Where is her father?" I said in a whisper to Lute when the child continued to look at her mother while holding the flowerpot.

Shaking his head, Lute looked at me. "He was one of the groups that were sent to scout the forest where the monsters that attacked your group come from."

"I see..." I said as a silent understanding settled in me.

I looked back at the scene in front just in time to see that everyone was in a state of panic. It seems like something has happened. Though we were at the other side of the glass and we could not hear what they were saying I and even Shirl understand that something have gone wrong.

Shirl's grip on my pants seemed to tighten though she was not crying anymore. She is a very brave young girl to show that she believes that her mother will survive.

It was then that the glow of the flower seemed to brighten then disappeared without a trace. Even the dim glow completely vanished. As it vanished the condition inside the operating room seemed to have calmed down.

Whatever happened I believe her mother will certainly survive this I started to feel.

It continued for another hour before the baby finally appeared and another 15 minuets before she was transferred to another room and another 5 minutes for us to finally see her.

I was actually reluctant to enter since I'm just a stranger but Shirl was still gripping my pants and has no intention of letting go.

When we entered the room, her mother seemed to have woken up from her unconscious state when they transferred her to the private room. Within her arms was a baby which made me unconsciously gulp.

This was it. This was the proof that life and death really exist in this world. How funny… for me to stumble on this very quest that seemed to punch me enough to wake me up from my denials regarding this issue.

And now the proof was staring to me figuratively and literally. The baby on the hands of Shirl's mother was cute and the eye that was opened was so dark that it seemed to shine.

"I heard what you have done for my daughter Zeift~tyr…" The soft voice snapped me from my musings.

I looked at her and she looked at me back. A second past and she titled her head in a slight bow. "Thank you for what you have done for my daughter." It seems like while I was deep in my thoughts Shirl and Lute already told to her mother what have happened including the mysterious thing that happened to the flower during the critical moment when she nearly died.

"No it's really nothing…" As I said

Holding her baby towards me, I can't help but take the beautiful child in my arms. "She is a girl…" she said. "… and I want you to give her a name."

My eyes that were looking at the baby in my arms drifted to the woman sitting on the bed and then a pop-up window appeared.

Quest Alert!

Congratulations the quest < Flower of Luck > Is complete

Flower of Luck

Description: Shirl's mother is about to give birth and the child wanted to give her mother Maia for good luck.

Status: Complete

Quest Reward:

- Increase familiarity with Shirl, Lady Fyrin and Lute

Info: As familiarity with individual increases, the chance of receiving quest from the person also increases.

- Given the honor of naming the child.


"Yes… please name her…"

"I… why me…"


"I understand…" I finally said after a few seconds of looking into her eyes to know why she has given me such honor.

"Aurora… that will be her name… Aurora" I said as I looked at the child in my arms. In my mind and heart I was already not looking at an NPC but a person who is alive and will live for a long time.

Though they were inside the game they are alive and are existing.

The Virtual world and the Real world…What is the difference?

Well, maybe the difference was that we live in completely different worlds. But still a world nonetheless…

At this very moment the 'me' who was looking at this world as a game disappeared and I was truly reborn in this world.

~ 0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 ~


1. ~Tyr – is a common title of respect added to a name. It can be used with both male and female names, and with either surnames or given names. It can also be attached to the name of occupations and titles.

2. Vaz – Lady, honorific for someone who is from an aristocrat family

3. Dythr – Drifters… those who came from planet Framiz

4. Sliv – Healer / Doctor…

5. Syl – nurse

6. Shirin – a Hospital

7. Maia – A flower that received the holy light of Lemuria. A flower known to give protection during child birth.

8. Lemuria – one of the twin moons of Althiem. It is the blue moon that people believes that gives protection on the world below.

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